. 3 ¢ nl _ Valentines Beautiful ne watock of Valentine Cards, Valentine Books, ¥ Pi Valentine Hearts, New Fancy Boxes and Figures. THOMAS LAMBERT Maker 'Of * Men's Clothes' Alwags viceable. We have a very special Bl we will make up for $24.00 a suit. Blue Worsted Suits enable and are very serv ie I ) Worsted, Indigo dye, which 'We also have a good selection of Brown and Grey Tweeds, which we will sell cheap. THOMAS LAMBERT Cawthra Mulock & Co. MEMBERS TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE, "TORONTO. Correspondence invited. Information or ad- vice in respéet of Bonds and Stocks furnished up- fl One Lb. 40c. Charm Ceylon Tea "Makes About 200 Cups I One Lb. 40c. Coffee Makes About + 70 Cu "DRINK CHARM TEA" | Geo. Robertson & Son, WEED) AS WELL AS STONE FILE FOR THE UNEMPLOYED Scheme Carried Out by Another City Recommended for Trial in ston -- Let the Men Earn Their Money by Sawing Wood for Local Dealers. : How would the wood pile do for the unemployed in the winter ? Kingston has a stone pile, but the suggestion has been made that a wood pile would also be of great ad- vantage. It is pointed out that there is a city in the west which has a system of this kind, and it has work- out OK. he Whig was informed that in this city referred to, the Children's Aid [Society has an agreement with some of the local 'wood dealers whereby un- employed men may be given jobs cut- ting wood. The dealers are ablé to have their wood tut by machinery, at the rate of thirty cents a cord, but agreed to let the men do it at the samp price, The organization took a share in the expense, adding soventy cents, and thus giving the worker $1 a cord for his labor. When men apply to the in- spector of the society forRrk, they are referred to the wood pile. Of course, there are many to who refuse saw wood, in the same as they shun the #tone pile, but there are men who will not work at anything. Ii the man sticks to this one job, and shows a willingness to earn a living, the so- ciety, when the opportunity presents itself, secares a permanent position for him. Penniless tourists could also be referred to the wood pile. ee CHILDREN'S AMD SOCIETY a-- Receives $85 Krom Midland District School Society. The Children's Aid Society met on Wednesday afternoon. For the first, time in several years the mayor of the city attended 'the meeting of this society and was warmly welcomed. Rev. D. Laing, who presided, called upon the mayor to address the meeting which his worship gladly did. Mayor Shaw called attention to the petition of the Children's Aid society to coun- (cil for a $300 grant, and stated that {it will no doubt be given dateful con: isideration at the meoting of the . fin. ance committee. 'The mayor 'also paid i# warm. tribute to Rev. A. E. Smart and highly commended him upon his, il \ successful undert akings. 4 eye~comfort is, 1913 Cadill aC ma Bs " é - HEE Nal PE 8 ' a | Women's Patent Bution, - Cloth Top, Patent Colt, Blu- | | y (| case 1 the mild weather continues; The treasurer's report read by Rev. { John Fairtie was not a very. encourag- ing one, and Rev. Mr. Laing strongly called upon the members io. be up and (doimg by making a 'canvass to secure (more funds. Miss A. M. Maehar, how- i ever, gladdemed the hearts of the mem- | bers by announcing that the Midland District - school society had donated eighty-five dollars to this society, in- [stead of only [iity, as in previous (years. This was certainly good news {ior 'the members present, and = upon jmotion of F. Welohy se Ww I. W. Savary, a vote of thanks was ten dered to this society for ite liberality, Jo M.