Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Feb 1914, p. 11

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. CONSIDERED RECOMMENDA- ° TIONS OF THE CHIEF Tin With Regard to New Plant--The Chief Wants 1,000 Feet of New Hose, a Ladder Truck Sleigh, Alarm Boxes, Etc. At the meeting of the Fire and Light committee in the city buildings on Thursday afternoon, Chief James Armstrong submitted an estimate of expenditure for the fire department for the year 1914, as well as a state- ment showing amounts expended for similar items last year. In the items of new plant required and recommended by the chief were: 500 feet of hose ($1.10° per foot), | ,$560; four alarm boxes (three of | which are already ordered), $300; | one ladder truck sleigh (to replace the present antiquated one), $350; one Eastman Deluge Sett, $225; twelve tarpaulins (to protect house- hold effects in smaller fires) $198; | search light .for night work at fires | and wire trouble, $65; one pair of | poles for 51-foot ladder (ordered), | $20; one new fly section for 40-foot ladder, $60; closet at Ontario street station, $60; 14 pairs of double win- | dows and one pair of large doors on the north hall of the Ontario street | station, $100. 1 The estimate for the keep horses, $1,337.40, was passed by conmtitthe: "It: provided "rd an' crease of $21.28 over 1913. For uniform clothing the figure, $449.40, was a reduction from last year, not | including the clothing for the addi- tional four men recently added to | the brigade, $217.90. Other esti- mates passed on by the committee | were: Bed room and toilet supplies, ! $113.85; rubber goods, $125.90; 38 | tons of coal, telephone service, gas and electric light, coal oil, $484.70; | printing, stationery, books, $59; fire alarm telegraph (including a manual transmitter, $282.60), $826.76; sup- plies and sundries, $570.25. i The valuation of the fire depart- | ment property up to date is figured | at $34,755. "The supplies for the | four additional men the chief esti- mated at $381.85, with salaries | _ standing at $2,220.80. : ! It was last year that the men re- ceived an increase in salaries. The total salaries for the department for 1914 were set forth at $13,249.20. | The total increase for salaries, in- | cluding the increase according to | schedule salaries of the new men, is 2,387.04. | The report contained the follow- | ing . explanatory remarks by the chief: -- . Keep of Horses.--A small increase of | the -. | the es crease in this connection is by inserting an amount for the pur- chase of a manual transmitter. When a call is received at the present tinie over the telephone or by word of mouth, two blows are struck on all the gongs attached to the system and members at home for meals or leave of absence have no means of know- ing in what direction the fire may rn. On several occasions I have gone to the station only to find that the fire was to the north or east of my home and this has entailed a de- lay in my arrival at the fire, and the same thing applies to every member of the dopartin With the man- nal transmitter the number of the alarm box nearest io the fire is struck on all the gongs and there is no delay in responding. Wheels.~--A new set of wheels for exercise wagon No. 2 will have to be supplied this year. the present ones being too light and badly shaken up. This is the most used waggon in the department, three teams being exer- cised each day in it, and the waggon has been entirely rebuilt during the past few years wilh the exception ol the wheals. : Convention. ~The convention of the International Association of Fire Engineers will this year be held m the city of New Orleans, La., U.S.A, and I would respectfully request that provision be made for the chief of the fire depagtment attending the same New Plant Hose. We. have atthe present fie "HY fev of hone, 100 feet of whiclt i8 unfit for fire service and only used for flushing work. We re- quire at least 5,000 feet of hose in department, and I would ask that as far as possible the shortage should be made up this year. Alarm Boxes--These are required for locations between the G.T.R. sta- tion and Rideau and Montreal streets, near Johnson and Victoria i y an ; Jury, awards verdict of fiv time when his wife was living. "onding to his own statements hac not se grain some years ago that she was dead. for nearly a year. jury. KINGSTON, ONTARIO, A ; Miss MAR FISHER Si FIRST CASE OF ITS e hundred dollars damages against Ontario farmer who married a second Miss Mavia Fisher and Henry Joues, pictured above, were the principals ip a peculiar case at the Torogto assizes. Jones,-who is a prospesous farmer. was married 26 1 her for twenty-six years ang had received a February, 1912, Miss Fisher answered for a.housekeeper, and after a short courtship they went through a form of marriage and lived Then the first wife turned up and Jones was arrested for bigamy, but Miss Fisher sued for ten thousand dollars dam. f i TT Yim KIND IN CANAD FRI? AY, FEBRUARY 13, 1914 HENRY JONES UXBRIDGE FARIER 1 I ago, but acs anonymous tele- Jones' advertisement together acquitted by a Ss for loss of character ang social standing, and was given five hundred dollars. The pre siding judge said #tfwas the first case of its kind in Canada. streets, near Pine and Cherry streets, and at Union and Division streets. Ladder Sleigh.