Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Feb 1914, p. 7

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Joint Yrs Accolrits A Joint Savings Account may be opened at The Bank 0 in pie of two or more persons, In these accounts ath Siren, paid on balances. Assets, $60,000,000; Deposits, $41,000,000 7 - faoiigh B. McKay cheques or deposit money. or a firm a joint account is often mgrent Sopventence. hd 3 Toronto darty For the. different \ Manager Market Square, Kingston. Howard S. Folger INVESTMENT BROKER High Grade Bonds & Stocks. Fire & Life Insurance REAL ESTATE District Manager of the EQUITABLE LIFE A 44 Clarence Street. 11 roomed house, large grounds, tennis court, garage. Also some choice building lots sion 1st May next. ASSURANCE SOCIETY "Phone 95 ST, Posses- Fire, Life, Accident and Sickness Insurance. Telephone 703, 18 Market Square, Kingston, J. 0. HUTTON SOME ATTRACTIVE INVESTMENTS. $4,000--Johnson Street, downtown location, rents $600 per year. $2,800---Montreal Street, double frame, rents $294 per year. $800 will handle this. $2,600--Division Street, first class frame dwelling, all improve- ments, hot air furnace, gas, barn and driveshed, very desirable residence. 400 feet on Alice Street Crescent, facing on Queen's College new grounds, very deep lots, a snap for a quick buyer. 140x 2 Reglopolls College. GEORGE Tusurance 210 feet, corner Division and Russell Streets, adjoining new Near the new factory sites, BAWDEN Real Estate. ind : o a After Holiday Sale .. WW of Furniture All goods now reduced in price. A splendid chance to save money. Big line of beautiful antique furnis ture, stoves, ranges, etc, to choose 'from, Also household goods bought, best prices paid. L. LESSES Cor, Princess and Chatham Streets. Phone 104" ------------ RUBBER REQUISITES may include any of the follow ing: A Fountain Syringe, a Good Hot Water Bottle, an At- omizer, or, for that 'matter, numerous other articles in Rubber which we cannot enum- orate. When in need Requisites, consult HOAG'S DRUG STORE Kingston, Ont. 20% * DISCOUNT During the month of February for CASH The Finest Stash in wangsion | 3 0 | of Rubber Diamonds, Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, Silyerware Cut Glass, Leather and Brass Goods. R. J. RODGER The King St. Jeweller Where the Clock ia on the Walk Solid Brick, Albert St. ... THIS STOMACH REMEDY HELPS YOUR FRIENDS Almost every day some gratefu Person comes into our store amd tells us of benefits received from the use of Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets. Knowing 'how much good they have done others and knowing what they are made of, we feel sure that: they will help you. So great is our faith in them that we urge you to try them entirely at our risk, with our personal promise that if they don't do all you expect them to do amd make your stomach comfortable and healthy and your digestion easy, we'- Il hand back your mopey. We couldn't OLY thing any more strongly than gwe do Rexall Dygpepsia Tablets, Ealing Pep gin and Bismuth, two of the great: est digestive aids known to medical science, they soothe the stomach, check' heartburn and distress, pro- mote a natural flow of the gastric juice, and help regulate the bowels. Remember, if they don't make. your digestion so easy and comfortable that you ean eat whatever vou like whenever you like, we want vou to come back and tell us and get your money. Sold. only at the more than 7,000 Rexall Stores, and in this town only at our store. Three 5c, 50c, and #1, Mahood's Ont. sizes, Drug Store, Kingston, OUR FRESH GROUND COF- FEE AT 40c. CAN'T BE BEAT Try a sample order and be convinped. NOLAN'S GROUERY, \ Phone 730. Prompt Delivery. J promt Delivery. J For Sale By 36 BROOK ST. a PHONE 68, dulid Brick, Brock Bt. ,.....