Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Feb 1914, p. 5

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Th cm ---------------- comment am 3 Our New Valentines Are GreatifiAdmired See the Hafrison Fisher Valentihe Bboks and Val- entine Cards... %~ THOMAS LAMBERT . © . Maker Of Men's Clothes p Blue Worsted Suits are always fashionable 'and are very ser viceable. We have a very special Blue Wgrsted, Indigo dye, which we will make up for $24.00. a suit. - We also have a good selection of Brown and Grey Tweeds, which we will sell cheap, THOMAS LAMBERT 167 PRINCESS STREET Cord Wood for Sale|| For QUICK Settlements apired elt Todt!" and Prompt Payments ial, rates for quantities{}l mn case of fire loss, insure with over 10 cords. Also|j - 8. Mh a et timber. 'W. H. Godwin & son 8k + Ml 30 Broek st. Phone 424. ------------ | Cheap Living Silver Moon Salmon, 1 1b; tins, 10 ets." Golden Net Salmon, 1 1h. tins, 15 cts. > Coleman Flag Salmon, 1 Tb. ting, 18 cts. + All good salmen. Cover with mashed potatoes 'and bake in oven. Geo. Robertson & Son, Limited Fixtures, Supplies 206 Wellington Street, 4 ~ fl Kingston," Ont: ~ Phone 185 Nowerds Patent Bates: 'OP, atent a 1- Si also 1 of men's Se J parcel post, = THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1014 _ _ TCRAWLED INTO CAVEITHE SALES KEPT UPle AND BROUGHT OUT UNFORTUN- | THERE HAS BEEN CHANGE IN ATE HUMAN INMATE THI STYLES A ets : Richard Henderson, a Cave Man, 10 | yioeq Original and Beautiful Designs be Placed in Asylum--He Calls 'are Now Purchased Sales Have Himself the Divine . Been V Mun Hi, On Wednesday The Whig had ani y. oy. Mpc hee This article "concerning a man by the : S. a name of Richard Henderson, who | Kingston, Feb. 12--~(To the Fdi- ! 4 '9 had met with an accident several! tor) :* Referring to the news item in : ; Ee years ago while lumbering, by a tree | vour paper of to-day, "Sales Not po ni Fah ; falling and = injuring his skull | Large; St. Valentine's Day Losing lta a 3 5 and effecting his mind, For } Fond lowers," we beg to differ ' a long time he has roum-|and to advise that following the cus- po SE ed about the woods in the vicinity | tom of the United States, St. Valen of Perth Joad, on the north Slots of Hne's day i naw being looked on as ? of Loughboro lake. This unfortun- | the prineipa giit-giving day of the : : ate harbors the thought that he is |year and second only to that of all 3 . the Divine and calls himself Jesus | Christmas. In former years the offen- Sale of Sm Lots, Odd Sizes and etc. Christ. People in that section of the | sive comics -and large lace affairs 3 country say that In the morning this [held full sway, while to-day ndnme of sm cave man would come from His abode | these are seen in any of . the first- : ER GRR i in the hill and raising his arms aloft, | class stationers;' their place has been 1 will crow like a rooster. At other |taken by enclosure cards, booklets, 25¢ 2 5¢ ' 49 gerios ao the day wae JDeurd pictures, etc., as beautiful in their de- . | * | C. arking like a dog. ter living in |sizn and original in their sentiment v , y % - hs aendition. 40 long, and I0GKINE Jus: the I Women's Brown Over- | Girls' Red and Brown | One lot Women's Black to nature to provide him a living, he | As regards a dropping off in sales ai aR v D : x . hs now ben to show igus of EE a that "our gaiters, short length, Felt Slippers, fur tops | and Colored Gaiters, mal nature and the residents have at | sales for this season have been more regular $ 25¢ si ; 2 $ Tr r last come to the peint where they |than double those of last year and gular 31.00 .... Sizes 1, 12 and 13, regular 75¢, and #1, deem it wise to have the authorities {we have heen obliged to wire two ree regular 50¢ for ..26¢ fOr oivasinusnns 496 take the cave "man in charge and | l.rge repeat orders. We have sup- : . place him in an asylum. plied Valentine table decorations for On Thursday Dr. Freeman, one of {over twenty difierent parties for Mon- $3.95 the two doctors who were tales day next, included in which is" one of s | upon to test e man's mentality, fover' four hundred guests.