wets of the oe 1 ---- At Pledsdnt' Valley. Pleasant Valley, Tobi. 2.-Ths man; friends of Nagel oy Gor Wat. sor "afte sorry to hear of théir cri tical illness and are hoping soon to hear of their recovery. Mr. sod Mrs. Milton * Potter, Rouldan, Sadk., and Mr. and Ys. A. Barr, . #iited at '0. Bares redéntly. Mr | ard' Mrs. John Hughes visited Harrowsmith. fo maintain" 24 10c., 200. 350. and $1.00 the tin. - Murvale Matters. Murvale, Feb. 2.--~Church was . not very 'well attended on Sunday owing to the bad roads. Arnold Shilling- ton, '6f the Bankiof Toronto, Win with . illiam Shillington, Mrs. (J. E has been very ill, is able'to be a- round mow, William Cook, Toron- to, is spending a few days with F. J. Murton. "THAT TOBACCO WIth the "Rooster on TL 8 crowing louder as he gots alo . Per pound For chewing sre especially good for children because they are pleasant to take, gentle in | ! "aetion, do not irritate the 'Towels nor develop ¥ need for coutinohl or increased doses. 25¢. a box, at your __ Busy Sawing Wood Plum 'Hollow, Jan. 31.=A oumber of tickets kh jor the oyster Hauee's. Mrs, Gifford i¥in poor health 'at present, The have heen neatly' Here owin thaw 6f this week, The t peo: ple"have sbéured 'a minibfer wha ho will soon be Bere for 'services. Far ters are Busy sawing 'Wood in this section. Fair View Notes. Fair View, Feb. 2 {ny At 'Samuel 'Wilson's, Morven, Quite 8 number sttetidéd John Co- fan's foneral on Sunday. Glenvalé" Gleanings. Glenvale, Feb. 2.--Miss Jessie' More land, Forest, visited at R. B. "Gib son's on Si y. A young son has dome to reside at Joseph Hawkey's. Mrs. Torace Hunt had the misfor- fina to on thé pd OR x and sprath her wrist sek: Mies this universally popular home [nora Wartian is weeding" busthess remedy--at times, when thére [college in' Kingston "Mew "Geos wy oi R r A son visited friends nm the is need--are spared many hours sity Tast week. nl Stain, of of unnecessary suffering-- Kingston, Has pnrchased Mrs. 'W. F. Toplifie's farm '#dd tends faking nostession on March Ist. At Cherry Valley. Cherry Valley, Feb. 2.--~The annual Sabbath schoel tonvention of Athol and South Naryirgh wit be held ih the Methotlist ~ ¢ on Feb. 3rd. Samuel Brumel had the mis- fortune to be kicked by a horse. W Garyidon is ill. * Mrs. P. Williams: is visiting friends 'at. South Bay. Mrs. Finely Spafiord:hes gope to New. York to visit her son. Mrs. Charles* Hienman. of Point Traverse, visited ber daughter, Mrs. Marshall NMinnaker; last week. Mra. Freder- ick Sniith and dhvghter, Hilda, are spending a "week with friends in Ot- tawa. Seid everywhere. In boxes, 286 centa --WE SELL -- Scranton Coal Cos Coal Selected from the celebrated Richmond No. 4 and Ontario No. 1 Mines, the = bést Anthracite Mines in Pennsylvania Place your order with THE JAS. SOWARDS COAL CO. Eagle Hill Echoes. Ragle Hill, Feb. 3.--James Irvine is hauling Togs to J. 8. Lane's mill at Denbfgh. Eugene Mieske is home, from J. Wilson's camp, ifl of grippe. from J. Wildon's éauip, fil of 'grippe. ing 'the winter at his home here. Miss Maude Thompson spent Satur- day and Sunday at William John's. Lorné Ready is home from L. Wil- son's camp. Mrs. Crankshaw, Jen bigh, spent a week with her daugh- ter, Mrs. Thomas Irvine, Pleasant Valey. R. Fritsch and O. Falk, Denbigh are drawing Tidy from Pleas- ant Valley. Noe Charlotte oe Tong staying wilh "Mrs. TEe Yodan, oy ar Mrs. C. Reid 1s im. Outlet, Feb, 2.