$4,000 Brick /Veneceored, Mack St. ..$3,300 Frame. Alfred Street .$8,000 solid Brick, Princess St. ....$4,000 Solid Brick, Frontenac St. ..3$4,000 Solid Brick, Albert St. .....$4,800 .$6,800 Frame, Beverley Street ....$3,100 J. K. CARROLL, LOCAL SOs AND AND ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST, Happenings in the City and Vicinity ~--What the Merchants Offer 10 the Readers of the Whig. "Sunkist," at Carpoveky's. - ion," 2c' Gibson's. Tite Rose flour pure and whole * Fireman T. W. Snider is confined to the house, owing to illness. "3c. Health Salt," 40c, Gibson's. Go and see the, best poultry and pigeon show ever held in Kingston. Stuart, of New York ity, was in Kingston on Tuesday, ' William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders reccived at MeA uley' a. 'Phone 564. "Chamois vests," $1, .at Gibson's. I'D. Walty, of Toronto, spent Tues- day in the city, visiting old acquaint. ances, . Ladies" up-to-date deessmaking. Terms moderate. Miss A. Keyes, 21 Princess street. "50c. Health Salt," 40c. Gibson's. Miss Ethel Webber, Renirew, wiil spend a month or so with her sister, Miss Bertha Webber, Kingston. "Ble. Sage and Sulphur," 0c. Gib- son's, . 'Phone or write to G. E, 121 Princess St, when groups taken, day or night. "30c. Sage and Sulphur," 40c. son's. Warren Hatch, Boston, father T. Hateh, technical master of city, died suddenly on Youday. "50c. kidney pill," 40c. Gibson's. 1. Cimningham, piano tuner, King street. Leave orders at Auley's book store. The federal estimates include the sum of $15,000 for sundry buildings and improvements at Petawawa camp. "Chamois vests," $1, at Gibson's. The nomination for member of the Board of Fducation for Sydenham ward is to take place at noon on Wed- nesday. bs "Chamois vests," $1, at Gibson's. G. BE. Marrison, graduate of Illi- nois College of Photography, bought out the D. A. business. "50¢. Jamulsion," 25¢ C. R. Belt, of Columbus, Ohio, came to the city on Mopday evening, and remained over wii} Tuesday to do a little business. "Chamois vests," $1, at Gibson's. Nr. and Mrs. M. J. O'Brien and Misses Stella and Jamesena, Renfrew, have leit to, spend the rest of the win- ter in Florida. "de. Health Salt," 40c. Harrison wanting Gib- of A. this 21 Me Gibson's. Gibson's, directors, ' faithful in dilierent capacities orr | Minnes was. re- appointed tiasurer, W. G. Reede, brother of Rev. H. W. Reede, formerly of Cushendall, was struck by a train on January 24th, and died the next day. x "50c. kidpey pill," 40c, Gibson's. Mrs. Thackaberry, relict of the late John Thackaberry, died at her 'son's regidence, 6th line of Ramsay, on Jan. 27th, in her eighty-sixth year. "B0c. Health Salt," 40c. Gibson's. Robert JJ, Bushell and J. A. Wilinot of the Kingston Township Agriculiur- al Ass socution, left to-day ar nogp to attend the convention of Fairs Association, being held. in this week "Chamois vests," $1, at Gihson's. Rev, Allen TP. Shatford, Montreal, will address a meeting to the congre- gations of the ¥uglish churches of the city, in St. James' school room, 8 pm, on "Church Unity." If this meeting takes well a Church Unity League will be formed. "50¢, kidney pill," 40c. Ald. Nickle drew the attention of } the City Couneil, last evening, to! what he called a dangerous practice at the city power plant, that of throwing out ashes on the road. The exhaust = steam, also from the plant was liable to frighten horses and cause runaw avs, Attend