Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Jan 1914, p. 2

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oT HOGKE ¥. MATCH 3 POSTPONED | I TE SO WN.USTUN Book for Every Home The Queen's-Varsity hockey match 1 + AELS THIS EVENING | which™was schedfiied for this evening io flotspuoin sures, mits AND RECEIPTS OF THivgEvou SHOULD KNOW; 3,000 \ i fi the cove 1k has been postpon TEN GOOD rE RASONT why you should have Audel's Household Helps, Mints and Receipts:-- Team Crippled Owing to Niness of ed untill a t 1e chan was 1. dt will ge ploy d treat the sick.. 2. It will tell you how to keep yourself and the ~ » * © Re u p nange 3 t - € urse & a Vi « 4 { " ppl 3 v made on account of the soft ice. On i! members of your f d he aith "3 Tt will re vou much information regarding the care, and im- i Bouncer" Brouse -- Queen's and Thursday evenine ihe Dageme it) ! proving the condition, iv household goods of every nature. 4. It will give you sound advice concern- | 'Varsity Basketball Teams Meet t PTR 5 FTRERF sup ¥ 8 FY 5 4 ing the care of the human body, the complexion, teeth, hair, baths, sleep, etc. 5 It will show how. the . . 3 . . -~ | of the Queen team telephoned the] labors of the kitchen, the laundr nd house cleaning can be lightened and made pleasant. 8. It will teach urs u ect 4 i Here This Afternoon. | Varsity man that the ice was in || Tou how to e be liish rooms (st. illing, etc), halls, polish Soors, metals, Turiitus Elansware ie as ha A ! fry c 2 -- ; - i Ww give much information regardin proper diet, chemistry of foods, stimulants, obesi etc e ro = DJ \ The seni Prontepacs leit on the YOry¥ bad condition. and that if Would Hil excellent advice as to the care aE ete, of infants and children, both in health and inesy. 8. It con- - * noon train for Toronto where the, 2€ advisable to call off the game The tains hundreds of easily prepared recipes for cleaning, dyeing and improving various materials used in the 8 . oh ot 'he Match Will be piaved at as early ; ome. 10, contains more valuable matter .than any -other book twice the size. ! iy " meet St. Michael's this evening. The Tp 0 a8 poss el Ex ? early a ul A WOMAN NEEDS Audel's Household Helps, Hints and Recipes. Practical formulae. Iilus- ve r result of the game is looked forward E58 De. ri : antially beund M0 references: a mine of practieal information for everybody With a home. 3 to with great interest. The team is Gold - Sp { i -date every respect, Meets the multifarious reutiaments of the household, \ Practi: al recipes, » ¢ a Svea (si solden Yellow Ban iy t . tim Aving methods, ready comforts meeting emergencies, economical Processes. tie * extppled on account of the absence oi | | ! hauas . t idents, ideas far women, helps to home workers, kitchen conveniences. Beauty Rroduption, form nts Bouncer" Brouse, who is ill. he angerines, kumquats, pimeapples, § ue nt ide secrets, psy facts, And ail in one convenient sized volte. a shi tical oun Frontenacs mn win the game this grape fruit, marmalade ordnges, Sun-' ' WILL FIND in its eompact pages and illustrations many relia an practica tse rening i ust 4 atm th , kist oranges, eacoant i wn elps nts for the care of. chil dren, child's rdrobe economics, dieting little ones, diseases of children, evening 4 ™ sre lo main bh " | pomegranates. be py. apples, 1 ! r nity ays to give Medicine Aust AIT in oe idents, home nursing, kitchen conven- runntog for the group championship . K cranber it ' and arg es, cookiy n educe laundry labor, dre secrets, how to remain young, hesltnral heating Y, l ' | ' The team will line up as follaws:-- | and bet dweel oranges a ig 8 OMI » work wonders and male good income through the use of the varjous re- JOHN McKA D Goal, 'Coolt; defence, Tteclson and | dozen, at ! nin het no abor, making perfumes and "lotions, preparing salable articles, beautifying pre- ®9 || Stanton; rover, Ferguson; eentre, | : rg YOU MEN will find awfhdant information to relieve and JJvercome blemishes, restoring faded Kingston "Relia Crawford; wings, Boyer and Reid Sweet Castor Oil," 10. Gibson's. *Xior ing muscles and nerves, pure, harmless cosmetics, preserving footwear, np. - 57 > : | Ne + . . } p ing and increasing weight, hygiene for giris, improving the figure, glossy hair, bright eves, ble Fur House. Ho 1 Brock St. (capt) a, Poe 8 Canada's iead- ! © , care of the vital organs, physical eulture, smooth hands, camfortahle feet, Ev § ig piano. Dutton's. . ry | L ; th read should have this book. S wants what she wants whan she wants it, Queen's vs Varsity { Free toilet soap for each customer ar gets it at once ir isehold Helps, Hints and Recipes. | N . 