Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Feb 1914, p. 8

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shen fe all know: 1 eels and Show ting out of this ho : hy 1 oy! 10 ne back and back par( » otihg pains, hLeart nervousness, Sleep. Slow eyes, sunken rless lips, dizziness tat mbling. requirement to overcome dful symptoms it a . of power and th. to the nervous sysiem ba ix Roush. Bu hed y ughtless irinking or social dut- Pe Su djiced b mn, $i A TY every ion to the fly : "Owing to J the MeGill University-Royal Military pe a No is MeGILL HOCKEY PLAYER HAD NOSE BROKEN ! 3 3 a] Intercolleginte Swimming Contest on "28th --. Ottawa Hockey Amateurs Grow Less «Leading N.H.A. Goal Getter, The Toronto Globe comments thus. smallpox in Montreal College Intercollegiate intermediate fame will probably he played at rockville. Can it be that Kingston is trying to wish smallpox on Brock: ville? A worse pest at a. hocksy game is the truck driver who inxsis on imitating the rah-rah boys with hadly tangled versions of the cailige wells." ein | ne vitidén or Le ---- ' Sydenham, Feb. 11.---Owing to the provailing cold weather the skating J tink is a gource of much enjoyment to the youhy . The proprietor, Mr. Foxton, intends holding a ecarni- vill Wednesday evening, February 11th, Prizes will be given for best cos tumes, ete. The earnival held recent- ly at Spaflordion was well attended by the denh: I ho Hithis p ven by the young bac lors of Senha on January 3lst, aT row, pret ated wit! blue bunting, and the lunch server was excéllent, winning praise from ev- eryone for the committee in charge. Music was furnished by Downey's or- chestra, of MWingston.. The attend. ance was 'large, about two hundred guests being present. The students of Sydenham high ah 3 t o was . white and Intercollegiate Swi ing Montreal Gazette, It has finally been dated to hold the Intercollegiate = ning cham- pionships in the YM.C.A. tank in nc 8 n nd id be the posses. n every Jiving individual is Drenariy on. hi resu will surely ro.- be efforts. Obtain of any At. three, ounces of pesarsaparilia compound, in si: hattle. Add one # Of combat fluid Haim. 1 ke®and let stand for 0 hours, then add one ounce tincture oadomene compound cardomom) and one ounce egsence cardiol , Bhake well Ani take a tea- ponful after Gach meal and #. When retiring." The three ¢ mich Various prescriptions, in wo opiates. to tom, but con- haem. the 5 BE 3 PEPER PEEL PERE RPPIPLIL ERR EEFPPPLSDI EPL DL LD IMSS BSS LL PIO IDES "on | | Sweet Oranges, 156, 20c and B0c a dozen. 5 Milaga Grapes, 20c a 1b. 'Basanas, 15c and 200 a Figs, 16¢ a 1b, Dates, 10¢ a 1b, 4 Princess st. Phone 1408 on Beds, $3.50, $3.50, $4.30 and Hp. Brass Heds, $11.50, $15.00, $18 id up. Springs and Mattresses, : and' Washstands, Chiffon- is in oak, mahogany, walnut, white pl, at sale prices. i. 9 want to re fo all 8ld. about Rexall Olive Oil Emul- 8 remarkable new food-medicine we firmly believe is the best ly ever. made to overcome . the , debilitating: effects of in old agh. " It helps to re wasted tissues, strepgthen the 8, antl give new vy and a to" the ;. It con- "no aliohol or dangerous drug. not make you fel Better for days, but ii you do not feel gh better and stronger before vou taken a ter a3 math as you ive of other medicines that. have helped you, we will gladly give , though they have | hy sueopssiul physicians, for the first time combined. Dr. Birkett yeMterday. Coming Lake WASTE GROVGE, Fide Who will captaln dhe "Queen's Old Timers," who will play hdckey Rete on Saturday evening ' Montreal, on Saturday evening, Fol ruary 25th. [Representatives {irom pronto, Queen's and MeGill will com- bat in an endeavor to gain the col legre swimming honors. McGill