Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Feb 1914, p. 4

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bo is in- La Rhea Dally aud Bemi-Weekly by [mm Ng rosIsmING : otto Pgs se se i t : - and Beo.- BR = SEER) RATES EEL fais or tices, sai iE ro rate. (Bami-resiy Baition) X A nited States .. .. 1] 8k three months, Pro rats. # ne of the best EL anata ® jon ee iNT. .... 3% Church St Wow & Of ml e or saseve 18 Pies 4 Pronk Norihry Mauger. oi TR Northrun bu ou it " Tibune Bue. The Quepec scandal enquiry is over, in both tHe assembly and legislative chambers, and it only remains for the § dence to submit their reporiz, But | 3 e side hds been heard~the side of Bre prosecution--and it will be on the Burns' defectives the judgment will base, Several of" the members whose | indepéndemon 'was said to have been signations, when tendered, having heen accepted. All of 'them. had the', «opportunity to} of them declined for ihe reason that if they entered upon a "disevssion of the case, or -thelr + personal identifica- {hemselves. Having refused to offer & explanations they ard not entitled to sympathy when they are "under sus- ¢ what they madé 'it, "Jt is necessary," says, the = Mon- .treal Gazette, "that those who _ are condemned. The government, which has suffered already, and which likely to suffer more, should see this js suffering unjustly. If not in one way then in some other, everything ghould he dome to make the whole been suggested 'as the proper. tribunal for making all the 'ruth known." The government is not involved in are alear. A law partner of 'Sir Lom- ar (Gouin was referred to as a DHene- ficiary of the bogus Fair Association probably 'the premier's command. As for the royal commission, what better is it than a parliamentary .commit- vestigated the Pacific scandal stamped itself as biaged and partizan. The roy- al commission that looked into an On- villified, and its work annulled. Of course parlismentary commis- gions have failed. Ontario's, which Manitoba wants such a committee for the. investigation oi the Gimli elec yion, and no one expeets the govern" not seem: to be much difference Where political scandals go, -or how they are analyzed. The result is about - the #% ve se au se Be se sw ve asiee wuss sa TORONTO REPRESENTATIVE . PROBING POLITICAL SCANDALS committees that have received the evi- evidenes of 'the newspaper men and the afiected are-out of public life, their re- offer evidence. in thelk 4 defence, . S. ¥ tion with it,» 4hey. might inorimmate §ipicion." The sittiation is very much accused shall 'clear themselves or be most clearly, even if it feels that it truth public. A royal commission has pny way in. the scandal. Its members pnd he at once resigned. That was tea? 'I'ié royal commission that tario scandal, some. years ago, was heard the Hanna case, was a! farce. ment to get at all fhe facts, It does same--a whitewash, The Pelletier parcel post is called a Hgold brick." It is something which ia not as valuable as it was expected to be. The result surely of immature plans. The postmaster-general promis- od something before he had studied it, and he forced on the market, as it were, an article fori the production of which he was, not ready. ; Result-- failure from the start. P-------------- ORGANIZING THE FARMERS Acting Governor Glynn, of New York state, has addressed to the leg-4 gdslature a communication of the great- importance, It is a message on subject of agriculture, and a re he and his « neighbors acted co-opers tively in advancing their -interests. The governor goes further and cites bas been dome in other coun- Ireland, Frances, Germany--hy coropetntive societies, and what has been done by some societies ihat have' been organized in the United States. One, in the Hudson Valley, has reduced the cost of farmers' sup- w. " {plies by 160 per cent. Another sue- ceeded in securing a reduction of 18 per cent. in the price of ita neces sui ties, besides paying the, stockholders 6 per cent. The deduction follows--that what New York wants is the orggniza- tion of farmors so that they will se. cure storage for their goods, end dis- tribution, and the sale .of them at the best time and season and through well-established agencies. The $50,000 will cover the expenses of sending experts all over the state to instruct the farmers with regard to co-operation