Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Feb 1914, p. 10

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A beroic meal is described in a recent article by Bonnreastle Dile in Toronto Sati day Night, describing A visit to the West Coast Indians. which is almost calculated 6 eatrse symptoms of indigestion In & squoam- pos Hd pias, in though dn i 3 » food trays, "seal" dishes pg Hout dishes, were hedped up the foi. ili Hs receive rapt | Beni. "we 8 card ha. Wat-see. quantities. ~ Boiled devil fish. To wash this salt Deer meat. Dried Amoky toast PATENTS Herbert J. 8S, Dennison King Breet Wasts Toronis Per onto, -. tents, ae Marke, be 1 a * L ¥! every. where; eighteen ears' exper lence. Wette for Pooklet. " . Beliold this dusky throng squatted on the platfarms of the house, the glaring fro in the gen- tre lighting up the scene, ach an and woman un 1 child helping # + 2 AR ANNOY CURED, | with LOG Ls i Aone, as they I cAngot reach © BOW the didexse Jatareh Is a 'blood or constitutionsk ak e, and. in' order to cure it you ut fous ingornal. fo elon Tai Catai Cure Is ta tern: { acts directly on the! . ajucods aces. Ty ihe rifters, act 0 o mucous surfaces. The perfect ation of the two ingredients produces such wendérful results Y curing Catarrki. Send for testimonial free. PJ. CHENEY & £0. Preps. Toledo, 0.| Sold by dru Sis pri ise. "Take Hal . Family Pills for consti« on. LADIES and MEN'S, BOY'S "and GIRL'S Hockey Shoes AT VERY LOW PRICES. BUY YOUR SKATING SHOES Treadgod Cyclo and Sporting Gos Cs bake -day "luck" If your haking results vary, you may find the reason in the flour. For there is only one way that a miller can as- sure you constant -uccess. An oven test must be : nde. So we lake ten pounds of wheat from each shipment 'deliv. : ered at our mills. We grind this PURITY i 1 ish, & box in that spot, affected both lad and me allke, and we laughed loud and long. Instantly we were much ashamed of ourselves, as our hosts never as much as raised 'glance fowards us \o noté our morri- ment. Thede people are the seme of was not more than ene hundred peo- |. ple in the big potiach house, yet the innumerable food trays wer: fast be- ing emptied. -------------------------- Goat Farming In Alberta. Farmers in Central Alberta have imported more than 1,500. two-year Angora goats since Jast July, and it Is predicted that fully 10,000 will be brought into the Edmonton district and other parts of the province dur. Ing the next twelve months, . Thore is every promise that the breeding of these animals for mohair, milk and goat venison Will be de- veipped into. an Important industry. le the climatic conditions of the, countries further south permit the Angora goat io grow hair for only one year before shedding, the dry, cool atmosphere of Alberta cnables ths animal to carry its two years' growth without any fear of shedding. The hair grown from year {0 year js worth only 85 eests to 50 cents a pound. The two-year product is worth upward of $6 a pound. The valuo. of goat meat is said to be equal to tha: of mutton, and is used to... large cxteant throughout in countries, here the moet raising in- dustry is extensively followed. In taste it is much similar to venison. Wheat In New Quebec? Extraordinary developments in whoat-growing have been . proved bir | Possible in various parts of the Cana- dian Dominion, and just ngw specu- lation is rife among the farmers of Quebec as to the chances in this di- tection held out by the vast new ter- ritory. lately added. .fo the Province of Quebec, No definite opinion can be pronounced at present as to the total grewing capacity of these mil- lions and millions of acres of ynsel- led land, since only a small part of territory has yet been carefully explored, ut 80 far as climate is concerned there is sajl to be rea- fon why whet should not be grown in the northernmost limits. Recent experiments bave shown that excel- lent root erops can be grown in. some paris of Canada actually within the Arctic. Circle, and surprising results | In respeet to the cultivation of wheat are constantly being reported. Brown Tail Moth. The Department of Agriculture at Ottawa is co-operating with the Pro- vinces of Nova Scotia and Now Druns- | wick this winter, in 'carrying on a vigorous: war against the