ade r spring goods. Il and see. We have all 8 and styles to suit every- | Our new rugs, Beotch and English Linoleuma are arriving every day from the best manufae- turers. [These are the new patterns for the soming spring of 1914. $5500--University Ave., de- tached brick, 8 rooms, hot try % FRONTENAC JUNIORS 'ARE IN GOOD CONDITION Ey Just Note That the Game is Being Played on Friday, the 13th Day of Yebruary. : The Frontenacs left for Oshawa on Friday morning, all the boys on the team in good shape. With zero weather, the. prospects for the local septette holding at least its own against the Oshawa group lead- ers are exceedingly good. "Jim" Sutherland, the executive, and team, are not superstitious, or they might have made an endeavor to have the date of this, the first game of the round, changed. For to-night, when the blue and white jump on to the ice in the manufac- | turing town up the line it is on a "Friday, the 13th," of February. But it isn't 1913. Still, the Ports- mouth philosopher, who takes con- siderable Interest in hockey, says that this will not affect the boys a bit. 'Again, there were thirteen in the party which left on the 9.15 train-- | the team, ¢Jim" Sutherland, George | Vaphorne, Stanley Trotter, "Sam" McCullagh, "Jack" Powell, and "Ned" Hartrick It might look all ¢Jonah," and this pilgrimage will certainly test the old belief that thirteen i a very unlucky number. However, "Sam" McCullagh said EE ------ \ Being Exclusive Makers of High Grade Glasses We turn out a product not even to be hoped for in the ordinary optical store. Our Registered Optometrist ex- amines your eyes. Our skilled Optician fits your glasses optically true, These advantages cost you no J. S. Asselstine D. 0. 5. Ered opcciabes |) 842 King St. Kingston, Ont. GRAND UNION Send 20. np RP EE ES moe THAT TOBACCO With the "Rooster" om fit. Is crowing louder as he goes along. Only 46c. per pound. For chewing and smoking. AT A. MACLEAN'S Ontario Street. ~ Plumpness Makes Health. Thin People Heed This. Hi you are too thing if you are pale and Elles 3, hak Jou, eat seems nut 8 then you; if your Hyp: an] cheeks are colorless, itis because your blood is deficient in ved corpus cles and disease can easily overcome you, as you have no reserve strength or mourishment to uphold you. A pharmdgeutical product, called 3 grain hypo-nuclane tablets, is much prescritied for these conditions, and if taken for several months, rapidly in- creases weight and improves the col or. Buy in sealed package of any well stocked apothegary Pp. Your time to save. We stdre your purchase until you need it. No tlak to customer. ff! Carpets, Rugs, Curtains, Oil iti Cloths, all reduced." EA Yours, bi: Ee wees HOUSE CAUGHT FIRE supporters | : would have with a team bad [AND INMATES HAD TO MAKE ere an excurs or au as- » . . "urante, in time, that the fast night HASTY RETREAT train would . stop' at ' Oshawa 4 aud Pick up A arty. Still a num- | Upsetting of Lamp Belie «1 w Have r of local § expected to go up + of L B at the during the day. Hieen. Cine ul Lively Wimse, i The team will take the icc there Tome of Herbert Hole on 'Thur. to-night as usual: Goal, Mills; o~-| day Night. fence, Goddard, Angrove; centre R.' Tho upsetting of a lamp is believed | Millan; rover, N. Millan, Wings, {o have beem the esuse of a five which || Derry, Cook. broke out at 11.35 o'clock. on Thurs- The result of the game will be day night, in a two-storey frame awaited with keen interest here to- dwelling, at 36 Main street. owned by night. Oshawa plays here on M>i- Mes. Henderson and occupied by Her- day night, ang the crowd promises bert Hodge. to vie with that at the Belleville, The occupants of the house had a will be somewhat handicapped, for but managed to wake their wav down a time at least, owing lo the nar- and out of the house. Mr. Hodge got rowness of the Oshawa rink. out an upstair bedroom window. Sh ---- | The loss on the building is esti The Lady Curlers !mated at #100; covered by insurance. At the first meeting of the Ladies' The loss oh