Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Feb 1914, p. 2

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FUR COATS $13.00 Up. COON COATS $40.00 Up. Gauntlets, Buckskin Mitts. REDUCED PRICES ON ALL FURS. HN McKAY, Limited The Reliable Fur House Ca 148-157 Brock Street Linoleums Our new rugs, Seofch and English Linoleums are arriving every, day from the best manufae- turers. new patterns for the coming spring of 1914. R. McFAUL Oarpet Warehouse, These are the Why Pay High Prices? 1 will give you FIRST CLASS GOO The Style and Fitting he Faultieas. The Finleh and Workmanship wil be Perfect. Price will from $5.00 Three LOWER then he' heuy paying. ¥20 Princess Street. Opposite 9¢. Andrew's Oburch. i 7 a ---- MUST BE INCREASED, SAYS THE GENERAL MANAGER. €. C. Folger Submitted His/Report on the Waterworks ° Distribution System to Utilities Commission on Monday, n accordance with the request of Thy Utilities commission that the manager. prepare a detailed plan and report of the water works distribu- tion system, showing number and sizes of mains, list and location of hydrants, also dead ends, locations, ete. C. C, Folger submitted a long statement at the meeting on Monday afternoon. The suport "I sections Clause, "A" Showing a plan of the city of corrected to Dec. 3st, 19013, showing the water works | distribution system complete as to: number and sizes, of mains, hy- drants, valves, ete. Clause "B" the dead ends, classified under the rn of "Controllable" and *Un- controllable," in some cases it: being {absolutely necessary to complete the circuit on streets leading to the wa- ter, and in some others, in the up per gnd outlying' portions of the city, the distance at the present time being too great to consider. Clause "C"--New Trunk Feeder-- The question of increasing the main supply and the immediate necessity of relieving the present 16-inch main hy the installation of a new 18-inch trunk feeder. This would strengthen ithe entire surrounding and interme- | diate' points, and furnish the most ! desired results, namely, to get the water away from the pumps faster, furnish a better fire supply, and re- lieve the strain from the present feed er, in the business . section of = the town. The report coutimued : As it is at the present time, if an 'inferruption occurs to the large pipe, ' communication to the tank and the | surrounding smaller mains. is im- mediately discontinued, and special | care must be exercised at the pump- {ing plant in order that no uaduc strain is'put on the smaller and wegker mains. That increased additional main ca | pacity is immediately necessary is es i tablished. The only point at difference is as regards the territory to be cov | ered, so that we can provide for our immediate needs as regards increased capacity, and at the same time pro- vide "for future requirements in the "newly populated areas, both as to do- | mestic and general fire purposes. Ov arriving at this point, two proposi- tions are submitted in detail, as fol- lows : a was sub-divided The First Step in buying eyeglasses is to call upon a registered optometrist. The next step of no less import- ance is to nave his preseci) ion filled vy a competent »Jutician Years ago this meant two costs and a division of responsibility. To-day n our effica both branches of this service are united under one : roof, enab- ling us to guarantee depend- able glasses for just one charge--that of the glasses. 2,-$3, $5 per pair. ). S. Asselstine D. 0. §. Eyesight Specialist. ' $42 King St. Mid-Winter Furniture & Carpet Sale It pays to buy now. Two Proposals No. '1--Pick up the present'sixteen inch water main at the junction of | Union and Ontario streets, installing {an eighteen-inch cast iron main from this point, up Union to the cormer of Bagot and West; vp West to the cor- ner of Earl and Hergy, and along Clergy to Brock, tying in with the present sixteen-inch main at this jibe» In connection with this main {it will also be necessary to extend the | pipe from the corner of Wellington and | West streets, and couple in with the proposed new feeder at the corner of} Stocks are large, prices are low, everything is ! Bagot and West streets. | reduced. Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums, | By the above extension the old six Oilcloth, Curtains, etc. { inc ch pipe on- Union street would be | ! replaced; also the dead ends, on Cler- ley street would be done away with, | 'and this. entire section strengthened. inch cast iron pipe, representing a to- tal distance of 3,225 feet, at an ap- No. 2--Pick up the present sixteen- inch main at the corner of Union and | Ontario streets, and continue up Un- | jon to the corner of Bagot and West, also, as before, extend the uncom- | pleted portion of the fourteen-inch main on West street to the corner of Bagot and West, forming a Y at this point. From the corner of Bagot and | {West proceed in straight line, { through the cricket field to the cor-| ner of Unjon and Barrie streets, tying in to the present mains at this point. | Proceed out Union street to University i avenue, extend up University avenue | from Union to Princess, the sixteen-inch main at this section By this + | pipe on Union street will be done away with, 'the dead ends will#he con | pled up on West ! {and the uncoated Kingston pipe, now { would be replaced. | This section represents a total tance of 5,725 feet, at an approsimate | !expenditure of $13,986.20 Repair and Upholistering Work promptly attended to, 10 per cent. Tess than usual ig Phone 90. T. F. HARRISON ¢0 NN Streets For Paving Clause "List of streets proposed || iitiewt hn presenting this list, the istanve of mains required to be Imewed, also the approximate espense | ou will Velause, have an indirect bearing on the preceding one. | Barrie street, from Princess to York. {This section at the present time is' supplied with wix inches and seven in- ches cast iron main, forming a com- lets circuit and fed from the sixteen | ch main on Pikncess street. This seotion is satisfactory, aud, at the 'present time ready Joe avi ng. Fae Berrie . Fai main, and, at the pu 'is no Jecasbty for he * a detached brick rooms, furnace, hog 4 to Wi cfist iron poy eatin | fou, a From on William to Johnson is sup- plied, with a six inch cast iron main, "satisfactory continuous circuit, From "Johnson to Brock, k, tio fuain. This ter- | ritory ill be co by proposed 18 | inch, feeder. and Tad in at the cormer, of Clergy and Brock streets, with the' present sixteen inch main. From Brock to the main 8s" to ap: . . From out the into Ib ~Being data covering | The entire circuit to be of eighteen- | proximate expenditure of *$23,638.56. t tying in with '| extension the old six-inch | and Bagot streets, !| foundry || installed on Union strect, ||! dis to be paved for 1914, per the city en- || re- { incurred in connection with the rene - | jEivay will be covered by proposed 18 | Hh note on 'looking over this ' ist. that the sections covered by this | two inch. This section should be in- crensed fo six inch. In fact for the above temwitorgy it would be advisable to replace the dead ends, by installing | a six inch main. from the corner. of Princess and Clergy, and continue right over Clergy to Frontenac Park, This would strengthen the entire sys tem, and wipe out the various dead ends. This distance represents feet at an approximate cost of $1, 00, t Farl street, from King to Bagot--1It will be necessary to cut off a short section of the old main and connect these old services to the main six inch pipe. | Karl street, from Barrie to Victoria j--To complete this section it will 'be necessary to wipe out the dead {ends near Collingwood street and| continue the six ingh pipe to Victoria. In this section. above Collingwood, it (Would not be. advisable to extend {the main, because provision had not been made for sewers, water and gas |cofinections. Gore street, from King to Bagot --- i This section is supplied with sixteen inch to Wellington street, and a six {inch main to Bagot street. These ! mains ave satisfactory. Johnson street, from Wellington to Bagot--.It will be necessary to install {8 six inch tast iron main off the main sixteen inch feeder at the cor- ner of Wellington and William streets, and continue on to Bagot joining in at this point, a distance of 425 feet, at an approximate cost of $720. University avenue, from Stuart to Princess From Stuart to Union, the sewer water, and gas are under the sidewalk apd. from present indica tions the demand will not be any {greater for supply than it is at the present time. in view of the land being all taken up in this section. From Union to Earl street, is sup- {plied with a five inch cast iron main. {From Earl to Brock is four inch cast iron main, "and from: Brock to Prin- jeess, six dnch cast iron. This pipe {nas bebn in the ground several years, |ana the renewal of same would dep- iend upon what action the Commiss- ion took im connection with the in- | stailiing of a main eighteen inch feed- er. Union streot, from King to Bagot --This section represents pant of the territory outlined in the under clause '"B"" covering the stallation of an new eighteen feeder. At the presemt time it is supplied with an uncoated six inch cast iron pipe which would be advis- able to remove. West street, from King to Bagot street--From King to Wellington street thére is a fourteen inch cast iron main ,and from Wellington to Bagot is seven inch and before pav- ing it would be advisable