brown tail moth, which has invaded that part of Canada, Gang: of men are employed sos rch. Jor the nesta of the moth on the trees of orchards and elsewhere, amd {ho nests are destroyed. Miilions of dollars have been spent io fighting the pest in New England, bit 1" is hoped to prevent it getting a strong foothold in this country. Eskimos Have Backbone. Charles Dawson, who found the famous Bilidown skull, bas made an- other discovery of considerable inter- | ost to. adthropologists. He his discovéred that the mem- bers of a certain Eskimo tribe in nerthern Canada have literally mere backbone than the rest of humanity; that is to say, they have one extra SeTteura to which small ribs are st- tached. : Bonehead Stick, A gruesome ; stick was thal used by the late Bell, so long mrn: ger of The on Times. It was & atou plain, t. stick, with.a bone from his ows body. the heel of his ¢ to | -"y Mr. Biddinger is the new chief of , Second deputy police commissioner. A's ed the Quebee graft uess of the inquiry. Namara ease, lawyer. Clarence 8. Darrow. Virginid Legislature and five Atlantic TEACHING THE MINERS. " Colliery Workers Have Technical ' Schools For 'Training Oficials. | In Nova Scotia, as elsewhere in| important coal-preducing areas, col- | liery officials are required to pass ex- aminations &nd secure certificates of | competency before being allowed to fill responsible positions in and about a colliery. These examinations cov- er.such subjects as scholarship, mine ventilation, methods of working { mines, surveying, geology, mechanics, first aid to the injured, étc. For the higher grades of certificates I f2 ne- cessary that the prospective official shall, have a good working knowl- | edge of geometry, algebra, t:igono- metry, English eomp sition, physics, mechanism, geology, niire plans, and sirvering, in addition to the specific subjects that relate to practical mine o._ loitstion. ' The ambitious "miner has usually besn required (o oblain this knowledge by himsgelt «rp throngh the medium f a correspond- CRce Course In Nova Scalia there isan evening technical school for coal miners in seventeen colliery towns, or prac.iog - | fir every coal-mining community in | ! the province. Four permanent min-| ing instructors and ove: thirty-five | part-time teachers are ongaged in these schools. The pormandnt |i structors are "uén who hold the high- est carlificates of competency and who are engaged in rezponsihle posi- tions in and about the colliery and give a certain number of their even ings to tha work of instruction. The classes ment twice a week for a twos hour session through a period of eight months of the year.--F. H. Sex ton in Industrial Canada, shi + detectives in the world, except that o € Scotland Yard. general manager of the Burns Detect ive fuency that Mr. A SS AMI 5 ; ANGER, CHIFE WITNESS AT INQUIRY INTO ™ THE ™ ALLEGED BRIBERY AT QUEBEC. detectives in New York City amd such he heads the largest force of It was as assistant- Biddinger direct- of their the West City aldermen, most of whom were sent to prison. Biddinger was born at Cincinatti in 1875 Time is like a restless river, Bearing on its tide away Wrecks of radiant hopes that ever Bloom and fade witl, closing dav. Bearing on the youth to manhood, Bearing manhood.gpct its prime-- Changing all things, Testing never: Touch, O touch us gently, Time! » We v-ho speak, and ye who ponder We who write, and ye who read-- | Gliding swiftly down, mey wonder It we're growihg old. indeed; If the past .is gon forever, If the present may not stay, Or to-morrow be the giver Of the Jors we missed to-day One year more, of all the number Given us for carthly stay, Gone into the past, where slumber very wasted yesterday! Up to action! Let the present Day and year, and hour of time Prove, while, love and hope are pleas sant, 3 Duty only sinhlime! William Wye Mrs. James SL. laton, led on Monday, aged ears A husband, (wo laughter survive S. Wright, Stirling, a nerchand ingering illness cars of agp. Willfam McConnell, Belleville; died mm Tuesday from paralysis. He be- longed to the A. O.