YEAR 81. XO. 99. WERE SECRETLY PLACED BRITISH LEGATION IN Karon Government Have Secretly Brought in Troops and Officers -- Japaneses Agents Are Growing More Conspicuous on the Streets. Mexico City, Feb. 16.--Elaborate preparations have been made by most of the foreign legations to cope with the uprising in the capital, which is confidently expected to break out within a short time. Whether it is directed primar- Hy against Americans or sgainst the Huerta government the legations will be ready to protect their national head: quarters if the depredations become general. A military defence or- ganization has been organized and a section of the foreign colony man. ped off for occupancy. Two machine guns have been smuggled into the British légation. It is said that several European governments have secretely sent officers and troops to this city for possible duty, The troops are disguised as civilians and are sworn {to secrecy concerning their mission. Iustruetions are be- ing circulated among the most pro- minent members of each foreign col- only: If the situation reaches an acute stage, the responsibility of no- tifying their nejghbors and getting into the "barricaded" zone will do- volve upon the leaders, Japanese agents are growing mote and more conspicuous on the stre and in the larger hotels, Gengral Mori, who is said to hold a cominission from & ;sroup of Japan- ese bankers, hau been negotiating with - the government for lands, whieh are to be used to establish a Japanese colony. He was formerly of the Mikado's army. Tt is reported that Japan is build. ing transports for Huerta but this has Seon denied at the war depari- mint | | { | VEDRINES AIL, FIGHT 1 | Aerial League President in Air Whh Revolvers Paris, Feb. T.--<lules Vedrines, Faench aviator, who zeceniy from Paris to Cairo, in intel his arrival from Egypt 'Nelophoned from the milway station t¢ two friends asking them to act as seconds in his coming duel with Rene, Quaioton, pre ~sident of the French aerial Loague. Vo. drines will dewand to fight with re the Vi es quarrel arose out of the re "Jusal of Vedrines to give satisfaction to Henry Roux, a rival French avia- tor, . had also flown from Paris tu Cairo, and who challenged Vedrines to lace, >= Mr. Vondrives intends to run as candidate for the Chamber of ties at the approaching election. n Pepu- TO GUARD SHIPS AGAINST ICE | American Revenue Cutter Senaca To 7 TT HH. 6G. HAMMOND. Cammizkioner fil secretary arto of the Boy Scouts movement Commissioner Hammond's plans for ex- tonsdon «of the movement this vear in- elode many new features There is a proposal to take a contingent af. One. tario seotts through every province of the dominion, for mutus advantage, and to inekoase the fraternity feeling between the scouts of the various pro. vinces for On. disapproved by the great majority of people in the United States and by practically all those In the southern' states. A BRIEF PLATFORM Bandit Pledges Not to De. tray Peoble Oklahoma City, Okla., Feb. 16, Al J. Jennings, a former bandit, now a candidate for governor Oklahoma gave out his platform. contains only sixty-five words. "My platform," said Jennings, ¢ls fidelity to the people, real honesty in office and that the law shall be no réspector of persons. When these principles are truly and honestly car- ried into effect,"all interests will be subserved and taxes will be reduced In all my life I never balrayed a confidence. If the people confide in me, God being my judge, ll not be- tray them." Former but of it ig Sxieo City, Feb. a. Mac apite 1 oh the ary made by (he States' eharge = d'affairs, the instruetions of the Me eign offiée th desist from the attacks on President Wilson, El hmparcial, under a'three-column first page head headline, "The Word of Wilson Lacks Honor, as Does He Himself," comments on the recognition bp United States of the new government within four the success of the ievolt, done, the. newspaper' says, "In face of the declaration from: the White House on March 11, 1913, that the purpose of the United Btates is to deny sympathy to all revolutionary governments." From this the can- clusion is dr@vn that "Yankee pro- cesses work enhly along the line of ovil passions.' With similar promi- nencos El Imperial publishes an ac count of the alleged failure of 150 banks in southern United States he- tary of 'State * Bryan's "Iniquitous Mexican policy." An effort is made by the newspaper 'to show that President Wilson's policy and = of days after This was is DAILY MEMORANDA Band aot the Palace Rink tosnight City