Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Feb 1914, p. 12

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i . THE DAILY BRIfISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11 oe = L~ SERB ~ cp pe NS SE dead... - ee -- Ne Bats fio eS 3 B + wma deed eee RAE The London Life Ins. Co. Wows Som Vilage ae Poms | ose EE a Hoa a : Head Office - London, Canada eter ad re hee Le ANNUAL REPORT FOR 1913 SHOWS BEST YEAR " a A Hp SEN etm RS 2% A .+IN ALL DEPARTMENTS endower Items a : ! ' X 3 aN : i 4 Gleudower, Bub 3 Sumuel unter @ | s Plan ui a FF 3 : ||| New Business Written, Gain in Business in Force aad Increase in Surphus made a business trip to Kingston last | eT $a N ) i +. pd 3 1 Mp SE We. FY la | | [oe Largest in Company's History. land ake. "The old weather ha fros Rt 1. wR AN Increase in Rite of Interest Earned. Decrease in Rate of drive on them. Frederick Leeman lost | NOTA 8 © J po + MRA i 3 Mortality, Expense and Lapse. Graving hoy ai the "ildspar Saher : : | Q = Profits to Policybolders One-third Greater mother's. Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Lee. : : : " Than Estimates. man at Allan Snider's, Verona. ; a , A . RR 3 y : Lab niin : Murvale Tidings . VN 3 es i THE ANNUAL REPORT EMBRACES THE FOLLOWING PARTICULARS : Murvale, Feb. 9.--School is pro | Wy ) , : TB . 3 - - ih NEW Applications fdr insurance amounting to $8,828,189.60 were accepted and gressing favorably under the manage- | | i Sag Ae ¥ y BUSINESS policies issued therelor, an increase over 1912 of $622,119.50. ment of Mr. Furrs, of Colebrooke, as | : : y i! The insurance #a force on the Company's books at the close of. (he year teacher. (ieorge Irwin had the good ] ih ' ' : of aggregated, aftér deducting all re-insurances, $27,118,376.02, an increase of Juek to kill three foxes last Saturday. | i LL WR : oN § Hi INSURANCE $5.868.554.10 for the year. "The lapse rate for the year showed a considerable A bee was held last Tuesday getting | fri, x ot ; " \ b : : IN FORCE decrease and the surrgnder values applied for were actually less than in the pre- up wood for Maurie Traynor, . who | 5 : 6 0 } ; ; Rk i vious year, notwithstynding the stringent financial conditions "existing during has been ill. Mr. Hogan is moving | 2 bo i ; " Li . : { 1913. to Holleford. Visitors: Mir. and Mes. He \ , Bh ~ y The total Premium and Interest Receipts of the year were $1,295,840.65, J. Finley, Saskatchewan, at John Spi : k INCOME an increase ower the pmrvious year of $161,367 92. : ' lington 5 ae. pishurds, Kepler t at 3 ! = The actual mortality loss was legs than in the previous year, notwithstanding Young's. ry Denton is al o. | 2 5 : a E MORTALITY the large increasein busibess. Therat under Ordinary policies of actual to expect- ing the agticaltural Sourse 81, Pye) ] ) NE oul hv ; ii ed loss during the year was only 328%--a remarkably favorable experience. ham high" achool. , | ; } : 3 The exceedingly liberal scale adopted a year ago for apportionment of profits Westbrook Wafts i To ¢ 1 3 PROFITS to participating Ordinaty Policyholdera has been continued and exceeds by one- Westbrook, Feb. 9.--Mrs. J. A. | 4 #& V1 : 4 4 bhai { third original estimates under present rates, » Sproule spent last week with Mr.) IE A hel © AR 4 Tha ; The Company's assets, consisting mainly of first mortgages on Real Estate, and Mrs. G. W. Anderson in King 3 oy re E p ASSETS amount to $4,645,608.19, an increase of $686,319.06. AH debentures have been ston. Mrs. Rase's many friends are | 5 @ en , 3 FE : oF & AND written down to the low market value prevailing at 31st December last .. The pleased to hear she has somewhat Ty a Fr . po J { INTEREST rate of intereat-earned, without allowance, for Head Office rental, was 6.817 on improved and returned from the hos- | i ; . d 3 ; ; the Insurance Department Basis oF computation. : pital on Tuesday Although still 4 . 