ANK oF TORONT! Joint Savings 'Accounts A Joint Savings Account may be opened at The Bank of Toronto in the names of two or more persons. In these accounts either' party may sign cheques or deposit money, a family or a firm a joift account terest paid on balances. Ansets, $66,000,600; For the different members of Is often a great convenience, In- Deposits, $41,000,000 George B. McKay Market Square, Kingston. "Howard S. Folger INVESTMENT BROKER 44 Clarence Street. High Grade Bonds & Stocks. Fire & Life Insurance REAL ESTATE District Manager of the EQUITABLE LPF ASSURANCE SOCIETY "Phone 95 FOR SALE 246 ALBERT ST. 11 roomed house, large grounds, tennis court, garage. Posses- sion 1st May mext, 'Also some choice building lots. Fire, Life, Accident and Sickness Insurance, Telephone 708, 18 Market Square, Kingston. 0. HUTTON Ren! Estate a 18: Market St. Kingston. SOME ATTRACTIVE INVESTMENTS. $4,000--Johnson Street, $2,800=Montreal" Street, will handle this. $2.500--Division Street, double first class frame downtown location, rents $600 per year. frame, rents $294 per year. $800 dwelling. all Improve- ments, hot air furnace, gas, barn and driveshed, very desirable 8, régidence. 400 feet nn Alice Street Crescent, facing on Queen's College; "new grounds, very deep lots, a snap for a quick buyer. 140 x 210 feet, Regionolis College. GEORGE Insurance Near After Holiday 'Sale of Furniture All 'goods now reduced in price. A splendid chance to save money. Big lime of beautiful antique furni- ture, &toves, ranges, etc, to choose from, Also Rousehold goods bought, best "L. LESSES Cor. Princess and Chatham Streets Phone 1047 RUBBER REQUISITES include any of the follow- may A Fountain Syringe, a Good Hot Water Bottle, an At- omizer, or, for that matter, numerous other articles in Rubber which we cannot enum- erate. When in need of Requisites, consult Nt HOAG'S DRUG STORE * Kingston, Out. Rubber 3 GRIND OUR OWN LENSES Foes Examinad | Preseriptions First, we examine the eyas carefully: to deelde upon the strength of lenses necessary -- we select a mounting ex- suited -to your require- ments, site your glasses stay. R. J. RODGER 397 KING STREET 'Where the Clock is on the Walk | Princess St. \ Phone 720. Prompt Delivery, 2 corner Division and Russell Streets, adjoining new the new factory sites. BAWDEN "Real Estate. For Sale By 56 BROCK ST. PHONE 68. Solid Brick, Brock St. Brick Veneered, Mack St. Alfred Street Solid Drick, Princess St. . $4,000 .$3,300 .$3,000 .$4,000 .$4,000 Frame. Solid Brick, Frontenac St. Solid Brick, Albert St. Solid Brick; Albert St. Frame, Beverley Street "J. K. CARROLL, Manager. OUR FRESH GROUND COF- FEE AT 40¢. CAN'T BE BEA1 Try 'a sample order and be convinced. NOLAN'S GROCERY, = . $5,300 .$3,100 Dh ge RE Sr TI or QUICK Settlements Prompt Payments In case of fire loss, insure with | i W. H. Godwin & Son | | | 1 | | 1 | 30 Brock St. Phone 421. : Sob d J GENUINE REDUCTIONS 20 per cent. off all marked prices. Any pair of shoes in Store at reduced price. Must be cleared to make room for spring goods. Call and see. We have all sizes and styles to suit every- one, Substantial reduction in all rubbers. SCOTT'S Sie TOOL NOTES AND ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST. Happenings in "the Ci City and Vicinity ~What the Merchants Offer to the Redders of the Whig. Buy your meats at Ee eri wo os Oil, Gibson's illiam Swaine, A tuner. Orders received at MeAuley's, "Phone 564. Eleven men 'were given sheker at the police staton on Thursday ai ht. Men's BE patent colt Boots, $3.x5. Dutton Ome bot of imported free with each 25¢. purchase, Baat's, "Beef, Tron and - Wine," son's. The automobiles have full sway again. The suwow was 'too deep for a time. H. Cunningham, piano tunér, King