Hockey Player Injured "Sunny" "Hooper, the speedy little forward of the McGill hockey team, will probably be out of to-might's game against Warsity ns a result of colliding with a Victoria player at practice. Hooper had two hones broken in<his nose, and while it was not considered serious at the time, he had to go to the hospital afterwards and an operation was performed by right on the eve of their game with the Queen City team, this is a severe blow to the red and white team. No Amateur Hockey For Ottawa Amateur hockey in Ottawa has been chased to the "wall. The New Edin burghs, who were the class of the By- town amateurs, started out this Sea- son with *'Fddie" Gerard, "("00" Dion and Greg. George on the forward line. Gerard and Duford jump: od to the Ottawa professionals, Dion retired, and George has now joined the Taronta prod Leads N.H.A Goal Getters "i gmmny" Smith, the Quebee sharp- shooter, 13 still leading the goal-get- ters in the N.MLA. According to the rational shod Van Viack won a god medal and $300, Shem ------------------------ ------------ figures, Smith has notched 31 timed, with 3 assists. McDonald, "6f Ontae- ios, and Darragh, ef Ottawa, have 19; Davidson, of Toronto, 18; Gordie "Ro- berts, Newsy lalonde. and. Powpald Smith, 17 each. N.H.A. Record , --~(ioals- Won. Lost. For. Apst. Teams, Torontos Ottawa ave chitin : Canadiens... . : od Quebec AR 63 Ontarios \ 48 Wanderers ... 0 56 Games Saturday : Ontarios at To- a9 52 result is a real body, perv and : ling food-medigine that we is superior to anything else ergonting debility, weakness to disease, and to tone add sn the nei and enrich the You who weak and run: who are loften troubled by 0 cold ai tg, nse Xa) otiee Of Panulsion to get and "well and strong. It is a sen 4 int-tasting aid to renewed irits, ped t help you, come p will give. back ta word. That | we have in it. xall 0 glowing rontos, Ottawa at Canadiens, Wander- ers at Quebec, N-------- Hockey Notes Torontes have won these straight from Quebec this season, somthing no other team has accomplished. * Clevelagd, who call themselVes ama- teur chafgpions of the United Stages, will be in Toronto Monday night To play St. Michael's, . ; One-half of the werld , des not kiow how the other half lives. And it does not care. = When the warship hifs a rock the naval appropriation goes into "tho sinking fund. x A foals idea of 5 gpod Jake is one he is liable to put over the other fel low, Sid Diaford, | holding an "At Home" on February 20th. The committee, with Mr. Smith, B.A., as convenor, is hard at work making plans. The agricultural students of the high school, with two of their teach ors, Mr. Main, and Mr. Chisholm, spent an afternoon at the farm of Byron Gordon, of Glenvale, examining farm stock. Eb William 'Trousdale is recoveking nice: ly after having undergone an opera- tion several days ago. Miss C. Me: Khim had the misfortune to fall on the icy pavement, sustaining a sprain. Miss P. Harker spent the week-end the guest of Miss K. Joyee. Mra, R. Hamilton, after spending a few days the guest of Mrs. Willia Trousdale, Hartington, has returned. The U.D. V. club spent on enjoyable evening at the home of Mrs. C. Davy, on Mon: day evening last. The Methodist parsonage is nearing completion; the Ladies" Ald is now ue gotiating plans regarding the ney furnishings. The Holiness Movement Society is holding alweek of revival, Misa M. Prousdale, owing to her fath er's illmess, is at home for a fe weeks: The mission circle girls are holding a Valentine tea and concert on Thurs day evening, February 12th, in Wesley hall. An interesting programme is he ing prepared. About fifty oi the young people chaperoned by two of the village lu dirs, spent an enjoyable