Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Feb 1914, p. 2

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GOON COATS $40.00 Up. Caps, REDUCED PRICES ON ALL FURS. JOHN McKAY, Limited Gauntlets, Buckskin Mitts. The Reliable Fur House 143-157 Brock Street Linoleums Our new rugs, Seofch and English Linoleums are arriving every, day from the best manufae- turers. [These are the new patterns for fhe. coming spring of 1914. I, R. McFAUL Carpet Warehouse, The First Step in buying eyeglasses is to call upon a registered optometrist. The next atep of no less import- ance is to nave his prescsi) im filled vy a competent »juticiaa Years ago this meant two costs and a division of responsibility. To-day in our offica both branches of this service are united under one roof, enab- ling us to guarantee depend- able glasses for just one charge--that of the glasses. $2, $3, $5 per pair. J. S. Assalstine D. 0. S. ON ' HELD ITS ANNUAL MEETING TUESDAY NIGHT A BRANCH FORMED BY MEN OF ST, JAMES, There Were Big Extensions and Im- provements Made During 1918 | Leagie Was Given by Rev. I shatford, of Montreal. The Membership Up to its Limit-- New Directors Chosen Following an address on church . ? \ unity by Rev. A. P. Shatford, of | The Frontenac Club held its ann- Montreal, in St. James' churchjual meeting on Tuesday night, in school house on Tuesday evening, a {the elub, with a large attendance of resolution 40 form a branch of the | members. A. J. Macdomell, presi- Church Unity league in Kingston |dent, occupied the chair. The finan- was carried without a dissenting |cial reports were presented sud voice. Francis King, who was in|adopted. During the year extensions, the chair, thanked the visiting cleric new furniture, and improvenients for his eloquent address, and Fred- | amounting to $9,700 were provided. erick Welch, in a short speech of | The membership has \®ached its appreciation, moved, seconded by G.|limit of 250 ordinary members. ©. Hague, that a ®dranch of the There are fortwo special mem- Church Unity league be organized in bers, sixty-two Jnon-resident" mem- Kingston. Archdeacon Dobbs also !bers, all making a total of 354. A expressed his sympathy with the [new class was made for transient L movement and objects of the league. | visitors, who will be put up for a A committee consisting of Archdea- | month, inclusive of the two weeks' con Dobbs, Rev. T, W. Bavary, Fran- [privilege of members, at $3.00 for tis King, Frederick Welch and G. the additional two weeks. The board . Hague, was appointed to take thre elected R. Easton Burns as auditor, B essary steps in organization. |and the following were elected direce- Rev. A. P. Shatford, of the Church 'tors: ~--Messrs. A. J. Macdonell, G. of St. James the Apostle, Montreal! {¥. Chown, Dr. F. Etherington, W. C delivered his sixth address, during Kot W. H. Macnee, N. C. Polson, his three days' visit in Kingston at ir, G. Il. Smythe, E. "A. Turner, J. St. James, Tuesday evening, to an|P. Hanley, C. E. Willis, A. W. audience that completely filled thc | Wheatley, G. B. McKay, H. T. Kal- room. His subject was church |wmus, W. B. Dalton, jr, and Dr. A. union in general and the Church|®. B. Williamson Unity league in particular. By his Before Mr. Macdonell retired as address' Mr. Shatford showed his! president, the club, by resolution, ex- mastery of the subject and demon- pressed its great appreciation of Mis strated that the Church Unity league | work during the past year; he had | has a strong man as general secre- | tulfilled the duties in a manner that tary. | commended him to every member. The origin of the league was|With hearty applause the resolution traced tg its beginuing in the attend- | was put by Henry Merrick and car- ance of a mumber of the Anglican [riled with a standing vote f clergymen of Canada at the Church | ss Congress at Lambeth in 1908 Then | Lion Skin on Exhibition an enthusiastic meeting was held | at which strong resolutions on the subject of church unity were passed, urging Anglicans throughout thé ,. Ww jaw, is on exhibition in world to do all in their power to. ¢ the windows of George Mills promote friendly relations with their go Co.. who had the head mounted. fellow Christians of other religious [0 shot by Mr. Law near Wan- bodies. Returning to Canada cler- kiss, in Rhodesia, South Africa gvmen of Montreal and Toronto for | ' aL oy : two winters arranged for confer- Right now .is the best ences with clergymen of other de-|,..q voup regidence photographed if nominations at which the principles iyo. ave many trees in front. Phone for which each stood were discussed. | ¢ "p Marrison. An Address on the Objects of A \' splendid specimen of an African bush lion, presented to Sergt Law, o the local P.G-M.C., by his broth- time to] We are now showing the Gibson Art Co.'s line of Valen- tines, considered to be the best on the market for neat and exelus- ive designs. Wit and humor, as well as sentiment, characterize the The line consists of single cards, folders and entine verses. ral- booklets, cut-outs