--J 15 Son est fee of 8 rion, is Visi k Ses. Mr. visiting with her moths Rett for their ry. Miss" : ., | hon PN Diyision St. nea £ veneer ' $2,150.00 vacuum cleaners (RR aha oo $108 p Wet Tees { "Puec. Stationary Vacuum -fleaners. Estinntes cheertuly HS. CRUMLEY ores id er Jins. Head of Queen Street. Courses in Bookkeeping. shorthand, typewriting, elvil servies, -getieral improvement, and all commercial subjects. Rates moderate. Informas tion trea. hy ""mumbers = 'as ~~ follows; coor 84, Muskoka; 25, Parry wards 80, Ontario; 31, Durham; and Addington; 37, Frontenac; 38. (as contrasted with the black abov shipk under local option: months in Winnipeg. on; Saturday. 'Miss Irene llevflle, is the guest of Mr. Mrs, BE. Mulvwille. Mr, and Jaucroft and Coe Hill An Event at Stella. 482, held its hall, on Friday evening, Jan. at 'class Shlsbury's Wad provided by the members of "While the Feerioiis' datiage. mg a few days on the island. Sadie Tugwell, has returned ton Springs, N.Y., after some weeks with her mother much improved in health. TF. has returned from the west and visiting 'his uncle, W. H.Montray. who At Washburn's Corners Watson, Saskatchewan, after ing a "month with friends and gas Bose. The death 'occutred an. 30th of Mrs. Surah at the "where = she resided for Tor are to' have a lecture free supper in the y . Ath. a the ct det, ebncert afternoon, 3 Mrs, OC. "Sla Bert and 8 Pr lings "of whom -réside near Brock Wr. and le ho Nida dhistan, TH & sit. oO ¢ After the Trespassers. "Pres" Take, "Feb." 2: Jers uplet your # 'ell, don't : [8 in & 8, Grey;'0, Dufferin; 10," Wellington; 1, Pérth; 12, Waterloo; mand; 17, Welland; 18. Lincola; 19; Wentworth; 20, Halton; Sound; 26, Algoma; 27. Nipissing; 32, Peterboro; 23, Northumberfand; 34 garry; #4 and 45, Prescott 'and Russell; 46, Carleton; 7 2. DR re 5 x3 en ¥ x Jeft on Saturday to spend a few 0 cand Mrs. S. K. Bresee returned to Syracuse, N.Y. Sahil, of trnest Gunter are viditing friends at Stella, Feb. 2.--Burleigh 1..0.L., No. annual ball in Victoria 30th. musiéc 'was fufnished by orchestra from' Kingston. At' midbight, Turich was séivéd, which the wobiety." Avery. large tumber attend Stella stage was making ite' first 'trip to the city on Tuesday fist, the horses dropped through in a stnjedni © cick; fier the main: shore, Hut were pulled out safely without any Rev. A. L. MeTear, Bath; 'hae returned 'home after wpend- Miss to Cliffs spending ®t Montray is Washburn' Corners, Feb. 2.--Frank Dullis' has returned to his home at spend- rela- on Struthers, tome of W.. Cross, neir Ath. d some Members . of the Anglian Hany friendd with him a tows ha, . a on Fi rs. W. Hamblen Regina | enterfhined a number of friends ob 3 1 "evening last. A drama for shentation rig ~ the "latter part is' prepared by 'the nomber from of "Were 'recent-, "The stag? stomach | their favorite fonds did the ! he révolt; | 1, Essex; 2. 18, Oxford; Lanark: 30, Leeds; 40, Grenville; 41, Thunder Bay. e) 'ave in white: In some in favor of the Dundas; 12, In the lower map the dry townships of the counties not yet dry there are several town. OLD ONTARIO GETS DRYER EVERY DAY. The counties of Huron, Peel, and Welland voted majorities January 20th and thus added large slices {0 the temperance map of the Province. ~The black areas on the upper map show entire counties that have gone dry. through the Séott act; Duftérin and Glengarry through 'local option.. The : Kent; 8 Lambton; 4, Elgin; Canada Temperance Act on Peel, Huron and Welland counties are designated 3. Middlesex; 6 Huron; 7, Bruce; 14,, Brant; 15 Norfolk; 16, Haldi- 21, Peel; 22, York, including Toronto; 23, Sim- 28, Victoria and Haliburton; 20, Prince Fd- Renfrew; 35, Hastings; 36, Lennox Stormont; 43, Glen- a a Samtgnttiil driver, Charles McGregor, is able to be on the road again after beiny il the last four weeks. M. Stevenson government agent, of 1 scerboro; was through this viclaity looking .