couner] S pm : Y, 12 CB Assembly night Kathicon Hall 8 pin. e top of hago 3, right hand corner, tor prebabliith es. Tov covered Frantenae Juniors vs. Iulia Dean in "Her md Opera House, X15 pm Tustrated lecture by Prof. Morison on "Digracly" Sydenham § ot Meth- odist chureh hall, silver collec tion. The annual meeting of Council of Women will be City Counell Chambers, on Tuesday * February 17th, at 1 pom. The usual reports will be presented and elected for the coming year A. Tuesday Parlow violinist, Grant rink, 8.15 Oshawa. Own J Money," Gra § p.m. the local held in the Fashion #5 . quick to catch the mewest graze and translate it iuto terms of material, or form. or color. * Just-now ml the World is talking . Tango and half the feet in tho universe are keep- ng step to thie newest jingles. 'So fashion is appropriating the 'popular Tango makes interesting news, The tendeney is apparent in the new shoes, the new dress- es, the new ribbons, down the whole: roll call of attire. Art- ists are interpreting the spirit of the dance in different ways. The most authentic news of these nusually interesting to be found iu the columns "of live like The that tells about human interest dry reading. It as it is in- bie. Up-to-date people are those 'on the news has to tell. : which Peruvian |} officers icon foi: ! the | there until United | Loss Was $100,000--0One Man Lost Wis Life Minneapolis, © Minn, ¥ eb. 16.~Five which éndangered the entire whole- sale district of this dity Seturday alternoon, the pickling plant of the Northern | Mig. Co. and damaged several struc- tures, E. <P. Howe, renty-two, who rush- ed into the 'pickling plant to: save Miss Rose Schultz, another emplovee, Si have lost his fife BRITISH CONSULATE BURNED BY TROOPS Governmept Soldiers And Law Of Neutrality Ignored Feb. 16.--~All foreign in Esmeraldas, Ecuador, according to information here from Guayaquil. The counsulates were declared territory during the fight- ing between the government troops and the rebels, and this was respett- ed except in the case of the cable of- fice and the British consulate, which were burned. The result qf the bombardment of the city by the government © troops waz not learned, owing 'to the absence off direct coms munication A report reaching here by way of | Lima; Pern heavy fighting has occurred at Muisne, about venty miles from federal troops were the rebels, This, however, nied by the Ecuadorian go ernment. Another report says Col. Julio Andrade is marching on Quito, the capital, with a body of rebel troops, but this is not credited. Laid in Bed Ten Winters joulder, Colo., Feb. 16. --For fear of catching cold, Mrs, Ida Groff, 89, spent Lhe last ten winters of her life | in bed. Saturday she died of old age. She was so [esirful of draughts and ! cold weather. that every fall, al- though 'in good health, she would | get into a feather bed and remain spring. Panama, residents are safe, reaching foreign neutral SAVE 8 defeated - by is de- Hold Nlections, gn Sunday Paris, Feb, 16.--A general elec- tion tives is to be held in France prob- ably on Sunday, April 26. The date has pot been announced offiei- ally, but it is understood to have been fixed by the cabinet. Boots never «old at such low prices. Dufton's removal sale. The Japanese House of sentatives adopted 'the budget which provides an appropriation ol $69. ped 94,000 spreadyover he 'expandion of the rave Remov al sale. Dutton's. ./C. Eaton has presenteyd 2 ficont motor am rofite General hos Men ! Removal sale. ho your boots Dutton's. ish. » un caused $100,000 damage to who had already escaped, is belivved to | City Of Panama Bombarded By, sineraldas; in whih the | of © parliamentary representa- | fiv: years for tawa he bad no conference with magni-" tion with ts io "he To- Commission. . Patrol the Ocean : New York, Feb. 16.---In aceord- ance with the action taken by the in- ternational conference on safety at sea, the revenue cutter Semaca will leave New Yark early this week for five wonths" patrol duty in the wat- ars of the North Atlantic ice fields. 