'olock | nt Best's Saturday | On'Friday afternoon at 4.30 o'clock, | aturday. . G0 {Varsity and Queen's basketball team: | T he best coffee in the city at Pick- |] PRICE CENTS 'are slated for a game in the. tween ; | ering's . . i "he Sweet Castor 0il,"" 10e. Gibson fe : { ° ' gymmasium.. Pre Varsity _owtir joi as S08 8. | : Phone 76 I The First Js ihm _. The College Book Store i ristmas roceries. | z: Mew Hill, chelvey, teid, ' ¢ # nN RF § < a le Stock 1a complete 1a all St ila Roach, Watts: a. Kingston's Famous Fur Store. 160-162 Princess St OPEN NIGHTS - Phona. 919 Nicholson and Buchanan lunes, » -. ane ween i The Big Genuine of 5 | | iis altogether ely that '"'Boun Ra Prompt Delivery. . BIW in buying eyeglasses is to call f§#| e Brouse will play his Sn n : upon a registered optometri i je with St. Michael's in To- The next step of no less in port- ronto It had been expected that he ance is tn nave his pregasiy on j Wonid not be able to go, but he left hi Hed ny a competent uticina [| With the team on the noon train. iia ; i rears azo this meant two costs [| ai , R ° 4 and a div.sion of responsibility. J! 5°04 weio XEerY mich. surprised To-day 4 Oo Bano a" hath jon Friday noon when Harold Nicho! ne urs / branches of this service are jon failed 19 accompany ihe, tery : k yront united upder one - roof, enab- 1h Blo Is i s ling us to guarantee depend- Ps Koss Byron Improving S interesting scores of able glasse for just one A it of the glasses, | Ross Byron, of Queen's II hock shrewd, careful buyers § . : of e change in the giraeoier ot aqua, who as saint sn she rors ||" these. days, despite. the oi LE pT I at the covered rink, on Tuesday even ' A vourself just how cold it is at an fing, is improving nicely, in the gen- mild unseas sonable wea: ! your own home " eral hospital." It is not feared that | ther. We are likely to Our thermometers are neat, 1 3 Asselstine 0. 0. S any serious results will follow. { ell ade and dependable. ¥ . | MeGregar, one of the members of have lots of cold weath- Well Bie Queen's IH team who had three fin er yet and buyin, furs ' aie ¥ ur ht Sn ialist. gers broken in the same game, is also . x : : Linoleums [Erwieh Spedaiis] gore bros i i ¢ here now is a splendid [he best Corset in the trade for 'lie management of the Fronte B42 King 8¢. Kingston, Ont. ff whit, | profit yielding invest. - 02 Susding. IR pent, ; $1.00 a Pair, made from good Smith Bros. ITT Py T{ouwawa _ 3 2 : NE | A Ei. Our new. rugs, Scotch Mid- Winter FA a Rr, Big Y quality Coutille, 4 Hose Sup- Jewelers and Opticians. and English Liroleums fanebe are arriving every aay J UNIEURE & Carpet," Wiens 30 nl WEE Snaps porters wad 6 Pérfent" Models arios, Torontos at Wander rs, Que- 5 J | from ihe best manufac- Sale aiden 8 PR shor Ay £1 114 ; . Ladies' Cloats, rat lined { { Hockey Gossip. | . . Bi turers. These are the | 1. pays to buy now. Stocks.-aré| Steve Vair, of the Ty catas ha of Any size, | 8 to 30. sable eollar and reveres, a { large, prices are low, everything is been released to the Halifax C 3 $40 00 : new patterns for the B|reduced. Carpéts, Rugs, Linoleums, |cents, and will leave for there thi a @ Ladie's Coats, rat lin- ed mink collar and re- Issuers; of Marriage Licenses. » . | Quebec's one-sided victory sr Ot- > ( - - | ec's sided victory ever coming gpring of 1914. = tawa Wednesday night in Quebec makes the dopester sit up and take some more dope. X ; Bs | Kingston Frontenacs and the Sim DE J k ton ; | } Pronte : ; ackets coe juniors are two teams in the O = LE H.A, that have two right-hand play L Hudson Seal p it $ : , ers on the two wings. on : So i? Ya "hd 3 ty 3 Toronto. News: Gilbert, the Argo- I kets for . $99.00 - Ladies' Rat ( oat, 50 in, : th Ti pees | naut goal-keeper, was the, bright par- long, $40.00. =~ N L i ! §¢ | ticular star for rhe Oarsmen and hi: Long Near Seal Jackets 4 - 8 ? 800d work was tiie only thing that Capel Warehouse. { saved the "double blue" fram a good for $ te $51. 