---Present winter FRUIT LAXATIVE FOR SICK CHILD GIVE "CALIFORNIA SYRUP OF FIGS CLEANSES TENDER LITTLE STOMACH, LIVER, BOWELS, WITHOUT INJURY. Every mother realizes that this is the children's ideal laxative and phy- slc, because they loye Its pleasant | taste and it never falls to effect aja teaspoonful to-day saves "a thorough "inside ¢leansing'" without griping. When your child is cross, irritable, feverish, or breath is bad, stomach sour, look at the tongue, mother. If} well, pmyful child again. When Im little system is "full of cold, throat sore, has stomach ache, diarrhoea, indigestion, colic--remember a good liver and bowel cleaning should ail- ways be the first treatment given. Millions of mothers keep "Califor- nia Syrup of Figs" handy; they know sick child to-morrow. Directions for babies, children of all ages and grown-ups arc plainly on each bots tle. Ask ypur druggist for a 50 cent! head and in addi-! coated, gIvé a teaspoonful of "Cali-| bottle of "California Syrup of Figs." n item $00 for exchange of | fornia Syrup of Figs," and in a few | Beware of vounterfeits sold horses, which will be needed on the | hours all the foul, constipated waste, | Get the genuine, made by "California | vice of the veterinary surgeon. Fire Alarm Telegraph.--The in- - & Ask to See Our Overalls At T3c. Saturday will be the' day to do your shopping, as we can save you dol- lars and cents on every purchase. ¥ elo obese « i sour bile, and undigested food pass | es out of the bowels and you have a Wig Syrup Company." Refuse other fig syrup with contempt. any | service in a short time. - It will also service for the ladders is decidedly | unsatisfactory, and exceedingly hard | on the horses Eastman Deluge Sett.---This equip- i ment will save the*cost of itself in | one fire where it may be used. A sett sent here Jast year for the fire chiefs' convention, has been offered to the city at a reduced price of $225 free of all charges for freight and duty The regular price would be over $300 laid down"in Kingston. Search Light.--This article is urg- | ently needed in the department so as to locate breaks occurring in the alarm service after sundown. A case in point occurred on January ! 23rd, when a break occurred in the lines at §.25 pan, and was not re paired uftil 8.30 the following morn- ing, the break being found less than 1600 feet from the fire station after daylight. This break resulted in the part of the city lying south of Princess street being left for twelve | hours without any of the alarm | boxes being in working order, Had | here. | we been possessed of 2 search light | this year. the break could have heen located | and the wire repaired so as to be of [its condition be of value while working at night fires, as well as being used as a head- light on one of the hose waggons. Storage Battery. -- The present ystem of battery cells for fire alarm telegraph requires an expenditure this year of $212.76, while a storage system would cost fer maintenance about and for remewals on a six-year basis, about $30, as well as giving a more satisfactory service in ac 39, every respect. It is likely that the committee will have to ask for a special appro- priation for the procuring of a new boiler, new wheels pairs to the "Chatham" steamer. A. It. Milne has submitted his report on and the chief has re- commended the work. The cost is estimated at $1,250, and another special item is the storage batlery for the fire alarm telegraph system, at $1,500 Some of the committee feel that this. matter of the boiler, ete., for [chase a machine has failed of accom- the "Gbatham' must be attended to Mr. Milne has reported. Heo says in part:- engine. The boiler fitstly steamed, | then by cold water test, then by per- sonal examination in every part pos- sible. I find the engine in some parts in good condition and with some slight repairs will practically be as good as new. I find the boiler in several places leaking badly, oth- er places so badly eaten away by rust and leakages that I consider the boil- er unfit for heavy fire duty, and would recommend that a new boiler be secured at an early date to re- place the present one, but in no case with less heating surface than the present one, rather more if possible, should you desire to do these Tre pairs as recommended, 'the engine would be good for fifteen or twenty years, with reasonable care." The chief says: "The condition of this steamer is well known to the members of the City Council, and is liable to cause trouble should it be required to do heavy fire duty, as should more than ordinary work be required of it, it will probably (in its present condition) fail to 're- spond." Chief Armstrong explained to the committee, in writing, regarding the accident to the hose sleigh from No. 1 station, when it overturned last and axles and re- | | | 1 Saturday when responding to a call at A. E. Knapp's residence. After investigation he declared it to have been purely an' accident with no blame attached to anyone The chief added: "In presenting for your consider- ation the, esitinates of Jhe- fire de- | | partment for this year, I have en- | deavored to keep them as low as pos- | require- I have having® in view the of the defartment. | sible, | ments {not included in the estimates the' {amount charged against your appro- priation for water, as this item is be- ! yond my control and fixed by Fin- ance Committee, as well as the street lighting account. ! "Another item that should be pro- | vided for this year (but not out