FOR FIRST CHOICE OF COM. ING SEASON'S NEWEST SUIT- INGS, NOW ON HAND BEST VALUE IN CITY, Ashby the Tailor 76 Brock St. Phone 1513 A relia. pio He DR. DeVAN'S FRENCH PILLS; WITH REGARD TO THE INCREAS. ED EXPENDITURE / . ---- Presented Some Facts to Fire and |, Light Commitfée Thursdry After {moon = Department Costing Less To-day Than in 1008. | With a view to clearing up an im- j pression generally held 'by citizens that fhe increased expendity fire department in recent years had been omused by the present head of the department, Ubief Arwstrong presented a report to the fire and light committee, at the regular meet- + gulathg Pill for Women, #5 a bos or threofor | IDE on Thursday afternoon. $1v. #old pt all Drug Stores, or mailen to any address on receiptol price. Tie ScoweLl Deva "do 88, Cathariges, Ontario 'HONOL FOR MEN. iia Vitality: for Nerve and Brain: increases 'grey mal 18 Tonde ~will build you up. $3 » box op wo for $5. at drug stores, of by mail on raveing of price." Tile Scopril Prue Co., St. Cathariues, Ontario. FRESH E Are Why? Because the hens won't lay.. Why? Be- cause they need Poultry Pan- acea to make them. '25 Cents a Doz. would be a good price if all the hens were doing théjr duty Make them earn their keep. A big package of Hess Poultry Panacea costs but 205 cents. Mix a little with their feed and get real fresh eggs. | BEST'S | CONSTIPATION RELIEVED ENTIRELY AT OUR RISK S a luxury. Restores | Dim and he' felt that in justice The chiof stated that {he increased | expenditure had Lean charged to to himself hé should place some facts' before the committee. "But don't you know! chief," re-| marked Ald. Nickle with 4 twinkle in his eye," that it is at the tree which bears the best fruit--you always find ' more, sticks and stones." Chief Armstrong had only a smile for his sally but proceeded to submit nis report. It reads as follows: "Regarding the increase in salaries, for bis item I assume no responsi- bility save that 1 agreed with the fire and light commitee that the firemen a the city of Kingston were greatly considering the hours that they are! required to be on duty, the wages | bid in other lines of work, and the! risk they have when called to work | at fires Nor do I consider a min mum wage, of $1.60 with a maximum of $2 per day, of twenty-one hour good wage. The following figure taken from the city and are for similar items in each year, In 1908, there was paid to members of the department nd for! extra help, the sum of $7.679.78 while in 1912 for the same | men (except myself), paid $9,591.00, an $1.91 . or with my an icrease of $3,211.22 "12 auditors report, | number there was nerease ol salary added, strength of the department from the simmer of 1907 (except myself in 1909) up to the present year, it will, day evening at the Y.M.C.A., « t ase in expendi- | this meeting it will be decided where | Tuesday, the future be seen that the incr ture has been all for salaries, over which the chief has no control ' € "Now as to the general expendi- ture, for to make anv comparison, the year 1908 igall that can be taken, previous to my assuming charge of A Unless Rexall Orderlies relieve your the department, as that was the first | bowel troubles and make you like coming back to thank us ior telling you pbout them, then come back anyway, and ask us to give vou back your money. This is just strong as we can make this guar antee, and we want to make i strong, because we (believe that Rex all Orderlies are the best howell rem- edy made. Soothing and easy in action, cleanse the bowels. thoroughly ton- ing and strengthening ' them, and make vou feel great. They promote easy and regular bowel action, help to promptly relieve constipation and overcome its cause. In these things they differ from old-fashioned, harsh. disagreeable #alts and other physids which usually give only temporary relief and often leave -the bowels ih like candy and even children like feel they worse condition than ever. Thev tas whioh w them. They are particularly good for children and for delicate aged people. Tn vest pocket ts 10¢., 28c., S0e. . You can buy Rexall