Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Feb 1914, p. 6

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1h wih roe Tew of : N CONDENSED ADVERTISING BATES SITUATIONS VACANT FOR SALE in the City and Vicinity Through our sv stem of Banking by Mail ~What the Merchants Offer the Readers of the Whig. vou ean open an interest adcount in this vaca lm Gibuou'n. ft bank; no matter where you live. Forward Four tins salmon 25c., at Gilbert' 8 Firkt insertion' 1c a word. Ench con $130 FOR SIXTY DAYS TO AN) | GEESE FEAT S. APPLY TO MHS, ' HER nam yg 4 an. A or help Goldman, 287 Division St. ' ar Tha best eeller for February is| 1 | 3h secutive imseftion thereafter, hatf fhougierul Wan or Suman 1 or 5 Jour remittance > ith the os of those the coal cellar. 3 14 Rg Fel cent a word. Minimum charge for Bifie rium. Depariment ar A SOLID COMFORT CUPY ER, USED to whom you wish it credited, and we will Large white taly Delaware pota- one insertion, 33¢.; three insertions, ford. , i but a short time. Apply J, Daw= mail bank book to the address given, ear: toes. J. Draw B0e.; wix, $1; one month, BI. . NG . son, 244 Princoss St. The ice cream supply on the milk} grower Take, Laugh a8d Slag, intro ' CARTING. - A FINE LOT OF WALNUT AD van ry ing out yo ruinstructions-as to w hen bottle increased this morning. due ing New. HELP WANTED re TA TERE ALLOA Sa Rai WALA we A wa you want it delivered. Write for infor- "Flash Bight shecte." Gibson's Matinee 25e To All Pafts of Theatre RR GENERAL HOUSEWORK . MAE Rect Bt i guaran at a reasonacle , Vice, 4 a emaval pale 3 All trunks less than Seats Now on' Now on Sale. IDLY 388 ANTed St ag Ted a mation, cost price, utton's. ------ Fran TWO YOUNG HORSES Al ALL ROUND W. J. Baty), of Winnipeg, stopped GIRL TO ASSIST IN HOUSEWORK, PERSONAL One. [ONL years. uibur fain, Price over Kingston on Friday. yal agen, Ahply. wt ence, Jud reasonable, Appi Kingéton Mat i . il." Gi ' vision st. 5 , SPIRELLA CORSET. tress Co, Princess Si "41 k s live Vil." Gibson's. 5 ¥ RUF ISSIONAL SPIRELLA CORSEY es 0. Tincess % 1e at your disposal. Appoint- ep -- William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders A COMPETENT YOUNG GIRL TO AS. ments made« to. suit your conven -|HOUSE SUITABLE FOR. DOCTOR'S received at McAuley's. "Phone 564. As Bright and Y anita as the sist with care of child. Apply 49 fence. Spirclia once worn, #lways residence, two minutes watk from Cheer up. February is tha long Babbling Brook William Bt. bi araares Du eit, erset LMUA, 11 Fuotny: dil water heat- Y ¥ ere, 2 Fellin . x 89D ne, and N r= OF hard climb of winter toward spring. |gan. S. and LER SHUBERT (Inc.)|AN ASSISTANT SALESMAN IN LUM. -------------------------- unt gad Pen 1 Th Frontenpe andah facing vacant lot orilawn, Phone Gibson's for drug wants. Present her Yura, APR, Tha Fre BAIR, coLEs. WARTS, JRA. NS a $8 Sorter. $4,500, Apply - ?, Etherington has been chosen marks and all growths and skin Capital and Reserve Fun ds Dr. F. E sen -- ee ------------------------------------t blemishes removed permanently, bh RT URE TO president of the Fromtemac Club for A GoobD D GENERAL SERVANT, MUST without scar: 27 years experience | ONE FRAME HOUSE AND BARN, BE oo Julia Dean | have references. Apply to Mrs. ti. Dr. Elmer J. Lake, Eye, Ear, Nos Sommer 3; nadbwe and Stanied "" BL OTner Neilso - : Special prices this month on "New- Hl. Pense, $3 Gore Bhroar and, skin Specialist, York Ste, ot 83 re trontane on . tombe," Canada's leading piano. Dut- AN SX HOUSEMALD ton's ; Yoni 3 second lot from corher of App! 5 ng 191 King red an ork Sts, easy terms J. 