of fire and light committee appropria- tion) is the purchase of a pulmotor. The saving of one life would more than repay any amount the city may pay for such a machine. This ma- chine cannot be regarded as part of the equipment of the fire depart- ment, and while urging the pur- | chase, Imust-at:the: same time object | to it being charged against your ap- | propriation. ~~ - "The Fire and. Light committee jon Sept. 22nd last, recommended to | Council, to consider the advisability {of purchasing a pulmotor, and the report confaining that clause was adopted by council. But somewhere between Couneil, Finance Committee and 'the Board of Health, the matter has becomé side tracked, and the in- tention of the City Countil to pur- plishment. Ep PAGES ® TO 1 known as the Chatham or Ronald 'of the police department, and that the apparatus of the fire department be used whenever available, to re- spond to calls for the machine, until such times as the police department have been supplied with a vehicle of their own, and that the members of the police and fire departments be instructed in its use." The cost of the machine not to be charged to ° the fire and light committee." The matter of providing for the attendance of the chief at the con- vention of the Ifternational Associa- tion of Fire Engineers at New Or leans, La., was left over. Japanese Mobs Use Violence - Tokio, Feb. 13.--Serious disturb ances have occurred in connection with the agitation against the min- istry at Osaka. Mobs stoned the tram cars and the revenue building. The disturbances are in part the outcome of the agitation for lower taxes. . Segregation Barred A Vancouver, R.U., Feb. 13.--<The police commissioners have passed a resolu tion that under no gircumstances would a restricted district be allowed any more in this city. NERVOUS DYSPEPSIA GAS OR INDIGESTION Each "Pape's Diapepsin," Digests 3000 grains food, cuding all stom- ach misery in five minutes, Ime it ! Pape's Diapepsin will dis gest anything you eat and ' overcome a sour, gassy or out-of-order stomach surely within five minutes. If your meals don't fit comfortably, or what you eat lies like a lump. of lead in your stomach, or if You have heartburn, that is a sign of indiges- tion. | Got from your pharmacist a fity- cont ease of Pape's Diapepsin and take a dose just as soon as von can. Thera will be no sour risings, no belching of undigested food mixed with acid, no stomach zak or heartburn,s fullness or heavy feeling in the stomach, nau- sea, debilitating: headaches; dizziness or intestinal griping. This will ali go and, besides, there will be no sour food left over in the stomach to poi- son your breath with nauseous ods ors. f Pape's Diapepsin is u certain cure. for out-of-order stomachs, because it takes hold of youx food and digests it inst the sume as if your stomach wasn't there. 3 Relief Yn five minutes from all stom- adh misery is waiting for you at any drag store. : These -Jurge somtain "For the purpose of again bring- ing it before Council, I would recom- "I have examined and tested the mend that a pulmoter be purchaser wrnr-- jengine and boiler of the stenmer (by the city and placed in the care tilty-cont - onses enough "Pape's- Dispepéin®™ "to keep the entire family. free from, stomach disorders and indigestion for many months. It belongs in your home. i at ------------ x A a A tt St tr att AASB dr at tl Pr tna SHON tnd SATURDAY SPECIALS ar me SACRIFICE SALE pt Here's a Few of Our Special Prices rN Boy's Suits and Overcoats a0 Boys' Overcoats, the very make, regular $10.00 to $12.00. Sat. spec. $4.98 Regular $8.00, Saturday special .......... latest .e 3 Regular £6.00, Saturday special ............ $2 Men's Suits Tweeds, Worsteds, in brown and grey mixtures, the ... $1048 oes $8.42 $5.48 very latest make Regular $20.00, Satu Regular $15.00, Saturday special ........ Regular $10.00, Saturday special ....... Regular $8.50, Saturday special ...... ...... $4.98 rday special ....... patterns and Ask to see ren, Le Ar er { * Men's Working Shirts i 350 Shirts, regular 50¢ and ds, Saturday special 37¢ : R WE HAVE ALL KI BEEuTER WE RAVE AL IDS § } a a 50 Boys' Suits our Boys' Special Blue Se A na Men's Overcoats Shawl collar, belted backs, ulsters, finest patterns ever shown in the city. Regulat $20.00, Saturday special '...... Regular $18.00, Saturday speeial ......... Regular £15.00, Saturday special ............ $748 Regular $12.00, Saturday special .........., $4.98 mA gs a J 550 Men's Shirts Regular $1.00 and¥%1.25, Saturday special OF MEN'S, LADIES', CHILDREN'S BOOTS AND SHOES, ALL AT SACRI IN ALL DEPART MENTS PRICES HAVE BEEN CUT IN TWO, is Ab a rge Suits with bloomer pants, Saturday speeial ........ $3.58 mr smimn ca aA d Bloomer pant style, regular $8.00 and $8.50, Satur- day special cv. $10.18 ..« $9.48 | : { § { } § y FICE PRICES. VISIT THE BIG SACRIFICE SALE ON SAT. § er ARG oui hi Ask to See Our Men's Pants at 93c. mn a ; 650 Pair Men's Overalls 1 Heavy weight, regular $1.00 and $1.25, Saturday special, Get a pair while they last ~ Frome 2 " 300 Men's Pants Snappy patterns, hand tailored, ranging from $4.50 to $6.00. Saturday special .............. $2.58 190 pairs, regular $3.00 and $3.50 ............ $1.98 Ask to see our Working Pants, reg. $1.50, for ., .93¢ EE omer teeth Boys' Knee Pants Bloomer style, reg. $1.50, Saturday special vanes BTC SOM 1 hncss swe

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