to replace this seven inch with an new eighteen inch cast iron main to the corner of Bagot making provigien for joiming this main with the proposed new ex- tension to Union street, Wiliam street, from King to Bagot strest--There are two dead ends in {this section, and it would be advis- able to entirely renew this street, with a six inch cast iron feeder for a total distance of R00 feet, at an approximate cost of $1800 ° in- inch Kingston's Famous Fur Store. Annual Sale A Big Snap ! UNTRIMMED HAT SHAVES. extension |, We have about thirty | felt hats--all this sea- son's most fashionable shapes and = colors-- | many of them are regu- | lar $2.75 to $3.50 hats, but in keeping with our millinery policy, "No Hats Carried Over," out they go at 49¢ Each No reasonable offer will be refused on any trimmed hat--thev are all less than half price. Bargains in every de- rtment of our store uring our Big Genuine Annual Sale of Furs. All sales for cash. No approval, fi Watch our windows. IE. ilijon Monday evening || much as though some || broken through the ice and was tny- {he knew the ice to he very {|| ling to make a landing. || mer got down on the ice and was able that ypicinity. {| 'Coje was somewhat under the i (Alberta, axe i wil By Bayard Veilier The Most Powerful Dramatic Novel of Recent Years Regular Price $1.25 Now 50 Cents. Add 10 Cents for Postage 160-162 Princess St. For the ouseke Inventory ir a position to eater conomical eper is finished Bleached Sheetings in all widths and at last season's low price and we. are now to your wants. es. in 72 inch, at, a White Cottons in a bi ities at 3 Unbleached Sheetings, extra special value yard C o variety of fine qual- 10c a yd. and up Nainsooks, India Head, Pe Embroideries, | new goods and nh prices. NEWMAN THE ALWAYS Victoria Lawn, India' Linen, rsian Lawn, Dimity, nsertions, Laces, all iarked at very special & SHAW: BUSY STORE. VET TYYY TYE YY YET E IVEY 2 BROKE THROUGH THE ICE D. Farmer Saved Intoxicated Man From Death. But for the prompt action of E. D Farmer, 31 Johnson street, night watchman for 8. Anglin & Company, Joseph Cole might have lost his life, when he fell through the ice at Angiin's Bay. Au0uL 8.30 o'clock a noise was heard by the foreman, which sounded very person had ing to get out. Witout hesitation, Mr. Farmer ran to the place where weak. Upon his arrival he saw the head and shoulders of a man who was gtrug- Mr. Far- to pull Tole out of the fey waters, At the point where Cole broke through, the ice was very weak on account of the exhaust pipe from the boiler room at the factory being in in- fludee of liquor at the time and Constables Naylod and Bateson took {him to the police station where he spent the night. Stage Driver Dying. A. Hagerman, Odessa stage driver, is not likely to Hve. Mr. Hagerman will be remembered was one of the two stagemen who managed to reach the city on that stormy day two wepks ago by attaching an extra team of ihorses to his stage, one ahead of the other. Going out this same afternoon he contracted a heavy ld which developed into tephoid p! monia. The doctors on Tues'ny Pe @iven up all hope of his recovery. Here From the West. C. H. Nelson and wife, of Acme, in the oa 'guests of re stro! |. Toro TYVEYYYEYYYYYYY Is in good demahd just now, and we are happy to say that we have la nice clean. heat-giv- ing, heart cheering coal. Uptown customers may leave orders at 264 University Ave, . Bay and Wellington Sts. Watch for our exhibit at the Poultry how. We are Sole Agiits "for the cele. brated --~in HE .. $10.00 . . $10.00 cYPithits No. Prof] egg. . No. =i 5 No. 2-244 N Meat Scraps" Grit, and Sheil Boxes, Water Fountains, The College Book Store Phone. 919 Standard Thermometers For the next in the weather, to be able to teil for yourself just how cold it is at your own home. change Our thermometers are neat, well made and dependable. . Smith Bros. Jewelers and Opticians. Issuers of Marriage Licenies. Ladies' Coats, rat lined sable collar and reveres, $32.00. rat lin- and re- Ladie"s Coats, ed mink collar veres $32.50. Ladies' Rat Coat, 50 in, long, $37.50. W. F. Gourdier 78 Brock Street IF Ton : wish Nib (ON REALLY) Y HOME LE Huse A BUSINESS PROPERTY SIL A LOT To SELL A BUSINESS SITH SS | (ON Rizal. TY) s MON: \ To RAVE RENTS COLLECTED RENT STORES, OFFICES HOUSES INSURE AGAINST FIRE T INSURE YOUR AUTOMOBILE TO INSURE YOUR PLATE GLASS WINDOWS Interview EW, MULLIN, Kingston's. Real Estate and Insurance Broker Cor. Johmson and Division Streets. Phones: on Oflice 539 - Res. 1456 Te i IED ) CLEA 51 3 SALA wil We your clothes if you'll permit us To Do Your Laundering uit take ou Aig for it us Sedteituen a mou be necessary Kingston Landry (¥

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