the contents will also Ontario Curling association, held 'nn reach about $100 Belleville; on Thursday afternoon, Mise | The firemen succeeded: in subduini Mabel Dalton, of the loeal club, was the flames with one line uf hose. The elected president. The clubs represent- alarm was sent in from Box 32; at od were: Peterboro, Belleville, T«- the corner of Colborne and Main ronto and Kingston. It was decide! streets. . to hold a bonspiel each winter. King- | etme ston was decided upon as the place] Dance in Y.I.C.RB.A. Hall of meeting for 1915. "| A dance was held at the Young SH WHIG, : IDA} _FEBR JARY 13, 1914. % a : § A y Parties for Monday For such we have the Dennison line of Lunch Sets (eon- sisting of decorated table cover, 63 x 84, 12 Valentine Napkins, 12 Valentine Plates), Napkins, Decorated Crepe Paper in folds, Cut-out and Gummed Arrows, Cupids, Héarts and Seals; Dinner Favors, Garlands, ete. ; The Gibson- Art Line of Valentine Place Cards. game, particularly if the score Is very marrow escape, making a very |i 3 . i g close in Oshawa. hasty aetreat. Mrs. Hodge sod her i liSIC e ar C It ig likely that the Frontenac children were upstairs at the time, a. | Store Open Tonight Until 9 P. M. The College Book Store 160-162 Princess St. OrEY-NIGHTS : Paone. 91) The following officers were elected © Irishmen's hall, Wellington street, on Honorary president, Mrs. G. C. Big- Thursday evening, at which there gar, Toronto; president, Miss Mabel were in attendance about fifty couples. Dalton, Kingston; first vice-president. At midnight refreshments were served Mrs. Lingham, Belleville; second vice: hy the young ladies ident, Miss Hazen Richie, Teter- for the purpose of competing for the Saturday might. McFadden tankard, presented by the Ontario Curling association. | | The Belleville ladies were the win- ners of the tankard at:Belleville on Kingston's Famous fur Store. Thursday. During the afternoon they won from Peterboro ladies. 3 1: { . ! The Kingston rinks, skipped by Miss 300 yi Mabel Dalton and Miss M. Betts, won the consolation event by defeating the Toronto. ladies. Individual prizes were ' awarded to all the members of the local rinks. The following ladies composed the local rinks : 8 3 secretary-treasuren, Miss sae | Don't fail to see Greg George, Basil Toronto. . aN George, Vie Gilbert and other former | A bomspiel will be held every Yuir'ey-Gueen's hockey players at the game Thermometers > : : . . bi th t ch 1 wds Kimona Cloths, in a wide range of dainty wonther to. be. Able fo toil For . yourself 255_how cold it is at * : « jour own e. designs, extra good quality, up to 30c¢ a yard. idly : x Sl 'made and dependable. "ov 3 2 we . Saturday morning snap, per yard Miss M. Perris, Miss A. Fairlie, Mrs. aE Givens, Miss Mabel Dalton, This ks the Time for Furs ' a. Bh Mie 30. Busta, Skip. These are the cold Follegiates vs R. M. C. M1. days that one thorough- Jiri ov , at the covered rink, y . socin tor y Th Kingston oliegiate 1 bd ly appreciates the 250 yards of Wrapperettes in light - and dark ith B grounds, spots, stipes and figures, 15¢ qual- Smi ros. ity on sale Saturday morning, per yard. .10¢ Jewelers and Opticians, will mest RM.C. I in he, return warmth and comfort of me of the junior intercollegiate hoc- s fars. A fur or fur- Pe I re eas J]. Our furs. A fur or fur on, Nedsendny evening lam the Il lined coat lasts for a Collegiate boys ed out av win by ANF 3 aeons of Gd The game Pro good many winters, mises 10 be one of the most interpst- fl and now at our annual ing oxhibitions of the season. sale prices money spent 14th Won From Belleville buying them is a really A shooting match on the indoor || profltable investment. 