andsascanasssan -- Eres wn pet, zoe + GRAND gall 4 | THE PEOPLE'S FORUM | "yp - " d CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES FOR SALE a Phone 230," Gibean's, for drugs. wi $ "ev - 3 Men's 83 Boots, latest Styles, $3.75. First insertion 1c a word. Hach e08- 1 ny's MESH BAG, CONTAINING GREK FEA x HALPLY TO Mus, Dutton's Removal sale secutive insertion thereafter, hate bills and change, on Monday, Fen. ldman, 3 $ Bi 4 Pho Caibson' r § 2na, rock or Barp A. ' "Phone 230." a "s, for drugs. 5 a RR cent 8 word. Minimum chiirge for nd Na aek or Bartle oN Teld's | A SOLID COMPORT > A Joint Savings Account may be opened at The Bank of Toronto A. E. Faul'& Co., fancy goods und Jy SPR hut Louday Va DrSLY A pie wer Se. furniture store. Liberal reward. but & short time. Apply L. 5. Paw: in the names of two or more persons. In these nis either party stationery, Napanee, have assigned. the <5 wix, $1; . one nts 0 bia . son, 344 Princess St. Sue tvs choy Do diessut members of | 1 Musi? ' 3 sheetsrin package. 'Hi. 2 ar Wav |" TY A Si | Kia 18 es Pra don Sr or ind On Tiareony morals Bose e.g [TE COR WAY ee yi ing, Fn reling moluity RK. Sotder: Apety H Binton' soo R Whig office. . . son took a photograph of the poul- Th B d f a OF Ww, UT AND OAR X Assets, $00,900,000; Depesitn $11,000,000 : iy show in the ; e ree 0 A SERTANT Wler BIRDS! BIRDS! BIRDS! Tair the best we have ever Fatest songs, "God Remembers hen the have xeferancos Apply Ae Mra 2. bed 3 reasonable b regent Wo the Treshams | GUARANTEED | MALE CASARIES Love a Little Ki 4 te Grey FIRST Chass PAY r AND a BAK- ; Come. in and hear the bird | $1X uh BASOLIVE Cee Howe in the est," 33c. 's. TY AY MM NEE A) NIiGar te y employment. | J y to u buy. 23 ver, 5 Y "ied Cross Viduey Pam yan Gib SATURDAY MATINEE AND MIGHT SPLivingaton & Bre. Breck street, Barrie. 'Phone or will demonstrate it for you & Kingston. Princess St, Kingston Mattress Cos ons. 'T " ' ih -------- . \§ VACAN --------p------------------------------ Et Kingston was certainly on her good he Only Way $1500 WEEK AND BAPRNSES To SITUATIONS VACANT behaviour on Wednaiay. 'The pole al Spl ee Tor RTE ANT NEY Tv | TEAR, du, caviar vom had a very easy time and as a re } 2 %1.50. A a, aterson. women of character seeking em- bottles, 50c: § oz, 35. Manuf 0) th ~ 'no session of the po | Fein Shan Soe ae) Son A Plovmaeut Tor 31 of part time, send turned and sold by Mime, Ildes, 2! sult there was no sess p - 1 X Toe, le, * your qualifications: we can place Princess. St, city: lice éourt on Tuesday morning. Seats now on sale. AN INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY Jour Mx Share, Bible House, Sac: rincess St. ¥ "English Mealth "Salt " at Gib ~~ earn $100 monthly corresponding tion D, Brantford. s for newspapers. no canv « ONE FRAME HOUSE AND ARN, son's. ; | q Commencin Nond for particulars. Frese Syndi- PERSONAL corner Lansdowne and stanied On Thursday morning Market Clerk » MONDAY cate, 3.969 Luckport, N.Y. Sts, lot 33 x 130; corner Nelson an: E $3 a \ & York Sts, lot 82 ft. frontage o Rg i William McCammon confiscated two TO RENT FARM 108 ACRES, MORE York St. second lot from or oe Ho ard S Folge hind quarters of pork, with clotted F bh g 10-12 13 " or less, good land, house aud oyt-| HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, RIRTH- Aled an rad WW . £ e - fs . it n Sts, easy terms blood, unwholesome and unfit for buildings, good water supply, near marks and, all growths and 'skin