FOR FIRST CHOICE OF COM. ING SEASON'S NEWRST SUIT. NGS, _ NOW ON MAND BEST VALUR IN CITY. Ashby the Tailor 76 Brock S¢. "Phone 1518 LA Peiia. DR. DeVAN'S FRENCH PILLS "ie gulsting Fill lor Women. $5 n box or three for $e. At all Drug Stores, or mailed to any Address on reesiptof price. Tie Scortil DSUG Co. BE. Cuiliseines, Ontario. nbd FOR MEN, 5, Vim snd vi Nerve and Brain: jucreases 'grey matier will build you up. $3 & box or two for $3, at drug stores, or hy mail on receipt of he, Tix Scopsce Deva Co, St Catharives, Cures All Coughs Al ways and Costs But 15 Cents - Over 5,000 Bottles sold in Kingston in 3 years. BEST'S The Satisfactory . We Grind the Lemses. 8 Doors Above the Opera House JENKIN'S I BARGAIN * Prices ALL THIS WEEK Bays' all wool aps Boys' all wool 50¢ hock- ey caps Boys' all wool 50¢ knit caps ...... 36¢ Boys' all wool 25¢ knit caps Boys' Sweaters, all col- ors .. 38¢c Boys' Knit Coats, 50e, ~ 65¢ and ... 86c Boys' all wool stock- ings vv iio 200 Boys' Fleeee Under- Wear: ,..\ ~.... 25¢ Boys' Wool Scarfs. 25¢ Boys' Silk = Finish arfs 25¢ Boys' Overcoats $2.45 Boys' Goods at prices to meet the boys' need at hockey - - The Skating Club meetliz was held on Monday evening and although the ice was not in a very good dition a large number of the mem- bers were present. Among them being professor and Mrs, F. 0. Will- hoft, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Hill Mae. nee, Captain and Mrs. Perreau, Mrs. BE. P. Torranee, Mrs, Hamilton, Mr. and. Mre. Douglas Hammond, Cap- tain and Mrs. Manrice Plummer, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Ryan, Mrs. E. L. Fortt, Colonel and Mrs. G. Hun- ter Ogilvie, Mr. and Mrs. Halloway Waddell, Miss Mollie Cartwright, Miss Mabel Gildersleeve, Miss Mabel and Miss Marjorie Brownfield, Miss Loretta Swift, Miss Irene Swift, Miss Nan Paterson Miss Phyllis and Miss Charlie Shorit, Miss Mildred Jones, "sticks. Miss Helen Duff, Miss Sibbald Hamil ton, Miss Margaret Fraser, Miss Marie and Miss Kathleen Carruthers, Miss Eva and Miss Mabel Richard- son, Miss Eva and Miss Ruth Mar-, tin, Miss Florrie Stewart, Miss Lil- fan Mundell, Miss Kathleen Ryan, Miss Edith Goodwin, Miss Christine and Miss Sylvia Cochrane, Miss Mar- lan Leslie, Miss Isabelle Waldron, Miss Phyllis Knight, Miss Madge, weon, Miss Doris Kent, Miss Mamie Anglin, Miss Kalmus, Bos- ton; Miss Harriet Steele, Brockville; Miss Mamie Garrett, Miss Mary Strange, Miss Rose Rogers, Miss Helen Campbell and Messrs. Dalton, Percy Lyman, Leonard Birkett, Har- nison, Rex Calvin, Gordon Smitn, Winthrop Sears, Frank Ryan, Ross Livingston, Dick Elmer, Jack Hann- aford, Harrison, Ferguson, Guttman. M. B." Baker, Tiffany Macklem, Cap- tain Hammond, Anderson, John Aird, 'W. Kent Macnee, Ellwood, Me- 1ill and Herbert Stacey 3 There wus rather a. small meeting of Badminton on Saturday afternoon. A few of those noticed were: Mrs. J. P. Gildersleeve, Mrs. Walter Macnee, Mrs. R. KE. Kent, Mrs. Dawson, Mrs. TF. Strange, Nya. J. C. Strange, Mrs. Harrison (Dunkirk, N.Y.); Mrs. Leg- gett, (Montreal); Mrs. Douglas Young, Professor and Mrs. P. G. C. Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. BE. H. Pense, Major and Mrs. G. Hunter Ogiis; Captain and Mrs. Maurice Plunuber, Mr. and Murs. George OO. Wagner, Miss Marie Car- ruthers, Miss Mabel Brownfield, Miss Phyllis Shortt, Miss Aileen Rogers, Miss Dorothy Carruthers, Miss Charlie Shortt, Miss Majoric Brownfield, Miss lassie Kirkpatrick, Miss Minnie Gor- don; Miss Grace Hemming, Miss Madge Dawson, Major Hammond, Captain Melden, Messrs. ¥. V. Lesglio, McItae, 0. T. Maclem and Carruthms. Mra. Oliver Chown and Miss Olive Chown, University avenue, enter- 'tained at a delightful tea on Monday afternoon for their visitor, Miss Chrissie Wilson.. The guest of hon- or received 'with her hostesses in the drawing room, which was bright and pretty with many lovely dafo- dils. Red tulips were arranged in the library and the tea tabla in the dining room was most artistically centred with a huge 'howl of pink tulips, and softly lighted by pink unshaded candles in silver ecandl- Mrs, T. F. Harrison cut the ices, anq Miss Daisy Chown poured coffee, and the girls assisting them were Miss Ida Smith, Miss Grace McLelland, Miss Millie genderzon and Miss Myral