° Farrell is the chairman of t Midland society. ; ce Eye Comfort Many' people never know what real Continual eyestrain, { causing headache and blurred vision | can be, overcome with specially ground 'lenses. Our facilities for securing | Accuracy are unexcelled and H. «i | Brown, Oph. D., who has charge of j our optical parlors, is an eyyesight, specialist of marked ability, him. if you are in doubt about your sight. R. J. Rodger, 347 King street "Where, the clock is. on the walk." With the Yonng People No special meeting for the young people was held on Wednesday even- ing in connection with "Endeavor Week," the members of the respect- ive societies attending the mid<week services of their churches On Friday evening the anniver- sary gathering will be held in the Bible school hall of Sydenham street Methodist church ------------ Settled For £600 The 'negligence case brought by An- drew J. Truell against the St. Law- rence River Ice company, has been set- tled, Mr. Truell receiving $600. The grew out. of injuries received by Mr. Truell when he fell from a con- veyer at the company's plant here a Year ago, » i, Thege Is No Ice "There is noice 'in tho St:*.awrepce river 'at Cape Vineent, N.Y, and ii it is quite likely that the horse races..advertised tobe held there on thaei¥an Febry- ary: 10th, Mth and |12, will have to be pulled. off on the fair grounds of declared off. 3 sai Mrs. H,| B. Mills; Bagot street; will not receive this week (Friday). "nd Bowels like I acts in Get a.10-cent box now. Most. old people must give to the bowels some regular help, else they suffer from con . The conai- tion is' perfectly natural. It is Just as natural as it is for old people to walk slowly. * For age is never so active as youth. ° The muscles are dess elastic. And the bowels are muscles. 1 So all old people need Cascarets. One might as well refuse to aid weak eyes with glasses as to neglect this gentle aid to weak bowels. The bowels must be kept active. This is rtant at all ages, but never so much as at fifty. 'Age is not a time for harsh phy- _ * supplementary estimates, King: }- Aonsult Ta 19 is SOUTH LEEDS L. 0. L. A Sh -------- HAD AN ENTHUSIASTIC MEETING ON TUESDAY W. J, Thompson, Maple Grove, Elect ed Worshipful Master -- A Big Tea Meeting Held at Maple Groye Methodist Church. Gananoque, Feb. 5.~The annual ses- sion of the county of South Leeds Loyal Orange Lodge was held on \ ay. The session opened at 10 am., with WM, D. F. Warren, of Lansdowne, in 'the chair. Afternoon and evening sessions were also held. There was a fairly good turn-out of delegates from the various lodges of the county, induding, Brockville, Lans- downe, Gananoque; South Lake, and others. The official address of the worshipfil waster, D. F. Warren, was full oi enthusiasm for bettering exist- ing conditions. The following officers were elected and duly installed : Wor- shipiul past mastér, D. F. Warren; worShipful master, W. J. Thompson, Maple Grove; deputy master, David J. Batler, Giananoque; chaplain, Rev. F. D. Woodcock, Brockville; financial se- cretary, H. 8S. Cook; recording seecre- tary, F. J. McCalpin, South Lake; treasurer, TF. W. Johnston, Leeds; di- rector of ceremonies, Thomas Bell, Leeds; fiest lecturer, Tucas Loshaw, Gananoque; second lecturer, George S. Mastin, Gananoque; inside tyler, George 8. Crain, Gananoque; outside tyler, Frank Cook, A pleasing citcumstance at the even- ing session, which opened at 7.30, was the presentation of a past master's jewel to George S. Mastin, W.P.M. of Protection lodge, No. 51, LO.L., asa mark of appreciation for his zeal in the work of the order. The presenta- tion was madeiby Oscar W. Landon, junior deputy. master of the Eastern Ontario grand lodge. Short addresses iollowed from: several of the newly clected county officers and these brought to a close one of the best and most enthusiastic sessions held in this district 'for many a year. One of the events of the season was the tea 'meeting of the congregation of the Maple Grove Methodist church, 'which was held there last evening, "Rey. Walter Cox rector of Christ chureh, Gananoans took the ¢hair, and gave an address. The programme in the main was fur- nished by Gananoque talent con- spicuous among whom were Messrs. Ralph B. Britton, Clarence C. Skin- ner, Miss Maginty, Mrs, Robert D. i Gordon, and Miss Essie De Long, all of whom rendered most excellent and highly 'appreeiative numbers. Gor don 'E. Hurd, elocutionist, delighted the large audience with a number of splendid recitations. © Added to this the pastor of Gananoque East circuit, Rev. A. E. Oliver, gave an interesting address. The members of the Ladies' Or. ange Benevolent association held a social last evening in their lodge rooms in the Foresters' hall. Gananoque Canoe and Motor Boat association held another dance. The popularity "of this series of winter dance has been steadily increasing. Charles A. Lewis, manager of the Megehants Bank, is confined to his Hop on Main street by illness. At eight o'clock last evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lane, Pittsburg township, a pleas- ing event took place when thelr daughter, Miss Edith Lane was united in marriage to James Gallo- way, son of George H. Galloway of Pittsburg township. The Serenifuy was perfarmed.by Rev. Melvin Tay lor, pastor of Grace church, before nite a large gathering of relatives and friends of the contracting par- ties. The bride was the recipient of a . large number of handsome and useful testimonials of esteem from her many friends. After the ceremony an excellent supper was served. Mr. and Mrs. Galloway will locate in the township of Pitts- rg, where the groom is a prosper-. ous young farmer, Among 'those from town in attendance at the fes- tivities were besides Rev. M. Tay- lor, Mr. and Mrs. Henry McCalnir Mr. and Mrs. 8. A, McKenzie, and David Dowsley MARINERS MADE MERRY AT TENTH AN) IN JAL "AT HOME" TY HALL Four: Hundred People Attended Event Which Was Great Success -- Visiting Delegates. to Marin» Con. " vention Were Present. \ Four hundred people attended ghe tenth ~amnual "At Home" of Council No. 4,> National "Assqciation of Ma- rine Engineers," held at "the city hall on Wednesday "night, and the event was a most enjoyable one to all who were present. 'The loeal council had as their guests, the wisiting delegates to the marine convention, the night session 'having heen postponed for the "At Home." The hall was prettily decorated and a fiue 'programme of music was ren- dered by the Geand Opera House or- chestra.. 'Supper was served in Ontar- io. hall. The caterers were Messrs. Reid and Hambrook, and they gave a first-class service in every way. The visiting "delegates to. the convention had supper her, a special table being set for them on the platform. They had a very jolly time. Many who did mot join in the dance, enjoy- ed a game of cards, . The members of the local council (having the arrangements in charge are deserving of praise for the success of the affair. The committees were com- posed as follows : Managing = committee--William Duni. gan (chairman), 'Joseph Kennedy (se- eretary), G. , R. Knight, F. Sullivan, R. Taylor, E. Spencer and Entertaining commitie--S. NM. Mur. ray (president), Alexander Milne, John Ewen, J. W. Hazlett, James Gillie, T.: Bishop, W. 8. Spencer and A. EK "=P The 'Board of Trade has heen ask- act on the general committee ro the 8 tion of the Canadian " 110, _THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5. 1914. ed to appoint two representatives to |] LE ABERNETH Bargains for Thursday and Friday if Our Sale of odd sizes, small lots and etc. is now on~-in } swing---come and get a am All $5:00 Tans, for . All $4.50 Tans, for All $4.00 Tans, for heavy bargain. All Ladies' Tan Boots, regular $6.00, for ...$3.95 Only a few $3.00 Tans for These include all Bluchers and Button patterns. Tans are stylish footwear but our stock is too and must be reduced. Sale of Women's Tan Boots "a .. $2.75 ...