200 yards good quality Pailette Silk, 36 inches wide, Issuers of Marriage Licenses. perfeet black, equal to the quality sold at oth- er stores for $1.00 a yard. Our special price I di 9 on Saturday, per yard " 1€Ss range, at the armouries last night, between teams of the 14th Regi. | and the Belleville Rifle Association, Our r resulted in a win for the 14th Regt team by 846 to 844 points. There were ten men a side; possible score 100 points per man. The following are the scores: Lt. Harrison, 80; Lt. P. D'Esterre, 186; Col. Sergt. Fraser, 83; Cpl. J. Pte. G, Carr-Harris, 89; Pte. J. Potter, 71; total, 846. Bellgville Rifle Club--G. Ellis, 96; H. Sneyd, 83; W. J. Andrews, 30; D. J Corrigan, 90; A. J. Stewart, 14th Regt.---Maj. Dawson, | Seal C t Capt. Campbell, 90; Lt. Swaine, 89; | ' ol $ [oe DE. a Hospor 81: Underwear, Blankets, Comforters and all the other ange of Corsets at $1.00 a pair is better than Hudson ever, 6 models of the newest tvpe in all sizes, 18 to 30. * warmables for the cold weather. Gourdier 86; J. Thompson, 84; R. Day, 82; J. Douch, 82; J. Hurst, 71; 1 Day, "Hank" O'Brien's Randolph = puck Long Astrachan Jackets that Sik tas | | Newman & Shaw [A Special Feat- chasers turned the tables om the Ar- sold all season for $35.00 gonauts hockey team on Thursday now . co... R23.50 evening, when they defeated them by Long Muskrat lined Jackets, the score of 4 to 3. The referee, Don cheap at $40.00, McDonald, handled the game well. £20.75 Those who scored for the Randelphs Long Persian Lamb Paw Jack- were Fimer, Mawson, Smith and Me- ets, extra good value at $65, THE ALWAYS BUSY SEL ure for 10 Days A well built solid brick dwelling on York Street, containing 10 rooms, 3 hot water heating, electric light, im- . Those tallying for Argonauts now $46.50 STOCK MARKETS ; ic ligh were Stinson, 2; Dougherty, 1. | Long Russian Pony Jackets, provements, good cellar and yard, i : s b garage, in good condition, for Randolphs--Goal, Dougherty; point, silky gloss skins, $75.00 #. B. McCurdy & Co., 80 and SN Reid; cover-point, Mawson; rover, Mc- Coats for $46.50 Brock StH. WW. Nelles, Manager. 3 Gall; centro, Elmer; wings, Smith Long Natural Best Muskrat Closing Prices, Feb. 13th. we ° 4,200 and Young. Jackets, dropped skins, Argonauts--Goal, Kelly; point, Til $100.00 all season for $71.50 | ton; rer-point, Glover; rover, Other kinds are Persian p: centre, Stinson; wings, Lamb, Hudson Seal,, Marmot, | Dicker and MeDonald Near Seal, Moleskin, Caracul. Cement pi. R. & 0... i The Randolphs play - the Depot Spanish River Prices $17.50 now buys all our Coats of Alaska Beaver, Rus- sian Calf, ctc., worth $25 to $30. Be all season at $80 and $17 -for 'good cloth coats with fur collagg and warm lining of heavy brown heavy fur-lined made for hard very warm. $35 coats, 4 $38.50 for fine muskrat lined coats, witli Otter and Per- sian Lamb Collars regu- far $75 coats. wl. Non "All Sales for Cash : HT Wi x3 $ iy ra, T. Lambert, | Watch Our Windows vis, Toronto Railway hockey team on Saturday afternoon ' Seaslli Stan RE : 1 jue the Depot rink. . J Men 8 Shawinigan rn ass i | Kingston Curlers at Nspancy | Fur and oR Brel oe 1H : Bell Telephone i... wR orders at 264 University Ave, Cor. Johnson and Division Streets. play - Fur lined Ottawa Light, Heat and Power » Phones: 3 3 4 vi New York 6 stmiot. At Cut BOMDE. ici. ne rors ous 168 . 2 yA | uy Union Pacific aegtiean er? sired inverse "Cor, Bay and Wellington Sis. ] CF Mac Ruited. Staten Steal... dg : ; aay wks. $58.50 for Raccoon Coats that $8 Southern P: rr Tea ay serser wisnes entertain . 4 L Thursday evening, : No. 2--2% «veo BBA i McCannell, J.'¥. Maod , skip--9. No Approval. A argo sudnce father for . Ee Sieh Cn i | attain of the Montreal. Possession on or about May, 1 Building Lot, Raglan Road, near Montreal 'St., 62 x 83. for $600. Ys in, good demand Just now, Houses to rent from $10 up. and we are happy to say that we have a nice clean, heat-giv- ing, heart cheering coal. E. WwW » M ULLIN Kingston's. Uptown customers may leave Real Estate and Insurance Broker 924 1114 teel fash Incubators and "Poly Mn 5 Watch for our exhibit at the Poultry Show We are Sole Agents for the cele. brated CYTHEIS Tucubator - No. 0-70 egg....517.050 No, t=--144 egg ... No. 3-390 + nn : ree short | , Portable Towses. 410.00 i iner Muss] yont Scraps, Grit. Chick Food. Grit{f a and Shell Boxes, Water Fountains, |}