the poultr Toronto Gibson's. y show. ANNUAL DG. Laidlaw Was Elected President For 1914. Ail the annual gloction of officers and directors of the Y.M.C. held in the board room at dhe building on You 1 day evening, D. G. Laidlaw was led prosicamt, 'in succession to W. [Dyde, and an appreciation of the ter's services expres: ed. Roy H. a member of the "cabinet," only new man elected to the board ot was appointed recoiling in succession to Frank Kin Mr. Ward was accepted to li Vacancy caused Jy the resigns - tion of George i. Hague, who served the W.. W lat secretary near. the 'board for a number of years. The six fetir directors--D. Laidlaw, T. , any J. Mel Stephon, Femk Kinnear, W. H. Dyde, and H. treathwaite--were re-elocted at a meeting of a number of the qualified voting members of the association I'he directors had a brief meeting late at which they clected their offivers. : The usual meeting of the Bible study elu was held on Monday evening, when Rev. Alired Brown spoke. Woman's Institute Metin Elgin, Jan. 31.--The regular month: ly meeting of the Elgin moh of the Woman's Institute, will be beld in the own Hall, Elgin, "Thursday, Feb. 5th, at 2 pam. ihe Selley's Bay Branch has promised to take part &n di ing the topic, "I'he Needs of the Com- mumity atl What the Institute oan do | GH to Meet Them.'j The question drawer will be in charge of Miss Fla Ferr. Paper on Topic by Mrs. W. Char- land; paper on "'Sunshine hg a Dison?) fectant,". Mrs. P. Nolan; paper on "Cheerfullpess,'"" Mre. John Ragan, and a good musical programme. A light hoch will be served. All Ladies ps girls are. welcome. : Weather Notes The depression which was approach- jug the great lakes yesterday morn. img is now situated in North-Eastern Ontario, while the western cold wave has more pronounced. Light snow has allen over the Lake Super- ior district, also in Eastern Ontario ond Western Quebec. Oscar Sweet, Lyndhurst, has pur chased the Riverside House and store has Weese photo Ward I and the | V GRA! D Oren Perry's Peerless Matinee. LAY ERS NAME ONLY at 2.30 "A Matinee, FROM 5 CIRCUS" Wed. Evg.,, "UP AGAINST IT PRICES: MATINEE 10 and 0c, SEATS NOW ON SALE. Fri. and Sat. Feb. 6& 7 ee Salandny at 2.30 h Romantic Actor MARTIN HARVEY Supported by MISS x. DeSILVA The Famous } Englis CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES ord. Esch con- thereafter, half um charge for fuscrtions, First insertion lec Ar secutive lmsert cent A word, M one Insertion, 23e.; Se. six, $1; one = HRY! Ml Apply to Mr A GOOD GENER k A ore «St Wve referenc H. Py 33 RELIABLE GIRL OR WOMAN small family. Good cook prefery 33 Division St. 87 Lr. Pense, n »1 Apply $15.00 WEEK AND EXPENSES 70 travel appointing local representa. tives, Frank aterson, Division C., Brantford. Under the a ndian Theatre ar Eausation Soclety In two of his most famous successes. FRIDAY EVENIYG The Breed of the Treshams SATURDAY MATINEE AND NIGHT 'The Only Way" A , i? or ae im Fi Ron AY The COLLEGE BOOKSTORE Presents WITHIN the LAW By MARVIN DANA and BAYARD VEILLER The Greatest Drama of Modern Timer Over two years im New York City Eighteen Companies now on teur Take the theatre home with. you. Prices: One Copy of the hook and the most comfortable seat in your own ome, 50 CENTS TO CONTRACTORS Tenders will be received at the office the undersigned, \Wiwre plans and specifications may be seen, up to o'clock, noon, on Saturday, the 28th ti . for the several trades work re Guired in the construction of a Colleg Building on Russell Street, in this city, for the Board of Trustees of the Reg- ivpohis College. f.owest or any tender not neve