'W. Gravelley, of Calgary, came aN airoet before Ferguson, | in the] SCALE MASSAGE FOR _ FALLING ' y to Kingston on Friday to visit old Bair, dandruff, etc. treated by ei. Apply 437 Albert B ectricity (new method) test RIP treatment in sham ing, face| GROCERY STORE AND DWELLING : . acquaintances. 5 T TO #5 CAN BE MADE DAILY Olt I PRI boty {52 Ontario street. > or Wht wel . Car Delaware potatoes just received antzing Any ears ot Tuaraon wan Up-to-date styles in halr worl rocery stock and fixtures with ai Crawford's. L I om Bio} Rs Tasty Mus. Herod, graduate masseuse ; of renting store hnd Howard oO er "Buy Gripp Tablets." Gibson's o Hh $rant Bible y 1 SY ellington se. Phone 1408. I Y Ge y doing a fra class hi X oul 0 am. an: to P 1088. ivod reason for selling. Ap- Ladies" up-to-date doesymuking. A ( umedy in 3 At ob Rg a ANT "PERSON MAY m., and by appointment. ply F. X. Bazecau, on the premises. INVESTMENT BROKER Terms moderate. Miss A. Keyes, 221 |Pirect from jts Jong © Rak AN earn $100. monthly corresponding : Princess street. the Comedy and Lyric Theatre, for newspapers; no canvassing. PINANCIAL CHOICE FARM, ONE HUNDRED : : New York. Send for particulars. Foss Syndi- and ninety-five acres, § miles from 2 3 D, 2 1 d SO! « K - High Grade Bonds & Stocks. Fire & Life Insurance [| Fostago paid on ull ones sont i | GOOD--WHOLESOME--A COMEDY | _ cote. 3.989 Lockport, N.Y FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST.| vale" fas ag abundance of choles T g * : YELIGHT = RST OF MARCH ment Society; established 1863: pine, spruce and cedar and Reva in twenty miles of Kingston. 1 D, BY BY THE FIRay I a i president, Colonel Henry R. Smith railing water thereon. Well fenos- District Manager of the ou Ye. tins of pineapples, 5c, at Prices 25-50-73¢-$1-$1.50 4 ay Sond er. Nb oney issued on city and farw ed. Kor further Information apply strict Manag Albert's busy stores. | SEATS NOW. ON SALE BO awrance Fruit properties, municipal and country John Clark, RM.D. SEATS Nos iy T. Morton EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY T. W. Meriam, of Sarnia, and C. tian ei Yaem, Wolte Island, Ont debentures: morigages purchased; 1 "RN n deposits received and interest als} LAUNCH "CONSTANCE," 30 FT. LONG J. Brockbank, of Niagara Falls, were A C--O FL lowed. 8S. C. McGill, Manager, 27 5 ft. beam, th inder machine, a Feh 19 ve p10 NOW A CAPABLE 3E 5 Clarence Street. Kenyon top, electric Nghted, elo # Gi ' A man to as . s 44 Clarence Street. "Phone 915 You save mouey 'at Gibson's. ' . sale of New Hardy. Everbloomiug tric horn, wicker chairs, cushions, LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE and all latest improveménts; will H. Cunningham, piano tuner, 21 Jioses, Sonam nial ent shiybs. Fire Jnshiunce Sompahy, Avaliable 3° 15 real miles with 3 hassengers. ve . 