Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Feb 1914, p. 8

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Points to Remember ! READ - 1st .-- The garments we of- fer our trade are the guaranteed productions of the country's most noted tailors. 2nd _ The fabrics that go into our Clothes were, chosen by experts from the out-put of the best foreign and domestic looms , rt 3rd There are no prices lowei® than = ours when any attempt is made to approach the values we ofter. oo 4th Every garment we sell is titted to the form before it leaves our store by an expert fitter that looks to every little detail. 5th In buying your Clothes here, Sir, you take no risk whatever, for we stand back of ev- ery garment with a -- guarantee of 'perfect mmm satisfaction. LIVINGSTON'S, Brock Street A little out of the way, but it will pay you to walk. Spring Suits and Coats We invite inspection of our stock of ppring suits and coats, the styles and ma terials of which are absolutely correct, and include many novelties that cannot be dup- licated Jater on in the season, ' Muslin Underwear Gowns, slips, dorset covers, chemise ' drawers and skirts, all in the new sheer fabrics daintily trimmed with lace and em- broidery, and made in the most approved fashion, at very attractive prices. 'New White Waists ™ latest New York noviles in gro , marquisette and other mate specially priced at $1.48 and $1.68. Armouries }| KINGSTON LADY OURLERS 10, Antwerps-Cock, 1° and % hen, 1 PLAY IN BELLEVILLE and 2, A, Knight & Son, Toronto. | Archangles--Cock, 1, hen, 1, F. Dix- in the Ontario Tankard Competition ©%, city. 3 a _Frontenac-St. Michael Game on' , Black Carriers--Cock 1, 2 and 3, E. 11day Evening Promises to be a Limos, of Toronto; hen 1, 2 and 3 | Ripper. . A.0.C. Carriers--Cock 1)2 and 3, The' Kingston Ladies' Curling club, 'hen 1, 2 and 3, E. Limon. iu arranging to send a couple of | Dragons Cock--1, 2 and 3, hen | rinks ty~Helleville some day next = snd 3, Il. Limon. week to" colmpete in the 'Ontario la- | White Fantails--Cock 1 and 2, dies tankard games, which take place : W. Winnett, city; 3, R. Grant, in that city. This is a new or- Ottawa: hen, 1 and 2, Pr. A. ganization, A prize has been offer- | Winnett; 3, F. Dixon, city." ed by a Toronto man. Rinks from Blue or black Fantails--Cock 1 and Toronto, Peterboro, Kingston and 2 hen 1 and 2, Dr. A. W. Winnett. Belleville will compete. ° As vet the | Red or yellow Fantails--Cock 1 and Indies who will compose the local 2, hen 1 and 2, Dr. A. W. Winnett; rinks have not been chosen. 13, R. M. Douglas, city The Montreal Herald of Feb. 3rd | A.0.C. Fantails--Cock 1 and 2, R. states that two curling rinks, repre- !M, Douglas; hen, I and 2, Pr... A. senting the Kingston Curling, Club, 'W. Winnett; 2 and 3. R. M. Doug intend making a tour of Canada. Owe las. of the players, when speaking to the 1 Chequer Homer Show--Cock 1, 2 Whig on Wednesday morning, stated and 3, A. Kaight & Son, Toronto; that it was n joke as the club had hen, 1, 2 and J, A. Knight & Son, no intention of making a tour. Toronto, On account of the mild weather the | Homer Show A.0.C.--Cock 1, 2 and games between Napanee and King- 2, A. Knight & Son; hen, 1, 2 and ston, in the Central Ontario curling 3, A. Knight & Son. league, which were to be played at' Flying Homers, likeliest looking fly- [the Joeal rink this evening, bave er--Cock, R. E. Kent; 2 and 3, . been called off. ; Bottrell & Son, of Bowmanville; hen, The games in the district cup ser- R. E. Kent, J. Hughes, city; H. Gar- jes, whieh were called off last week lick, city. x / on account of the mild weather, will i Black Jacobing--Cock 1 and 2, R. be played at the local rink on Thurs- K. Barker, of Toronto; 3, Dr. R. 8. day and Friday. The draw will be Richardson, Toronto; hen 1 and 2, taken on Thursday afternoon at two R. K, Barker; 3, Dr. R. 8S. Richard- o'clock. son. -- | Red or yellow Jacobins--Cock, Dr Ho! For Friday's Game R. S. Richardson, R. K. Barker, R. The "clagh between the senior Grant, of Ottawa; hen 1 and 2, R. Frontenacs and St. Michael's here K. Barker; 3, T. Bottrell & Sons. on Friday night shoulq certainly De! White Jacobins--Cock, Dr. R.