strest. Leave orders at Auley's book store. A campaign has been started at Smith's Falls for ithe erection of a Y. M. C. A. building. soap at 56c. Gil 21 . Mec- TO-NIGHT A wasn THE 'BILLY ALLEN Musto 1 tans f co. ho . To- Sat. Sight, PHE GREW HiT Sat. 3 it * a Matines 150, 25 snd 25e, SESS oN SALE [HE NBT NIGHTS - gi 's Peer ess " Hr. DAN MALLOY ad' TAZEL CORINNE Vine v IL Li Each Play a Prods etion Monday Night--"THE L LE Change of nyn 1 the: PRICES 10-20-10¢. SEATS Yow ON SALE 0-En" Nightly Creat clearance sale of hoots shoes. Save mone Dutton's. "Dr. Chase's Pills" at Gibson's. Ladies" up-to-date dcessmaking. Terms moderate. Miss A, Keyes, 221 Princess street. Mise Elcho Tooker, of Brockville, is visiting Miss Mabel Montgomery, Uni- versity Avenue. "Buy Aspirin Tablets."" Gibson's. Buy your groceries at Pickering's. and " Dutton's. "Sweet Castor 0il, 10¢." § Gibson's. The secretary of the Board of Trade has reecived an enquiry from outside the city for a factory building 30 by 60 feet. "Buy Aspirin Tablets." Gibson's. Women's hoots, $1, suitable for wearing upder rubbers. Dutton's. James Marshall. of the loeal plant department, company, who is still in the Hotel . Dieu of pneumonia, proved. "Buy Grippe Tablets" Buy "Limestone City Waltz," Dutton's. The holding of classes in Aid," under the auspices of St. Ambulance Association, are recom- mended to be held for all ranks. in all militia corps. All sweater coats greatly vedyesd, from 75¢. Dutton'. 'Girippe Tablets" On Thursday five members of Queen's Club were enfertained at Prof. W FE. MeNeill, president of the elub. 81.50 colored sateen petticoats, Dutton's. "Beef, at Gibson's. 15¢ "First at Gibson's. ' | Die. Iron and Wine, 50¢." Gib- S. Carpenter, B. A, principal Edmonton high school for past year, has heen appointed superin tendent of schools of that city. young man is a sen of Mr. G ter. of Broekville, and son-in-law ex-Warden Webster, of Gananoque. "Sweet . Castor 0il,"* 10e. Smart boots, regular $3.50, £2.30. Dutton's. Ven. Archdeacon H. A. now Gray, the new diecese of Edmonton. Sale serge skirts, $1.39. Dutton's. When, on Friday afternoon, on King at the Queen, Ambrose Patterson, street, corner o Sunbury, caught thrown. ficulty that it apimal, which is a valuable one, taken to an adjacent blacksmith shop, where the shoe was removed. The foot' "was sprained and bled what It was with comsiderable dii- A Card. We, the undersigned, hereby agree to sell a package of five standarc size De. matches for twenty cents. guaranteed. Charles Saunders, Pickering, D. B. Gage & Son, J. A. Lemmon, J. R, B. Guge, Robert Me Fes, E. 8, .Suddard, M. Nolan an¢ Ww Marshall. Quality J.- Purdy, C. Took Charge of Girl tev. A. E. Smart, inspector of Children's Aid Soeiety, was at Shar bot Lake on Thursday, and took cffarge a thirteen-vear-old girl. case is a very sad oné Both father and mother of the child recently. She will he cared for the society and placed in a howe. the The the died hy and Mrs Mackie Coming Word. was received in the city, on Friday, that Rev. Pr. Mackie and Mrs Macki¢ would leave Scotland, on May Sth, and #sail on a trip to Kingston At present Mr. Mackie and 8 wife are with Rev. Dr. Barelay, Mont veal, on a trip to France. Dr. of Oysters For Particular People | No finer quality or more sanitary oysters come to this market Carnovsky's, "on the corner." Mild cured meats at Pickering's. Music sale, Ihre" gheets in pack- | age, 10c. Dutton Ive years in the penitentiary was| 'he sentence handed to Raymond | Uyrnes in the court of sessions Mont- teal for holding up William Moffat, cashier of the Herald Publishing company, on the afternoon of Decem- ber 16. Byrnes got away with $500 thé pay of Hetald employees. Mack underskirts, 50c. Dutton's Sale white bear coats, $1.25. Dut- on's. it plot to assassinate Premier Ven- izelos, of Greece, was/discovered St. Petersburg, and a number DRulgarian students were Afvegted. Heinz's s at Picker "Chase's goods," at Gibson's Life seems to be a game of hide tunity and the right man Don't give away a your good ad- a little of it for yourself. "Dr. Chase's Pills" at Gibson's. IT you are going to ride a hobby select one that won't buck. . 