ADPlY 427 Albert 8° y Kingston. Apply Smith, 1i5 Nel- blemishes removed permanently, INVESTMENT BROKER nae, £1 MATINEE DAILY At + son St, Kingston. without scar; 27 years experience. : 3 ------ RKRale! White bear coats from 2.30 ol i s---- Dr. Elmer J. Lake, ye, Ear, Noss. "Buy aspirin tablets, " * and want to make money bile bad aangeshls rao: Ratu ; ing "Justice of the | ictures Pornaacht une ADD i . No freezing nor over-heating, Kase On Satupdsy mor} ® a J. W. Brad- once to Miss Margaret Dunnett, [SCALP MASSAGE FOK PALLINY ily convertible into light delivery. Peace George Hunter and J. : 290 Wellington St. balr, dandruff, etc. treated by el. If coupe not wanted price propors shaw will try two more liquor cases. | gr rney Jaik, haugh a Sing, intro- 8 -- actricity (new method). 3 'couse is » town dnclag Ne ¢ vial One of the aceused is from the a: SSI GI PER . tlonately reduced. Apply Owner, Prices 23¢, Jue, oe. CAPABLE OLD COUNTRY DOMES- treatment In shampooing, : 91 Jameson Avenue, Toronto, REAL ESTATE District Manager of the EQUITABLE LIF7 ASSURANCE SOCIETY "Phone 94% ingt nl = T < , ing twice month- massage, manicuring, chiropody, ship ol Ftorrington while the other Matinee Soe oN AL PRD AL og APPiications Rust be mace 2; 3t¥les in halr work. SS Tro ro. 10c.," at EL --t Xell mn, advance, The Culid. ii 169" Wellington tre % CHOICE FARM. ONE o BUNDRED "xn. S Oe., a : embroke ~ i ¥ oy , and ninety-ve scr HUN 0c. Health Salt, { HE MATTER bs Drummond St, Montreal. Hours 1¢ to iz 4m. an 2th Enectr-ay fores. 9 mile rom son's. | OF MARGARET KI OW ------ - m., and by appointmen | : ond 1 mile from Glens THE CITY OF KINGSTON, WIDOW, | on NOW A CAPABLE SALES. Yule. Has an abundance of eho IN MEMORIAM A ore a 4 canvass Kingston for y ling water thereon. Well E>) El that all persons hav- man tg canvass Kings ie Te : > ' is 4% 2 a : Ha sale. of New Hardy Everblooming : { ed. or further information app! IN MEMORIAM sory of Joseph Robe: gs 59) the sian ah Hie Roses, ornamental trees, shrubs FINANCIAL John Clark, RM.D, 1, Westb! Knott. who was drowned Feb. bth, 1913. re a a 1904 Good opening - for right party. ce -------------- a Tg : ss| required fo file the same With the Write Pelham Nursery Ce., Toron- $3300 FOR DOVBLE 7 ROOM FRAME - + lersigned on ar re the 21st da to FRONTENAC LOAN AND a sNvEST. house, on Yorke St. \mproveuients, 8 Cov i Uh asd 1 v ie BER A IH} epee mating a -------- ment Society; estal ed 1863: all in good repair. y rent for 11 roomed house, large grounds, jennis Sourk garage. Posse ters : memories fail; Sbuary) IME aller Rich da | Fr president, Colonel Henry It. Smith. $386 por annum sion 1st May next. Also some choice building lots. His JOVINK 3 , his welcome face; ! snong the parties entitled. | o Money Issued on city "and farm $1500 FOR A NEW BRICK HOUSE, Life, Accident and Sickness Insurance. No one can fi s vacant place. 8 soth day of January, 1914 4 5 . axa . properties, municipal' and country modern, good lot, fine location, on Telephone 703. 18 Market Square, Kingston. The blow was, hard, the loss severe, 2 Ap SALESWOMAN. debentures; mortgages' purchasts: i And oft is shed' a silent ted * ¥ Solicitor for Executor > -------- deposits received and Interest al-| G N UNION ST. WEST, J . 0 + BR U T T 0 N --MOTHER AND FATHER. | eee pa > Wanted, a capable sales- g . S . et + { - ¥ . . 'Thomas A. Edisow's Genuine p T WOMEN OF ABILITY and Skin Specialist. 