and to set them into It would be too much, per- haps, to expect Hon. James Duff, our agrienltural commissioner, to suggest anything of thik kind. But it is the advanced service which Ontario ex- pects, and Tor the want of which Mr. Flaville, some time ago, said the pro- vince was suffering. -------- action. There is some hope for the members of parliament when they take to the! "study oi the Bible. More Bible study and less polities will ensure that reeth- tude of conduct whith is very much to be desired in political life, If these Quvhecers had been reading the Bible they would not. have fallen into sin NO WEAKNESS APPARENT The Home Rule resolution of Nr. Long, moved: in the imperial om mons, in amendment to the resolution approving of the Speech from the Throne, accentuated the position oi | the parties upon this great issue. It was a test of the parties which was suggested by recently occurring cumstances, and it was a test which was quite satisfactory to the govern ment. The incidéhta of a year had had their effect on party fealty. The criticism of the press, and of the la- {hour party members, of labour experiences in South Africa, caused the impression that probably a cleavage had 'taken place, and that itseli 'at the first op- Leir- growing out it. would show poriunity. Hence the {hought, embodied the Long resolution, that it would be disastrous to proceed with the, Home Rule for Ireland bill until the country had, hy # direct reference, pronounced upon it. The attacking party were quite alarming in their declarations. Bonar Law was quite sure oi civil war. Lord Beresford predicted the distuption of the empire. Sir Edward Carson made the speech of his life, it is said, and only freiterated what he had frequently said before, that there could be no settlement of the ques- tion by parliament, and that if forced to do so he would BO back to Ulster and counsel with "the people. Which was a" very mild threat. Outside of parliament he is willing to fight for and die with the people. The most remarkable this exciting debate were the speeches of the premier god Mr. Redmond. Mr. always calm and dispas- but in features of Asquith is sionate. He is sometimes cold, he is always logical, and what he says is forceful, because it expresses = the mind of the government. He intimat- ed that he was prepared to .give and receive suggestions looking to conmcili- ation of the Ulsterites. Mr. Redmond, with a warmth that was justified, re- pudiated 'the insinuation that Ulster would not be safe under Irish govern- ment. 'He was ready to give and re- ceive any. peace. proposal, but it would have to be consistent with the principle of the bill. The division that followed showed that all the supportera of the govern- ment were united on 'to bilk There were absentees' through illpess, and neutrals in the O'Brienites, who, would not vote in the absence of their leader, 'who is 'engaged in wn' election, but all the others were in ibeir places, including the 1abourites, who showed that while they may have a word to say, later, events in South Africa, on the ques- tion of Home Rule, they stand firm and decided. The ructions may go on--there may be a very near 'ap proach to rioting in the house, in verification of = recent rumours--bhut Home Rule will become law, automa- tically, so far as the lords are con- corned. If the lower house approves hfmaterial what the upper house ¥ EDITORIAL NOTES Silf¥rederick Borden was. thought to | be extravagant cnough when he visit- {ion Senate, having about out the facts with opal to the num- ber of colonels the minister of militia has made. Titles shoyld mean some- thing, and when one i# addressed. - as "Dolonel" it is presumed that he has earned the honor. 