ET ------ { ~togeta new overcoat next fall, take our advice and buy here now. Overcoats must be moved out at some price. If you think you will have It will pay you well to do so even though you do not use the coat until next season. Some $8.50 and $10.00 overcoats to clear at Men's $15.00 overeoats, to clear at Men's $20.00 overcoats, to elear at Boys' Overcoats just about half price. 100 Boys' 3 piece Short Pant Suits, ood solid tweeds, serges, straight pants, nice assortment. the lot at Half Price, worsteds and blue of patterns, sizes 29 to 34. Any suit in «4 » 75 Pairs Men's Dark Tweed Working Pants, regular $1.50 per pair; all sizes, 32 to 34. Sale price $1.00, | » i ® 20 per cent. 1-5 off the price of all wen's tweed and worsted suits. 20 per cent. off the price of all blue ad bl ack serge suits, for one week only, - All goods marked in plain figures at. prices which they were sold Tor during the season. Come in and use your own judgment. oney & Co., 127 Princess Street : The Store That Sets The Pace a f , BO en a en GER 7 For Our Second Annual We are going to offer you GREATER OPPORTUNITIES during the last few days than we have offered before. 'The people who made purchases here are aware what big savings were offered. Every day since the opening we have done an enormous trade. Z < See our Special Boys' Suits See our Special Men's Suits priees that never were offered before in the city. ts, See our Men's Pants at sacrifice price, 93¢ and $1.07. : Ask to see our $1.98 Men's Pants, reg, $4.00 and $4.50. and Overcoats, and Overcoats. Your chance is now to. set one at sacrifice prie- Visit Our Furnishing Depart. It Means Cents and Dollars To You No : 5 Men's ra ll' Overall's We 3,000 pairs. Good heavy reg. %1L00 and $1.25, sacrifice price Te Ladies' ots In box calf, gun met- ' Men's Boots Box calf, gun metal, patent leather and tan, reg. $5.00. Sacrifice havd sold over al, tan, butten or lace. Reg. £3.00. 4.58, patent leather and weight, sacrifiee price, Reg. #4 and $4.50 .$2.48 Reg, #3 and $£3.50.$1.98 TASK 'fe onr 97¢ boat. : ' Act quickly and get a Reg, $3 and $3.50 $1.98 Ask to see our 97¢ Hoes, Among them you will find shoes worth :.75 up. "Oe pair while they last. Boys' Bloomer Pants reg. $1.50 and $1.75, sac- rifice price Wwbbers, and Over- shoes at sacrifice prices. Our space is too limited to quote prices, Visit our store en Saturday - Everything at sacrifice prices. . an td ot i: es Seen ibs. Louis Abramson p AN UP-TO-DATE MAP : - -~ OF KINGSTON 18 MUCH NEEDED AT THIS TIME. +A Real Estate Dealer 'Writes About Kingston's Building Progress -- Council Should Boost Things. Kingston, Jan. 28--(To the Editor) : "c have now nicely entered on the year 1914 and a word as to its possibili- ties as regards the good old substantial city of Knigston will not come amiss. Taking it from the standpoint of the realty situation, we have nothing tc complain of. The Spring of 1913 show- ed the greatest activity in Kingston real estate that has occurred in many a year, As the summer Came on business in all lines became quiet and a general depression became the order of things all over the dominion. Now how did Kingston compare with other cittes in this. respect? We find on lgoking over the buitding permits for 1913, as pub- lished in the Financial Post, issue Of Jan. 24th, that out of fifty cities in Can- ada 'vver onehalf showed a deer in comparison with, 1912, hut Kingston was not one of them. The figures as given in this table show building permits for this city as follows: 1912, $645,747; 1913. $606,474, an increase for last vear of $20700, and this in what was sidered by some as a panic year. The most signihcant faet of this increase is that for the month of December," 1912, the permits amounted to $10,463 but in De- cember, 1913, they were $85,207 Going back over the last six years we find the building permits for King as follows :--1908, $0,600; 1909. $452. 