and post cards, enveloped or boxed. Also the Dennison line of Table Decorations, Lunch Set Napkins, Doilies and Paper Plates. Books and Pictures for Valentine Gifts A most complete line of the latest Fictiow, also reprints with special Valentine Silk Bands. Beautiful Fr: amed Pictures from 2 5 cents to $5.00. The College Book Store 160-162 Princess St. OPEN NIGHTS For the Inventory ina position to cater Following these, representative Ang- i hh lican clergymen of Montreal and To- | Attend the poultry show. ronto held a series of joint meetings | to discuss the situation from the Anglican standpoint. After months of careful deliberation it was decid-! ed to endeavor to discover the mind of the church in regard to tife mnt- ter under consideration. A letter sug gesting two definite steps was senty out to forty clergymen of the differ- ent dioceses in Canada. Thirty- three signed their approval of the two propositions. It was then de, cided to send the letter to each of | the fifteen hundred 'Anglican clergy- Kingston's Famons Fur Store. February Curtain Sale Is the biggest the year. bargain producer Why Pay\-High Prices? Fu Atri gat pltine wih bs The Fiatsh and W, wil be Perfect. 'will 5.00 5 LOWER Teron Rae" been paying. RALPH SPENCER The Tailor, | 930 Princess Street. Opposite St. Andrew's Uburch. Don't borrow a house to live in, at so much a month. Think of the pleasure and the satisfaction of standing on your own doorstep and know- 'that it 1s yours--yours to hold |f for life; if yon s¢ desire. © $3850 wil buy a new brick 7 room dwelling, hot water furnace, bath and closet ec lights, in west end. 31900 buys a neat frame s+ 7 rooms. bath and | closet, electric . wiring, 87 James & treet. $2900 for a detached brick rooms, furnace, bath and closet, Brock street. 11.5. R. McCANN Insurance and Loans 82 BROCK STREET Phones 326 and 621 PARLOR SUITES--Over all reduced. Our. solid $150 is reduced to $125, best thing ever offetred. Suites for this month $30.00 are hogany. all new styles, all reduced. RUGS, CARPETS, reduced in sympathy with furniture sale;. special Some Tapestry Curtains 20%. our 1 Parlor Suite, $40; sell for $16 1 Sideboard and Extension light oak, cost $65; sell for $30 Repair and Upholstering i Jrsouetsy done. 'Phone 90. ¥ outs, Furniture Carpet & of 50 styles mahogany and is the Our $35.00 | price paid was in down to of $100,000. A PARLOR TABLES in oak aud mas) made the he radquarters of their United LINOLEUMS | big clear-outs. reduced | | Cities of the 7 pleces, used; ol By Table {both in business work jw ith men in Canada, preparatory to a pe- tition to be sent to the ' general gynod. Over three' hundred had signed the letter expressing approv- al of both suggestions, and many more of one or other of them, among the signers being two bishops. The primate of all Canada, the archbish- op of -Rupert's Land, had written | expressing sympathy. Bishop Brent, of the Philippines, had written that | the action proposed appealed strong-| ly to him and that if he were al dlergyman in Canada he would cer-| tainly sign it. The speaker defend- | ed the right of petition against at- tempts to head off the movement that had been made in certain quarters. The address closed with an eloquent appeal for closer co-operation with the other religious bodies. Headquarters at Boston The "Salada" Tea company has just purchased from the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railway company a parcel of land at the cor- ner of Berkeley and ' Stuart streets The land is part of the old Park | Suave Station property, and owing to its location is very valuable. The the neighborhobd seven-storey granite jand terra cotta warehouse is to be terected on this site and it will be On all repairing and remodelling of furs, we are quoting special low prices for this month during our annual fur sale. We wan do all + work quickly--absolute satisfaction guaran- teed. BIG BARGAINS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS States business. They will employ from seventy-five to one hundred men, The 'Salada' Tea company bave branches in several of the principal United States. Are You Handicapped? 18 weak, 3 watery eyes or blurred vision ? The success of many people, and social life, de- on two things--clear sight and an attractive appearance defective eyes an otherwise f bright personality is often dulled, amd continued lect of the visual ap- | |pmate results in nerve strain and |p headaches. H. C. Brown, Oph.D., specializes in eve defects and. with the aid of specially ground lan- ses overcomes even the most severe cases of eyestrain. At the Roger | pends mainly Men's 'Fur Beaver, now . Alaska to $30, . $17.50 Coats in and Persian calf, up Coats, worth Ladies' Long Fur Pony, Caracul Paw, up to $75, for. . $46.50 Men's Winter Soft Hats, a big variety, worth up to $2.50, i 4 ' $1.00 All 'Ladies' Untrimmed Felt Hats in the millinery section 49¢ i | Optical Parlors, 347 King street, Bl "Where the clock is on the walk.' Engineers Help Sufferers The National