'There is always a sure cure for the f Hs--of other people, Few hockey boots left, $1.25 pair. of the Bell Telerhone is somewhat in- John's | adternoon about foriy- Dramatic the home of the honorary the Gibson's. M.A. of Calgary, was selected as bishop oi being driven over the street railway tracks one of the hotses of a team of its right hind foor in the rail and was was gpleased, and the wis som 7 boxes of Sliver Tip Silent mn ji {Refuse to Compel Sufferers to Go to good | than | pi and-seek between the Hg oppor} rou 23¢. PER TIN. ABSOLUTELY BEST VALUE SOME NEW LINES Xmas 'Table Delicacies - Huntley '& Palmer's. Fancy, Faglish Biscuits Mixed Chocolate, Cream Fing- ers, Oriental Creams, Petite Beurre, Shortegake, Puff Sand- wich, Reading 8 hortbread, Popu- lar, Italian Maearoons, Ratafias, Orkney Asst, Bhortbread. 650 varieties to choose from. Your family grocer can supply you, Fenwick, Hendry & Co. Distributors, ST. PAUL'S CHOIR CONCERT On Thursday Evening Was. a Stecess. St. Paul's church choir put on a very successful concert on Thursday evening in the Sanday school hall, for the purpose of raising funds for ts benefit. A good-sized audience was prezeat, and Rev. W. DF. FitzGer- ald, who took the duties of cligirman, paid a warm tribute to Mr. and Mrs. J. Hodge, who prepared the pro- gramme, incladed songs by Walter Great former singihg "The Veteran' and "When the Bell in the Lightliouse Rings Ding Dong." The hatter in a sweet, clear voice sang "Let me Dream Again.' Two recitations were skilfuliy rendered Hy Misa Verna i (Snunders and. Charles Girdler, the former a comical piece entitled, Sees ing Things at Night," and the latter, "Ghunga Din." George Coward played two celeet piano solos. J. E. Harte. 'brought: down house with his slight-of<hand under takings, and had many artists who come to the city to play in the vaude- ville houses along this line put in the shade. The last item upon the pro- gramme was a sketeh. by J. E. Harte etitled, "The While Shawl," and the follewing persons #eel part: Miss fuhel May Southerland, Miss Rhea WAIRer, Miss Nita Southerland, J. If Ha William Blake, Charles A : The plot of the sketch cen en the character "Dr. Adol- phus Carts" (J. B, Hdafte), who was coking for a wife. . He had no na:- ticular one in view, but being turned down 'by-one, he tried to get in fav or with another. The whole affair was very laughable mad drew fi rth much a lapsa from the audience 1 'e red un | d POLICE AFRAID OF SMALLPOX, Hospital. Niagara - Falls, N.Y,, Jan. 30.--Un- {less she local health authorities agree to the conditions of the state board of health, as to the enforcement of a strict quarantine on individuals, the jeity will be quarantined against the world. All factories are to bé closed to unvaccinated employees. and unvac- cinated childgen will be excluded froin {the public schools. There will be no interurban street var traffic, and' all | assembly places must be closed tight. | Already 'Tesistance has been offered [to health oflicers when endeavoring ito enter houses of smallpox patients | wha were ordered into quarantine hos- {pitals. | The police refused to assist in taking patients from their homes for fear of |contracting the disease "I will not en- (danger my self in this way," said Chiei {Lyvons, "and I will not send