BANK or TORONT INCORPORATED 18585, Joint Savings Accounts A Joint Savings Account may in the names of two or more perso may sign cheques or deposit money. a family or a firm a joint decount terest paid on balances. Assets, $60,000,000 be opened at The Bank of Toronto ns. In these accounts either party For the different members of is often a great convenience. In Deposits, $41,000,000 . George B. McKay - - ~ Market S Manager quare, Kingston. Howard INVESTMENT BROKER High Grade Bonds & Stocks. Fire & Life Tns REAL ESTATE District Manager of 'the EQUITABLE LIFE. ASSURANCE 80 44 Clarence Street. S. Folger Giery "Phone 9 FOR SALE 246 ALBERT ST. 11 roomed house, large grou sion 1st May next. Also some ch Fire, Life, Accident and Sickness Insurance. J. 0. H Telephone 703, 1 Estate and Insurance Agent SOME ATTRACTIVE INVESTMENTS. $4,000--Johnson Street, downtown location, rents $600 per year. $2,800--Montreal Street, double will handle this, $2,600--Division Street, first class frame dwelling. all improve- ments, hot air furnace, gas, residence. 400 feet on Alice Street Crescen grounds, very deep lots, a s 140 x 210 feet, corner Division a Reglopolis CoHege. GEORGE Insurance Coal After Holiday Sale of Furniture All goods now reduced in price. A #plendid chance to save .money. Big line of beautiful antique furni- ture, stoves, ranges, elc., to choose from, - Also household goods bought, best prices paid. L. LESSES Cor. Princess and Chatham Streets Phone 104° RUBBER REQUISITES may include any of the follow- ing: A Fountain Syringe, a Good Hot Water Bottle, an At- omizer, or, for that matter, numerous other articles in Rubber which we cannot enum- erate, When In : need of Revuisites, consult HOA'S DRUG STORE Kingston, Ont. Rubber Wearing the Wrong Glasses is oftei'niore injurious to the eyes than is encratly thought. rong glasses hold the eyes In a constant nerve destroying strain, not only endan- gering sight, but health and happiness, Our optometrist, H. C. Brown, Oph. D., . wil} advise you concerning eye-glasses or spec- ,tatles without charge. R. J. RODGER Ween th Clik to she wa Near the pew factory sites, nds, tennis court, garage. oice building lots. Posses- 18 Market Square, Kingston. UTTON 18 Market St, Kingston. frame, rents $294 per year. $800 barn and driveshed, very desirable t, facing on Queen's College new nap for a quick buyer; nd Russell Streets, adjoinitg new BAWDEN 56 BROCK ST. PHONE 68. Solid Brick, Brock St. ......$4,000 Brick Veneered, Mack St. ..$3,300 $3,000 $4,000 .. $4,000 Frame, Alfred Street ..... Solid' Lrick, Princess St. ... Solid Brick, Frontenac St, Solid Brick, Albert St. 7.$4,800 Solid Brick, Albert St: . $5,300 Frame, Beverley Street .,..$3,100 © J. K CARROLL, Manager. Records Exchanged All kinds of records, Victor, Col- umbia, Edison Blue Amberol, Edi- son two-minute, for exchange, Also phonographs, gramophones and graf- onolas for sale. Call and let us ex- plain our plan, ALLEN'S Phone 258 118 Brock St Farm of 125 acres, five miles from Kingston, first-class land £7,000 20% will handle this valuable property. | For pantien apply to W.H. Godwin & Sons 39 Brock St. Phone 424 Real Estate Fire Insurance, Cord Wood for Sale Mixed: Soft "Wood and Hard Wood. Spee- ial rates for quantities over 1 cords. Also wharf and other timber. Ottawa Light, | LOCAL NOTES AND ITEMS OF . GENERAL INTEREST: Happenings in the City and Vicinity ~What the Mcrebants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. "Buy Zam-Buk," at Gibson's. : Hubert: r, Vancouver, B.C., is visiting in the city, Go dnd see the, best poultry p b show ever held in Kingston. Buy abpiria tablets," at Gibson's. cnn Lonny. and wite left for a New" Yi on Tuesday night. 