Dyde. i The following ladies on Alice street have agreed to rééeive only on the fiest and third Friday of the month during each season: Mrs. A. ¥ Knight. Mrs. K. M. Saunders. Mrs. #4. Matheson and Mrs. Georpd King. Mrs. Matheson. however, as formerly announced, will not receive again this season. «2 x & As usnal, Nra. Browett, street, will he "At Home" on t Valentine's day, Feb. Itth, to all old friends. No formal davitations issued in city. Bagot St - . Mrs. W. E. Macpherson, 390 Alfred street, will receive on Thursday of this and afterwards on the second Thursday in each month. "ne Sey week, . Mrs. Cyrus W. Lane, 85 Gore street, will receive on the first and third Fri- days oi the month ier the rest of the Seas' ¢ . ee The Swastika Club was entertained at the home of Mrs. W. J. Litton, Frontenac street. on Tuesday even- ng. . ot . Miss Lillian Lambert, Clergy street, A CHILD'S LAXATIVE IS "SYRUP OF FIGS" ------ xe They Love te Take It and It Doesn't Harm the Tender Little Stom- ach, Liver and Bowels. It your little one's tongue is coat- -. 'ed, it is a sure sign the stomach liver and bowels need a gentle, thor- ough cleansing at once. When your child Is cress, peevish, listless, pale. doesn't sleep, eat or act naturally; if breath is bad, stomach sour, sys- tem full of eold, throat sore, or if | teverish, give a teaspoonful of "Cali- fornia Syrup of Figs," and in a few hours all the clogged-up, coastipated waste, sour bile and undigested food will gently move out of ths bowels and you have a well, playful .child again. ' Sick children needn't be coaxed to take this harmless "fruit lamative." Millions of mothers ki it handy because they know its ac on the stomach, liver and bowels is prompt and sure. They also knew a little given to-day saves a sick child. to- | MOrTow. : | Ask your druggist.for a 60-cent bottle of "California Syrup of Pigs' } which Svntains directions Jor babies «children 4 An grown | 205 Diatly on the Dottie. Beware no i} counterfeits sold here. Get fhe gen {of Mrs. Alexander Macphail, Mrs. George Wagner. is thig at supper evening in honor of her guest, Miss Virginia Smith, of Rochester, N.Y, A dFiving party 'is being arranged Pe Wolfe Isl Mrs. Browett, Bagot street, re- crives 'every W inesdlay 'in February. MY Mrs. Charlés Abbott and her baby are expected from Straford this week to visit Miss Macauley, King street {for Saturday . qiterngon, to go to ne: Nie Mrs. James Kirk, and Mrs. Ran- kin, of Brooklyn, are the guests of Mrs. Charles Livingston, Barrie street. z Miss Chrissie Wilson, Burlington, who has been the guest of Mrs. T. F. Harrison, is now wisiting Mrs. Oliver 'Chown, University. avenue. : Mrs. Grant, of Perth, is the -guest of Mrs, D. M. Fraser, Union street, west. ' id Miss Jean Caldwell, the guest of Mrs. J. G. Blliott, Barrie street, ra turned on Saturday to her home in Belleville. . Mrs. J. C. Smith, who has been visiting her 'sister, Mrs. John 1. Gurd, in Westmount, came home on Monday. . *- 8» Miss Helen Kirkpatrick who has just returned from a trip to the Pa- cific coast, arrived to-day to "spend a few days with Miss Macaulay, King street, before leaving for Eng- land. Miss Lucy Scott who has been the guest of Miss Flora Abernethy, Al- bert street, for the last ten days, has returned to her home in Napanee. Miss Maizie Dwyer, Barrie street, has gone to New York to spend a covple of months. An enjoyahle bridge of two tables waa given hy Mrs. John Waddell, Earl streot. yesterday afternoon, when Mrs. C. W. Drusy; of Montresl, who is Mrs. Panet's guest, was rei- won d'etre. The pfizes were won by Mrs. T. D. R. Hemming and Mrs. F. Strange. At the tea hour a few more of Mrs. Drury's friends came. in, and the polished tea table was made ex- ceedingly pretty with pink tulips, narcissi and fern on a handsome cluny lace centredpiece. Miss Virginia Smith, of Rochester is the guest of Mrs. George O. Wag- ner, Barrie street. Miss Isabelle Waldron and Miss Helen Campbell will go to Gananoque on: Friday for the "Spinster's Ball," and will be the guests of Miss Flora Rees, Mr, Arthur Ryerson has returned to Toronto after spending a. few days in town. Miss Ruth Pratt of Perth Amboy, N. Y., is the guest of Mrs. C. F. War- wick, Aberdeen street. Mrs, 8S P. Dayborn has home