28%]... niin ANR-COON ED AUTOMO- : 125. Dutton's. Thoman A, Fidinan'n Gen TWO BRIGHT WOMEN OF A \, Bono stats NKL A AUTO . 25. , % . / Jus " A an busis got stree High Grade Bonds & Stocks. Fire & Life Insurance i "at Gibson's. married or single, who mean i lowed. hs McGill, Manager, 27 me ae, HOUSE:..0 Ne vg "larence Street. 2 SOLID CK ATHLETIC COMMITTEE woman for dry goods. John Joh street, 9 rooms: all Moscow Matters Laidlaw & Son. ern improvements: good locations gh - y 3 easy terms. Ap 0 Moscow, Feb. 3.-Owing to the snow ® bi Dla LONDON AND GLOBE A. F. BOND, 26 Fron St, Phose 743 sunday there was mo public cursion 0 | Beoetdioleqoledeofeededs doh dolled deb dip do detion assets, $61,187,215. In adition to So. ~ 'Methodist church. Mis. me-- which the policyholders have for | $3200--BRICK VENEER MOUSE, : CTIVI RE mn Hobe, Suse Ve 7. lic Noti eri nied MATL Sf TI trol Tr SOME ATTRACTIVE INVESTMENTS. . ie an ttle girl baby haa cot * . Pub 1C otice. possible rates. Before ; Tehewing $27 NEW mouse HE on ,000--Johnson Street, downtown location, rents $600 per year. ome of Mc. and: Mrs. Frag F d F b 6 h lamination Tor School Trustee' 1 old or =ziving new business ge St. modern improvements. £00 J oma Street, double frame, rents $294 per year. $800 ia the howe of Me and Me is is riaay, r'en. t Shaaiaatier, Tor School Trustes rates from str #: Strange ble, ready for brick veneer, will handle this. 0 My = William Street on Thursday, Feb Agerits. « Phine . S1630-- NEW FRAME HOUSE, ALL 3 relli i ¢ iting his pavents near Uttaya. . 80 °F. $3 80 12th, between" the hour of 12 o'clock pT ements $2,500--Division Street, first class frame dwelling. all improve Ns Lampkins have re . rare ; a ane mie hour of 72 : BATEMAN 4 GARDINER, INSUR. ments, bot air furnace, gas, barn and driveshed, very desirable turned home, aiter spenditig a couple Special train leaves city depot 12.55 We ASN DENTAL 8t., Kingeton. . [aston St t Cr t, faci Queen's College new of weeks with friends in the vicinity neem. Tickets good to returm ur Returning Officy 400 feet on Alice Stree rescent, facing on Queen's College n of Napanee. Mr. and Mrs. Hewry Monday night on all trains except 2 AIAN Ph a reed TC LET grounds, very deep lots, a snap for a quick buyer. : Huffman entertained n number of ther | *™€ % moved to 255 Princess Str 140 x 210 feet, corner Division and Russell Streets, adjoining new ® friends on Friday evening. Mr. Fish- - : - STORAGE FOR FURNITUR »To, Regiopofls College. Near the new factory sites. Irian pa who has purchased COVERED : R DR. €. €. NASH, DEN )9T; DR. Ton clean and dry. McCann, § Broo T G the general store business from F. P or a e Renton, assistant 33 Princess GEOR iE BAWDEN ' y Johnston, paid the village a visit 0h [INTERMEDIATE INPERCOLLEGIATE ss Coal | Street. 'Phone 135 doting Jar he ness will change "KEY ; SPARKS AND SPARKS, DENTISTS. | OFFICES IN CLARENCE ST. CHAM CTRRIEANGS Real Estate. Moudss The oe. * Miss Dervel HOCKEY CHAMPIONSHIP Houses 102 and 124 Victor- | 159 Wellington Street. (over far bers. Apply to Cunningham & Mus bso hands abo 2 st, 4 { fohuston has left to attend Albert | Qu ? I RM C | ia St, between Earl and John- novsky's), Kingston. 