Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Feb 1914, p. 14

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PAGE TWELVE © ~ Families Are Buying "Sunkist" Oranges by the Box or Half-Box Enjoy the rich] delicious meat and sweet, tangy juice of ruddy, thin-skinned, seedless "Sunkist" oranges. Have this golden fruit for breakfast, dessert and "between meals." Cleanest of all fruits--never touched' by bare hands. All the pickers and packers of "Sunkist"' oranges wear clean white b cotton gloves." - "Sunkist" oranges are the fin- Eo est, juiciest oranges in the world. Tree-ripened, fiberless. Nota seed > in "Sunkist." Buy them by the box : or half-box. That is cheaper than buy- ing by the dozen. , They keep for weeks. Get Rogers Silver with "Sunkist" Wrappers Cut the tradenfarks from " Sunkist" orange wrappers and send them to us. We offer 27 dif- ferent premiun s, all Rogers A-1 Standard Guaran- teed Silverware. Exelusive "Sunkist" desi gn. For this orange spoon send 12 **Sunkist" Orange Wrappers and 12 cents. "Red Ball" orange wrap- pers count same as ' Sunkist." In remitting, send amounts of 20 cents 'or over | by Postal Note, Post Office or Express Money Order. Buy "Sunkist" Oranges at Your Dealer's Send your name and full address for free pre- ' minum circular and Premium Club Plan. Address all orders for premiums and all inquiries to CALIFORNIA FRUIT GROWERS EXCHANGE. 105 King Street, East, cor. Church TORONTQ, ONT. (174) , Titi LN i TE ------------------ | FOR SALE Earl St., near Division, brick veneer Earl St., near' Division, brick veneer Lx. $2,000.00 Division St., near Earl, brick veneer $2,000.00 Division St. near Earl, brick veneer $2,150.00 Dominion cleaners : $10.50 Stationary Vacuum Estimates cheerfully The kind you are looking is] the kind we sell Scranton Coal Is good coal ah Sra prompt very Booth & Co. [}|{ oni H. 8. CRUMLEY vewvw TYVYYYYYV 1 ! WHAT WHIG CORRESPONDENTS AAVE 70 TELL. News From Village and Farms Throughout the Adjoining Couns ties--NRural Events, and Moves ments of the People. i | Long Lake Items { Long Lake, Feb, 11.-James Love { had the * misfortune to lose a drive shed on Monday, about nine o'clock in the evening. The loss is estimated at about 3700. The Ladies' Aid tea will be served at D.- W. Cronk's house on Saturday evening. Miss Edua Wagar, Parham, visiting friends here. R. Heath, of Dufferin, is in charge of the public school. I. 1,. Benn, C. Drew and 0. Cronk, of Long Lake, and A. Cronk, oi Mountain Grove, are in the city to-day. At Lake Owinicon Lake Opinicon, Feb. 11..-P, Leg- gett, Crosby, is sawing wood in this vicinity with his gasoline outfit. The C. N. R. has the sink-hole so com- pleted that the engines are now able to pass over it again. A large crowd attended service here on Sun- day morning. J. C. Judd, Ottawa, paid a flying visit here one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. F. Smith and | daughter, Sadie, spent the week-end in Kingston: Visitors, Rev. Mr. Sag- far at A. Tecples";" E. Donnell, Kep- { ler and R. Guthrje, Maple Leaf at J. Linklater's; H. Simpson and Mrs S. {| Baxter, Seeley's Bay, at C. Ennis'; { Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Darling, Jr., | at William Ritchie's, Perth Road; Mr. and Mrs. F, Gibbs, Kingston, at O. Cumpson's; Orman Baxter and { sister, Ella, at A. Darling's; Mrs 8. | Linklater and children, Perth Rozd, { are spending a few days at I. Link- ' later's, { Junetown Jottings Junetown, Feb. 11.----Several from here attended the anniversary tea at Caintown on Monday evening, { where an excellent musical enter- tainment and lunch were provided. Miss Lizzie McDonald, Mallorytown, is the guest of Mrs. J. A. Herbison. W. J. Ferguson and wife have re- turned to Lansdowne. B. T. Mc- Ghie, of Queen's University, Kings- ton, spent the week-end, guest of W. H. Franklin. , Miss Evelyn Earl, Lansdowne, and Miss Evelyn Purvis, Brockville, vo week-end guests at Z. Purvis. Much hay and grain tare brought this way now from the | vicinity of Lansdowne. This speaks CASTORI For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the The Straight Line" in Creating Deman ed "A Straight Line is the - Shortest. Distance between Two Points" Whatever troubles old Euclid gave u$ his axioms were simple enough. In to-day we show a lively appreciation in our schooldays our business life of the truth of this axiom in cutting out superfluous efforts--in the saving of time and labor. In' making : goods the straight line is "efficiency." Tt is the shortest distance between.raw material and finished product. In: Selling Goods, the straight!line is Newspaper Advertising. N It is the shortest distance between the seller and the buyer. Some manufacturers are applying the straight line in the making of their goods, but neglecting it in the selling of them. Some have no line of communication with the con- sumer at all--many let their mes e meander glong by- paths of '"'chance acquaintanceship' instead of telegrap ing it along the straight line of ewspaper Advertising. 