'piano tuner, Orders ' En Nui ths s. !Phone 56064. bec, "has reported | local military Bospi and be tal ted Cross Kidney Plaster." Gib- son's, | : : Ladies' up-to-date deessmaking, Terms moderate. Misa A. Kdyes, 221 Princess street. A fresh supply of City Dairy Jee Cream, Toronto, in brick form, as- sorted flavors, Hoag's Drug Store. Phone 258, : "Buy Uripp Tablets," at Gibson's. Sixteen women attended the dress. making classes on Tuesday night. The classes are muking good pro- gress, Gib M. J. O'Leary, of Albany, N.Y., fame to the city on Tuesday after noon. He has a case at the Hotel Dieu. "Buy Gripp Tablets," at Gibson's. H. Chown, H. Elvins, A. Tyle, W. Carnew and "Doc" Truish, of Belle ville, were down for the hockey match on Tuesday night. "S0c. Health Salt, 40c.," at son's. February has certainly heen spring- like so far. Look out for a cold spell soon. The weather man predicts col- der weather for Thursday. 'Phone or write to G. E. Marrison 121 Princess St., when wanting groups taken, day or night. On Tuesday night 4 number of the members of the Kingston Canoe club held a driving party about the city and concluded with a dance at their rooms on Ontario street. 'A delicious luxury came to to-day in the shape' of the City Dairy Co.'s Ice Cream, in brick form, all flavors. Hoag's Drug Store. Phone 238. H. Cunningham, piano tuner, King street. Leave orders at Auley's book store. "50c. Health Salt, son's. Ou Wednesday morning 'Rev. Fatli- er McDonald celebrated a month's mind requiem mass in the church of the Good Thief, at Portsmouth, for the repose of the soul of the lato Patvick Kennedy. "Phone 230," Gibsons, for drugs. G. E. Marrison, graduate of Ill nois College of Photography, hax bought out the D. A. Weese photo business. "Red Cross Kidney Plasters." Gib- son's. Mids HePinkie, -wister 6f*the speed, captain of the aspiring Bellevills septette in the senior O.H.A. semi- finals, and Miss B. Clark, af the same city, were here for. the watch on Tuesday night. "English Health son's." It was reported from the Tlotel Dien on Wednesday morning that I EE. Richardson, the local manager of the Standard bank, was considered Gib hand 21 Mc 40c.," at Gib Salt," at, Gib- operation for appendicitis. STOCK MARKETS Brock St.--H. W, Nelles. Manager. Closing Prices, Teh. 1th Montreal. Cement pid Montreal Power R. & O. loronto Railway Brazilian Textile Shawinigan Detroit Macdonald Dominion Steel Spanish River : Heat and Power New York Coppers Smelters C.P.R. Reading .... Union Pacitic . United States Erie Sou ii. Atchison Northern Pacific Brooklyn Rapid Transit Rubber Lehigh Valley American Can. ........ New Haven Raiiway | Southern Pacific Steel ~ Cotton May March 921 S84 613 bi ---- Seat Him Next Door. This" morning &. man applied fo James Stewart, honorary secretary of St. Andrew's soeiety, for help. "Where do you come from ?" «l the postmaster. "From Montreal," reply. "But where -were vou born ?"' "In Eogland, sir." "Then apply next door," said the St. Andrew's society almsgiver, who poioted to St. George's hall. 2 Oysters Our Specalty Weé want you to use some this Carnoveky's "On the Cor ask- was the man's At the end oi Marie Lloyd's age: ment at Vancouver this week she will not be allowed (oo reontir the United out of danger from the effects of the | KF. B, McCurdy & Co.. 86 and SN | i Css Perry'sPeerl PLAYLRS MARTIN HARVEY CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First insertion 1c a word. Edch cons RELIADL $1500 WEEK AND EXPENSES wy THE accutive imsertion thereaft én, half cent a word, Minimum charge for one » 3. _lunertions, FOR SALE A PAIR OF RIMLESS EYEGLASSES on Monday night, either on Queen, Barrie or Colborne streets. Finder please return to Whig, -- office. iaseruon, th Shes; nix, $1; one mont HELP WANTED A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT, MUST have veferences. Apply to Mrs. HH. Pense, 83 Gore St. E GIRL OR WOMAN FOR Good cook preferred. vision St. small family. Apply 33 TO travel appointin tives, Prank C., Brantford. local representa- aterson, Division % NTING SEATS NOW ON SALE. The Famous English Romantic Actor Supported by MISS N DeSILVA UP AGAINST IT and Sat. Feb. 6147 adian Theatre Organization Soclety. In two of his most famous successes. FRIDAY EVENING The Breed of the Treshams SATURDAY MATINEE AND NIGHT 'The Only Way" Prices, Evening $2, $1.50, 81, Matinee $1.50, $1.00, The, 5¢ SEATS ON SALE WED\E 50¢, DAY IN THE MATTER OF THE RESTATE OF MARGARET KELOW, LATE Ov THE CITY OF KINGSTON, WIDOW, DECEASED, TAKE NOTIC that all persons hav- Ing claims against the estate of the said. Margaret Kelow, who died sat sald City, on 4th January, 1814, are required to file the ame with the un- dersigned on or before the 21st day of February, 1914, after which date the Execut will' proceed to distribute the a among the parties enti Date s 20th day of January. T. J. RIG) . Solicitor for Executo) The COLLEGE BOOKSTORE Presents WITHIN the LAW By MARVIN DANA and BAYARD VEILLER The Greatest Drama of Modern Timer Over two years in New York Clty Eighteen Companies now om tour Take the theatre home with you. Prices: One Copy of the book and the most comfortable seat in your own home, 30 CENTS Sets tled. d thi 1914 QUEE) ATHEETIC COMMITTEE Excursionto Toronot Yin G. PT. R. Friday, Feb. 6th $3.80 Fare $3.80 Specinl trata lenves city depot 1 noon, Tickets good to return Man night on all trains exeep an COVERED RINK INTERMEDIATE INFERCOLLEGIATE HOCKLEY: CHAMPIONSHIP Queen's Il vs. RM.C. | Wed. Feb. 4th Game begins 8.15 p.m, | Admission 25¢. Renerved Seats 25e extra Seats now on salé at the Rink Office. COVERED RINK HOCKEY MATCH SENIOR 0, H. A, CHAMPIONSHIP STVICHAELS vs FRONTENACS Friday, Feb. 6th Game begins S15 pom. Gents 50c, Indies Reserved meats. | We exten. Seats now ou sale at Rink | Office. 100 reserved sents at Uglow's | untit 1 o'clock Friday, Admission: | 23¢, CARD OF THANKS. family of the late Mrs. J wish to i to their kindly extended ar for the floral & spiritual offerings, in their recent bereavement in the death uf their mother. Gray thanks Su sympathy, 1d TELY BEST VALUE A Fou 25, PER TIN. ABSOLU Huntley & Palmer Fancy English Disenits Mixed Chocolate, rs, Orlental . Creatys, ptite Gurre, ASiorteake. uff Sand. wich, Réfding Shoribread, Popys . tur, Italian Macarcons, Ratafias, Orkney Asst. Shortbread. 