-U. W, of Frank- ford 1 A Woman's Canadian lub heen organized in Belleville Mrs. J. F. Wilks as president, ia smith, Bloomfield, sons, and one died on Saturday He has with EE SY \ was sixtytone | investigation, and, in consegnence, he will be a wit | His most mata ble work wus in connection with Me. | and he secured the evid ence that led to the arrest He tra pped seven members of | ir.0. A. YORKE Shows How Easy It Is / ' To Get Rid OF Kidney Trouble And Lame Back - Belt Ruck FivMtenat Cou Outi 15 years, hothing a Kidngye, at 50. bad, The went all through my back and and down my legs. When I wattld sit for hey could not tighten up util | ad walked a rod or neighbor advised me#to take GIN PILLS. 1 did # and six boxes cured me. Tt is about two years tit GIN PILLS. My back is ht. No pain In back or walk all right. GIN PII, are 'their weight in gold to any. one suffering with Kidnéy Trouble D. A. YORKE. since I now all and 1 Business College (Limited) Head of Queen Street. Courses in bookkeeping, shorthand, typewriting, elvi) service, general improvement, and all commercial subjects. Rates moderate, Informa- tion free. H.F. Metcalf - Principal Phone ° 16 For Your Chriftmas Groceries. | Our stock is complete in all lines. 841.8 Princess Street. | Prompt Delivery. (Connt "en lid Otten.) ; | D. COUPER Never mind what other people sdy about "never being able to get anything 'have probably never tried GIN PILLS, you may be sure, or they would be well. GIN PILLS will always cure the Kidneys and Bladder, Urie Acid Poisoning and Stone in Bladder and Kidneys. every box of GIN PIL spot cash guaratitee of satisfaction or ones ack, Joe x Sr aan Sample free if you write and Chemical Co, ed, Toronto, ' 209 Must be sold by February 1, 1914, Three brick houses In the best of location, near Queen's University; open' plumbing and the latest im- provements, 'bringing a rental of $540,00 per year for $5. 000.00. House on Queen street, near Clergy, $3.950.00, I AI A -- HORACE F. NORMA Real Estate and General Insure ance, > 177 WELLINGTON ST. im----------------r-- rea. dn cbt BELL ROCK, O1l seventy-nione | | prominent | after a' | | | ie , Samia bing he Posmotes Mideetino} 5 a Dsl napkins my Opus tMgrplise nor dis [OT NARCoTIc. } OL! Be SMITE ! y 1 1 Son, Sour Stomaga Dntrhess Worms fe Sigpaivrr of wot ERR { Tee Crxrave Cray MONTREALANEW YORK A Por Infants and Child resi. Mothers Know That Genuine Gastonia Always jears the For Dver Thirty Years ' sample into flour. Then the flour is baked into bread. I this bread proves to be the. "lucky" Kind--high in quality, large in quantity-----we use the ship- ment. Otherwise we sell it. You buy luck in flovr bearing this name. bh, No need to merely try your yek. ros - ra - {ine a cao e ng a railway line ard | points. A train was approaching. snd { by a desperate effort he wrenched | himself free. But he so injured his , ankle that an operation was neces- | sary, and one of the joint bones had | to be removed. This he had mounted | as the handle of the walking stick | which he used to counteract the ltmp | his accident left him.--London Tat- {lems ! ! : I I ! Had Experience. At a recent meéting of the Church Prebendary W I | Army \, "More Bread and Better BY df and "Better Pastry Too" "St =» %../ Why Are Your Neighbors So 1 Happy ? 4 Because the Wife Bought An EDDY'S WASHBOARD Aud Now--Wash day is a juke. ain't no fear o' that. on fear otha I was a poach Br A . CEC, KING GEORGE NAVY PLUG CHEWING TOBACCO IS IN A CLASS CY IT5ELF: It Mipatees all others in quali'y and favor breause the process by which i 15 wads differs fron others lt is deli. ciously sweet and non-ifritting. vo . SOLD CVERYWMERE: 10v A FLUA 3 1 Rock cimy TOBACCO Co., Manufacturers, QUEBEC. 'was given, and Mr, the well i, TWINS JUONED TOGETHER BY A TISSUE OF FAT. : Another pair of "Siamese" twins born in France. The most astgn- ishing case before the medical World to-day is that of , babies Susanna and Madeline, who were born with a tissue of h connecting ome to the other. The young ladies, as shown in the tograph, will be for some time compelled to live in the aw kuiotd facesto-face position seen here. Medical men the world over are watching amd studying the case with the interest it deserves. A formation of cells about Inches long and séven inches in thic kness, joins the two above the navel. Professor Le Fill ¢ French of All kinds of Washboards for all kinds of people.

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