-S. the Dest exhibition of the local sea-| Richardson. R. K. Barker, I". Dixon; gon. St. Miques are tooted to be hen, 1 und 3 R. K. Barker; 2, F. possibly the best aggregation play-| Dixen. : ing "the amateur game to-day, and | A.0.C. Jacohins Cock, 1 and 3, Dr. they were little superior to Fronten-' R. 8. Richardson; 2. R. K. Barker; acs when they inet in Toronto last hem, 1, 2 and 3, R. K. Barker. Friday night. The visitors will] Black Magpies--Cock,/ 1 and 2, H. come to Kingston on Friday with | Rawnsley, of Toronto; 3, J. S. (ireen- their full team, and "Jim! Suther-! shields," of Toronto; -hen, H. Rawns- jand will bank up against them |ley, F. Hambley, of Toronto, J. S. with his regular squad. With fast | Greonshiclds, ico the game can be nothing but a| Red Magpies--Coek, H. Rav nsley: ripper. 9 and 8, J. 8. Greenshields; hen, 1,2 and 2, J. S. Greenshiclds. Game This Evening Yellow Magpies--Cock, 1, 2 and 3, At the covered rink this evening 3. 8: Greehaiiiside; ant, 1 and 2, F. R. M. C. 1. and Queen's HI will |Groeaoiices be J formyl: clash in the second game of the in-| "= agp Yd a termediate intercollegiate hockey | yy tireensiercs; A Ach, league. When these teams wet on p y " . a . : Tuesday evening. January 27th, they oat ock, BE. Limon; hen, E. Li played a ug game. African White Owls--Cock, 11. pt Rawnsley, F. Dixon, T. Bottrell & [Belleville Excursion To-morrow Son; hen, Dr. R. 8. Richardson; 2 and Special train leaves G.T.R. at 53, F. Dixon. : o'clock, , running, into Belleville city. | African White Owls, A.0.C.--Cock, 1, Come up and see Froutenacs win on!2 and 3, Pr. A. §. Richardson, of To- fast ice. Fare $1.50 round trip. ! routo; hen, 1 and 2, Dr.A.S. Richard- son; 3, H. Bawnsley, Won By Deseronto - English Owls--Cock, 1 and 2, J. The , mugston Business Collage | Rawnsley; 3, F. Dixon; hen, 1 and {eam was defeated here on Tuesday | 2 H. Rawnsley. < Hambley; 3, J. 8. Greenshields. to. The score was 4 to 2. wen, 1, E. Limon. Soo Se mum o Oriental Frills--Coek, I and 3, E. Ready for His Match Limony-3,T. Bottrell. and Son; hen, Frank Phillips has finished train- 1 snd 4, E. Limon; 2, 1. Bottrell & » his wrestling match with 'Con. yA) Sh . os of by N.Y., at 'Ontario White Pouters--Cock, J. H. Magill, fall, on Thursday wight, and isg in of i ort Hope; hen, J. H. Magill. the pinl of condition. A very in- hey i Huck Pouters--Cock "and teresting programme ras been pro-| Tb v5 A agill. vided. sud a very large attendance is locked for. There will be two very ¥ good preliminary - bouts aon Blue or Black Pigmy Pouters--Cock, Hagerty of 'Montreal, and F. McEl-| 1: Bottrell & Son; hen, T. Bottrell & roy, of Kingston, and Stockbridze i E., Lau, : ] . : and Smith. Mr. Phillips has extend- G he . C. Swallows--Cock, R. 'ed an invitation to Mayor Shaw and} Grant, F. Dixon, T. Bottrell and members of the city eouncil to at-!800; hens, R. Grant, T. Bottrell and tend. son. X.0.0. Pouters--Cock, 1 and 2, J. I. Magill; hen, 1 and 2, 9. H. Magill. i | Trumpeters--Cock, F. Dixon, KH. Played the Game { Grant, Dr. A.W, Winnett; hen, Dr. I'he: hockey teams from Bath Road A. WV. Winnett, R. Grant, E. 8. acd Parrolt's Bay, played a tie game, Waite, of Belleville. on Monday. _After fifteen minutes Muffed Tumblers, any special col- overtime the score stood two all. The Ld and Xo rant; 5B teams were : 5. Kent; hen, 1 and 2,'R. Grant; 3, Bath Roud-Goal, ¥. Thowgal, de |B B. Kent. : . Young and W. Shepherd; Long-taced Tumblers--Cock, Lr. , R. Stevenson; centre, A. Car. | Bottrell and sou, R. KE. Kent; hen, roll; wings, P. Covert and G. Smith. R. E. Kent, 2ang 3 T. Bottrell and Parrott's Bay--Goal, A. Lane; de-[*90. fence, J. McDonough and R. Miller; Bhort-faced Tamblers--Cock, KE. 8. rover, (i. Lewis; centre," M. Parrott; | Waite; len; E. S. Waite. wings, A. Prowning and A. Smith. Blue or Black Turbitte--Cock, R. Refovee--"Rod" Neilson. Grant, T. Bottrell and son; hen, T. SRR Bottrell and son. ; Hockey Notes A. 0. C. Turbitts--Cock, 1 avd 2 Ihe senior Frontewacs practice wt | T. Bottrell and son; hen 1 and 2, T. the rink Wednesday evening between | Boitrell and son. seven and eight o'clock. This is the | Tipplers--Cock 1 and 2, R. E only work-out they. will get beioe | Keut; hen, 1 and 2, R. E. Kent. Friday night's game with "t. Mich- A. 0. V., not classified--Cock, 1 - ! " : and 2, R. Grant; 3, H. Rawnsley Sepior U.ILA. | game: Varsity, 6; { hen, R. Grasmt, T. Bottrell, R. E Osgoode Hall, 2. Kent. Mayor A. Shaw presents the var' ions cups to the winners of poultry and: pigeons 'on Thursday night. A Lot of Short Hema Rum im To-| 'fhe Nimrod cup, presented by the a ge! r. : Nimrod club, of Toronto, for the best "Buy Zam-Buk," at Gibson's. collection of pigeon¥, wis awarded to There will be no special stamps for | y, Knight & Son, of Toronto. There ihe pared post. . are in all twenty-five cups to be 'Backache Plasters," at Gibson's. }uwarded bi All Asiatic exclusion amendments to} : mn the upmigration bill were deieated in sm congress, 3 > nn -- "English Health Salt," at Gib- I} IF YOUR WHIG s0n'S. President Wilson has decided to lift COMES IRREGULAR- the embargo on exportation of arms to Mexico. » Hate 200, How's, for drugs. LY, LATE OR SOIL- 'snadian Pacific railway earnings for week ended January 3lst, $2.501,- ED, "PHONE 243. +000; decrease, $672,000. eS as ai inns "Buy Zam-Buk," at Gibson's er ma The Paardeburg dinney will be held Died in Rochester, N. Y. fove sa S v x i i a: Tervaars 2h. ou: Saturds; wo wad received in the city on "Phone 230," \sibson's, for drugs. |. Bes ay 'that George Marchand, AD. McDougall "and ' GC. "oninlaw of John Meluaid, Russell McJlean, Brockville, bave been ap, ureet: had died in: Rochester, N.Y. Dolnted asscesors at $300 per year. | (he late Mr. Marchand was well "Plione 230," Gibson's, for drugs. known in this city. He leaves a wife A. J. Hi. Viekardt, Toronto, has dis- |and one child, also five sisters and teihuted $33,000 among his employees | 00% brother. Mrs, 1. Feeney, Mrs. in the National Casket company. O'Donnell, Mys. J. Potter, of this "Puy Zam-Buk," at Gibson's. city; Josephine and. Sophia, of Roch- Senntor George Gordon, Cache lester, N.Y., and William Marchand, of tay, Ont.. was elected president of this city. The remains will arrive | the Causdicn Lumbermen's Associa- {iv Kingston on Thursday, and oa tion. 3 + {Friday morning at nine o'clock ~ will "Backache Plusters." at Gibson's. |be taken te St. Mary's cathedral, A baby whose: father is president of | Where a. solemn requiem mass will be the French republic is expected at the $uog. The remains will then be Elysee Palace, this for the first time placed in St. Mary's vault. in the history of France. \ ------------ c "Plasters," at Gibson's. Everybody should attend the,Poul- ville engineer says it, try aod Pi Show rat Armouries, ,500 to put ifs. streets Admission 100 i The work may. be | at sapisin tablets," at Gibson's. rah ? Gy ' 1 fpiprovement plan. -all purposes. afternoon by a team from Deseron- : A.0.V. Owls=-Cock," "1, LE. Limon; { Embroidery TO-MORROW We will place on sale a very special purchase of Fine Embroider: ies just secured at a price much below their value. 2,400 Yards Fine Embroideries And insertions in the lot. These are made from soft white Eng- lish long cloths and excellent work, The widths are from 2 to 2 1-2 inches and the values 8e, 9¢, 10¢. Your Pe Morrow. 2 5c Yard No telephone orders accepted for these. Fine Whité Cottons For Home Sewing H kses English Long Cloths. This fine make 1 orrockses Eng g ( ' 12%c Yd with a firm close weave and soft finish Landsdowne White Cambric for underwear, a soft, fine cotton 10c Yard Nainsook, a sheer white cotton but of very fine I texture that gives excellent wear Kingsley Quality Twilled White Cottons, for Men's Nightgowns. This is a make specially imported for those 25 who want the best. . Yd Ti Cc Other Twilled White Nightgown Gotton at 15¢ and 20c. White Cotton The material with the crinkled surface which does ont come out in the wash, requires no ironing--a distinct saving in lann- dev bills. This crepe is suitable for Kimonas, Waists, Dresses and Underwear | 15¢, 20c, 25¢ Le John Laidlaw & Son. EVERY SHAPE AND STYLE OF RUBBER PRICES FROM 90¢ UP TO ©......$150 OVERSHOES, WITHOUT BUCKLE. $1.50 OVERSHOES, WITH ONE BUCKLE. .. .$2.00 OVERSHOES, WITH TWO BUCKLES. .$2.25 OVERSHOES, WITH FOUR BUCKLES $3.00 The Lockett Shoe St SC ------------------------ A A SE. ve $3 0 sm wo

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