4 > po hit . ' . Seventy-two per cent. of all the Company's business is now being valued in delicate health, Mrs. Herbert | all a a 4 : "3 ya ' Ds ERP LIABILITIES on a 3% basis, the remaining twenty-eight per cent. being valued on a 34% Smith, Woodbine road, bas also re- | : e i § 3 4 4 A basis. The total reserve on all business in force amounts to $4,226,152.00. covered from her recent illness. A SP » 3 ji Zr EAE 3 gas Calculating the Liabilities on the basis called for by the Insurance Ac t, the number from the village attended | ¢ & oY § s 0 wl { Surplus on Policyholdérs' Account is $608,666.31. Deduc ting from this the the parlor social at Mr. Yeoman's, | ' 3 Tt 3 WTA oy amount required to raise the reserves to the Company's own standard, to pro- Collin's Bay, on Tuesday evening | 3 » 5 Hy Ea hy : & N 8 vide for profits earned under all purticipating policies to date of statement, and Frank Meagher, conductor on the G. LA i : 4 TT : E # CC = sums provided in varionsfundsfor special purposes, the net Surplus is $226,110.69. T. P., Toelleld, Alta., spent last week } 5 £ Bat SE N é th with his uncle, D. Sheehan. P. Harte | : : X 4 has purchased the Irvine farm at El- | ginburgh. T. F. Vanluven, Collins te : : : Sd a )} : / 3 iG b> Fs ? aE TERA, 3 = 3 be : N 8 | " F. W HEWITSON, Supt. Industrial Branch, Golden Lion Block " Bay, spent Tuesday last with G. W. | ¢ 5 EE CR SL p LE ! J a Sy i xv Smith. Mr. and Mrs. W. 1. Grass | spent Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. F. Ashley, Kingston. . ge -- wir Accident Near Westport a Mr x Jostens, of McLaren's Depot, has | feb. 9.-- Mrs. G -- rchased R. { is Barry a estovering nicely from i arcH FOR THE GODS," ENGLAND'S RUGBY VICTORY OVER WALES AT TWICKENHAM. pang i. any char aten: Business College Re on 3. | by Se a 7 EL PER mann th et, dg pe E30 Ser Heb mien : i E ps le x ov , a as secured 3 p Jus ont, the fing 3 st. . / yable Head Street x as a DY Aon hia | result a 10. Bip 4 Juin and Iw ie i io Aiens k Jory a mat, ho a was spent in dancing. Miss Luella " en The kind you are looking isthe Kind we sell Messrs. W. C. Fredenburg, CJ Spe- Mas kicked, giving England the vie tory. The ball bounced over the head of Pancroft, the Welsh full-back Gilmour has returned to Fallbrooke, Courses in bookkeeping, gale, F. P. McCaffery, J I McEwen | seen on the right, and Pillmange his mop of hair blown back, . xe mist po after spending a couple of weeks un- shorthand, typewriting, civil dashing past at full speed. had a terrific race 3H P : neg Ot Day 2 on and H. W. Lawson are attending ot- | with another of the Welsh team, W atts. tor the ball, and won. der the parental roof. William Tyner, service, general improvemient, tawa ice races this X Whil of Tamworth, and Samuel Gonyne, of and all commercial subjects. - Is good coal and we guarantee prompt ad 18. Weak. he 1 bel mam ge ay ------ oi -- Ee ~~ |Erinsville, have returned home aiter be cutting wood on Monday, Bernard [port for treatment and is doing as {riendly spending a couple of weeks visiting Rates moderate. Informa- Grant accidently 'cut his foot with | well as can be expected. P. Nolan, { alternoon the score resulting ; tion free. was in town yes- [of Glenvale. Mrs. Michael Malopes r . Allan Harrison entertained a num- friends here, Visitdrs : the axe. He was brought to West- Fhegae ye Srsator, as : ber of his' young friends very pleasante]at J. I'. Watkins'; Rov Hamilton and at Booth & Co. [terday. Miss Maude Miller was a |has returned from Balialo afte spend- {ly on Fmday evening. Mi ; Lean, -G 0 | | il- [| F Metcalf - Principal week-end visitor in Brockville. Miss {ing S - Jee Nat SyeLoan, Gr Sorte Jami y Le : W. Christian, { ve d 3 a month with her son Fhe La ' --------. ton's; Miss Lucy Grey and Samuel Foot of West Street Katie Kelly, of Sydenham, is the (dies' Sewing Society met at, Mr n At: Kaladar Station Gonyne spent Sunday last at C. Ly oli Misses Tobin Mrs. |Gordon's last Thursday, with a good Kaladar Station, Feb. 9.