--Yours, Qale p [an es £5 = po into the cave and found him |THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE. Sale of Men's $5 Boots | 1.98 $3,75 without aby fire. At the mouth of 0 the cave there was a snowdrift which GRAND OPERA_HOUSE 3 21s en's Ss ies' $5 : the cave thre wuss snowdsft which ne special lot Men's | Sale of Ladies' $5 Boots ered the floor to about a-dépth of | The Edison Talking Pictures Create $3 49 $ ; $3.00 values in Bluch- four inches. Dr. Freeman crawled Much Interest . . i ane for into the Save and found the man in| Lo. =. ol Hous talki ict Sale of M $4.50 wi ors, for ....... .$1.98 one corner, huddled up and appar- son-§ vellous King pictures sale of Men's $4.50 win- | ently sleeping. The doctor brought created great interest at the Grand it ' 3 { ne od 2.49 the man to the exterior, where he Sess oun. last ng The pro- ter Boots. 1 was found to be a peculiar looking |B"2™™M¢ oSgfited was entirely new { Sale o 8' S . object, with his hair hanging down and embraped nip beautiful scenes. -_-- ry $2 95 | a f Ladies' Shoes his back and his whiskers looking |" intercaling - lognre on Fdison's $2 49 | . ( ' as though they had never been cut. works was deliveréd with some illus- 5 ' ys SA & The man was later placed in a spe- | {¥2tions, ingluding' music on the bells, Sale of Boys $4.50 Tan cial room, where he , a | violin playing. and a song, "Coming - » os | . | $ room, where he will be detained REeH hy n lady vocalist, Sale of Men's Box Calf | Bluchers, Invictus 1.98 until medical examination is com- Thya'dihe R iat. Dole. Servi leted. He will then be placed in an |& 3400 Ae Re iia. Serving a 3luchers, les rr lin- ake r a few pairs ' " 3 ho, P " "OI Wait"; "Nusieal ¢ Blacksmiths," with Bluchers, le athe r lin- | make, only a few pars Sale of Ladies $3 Boots siveral song Quarrel Scene from ed, regular $3.50 value | at this price a Flooded With Sand Julius Gaesar"s 4 {Singing Society," < : Prince Edward county is gradually With. erve fieriign songs; i Jue ey TT gotting swamped by the sand that|,. .nd © y Silver NN edding > 5, | ps J is drifting up every yedr in" great- which Was. participated in by o 'oll 2C, ér volume from Lake Ontar'o. THe! mpany &nd*the village band Her x : 25c. { Chi ' county council has just memoralis-| R.demption," a religious CERO. Wis A regular 15¢ shoe | ! One lot Children's Boots od the provincial legislature to have| ..¢ soodt: A fi irk pee 3abv's tS ; 1 i a he 3 ovineiat Bis take, 0 ave very goof S fine ee hutroy brush and a 10¢ box | Baby s Soft Sole Joots, ! regular $1.00, sizes 4 duced, Re urphy's orseshoe, ¢ . 0 t " ~ op ee te |and concluded with "Edison's Mins- of polish, both for 15¢ regular_40¢, for. .25¢ 107, fOr .ovvvnaa TOC LU Tic g Hs trels."" "The same bill will be pre Meotod isto of A ia sented to-night. An entire change of i er proud of these great sand dunes programme. will be presented, both at or ou Sr ean the matimee aml evening entertain- 3 § € = {ments on Saturday. on they presented, but when it : om ay comes to giving up farm buildings, A "Fine Feathers." orchards, and choice land to thel p,.4na Walter, author of 'Fine ? ever advancing drifts of white sand a ey Feathers," which will be presented --well, the phenomenon comes aj. . .ho Grand Opera Hou f little expensive. If the government : ¥ use lor one . undertakes the reforesting of this performance, Thursday night, Feb » : i 19th, with its original all star cast HaIven ates the Sxperiienl ei » sails for London in April to consult ) - 1 with Sir Charles Wyndham regard Wis distance It would looke Til af iB SIF IEEE NEL a at Annual Fresh made every day--spec- i th jreey tough, proposition lor, IRE, ia theatre next-fall. Those of Mr me | Paid tn EAE and the Wot" ial 30c chocolates for 20c lb. The W. C. T. U held a socjal at have already been presented in Lon- . J 3 4 don and not with considerable suc. i» tho residence of Dr. and Mrs. C, C. | cu. Tut it is expected that Fine Clearing Sale ' ood} > aumber Yo The Feathers," is universal, and its ac- S Next To a House B y ; E ' | tion might octnr in any home in any y : 5c. speakers were Mrs, (Dr.) T. B. Scott, | who is at present home on furlough civilized land. of from Ceylon; Mrs. Walker, the in- ternational organizer of the Indepen- dent Order of Good Templars, and on Iam Crain. Musical: selge- {ut the "Tieceased" Was Only 'a tions were rendered hy Miss Agnes Tom Cat, , ut NEW YEAR RIGHT Brebner and Mrs. A. Brown. A voteof | "Whisper ! Who mailed {ho dead : thanks was tendered Dr. and Mrs. |cat ?"' comes 'from the Toronto de- : ; 2 Nash for their kindness in allowing | partment of the néw parcel post sys- . ; » the society to have the use