'Captain Johnston said to-day that he will make immediately for Halifax, where fhe Senaea will be refitted with cold weathér supuolies and a stock of scientific instruments for detecting the smaller ice drifts. She will eruise- up and down the ice lanes outside the Gulf Stream. | INSANITY TAKES ITS | TOLL OF NINE LIVES Fathers Of Two Families Shot | Strangled or Hanged Their London, Feb, 16. bursts of insanity in tye fathers of families were responsible for the complete obliteration of two families consisting 'altogether of nine people at Harlesden, North-west London, and at Tonbridge, Kent. In the first case Walter Johnson, connected with the Harlepden street car company, first sirangled his wife and three children and then hanged himself to a gas bracket. Inghe second case James Stangen, proprietor of a larg: undey at Tons bridge, shot 'his three children as they lay in bed and then gent a buls let through his own head, ; OLEMPIC 1TRM HEL ve German Reichstag Discusses. $30,000 Appropriation for Olympic Team Berlin, 16. ~The' imperial pare liament 'again discussed, on Saturday, the. proposed appropriation of $50,000 or the Olympic games to be held here in 1916, which was rejected by the budget commitiee on Jan. 15th. A numbtr of comservatives, liberals 'and radicals on this occasion intro duced a resolufion to restore the item to the budget. Differences of opinion among the { German Turners appear to bo the chief {obstacle to the passing. of the appro- priation. Ibe Turner organizations {disapprove of the alleged American tendencies within the Olympic com mittee. The reputed . American ideal of sport, and its "prostitution to the chase for.records,"' were critivieod fn soveral speakers | Sudden out- Fen. FAYORS ROSS RIFLY Association of England, Stands With Canada Loudon, Feb opinion was expr essed at the meeting in favor of permitting ada the use of the Ross rifle, the past. | National 1s 16.--An overwhelming NRA Can as m, Representations to this eof fect. will be made to the army coun cil. In any event it was hpped that the army . council would forego the new 'nohn-aperture regulation this vear, pending an amicable settlement of the yuestion, | sr -------- | RIOTING CONTINUES IN JAPAN Police Haq to be Called Out to Pro- ! tect Property, | Tokio, Japan, Feb. 16.--The Japan est government has taken extensive measures for the maintenance of or: der in the capital for the suppression of disturbances in connection with the demonstrations of protest against tho increase of taxagion. A line of po- lico armed with sabres was drawn up around "the parliament buildings and several opposition newspaper © editors {were arrested on the charge of incit- fo th& populace to riot. WAS NOT APPROACHED AS TO: LONDON OFFICE on. Adam Beck Panctures Alleged Interview As To Refusal Of Is i i } Toronto, Feb..'16.~Hon. Adan' Beck (disclaims. all knowRdge. of the facts "mentioned in 'the 'artidles published in some of the morning papers = With ro gard to a supposed interview beiween Premier Borden and himsell. Mr. Beck states that he was not any way approached regarding Canadian high commissionership, in the and +1 oh | Men, call--enguire prices--will aston- | Repre- that consequently he was never in a He Ot any members. of parliament. Neither wis there. any discussion "of this connec. the Hydro-Electric "ower position to consider or. reject it. further declares = that while in iF Removal 'a1 1" "Boys' underwear; 25¢.; hoys® boots from $1; brafes, 10c. F fons. " flew | t after the latter ling struck him inf } mn, of Guelph, A h Sats, or social congrega- | h Although they In the affairs of e absolutely "tom- 5 to this affect when speaki before an informal meeting of the Anglican clerical club in the synod hall on Monday morning. 'The subject which he dis- coursed upon ii a convincing man- ner, was that'of some of the neads of present-day ¢hireb life, and he applied 'these Hot only to his own! communion 40 all christian churchos. It was when calling for a greater unifying of the forces of Christian- ity that he teok occasion to touch upon the detrimental effect of, cliques, sets and social distinctions in church lite; He placed the blame for this state af it exists in many congregations almost entirely with the women, nid stated that he thought the wen Should nound som: common-sense lato their wives in this regard. 'every-member can- vas for missions has done a great deal to break minor barriers that may exist betw@en the men, said he. ohdeacon Davidson did not speak at any length upon church unity, though he urged that all clergy and! ministers should take a live interest in it. The spedker. declared the firkt! need of the present-day church situ- ation is that trinal teaching. The clergy J se this fact, for they can't "Without the proper foundatiotl @ Archdeacon reali Sermons were not. ity. But whether to the teaching, urch doctrine pr d'stinef tion. my-rot' in t He muds | ance of one of ndanentals of the. christian faith, | Doctrinal ser- mons can be made interesting, iumi- | nating and convincing, be