--Henry | Smith's; Guy Watkins, at M. Me- A emaish, sr. aladar ¢ 3 By. § 3 3 3 h For Infants and Children. game with Mury y | Joseph Shannon, Waupoos Island. is seriously i]l at |attendance. .. I). Ellerhiock is ifl. x . ; A a pan's: ; 4 ite 2 the home of Mr. Noah Whitemaish. : Wood has returned from Odessa and {Lean's; Miss Hazel Hamilton and he Kind Y icchner, Oswego, galled ok friends is living in the Rigby house. He | William Tyner, at Mrs. C. Grey's; Mg . > tyr {here recently. (jeorge Woodman, of | intends starting & eneral store. and Mrs, Derue, at R. Munroe's, ou Hava Always. Bought Reports From Outlet | Wolfe Island, vikited at Joseph Cra-| Mr. Merrick: ioitod His parishon- Bears the Outlet, Feb. 9.- Hershel Crozier is | mers, and Miss Mildred Orser visited ers on part of the eiycuit during the . . ZTE, drawing wood across the big lake to [her parents here for a few davs. Miss past os and had® service Re the Galway<Lane Wedding Signature ® [Athens. John Reid tovk a big load [ McKeever, Verona, is visiting het Un- 1school on Wednesday evening. Ed- Gavanogue, Feb. 9.--A pleasant : j of hogs to Lansdowne this week. Miss cle, J, Butterill. ward Hughes returned from Kings- |event took place at the home of Mr. jlertie Kelsy is 'visiting at - Mrs ress ton on Thursday. Miss Delma Tryon | and Mrs. Joseph Lane, when their eld- ane "he {George Reid's. Miss Mary Ann Brad. | Budget From Bongard's a TTT e eT ee Tee TVS Tee la vy is home from Mr. Allport's, where est daughter, Edythe Maude, was un- nn Smooth and Hairless dey 1s visiting her sister, Mrs. W. | Bongard's," Feb. 9.~The league so. | she spent the past month, Mr: ited in marriage to James W. Galway, - "arsons. James Fodey is getting out ial, which: was held on Wednesday. | Spicer G. Hughes, I Wood, C. Pick- lon Wednesday After This Treatment] Pars \. Bowman, of North Augus- {was a success, A good programme | ering and Mrs. W. Berry were call- | o'clock. Mendelssohn's wee ta, has gone home. He did not buy R dding march We are now takin ok ¢ av - : {was rendersd [he (proceeds amounted | Fs at Mrs. Fleming's during the | was played by Mrs. Taylor. The bride ihr re QO t k g stock and have a large quan Any (Beauty Note.) Sw |&0Y Property here lhe big storm of yg over. twelve dears Hav Mp. | Week B. Pickering is visiting at | prettily = attived - in pale blue satin 4 tity of Men's Suits, Boys Suits, Men's Pants, which p woman can easily and quickly | Friday and Saturday made the roads | Stocker, of DemorestNille former | Bis home here Miss Ethel Hughes, | with overdcess of embroidered silk, |" re will sell for 25 per ce r Cas banish objectionable hairy growths, Bh bad: again. John Fodey is put Fnsior of this or o pd the of Arden. spent the week-end at {ninon, with erystal trimmings, and we will sell for 29 hej ce nt. 6ff for cash. Also a large withaut Bale or inconvenience if she [ting in ice for the Warburton cheese | pit "here on Sunday. being sacra. | William Hughes' Mrs. Sugar Try- | carrying a bouquet of white carnations assortment of Ladies Skirts, which we will sell at will simply mix a little water with {factors Joshua Humphrey is draw. | ment © sefviee, Mrs J. F Storms jon still very ill Miss Gertie | and maiden hair fern, entered the .same dis : some powdered = delatone and then | ing we to his home. George Brac "spent last week at Cressy Miss ne ighes, also Mr. and Mrs. Peter drawing-room on the arm of her fath- 5 ed Seount. er, by whom she was given away. The a ra? adieg? R After two or three minutes the paste [move John Smith amd his family UP | Thurston last week Mrs. W.' Hawke, | friends at Arden. Miss Drew called young couple, unattended, were united Men 8, Boys and Ladies Boots aud Rubbers. should be removed and the skin wash- [to Athens to work foc Mr. Bradley on entertained company on Friday . ev | 90 'Mrs. 3. Tryon on Saturday. * Miss {under a very pretty arch of ever These will also be sold at 25 per cent. discount. ed to take off the remaining 'delatone the farm ening I'h Scott brothers . have on. | Fleming is ill. greens and daflodils. The ceremony and it will be entirely free from hair | wo, Sh fo was performed by Rev. Melvip Tosi Call in and take advantage of this January Sale. wrwews evening, at eight Gover the hairy surface with this paste. [ley, of