of their tem, for it has a mystery to solve. ; Insist on Ha f - home. - Someone, using a fictitious name and ving . -- - address on the corner of the package, : ® o ; rv te mm + og re too ont | pe asteurized Milk Passenger train service has been put nt legal gentleman Sf that, city, The i Discounts 1 into, operation Bs the {jtand Trak ane BIE, Doe i the-dead fetiet . . . , : gcific railway between McBride, 1,135 2 Bre, Ny RY 8 miles 'west of Winnipeg, and Prince from the gaze oi = the morbidly curi- . . Be Sure it 18 mn Bottle George, 1,279 miles west of Winnipeg, QU. | tac He < mn Every Line ; = leaving McBride at 8 a.m. Mondays, It is believed that there is a Kings- ? Wednesdays and Fridays, returning | 1O0 connection to this story. 'A Whig Phone 845. leaving Prince George 8 am. Tues' young man who "had one slipped DEATH IN JEWFLLER'S HOUSE -------- days, Thursdays, and Saturdays. |v" him" on Friday morning, be- There is now 'only 116 miles of a gap lieves that jhe will bring to justice the EEE. west of Prince George to he completed person Ww ho mailed the package in of this great new transcontinental Toronto.' i Iked m e [0S. railway to link up the whole system |. This morning the reporter wa from coast to coast. : inth age ofthe local Jewellery stores and enquired of 'one of the proprie- Heavy Mail Delivery tors if it was tru¢ that thero had Designers aug Miers of Fog A rather unusual 'sight . pboea a death in his family. . wo sesiad acesed. 'on Ki vine i fe ek A hearty 'laugh - followed, and. the s . secu om. King. steel, betwon Brock | civ" thanghi. hat th. biervieved ing. In this .one:. "Block Ra joweller' waa' 'rather foo jolly consid- 'one time, could he seen the represen- rE $ hatshe hil hen bese ed, ath io tive of the rural mail, city mail and a § ' cla) ve Br had been that: of a pet cat, which STOVES AND RAN had boon. ill: for. some time. Whe We have a large stock of Stoves and jaweller had 'phoned a local livery- | Ranges, also mew and second-hand fur. he B Baker; Consecon, fell near the man, asking 'him if be 'would be the Re ity and quilts. Come ahd a died post office, broke his arm, | dertaker. see me if You want to save money on and + ied of heart failure in the hos-| Tha reporter" took {he joke in good al | inde of Quse 8 8. part, but promises developments. 1t | Phone 1580. Opposite Craig's Wholesale. is understood that: the body of the . dead cat has disappeared. " 5 Get Rid of 14th Regimental Shooting ; "Ag glad by we - : a |. The following wars the scores, out Buffets and Round Extension Tables of a possible 28; 'of Tith Regimental : : . Bronchitis company ~ Shooting atthe armouries : ; and Dining Room Chairs. a pair of on' Thursday - night + H . s : "' Soupank_-Ljut. 1. Guttman, | The worst featu bron Cal 25 Pte. 4. Aveling; 96; Pte. W. 1 oils grinded i ch ite 381 Smith, 2; Pte. O. Saunders, 21; Pre. : i Warm Felt Slippers year until the system is Worn out"; Jlughes, 3%; Pre: W. Boman, 19. yl w Felt dud' gives way to copsumption, or Bo company. =. Carr-Harris, i arm Felt Boots = other ravaging disease. 4 lo. Gi Fr 8, 18, k i He Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and The composite company shoot will ; High or Low Overshoes Turpentine owes much of its great be Held this (Friday) evening. "A : AX popularity to the fact that it: posi- and "B" companies will shoot next tively cures bronchitis. and this fs Thursday evening. '88 severe a test as cian be made ----. | of a medicine of this kind. . - i Weather Notes . Thé cold wave is now centred in that | the Ottawa Valley, while a marked disturbance situated in the lower to] Mississippi Valley. is moving north- easterly. A few light snow falls have occurred ifn the western prov- jnces. Light local snow is also fall- seem to do much good. We got ing over Toronto, - Chase's Syrup 'of Linseed and Tur- i M. A, Dickens, Belleville, died it on Tuesday evening. She was a Meth} [i i of the late Ben- it We have a small number of very select overtoats, whieh' we will sacrifice rath- Dressers. er than carry over. Regu-|Bu8% Oil Cloth and Baby Carriages and Go-Carts | { urlow, and was eigh: | Jar. prices, = $8.50 to $I. ! . ' | Will clear out at $5.45 to At Sale Prices. man's auto acts up it i $12.50. % ; im more than when his I Also special prices on Shoes. Boots and Ae peas, Toc. stores. ¥ estimates total

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