Everyman's Library Edited by Ernest Rhys Now published 660 Titles, making it easy for everyone to obtain all that is good in: x nglish litera- tare, at a very low cost. The titles arranged in sections as follows :--Bio- graphy, Essays and Belles Letters, Fietion, History, . Poetry and Drama, Science, Travel, Romance. Good clear type and Pap er, "neatly" bound in cloth, 30c. volume, 4 for $1. UGLOW'S, "HgFsincess THOMAS LAMBERT Maker OI Men's Clothes Blue Worsted Suits are always fashionable anf are very ser- viceable. We have a very special Blue Worsted, Indigo dye, which we will make up for $24.00 a suit. We also have a good selection of Brown and Grey Tweeds, which we will sell cheap. THOMAS LAMBERT 167 PRINCESS STREET Cord Wood for Sale Mixed Soft Wood and Hard Wood. Spec- ial rates for quantities over 10 cords. Also wharf and other timber. R. WALLACE, 380 Barrie St. For QUICK Settlements and Prompt Payments In case of fire loss, insure with W. H. Godwin & Son 89 Brock St. Phone 424. i Cheap Living Silver Moon Salmon, 1 lb. tins, 10 cts. Golden Net Salmon, 1 1b. tins, 15 ets. Coleman Flag Salmon, 1 1b. tins, 18 ets. All good salmon, Cover with mashed potatoes and bake in oven. Fea, Limited Geo. Robertson & Son, W. J. MOORE & SON Electrical Contractors Fixtures, Supplies 206 Wellington Street; Kingston, Ont. Phone 185 Special Sale Men's Tan Calf Vistolizeg Double Sole. One Lot Men's Box Lined Vis Sle. PREACHED ANNIVERSARY SER- VIOES IN ST. ANDREW'S Rev. Dr. Alfred Gandier Was Heard By Large Congregations Sumilay Morning and Evening. St. Andrew's church was indeed for- tunate in having, on Sunday, on the occasion of its anuiversary, a preach- er of such standing as Rev. De. A. Gandier, principal of Knox College, Toronto, who was Hstened to by hoth the morning and evening cong rega- | tions with rapt attention and benefit, for the scholarly discourses Dr. Gan- dier delivered were impressive. ! At the evening service, Dr. Gandier | preached mére particularly for the | voung., Me treated the subject of the | sacredness of life, in the light «f it being the gift of the Almighty. "So God created man in His own | image, in the image of Cod erated He him' (Genesis 1, 27), and *'Re member now thy Creator in the days of thy vouth" (Ecclesiastes xii, i}, was the seriptural basis of the dis course, "If I remember that God isn erator and Jesus Christ my pedoan er," suid the preacher, "1 will not think too lightly of sell." Dr. Gun dier treated the attitude of the ind vidual to "Young people," be interjected, are at the time oi ha PRINC IPAL GANDIER life when, naturally, you are light hearted and thoug htless. But, [ be seech you, never think too lightly oi sin. It is too deadly to be tamp with." With the same belief in the and the Saviour of Rede Tir prine pal impressed' his point of Christ and His eéross not thought of lightly. The that man lifted up his hand God, when Christ, who 'was manifestation of the Divine image, was crucified, preacher : "It's only Jesus Christ that we is," Cross means against a perte in human Said the in the cross of know what sm Dr. Gandier made a direct, person- appeal. "My young friends," aid he, "how do vou stand in relation to this Christ # Have "vou committed yourselves to Him?' The tragedy life which is daily being enacted, he said, is the voung who have seen the Christ and the allowing this to slip away, and choosing the baser and the meaner. "Do not drift with the tide," said he. "Do not follow the line of least resistance. It is ihe al of good, with 'my will find the ter's face, God," who of life." Though Dr. Gandier held that the function oi the true Christian minis ter was the highest and holiest on earth, he poke of the work of the fore eign missionary as being more Christ- like. But the person who has found his or her place in life's work should treat it as God's appointment. "God cannot do your work w* you," he added.. "Does that a sacredness to lie? Don't under estimate yourseli. Don't live to Mh amused. The calling of Christians is not to do extraordinary things, Pordinary things in an extraordinary way." At the Gandier's Lord 'and mi real solution thout not give but morning service, Principal sermon was on "Personal Service," his text being Romans xii, 1. The nmsic for the amniversary efiectively rendered by the soloists and choir... As has beep customary for the past twenty-five years, 'in the morning, Psalm xxiv was sung to the tunes of Shetlicld and Nt. Edinburgh, In was George's, the anthem, "Praise the Lord, O Jerusalem' (Watson) Miss M. Hinckley sang the solo. Ar- thur Craig w as heard very acceptably in the solo, "Lead Kindly 'Lignt," in the evening, and the choir sang an anthem, Men, two pairs cotton