from St. Catharines. Mr. G. Huntley Gordon of Dundas, spent the week-end with the Prin- cipal and Miss Minnie Gordon. Rev. Dean Starr is spending some time in New York. returned Miss A. E. Mary and Miss Muir bave returned to Ottawa after spend- ing a day or two with Mrs. John Maecgillivary, Albert street. Dr. Margaret MaeMurciie has re- turned to Toronto after spending. a few days with Mrs. J. H. T. Cole- man, Roselawn. « Miss Mildred Macmorine will come to town on Thursday from Toronto or ten days and will be the guest Clergy street. JMiss Fdith Frased, West street, eft to-day for Lowell, Mass., to visi her ster, Miss Elizabeth Fraser for a couple of weeks. Miss Mdttie Robertson who has been spending a few days with Mics Elta Henderson returned to Peter- borough on Monday. Mr. and. Mrs. Joho Wilmot of Ot- tawa, arrived to-day for a short visit with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Mahood, Johnson street. Miss Gertrude Adams of Toronto is the guest of her sister, Mrs. W. BE Macpherson. . Mrs. C. W, 'Drury, of Montreal, who has been Mrs, Henri Paret's guest, Farl street, will go to visit Mrs. R. KE. Kent, King street, on Friday Mrs. Richard Newlands, of Chi- cago, 1s visiting with Mrs. Elizabeth Newlands, York street. Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Howard, of Sher- brooke, I'. 0., who were the guests of Mr. and Mis. Thomas Lambert, Clergy street, for a couple of days last week, left for Toronto on Ssdinday, and on their returp xt Thursday, Mrs. Howard will spend a few days mote with Mrs. Lambent. % Miss Macauley, King street, will re- ceive in future on the first and second Fridays in the months. The younger set are planning a sur- prise' party for Saturday, evecing. Me. and "Mrs, Charles Burley, of Bath, announce the engagement of their daughter, Florence, to Mr. Carl Buck, the marriage to take place this month. : Attended Library Contest Duleemaine, Feb. 3,--Farmers are busy hauling wood. R. Prunning has mpved to Lansdowne and J. Fer- n has 'taken possession of W. liter's plave. "Allan Earle lost a valuable horse last, week. Miss Letia Landon spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents at Nel combe. ' Miss 1. Patience spent the 'tion ' . en KB NOW IN PROGRESS : ARMOURIF; LL ---- : Judges Have a Big Task Lectures by a Gorernment Representative = Local Merchants Have Exhibits of Poultry Necessaries All" Tuesday afternoon and even- ing the laborious task proceeded of judging the pigeons and, 'Poultry ex- hibited at the Central Ontario Poul try, Pigeon and Pet Stock associa- tion held in the armouries, Col. Bar- ker, of Toronto, is judge of the pig- eons, and all those who were re- sent at the time took much interest in his aéourate gendering of decis- ions. Col. Barker is one of the best judges of pigeons who can be found in Canada. He himself has a large collection of these birds in Torohto, and makes a careful study of them. Speaking to a . Whig reporter (ol, Barker stated that the quality of birds which have been placed on ex- hibition at this poultry meet are some of the best which could possibly be secured. He also stated that competition ran close among the dii- ferenf varieties, especially in the "magpie" line. Thé competition was also quite keen with the African owls carriers and pouters. W. H. Reid, of Kingston, is judge of the poultry and before he is fin- ished with them he will have one of the largest undertakings. he . ever tackled, as there are no fewer than 1.100 entries in this line. With re- spect to the pigeons it might he said that there are ' some on exhibition which have beem imported from Bel- fast, Ireland, New York, Guelph, To- ronto, Ottawa, and several other places. ar iim QUEEN MARY OF ENGLAND. Queen Mary's unyielding stand cainst the trotting, hugging, dip- ping types of dancing in vogue in English, American and continental society is well understood in London. Wherever she and the king have ap- peared these new varieties of the dancing fever have had to be leit eniirely out of the programme. In One of the features of this show is the introduction of beautiful rib- | hous, which have-been furnished by | some of the leading poultry stock | breeders in Canada and the United | States, At the top of these ribbons | is