Orderlies onl at The Texall Stores, and in this town only of us. Mahood's Drug Out. tm Store, Kingston, Changeable Weather, But Prices Sell The Goods The BEST UNDERWEAR BARGAIN Prices Turnbull's, + Penman', Tiger Brand, . nearly all sizes left. Overcoats' getting less every day. Best Coats in Canada at 1-4 off. Any Hat in the store ~~ $1.50. Only 2 days left of sale. . and found them vear that there were nine horses sind | thirteen men, in the department other error is that were on duty The amount from salaries wihile in 1¢ crease of §218.32, sald that last year comparison, I «il sponskility for the 1910, 1911, 1912 and the summer of of expenditure, in 1908, was $5 1907, arige 9.68. 9 was not a fair assume full rel expediture 1913 and it will 'he seen from the auditor's re- and understanding, and was entirely y lirely 8 orts, that the average expenditure for | these four years has been $5,360.76. . A oe j annuity to Mrs, 'Mahoney was $75 or an increase of $141.08 yearly. "Since 1909, all repairs and renew | als to the fire stations have been paid | for out of. your regular appropriation, and has, no doubt, entailed more than the above amount in extra expenditure, | as formerly paid by the pro- | committee, conditions as | 1 arrival in - 1909 ware such -that with the consent of Ald. I. J. Rigney, who was then chairman of the Fire and Light com- mittee, This work was taken over by | the department, and the change in the stations speaks for itself, "Another item that has been added « to vour expenditure has been that of printing' and stationery, and while small, yet it is responsible for some of "the inercase I'his was formerly paid for by the committee on print. ing. "I shirk no responsibility for the | general administration of the depart ment, for the purchase of new appar- atus, {except steamer). For supplying additional and needed quantity of Uni- form Clothing to the members of the department, nor for any result of re- commendations made to your commit- tee, nor for the clearing up of the Fi: stations. Which has, as pointed oui, caused un increase yearly expenditure of $141.08 If due consideration given to the increased cost of horse feed. and of everyfhing used in the de partment, it must be admitted that aside from salaries, the department is costing less to-day than in 1908. "As cost has some relation to efli ciency, and efficiency some relation to! the following may be of infor mation to your committee Since July, 1909 I have had charge oi the department fifty-four mont@s, and dary ing that time there has been 457 call to Jan. lst, last, entailing a loss © SI22M7, or an average per call of | F260.06, while for the previous fifty: four months, from Jan. Ist, 1903, to July lst, 1908, there were 338 calls with loss of $219,266, or an average per call of $64 reduction oF FI.66 per call. I'he committee recommended the fol- lowing tenders for acceptance : .Uni- forms for chief and men $20 each, ¥5 for extra pair of trousers. Ralph Spencer; eighteen caps, E. P. Jeuokins, $34; supply of bluestone, copper and zine, Lemmon Bros., $187.20. Ald. Sutherland, the chairman, pre: dded at the meoling, and the other members present were, Ald. Nickle, Ald. Stroud and Ald. Hanley. | perty on my Cort, a i i PASTOR SUES FOR DIVORCE. ! Rev. John Erler of New York Church Files' Petiti York, Pa. Jan. 30.<The Rev. John Exler, assistant rector of the church of the Atonement, New York City who | gives Seven Vallers, York county, as' 'his home, bas petitioned the local court for a divorce from his wile, Es- telle 1da Erler, The Rev. Mr. Erler came here from than a year ago, having been called to Seven Valleys Lutheran urch. fn. cat adiitted to preach i the be was not admi in Sytiod, Charges mude against diture of the dea underpaid of a state religion. Y building on Thursday an * dealt son, and indirectly teaching the teach- ers how down Some interesting facts, will aid wonderfully the committee will be~r in 4PPIVing the sound value mind that no men were added to the teaching: An-|) I have added to|brather, Rev. Father the 'number of the horses in service ston, as There is to-day the same number that defence.' a it was $5,001.86, a de-! Catholic 2. : . RE Is As it may belout, or debarred, by clerical author- '© ¥7; good bulls, 36 to 86.25; com- | ities." of er at the time of making the iis ined ond "wag not of sound mind, memory, |] 1s remained steady. nard, a former conv instantly leased from the federal prison at lanta, Ga., where he served a term for | jrested in New York where he met Mrs. on, Glennard and had come to San Francisco he followed. CHINA f GANANOQUE POULTRY SHOW President Makes Announcement State Religion Pekin, China, Jan. 30.