evening af the home of Archibald Trousdale, o Forest, on Wednesday, February 4th \ number of the Sydenhamites spent an enjovable evening in games at th home of Miss Mamie Cochrane, or Friday evening: Mrs. J. P. Lacey was taken sudden ly ill with appendicitis on Friday anc was taken to hospital on Saturday aiternoon. Since the operation. she i doing nicely. Mrs, 8S. Donnell, whe has been in the general hospital for : jew weeks, is reported 'to be slowly gaining in sirength. Her Sydemhan friends are pleased .to hear of her re covery. Miss Kathleen Joyce is ill o grippe. Many of the residefits of the village felt a slight carthquake shock on Tuesday, about 3.30 o.clock. The farmérs are taking advantage of the good condition of the lakes, to haul their wood to the village. LIVE STOCK MARKET The Prices Paid in the Unjon Yard: Toronto Union 'Stock: Yards, Toronto, Feb. 14.--Receipts were very light again, 33 cars, 26 cattle, 762 hogs, 136 sheej ond lambs, 43 calves. Cattle~Trade in chttle was about steady at Wednesday prices, no real ly choice cattle being offered. Best butchers' steers, $8.35, good butchers steérs, $7.50 to 88; medium butchers steers, $1 to $7.25; common butchers steers, #6.75 to $7; choice butchers heifers, $7.30 to 85; common butchers heifers, $7 to $7.25; choice cows, $6.5 ta 87.25; good cows, $6 to $6.25 canners, $3.75 to $4.25, Feeders and = stockers--Few on sal and no change in prices. Choi stdors, 87 to ¥7.25 medium steers $6.50 to $6.75; stookers, $5.50 t. p we § Milkers and springers--Not many on sals and prices firm at $60 to $3 each; bulk seld at 270 to 80 each. Calves--Only 43 calves were offered not enough to supply the demand, consequently prices were very firm. Sheep, 26.50 to #7 and even $7.2 was paid; culls and rams, $4 to $5.50 lambs, choice ewes and wethers, $9 t. Hogé--The market was again high ar, on' account of light receipts. Se lected, fed and watered, $9.63 anc $9.30 f.o.b. cars, and 29.85 weigh dff cars. Why He Loved A woman prison missionary wa: insistent that there was some goo< in every one ---- even thé worst o! the prisoners. To prove it she sought out the prison demon amc found him fondly stroking the cat "A man who'll pet a cat certainly has love in his heart" she said t« herself, adding alond. Do you low that cat? : "You bet I do," replied the prison or. « "He Bil the warden this morn ng." For Chapped, Blotchy; Ei ed or Wrinkled Skis (F; Ey peng ) Do you realize that just beneath that coarse, rough or discolored com: plexion there's in exquisitely beautiful skin of youthful tint and delicacy ? If you could only bring this plexion to the surface, Becaradng the old one! You ean--in the easiest, simplest, most natural. manner imagin- able, Just get an ounce of ordinary miercolized wax at any drug store, ap- ply nightly like cold cream, removing mornings with warm water. | WAX assists Nature hy gradually taking off the lingering particles of dead and hali-dedd surince skin, causing no dis- comfort whatever. Ordinarily it fakes from a week to ten days to complete com- !the transformation. Cutaneous defects (like ohdps, pimples, blotehes, © liver spots, moth patches, freckles, of course (disappear with the old skim. Nothing else that I know of will accomplish sich wouderful results in so short a time, | Fine lines and even the deeper eikles often r at this season. in stich cased nu ig is better tha a fae bath made by dissolving 5 This fs. {feords it: |8 {Ren Harvey M. Hall Dies. While Alone in House 3 amilion, Feb. 13.