accepted, WM And Fall of he British Can- Prices oy Matinee $1 SEATS ON of ssa I) NE WLANI 3S & SON, A ts, Bagot Str INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $100 monthly corresponding for newspapers; po canvassing. Send for particulars. Press Syndi- cate, 3,969 Lockport, N.Y. APPLY TO THE of Myr. Martin Har- at the stage dour Grand opera house, Friday, 6th, at 5 pm. SUPERS, MEN, stage director vey's company, of the eb. CAPARLE OLD COUNTRY DOMES. tics. Parties arriving twice month- ly. Applications most , be mane well a advance The Gulld, Pembroke St, Toronto and Drummond St, Moulreal. 4 71 WANT NOW A CAPABLE SALES. man to canvass Kingston for the sale of New . Hardy Everblooming Roses, ornamental trees, shrubs Good opening for rgnt party Write Pelham Nursery Co. Torou- COVERED RINK JUNIOR O. H. A. CHAMPIONSHIP SEMI-FINALS Belleville vs. Frontenacs Tuesday, Feb. 3rd same enlled S05 p.m, Admission reserved seats 5c exten. Seals on sale nt rink office. 100 reserved sents on sale at Uglow's uutil 1 o'clock 1] of game. COVERED RINK INTERMEDIATE INPERCOLLEGIATE HOCKEY CHAMPIONSHIP Queen's Il vs. RM.C. | Wed. Feb. 4th Game begins S15 pom, we 2% Admission 25¢c. Renerved Seats 25¢ extra Seats mow on sale at the Rink Office. ON SUNDAY EVENING FoR SALE A PERSIAN lamb muff, between Keys Hill on Bath Road, ;to Bagot St. Finder kindly return to 32 Bay St. LADY'S MESH A rm or GOLD-RIMMED GLASSES ONTO 0 THE GUARANTEED H ABSOLUTELY BEST VALUE wou 256 PER TIN. SOME NEW LINES Xmas Table Delicacies Huntley & Palmer's Fancy Lnglish Biscuits { { Mixed Chocolate, Cream Fing- ers, Oriental Cream Petite Beurre, Shortcake, . | wich. Reading Shortbre lar, Italian Macaroons, Urkuey Asst. Shortbrea verieties to choose from. Your { family Eracer can supply you. Venwlohs Hendry & Co. ributors. {Records Exchanged - All kinds of records, Victor, Col- umbia, Edison Biue # mberol, "wai- son two-minute, for eschange. Also pbonographs, grawophones and graf- onolas for sale. Call and let us ex- | plain our plan. | bub LENS . 118 Brock St For Sale Farm of from land 209; 25 acres dh dey five miles first-class £7,000 will handle this 'Valuable property, For particulars apply to W.H. Godwin & Sens 39 Brock St. 'Phone 421 Real Estate Firé Insurance, BERMUDA S"HEMUDIAN" (win screw, 16,618 tons displaceme sails from New York 10 am, 11, 15, 25 February, 4, 11, 18, 25 Mareh. Submarine signals wireless: or chéstra, Record trip 39 hours, 20 min. ates. Fastest, newest, and only steam. er landing at the dock in Hermudn without transfer. Asus. West" Indies--New S.8, "GUIANA r% from New York at 21 March, for Kitts, Xati- Dominicia, Martin Barbadoes and Demer- and ol : ry, 3. St £ pm =1% St. Thomas, gua; Guada gue, St. 1 Ra cia, For Luly luformation apply to J. P at Lyndhurst from R. W-Copeland. "Se. Sage and Sulphur, Ba aoe, Gib #00'% HANLEY, or C, & KIRKPATRICK Ticket Agents, Kingston® QUERRC™ For Sale Houses 162 and "12% Victor: ia St,, between Earl and John- son; choice location, two blocks from car line, Houses modern in every particular. Apply Mcleod's Drug Store FRESH SCALLOPS SMOKED 'SALMON SMOKED HALIBU® WYE LOBSTERS Dominion Fish Co. PHONE 620 [For QUICK Seltemens | | and Prompt Payments {| In case of tire joss, insure with W. H. Godwin & Son ad Broek St, Phone £24. \ § I -- Cord Wood for Sale Mixed = Soft Wood and Hard Wood. Spee- ial rates for quantities over 10 cords. Also R. WALLACE. FeomSt. John Winter Sailings From Regio] Jan. WRMS, B Edward Feb. 11 8. George Fab. £5 Feb, 25 RMS i Bdward Mar. 11 «*withdravn for ann'l 'mspection STEANSHIP CO, LTP, Quebec, wharf and other timber. | BAG, bills