--A bill scribing the worship of Heaven and of Confusion by the president of the Chinese Hepublic was passed yesterday by the administrative council which took the place oi the Chinese parlia- | ment. | The medsure was submitted to {he council by. Yuan Shi Kai himself. It is understood that the president's is. to set an example to the Chinese nation which he thinks needs the moral building influence of religion. The Cups That Have so Far Awarded Gananoque, Jan. 30. ~The attend: ance at the poultry show this year has been far in excess of what it was The Movement Advocated in Canada [2° year. The Citizens' band was . present last evening. The judging of Bigs. Fair to Become An Accompe (he various classes was completed ves: lished Fact. terday afternoon. The following cups London, Jan. 30.--The policy of in- have 2 Tat Joo Wo riled ¥ : 1 jterchange of sehool teacners between' 1¢ »- Walter. Wood cup, for besq tlie mother country and thé ove ; cock, ben, cockerel and pullet, Barred dominions which has its rn Plymouth Rocks---Won by William V. advociites in Canada bids fair soon to DUHoch, Gananoque. ; become an accomplished fact. The The G. N.»Asselstine cup, for largest Lhe president will worship at the |London education committee had be- sud best exhibit 8.C. Brown Leghorns femple of Confucius and at thé fore taem yesterday the case of a Von by F. D. Marsh, Napanee. Temple of Hedven annually in the New Zealand certificated lady teacher a Mrs. G. H. Bulloch Eup, lor same way as the Manchu emperors who, though the high commissioner yest wie best exhibit fiolden and did, but without wearing the diadem. of that dominion had asked to he SHV! Wyandottes- Won by Harey T. The diadem was proposed but was not appointed temporarily to the infants' »"eh, Paterhoro. i : adopted owing to criticism that it was 'department in a London school with 1 The Senator George 'I avlor ip, for another indication of Yuan Shi-Kai's {the object of obtaining a working ex- !7rgest and best exhibit. Black Wyan- monarchical designs. perience: The British schools com- dottes--Won by G. R. Grose, Peter The question of the introduction of 'mittee finally recommended her to boro. g ; a state religion has created consider the appotitment for six months at a ore are five other cups for 'which able. controversy in China, the Chris- |"certificated" teacher's salary, though %ords have not as yet been made, tian missionaries of all sects opposing they pointed out that the Board of one of hich, csioned by I Fe such a step. 'I'he constitution adopted execution would probably ¥ re. ta, wash wi fe to be settiec oo by the Chinese parliament made no |[COfnize her as "'uncentificated." Fi SEocutive Pi the assotiation, be- provision for any state religion, but' In the general discussion that fol, (T® the award can be made. for some muuths a Confucian revival 10Wed, Mr. Gautrey, the chairman! The fore part of this week Thomas movement has been in evidence, and Salt this could he rightly regarded Ranger disposed of his license for a league was formed by represents. |S the beginning of the movement the igen hotel, ogether With the tives in China not only of Christian- | Which had been so vigorously sup- Bax hos : 2 E. Ash ev, of Kingston, ity but of Mohamumendanism, Taoism, {porieq in Saline, Canada,» he said, x oi and tal en at a 8 i 5 ze > 00k ithe led § V We expec 4 f street, is co and Buddhism "to oppose the adoption! | oe oa Sar etpeet fined to his home by illness. but | Ottawa, Montreal and athe ities for 'mproving slowly. Herbert Acton, son