Association of Mar- ine Engineers, which is holding =a convention in Kingston, has already raised about $422 for a fund to help the families of engineers who lost their lives in the recent. great lakes disaster. This is in addition to the | general fund to which all the mem- bers subscribed. The Jus} council gave $50 towards this fun Seven stole fr 5 members of the association were, an Stiles; all from $5 bu drowned in this disaster, the late ff = ol Tio Lalas gineer McSorley, of Kingston, be-'l Ladies' Winter Cloth: Costs. fag one of the number. the balance of our stock, all at less than haif price, from $9.89 down to $4.19 Boys' Knitted Toques, 4 or combinations Wool Hockey 5 colors. and 209¢ -------------- ------------------ All odd tur pieces at extremely low prices; one tahle of muffs sprain Coming on Feb. 9th Edwin W. Lewis, who Represented Madame Nazimova upon her first vis- | it to Kingston, four vears ago, the followmg season brought the ian Grand Opera company of one hun- | dred people to the city, is here now' making arrangements for the New York "Comedy Theatre season's sue- | cess, Julia Dean in Mark Twain's bril- lant comedy of home life, "Her Own | Money," to play at the Grand Opera House Monday, February | oth. | and Ital | All Sales for Cash' No Approval. Watch Our 'Windows J, H. Fitagerald was in the city' . i . & 00. on Wednesday, arranging for the Prim. 126.128 PRINCESS ST. rose and minstrel attrac tion here on February 11th. in) Bleached Sheetings in season's low prie conomical ousekeeper is finished and we are now to your wants. all widths and at last es. in 72 inch, at, a White Cottons in a bi ities at yard o variety of fine qual 10c a yd. and up Nainsooks, Vietoria India Head, Pe Embroideries, 1 new goods and nu prices. NEWMAN THE ALWAYS Lawn, India Linen, rsian Lawn, Dimity, nsertions, Laces, all iarked at very speeial & SHAW BUSY STORE. Ee HUBBY PUT HER OUT YOUNG WOMAN THEN BECAME | A STREET WALKER | Mrs. Annie Blair, Arrested For Vag- rancy 'Remanded -- Told Court she Would Not Stay at Home Be- canse Her Husband Would Keep Her, o Annie Blair is about twenty-five years of age, and married. She had 1a home near Glenvale, but spends the most of her time in Kingston. Tuesday she was gathered in by the police, on a charge of vagrancy. Just a short time ago, she was: before the court, on a simbar charge, and was allowed to go .on the understanding that she return to stay there. She went home, but did not remain there very long She had been in and out of the city on sev- eral occasions, walking the streets most of the time, so the ice plac- ed her whder arrest. Mrs. Blair broke info tears, when arraigned before the magistrate, and afd not deny the charge 'lodged |against hér. When asked by the court what she-had been doing, she said that she had been walking the streets. : "And why don't you stay at your home? asked the magistrate. 'Because husband will keep me," was the reply. "And is it because of the way you have been acting?" "Yes, I guess so,' replied the wr fortunate young woman. / The magistrate appeared to! be lsomewhat puzsled to know ju.. what to de with her, so remanded her so that the case might be investigatel. The young woman acts very strangely, and it is believed ual her mind has become unbalanced. She has been in Kingston for several days ton this last trip she made from the leountry and has been putting in all ler time: walking the streets She apparently has no money, and where she has been staying at nights ap- pears to be a mystery. Clearing Sale at Prevost's. Prevost's, Brock street, grest dearing sale of -- to Sider, ready- gents' iohinge. See the "Bepley in window, not 4 Not her home, and} 1s in good demand just now, and we are happy to say that we have a nice clean. heat-giv- ing, heart cheering coal. Uptown customers may leave orders at 264 University Ave. Watch for our exhibit at the Poultry Show We are Sole Agonts for the cele- : brated CYPHERS ' No. Xo, F390 egg. Portable Houses. . Meat Scraps, Grit. Chick Food, Grit band Shell Boxes, Water Fountains, Leg Bands. W. A. Mitchell HARDWARE, Phone. 919 For the next change In the weather, to be able to tell for yourself just how cold it is at your own home. Qur thermometers are a well made and dependable. nes, Smith Bros. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. _ Ladies" Coats, rat lined sable collar and reveres, $32. Ladie's Coats, rat lin- ed mink collar and re- gon veres $32.50. Ladies' Rat Coat, 50 in, long, $37.50. W. F. Gourdier a Brock Street IF you wish TO TO B ile To TO TO 5 0 TO BUY A CITY HOME BUY A COUNTRY Foun 'T A DOUBLE HO Y A BUSINESS PROPERTY A LOT ( A BL kh SITE UY A BUSIN <b BORROW MONEY (ON REALTY) HOME UNTRY HOME AC m Vv A Co A DOUBLE HUSE A his SINESS PROPERTY > TECTED. STORES, OFFICES 0 INSURE AGAINST FIRE INSURE YOUR AUTOMOBILE * TO INSURE YOUR PLATE GLASS WINDOWS Interyiew E. W. MULLIN, Kingston's. Real Estate and Insurance Broker Cor. Johnson Sd Division Streets. Phones: Res... 1456

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