56 varieties to choose from. Your family grocer can supply you. Fenwick, Hendry & Co: Distributors. Cream Fing- Under the auspices of the British Can- | LOCOMOTIVE FIREMEN, BRAKE. men, wages about $100; exper ienee unnecessary. Send age, post- age. IRMaHway, care Whig. INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earti $100 monthly corresponding for mewspapers; NO canvassing. Send for particulars. Press Syndi- cate, 3,969 Lockport, N.Y. SUPERS, MEN, APPLY TO THE stage diréctor of Mr. Martin Har- vey's company, at the stage door of the Grand opera house, Friday, Feb. 6th, at 5 pam. s-- - te -------------- TO RENT FARM 100 ACRES, MORE or l¢ése, good land, hous. nd out. buildings, good water supply, near Kingston, Apply Smith, 135 Nel- sun St, Kingston. TWO BRIGHT WOMEN OF ABILITY, married or single, who. mean busi ness and want to make money, Permanent business. Apply a once to Miss Margaret Dunnett, 290 Wellington St. £3000-810,000 YEARLY EA I MAD Our system insares success. Uv paralleled opportunity; become es tablished for life. Valuable boolk/ free. Interstate Realty-Broker- age Co. Pittsburgh, Pa. CAPABLE OLD COUNTRY DOMES. tics. Parties arriving twice month- ly. Appl Ions must HY macs well «n advance. The Guild, 4 Pembroke St, Toronto and 17 Drummond St, Montreal, ¥ 1 sh cee: LADIES WANTED FOR HOME WORK ideri centre plece, table ete. Whole ence unneces supplied: no can- National Embroidery Co, Toronto St, Toronto, Ont OW A CAPABLE SALES. anvass Kingeton for the 4 dy Everblooming WANT man lo we Blobel dd deoddedoddedod dood deeded dob { : HELP WANTED, Two salesladies, experienc SUNDAY lamb mu Bath Road, to Bagot kindly return to 562 Ba VENING re LADY'S MESH BAG, bills and change, on M A CONTAINI St Finder y St. NG onday, Feb 2nd, on Brock or Barrie Sts. er kindly furniture store, return te Liber. Jas. Reid's al reward. BIRDS! BIRDS! BIRDS! GUARANTEED each a aut song. Come sing before Queen and MALE for n and qu bu rrie, y. 'W. J. Di 'Pho CANARIES, Pluhage anni © ar the Bird V. river, ne 612. SITUATIONS VACANT ATTENTION, PROTESTANT MEN AND woman of character s ployment for all or par your qualifications: you; no charge. Bible tion D, Brantford. PERSONAL we tan eeking em- t time, send place House, Sec- PERSIAN | between Keys Hill on GEESE FEATHERS. APPLY TO MALS, Goldman, 387 Division St. rt tee A SOLID COMFORT CUTTER, USED but a short time. Apply D. J, Daw son, 248 Princess St. / AWNINGS AND TENTS--PLACE YOUR order now. Subject to delivery time in the spring. Frank W, Cooke, 39.Clarence St. : A FINE HOT OF WALNUT AND OAR sldeboa. we have ever had, at a reasonable price, a8 Turk's. 'Phone 701. ' SIX HP. GASORINE ENGINE Jon $175, that cost $385. Call an = will demonstrate It for you at Princess St, Kingston Mattress Co, JANUARY SALE, CAPILII FORM best halr tonic on bottles, 0c; 8 on, "260, turned and sold by Mme. Lider, 353 Princess St, city. : NEW SOLID BRICK HOUSE ' ON Johnson street, § rooms; all mode ern improvements; tion; easy terms. Apply to A. 'F. 26 Frontenac street, 'Phone 743. HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTH- marks and all growths and skin blemishes removed px without scar; 27 years Dr. Elmer J. Lake, Eve Throat and Skin Specialist, Bagot street. ermanently, experience. . Kar, Noss 26» SCALP MASSAGE FOR hair, dandruff, etc., trea hod) ectricity treatment massage, manlcuring, Up-to-date styles in Mrs. Herod. _graduate 169 Wellingtén St, (new met Hours 10 to 12 am, and 3 to § m., and by appointmen FALLINY ted by el- y Latest chiropody, work. masseuse, Phone 1496 Pp shampooing, t. FINANCIAL FRONTENAC LOAN ment Society; establi president, Colonel Henr Money issued on city properties, municipal debentures; mortgages deposits received and Jowed. 