| after some parties who have tres- passed on erown lands, tie has re turn ed home #nd intends returning here in a short time to make a sur- vey of the land and count the stumps of the valuable .iees that have been taken, Visitors, Mrs. B. Dellon, of Arden; at B. R. Newton's Tost 'week Edward Hayes at Wi Ham Newfon's. Mrs. Wikism New- ton' called on friends al sad Oreck last week. Pleased With Treacher Lyn, Feb. 2.--A good sized audience greeted Rev. J. Curtis on Sunday evening in the Methodist - church. He is assisting in holding S. 8S." in stitutes in different. parts of the dis trict. Dr. and Mrs. | Nash! were re- sent callers in the village on their way to atiend the Billings-Billings vedding at Athens. Miss Flo Hal- lett has gone to Lansdowne to re eve Miss Maggie Webster, Central, yho is having two weeks' holidays. Frank Judson, accompanied by his aousin, Miss Findley, has gone to froquols for a short visit. Mr. and Mes. Pdward Parvis visited Brock- ¢ille friends on Monday. Miss Nichol- son has returned te her, home in Kingston after tnending 'a short time with her aunts, the Misses Wid- dis, here. We regret exceedingly the werious' ilfness of Mr. Bullock, sr. Jute Billings is laid up these davs wing to an ifjury to his knee. His #peedy re- covery. Lillian Wells, Dornville. vis- §téd at her 'home here over Sunday. Stella Needs New Siow Hall _ Stella, Feb. 4---The Antherst le- and Agricultural society held a meeting on Jannary 27i§ to consid: ar ways' and means of building a anew hall. A number are joining gach vear, so that more room is re- quired. , A sugestfon was made 0 build one large enough to be used for a skating rink through the win- ter, which would be a great boon to the village. The young people could 'Yenjoy the long winter evenings on the rink. The village is growing ri: ly. At dresent there aré two stores, two - | Blacksmith shops. a cheese factory. teed 'mills, two churelies, oné hotel rs needless to have a bad stomach. A little Dia n y keeps 4 théy est fear. the &t regulated | 1 your stomach 1 and a high school. Some of the pupils who attended it are naw teaching in the counties of Fronten- ac and Lennox. Dr. Patterson, Odessa, has an office, and is here twice a week, and there is also a veterinary surgeon, a firm of under- takers and two machine agents. The village has a population of ohe hundred and forty persons and some nice residences on thé main treet, and good cement walks. Stella Point is an ideal place for camping during the summer months, = with good {harbor and steamboat service daily to Kingston. Joo: cottages are rented aon reason- able terms. A great many King- stonians come here to enjoy tha. fa- vorite sport, fishing for ba ., ------p------ Deaths at Centreville. Centreville, Feb. 2.--A gloom has been cast over the village the past week by the death of two widely known citizens living near this local- ity, John Lockeridge and Jacob Rombough. The former died at his home at Hinch on Tuesday." He was widely and favorably known and Wis death, although long expected was deeply regretted by many. His re- mains were taken to Newburgh vauit on Thureday and one of the largest concourse seen around here in some time assembled at Wesley Methodist church 'to pay tribute to the deceas- ed. His funeral 'was conducted by the Mdsonic order Jacob 'Rombough, an old pioneer and much respected resident was found dead in bed. He had risen early in the morning, lit a fire and went back to bed where he found 'Tater by his family, and death was a devere shock, His fun- eral was largely attended. . Mrs, Hudson attended the funeral of Mrs. Lloyd, Tweed, on Tuesday, Ed- ward Perry has gone to Tloyne for a few days. 