~While his rela- RECALLED tives were at Jiesee meatiti, Wednes- bi di {day evening, the death took place at Trees. Rocked so That Indians Said | bis ' hone, 7 i onseand avenue, of Whole Forest Was Drunk = Hil |" gf EO inci. Eat . le ethodist minister. Physicians Sank in Water, hurriedly ca attributed his de- February stems to be a favorite | cease to hegri failure. ' month for Canadian earthquakes, Mr. Hall kame to Hamilton irom for it was on the 5th of that mouth, | Fenwick; Oni, his last charge, ahout in 1663, that the worst seismic {Wo years ago, and in his retirement shake ever recorded in Cahada took he enioyed good health until about place. Lolamont, a Jesui: this rs (lwo deys ago, when he suffered irom | wpiies 34 heart, attecks. "Tf began with 1 #£-eat roaslug be late Me. Hall was about sixty dotind heard througi tii whols ex- Years old. About a year ggo Mrs. tent of Canada. Bells sounded them- all died, and since then a niece of selves; beams and joists cracked: Mr. Hall's kept house for him, Mis. the logs of the paliasade at Quebec | (Ur) Alway, of Bartonville, Ont, isa danced about, and vs: inhabitants Ste ne ol t i - | a---- re haugexted 8. Mg Torking ot A Wonderful Discovery 'Trees strick against one anoth-| An eminent scientist, the other day, er, and leaped on each other with gave his opinion that the most won euch a hoise and confusion that the! derful discovery of recent years was indians eaid the whole forest was! ibs discovery of Zam-Buk, Just drunk. A number of men in a boat think! As soon as a single thin near Tadousac stared aghast at allayer of Zam-Buk is applied to a large hill which sank into the water wound or a sore, such injury is in before their ayes. And Mother Marie sured against blood poison! Not one "Incarnation tells of a man who ran | species of microbe has been found that £ HN id FER CANADA'S BIG QUAKE IN 1663 IS H all night to escape a crack in the! earth which opened behind him as be fled, Spectres ran rampant in the forest." | Tangible evidence was not want-| ing to prove, by geographical signs, | that a severe convulsion of nature took place at that time, and al-| lan- they sloquent as the flamboyant; guage of the Jesuit historian orovide confirmation. The earthquake 6f 1663 was felt even by the Puritans of New Eng- and and the burghers of New Neth- srlands. The shoeks continued, though with lessening severity, for) several months. Small rivers were) dried 1p; some mountains appeared to be much broken and moved, and midway between Quebec and Tadou- sac two mountains were shaken jpwn, forming a point of land that tended some distance into the 8: awrence Chickenpox at Ompah Ompah, Feb, 11.--Rev. R. W. Ir sine, Flinton, took charge of the service in All Saints' eaurch on Sun- lay last, Some of the farmers are wuling ties to Lavnat Station, this teeping the roads in fine condition. t. Charlton and A. W. Buell, Shar- wot Lake, are guests at Trout Lake 1ptél. The attendance at school is mall this week as most of the, child- *én are consigned to théir homes with 'Bickenpox. 1I. Banks is helping his ather-in-law, J. Emery, for a few lays. An enjoyable time was spent it the party at R. Eady's on Tuesday wening. Mr. Pringle, Arden, accom- »anied by, Mr. Michaud, called at frout Lake hatel on Tuesday when mm route for Plevna. Mrs. T. Dunom ws recovered from her recent ill-| ase. NR. Fady was stcéedsfnl in :Apturing a numnber of trout through | the ice in Trout Lake last week Visitors: Mrs. C. Davis at Fl. Banks'; diss Kisle and Miss Winnie Baiks at | & Watson's; T. THomas at H. | Banks'; Rev. Me drying, Flinton, at Trout Lake HNotel;* Miss Pearl and Miss Edna Eady and Miss Morrison | it H. Banks'. M---- 1 Many a man has boon pushed to the front through pull, . It you would be strictly up fo the mark tack an algret or bit of ostrich fully above your head . Outilne your tunic or the hem of your skirt with algrets or bits of ostrich. They are doing this In