A man {where I will not go myseli.' ' Concert at Portsmouth On Thursday evening, a largely-at- tended concert was held in the Ports- mouth Methodist churchi. Rev. «i. I. Campbell, of Queen street church, aet- ed as chairman. The programme con- sisted of a number of readings hy Mrs. Eita DD. Robhiason; solo, D. Campbell, and a duet by Messrs, Fair burn and Campbell. Mrs. Robinson's readipirs eonsisted of Ruggles' Din- Tay muy ittle Pech." "Christ- mas » aaking Him Feel at | Home, Blind Pig." Reiresh- iments oval after the pro- gramme . and were * Clearing Sule at I'revost's, Prevost's, Brock. street, great clearing =ale of made to order, ready- made clothing and gente' Furnishings. See the display in window. . r-------------- For a few days Davies' corn beef, 1 Th, gine, Gilbert's busy stores, cooked 1%. each, at' Cusack and Miss Nita Sutherland the} hid] 4 THE PEOPLE'S FORUM CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATIS Firat fosertion lc a word. Each cons secutive imsertion' thereafter, halt dent Ww word, Minlwii chitige for ome fuserilow, 3Ve.; dived Indértionk, Soe. wix, $1) one month, §%. HELP WANTED A GO GOOD GENERAL SERVANT, | 53 Gore St. APPL x DINING ROOM GIRL AP. = ANTED. pix. Hotel Rayan Princess St EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES. AP. a) ply head waitress, letel I'ranten- ne. a -------------------------------- i st 'KIPCHEN MAN. MUST HAVE perience, Apply Chef, Hotel Frons tenac. : GOOD GENERAL SERVANT, washing; good wages. Apply Brock St, after T pm NO MED TEL Y, vant Fr Buty Hy mily of t 116 [Sarl St. » SER. Mrs G $15.00 WEEK AND EXPENSES T0 travel appointing local representa- tives: Frank Waterson, Divis ion C., Brantford. ERVANT, Goab rrences required. neis Hill Macnee, St rence Cottage, Ring St. West PLAIN Apply GIRL FOR GENERAL ROUSEWORK. Apply to rs, Johnston, 85 Fron- tenac St, before 3 o'clock in the afternoon or between 7 and 9 in the evening. INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $100 monthly corresponding for pewspapers: ne canvassing fend for particulars Press Syndi 1.969% Lockport, NY. IARLE MAN single man To pre OD STEADY RE in garden, mY DOMES. Parties arrivihg twice month- Applications must be made well "in Zqvance The Guild, Pembroke St Toronta, and Drummond 3 Montreal. wi WANT NOW A ( "ABLE SALES. man to canvass ingston for the Hardy KEverblooming amental t s, sh ," FINE for ri » Pelham Nursery WANTED--GENERAL LARGE HABY CARRIAGE, in good eondition Apply Whig, office, VICTOR- Vie TROL zy Model IX Xi Whig MUST BE Box 2uU) SECOND HAND Apply tox } office cl GUARANTEED MALE CANARIES, ~ each a beauty for plum song. Come In and hear the Bi bird J. Driver, sing before u buy. Queen and fairie 'Phone 613. SITUATIONS VACANT ----------------------------------------------. ATTENTION, PROTESTANT MEN AND women of character seeking em- ployment for all or Far time, nd your Qualifications: Ww an p you; no charge Rible Hone, tion D, Brantford. -- © PERSONAL HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTH. > marks and all growths and skin blemishes - removed permanently, without scar; 27 years experiences, Dr. Eimer J, Lake, Pye, Ear, Noses, Throat @nd Skin' Specialist, 25% Bagot street. SCALP MASSAGE FON ' FALLING hair, dandruff, ete, treated by ei- eotrleity (new method). Latest ont nt 'in shampooing, fave massage, manlcuring, ch ropody, Up-to-date styles in halr work. Mrs. Herod, 'graduate masseuse, 189 Wellington St, Phone 14¥6. Hours 10 to 12 am. and 2twoép m., and by appointment. FINANCIAL FRONTENAC LOAN nent Society; president, oney iss propertie debentures; AND INVEST. established 186: Col. Henry R. Smith. on city and farin municipal and country mo ages purchased: deposits receive and interest al. lowed. 