3 assets $1,187,215 n adition to ie most up-to-date boal in Gan- Kiog street. Leave orders at Mc A Great Dramatic Event Write I'eham Nursery Co, Torons A he ilrholaesn Dave: tos| © anodue. "Apply 8. C. Taylor, Gane Ayley: 3 book more, A thi H. H. Frazee's Original In, pecurity the unlimited Hability of | anoque, A play 1s to be given under the eB. 3 re -------------------- ¢ ; city property, insured at lowest auspices of the Levana Society in- ALLSTAR PRODUCTION OF possible rates, Bef i SINGTON P OR' | stead of a Valentine tea. he POSITION WANTED old or Br VT Duietness go $3509 FOR DOUBLE 7 ROOM FRAME Pb Gib f d t 6 crate eee yates from | range & Strange 3quse, un Jork Sta mplove menta, - one Gibsons lor drug wanis, BY A COMPETENT YOUNG LADY AS gents. tne 325 all in good repair. Il rent for The Plazas will be bo cared and Muted, 1 and the streets macadam Don't*inil to sec Greg George, Basil epi zed this Spr mother's help, in a small family, ur $335 por snpur When completed "Kensington Place" wil be one of the most de- George, Vie Gilbert and other former , Westbrook Th. y to an elderly lady. Good ay $4500 FOR A NEW BRICK HOUSE, companion a Bagot Xt. | DENTAL modern, good lot, fine location, on € 8 C gain | A a Albert Bt, lightful gesidential spots in Kingston. ex uesn's Dosh Y glayers al the gh 99 | =re--m--------------e---------- A ANE BA DD8, We-| Goon Lov ox UNION #7. WEST, A FEW Bx 120 FEET LOTS LEFT. | "Professor J. L. Morrison lectures ea ers TEACHERS WANTED. bout 60% he = INEW SOLID BRICK HOUSE ON {before the Queen's Alumni Associa- : eon - ARETE DR, Os Os NASH, DEN) ary PR. TN Johnson street, 9 rooms; all mode J. 0. CH U T T 0 N tion in Hamilton this evening. Direet from Robert Edeson ACHER bi . NO. 4 XN NNN Es Denton, 5. ern improvements; good location; Eainte and Insurance 18 Market St. Kingston | *"tlash light sheets." Gibson's. at the rate 'Phone 73 casy' terms. Apply to {The Astor : er to commen A: F. POND, 26 Frontenac St. Phone 743 200 tins new catsup, four tins 25¢., | Theatre, N.Y Wilton Lakaye u 3 Arh, ATI. Su SPARKS AND SPARKS, DENTISTS ox Gilerve With Its Max Figman > 169 Wellington Street, (over Car 4 3 dai : -------------------- i. Mrs. Saul has setuid to her Home | piniire 'Cast pip ---- . - ' novsky's), Kingston. "Phone 346. ea het par ly Turalabed. in Napavee, after visiting her sister, gf J; ' Rose Coghlan OE NE Aarge lot; good outbulidinge. . SOME ATTRACT E INVESTMENTS. Mrs. Willlam Shane, 525 Princess ot ¥ AIRDYS | F UPHOLSTERER SH. SIMPSON, LDS, D.D.S, DENT. Fw oUSE PATRICK. IV » American ang Florence Rockwell ist, .corper Princess and Bagot St, madern DE ite good sta $4,000--Johnson Street, downtown location, rents $600 per year. street. A London Stars TROLS. Rie street. Kntrance on Bagot street ble, ready for brick veneer $2,800--Montreal Street, double frame, rents $294 per year. §800 Jarge white July Delaware potat ljpsiuding Lydia Dickson w. dA NE ory, Dall Telephone 636. 1030 w FRAME HOUSE, ALL toes. J. Crawford. - tiress ovating. Drop & Ball TT TTT mprovements 2.500 fandle wis i. first class frame awelling: all Improve. I Ripe tomatoes, green ° onions, spin-| PRICES=--30, 75¢, $1, $1.50, $2.00 or oan 36 'Bagot street. OATERING BATEMA Nactey 8A BDIKER, SNSUR. NY 3 i rer ssels 3 : J 2 IE 4 A --------------ET TT TY ments, hot alr furnace, gas, barn and driveshed, very desirable ach, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, new SEATS ON SALE TUESDAY pats, © ¢ . i -------------- 8t., Kingston. z 100 Fen lies Street Crescent, facing on Queen's College: new "i Jette, YEG Wp ay ra: Monday Feb 16th INTERNATIONAL WSTIMATES GIVEN FOR BALL SUP. ' . pers, banquets, dinners, arties ds, very deep lois. snap for a quick buyer. 