a 'metal mould of the species of fowl, and they run in different col- ors, according to the class of fowl. In the case of the Wyandottes these metals have black, white, and the buff palored medals attached to rib: bons. ' Wednesday was a busy and eten more interesting day than. Tuesday and good sized erowd attended in the afternoon, when they were well pleas ed to hear and see Miss Mary Yates, of Port Credit, who is the govern ment expert, deliver an interesting lec- ture upon "Killing, Plucking und Shaping Poultry for Market." Wiss Yates went into jull details and clear lv explained all the points in connec with this interesting sunjcet. Taking a hen, she killed it and then proceeded with her course of inacrue tion. . On Wednesday evening she i going to deliver a lécture on "Poultry | for Townspeople on a Small City Lot." This also promises to be aqual lv as interesting. "In addition to the display oi pol try and pigeons, J. Corbett and W. | A. Mitchell have stands and npon ! them are exhibited all the requisitics which are needed along this line. Mr. Corbett has a display of powders, ete., while Mr. Mitchell bas a full line of incubators and the different quali- ties of mesh n "to vfeed the chicks from the time F ; until they are full grown fowls. There is one of the incubators im use and in it can be seen chickens which have just eéme out of the shell. There are also other interesting features to he zeen i | | | | HARVEY > { MARTIN In "The Only Way." at the Grand on Saturday, Feb: 7th, matinee and night Mr. Harvey presents "The Breed, of (he Treshams," on Friday, Feb, 6th ------ | Nir. Taft's Double, | Ottawa Citizen. | So much like W. H. Taft, exprosi- dent of the United States, is J. €. Judd, of Ottawa, that after the Ca nadian Club luncheon on Saturday Sir William Mackenzie met Mr. Judd in the rotunda of the Chateau Lau vier and mistaking him for Me: 'fait ofiered congratulations. When Sir | Wiliam was notified of his mistake | by Mr. Judd he declared that he had never seen two men look so much alike. Later Mr. Taft. and Mr. Judd met and the former agreéd that Mr. Judd was his double. | i SUFFER NO LONGER! Kephaldol Has Now Come to Canada Sufferers from Rheumatism. Lum- bago, Seiatica, Neuralgia, Headaches, Neuritis and kindred agonizing ail- ments may now find speedy, welcome reliet and .certain cure. At last the victims of these tortur- ing complaintsr--men and women whose lives are long-drawn-out ag- past week at Lansdowne, Mr. and Dundon, Brewer's Mills, were guests day last, pople from this vicinity attended the Friday last. \ "English Health" Salt," at Gib- son's. ' Kee rates by the H -Am- erican line have been cut to $35 fiat for wll classes of vessels, a reduction of more than $4 a ticket. Be sure and see the 1,500 poultry and: pigeons exhibits at armouries. Nice tried alwaye used, Mrs. J. Lappan, Sand Bay, and Leo! at Mrs. Willism Patience"s om Sun-| - Miss L. SHter continues, about the same, Some of the young, library concert at Mallorytown on} White Rose ony---may look with hope--confi- dence--certainty--to pain's most glad departure. In Kephaldol is now offered to Canadians, for the first time, a rem- edy which not only bas.medical en- dorsement for its efficacy, but is also guaranteed to be a perfectly safe pata-killer, containing nothing to in- jure the heart or any other bodily organ. For colds, influenza, catarrh and} similar complaints, Kephaldo! is un- equalled. A tablet or two taken a: the first Indication of trouble will unfailingly check its development a ore health, * tube' of Kephaldo] tablets from your druggist, or write for 1 0, MH i tinguished them te Kephaldol Limited, 31 La- tour Street; Montreal. 