'Phone 348. die, 79 Clarence St. College, Belleville. Messrs, N. Huff | gen S ys. JL. son; choice location, two blocks . » s qs v : Fy : "an Shorey, of Yarker bank, | of 3 = from ear line. Houses modern «| PRIVATE 'GARAGE' OR STORA 'After Holida Sale ! or Sal B " on, and J. an he hg of hi i in every particular s HH mrsay, TD BS NEN. Sor auto fon ew inter; Clean ang y ec y Hulman : | . - i) street. Entrance on Bagot street ry. cCanu, Toc t. - . a | k rn - 4 a i GS AT 830, #17, 0, $12 of Fu ture Received Unusual Honors Game begigs S43 pm. Apply 1 Hoi Telephone 628. . } | offices, stores. ete, All goods now reduced in price d London, Feb. 5.--~Capt. Frau i<| Admission 256. Rewerved Seats 25¢ Fxten 1 '« D &t CATERING Real Estate Agency, 8! Brock St. A splendid chance to save money ; lich, commander of the steawsh a Seats now on ssle at the Rink Office. McLeod's rag ore Big line of beautiful antigue furni- Volturno, which was burned in mid- emit | rin ---------------- - ESTIMATES GIVEN FOR BALL SUP. m Y p ges, etc., to choose Atlantic on Oar. 11th, 1913, with a COVERED RINK AE TSR ERR tae STORAGE FOR FY RNITURE, CLAW ture, stoves, ranges, - 8 ai oe oe of oe ole do ote DES, PATRICK ------ pers, banquets, dinners, parties ary, airy rooms; Inch from loss of 135 lves, was present NOOREY MATCH La ste. Sliverware 03 le R ad key. Frost's ou Storage, 398 : / rday witd » free the ) . 2 en ueen St, Phone 4 . Alto bousebold goods bought, best : cits "of 'London In "iver cask &.| suviow om A cmamesonsuir | ADMINISTRATOR'S Bee's ing 8, store. : prices paid. city of Loade a 5 ' I EE ---- ---------------------------------------------- witch and chain, a wae of rote SMICHAELY VS FRONTENACS | NOTICE TO CREDITORS. | e mmms, mates | "MF, COMPONTAME _runsstmen L. LESSES ry a | | | ! room. centrally located, suitable . . Wedding breakfasts, banquets, etc for married coup! ng - . . y flv adal. In the Extate of John Haslett, Late of guble or single per. . : 56 BROCK ST. PHONE es, #ud Lloyd's silver meda a EE at Jehu, Saniett, Late w Siivorent dishes, table linens ans | aon, "With ue Without bourd Apiy d Chatham Streets ------------ rida e eld and Hambrook Cor. Princess an th S ® Nowe Zealand Ys \ M. P. Reid, 30 Uaion street, F. C Phoue 104 News From Zealand Game begtos S05 pam. Admiasion:| Notice Is hereby given, pursuant to i Hambtook," 176 | 152 Sydenham St. fre. stree' Solid Brick, Brock St. ..... .$4,000] Zealand, Feb. 4.--The ice on Silver Gents She, Indien 256. Reserved nents, George ¥.. ah af hat ail credito rs Phones 843 or 303. lake has not heen sale to drive Of | 50¢ extra. Sents mow on sale at Rink estate of sald .deceased, who died this winter yet. A sleigh load oi Omice, FURNISHED ROOMS o Brick Veneered, Mack St. ..$3,300 0 rewerved seats at Uglow's | he 28th day of Novewbor, ; > 3 ky a Cit e, on or defore { NTR ENE WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD, WORK. Frame. Alfred Street ......$3,000|voung people spent a pleasant OV- Cuutll 1 o'clock Friday: - are ono ear BL . g WANTED---GENERAL Hig men preferred Prin otis ening at Elm Shade cottage, the bo Sr eden weil, of said city of Ki . soliwitor Se able. 102 Earl St. Solid Brick, Princess St. ....$4,000 [hom of Mr. and Mrs. S. Armstrong. | NOTICE Dr yi. _Hazless, ad : Fo GENTLEMEN 10 BRING THEIR § : x : A number are engaged in cuttin { oT Marks Sorretars of J names and ad "and tall particu- cloth and have It made up Into up- Selid Brick, Frontenac St: ..$4,000 wood and . pulp and also in hauling Sao ti PY ay of Op l.Jars of their claims and of the secur- to-date sults. Price and workman MUSIC. ite Searbor fake Sip oi pice bo 6 (ils 8, SB Viol Miljeid] ofhip gufaniecd © fllase Src] ric f -a're. | 2 mend RL Seis | diste nit , i proceed i A one i REQUISITES Solid Brick, Albert St. rhreummsmr-------- oy en in the Labor Hall. i. diie the administral Tha RE ghortest notice Thomas Galloway | VIOLIN INSTRUCTION--MISS CHRIS. a Wi : - " - babii v en s .. 