'Newspaper Advertising is the Shorlest Distance belween the lwo points of "Supply" and "Demand." ey 8 neal rusian of thy » i; ariment . i oh aal bad you to have the counsel and assistance of a good 2 A list of these wall be furnished without cost ee ay gunn ty the Secretary of the Canadian Press Ameciatien, . 502, Lumsden Building. Toronts. i i ER i i You ; adverts. well for the farming section of Lans- downe.. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Smith, Lansdowne, were guests of Sunday at Mr. Franklin's, Mr. and Mrs, A. E. Summers, Rockfield, visited Mr. McHall's on Tuesday. Mrs. Foley, Lansdowne, is sister, Mrs. Willlam W, Ww weeks. A number of young people from here were pleasantly en~ tertained at William White's, Cain- town, on Friday evening. R. Term- ault, Yonge Mills, is spending a few days at Jacob Warren's. : Charleston Tidings Charleston, Feb. 10.--The ice is in good. condition. R. &oster went to Lansdowne on Sunday. 8. Kelsey is filling Mrs. Hanson's ice house. Miss Nellie Hudson, Morrisburg, is spend- ing a few weeks at her home here. Miss Fanny Hudson gave a party to a few of her young friends on Monday evening. Mrs. II. Latimer spent a few days last' week with her sister, Mrs. G. Jones, Philipsville. Rela- tives of Miss Elva Warren, Long Point, were pained to hear of her death on Monday evening. The ice harvest is mow on. W. C. Taylor, quite ill, is on the recovery. Ar. and Mrs. A. W. Johnston spent Sun- day in Delta and Soperton. Mr. and Mrs. H. Johuston visited friend here on Monday, -- Colebrook Notes Colebrook, Feb, 11.-W. H, Duff has sold his mill property here, including grist mill, saw mill and residence, to Mr. Babeock, of Toronto, who takes possession at once. Wednesday was about the coldest day of the season. The thermometer registered fifteen de- grees below gero all day, and was much colder at night. This village felt the earthquake shock here, yester- day, very distinctly, It jarn the pictures on'the walls. The throbbing continued for a minute or more. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Salisbury and Norman Boyce and wife entertained a number of their friends last week. Ice har- vesting is in full blast and -of No. 1 quality. There have beem a number of variety and kitchen showers lately, W. H. Woodrufi is recovering from his recent illness, 3; ------ Incidents at Elgin Elgin, Feb. 11.--G. W. Sexton, who has been the guest of relatives, has returned to his, home in Delor- aine, Manitoba. The C.N.R. station is to be connected with rural tele- phone.. N, Clemons, Portland, has the contract for moving A. L. Camp- bell's frame house. The earthquake was felt here on the 10th inst. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sherwood were called upon to mourn the loss of their in- fant daughter, a few months old. When a few weeks old she contract- ed whooping cough. Mrs. G. 8. Mc- Ghie had an unpleasant experience on Wednesday morning. While pré- paring breakfast, the stove which was connected with a' water fount, exploded, leaving only the frame standing. Mrs. MeGhie was uninjur- ed. It is thought that the cold had frozen some of the pipes. Rev. H. E. Warren, Westport, is spending a few days with relatives. James Stin- ton Portland. is hauling cheese box logs to his mill. Reports From Plevna Plevna, Feb. 11.--T. Armstrong is drawing saw dust to fill his new ice- house. G. Ostler has bought the Vennachar cheese factory and is moving it to Plevna. Allan Card and Allan Killingbeck are drawing lumber to vant for J. F. Card. S. S. Barton is moving his farm imple- ments to Lavant, making ready to load his car early in March. F. Bar- ton and E. Lloyd attended the party at J. Obhlman's on Wednesday last. Joseph Ohlman made a business trip to Perth last week. Mrs. William White, sr., and Mrs. John F. Haines are very ill. Miss Ella Ohlman has returned home after spending some time with her sister at the River View. Mr. and Mrs. Mosher are vis- iting friends at Arden. Mr. Barton and family spent Sunday last at their daughter's, Mrs. Clement, at Ardoch J. Ward and family, at B. Lloyd's Mrs. Hall is the guest of Mrs. J Brouse. Mrs. Tate and Miss Curtis were recent visitors at Joseph Card's and Miss Laraby at J. Haine's. ---- A Concert at Yarker Yarker, Feb. 12.--The Ladies' Aid of Yarker secured the services of the Shredded Wheat compary to give a banquet under its auspices. . The Rockwell family of Napanee was secured to give the concert. Thig event took place last Monday and a large crowd was in attendance. Although the night was cold, people came from far and mear to make the affair a financial success. The con- cert was grand and the bill of fare provided by the company was fine. Mrs. Whitney and &on, Maxwell, of Watertowat, N.Y., are spending a short time at the home of her moth- er, Mrs. John Irish. Miss Lizzie Witter, of Kingston, spent a few days at home. Miss Minnie MacFarlane, of Forest Mills, is the gaa of Miss Teena Stewart. Mr. nd Mrs. M. Storms, of Wilton at F. Storms.