'Miss Hester McMullen has returned té her grandfather's after a short gojourn among relitives at Tamworth." Miss Blanch Mulligan and Charles Lochedd 'dare ill. A nih bet tron Here attended the par: ties in Camden East and Newburgh on Friday 'might. 'Mr and Mrs Joseph Cavanaugh spent Sunday ov- enftig at E. O'Connor's. Cincinnati, Feb. 3.---This city bas begun 'officially the treafment of pu- pils of the public schools addicted to the cigarette habit. About two dozen boys, ranging Tn Age ffom eleven years - were operated on by Chisel Health Officer Landis and. his assistants. The treatment, which it is claimed, is an efféctual cure for the craving, con: te in bbi the mouth and wifh a very weak solution 'of {ives ub: office, also AT ONCE | OPENS ~ Phone 76 Far Your Christmas Groceries. Our stock Is complete In all nes. 341-8 Princess Birest. Prompt Delivery. (Coast Sealed Oysters.) D. COUPER . Must he sold by February 1, 1914. Three brick Nousés In the best of location, near Queen's University; open plumbing and the latest im- provements, bringing a rental of $540,00 per year fot $6, 000.00. House on Queen street, near Clergy, $3.950.00, I AN BR Real Estate ad General Insur. ] ance. 177 WELLINGTON 8ST. LADIES' and MEN'S, BOY'S and GIRL 'S Hockey Shoes AT VERY LOW PRICES. BUY YOUR SKATING SHOES Treadgold Cycle and Sporting Goods Co. 88 Princess Phone J NOSTRILS AND CLEARS STUFFY HEAD--COLDS AND CATARRH G0 Instant Relief When Nose and Head are Clogged from a Cold. Stops Nasty Catarrhual Discharges. Dull Headache Vanishes. wis Try "Ely's Cream Balm." Get a small bottle anyway, just to try it--Apply a little in the nostris and instantly your clogged nose and stopped-up air passages of the head will open; you will breathe freely; dullness and headache disappear! By morning! the eatarrh, cold-in-head or catarrbal sore throat. will be gone. ' End such misery now! Get the small bottle of "Fly's Cream Balm" at any drug store. This sweet, fra- i A ALE --- STOUT --- LA PURE -- PALATABLE -- NUTRITIOUS --- BEVERAGES FOR SALE BY WINE Anp SPIRIT MERCHANTS EVERY WHERE grant balm dissolvés by the heat of the nostrils, penetrates and' heals the inflamed, swollen membrane which lines the nose, . head and throat; clears the air passages; stops nasty discharges and a feeling of cleansing, soothing relief comes im- mediately. Don't lay awake to-night strug- gling for breath, with head stuffed' nostrils closed, hawking and blow. ing. Catarrh or a cold, with its rin- ning nose, foul mucbusy '& into the throat, and raw dryness distressing but truly neésdiess. Put your . faitb--just' once--th "Fly's Cream Balm" and your cold or catarrh will surely disappear. Agent, Geo. W. Mahood. > GER® LOCAL OPTION--Residents in the local option districts can legally order from this brewery whatever they require for personal or family use. JOHN LABATT, Lmrep, Write to LonpoN, CANADA NAY A YA AYA YY AYA A i NAINA ad PEEP James McParland, Agent, 339.341 King Street East LX a BEST DIET for INFANTS 5 * Pure Full-crearh milk and the extract of selected ° Get the Well-Known TTNTaR,| The Food-drink for Ul malted grain, reduced to powder form. s, Invigoratin BA rating Ages. . Superior to tea, coffee, cocoa. "% quick lunch digested by the weak- est stomach ; briskly sti "when travelling. form, also, rea b | Ask prepared in a moment ng the powder in hot | 'Keep at homie | in Lunch Tab fo eat.