an interchange of teachers Mr. of Nassau Acton, King street, is con- Liverside, chalrman of the teaching, fined to his home quite seriously ill. staff committee; promised Mr.' Gau-' On February 10th, a session of the trey every support, at the same time Sabbath School Institute will be held admitting that a good many London in Grace church. Dr. and Mrs. C. ( teachers had recently gained a great McCullough, who have been spending amount of experience in Canada the past few months abroad, arrived which no doubt would make them in town westerday, to spend a fe realize 'gecgraphical and political days with the former's parents, My auestions as they had not realized and Mrs. Robert ('. McCullough them before, Been OF TEACHERS WITHIN THE BRIT. Jee: ISH EMPIRE. SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS | Of the City Meet on Thursday Ev- ening. The city association Sunday met school teachers' the Y.M.C.A. evening and were favored with a splendid address by Dean #1.- T. J. Coleman, who gave interesting talk' to about = lifty members, Coleman's topic | with the teaching of the les | CATTLE in MARKE® DULL, ! SPIRITS RUIN RUSSIA. Former Premier Urges. Stoppage of Consumption. Dean Sheep, Lambs, Calves Were Steady--' Hogs: Higher. Jan. 30.--Receipts of live stock at the Union vards were 31 curs, comprising 497 cattle, 1,956 hogs, 66 sheep and 20% calves. There oO fresh avrival and at !of cattle, with fully 3007 left over from made about 800 cattle onl to teach. I'he speaker laid | which successfully their St. Petersburg, Jan. 30.--The Coun til of the Empire was startled by dramatic' appeal from Count Witte, the former premier, to thé "consumption of spirit, he declared was leading Russia ruin The Council of the Empire recent- lv was ocoupied avith the discussion of a bill aiming at the suppression of inebriety. Count Witte contends, that his sue- cessors at the ministry of finance have i misapplied the spirit monopoly which Rev. Father Brophy | Receipts of sheep, lambs and: calve pe His aim, he i was to Toronto. Jan. 30.--Mrs. Catherine! "Were light and prices remained about [suppress drunkenness. Instead of x steady Hoge were again _lirmer >: ' J x Mahoney is contesting the will of her One load sill : 1G. chai | TOME this, they have built an enor- ; Sophy, Ring: 270 lbs, sold at $15; for the countrys and has filed her statements of ' $7.95 to $7.60: medi ) small common, ¥6 to 36 amount on national education. Count R6.50 to $6.75: good Witte declares that the means for de ; medium, 25.50 to $5.75; com f fending the country must not be col R130 to $35; choios bulls, £6.75 | lected through the cultivation of a | national weakness. in F'ovonto, a of Serge stop which to The Sunday School Teachers" As sociation | will meet again next Thurs- | were about meetings will be condict- | sale. I'rade was again very slow, a Hmited number Prices ruled steady od as there : of buvers with and quality ------ was onl PRIEST'S WILL ATTACKED ric ---- anv s Mrs. Mahoney Contests the Will of cred about Fues- | quotations consid he Jutchers butchers', mous cash reserve good butel | defence. and have spent only a um, 87 to ¥ choice cows, to ¥6 mon, One clause in thé will made in May, 1910, directs that assistance be fiorded "any 'unfortunate Roman ptiest who has been cast told was vanting in testamentary capacity The estate was worth $176.3 .The EX-CONVICT SHOOTS WOMAN wir he dying Five months ago Glennard was re { \t- 'ounterfeiting. Glennard had been ar- | Ferrand. After his. refease from pris- that: Mrs. Ferp- and learned The Late Miss Thirza Harmer The funeral of the late Miss I hurza Harmer, who died in the genéral hospital on Thursday morning, took | place Friday afternoon, from the home of her sister, Mrs. Id Gil mour, Jarvie street, The service was conducted by Rev. W. F. Fitz Gerald, of St. Paul's church, of which' the deceased had been lie long member Miss who was a daughter uf William Harmer, was 3 MAPLE SYRUP SCARCITY ~ i Even Caterpillars Help High Cost of | Existence. The. indications are that there be a scarcity of maple. sy rup maple sugar this year. fand " Harmer the late horn at Sussex evunt England, seventyv-siy Heo, con Also] fn or ----t Northwest winds, fair and cold- er. Saturday cold. THREE amma em-- rr PROBS. | Adams bamn er -------- Saturday Specials at the Steacy Store "Coat Sale Just five coats left to tell the tale out of what was the great- est ladies' coat season we have ever had. Saturday is the wind- up. Here's the prices. prices $20 to $25. Sale Price $9.95 . > po . . Regular. Sale Corsets, La Riene, We offer them in two * Special Corset Of the celebrated American American Lady, Kaho, etc. lots-- Lot No. 1 at Half Price, $2.50 corsets, $1 corsets, at £1: £1.35 corsets, 68c. Lot No. 2--Som 9 vt) 42 ¢ in this lot are slightly soiled, wrices range, from § ] { 3 ol. - Special Saturday price 69c. 35 i See our special display of the eclebrated Wolf & Co.'s Whitewear, STEACY"'S "The Busiest Store in Town" OVE ee TeTweww vow Choice steer bsolutelv opposed to woman ¢ sui {supply of milkers and springers sold {had never obtained knowledge of the Had Asked Her to Marry Him and light, not being enough to supply the $5.60 to 36.50 | fover from Tuesday. Sheep, light ewes. | The worst featilre of bronchitis 13 other ravaging disease. tively cures bronchitis, and this is writes: "1 am pleased to say that girl, seven years, had bronchitis, and liag io jloliage ind pentine for her and she soon got removal of duty by the United States colds." greater part of her life in Kingston, |vear Consequently they are getting | Turpentine at hand to be .used viving member of the family, Mrs. R Revived in Vienna. Thomas Copley reduction in price of $2 would be made (blue or with green, the result of | tery Hue. Estimates given on all kinds §0 Queen Street to see that the cattle are dehorned. | A fashion dating from the begin- | - ed up there is great danger of one roses with a very fine pen before pre- il br. J. Ferguson, of Formosa. | London, Jan. 20.--R. B. Angus, who His name % mentioned | Ab." Wilson, now principal of Re manages of the Bank of Montreal, has Queen's University; open t oot residence of 'Sir Frederick Taylor, {| . nN mon bulls, 85.50 to 33.75. -- ert] Mt ockavs # {oeders"Thore wi "'remier I} in, Manitoba, Mrs. Mahoney says that her broth-| Stockers and leeders--There wa "Premier Roblin, © a 4 to 37. good steers, $6.50 He denied the assertion that b.75; stoekérs, 35,50 to $6.23, politics were corrupt, saying that in at from prices, ranging from $55. 10 {faintest shadow of corruption. 390; the bulk selling at $65 to 875. { - Ww I demand. Choiee calves sold at Ri0.50 Get Rid 0 as Refused. to $11.50; good, 39 to #10: medium, | San Francisca, Jan. 30.--Because . a v det, shot and killed | Sheep and lambs--Receipts of sheep | Mrs. Cleo Ferrand 'a w idow, and then and lambs were light, only 53 lambs. | [£6.50 10 87; heavy ewes, $5.50 to #6; | the tendency to return year after 25 to 36; heavy lambs, $310 | yer until the system is worn out Hogs--Hog prices were higher. =o Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseéd and lects fed and watered sold at 80.25 "Turpentine owes much of its grea: {about as severe a test as can be made lof a medicine of this kind. Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and will Turpentine has done much good to The cater i ¢ pillars in many cases last year al |the doctor who attended her did not [most stripped the maple trees seem to do much good. We got Dr, jd those which Sursived will take well. We always keep this medicine (three vears to recover and produce sas 'in the house now ready for use, and ! s vears {has resulted in American buyers con In fghting diseasos of 'the throat ing to this country at the ling across the border and payin: | lungs half. the battle i$ in hav- where she had many warm friends, ithe contracts signed up. { promptly. This is why many people who will not soon forget her gentle - {prefer to buy the large family size Gilmour, is extended the sincere synipathy of many friends. { Vienna. Jan. 30.