and change, on Monday, Feb 2nd, on Brock or Barrie Sts, Finds er kindly return to Jas. Reid's furniture store. Liberal reward. in case, on Monday noon, between 219 Princess street. and § York street. Finder Kindly return to M J. Dolan, 218 Princess St, and re- ceive reward. STRAYED, PREMISES oF w. A. MIL. ton or J nnegan, Barriefield, one cow. fi ner may have same by paying for expenses and proving property. ¥OUND GEESE FEATHERS, APPLY TO MRS. . Goldman, J87 Division St SED We A SOLID COMFORT CUTTER, but a short time. Apply D. J. son, 244 Princess St. AWNINGS AND TENTS--PLACE Y! tv order now. Subject to delivery & time in the spring. Frank Cooke, 39 Clarence St. AND ne oe. # a FING 10% ALNUT arta} the hot we eA at a reasonable pri ree 'Phone SIX H, Pr. SasoLNe ENGINE $175, that cost $586. Call and wi will demonstrate it for you at Princess St, Kingston Mattress JANUARY SALE, CAPILLI best hair tonic on botties, 50c; 8 oz, 26e. Ma turned and sold by Mme. Eider, 3 Princess St. city. VEW SOLID BRICK HOUSE ON street, 9 rooms; all { QUEEN ST, BACK OF ST. AN- drew's church, handsome short stick. Apply at Whig office and pay for this advt, BIRDS! BIRDS! BIRDS! MALE SANARLES, each a beant I for pluma song. Come in and hear ti ho bird sing before you buy. J. Driver Queen and Barrie. Phone 612 SITUATIONS VACANT sm meetin -------------------- ATTENTION, PROTESTANT MEN ANL women of character seeking em- ployment for all or part time, send ern improvements; Eu Sank tet terms. Apply ronténac street, "Prone HL ONE FRAME HOUSE AND BARN, corner Lansdow ne and Stanjo) Sts., lot corner Nelson and York ; $2 ft. frontage on York St, second lot from corner of Alfred and York Sts, easy terms Apply 427 Albert 8° * FRANKLIN AIR-COOLED bile, with Inter ter and co Tp AUTOMO- hangeablo road. bodies, only $t300, No freezing nor overheating. Kass your qualifications: we can place you; no charge. Bible House, Sec- tion D, Brantford. PERSONAL HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTH. marks and all growths and skin blemishes removed permanently without sca Dr. Elmer J Throat and Bagot street. Lake, Noss, oi Siatiat, 25% SCALP MASSAGE FON halr, dandruff, etc, ectricity treatment FALLINY treated by ei- (new. method). Latest in Shainpoolng, face massage, manleuring, hiropody, Up-to-date styles in hair wor Mrs. Herod, graduate masseuse, 159 Wellington St, Phone 1498, Hours 10 to 12 am, and 3 to b p m., and by appointment. FINANCIAL FRONTENAC ment reside Money i LOAN AND INVEST- fety; established 1863; Lt.-Col. Henry R. Smith sued on city and farm properties, municipal and country debentur mortgages purchased: deposits received and Interest al- lowed. 8. C. McGill, Manager, 27 Clarence Street. LIVERPDO ND GLOBE Fire, h mpany, Available asso 3, In adition to whic x the oi vholders have for security the unljmited liability of city property, insured at lowest possible rates, Before renewing vid or giving new business get rates fron Strange & Strange Agents. Phine 325. = { ily convertible into light delivery. If coupe not wanted price propors tionately reduced. ' Apply Owner, 91+:Jameson Avenue, Toronto. | CHOICE FARM, ONE HUNDI En and ninety-five acres, 9 By Kingston and 1 mile from Gian - vale. Has an abundance of ol pine, spruce and cedar and nevers failing water thereon. Well fenc« ed. For further information apply John Clark, RM.D. 1, Westbroo $I200-BRICK VENEER HOUSE, BEV. erley Street, partly furnished. Large lot: good outbuildings, 2700-NEW HOUSE ON PATRICK St, modern improvements, good sta ble, re y for brick veneer, $1650---NEW FRAME HOUSE, ALL fmprovements, BATEMAN. & GARDINER, INSURY ance, Money to Loan. $7 Clarence 8t.. Kingston. 