100 tins blueberries, new, llc. each, ote." Bliverware and cutle te 10 LET 110 S210 feet, corner teision and Russell Streets, adjoining new at Gilbert's. ry university assault-at-arms will be WE CATER TO PARTIES, BALLS atreet. )GE BAWDEN JIE econ oo TEMPLARS , |™ fii Salinas ® i urday. p | also rent dishes, abla linens apd | OFFICES IN CLARENCE ST. Don't fail to see Greg George, Basil siiverwan Reid and' Hambrook bers. Apply to Cunpingham Ue Public meeting will be held i J P. Refd, 90 UUalon street, I, © dle, 79 Ghrento Bt Bt. sham & we | George, Vic Gilbert and other foemer Y M.C.A. puriors on Friday, at 3 Hab, 1 Alfred street " . so ' em | o'-(Juecn's hoticey players at the game Mrs. Jepuie Walker, of London, Eng. Phones 543 or 303. PRIVATE GARAGE OR STORA -- ~ Sat t, land, will address the meeting 4 ---- or auto for the winter; clean 8 aturday Bret was in the city to- ET gad, or a Templars and Ary: o MeCann, 53. Brock 5 Chi i y a riends of tempersnce are invited , a SO i -- After Holiday Sale For Sale e By dag, wang rhe produ VIOLINIST LE WANTED GENERAL __ | ipuings av soe ar mien "The Butterfly on the Wheel," at the rte | SC BM EN © TO BRING TaEm | Also po stores, etc, ol cCanu's " se 3 i | : + a eal Estate A r, 8% of Furniture HiNGren grand Opera Howe on Satuedoy. | A gisted by Miss Ursula (COVERED RINK cio ana haven, nage up inte in| om m2 0 ¥ -1si, Jnatmee and a : aie ir Y od Te Cre Pra: | STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, OLE All goods now reduced in price. . "Hlbiook's Olive Gil" Gitaon's. (Lawrence, Soprano. | IYQOCREFYMATCH! 1 Sing Ui ari] "te es fem Gav Sea ley lendid chance to save money. F Delaware Cs § BOVE shortest notice homas Galloway rost's y Storape, Big line of beautiful antique Jursp ow Cnawiand's. Wisp. about w GRANT HALL 131 Brock street, near Bibby's Gar- Shen Bi. Phone 36h. ture, stoves, ranges, etc, to choose " ! zo, SE ------------------------------------ trom, this cold weather is that everybody Prices $1.50, $1.00 and 50c. Queen S V8. Old Boys ne eee eet ONE. COMFORTABLE. FURNISHED HO, slear and dry. MeCann, 8 Brook rent. For particulars apply 0 R | ee -- Regiopolls College. Near the new factory sites, The preliminaries to the "anmual K : ] 1 ORDER of GOOD H. Toye's Wing Bt. store. STORAGE FOR FURNITUR room, centrally 1 h Also h hold goods bought, bes! said all he could about such things Plan at Uglow's. (Ex-Queen's All Stars) HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SEC for one. oF EO em: with oe ng oa. when it happened about a manth i without " oard. Terms reasunable. - --- ond-hand furniture, stoves, otc, See op 52 Ww suid ago. "Saturday, Feb. 14th me before selling. your goods. We Apply 152 Sydenhain St Fry Pricilla fl t Gilbert's bi ne FREE "LECTURES also have a large stock of new and » " E S - xn ry Prnialla our, at nlbert's busy Game Called at 8.15 p.m. second-hand furniture