sox, 13 tra strong Ste. braces, He. 25¢, Dutton's removal le. Octavious Bacon, 3 BX. ties, Augustus for nearly 20 years Senator from Geor- gia, died in' Washington Saturday afternoon following a prolonged ill- ness. Increasing. A Simple . Remedy It has been said the body is like a machin and digestion and elimina- tion of food are the two great fac- tors to health. i the digestive organs are weak, the stomach overtaxed, whste matter accumulates in the svstem--the liver gets sluggish and the blood becomes thin and devitalized. We want to .avk every person in this vicinity who is troubled with indiges- tion or a weak, wornout stomach to try our delicious cod liver and iron tonie, Vinol, - We. know it will strengthen and tone yp ihe wpakened, tired and overfaxed nerves of the digestive or- gans, create a hearty appetite, and yoplace weakness with strength. Ve just. heard of a case of a in Portland, - Me, who suffered from a bad stomach trouble for years and had become so weak he could hardly walk--who was built 'up by :Vinol so be could 'eat heartily without the slightest diswress. Try a bottle of Vinol and if it fails to help you we will give back" your | money: Geo, . W. Mahood,' droggist, Ki ston, Out. . ei, King: man i weet, 1 | The final year in science intend hold- or she who will look up inte the Mas- | on ATORIAL CONTESTS OF A1MA MATER SOCIETY Mr. Gilbert, of Arts, Was the Win. ner -- Wring Figures on Calendar Careering Board and Yodging, The business of the Alma Mater So. ciety was quickly transacted, Satur day evening, in order to hold the ora: torial contests. Several commumica- tions were . received and the aunpun! meeting' of the Harrier Club was held. The contestants for the oratorial prize {all gave spirited and highly laudable orations, but it was'regretied that ro members in medicine or science took part. . Kirkconnell selected as his sub- jeet, Ceo, pportunity," and with a fine flow of rhetoric showed that the' old proverb, that "opportunity knocks once at every man's door" was un- | true, as opportunity was always pres- lent to the seekers. Mr. Maginnis, of theology treated the subject of "Puri | tanism Bad Cromwell," giving a fine {exposition of Cromwell's character. t Mr. Spence, of arts, expounded on "Bi-lingual Education' in a very able manner, showing his' approval of present circumstances in Ontario. Mr. Oliver, of arts, who was hy far the most forcible orator of the evening, pulled to pieces the present interna- tional armamant situation, and Mr. Leacock, also of arts, had for his sub- "History, My Favorite Study." Mr, Gilbert, of arts, who was selected the winner of the contest, principally on the matier contained in his ora- tion, spoke on the subject of the old French heroine, * Mother "Mary of In- carnation," Mr. O'Meara, of arts, gave, a very interesting speech on the part of Queen's yell, "Never Yield,' as it applied to the history of Queen's in the past and present. Altogether the orations were very. satisifctory and the judges, ithonad having lected Mr. Gilbert unanimously as the winner, placed Mr. Oliver as a véry close second. A committee was appointed by the society to confer with Prof. Mathe- son, who represents the senate, on the subject of the present cost of board and lodgings for the students in Kingston as the estimate oi from four to five dollars at present in the calendar is believed to, be wrong and the corrveet figures decided upon by {the committee will be inserted in the issues of the new faculty calendars. |e ing a inner in the DBritish-American hotel on Thursday, 19th. The Y.M.C.A; is making great pre- parations for its meeting on Tuesday evening, at which Dr. Zwemer, the noted missionary from Asia-Minor, will deliver an address. VOICE OF THE PULPIT ARCHDEACON DAVIDSON, GUELPH IN 8T. GEORGE'S. OF A Sermon on the Creation -- Man. cellor Bowles, of Victoria Uni er sity, In Sy¢ am Street Metho- dist, The passage in Genesis referring to God creating man, in his own im- age, formed the basis of a strong ser- mon, delivered in St. veorge's Cath- edral Sunday evening by Archdeacon Davidson, reetor of St. jeorge's, Guelph The speaker said that an FEnglish poet had once stated that the great- | study. of mankind was man. We must realize the part of one to another. Our success 'n life depended on our knowledge of mankind, and it was most important; although it must be remembered that the study of God Himself and His dealings with man, 's still greater. God 'had created man in His own image, and this made it important. It should be the means of making. us more humble, and give us greater inspiration and greater ideals. Great and wonderful as man is, nevertheless man owes his life to God. .Man owed