said. He | held that the vast majority of the laity do not understand 'he great principles for which the churches stand. With the craze for which adds work for Archdeacon Davidson need for thoroughness remedy for this. congestion of lics, he said, in the clergy endeavor- | ing to increase the number taking holy orders, and by the rain ng of efficient lay helpers, organizations; | the ' clergy, sounded the in work. The work | WARMER WEATHER | COMING 4 Toronto, Feb, 16. -- Warm: er weather is now on its way from the west. To-day Ed- monton and Calgary are baskiug in temperatures be- tween fifty and sixty de- grees above zero. Winni- peg is only two above, while White River stands true to i her reputation at twenty be- low. A substantial thaw can be expected all over low- er Ontario in a day or wo Hp 2 poole bo Bp +d PHBE DURE P EIRP Ee oo 2 doboirlvirbldediolob de drdddipdoddob ddd THE WORLD'S NEWS, The Very Latest Culled ¥rom Over the World Lord Minto's condition continues very grave, The serious ice jam may effcet {fe power plants at Niagara. Senator Cox left $100,000 Toronto general hospital. {4 Job E. Hedges announces that he | will be a candidate for the republi-! can nomination for governor of New York state next fall. : The first annual report of the Na- tional Flying Foundation Showed that Gernfiny is fighting hard for fying supremacy, Paisley Public and school was conmletely destroyed by | an early morning fire of unknown | origin. { John Patterson will likely Le ap pointed city treasurer of Toronto Mr. Condy retiring on account of ill- health, Alonzo Dingman, St. Thomas. many vears postmaster at South- wold, dropped dead while reading a | paper in: his home. | W.-H. Danlels, customs collector, | of Ogdensburg, N.Y., and Mrs. Dani- | i els are to-day celebrating their fif- Miath wedding anniversary. The death occurred suddenly in the vestry of St George's Anglican church, Sydney, N. 8. on Sunday evening, of Archdeacon Smith, rec- tor of the parish. Five Jgpanese paval officers, in- cluding a 'rear-admiral, dre. held in confinment by the navy department pending court martial in connection with the naval scandals. Dr. Anna Howard Shaw, presidegt of the National American - Ww Assoclation, AD|: to the Continuation | lis not so bright to-day. | patters, FOIE | o {on both sides: of the: line. for | {earlieg | Against Sir Stuart Samuel, M.P., for Irregularities. London, Eng, Feb. 16. --Judgment for" $66,000 was given against Sic ! Stuart Samuel, M.P., brother of the postmaster-general, as penalties for his firm engagiug in government contracts in India silver, while r- I maining a member of the commons. This was mentioned ia econneciion with the "Marconi scanda's' when Lloyd George and Hon. Herbert Samuels were mentioned : : MILLIONAIRES JAILED Rich Men Had Not Enough Pull to Avoid the Tombs New York, Feb. 16.--Eleven mil- lonaire members of the 'poultry trast," who spent the night in the Tombs pending action on a request for a petition of reasonable doubt, 'were released Saturday afternoon under $56,000 bond éach when Judge Wadhams granted the certificate. Senator Cox's Estate Toronto, eb, 16.--The will of the late Senator Cox, which was filed for probate in the sirrogate court at the city hall, Saturday, gives an imven- tory of 'the estate which totals $870, 031.97, of which $356,872.97 is in real eslate, and $513,198.98 the estimated value of his personal property. For at least five years the senator has been distributing property in large sums to his sons. Mrs. Cox who does not appear in the will, was well cared for in the settlement at the time of her marriage. At one time it was estimated that Senator Cox was worth five millions. 'THE SKY AGAIN CLOUDY OVER IRISH HOME RULE Cannot Exclude Ulster Without Referring The Question To The people London, Feb." 16.--To judge by attitude of the moving papers outlook for a settlement of the {home rule embroglio without vehem- ent scenes in the House of Commons The Rey- 'nolds newspaper,' which - is recognized | ; as onc branch oi the liberal stand- gays, this mornipg: "Ifthe exclusion of Ulster for a number of is the omly basis on which Peace can ! he established, there ean be ro peace on ok such terms." he Tis , today, discussipg Sic s scheme for the the the trot aveent oh a Cp omit with- lout first 'having it referred. to the pe ople. in a gendral election. WILL SHARE IN ADVANCES But Not Before 1916 Says Mn Ford In Montreal Montreal, . Feb. 16.