4 . TO LET STORAGE FOR FURNITUR clean and dry. McCann, street. 5 Brock IN CLARENCE ST. CHAM. Apply to Cunningham & Mu« 79 Clarence St. OFFICES bers die, LARG FRONT room flat, persons ROOM ON BATH. suitable for one or two Apply Box A.B.C., Whig. PRIVATE GARAGE ot STORAGE for auto for the winter: clean ané dry. McCann, 82 Breck St Near-------------- DWELLINGS AT $30, 817, Shoes $13. Also offices, stores, ete, cCann's Real Estate Agency, 8% { Brook St. STORAGE FOR rURNTTURR, woEAN DENTAL aa E. KNAPP, moved to DR, C. C. NASH, DEN 18T; DR. T. B, Renton, assistant 138 Street. "Phone 735 : SPARKS AND SPARKS, DENTISTS. r 169 Wellington Street, (over Car- novsky's), Kingston. 'Phone 348. A, BA, Street. Ss. =H, SIMPSON, L.D.S, D.D.S, DENT. Jat , corner Princess and Bag) treet Telephone 626. CATERING PDS, RE- | Princess | Entrance on Bagot street. { dry, airy rooms; you and key. Frost's City lores. We Queen St, Phone §26b. tema. ONE COMFORTABLE FURNISHED room. centrally located, suitable for married couple or single per- son, with or without board. Apply 1562 Sydenham St. FURNISHED ROOMS | WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD, WORK. ing men preferred. Price reason- able. 102 Earl St MUSIC. ESTIMATES GIVEN FOR BALL SUP. pers. banquets, dinners, etc. Bllverwars and cutlery tr rent. For particular R H. Toye's King Bt, WE CATER TO 8, BAL Wedding Baki banquets, str also rent disnes. table linens and | Hambrook FC street sllverware, Reid and M eld, 80 Uaton street, Hambrook, 176 Alfred Phones 843 or 303 WANTED--GENERAL BOARD AND Room married couple location. Addre office GENTLEMEN m0 BRING THEIR cloth and have it made up Into up- to-date suits. Price and workman- ship guaranteed to please. Press- Ing and repairing done on the shortest notice. Thomas Galloway You NG price an Ww and Fon 58 Box 31 Brock street, near Bibby's Gars age, HIGHEST PRICES PAID VOR SEC. ond-hand furniture, stoves, ete. See me before selling your goods. Wa also have a large stock of new and second-hand furniture and Einves, which we will #n]l to ¢lean out, cost, J. Thompson, 233 A Pe Bt. next.to 8t. Andrew's church. ARCHITECT WM. NEWLAND '& SON 1. Bete ln Offices, 258 Bagot St POWER & SON, AR HITROTS, Wi. chants' Bank uflding, corner Brock. 20a Wellington streets. Drop ' TION WANTED spi ------ LV WOMAN AS GOOD 1 working houses 1 nr Apply parties | viow tin ot ANSTRUCTION--MISS CHRIS. ochrane, 78 Gore Mt, King« - Telephone 136. TELGMANN SC CHOOL "or mum, Frontenac slreet. Talg- mann, BE, teacher ot Sinoniiaa and action. Miss Norma and O. F, Telgmann, teachers of violin, man= dolin, plano, etc. Terms for tule tion and concert engagements on Application. HOTELS. ALBION HO and Qu Rates moderate ono block frou . i w CORNER MONTREAL bedrooms, rally located, street cars, House recently the ughly rénovated; best stable and yard accommodas tion: J. M. Caines, Proprietor. UPHOLSTERER J. GAVINE, UPHOLSTERING, Rif- pairing and ca work, hair mattress renova card or call 216 Bagot BUSINESS CHANCES CROCKERY, tu and a cheap aut. Ww. pet St CHINA, GLASSWARE, teware, good fosation. he about $3 Owner retiring, Box 066, Napanee, Ont. ANYONE ANYWHERE CAN START a mail order husthgse. at chome; no Sond for free BookMot: Tails maw . + Heacock, 2,969 Yookiet: £, N.Y, BUSINESS NOTICES KINGSTON SHORTHA writing and Copying AH Queen St. All Work £t! fidential. Rates moderat TY] reau, fet] y on REE ~ wD Clarence er For Fire Wood and Kind. ling, cut in stove length and delivered Cantey Cord. $1.65

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