8S McGill, Manager, 27 Clarence Street. A SOLID COMFORT CUTTER but a short time. Apply D son, 244 Princess St. 'SED 'Daws 3 LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND I Ca 1 npany, GcLong Available JS 1 adition to policyholders have for y the unlimited Hability of pert insured at lowest 8. Before or giving new rates from Strange Agents Phine 325 renewing business get # Strange DENTAL D. ns, ne. Er DR, C. €, NASH, DEN* 1ST; DR. T. Wn, Rentan, assistant 3 Princess Btreet. 'Phone 735 SPARKS AND SPARKS, DENTISTS, 169 Wellington Street, (over Car- novsky's), Kingston. 'Phone 246. Ss. " SIMPSON, LDS, DDS, 1st, corner Princess and Bagot street. Entrance on Bagot street. Telephone 626. i DENT- CATERING A SMALL FURNISHED for three months f Februa 1st. Full par Box 182, 3. "hig offic 4 ENTLEMEN TO BRING HEIR cloth and have it made up Into up- to-date suits. Price and workman- =hip guaranteed to please. Prexs- ing and repalring done on the shortest notice. Thomas Galloway 131 'Brock street, near Bibby's Gar- age, WANTED I abokt I t HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SIC. ond-hand furniture, stoves, ete. Sea me before seNing your goods. Wa alse have a large stock of new and second-hand furniture and stoves, which we will sell to clean out, at cost. J. Thompson, 338 Princess St, next to St. Andrew's church. LEGAL CUNNINGHAM & MUDIE, -ers and solicitors, Clarence street, BARRIST. Law Office, 70 Kingston HOTELS. ESTIMATES GIVEN FUR BALL SUP. pers,. banquets, dinners, parties ete. Bllverware and Satigry Y rent. For particulars apply to H. Toye's King Bt, store WE CATER TO PARTIE BALLS Wedding breakfasts, ie Ey ete also rent disnes, table linens and sllverward, Reld and Hambrook he ula " 30 Saka street, F. C 00 re Phones $41 or 108 . attest BUSINESS NOTICES KINGSTON SHORTHAND, writing and © ing Bureau, St. All work strictly fidential. Rates moderate, TY an con. BUSINESS CHANCES CROCKERY, CHINA, tin and agateware, che rent, good l¢ Abo: $ A000. Owner 058, Napanee, Ont fancy ation retiring, goods: GLASSWARE, VARNISHED SKIFF, FIRST CLASS condition, and boathouse, in was ern part of city Apply Box 30, Whig office, ue Frank Ww. AWNINGS AND TENTS--PLACE Y! order now. Subject to delivery time in the spring. Cooke, 39 Clarence St. 2 a WALNUT AND OAR the best we have ever §, rodaanibic prion, ; as tate " it atm---- SIX H, I. GASOLINE ENGINE FOR $156, that cost $385. Call and ne will demanstrate it for you at $56 Princess St, Kingston Mattress Co, TWO STOVES--COAL HEATER range (both Guerney Oxford ndid condition. ob ng this week at Mw 7.30 p.m. JANUARY SALE, CAPILLI best hair tonic on cord: peun bottles, be; § oz, 26c. Manufag= turned and sold hy Mme. Elder, 253 Princess St, city. NEW soLiD BRI Johnson street, 9 ern improvements; good locatie easy terms. Apply to A. PF. 2% Frontenac street, 'Phone 743. in A NY au any. ave Form K HOUSE oN rooms; all mod- 3 ONE FRAME corner St 1 HOUSE Jud ansdo wne AND. BARN, and Stanley Xx 130; corner Nelson and lot 182 ft. frontage on ond lot from corner of York Sts, easy terms, Albert St York Alfred Apply 1 427 CHOICE FARM, ONE HUNDRED and ninety-five acres, 9 miles from Kingston and 1 mile from "Glen= vale. Has an abundance of choloe pine, spruce and cedar and nevers falling water thereon. Well fonee ed. For further jptormation apply John Clark, RM.D. 1, Westbr 00k $32 SHR Kx ve NEER HOUSE, BRV- 't furnished. PATRICK lern improvemd nts, Food sta. y for brick IV FRAME not SE, ALL improvements BATEMAN & GARDINER, INSUR« nen Money to Loan. §7 Clarence Kingston. . TO LET STORAGE FOR clean and dry. street. FURNITUR eos McCann, a OF Fic ES IN CLARENCE ST. CHAM Apply to Cunningham & Mu- de, 790 Clarence St. PRIVATE GARAGE OR STORAGE for anto for the