6th, © a ChE" Hi on tii 1 : 3 rock street, near Bibby's Gar-' tine ran 8 includ ? tic toll Solid Brick, Albert St. 5.30! = The Fuvarties Ratu | Subject Workmen's ~~ Compensatis une the purso R ontitled the a 5 Hue Cornrant, 7 Gore it, King may include any of the follow- . : 2 ies. A. Edison's kinetophone or | Wi DRISCOLL teh he shall thea have bh: . ing: A Fountain Syringe, a Frame, Beverloy Street ....$3,100 talking pictures will be presented at CoFteapanainG He: | will not be Mable f WERKE Piers ri YOR | TELEMANN ScHOOL OF MUSIC, 218 Good Hot Water Bottle, an At- the Grand Opera House for a return stint ass 0 any | i! of ' OR SEC. AV lg= r t whose , & ------------------------------_-------- j ' . | Frontenac siroe . . ® 3 oH ¢ , x - claim be shall not have hal notice ond-hand furniture, sioves, ote, See a omiser, or, for that mater, J. K. CARROLL, \Waazement cf que week, excepting | NOTICE to im. a Sack di stetoushan US me before Selling Sour soba Wa | mam BE. eacher 'Gr eipoution numerous other articles in . . Wednesday, beginning, Monday, Fe) i ! UM HAZLITT, Aduiinisteator also have a large stock of new and Telgmann. teachars of hold OF. 'Rubber which we cannot enum Manager Sth, giving two performances daily. | 3 vder the provisions of the Oni : ML NDEEL, S)iicitor . second-hand furniture and stoves dolin, plano, ete 'erms for tule i i nupanies Act, The Canadis re Lings . 240, . kh : . 8 3 , y erate. afternoon and ovening. There will maotiv Company. Limited. Ba reh ives Kingston, Jan Which we will sell to an out, at . be many new subjects shown durinz| public notice that it will make When In need of Rubber } : cost J. Thompson, Princess In Subecert fugagements on ; i ro Tn Ht I will : --- St, next to St. Andeew's church, théir engagement. | tion to. His Hep e. Lie R TesAsssssssssssafLLALLLLY | ernor of Ontario for the é of a mel i Records Exchanged vom... nari _-- os 3 erring Catch ecrease {from the 20th day of February, 1914 i ESI : §t. John's, Nfid., Feb. 5.--Tha | Bed HAL, ale of ARGIy : = i All kinds ot records, Vietor, Col |ierring fishery on the west coast, in : - -- SON, A ALBION MOTEL, CORNER MONTREAL umbia, Edison Biue Amberol, Ed [which a number of Canadian and : : tects, ete. 3 ARCH tates moderate; centrally located, HOAG'S DRUG STORE son two-minute, for exchange. Also American vesskls engaged. clos ed j N - GENUINE REDUCTIONS Phone $08. Oiices. 352 Bagot it : WM. . NEWLANDS & I and Queen strects: 33 bedrooms, one bloek from Strect cars. House : phonegrapha, gramophones and graf vesterda¥ with a {otal cateh of 635, \ $ " Best. Bip Ane So raed: Kingston, Ont. onolas for sale. Call and let us ex} iid barrels, against 71,685 barrels pH 29 ber veut of all marked . hest stable and yard accommoda- POW, & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER. tion. J. M. Caines, Proprictor plain our plan. flast year. prices. Any pair of shoes in Brock d Welingion oq rat one! store at reduced price. s ck and Wellington streets. Drof Must be cleared 10 make - UPHOLSTERER room for spring goods. Cull and see. We have all BUSINESS NOTICES W. J GAVINE, UPHOLSTERING, [i sizes and siyles to sult every- j : pairing and t pork, a simran pn -- one. » KINGSTON SHORTHAND, TYPE, gid 318 Bawot a Drop a writing aud Copying Bureau, 1 OF cal} 