and stoves » 56 BROCK ST, PHONE 88. rcs. . By J, H. PERIUN, of LBSA. Toplesi) ygmisnion 25¢c, Reserved Seats 25c extra which we will sell to an out, at MUSIC. Cor. Princess and Chatham Streets "Buy Gripp Tabtets." Gibson's. i (1) Those got Seats now on sale at rink office. Re- cost. J. Thompson, ¢ re a : i . For tckets nnd students' hock ., next to St. Andre ph y " \ Robert A. Hamm, Odessa, having a good enough for | serve season t a 10 Dl. ATAFSW'S Shurch a VIOLIN INSTRUCTION--MISS CHRIS. Phone 104 A large, well-built, roomy. louse, spent a few days in the interest of i. heaven, what hope.| ¢¥ tekets geod for this game. FURNISHED = tine Cochrane, 78 Gore St, Kisg- ENA in Sentral location, sieveh loom, the 'Odessa Epworth league at tho So .pd8 \ for them? wrens --- NISHED ROOMS cight bedrooms. a mode Col- : : : ston. Telephone 138. convention in Bowamnville, has re (2) The world ° WITH OR WIT " 4 ! 4 bs i THOUT BOARD, WORK. | TELGMANN SCHOOL © 8) veniencesn, Wr turned 'home. Jubilee when all overe in IE ie. ater i Tri To. A oul, | Fr HuMe, at A Brick of A mew solid brick bouse on Albert Postage paid on all parcels from wrongs are right- able. 102 Warl St. mann, B.I3, teachér of elocutisn St, near Brock, hot water neating |. on'y Red Cross Drug Store within = : od. eer--re---------- and action. Miss Norma and O. electric light; all of the Juv best; a twenty miles of Kingston. } IDEAL THEATRE | INTERCOLLEGIATE CHAMPIONSHIP LEGAL Telgmann, teachers of violin, man« fully modern house. $ . i IE dolin, plano, ete. Terms for tul- . Great removal sale of boots for iH 261 Princess St. HOCKEY MATCH | + 'tlon 'and concert engagements on gi Double frame dwelline, Colling=| ,\ on women and children at prices WP SUNDAY, Keb. 15 CUNNINGRAM_& MUDIE, BARNISY, { application. e Cl10Us ce wood St. Rou} Uaioe, Jos Pin never offered in Kingston before. Dut- | 3 and 8 p.m. K. C. } vs. R. M. C Clarence street, Kingston 4 ese are we ton's . = = ask--$3,600, Charles Wilmot Livingston, for- TO-NIGHT HOTELS. Joo BUSINESS NOPIUES m merly of the law department of the ' Game Beginy 7.15 pom. gps KINGSTON SHORTHAND, TYPE. rea JK CARROLL Canadian Pacific railway company, Admission 26 Reserved seats I5e extra | ALBION HOTEL, CORNER MONTREAL i a h ' writing and Copying Bureau, 321 Toronto, opened an office for general \ Skating with band after game til and Queen sire Queen Bt. All work strictly con- . u Rat ERY 2 fidential. Rates 4 practice at 18 King street west, To- J 1049 p.m. Hates moderate: By hive A . ; tates Muderate h City Dairy of Toronto Manager. ronto. He is a son of Charles Liv- -- -------- - recently thoroughly renova Made by the City y od can be delivered at your door at ingston, Kingston. y a best stable and yard accommoda- BUSINESS CHANCES any hour of the day. AIR Removal wale! Al wool goods, tion, J. M. Caines, Proprietor. Assorted Flavors. , ; ; sweaters and toques, mitts, elu, ; | ARCHITECT URUTRERY, CHINA. | GLASSWARY, LIGA TR ES! OF : ¢ wa r tin and agatewa fa 3 ULPARANCE SL] OF WIN Must clear regardless of cost. Dut- 3 | ang immu ------ cheap A ea lta, an . 