095; 1910, $220,092} 191°, $314,569; 1912, $645,774; 1913, $666,474. The value of building sites has stead ily increased since ast spring, and resi- dential property has more than held its own, all in face of a general depression in all lines and the continual cry of the knockers that prices were too high and that the boom. was over. . Kingston has yever had a-boom, as"the go-called boom of last spring was only a normal, licalthy growth. How many of the readers of this let ter have invested their money in the west in the past few years and how many have you and 1 heard sav that in the future Kingston would be good enough for them? A good many lettérs have appeared in he local press of late about the number of unemployed. We certainly must ad mit i be the case, but what of the ther aties mr Canada? I venture to ay that Kingston has stood the strain of hard times as well as any city in the | dominion and a good deal better tha tmost. Now what of the possibilities of | is year 1914? The tiline plant has r jeently begdn operations and is loy - number of hands, the extensive arbor improvements will be in fol swing this year, and what a f an up-to-date causeway, proper y hgh od, will present the has done se § us is har to old wooden duty for so ar will see the improvement of al street, both in lighting and and not a minute too soon, | t the only onc' that has heard ngers comment of the wretched condition of our main street Again we | have the extensive military programme in connection with Queen's University, which I ufiderstand "will "at Teast be started this year. What about a publicity commissioner > What about an up-to~date map of the city? Let the city fathers get busy and boost everything that will help to make the city grow, and we will yet arrive at that stage when we can speak with prid of the good old town and its progres- sive. spirit.--Yours for a. boost--]J, K CARROLL. hig! mas 'BILLY ALLEN. title role of "The Wise Mem. this evening at the Grand. -- tt In the ber' MOUNTAIN PRISON. ---- Judge Orders Convicted Forger Not to Visit City or Town. San Jose, Cal, Jan. 30.--~Frank F. Murray, convicted forger, was sufitenc ed by Superior Judge William Peasy Lo serve two years as hermit in the mountains 40 miles from hore. Because Murray is 58 the judge was not snclin ed to give him a jail sentence, One of the conditions of the sentence is that. Murray may accept empl ment, but he must not visit a v or town in \wo years. _ "What this man needs is to be Sept away from tesiptation for a while," said Judge Beasly. The babe found in Rosedale ravine, Toronto, a few days ago was cruelly murdered, according to evidence at the inquest. Another consignment ofanges, 0c. a peck, buy stores. he steamer Muurce, sunk in lision offi Norfolk, Va.. at 1.8C a.m. Friday. It is feared forty four lives are lost, : . . . "Buy Aspirin Tablets." Gibson's. Aun electric railway strike .is threat- of sweet at Gilberi's dened in London, ag. ter will form a standing army of wen "Buy Cold Pablote™ nt Gibson's. " 14. . LEPROSY 18 SPREADING, -------- : Isolation Held to be the Only Means of Combating It. London, Jaw. 30.-The spread of leprosy in Paris and throughout | France generally recalls (he estimate made recently by Dr. Bayon; leprosy research bacteriologist to the South African government, that there are at present "from twenty-five to fifty lepers; perhaps more." in England. Of these only one contracted the dis- ease in the United Kingdom, simple precautions having proved suflicient to grevent contagion. in the majority of instances, In India. on the other hand. last census shows am increase lepers' from 100.000 to 110.000 wn ten years. Twenty-five years ago the principal medical officer at Basu toland counted 300 lepers in that counjry. He reported to the gov- ernment on the matter, and asked for enforced segregation, expressing his belief that were preventive measures not taken the number of cases would double within twenty years. His ad: vice was not acted upon, and last vear a census showed S00 lepers) in Basutoland. Leorosy is undoubtedly contagious though ouly to a slight degree--and a case is reported by Dr.! Bayon of a girl who, directly and indirectly, injected: twenty-eight persons. As the disease is notoriously insucrable. early recognition and isolation are the only effective means of combat: ing it: the of BANDITS SACK A CITY Liaun Chow Pillaged and Burned -- Missionaries Safe. Shanghal, China, Jan. 29. A force of 2,000 bandits to-dgy sacked and burned virtually -the--entire city of Livan Chow, in the prvincz of Ngan- Hweil, W. Entwistle, of the China Inland Mission, with his wife and children succeeded in escaping to Luchow-Fu, but the Catholic missionaries are still in the looted city, and it is believed yvehvbhae 123465 t780.. 