--The f the Ford Motor company, at Ford, Ont., will be given a slice of that $10,000,000 bonus in about two. years time, according to a despatch réceiv- ed here from a Detroit correspondent. Jamnary, 1916, i= set as the date on which the Canadien employees of the Juatbrohile concern will get their employees "The Ford, far advanced (main) plant was ago,"' said Mr. the wire. "Our practicable to Yai , plant is about to-day as the three or as Detro fonr years Ford, according to idea is, as soon ps treat employeess alike The fore two to three one-tenth the plant. at Ford, Ont. is about thousand and has. about output of the parent DROVE HIM TO SUICIDE State Treasurer, Summoned Before Jury, Ends Life N.Y, Feb. 16.--Jobhn J. state treasurer committed suicide shortly after noon Sunday, at thesMarkeen Hotel, where hie had lived with his family for about (a ear. Ho was found ina small lav- atory off the hetel ballrbom with his throat ¢yt and an open razor lying on the Moor beside him. His jugular vein had been severed and death oc- curred before a doctor arrived. A flash of temporary insanity, induced by worry over his impending ap- pearance before a New York grand jury, where the district attorney, Cc Helio Whitman, has been conduc- ting a John Doe graft inquiry, is said by his attorney to: be the only reason that can be ascribed for Mi. Kennedy's act. Buffalo, Kennedy, RUSSIA STIRRED ~~ BY SECOND MURDER | Rituastie Purposes soses Mioged to be Motive For The Crime. Kiev, Feb. 16.---The murder of the boy at Fastoff, which, it is al- leged, was committed for ritualistic purposes, is assuming the dimen- {sions of the beillis case. As in the tragedy, stories of mysterious characters have Deen introduced such as 'a red-headed magn," and 'a lamplighter," both of Whom have disappeared. The Black Hundred and the Un- ion of Nussian People are showing their old time anti-Semitic attivity, Both wanuiacturers and trade ug ions having made concessions, the SE the shoe. trade in Guebee, whi jeguiy. i} vember, was ended panish sovereigns will leave i Te i AE Wy oe i mt SANE tt FELT Sir Wid Lawier Wil Serv Waning AGAINST GERRYMANDER THE GOOD AND BAD POINTS OF THE BILL. Will Be Discussed on Their Merits When the Redistribution Measure Comes Before the ( This Week. Ottawa, Feb. 16,~~The second reading of the redistribution bill it is expected will be moved in the com- mons on Tuesday by Premier Bor- den There is not likely lo be any. thing very spectacular about the de- bate. Members from maritime pro- vinces will doubtless take advantage of the last opportunity to press the claims upon the house, but are not likely to be successful. The attitude of the opposition will be given expressions by Sir Wilfrid Laurier and: other leaders of the! party from the various provinces. They will frankly inform the govern- ment that if the spirit of fair play characterizes the work of the com- mittee and if the result of the de- liherations does not partake of the nature of a gerrymander, there will be no prolonged opposition to the bill. Its good and bad points will be discussed on its merits. There will be no talk of slaughtering the bill in the upper house unless it pro- ves an unfair gerrymander. on. J.. D. Hagen, minister of ma- rine, will, this afternoon, table In parliament the report of the conven- tion held in Loddon to consider the question of greater safoly at sea. greater number of bulkheads, more water-tight compartments, an ade quate supply of life boats on. all s, is recommended in the nt en also that all ocean- Fring, Yes sels should carry both night toleguaph operators. QUITE A PROPOSITION To Keep Mule Warn During] { 'the Cold: Spell - was. quite 5 propasition. to buildings warm during this cold Even in some of the churches om. Sunday, 'in spite of 'the large amount of coal used, it was impossible to keep the places of worship warm and comfortable. Tn some of the churehes people were noticed sitting with their overcoats on. Some of the janitors spoken to about the matter stated that it was inpossible to keen the. churches warm. The same trouble has' been experienced in several of the schools. lasses hove been dismissed: owing to the fact that the rooms were so cold. SACRIFICED LIFE TO SAVE YOUNG GIRL With. Heroic Intent Man: Plunged Back To Flames He Had Just Escaped Minneapolis, Feb. 16.