tremendous gratitude te God, which could only be repaid by the giving of his entire life and devotion to Him. Man made in God's image should he worthy and should live a life that is a blessing. Man should be a power of wisdom, and work for the uplifting of human- ity. To reflect the image of God, man should not waste his life, but serve God so as to he of value to the country. : Character building was necessary, and this could only be accomplished by the study of te character of God, -- At Sydenham Street Church Fducational anniversary were held in Sydenham odist church on Suntiay. Rev. .J. A. Graham, D.D., general seerctary of the department of education of the Methodist church, and Rev. R. I. Bowles, B.D., chancellor of Victoria University, Toronto, were the speak- ers. 'At the morning service Dr. Gra- ham was the preacher. Rev. R. P Bowles occupied the pulpit at the evening service, The 'day was one of the best of the educational days in many years, At the evening" Sofvice the church was well filled. The collection given for tho work was far better than a year ago. vig Dr. Graham, who has been in close touch with the educational work of the church , for the past six years, told of the great advancement made at the prosent time. There are, one thousand more students in training than there were six years ago. Last year thers were thirty more students in training in the Methodist colleges in Sasgkatch ewan and. Alberta than there were in all - Canada sixg years ago. Dr. Graham told of thy splen- did York being done by 1 Joseph WV of services Street Math- ealey College, Winni- the evening service Rev. R: J. from two texts--Mark : "For what shall it profit a if he shall gain' the whole world Nose his own soul 2"; and Mat- thew x, 39: "He that findeth_ his Jife shall lose it; and he that loseth his fife for 'my sake shall find it." "That ihe choicest of ils ake de- termined the F or Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday we offer 100 Pairs Ladies' Satin Pump $ In White, Black, Pink, Blue and Mauve Most every size fiom 2 1-2 to 6. These are perfect goods, regular $3.00 SPECIAL SALE PRICE FOR THREE DAYS $1.00 ONLY AT EE CAMPBELL'S Annual Clearing Sale of lh Campbell Bros. Designers and Makers of Fine Furs, 84 Princess Street Which one will you take? Ii you have the right ideal in life there will be no fear of which path you will take. "Have a definite moral con- viction regarding life," said the preacher, During 'sale, popular music, two sheets, 25¢.; prize package, three sheets, worth 40c., for 10e. Dutton's. King George on Saturday told Probendary Wilson Carlile, head of the Church Army, that he was a greit believer in hard work. You will never regret using Rose Flour, White Toronto coal companies were busy delivering coal on Sunday by special permit of the mayor. May Be Tied by Taking Old Hajiahle Hood's Sarsaparilla Pure blood enables the stomach, liver and other digestive organs to do their work properly. Without it they are sluggish, there is loss of appetite, sometimes. faintness a de- ranged state of the" intestines, and, in general, all the Symptoms of dys- pepsia. Pure blood is required by "every organ of the body for the proper per- formance of its functions. Hood's Sarsaparilla surely makes pure bloed, und this is why it is so very successful in the treatment of s0 many diseases and ailments. Wt acts directly on the blood, ridding it of scrofulous and other humors, Hood's Sarsaparilla is a peculiar b ideals in all things in life, Th High ich to . (combination of blood-purifying, 'netve-taning, strength-giving sub- stances. Get it ABERNETHY'S Owing to the severity of weather, : CANDY Fresh made every day--spec: ial 30c chocolates for 20c Ib. SAKELL'S, Next To Opera House BEGIN THE NEW YEAR RIGHT Insist on Having Pasteurized Milk Be Sure it is in Bottle PR 1 C E' S Phone 845. STOVES AND RANGES. We have a large stock of Stoves and Ranges, also new and second-hand furs niture, carpets and quilts. Come and see me if you want to save money ob all kinds of household goods. H. SUGARMAN, 242 Ontario Street. Phone 1580. Opposite Craig's Wholesale. Cole & Studebaker AGENT Bibby's Garage Repairs and Auto Supply Phone's 201 & 917. A KINDLE KIND A Luxtirions Pigpe of Furniture. . Victoria CAFE 364 King St., Kingston Finest Restaurant in, the City . HK L Proprietor. BED BY NIGHT SEE OUR WINDOW. DISPLAY Reid Quality, Reid's Tow Prices. SS a "FO SALE Earl St, near Division, brick. veneer ..........$1.900.00 Earl 8t., near Division, brick VOROBY . vas 'v'vasss Divison St., near Earl, Division St. near Earl, : veneer ......... $2.1 0.00 Dominion vacuum siaahers Tueo. Stationary Vacuum Estimates cheerfully cleaners. given. H. 8. CRUMLEY