$249 Come and secure a Bluchers, special . CAMPBELL'S Annual Clearing Sale of FURS Big Discounts in Every Line Campbell Bros. Designers ad) Makers of Fine 84 Princess Street massa ICE IN HARBOR WEAK Hay Cannot be Brought From Wolfe roristand ! The wild weather 'during the past few days was the means of putting the ice in the harbor in a very bad condition. On Tuesday and Wed nesday it was dangerous to make a crossmg from the island with a team of horses. 3 : A hay merchant stated that. he had purchased a large quantity of hay at Wolfe Island but was unable to bring "it to the city. The farmers will not. risk their horses on the ice The work on the new, causeway to be built across the. harbor has been delayed on. account of the ice being too weak for the men.to work on. Until real cold weather comes again the work an the ice will have to be abandoned, msm Me-- All this week at Gilbert's busy stores just to sharpen up the edge of dull times: L Ib. tin C. C. beef, 19¢.: 3 for 50c. 4 tins kip. herrings for 25c. 6 pkgs. Pdwards' soups for 23¢. 1 5c. tin Dalton's Baking Powder, 15e. 3 tins blue berries, 25¢. 4 tina Rainbow salmon for 25e. 1 25¢. tin Coleman's Baking. Pow- der, 10e. Fo AY Choice butter in b. o Ib. crocks, 30e. Leave your orders early. The Parry Peerless Players closed Association. Bs drill hall is to be erected at Smith's Falls and the "House last eveming by the in the gainst 16." night for their engagement at the Grand Opera presenta. tion of the farce-comedy, "Upd A- The company left . Sale of Men's Shoes One lot Men's $5.00 Tans, on sale at ...... .$3.75 One lot Men's $4.50 Tans One lot Men's $6.00 Winter , Calf, Boys' Tan Bluchers, reg and Blacks at ....$3.49 Leather-lined ular $4.50, sale price $2.75 Special Sale Slippers, red, blue, green, regular $1.00. and Brown Spats, regu- lar $1.00, clearing at ers, good quality, regular $3.00. 7 Sale of Women's Cosy '25c¢. Red, Purple Ladies' 25c. $1.98 Men's Box Calf Blueh- Sale $1.98 of Chocolates In fancy boxes and 'in bulk. 30 cent value for 20 centa. $2.00 Boxes for ... $1.75 Boxes for $1.50 Boxes for $1.00 Boxes for ...... 76 Cent Boxes for .., 60 Cent Boxes fOr ......0vusv.. Presse nnanns sass sssassennns SAKELL"S, Nett To Opera House BEGIN THE NEW YEAR RIGHT Insist on. Having Pasteurized Milk Be Sure it Phone 845. THAT TOBACCO With the "Rooster" on fe. » crow louder as_he goes along Only r,s pound. For chewing ane bémoking. AT A. MACLEANS, Ontarte Street. STOVES AND RAN 'We have a large stock of Stoves and Ranges, also new and second-hand fur. niture, carpets and quilts, Come and see me if you want to save money on all kinds of household goods. \ H. SUGARMAN, 242 Ontario Street. Phone 1580; Opposite Craig's Wholesale, Tating Relieves * Stomach Ijouble "Fat good foods and plenty of the Dieting, in many cases, ix almost cri nal. Get back to normal. To do so 'ou must have the proper quantify of wurishment. You need it for brain or shysical work. Probably there is noth- ng the matter with your stomach ex- ept acidity. That is merely an. abnor nal secretion of .acid in the stomach, Veutralize that acid and your stomach rouble will end at once. Neglect may nean ulcers if not cancer of the stom- ich. Do not take patented medicines ir pepsin tablets for dyspepsia, Sim- ly take a neutralizer of acid. Decid- Wily the best neutfalizer is ordinary iruggist's bisurated magnesia. You 'an gel it at any drug store for a few ents, B glass of water after each meal. The re- Ae will be immediate." its and Overcoats Must Go Spring Goods will soon be here and the balance of our winter clothing must go regardless of price. $8.50 Overcoats, now .... $9.00 Suis, now $10.00 Baits, now .. $7.00 $15 and $18 Blue Serge Suits, vale 4 [ISAAC ZACKS] PRINCESS Take a teaspoonful in a quarter} is in Bottle PRICE'S Our Big Clearing Sale Now On OPO Te