8. C Clarence Street. ON ympan In LIVERPOOL, LON Fire Insurance assets, $61,187 which the socurity the unlimited elty property, insured possible rates Befor old or giving p bu rates from Stra 3 Agents. Phine 325. Heme ------ DENTAL -------------------------- AE, KNAPP, RA, EDS, D, ed in dry goods. Apply to Newman & Shaw BAAR ded ob Bb bb | | PRIVATE BOARD ROOM FOR A FEW MORE TABLMY guests at Y.W.C.A., Johnson St. CARD OF THANKS. The ladies on the Board of the Home for Friendless Women and Infants, de- sire this way express their - cere thanks and gratitude to the mang kind friends who so generously sponded in fling the Chris as bags and in pumerous other ways © NOTICE. J. H., Bland, bed and board of her vill not hold myself any debts incurred, her re. Mrs left her will, 1 for by having own free respousible in 'my name, H. t (Signed) ton, Feb, For Sale Farm of 125 ac Bland J, Ki 4th, 191 s five miles from Kingston, land 'a a 20¢; will handle this property first-class $7,000 valuable For particulars apply Apply McLeod's Drug' Store" to for QUICK Setiemens | and Prompt Payments In case of fire loss, insure with W. H. Godwin & Son 39 Brock St, Phone 424, Sale of Shoes GENUINE REDUCTIONS 20 per cent. off all marked prices. Any palr of shiges in Store at reduced price, Must be cleared to make room for spring goods. Call and see. We have all sizes and styles to suit every- one. i Flbstantial reduction in all ) TM bers. SCOTT'S Ste, b rr vt Sv------ Albert. Langluf§ has resigned ae chief of pang at Amherstburg und the town is leil without police pro- any States, teotion of hind, ev sii Tf belur the- whole stall, nada Stegmship Lines for twé 'pow steamships al a cont 00, Tenders will be awarded by the Cu. for the Bergnda trade moved to 258 Princess -------------------- DR, C. ©. NASH, DEN" 187: DR. T. Renton, assistant. Street. 'Phone 735 SPARKS AND SPARKS, 169 Wellington Stryet, novsky's), Kingston. '¥ 13 S. H. SIM Ist, corner Princess street. Entrance on B Telephone 626, CATERING AND policyholders have tor ~ ON, L.D.%., D.D.S,, INVEST. shed 186; ry R. Smith and far and country purchased; Interest als McGill, Manager, 27 AND GLOBE ¥, Available adition to liability of at lowest e renewing i#iness - get Strange 8, RE. 8. ct Stre 3 Princess DENTISTS. (over Care "hone 348. DENT. and - Bagot agot street. ESTIMATES GIVEN FOR pers, banquets, dinne etc. Bllverware and rent. For particulars H. Toye's King Bt, sto WE CATER TO PARTIES, Wedding breakf also rent disne Ss. silverware, M. table and Hambrook, 176 Alfr Phones ¥43 or 303, BALL SUP. TA, parties cutlery t: apply to R | re. long BALLS asts, banquets, etc linens and Hambrook da P. Reld, 30 Ualon street, F, C ed street WANTED--GENERAL GENTLEMEN TO cloth and have It made to-date suits. Price anc ship guaranteed to ple Ing and repairing shortest notice. Thoms 131 Brock street, near | age, BRING done THEIR up into up- | d workman- | Press. on the a8 Galloway 3ibby's Gur- ase. HIGHEST PRICES "PAID ond-hand furniture, sto me before selling your also have a large stock second-hand furniture which we will sell to ¢ cost. J. Thompson, 33 .8t, next to St. Andrew ARCHITECT FOR S§ ves, ote, goods. Wa of new and and stoves. lean out, at Princess 's church. NEWLANDS & tects, ete, Phone 608. POWER & SON, A chants' Brock an: a d