4 TS ton 8. fl . rE +1 Wi. NEWLAND & SON Anocui. about $2,500. Owner retiring. Box \ - - | You save motley at Gibson's, : fects ete. Offices, 258 Bagot 8t 556, Napanee, Ont. S u ore 8 trimmed hats for $3.00. The funeral of the late Willlaw 5 hone 608. $0 shapes for $1.25. I Timms took place from his resi : : teenies | ANYONE ANYWHER® CAN START al POWER & SON, ARCHITROTS, MER. al ] ou. YRCA. Phone 268 Everything is to be cleared Bl gence, Tuesday afternoon, and was * : chants Bank Building, corner Sal rer business ai home: fio Si Faugston, ¥ regardjess of cost, during the WM jargely attended. The funeral ser- BE Tt 0s. Brock and Wellington streets. Dror Send for bobklet: tells how next few weeks. | 'vice were conducted by the Rev. Mr. 354 King 8t., Kingston a card, Heacock, 2,969 Lockport. N.Y. ay Foarneri at St. Luke's chureh. The Sw Finest Nestanrant in the City MIBRE.D HAMILTON floral offerings were beautiful. ! MA . ; P---- ce A ri "Th Bear Saw A Card. VR TOE " . w e Wi hols 128 We, the uhderdigried, dierety agree ! s 4 p Hi Ss de to sell a package of five standard : ; NV} ha size Oe. boxes of Silver i vi . v i Py | A cf 18 ow' matches for twenty cents, aality AG dP ) ii eta Ed 5 pido fod ( ; on har) Saund J. Purd 1. | ) 3 . 4 Lote is p le. es Saun ors urdy, C. ; = IS) 4 4 p ; 5 } Pickoring, D. B. Gage & Son, J. A. LEN GLOJAY © can keep you warm wit BOOTS AND SHOES Lemmon, J. R. B. Gage, Robert Mc - 3 Pheo, B. 5. Suddard, M. Nolan and W. R. Marshall. - it . H -------------------- = ---- R 15 DAYS. Again Below Zero FO | De. A, P. Knight, Juctas Univer: wint g, tock HH sity, reports that the lowest tem i a- a be clea pit {and win} 3 oe "What ture' on Friday morning was 14. wil greatly y 'batonish ow v ® That grees below zero. On Friday Kink Wo San SAYS FOS te 50 noon the mierenry was eight degrees dts deep Jurve Sehfatms to Men' 8 Box Catt Blucher., Joather below zero. 3 general 'shape 0 e aye- | im ed, worth ou i B-------- ball, gives a wider range . of ud Clearing Sale at Prevost's, . ati § vision, fits. closer to the eve, ovorking "main Provost's, at without touching the ldshes, Brock street, d eliminates the eye-tiring Mens Se NE a anarie pons' akenk Fe : S ale . Records Exchanged 8 | an min > il \ as - ie aL t Bargains in Pork Sat- Tellestions Sammon to the or Womens Fine Vici Ka Bruck See the epley in windaw. "OY 2 Grea bi AllD or Tonic lenses, fitted by our Women! Ria Bioo Car Del " tat t received . . a All kinds of records. Viator Poabis Sane House, Montreal optometrist, H. C. Brown, Oph. | rary oy PI TYE at Saviors. potatos Just saseives House Namber 124 Victor © Whi a. come all, great|gmpia, Edison Bive Amberol, gat 300 D., will give you strong, keen 0 a8. . Our price . an Noucicar Ji! "Kodak flms." Gibson's. {fl 1a st, between Earl and John- Band small, 4 tons of choice son two-minute, for vision and relief from eye this let vissesves 89e JH Eight men were lost in the sink- son: choice location, two blocks . | phonographs, gra strain. . \ - fling of the freight steamer, "My iff from car line. House modern young pork cut in roasts any | gnolas for sate. Cs $ ; A a nN ; a }i Own," off 'Shoreham, Eng, on Fri- in every particular. size, at Be. 1h en : vlsin our plan. R J RODGER | i : | day. The crew took to the boats = i % i : fi and were il lost. Captain took to the rigging and w Be Vi a et Br |

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