Athens, was down fiers lof Keelar, of Waupoos, visited Mrs shes left yesterday 'to - visit : {gaged with Dr Membray, Adolphus 0 + and. as soft as velvet. Buying the At Evergreen Valley | town, . for the. coming season. Miss News. From Ardoch pastor of Grace Methodist church, delatone in an otfiginal package is the a hd Tobey has returned after spending a doch, Feb. 9. ~The storm king has | G0nanoque. After congratulations, Pv PP Pee eee Sull wey. to msure its full strength Evergreen Yuli . Feb. 9 : Fhe mail | work in Picton. Mrs. J. N. Shepard ft t roads in a heavy condition. about forty guests sat down to a ta- a purty, jsourier was wlocked fer quite a num- | : entertained. a number of her {ric is and Charles Smith, of Ardoch, ble well - provisioned with wedding be of trip lames Hamilton has 7 : ) : - - i X v. lo ten recently. A number from here are drawing lumber to Robertsville dainties. The groom's gift to the y proved nto 'ts ° neighborhood. , -V attended the funeral of the late Mrs. for the Chandler & Jones company. | ride was a beautiful parlor suite. A . | Hegadorn is around wa, after suf The number of beautiful and expensive i ring from gi w. M rd Mrs Lt . : Earl St, near Division, brick {iering fram r. and Mrs. Run " ] === | presents receved cvidenced the esteem veneer $1,900.00 3 ar ue . 2 i and affection the many friends and ge- 57 P : z S Ph 37 > fi y Earl St., near Division, brick » Srauge, pent A day last, week 3 Tiamtances had for bride and groom. 2 rincess Lt. one 14 "» Ee egadorns. » \ Jabeoek, e bride's going-away suit wa of veneer $2,000.00 Wo : e | @ | golug-away i s ou 3 - o ' Sharpton, and W, Hogle, Westbrooke. navy blue monarch 'serge, with anne ; Division St., wear Earl, brick are moving through here to J g p y $2,000.00 ! their fu- velvet hat td match with white near Earl brick | ture farms \. Robertson, Glenvale, ps 4 WB mount. Mr. and Mrs. Galway will re- veneer $2,156.00 spent Sunday under the parental roof. side at Pittsierry. ) : 2 hep Las Williasn Smith spent Tue day, Wednes- . TDouilnion vacuum Slouners day and Thursday of last week visits . Dv . ing friends at Yarker. W. Hegadorn' The Late Mrs. Jackson, Wilbur Tuec. Stationary Vacuum . is getting in his supply of ice. Mar [] Fad Fa . Wilbur, Feb. 9,--0On Wednesday even. Siahers. Estimates cheerfully RIES" Habcooic ved Panad ie. ar was o](s[SI(=Te by I doc (OI |... January 28th, Mrs. Samuel Jack. on for Walter Smith, with his gasoline son passed peacefully to rest. Al : | - H. S. CRUMLEY hing iL Ww Dougherty. hoot though she had been in poor health g we maker, Odessa, has purchased his . lor oe Past! ino Yarn ud jad heen | wood from Smith. Mrs. Daniel I C Eff ed online 0 ie or about ga 1 Walker, Wilton, has returned to ber But Comp ete ure was ect month, death came suddenly and un- | Save Time home, after spending a week with Mrs expectedly to the family. Mrs, Jack. rhb dl ER by Dr. Chases Kidney-Liver Pills | [3s sim ni 5 \g ------ p a rough all her illness wa - Iassitudghnd depressions at At Cross Lake y Ur. $¢s ey-Liver ful and reconciled. She was a devoted 4 was a devoted i ke o 5. Salo Chi and faithful wife and a lovi ther. is worse tha n wasted, Camp ® Lak ah Cor thee phen Almost anyone who has suffered from appendicitis will assure Deceased was born at Robertavills, safe, Sess yields quickly to the recently died in the Kingston gen. ydu that this trouble developed only after months or years of de- county of Frontenac, Juve 2ud, 1861, home remedy T [eral hospital. The remains were rangements of the liver and bowels. : : ' ane bd family of ten (of Hom seven A Sweeping Clearance of Our Winter Stock at EECHANS |i iu esimie fe |, Avni cn amen mils ve preemek ant ur | [5 GbE) "0c funeral 'sermon at the Methodist frequently cured, by the use of Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills. Samuel Jackson, of Harper, in 183]. ; church, Dead Creek. Deceased was In the case described in this letter the doctors had ordered an After their marriage they moved to 0 0es PILLS a Methodist in religion and was operation, but thorough cure was brought about by this great Wilbur: - where: they spent the greater FOR SALE a, and her' brother, | ninety years of age In politics medicine ~ part of their married life, and where be was a reformer. Benjamin Shu- 3 » she was loved and respected by all y . v . 