3 this, the British monarchs are align- ed with the German emperor, who forhade the wrmy and navy from danaing, the tango and similar dances while. in uniforms or from making calls where such dancing was in progress. The present queen had somewhat a precedent for this atti- tude in views expressed by another Queen Mary, Mary II, back in the sixteen hundreds, who, while a good dancer in those old days, gave up her favorite diversion because she "found herself too fond of it. But the sixteen hundred folks hadn't develop vd the tango, the bunnyhug and the dip. - Quéen Mary is one of the most sensibly conservative of the Turo- rean royalties. She is against the slashed skirt and other recent rink- tums. She is fond of violets, fas- tened to her furs, likes roses, car nations, orchids and 'lilies just as nny other woman does. Rhe amd King George have heen laying aside social "cares to observe! the' thir- teenth anniversary of Queen Vietor- in's death, x THE TOWN OF GANANOQUE Poultry Breeders Exhibiting at Kingston Show Gananoque, Feb. 4. --Gananogue poultry breeders are patronizing the Central Ontario poultry exhibition at Kingston. ' which opened yesterday. Among those who have exhibits there are Messrs, William V. Bulloch. E. H. Hurd and Rov P. Kemp, Messrs. Bulloch and Hurd are in the eity in attendance. Under the auspices of the A.Y.P. A. of Christ church a social 'Was held at the home of Br, and Mrs. C H. Bird, Pine street, last evening. Parker Orser. Brock street. is suf- foring: from a verv sore knee and can anlv 'get around with the aid vrnteh. The congregation of Bethel hag arranged to hold their foa-mesting next weak' The cuartette of Grace church hag invited . t6 furnish a part of nrooramme. Mra, Jamas K. Lattimore and Mrs, ileton are in Brockville in of the late the n church annual male been the ttandanee at the funeral James Bissell Martin Harvey's Tour. The forthcoming visit of the dis actor manager, Mart m Harvey, and his London company to the Grand, .presenting "The Breed of the Treshams,"" on Friday, February 6th. and "The Only Way," Saturday matinee' and night, is one of the most interesting dramatic events of the pres- ent season. They had an auspicious opening in Halifax, and they come to Kingston for three performances. Mar- tin Harvey's repertoire includes three plays and one = cartain-raiser. "The Only Way" is a play which has been made famous by him, and which more than two million people in the Brit- ish Isles have witnessed during the past ten years. Mr. Harvey, who cre- ated the role of Sidney Carton, the hero of the play, has appeared at ev- ery single performance during that time, "The Only Way." as most people { know, is a dramatization of Dickens' famous novel, "A Tale of Two Cit- ies," dealing with .the thrilling times of the French revolution, Mr. Harvey has the role of the dissolute barrister, Sidney Carton, whose noble saerifige in going to the guillotine to save the life of his rival in love, and he has madé of it a classic which is heloved by the British public almost more than gny 'other role now piayed - on the stage. 2 "The Breed of the Treshams" is an- other stirring drama, cast in the peri- od of Cromwellian days. "Rereshy. the Rat," the hero, played by Mr. Harvey, is another character whose loveable traits have won a warm place in the hearts of the English people. Mr. Harvey has made of it a success se cond only to that of Sidney Carton. Inde:d, in the opinion of many ol the leading English dramatic critics, it is the best-of his romantic roles. Thirty students of physical educa- tion, McGill university, Montreal, have started a three-months' diet test. Toronto Presbyt commitiee to w "total prohibits Sir James Winey had § long in- terview with Acting Premier Hon. J, J. Foy. Hamilton license commissioners will eut off two liquor Ficegises al William F. Tisdale, L.C., registrar of Norfolk, is dead at Simcoe. Just 12 well tailored suits, worth 4 from $10.00 to $25.00; + musi clear out before in- ventory Friday, so here's your chance. omorrow "Neckwear A large and dainty showing of Spring Neckwear . and ¥riilings. STEACY"S "The Busiest Store in Town" A BARGAINS IN CHINA A A SEE OUR JOB TABLES Exceptional values in odds and ends to clear at bargain prices. Very pretty pieces suitable for card prizes, At half price and in some cases less. These will interest vou. ROBERTSON'S, LIMITED | | English Earthenware p You 66 2:3 P.C. in Current iy lllumination our speoc- It 1a cheaper in the long run to have electricity in the house than coal oil. Ask us for prices. H. W. NEWMAN Electric Co. Our Shoes eombine dressiness, eomfort and long wear, nieatngéss and solidity, yet you can wear them with the com- fort of am old shoe. Remember we carry boys' and little {gents' shoes, wear like iron. High-class repairing. ® THE PRA EERE [4 (0 BROLK