| Miss Kathleen Vanness spent Sunday at the home of John Connolly, The choir spent Saturday evening at the home of Mr, War .a- Mr. Moffat, veterinary, of Picton. is bere. The villagers are putting in ice. i The first parcel accepted for trans- fer by parcel post was banded in at Yarker by 8. Winter on Tuesday morning, weighing five pounds. It was for Hamilton. The C. O. F. or- ganizer is again at work securing new mentbers. Miss Lizzie Babcock has returned home again after visit- ing her sister, Mrs, Willlamsou. "Her Own Money." 'Julia Dean ip "Her Own Money," the brilliant comedy success by Mark Swan will be the attraction at tlie Grand on Monday, February 16th. It comes to this playhouse, under the dirgction of the Messrs. Shubert, after a successful engagement of the preseelé 3 presents humourously a subject that has its seridus aspect to every wife, young or' old, and to every young | oman who expects to be married. It deals slightly, but none the less effectively, with the problem of the wite's- "allowance." 5 Mrs. FEBRUARY 13, 1914. New York City. The play|- that 'she must ask her husband for money whenever money Js needed to defray the family expenses. The situations which confront Mrs. Ald- en, her husband, another married couple' and still a third couple about to be married bring to light the vari- ous. of the important Qques- tion of fait apportionment of the family income between husband and wife. The 'incidents, though re- freshingly amusing, combine to | plead the common cause of all wives everywhere, I ----------------, MAY VISIT PRINCESS Miss Muriel Wilson May Take Trip to Canada s London, Feb. 13.--Miss Muriel Wilson, who is said to intend pay- ing a visit to Princess Patricia at Ottawa, has been joined by her mother, who recently came from Maryland, at a villa near Nice. Miss Wilson has been staying at St. Moritz recntly, where she gained fresh laurels in the skating competi- tions connected with the winter sports are held there annually. It isn't always love that ena%'cs a married couple to get pong. Some- times it is common senke. KEPHALDOL COMES TO CANADA Originated by Dr. Stohr, a famous physician of Vienna, Austria, Kephal- dol is known and used throughout Europe and Great Britain. : Now, backed by the endorsements of hundreds of physicians, and hos pitals, it comes to Canada to relieve pain and cure Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lumbago, Neuralgia, Neuritis, Head: ache, 'La* Grippe, Fevers and similar troubles. Kephaldol has received the high- est commendation from the medical profession because of its direct stren- gthening action on the nerves, with- out: injury to the heart, and its lasting regulative and curative effect | upon the whole system. Unlike other pain-killing Kephaldol is absolutely harmless. causes no intestinal irritation, has no depressing effects. Kephaldol will now bring to pain- wracked Canadians the untold bless ings which it has: alreadv conferred in the Old Country--joy of perfect life again to those who, perhaps for many vears, have dragged through a tormented existence. Get 'a 50c. tubé of Kephaldol® tab: lets at vour Druggist's.. Kephaldol, Limited, 31 Latour street, Montreal. remedies, It and Bovril presents the goodness of beef in a handy, readily-prepared and easily-digested form. It is a wonderfully warming winter beverage. It ,builds up the weak constitution and strengthens the strong one. It guards against the attacks of colds, chills and influenza. Directions on every bottle. ? et ---- Sutherland's Big RED LETTER SHOE SALE A Sweeping Clearance of Our Winter Stock at 20% DISCOUNT "OFF All Shoes Women's Queen Quality, E. P. Reid, Vassar, Slat- er, ete, Men's Astoria, Monarch, Slater. $6.00 Shoes for $480 $5.00 Shoes for $4.00 $4.00 Shoes for $3.20 Ete. 20 Per Cent Discount Off All Boy's & Girl's Shoes Also 12 tables of shoes, where heavy buying has broken up the sizes, at greatly reduced prices. J. H. SUTHERLAND & BRO. + THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES Hand back - all SPEARMINT unless see the you name "WRIGLEY'S" and this spear: ~ WRIGLEY'S Tell your children--your friends-- always to look for these two things or they will get one of the vile mixtures wrapped to resemble the delicious genuine. are being offered wagons) Look for 'the spear These (even from at any price. So for your own protection be sure it's the clean-- pure -- healthful WRIGLEY"S Made in Canada Wem. Wrigley Jr. Co. 114, 7 Scott St, Toronto, Ont.

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