3 : mans is. able to be around. after So Mrs. J. A. Ballan » Sturgeon Falls, Ont., writes: who kvew her. To them were born Women's Queen Quality, E. P. Reid, V assar, Slat- .- SoM everywhere, In boxes, 25 cents, ing two of his ribs broken by falling "My husband was treated for appendicitis and the doctors ordered one son, James, of Kisbey, Sask., and er, ete., Men's Astoria Monareh Slater aS off a load of hay an operation. But he would not consent to an operation and began three daughters, Mrs. Frederick J. Tay ~ 0 Tn sls de : CAN BE Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Wormerth and the use of Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills. Since doing so he has Paul, Preston, Maps Jessie, at bome, £6.00 Shoes for $4 80 . Mr. and Mrs. Pdward Hayes, of Ar- x snd Edoa, who died at the of wi = oy oe . WiLL D0 nm den, attended church at Dead Creek had no need of an operation or even of a doctor, as the trouble four years. She was a lifelong Pree RN $5.00 Shoes for $4.00 . on Sunday last. James Wilks has has completely left him. I cannot find words to speak our grati- byterian in religion. The floral tri. $4.00 Shoes for $3.20 Alcura, the widely known treat- | the hay about all drawn that he re- tude for his cure. Dr. Chase's medicines have proven of wonderful butes included three Ii . 3 3 nel h s from Ete for Alcoholism can now be ob- | CeRUY purchased in the morth part benefit in opr home as the Ointment cured my little girl of a severe Cornueopia "lodge. No. 299, 1.0.0.F., te. s at our store. It is guaranteed of the country. 'Mr and Mrs. Sam- ¥ . : y nm Snow Road, of which her husband wis i A eh . burn when nothing-else would bring relief. z or i . {uel Lockwood visited at. Richard a member. Rev. William F , . : ' 1 4. Roady (Ea bas on tivd by | Lock wous om day ln vox Wit [| pe pill a dos, 25 cnts a bo. ol deers. Sample box ued Balser Corn conned 5 1: [| 20 Per Gent Discount Off All Boy's & Girl's Shoes : am McKnjght at R. Helm's. FE. i ti i . i eral services: Owing to the inabilit, er ' - thousands and found to do just as it Newton has finished hig contract cut. Jres H You mention this paper. Edmanson, Bates & Co, Limited, of her many Seni to attend a Bory y SATE, canes ik a disease. Those ting logs for the Lambert brothers. Sram: Li service was held at he homo at Ni Also 12 tables of shoes, where heavy buying z t aaa ig .30 a.m., an in . . Tae. Sv afflicted Stl ts Sraving Accident at. Glenvale Presbyterian church at Snow Road at has broken up the sizes, at greatly reduced prices. -- off. Alcura No. 1 can be| Glenvale, Feh. 9. The Sunday sohool : " % ® 1 pm. Lhe remains were taken to given secretly in coffee or food. Al- is practicing for a concert. A number - Crawford's cemetery, Elpbio, where cura No. 2 is the voluntary treat. irom here gttended the concert in Ca- [ WJ 4 & * 2 interment was made. . men! araus os Thursday evening. Holace : g " a . I ------ : 3 : Help your loved ones to restore Hunt sold two cows to D. Sheenan, : I 4th IH ® . » " to lives of solirlety and|Westbrook, fof a good figure. Joseph : 4 o -- f He razed away ie a . 3 usefulness and to regain the respect Foster's hose became: frightened nt | - @ itoba, formerly of Leeds. The late |} y z ad community in which Tou. ----ng i aS tu away dh re 3 _ 5 J Mrs: Gardiner was a Xo { THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES Be . } 1! te P ha ol box. Ask for free fiager. Dr. Mylks, of Kingston, was] ] i "8 F BF + Neciate Thomas Purvis and A86 Princess street, t, Druggist,!cal ut and the injured tT Htonnon od was bore in , st,!ca out and set the in) mens | = , _S FS . onge, on . 9th, Eston. * "her. The | hockey team played al . : p 3 L e Feb th,

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