--The latest froak | Telephone 987 Should Be Dehorned. jof fashion in Viewha is the wearing | Drop & card to 13 Plone street when 7 say p ¢ | of repairs and new work; also bard- if cattd were shipped to the Toronto "smoking" the rose. Flowers of i ve Hib of a kinds. Al orders P | wood market with the horns leit on thew. [dead white variety were chosen for | : i . ! The authorities 'desire to have the ' ning of the last century, has again cattle dehorned in order to prevent | heen revived. It consists of writing hurting another with their horns. senting then, > i 3 | =i who. is to address the Q.U.M.A. on has been travelling in Egypt and is {l Saturday morning, is a "graduate of now in Paris, is due to.arrive in Lon. || . i ¥ . oS student days he was a candidate for as the probable honorary president of {| . ug) b, sold hy ¥ebreary a the office of presidency of the A.M.8. the Bank of Montreal in place of Lond 1914. Three bric J plumbing and the latest 'im- ita normal Sehioal, and an provements, bringing a rental the 'present. A. 0.5..¥ rv. The new manager ig as hitherto lived in club wilk, | Hight delivery of stockers and feeder delegation of women that he Miikers and Springers--A moderat thirty' vears' political experience he Veal enlves--Receipts of calves $7.50 to ¥8.50; common and rough, | : aah refused to marry him. James F Bronchitis turned the pistol on himseli, but there were some heavy lambs held | - good to choice lambs, 29 afid gives way to consumption, or 80.75 weighed off cars, * (popularity to the fact that it posi- Mr. W. H. Walker, Calmar, Alta, myself, wife and children. My eldest ; Many of the trees Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Tur- much sap as heretofore. Then the find that it soon cures coughs and of three - years. She had lived the {higher prices than in anv ~previou ing Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and kindly influence. To the onlv sur- | BLUE ROS NOW. THE THING | bottle, | Writing of Poetry on Leaves The Whig has been notified that a 'of Foses faintly tinged with cobalt | wanting anvthing dons In the carpen- | will receive prompt attention. Shop. 1s is a gentle tip for all the dealers | this process. ... cruelty, as when the cattle are: round- { poems or letters on the : leaves of the Queen's Doctor From Formosa | In Paice of Lord Strathcona il il § Queen's. At one time during. his don shortly. He was defeated by one vote. by Stratheoma. Cyril Cassels, London the best of location, near uncle of acquired Farmwood, the beantiful As |i his of $540,00 per year for $5, Weather Note single, and h 0. 000.00. ; The disturbance which was centred quarters. Sie aouse on Quctn Strut, near Bear. Jake gui of er arebee | Only One "BROMO QUININE." ; high préssure with lower témperature| To get the. genuine call for full ay spreading over the great lakes | name. LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE. and middle states. The unusually mild | for signature of E. W. GROVE. weather which = a cold in one day. 25ec. piy©alled yesterday in| Ontario and Quebec has extended into - hen © The Austrian ier -has informed the leaders of the German and Czech the Maritime provinces. parties, in the Bobemian diet. that the Austrian government proposes to alter the Bohemian constitution . in such a way 8% to enfranchise wo tea A man may be all right in his way,' provided he isn't in the way of oth-, ors i of kippered hartiog 5 20e., + few days, - at Gilbert's. : Four tins only for a » { | i | gents' shoes, wear like iron. High-class repairing. a | a few days only, 79 piece set, best linglish povee- lain, with neat floral decorations. Just the thing for a small family. $4.50 $6.25 Also a very pretty sett of 97 pieces, with gilt handles REN ET »' Don't miss these snaps. ROBERTSON'S, LIMITED CHINA AND GLASS. Our Tungsten Lamp Will Save You 66 2-3 P.C. in Current House illumination our spec- lalty. Y ; It is cheaper iu the long run "to have electrigity in the house than coal oil. Ask us for prices, Com RuewA H. W, NEWMAN Electric Co. Phone 44] 79 Princess Street. < So Our Shoes combine dressiness, comfort and long wear, neatness and solidity, vet you can wear them with the com- fort of an old shoe. eRemember we carry bovs' and little "TREE SOE UT |. "ars