--One mau lost his life and several others were seriously injured in a fire that dp- stroyed the six-storey building occu- pled by the Northern Manufacturing company. To save the life of a girl employéd in his department, William P. Howe, aged seventy, a shipping clerk, after 'having hitnself been as sisted out of the: building, plunged back and was burned to death. Rose Schultz, whom Howe Jost his life for, was carried down the stajrs from the third floor, only slightly hurt. The origin of the fire has not been determined. The loss is estimated at $110,000. Fell and Injured His Hip While getting out of bed on Sun day" inorming Robert Hendry, who re sides on Wellington street, met "with an accident which resulted in jury to his hip. 'It appears that he had just attempted to rise from the side of the bed on which he sitting] and being pretty well ad vanced in years he tottored and fell heavily to the floor. He was ioxme- diately rushed to: the 'general hospi tal, where, upon having an X-ray photo .aken of the injury it showed that Mr. was suffering from an impact hip. To Look Up His Record Toronto, Feb. 16.--John Gowans, a strong looking man, csught as a re sult of the plucky work of Mrs. Fen: ton, widow of Dr. Frank Fenton, whose house raigoed in the police court, this morn- ing, on four charges, and remanded for a weck till enquiries are made in other Ontario cities regarding him. Dr. Roswell Park, one of the best known surgeons in A ica, died suddenly, Sunday, at his home in Delaware ' avenue, 'Buffalo,' N.Y. He was the surgeon in change when Pre- sident. William MoKinley was shot in 1901. _ Howard Anderson has leased his farm at Rossmore, Ameliasburg, to Joha Cairns for five years. Anderson will remove to Taron The Pelagic: Sealing: sommlesion; meet 28th next, ap be entered, was ar at. Sydney, ape Breton, cular FAIR "IT WILL PASS ( THE TOWN OF. GANANOQUE. Jones Manufacturing Company xe hibiting in Toromto Gananoque, Feb. 16.~In Brocky, on Saturday afternoon, St. team oh he local church . | league, ved the return the ie team of the Brockville | legiate Institute, and won by @ of 3 to 2. St. Andrew's defense ame team here a Wack | by 8 D. Ford Jones, ( and W. W. Bennett hath spend week in Ot pa, in attendance st the sessions of Ontario and Quebec sections of de Canadian mandlostits ers'. exhibitions ~The D. F. has i ox: f uring v Libition space. In the Methodist church, Iansdownit, on Saturday evening, Pehtuary th, Miss Bessie Anna Cross, third: daugh- ter of Mrs. Manley Crous, Front of Leeds and Lansdowhe township, wes united in marriage to Mullins, voungest son of Mr. and M Sidney Muilins, Brock street. "The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Snell. Gananoque Canoe and. Motor Boat. Association has made arrangements for a big assembly in Turner's lon' | Thursday evening next. The » band orchestra will furnish music. James Acton Spent somo dor ing the past week in Lansdowne, the guest of Mr. and Mra. E. RB: Bradky. At Grace church, last , Rev, Melvin Taylor celebrated w at fin known as Frances E. Willard day, by preaching on her life and work in the evening. A feature of 3 de service yeas a_shoir of female v Mr. and Mrs. Henry 13am, of Son bury, ave guests of the latter's pax- ents, Mr. and Mes. John Scott. dP Martin, London. Ont., will be tried at Belleville for Baving by false prgtenses induced 8. Me- Crea, of Tweed, to Sive, Mii him $600 for land outside of Coquitlam, B.C. Hie said the land was three and three-quarter miles from Canam, but the ecvidence shows fhat that it is nine or ten miles furthér-out. ot IS ON BALE ATTRE? ] ING CITY STORES Bucknell's News Depot '(203 § m Clarke, J. W. & Cos ....558 Five , College Hook Store .,,..,180 Coulter's Grocery ......: 000 Cullen's Grocery, Cor, Princess & Friutenne Hotel .. «vOntarle' -- Gibaon's Drug Store .. Market: 'Squares MeAuley's Book Store -- McGoll's Cigar Store Cor enu's Grocery Lowe's Grocery "......, " BORN. MACVANNEL--At Rloton. Ont., 14th, to Mr, and Mrs. A. Vannel, a daug! ter. DAVISE---<At 174 Sthaaft §t; Kingston, Saturday, February 14th, 914, he wife of Harold 'W. Davis, of & Yop. DIED, \ BOI TON In Brookutilo, Feb, 1814, a_Canrpbell, beloved on of Hiottan "Bolton, 1B, RE be 35: yea Funeral (private) took Piao from her - mother's residence, 153 Pine St, Monday afternoon at 2.30, BROWNE. In VietoMa, B.C, Fob. Gh, 814, Patrick J - Browne, youngest son. of jhe Ante Pas ick Browne, of this elt Funeral private) to St May %: edral Tuesday inorving, F ut 9.30 o'clock, for J. a to attend the TIMMBRMAN--In Kingston, on n Feb, 13th, 1914, Jobn' Tamer Funeral from Byron Dernpahive po denee, 162 Union St est, T | afte ERGY i al 2.30; to Cataragul- > 1 ater | Friends and Bequalntahce are respects b. 16h, fully invited to a Ww. A Fortspionth, Samuel N.. Wat ts, Ie in: bis Fiiieral Fn 2.30 Pp. eb. Pr fac Friends are requested nasa.