'The giving of the title on any ground but service is not desired. The uncle of Premier Borden, a ovi- toms collector at King's Port, N.S was dismissed becanse he took part in the last election. Probably a grif. and the premier is even ready to Sac. rifice his relatives when they differ from him politically, but the govern- ment approves of political service on the part of its supporters. They are sure of the hounce sooner or later. It is estimated that at the present time there are, in London alone, 20,- 000 'habitual criminals. "The only way of dealing with these habitual erimi- nals," says an English authority, "is to expel them from the community a- gainst which they wage incessant war." It is to be hoped none of these will ho deported to Canada. This country has jall the toughs, young and old, it wants. Why not send the English graduates of slum life to Zululand ? The Zulus would make them { themselves. J behave B } So It Appears Brantford Courier. A The mercury this winter has shown that it can loop the loop with the best of them. A Sister's Quarrel ¢ Montreal Star Christabel Pankhurst having quar- relled with Sylvia, it would appear as if, after all, even a suffragette is | capable of common sense, | h-------- Nothing the Matter Pgince Arthur Chronicle 'There is nothing seriously the matter with. Canada," says the ¥Fin- ancial News of London. Certainly not. Some Canadians contracted cold feet, but they are now warm- ing ap Wait And See | St. Thomas Journal There is no way in which Premier Borden can jettison Hon. Bob Reog- ers so - gratefully as by sending him as Commissioner to London. And what will be Canada's gain, ete. No Doubt He is Really Ill Hamilton Herald. Tt, is hardly fair to assume Mr. Mousseau is merely shamming sickness. The charges against him and the facts published as evidence in support of the charges are enough to make any man sick. that ' Where It Fails Toronto Star, Mr. Pelletier's pareel: post 'service seems to have been designed to en- courage the exchange of /small par- cels betwaen Noval. Scotia and Van- couver Island. It" offers. material encouragement to parcels going' shorter distances, Kingston Events 25 YEARS AGO. The %chool population is great school. CP. dent and T. Nash secretary-tréasurer; B. Ww. Foiger superintendent. Twenty-three loads of hay the market at 815 per ton. 5,300. A many children do not attend sold og { FRIDAY, FEBRUARY THIRTEENTH The Hon. Philli ,. who occupies the post oa Ny. to. sow the government is cele brating his fortyswith birthday to-day in the French capital. Dr. Roy has the distinction of be! the youngesi Canadian ever appoirded to the Domin{ lev: when only AYA = Dy Quebec and, a docgor by profession, We settled 'in Edmoaton as a young man and there pracifsed medicine for i years. He eventually became terested In 'bringing: French carhta Into Canada and because of his , 8ao cess in this work was appointed 'agent gengral of the 'Dominion in 'Paris heh the office became vacant * 2 aay) ad preyously & Senate by Far! ey To do sh of gowerMuou. Le vesigned bj as agenty snergl for Cansdm dog IL ones Npade ant: ner, Bt 1 sgentgeseral for Que DOMINIONS MUST 'ADOPT | does the X represent? PUBLIC OPINION], Gildersleeve wag elect res} 4 the K. :& P, On th Shane] Si " ". Otherwise When a man's lofty ideals get higher than highballs, alas! no What the world doesn't know is how some people exist--or why. Calloused hands are not a sign of honesty." The work that calloused them may have been done in a penal institution, Our idea of an earthly angel is a satisfactory wife. Never pass up your friends in order to gratify strangers. It is veitex fo be good for revenue only than to be had for fun Sm-- It {s easier for most of us to find fault than it is to find favor. Algebra and Suspenders. A Brooklyn teacher in the course of an algebra lesson asked: "In the.example on the board what Henry Bolton may answer." Henry was unprepared, but a sudden idea struck him, and he answered: "A pair of suspenders, Ma'am." 5 Fully Qualified. / AN ee Wl Old: Mother Hubbard, She rented her cupboard For use in a vawmdeville show; The hit it made there Was great, IL .declare, Because it was bare, you Know ¢ Suid by Wise Men, Human science is an uncertain guess rit Prior, . BY tet ' + we try to obtain perpetual change change Itself will become monotonous --Ruskin. -- Deliver 'me, @ Lord, from that» evil} man, myself. -~T. Brooks. A wise mar should have money in| his 'head, not in his heart.--Swift. A cruel story runs on wheels, every hand oils the wheels run~~George Eliot, as Im persons grafted in a serious trust negligence is a crlme.--~Shakespeare, "Mind unemployed is mind unenjoyed. | ---Bovee »- -- He enjoys much who is thankful for! little; a grateful mind is both a great and a happy mind.--Secker. Employment, which Galen calls na-' ture's physician, ig 'so essential to hu- man happiness that indolence is justly considered the mother of misery, --Bur- ton. pn ne They that stand high have many blasts to shake them.