winter; clean and dry. McCann, £2 Brock St. Neen ese ------ JLINGS AT $0, $17, 818, M2, Also office ores, ete, McCann's teal Estate os ncy, 82 Brock St ™O Fu RNTS FRONT ROOMS, suitable f« ouse-keeping, in pri- family Apply 166 Bagot St. alter 4 pom ve vate West STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN ary. Airy rooms; Sour, own look an ey. rost's Cit tor Queen St, Phone $2 260, we. mn eee ---------------- ONE COMFORTABLE FURNISHED room, centrally located, suitable for married couple or single pers gon, with or without board. Apply 152 Sydenham 8 FURNISHED ROOMS eee ett ete eee w rR OR WITHOUT ROARD, WORK. ing men preferred. PriCe reasons able. 102 Earl St. ALBION HOTEL, CORNE R MONTRE AL and Queen streets; bed Rates moderate , one block from air) cars. House thoroughly renovated; able and yard accommoda- M. Caines, Proprietor. UPHOLSTERER w. J. GAVINE, UPHOLSTERING, re. pairing and car pet © work, halr inatiress renovating. Drop a cacd or call 216 Bagot street. Annual Meeti and Tenders. The annual meeting connection with the Heme fer fe, : and rea Persons will be neil Chamber an Monday, d at four o'clock p.m. for the pur: of electing directors for the en vear. The annual report of 1 of Directors will be read are cordially invited to A eit wlers will be received by the un- ed up to Japua 41st for sup- for the Teme for : Fresh and in Hamburg bread =, and hard coal, all to. be best quality. The coal to be ¢ and cheftnutand well screened. Al 1 20a to delivered as required 265 for information, JOIN MACDONALD, Secretary Recor Exchanged All kinds of records, Vietor, Col- umbia, Edison Blue Amberol, Edi- gon two-minute, for exchange. Also phonographs, gramophones and graf- onolas for sale. - Call and let us ex- plain our plan. ALLENS Phone 25% na pose meat steal, PATENTS Herbert J. S. Deunison REGISTERED ATTORNEY, 18 King Street West, Toronto, Pa- tents, Trade-Marks, Designs, Copyright, proteeted every- where, eighteen years' exper- fence. Write for booklet. HEBERT cA ASE AGAIN Review Court Will Give Decision bn Appeal. Rights | Montreal, Jan 20.--\The famous Hebert marriage case will figure inf the local courts to-day when the de- cision of the review courts is render- ed on the appeal against Judge Char- bonnean's right to hear the appeal from and to upset Judge Lauren- degu's finding, giving eivil efféet to tho church' decree annulling by virtue of the Ne Temere decree the mar riage by a Protestant clergyman of two Roman Catholics, Eugene Hebert apd Emma Clouatre, - ANYONE ANYWHERE CAN a mail order business at canv assing: be your | for free booklet: rock, 2.969 Lockport, START home: ne own hogs iells how }. ¥. ARCHITECT WM. NEWLANDS & tects, etc. Offices, Phone 60% SON, ARCH. 268 Bagot St POWER & SON, ARC HITRCTS, MER. chants® Tank Building, corner Brock and Wellington streets. Drop & card, Service MUSIC. VIOLIN INSTRUCTION-=MISS OHRIS« tine Cochrane, 78 Gores > Ig ston. Telephone 136. TELGMANN SCHOOL oF Music, Frontenao Vv, 218 Street. elig- "mann, RE, teacher Ar Saeat an and action. Misa Norm QF. . Telgmann, teachers of v olin, mans c dolin, plano, ete. Terms for tul- tion 'and concert engagements 'on application. Mixed Wood 2 For Fire Wood and Kind- - ling, cut in stove length and delivered, Quarter Cord $1.65 JAMES SWIFT & Victoria CAFE 'inest Ne A io Kinguion OPENS SATURDAY . Uanuary 31) H. K. LEE, Proprietor. Houses 102 and 124 Victor- ia 8St., between Earl and John- son; choice location, two blocks from car line. Houses modern in every particular. Apply McLeed's Drug Store 3 aaa cots fut aman RY SA Sint Come to the New GROCERY nr MEAT Market Where will be found a new and upto date stock of choice groceries fresh and eured meats of all kinds. . OPENS SATURDAY, JAN. 31.