Wellington s card, : POSITION WANTED SON, Offices, 268 Bagot dt ARCHI. RCHITECTS, MER. | Bank Building, corner treets. Dror Nei ete tl ee tt td BY AN BLDERLY WOMAN AS GOOD lain cook or Keeper, in small fami Box X.Y, Whig office. a working house- ly. Apply BUSINESS NOTICES KINGSTON SHORTHAND, TYPE- writing and Copying Bureau, 32) Queen St. All work = fidential Rates moder. LEGAL trictly con- ate. CUNNINGHAM « wu DIE, era and solicitors, La Clarence street, Kingston. Quality of approsimaiely $1,500, ONE FRAME HOUSE AND BARN, corner Lansdowne and Stanley Ste, lof 33 x 130; corner Nelson and York Sts, lot $2 ft. frontage on York St. second lot from corner of Alfred and York Sts, easy terms Apply 427 Albert 8* FRANKLIN AIR-COOLED AUTOMO- bite, with interchangeable rokd- ster and cuape bodies, only $1200, No freezing nor over-heating. Has- ily convertible into light delivery. If coupe not wanted price propor tionately reduced. Apply Owner, 91 Jameson Avenue, Toronto. ------------------------------ OICE FARM, ONE HUNDRED and ninety-five acres, 9 miles from Kingston and 1 mile from Glen= Has an abundance of cholve , #pruce and cedar and nevere fying Water thereon. Well fone- ell. For further Information apply John Clark, RM.D. 1, Westbrook i i | om i $6200---nRICK INEER HIOUSE, BEV. eriey St . _ partly furnished. Large lot; good outbuildings. $2700-NEW HOUSE ON PATRICK St, modern improvements, good sta ble, ready for brick veneer, $1830--NEW FRAME HOUSE, ALL improvements, BATEMAN & GARDINER, INSUR« ance, Money to Loan. §7 Clarence 8t., Kingston. » 4 TO LET STORAGE FOR FURNITUR clean and dry, McCann, - ¥ Brock street. OFFICES IN. CLARENCE ST. CHAM. bers. Apply to Cunningham & Mu= die, 79 Clarence St. PRIVATE GARAGE OR STORAGE for auto for the winter; clean ané ry. McCanu, 82 Brock Bt. DWELLINGS AT $30, #17, Also offices, stores, ete, Real Estate Agency, 82 $16, $12, McCann's Brock St. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN | dry, alry rooms; your own loch and key. Frost's City Storage. $8 Queen St, Phone 626b, NISHED, ONE LARGE warm and come. reasonable to quiet res party without children. Box W, Whig office. | -------------- eee COMFORTABLE FURNISHED room. centrally located, suitable | for married couple or single per- i son, with om without board.. Apply | St. AND room, 152 Sydenham 8 FURNISHED ROOMS FwWiIrm « 1 Ing uble VITHOUT BOARD, WORK ferred. Price reason Earl 8 me { MUSIO. VIOLIN INSTRUCTION--MI188 CHRIS. tine Cochrane, 78 Gore Wt. Kiog- ston. Telephones 136. TELGMANN SCHOOL OF MUSIC, 218 Frontenac street AV. Telg- mann, B.E, teacher of elocutisn and action. Miss Norma and O, P, Telgmann, teachers of violin, man- dolin, plano, etc. Terms for tul- ' ton and concert engagements oq - application. HOTELS. ALBION HOTEL, CORNER MONTREAL and Queen streets: 33 bedrooms. Rates moderate; centrally located, tk from street cars. House thoroughly renovated; stable and yard accommoda- J. M. Caines, Proprietor, UPHOLSTERER J. GAVINE, UPHO! IN bute SE Siva i ttre renovating. op a or call 218 Bagot Sireet. » BUSINESS CHANCES CROCKERY, CHINA, GLASSWARE, tin and agateware, fancy cheap rent. good location, tock about $5,500. Owner retiring. Box 5 Napanee, Ont 558, ANYON IVWHENRRE CAN START iY Jer business at liome: fio canvassing: be your own boss. Bend for free booklet: islls how Heacock, 2,969 rt, 1 F or Fire Wood ' and 7, cut in stove length and delivered, Quarter Cord