3 Street. Substantial reduction in all | Queen St. All work strictly cons * fidential. Rates moderate. rubbers. pp 13 BUSINESS CHANCES i ERY, CHINA, Ww i CUNNINGHA , bt SIORE §| "zens, a ome, magne: | OSEAN CINE, SEAS ASE #60 PRINCESS . A L L E N°? S The death occured Wednesday of Bertha Howard, beloved wife of Wil Phone 25% 118 Brock St liam Armstrong of Zion's Hill. She -- tn bse eens | dV OF cOMVULSIONS following confine! x : went. She was thirty.four years of age and was a daughter of Nelson ® ] Howard who resides ac Shannonville. For Sale x5 Farm of 125 acres, five miles from Kingston, ; : land $7,000 ; ; -- 0 INOESS oe, 20% will handle this valuable ' 5 3 ) = : hud ? : T e property. } y ' J PRIVATE BOARD AA NIWHERE, CaN yrAny For particulars apply to SR : SS SS SNS he ih NRE u 8 hus Wome 1 W.H. Godwin & Sons §| 2% TT S0ME NEW Ling Bloor om sisaomn [oy vin, \ To awe vanes) Sie oh ott : fs . | sts at wo Jo cock, 3, ort, N.Y. PE me - SOME NEW LINES ery | ; : Dividend ARSOLUTELY BEST VALUE You Sic. PER TIN, cheap: rent, good i Clarence, street, Kingston. " abate 8.50. "Gwiier retiring. Box 558, Napanee, Ont. s ment is especially 3 Broek St. Phone 424 Xmas Table Delicacies 1 ¥of Rockerfeller. equipped with every Real Estate Fire Insurance, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY FIFTH x Cleveland, Ohio, Feb. 5--Every modern improvement The Hon. Charles Wilson, K.C.. tor |} Huntley & Palmer's ff little rumor has a Sividnd all its known to science. tits ieee 3 : : 3 ahh , own for John ©. Rovkefeller. Our optometrist, H., © obi ay Spar: -- | Poncy aging Hiseuion Rumor for the past several days .> Brown, uh, Th. K..ot yoers ago todas in London England Mixed Chocolate, Sram Fg. J thao the Standard a Company would / . * votes himself exclus. . y a He 1 rl . ers, Orlen Creams Jetite cut & melon paying on a $1090 y 3 oe * : ps : ively to the Scientific Co | Wo d for Sale ghd Jaa sagab ants of the mh Be Dg WTS Bona: [fi share sent the stock up $40 a share N : For Fire Wo od and Kin it Examination of the 2 goof many: celebrated ¥o: I} or talian Mcaroons taliax, Figuring on John D's estimated yIEAR eyes and the fitting of : Th + ay cases. Orkney Assi. Shortbread. 56 Aulings. to-day ibe rumor netted glasses, Mixed Soft W 00d [a tims he was the leader of the con J} varlities to ¢hosse from. Your . : i mily Cor an vim $400,000. 1 | : lin ycut in stove | : Tiago and Hard Wood. Spee- {in ta soe meson mush Fenmiek: Honary a Co." . . : : ne th aud ----t nt; Hy Vw R in ; hie | . riba J inati {ocean stoam- : ed : lal rajes for quantitios|British Cofembia Conservative Asso : ATR J A combination. o w To y R. J. RODGER al rh 4 Algol tiation. He held tae position of V= er ship Sopinion , controlled by the \ 5 : over 10 cords. SO {Canada Steamship Lines, capitalized : % f aud other timbe Atiorney-genaral from 19083 to 308} Norge 0 i, Water: sirect, | a, ' The King St. Jeweller LM hart other timber. | The following year be contested cart Soarge Churthill; 288 ron , | hig oft Bein Mana ithout outs Commons having in his possession ducks that !will reeeive $125.000 from the estate Where the Clock is on the Wak | | R. WALLACE, without success. lay Seu vit ime. 1ot Lord Stratheotn.' Barrie It's oll right to bear other people's| 'Backachd Plasters?" at Gibson's. | "English Health Salt," at Gib burdens, but don't come home londed | $1.50 overalls, strongest 'made; $1 fe every. night, ; Dution's, : Serge wkirts, $1.39, Duwiton's,