Parle I. is promised for the coming season that feathers of this description will take the place of fur for trimming purposes. Marabout al- Erets dyed to mdlch the frock and tiny ostrich tps will with the skirt as weil (a8 the chapéuu. For afternoon frocks borders and «motifs wrought out in wooden besds of colored pearls will be popular. Thess are curious, but if wisely chosen are very chic snd effective, : Dark tnty are more or 'feds favored ot. wnrad saxalite in § pi. witeh | for Agv-thme wear : bad. remarkably 0. a Oh the « SEs UL ihe mst Tavared slike ls ng] Seek COREA ® though the silent records are not £0, 4in, feather to the Back of tie bodice of your| 20d evening gown and lst It wave grage- | Zam-Buk does not, kill | Then again. As soon as Zam-Duk is applied to a sore or a cut, or to skin disease, it stops.the smarting. That is why children are such friends of Zam-Buk. They care nothing fo the science of the thing. All they know is that Zam-Bok stops their y Mothers should never forget Again. As soon, as Zam-Buk is ap plied to a wound or to a diseased part, the cells hencath the skin's sur face are so stimulated that new ealthy tissue is quickly formed. This forming of fresh healthy tissue from below is Zam-Ruk's secret of healing The tissue thus.formed is worked wy to the surface and literally pasta of the diseased tissue abave it. This § whv Zam-Buk cures are permanent. Only the other day Mr. Marsh, of 101 Pelordmier avenue, Montreal, called upan the Zam-Buk company snd told them that for, over twen ty-five years he had heen a marty to eczema. His hands were at one time so covered with sores that he bad to sleep in gloves. Four' years avo Zam-Buk was introduced to him and in a few months it cured him. To-day--over three years after his eure of a disease he had for twenty five vears--he is still eured, and has had no trace of any return of the eczama | . All druggists sell Zam-Buk at 50e. box, or we will send free trial box # you send this advertisement andr le. stamp' (to pay return post- Ava) Address Zam-Duk Co., Toron to. Another car of large swest oranges still only 30e. a peck, at Gilbert' busy stores. The report transcontinenta' commisaioners that forty mil lion. dollars was paid in the building of the New Brunswick section. Prize package, three sheets music, worth 40¢., for 10c. Dutton's. At - Moose Jaw, Sask. the Grair Growers' Association, after a viger ous debate, tabled a resolution for forming*a farmers' party. Watch Gilbert's advts, and B or time and Stop crouking about hig) cost of living. of the says CHINESE INFLUENCE NOTED IN TRIMMINGS FOR AFTERNOON GOWNS {fety, In & quality as soft and s{pple as the old fashloned taffeta was) stift hard. No. 8153 is developed In & mossy green taffeta trimmed with a conven: tional border design worked out iv silver thread and colored woodec Beads. This design ts well sulted to a border trimming or a bordered ma- terial, % To copy this frock In size 36 it re- quires 47 vards of 36 foch material. The costume shown in B113-7857 1s Russian design made up in taffeias striped and plain, ' This design may be made Ip ele 24 with 2 yards of 36 Ynoh material tor the blouse (¥113) and §% yards of neh material fur the skirt (3887), ° No. 8153<-8laes 34 to 6 No BIT dives 34 to 4 No 7857 sives 23 to 30, Hach pattern 15 conta, nn ---- we a and ready for Saturday's can show you. fancy striped eollars. WATCH FOR OUR SPRING COATS AND w Amivals In 'Spring Dresses and Skirts A large shipment of correct §tvles just to hand, our prieos." You will he surprised at the values we Special 49¢c Waist Sale For Saturday we will place on sale 10 doz. White Lingerie Waists, high and low necks, some Regular Toe, all sizes, ToClear49c Each VERY