--Shakespeare. Names, say an old maxim, are things They dertainly are influences --Tyron Edwards. Opinions, like showers, fire generat- | ed 4a high placés, but they invariably | descend into lower ones, and ultimate- ly flow. down to the people, as rain un- to the sea--Colton. -- 3 Fashion's Changeling. Erabroldered her stocking-- Afers, demurest of prudes----- Of the frankest her frocking! Emhrokdered her 'stocking, And where once was the clocking A jewel obtrudes. \ Embroidered her stocking-- Hers, demurest of prudes! 3 ~Judge. God's WilI, Mildred Howells in Harper's Magazine, God meant me to be hungry, So I should seek to find Wisdom and truth and beauty, To satisfy my mind, God meant me to be lonely, liest I should wish to stay In seme green carthly Eden Too long from heaven away. | God meant me to be weary, x That 1 should yearn to rest This feeble, aching hody Deep in the earth's dark breast. Ohservations of a Cyuic. Trouser Sale $3.50, $4, $450 Trousers for Per Pair $2.75 Sizes 32 to 46, New English Worsteds, gaod: style, medium Peg: Style, belt loops, side straps, five pockets, ne at patterns We made a lucky purchase when we bongth these 300 pair of trousers. The manufacturer needed the money, we needed the trousers. The result: $4.00 and $4.50 trousers for .......... SiN ws vw ..$2.75 See Our Window Display. of the Trouser ~ Suit and Overcoat Sale Sample Suits 34 to 42. and Overcoats, Worth regularly $16.50, $18 8 'and $20, sizes While they last » » $12.50 MEN'S CAPS, $1.00 vs alues, for. MEN'S MOC KA GLOVES, $1. 00 and $1.2 25 5 values, for...... MEN'S SOCKS, fast black, English worsted yarns, regular 25¢ and 3 values, for, per pair That Is why it pays to order Coal that suits, 'P. WALSH ot Suess. te Bia Calf and Tan,all Goodyear a not the latest last, ys $2. 49 regular $5.00 for 1. 1--A large well dwelling, Pine St., good cel- and C. a) lar, B. gas, deep lot $2850 2--+Brick dwelling, Albert St., 4 bedrooms, B. and C., sta- ble, deep lot .......$3200 University built brick : | | 3-----Brick veneer, Avenue, 6 bed rooms, hot | water furnace, B. and C. el- ectrio lights, gas, stable he hemes $3600 4--New brick dwelling, Fron- An 'accurate knowledge of the Tujure would change many hopes to fears. 'commendation that the state appro- priate £50,000. which will be expended : in an educational campaign, in the organization of the farthers. Mr. reasons in this way © That the population. of the state is increasing and' the productions of the farm de- ~ creasing; that as a consequence = the 'food supply is scarcer and dearer; that' the farmer, in his isolation, bis to act as an individual, gets od England officially and spent in three years $15,195. Bat Col Hughes) can get away with about $25,000 jn) london, Feb. 13¥po implerial na, One year and visit. THe grits Wore ment 3a nti h the govern: always an economical lot. They may | that the ovarmy ral t gh ore Provides learn in time what money spending is. [Loseskion shall i the same power of to grant and r, 'Hon. Bob Rogers read "fom: a paper | naturalization joi hg Ortiicate oF an alleged criticism of Hon. Frank '8ry of state alse that "in the pos- Oliver and his administration of the ; Ye50n i in w'sich andy lannage is recog Interior department. ~ When asked for hized as on, an equality with English, 1 that I \ the name of the paper ho could not | Paglish. + Ty ed fork give ft. ne Ss not. very good lor, - oot will not take effect in Cans for bist * the works'" dopurt- ada fd the other dominions unless at No quotation should be given a purliaments adopt it. J ihout a knowledge of its origin. Jn s and - A sors Toot wi, sin The Trmperial Naturalif ation Act, Js temac St. all modern im- Ww provements .:......$4000 If paets'are born their number would vig lead one to suppose that most of them are twins. miei ; In advocating the greatest good tol. the greatest number some men believe that they are a host in themselves. ' ttre npr : The man who makes but one corn pow where two were wont to abide is 4 chiropidist worthy of the esignation "Ppofessor." { Money is a snob. At least it evinces a partiality for the soclety of the rich. The. danger about walting for the} in | 1ast and best laugh lies in the fact that the joke will soon become old.

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