1234569 78 they have been injured. The brigands apparently are con- nected with the bands commanded by "White Wolf," who have for a con- siderable time been ravaging the east- ern part of the Province of Honan. WHY WE GUARANTEE | THIS STOMACH REMEDY If there arc one hundred people in this town who suffer from. indiges- | tion, dyspepsia, or any othér form of stomach complaint, we believe: we | CAR suggest a remedy that will re- lieve at feast minety-¢ ght of them, aud perhaps every one of the hun dred. We'll do more than suggest the remedy--we'll promise to give back the money to each amd every one of the hundred that. are not relieved 'That's how much faith we have in Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets. Containing Pepsin aad Bismuth, two | of 'the greatest digestive aids known | to medical © science, 4s well as. other | cessary ingredients. Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets soothe the inflamed stomach | limng, aid the secretion of gabtric | juice, check distress and heartburn, | promote reguiar bowel action and make it possible for vou to eat what vou like and as much as vou | like without fear of consequence. | Don't suffer any longer from dys- | pepsia, or mdigestion. Use Rexall | Dyspepsia Tablets and vou will be | just 'as enthusiastic about them as | we are.) and just as ready to urge | them on your friends. Sold onlv at the Rexall siores, and in this town | only by 26¢ 30e. us: Three sizes, 25c., - : and SI. : Mahood's Ont. Drug Store, Kingston 4 Give her TT a It is aw st colds, chills and influe Directions on every bottle. Bovril is a combination of the stimulating extractives with the nourishing and strengthen- ing constituents of beef. warming winter beverage. It builds up the weak constitution and strengthens the strong one ; it guards again TE onderfully nza. ARS ' 4 « « « « « . WHITE | WEAR SALE a MENDELS row, Esmee OUR WHITEWEAR SALE Is now in full swing, the entire second floor being devoted to displaying the most extensive range of dainty lingerie and handsome waists ever imported by us. If you have not been in yet you are missing a great opportunity to save money. Come to-mor- A You Payless Here WHITE WEAR SALE ee 4 ned last, 23¢ to clear. Whitewear Specials for Saturday at 23 Cents Per Garment 39 doz. fine quality corset covers and drawers, lace and embroidery trimmed, all sizes. While they At 49c Per Garment 20 doz, extra quality corset covers, drawers and gowns, lace trimmed, slipover style gowns only, all sizes, to clear 49c your choice. 99) clear, At 98c Per Garmen doz. gowns, corset covers, slips, drawers--and underskirts; also 10 doz. fine waists; odd lines, values up to lingerie ®2 a a nd tailored 50.0ne price 98c to CORSET SALE 86 Pairs P. C. Corsets SEE OUR WINDOWS... 132:134 Kingston's only exclusive ladies ready-to-wear ~ T.J.0Connor MENDELS Photie 532 CORSET SALE All late models but broken sizes and discontin- ued lines, values to $3.00, to clear 98¢ a.pair. « WE ADVERTISE JUST WHAT WE HAVE AND JUST WHAT WE ADVERTISE. Princess St ~ store VV VYVYVVYW vevVvewvew VYVVVVIYVVYVYVYYYY VYOOYIVYYYYY TOV VYITYYYEYYW go together. wns QTY The FIRST CALLin theMorning COWAN S PERFECTION ar is 80 tempting. at ~nuch as Cowan's Cocoa is so mourishng : d so easy to digest? fast--<Cowan's Cocoa---they seem to, 106, TINS LB. 3 LE--AND 1 18. TINS + +AT ALL GROCERS _ Pe Saas a Sdn, oh 7 ri : ba b , . ENS SERIE N you emoy 2 ER BC NUTRITIOUS ns