SPECIAL SOMETHING DIFFERENT. gelling. Come in and get with ANNOUNCEMENT OF SUITS. SOMETHING 132-134 MENDELS Princess St "7T. J. O'Connor" E-------- » ~ ' Kingston's only exclusive ready-to-wear store for ladies. Phone 532 Manager. AL ATTENTION... tity of Men's Suits, Boys' same discount. These will also be sold at re v 257 Princess St. We aré now taking stock and have a large quan- we will sell for.25 per tent. off for cash. Also a large assortment of Badies' Skirts, which we will sell at Men's, Boys' and Ladies' Boots and Rubbers. Call in and take advantage of this January Sale. JOS. B. ABRAMSON'S Suits, Men's Pants, which 25 per cent. discount. . i _--"mTy a ne vow w Phone 1437 AMBULANCE ASSOCIATION irand Tronk Team Wins Another Trophy The second competition between cams from the shops of the various ompanies interested for the Cana- lian Awbulance association. trophy, resented hy the Dominion Bridge mpany, was held at the Railway .M.C.A., Sebastopol street, Point t. Charles, on Saturday afternoan ast. Four teams compéted--The Jominion Bridge company, the Can- «a Steel company, the Canadian Pa- dfie and the Grand Trunk. This tro- hy was held last year by the C.P.R. sam, 'Phe Grand Trunk team ecar- ied off the honors. The members of he winning team being as follows: A. Poitras, rolling mill staff; E. Jastles, wheel shop staff; H. Slack, 'relight ear' shep staff; F. Russell, ren foundry staff; RH. Seed, boiler hop staff. : The judges wers Drs. W. J. Pat. erson, Robert Wilson and H. I. Car- aichael. The results specially com- ilmentary totthe winning team at hig is the second important compe ition: In which they have eapturec he honorg, having won the Wallac: feshitt Challenge trophy on Januar ith. The work that i= being carried on ¥ the St. John Ambulance assecia- ion is a very praiseworthy cause. 'he Grand Trunk centre was first or anized: at their Point St. Charles aops in 1911 with about twelve embers, today the membershiy umbers 45, and the work of organi ition i§ being extended to all ter inal point€ on the system. Classe '¢/ now being formed at Ottawa aroutg, Stratford and London, and og 4 ate intéution to ex nd work to 1 : ever ae general paid dg hs ie White Rose flour to get,best 16 Simple Home Treatment For Superfluous Hair {Beanty Culture.) A very effective and simple home treatment for superfluous hair is as follows = Mix into a paste enough powdered delatone and water to cover the hairy. giriace, apply, and' after 2 or threes minutes rub off, wash the appeared, pain or danger and leaves the skin frep from apot or blemish. Best, re sults naturally follow when the déla- tone is purchased in an original pack- age because its strength, and purity are then assured. Thirty Island Lake News Thirty Iskind Lake, Feb, 11.--A gang of men is still working at the pocket doing some repairing. J. T. Babcock has his two teams haul- ing logs to the saw mill for T. Stin- { sou, The 'ice on the" lakes is in rood condition, A. Kenion, of God- ey, last week. - Visitors: Miss Julia Flannery has gone to her home in ;habort Lake, P. O. Connors, at M. J. Kelly's; 'T, J. Bapeock and J. Bab- sock at T. Youug's, Sangster; FE. Jonnors at A. Legary's: H. Richer- son, Kingsion, at W. Abel's; Mrs, Mary Connors at 8. Hickey's; Mr. mnd-Mrs. W. Abel and son, Lyle, at J.T. Babeock's; Miss Martha Hop- kpin's at ¥. Judge's: Mrs. A. Legary «tJ: MceNicholas. Only One "BROMO QUININE." To get the genuine eall for full game, LAXATIVE BROMO QUININ):. ook for signature of E. W. GROVI', Cures a eald in one day. 25c, Bm skin and every trace of hair has dis. . This method is devoid "of - had' four teams hauling hay: There may be 4 compromise in the fas aT

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