50 Priming. a Long No. 1 Pony Jack- i ' W b Go di { Toronto Mail and Empire: They ur er have an idea down in Kingston that ets for . $46. 50 . : the Frontenacs will just about take Long Persian Paw the measure of St. Michael's here on Jackets for . . $46.50 . $i 78 Brock Street Friday night at the Arena in the crucial game in the senior O.H.A. Long MusKrat 'Jackets, series in group 1, but from this neck for $45.00 Why Pay High [|| i 4 8 | HAISERRRERY |e deed cn =e av | yong Astrachan Jack: FOR SALE $ . | ha i An | MARTIN HARVEY COMING ets for... $3450 Prices? h . ! If vou are not inter- ' Bh iN hii! Hreed u ie Tees ested In extreme cold' N b Iy St k FNFYIv Tov ap | Foe / ather furs, we have THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. roce 0c CLASS GOO "The Breed of the Treshams,' weather 1 PIngY as na { v which will be given on Friday night, gcores of neckpiéces The Style Jai icing will be Repair and A pholstering Work , ¥ ) February 6th ,at the Grand under . : TTT VI UV IV YT ER VY VEY YYEY eww veeww ! | promptly attended to. 10 per cent. |e g Aon a 4 table at all times, The Finish sod Workmanship 11ess than usual price > +{the auspices of the British Canadian i at 1 passs-- mm wil he Perfedt. { prices, Phone 90. : Wg e een The 3 Theatre Organization society, is a but espeially during masterly example of a type of play a } i d 1000 i whiel: always makes a strong appeal mild weather. an [10 the British temperament. To be- 3 rere ---- GOOD LOCATION. 1 with it is full i 1 A } Fk | Ein 1 ith | full to the brim of ' 3 TO THE FIRST CONGREGATIONAL Rent of Store $20.00 per month { ion, of that full-blooded adven- f: ae ee \ Possession at once, turous quality which has distinguish- Bh A CHURCH PASTOR . A good opportunity for anyone to fe d the history of our race. The scene / 3 : od etnias enter the Grocery Business 1s laid in the stormy times when Thea Church is Very Active -- The = mm TEER BUILDING LOT > king and parliament were at war | Pastor Asks For Larger Giving to Cor. Alfred and York Sts, 33 x 66, England. probably the most Ki ingston Cement; esque and dorantic epoch the § 'Ubjects Outside of the Churzh. Is n good demand just now, PATER 0 national annals. The hero is 4 I The annual meeting of the First and we are happy to say that FIRE INSURANCE, - MONEY TO roducts Factor debonair, dauntless vig to fA i church parlors, 1 hursday evening. Tea ing, heart cheering coal. : N pals fs " whom adventure aud danger are the WE, > i was served from 6 to 7.30 o'clock to ~m bas cement blocks sills, bricga: very salt of Mfe. ""Reresby," as a AR Net the members of the church and con- Uptown customers may leave E. W 6" M U LLIN, sand lintels always on hand st type who has figured large in the gregation, about one hundred sitting orders at 264 University Ave. Yor. J TeAsonable prices. Anything naling of the empire. A bold, re- : . Nak Re a iD down to the tables. Cor. Johnson Jag Division Streets. in cement made td order. sourceful man, brimful of hymor and I . amb Neck Searfs ab After the supper, reports of the ls ABOSE0 S00 | Oiicloth; Curtains, ete. 'evening. veres $40.00. Corper.of Charles and Patrfek ready for every chance, and yet at shapes, worth up to $3. church work were given. These tindi- : ies Office 529 "- - » Res. 1450 streets. Phone 1304. bottom a man of indomitable will cated a most prosperous year in the for $1.00 . dng, if you like of obstinacy. In the ure ind : Pam N He Shure's Jie The trssuter's state : ihands of Martin Harvey, "Rareshy and Persian Paw Neck Scarfs ment, presented by Dr. MacCallum, Manager H. F. Norman {the Rat' stands out as one of bY. up to . : $3.90 showed the total receipts to be ap- S. ANGLIN & C0 : + 'Mimost vividly life-like and lovable Mink Marmot Ties and Stales, proximately #2700. After meeting the : BUEN) |creatures which the stage has ever regular prices'up to, $6 $3.50 expenses of the year a balance of $112 11 Ral ---------- [given us. Another character-study Natural Mink, small neckpieces was left in the treasury. The total Cor. Bay and Wellington Sts. A MALLALLLLLLLLLLRLLANS | of Tare ins) ight and attraction is that regular up to $10, for $6.75 givings showed an. increase of $150 : . for the boy, "Batty." the self- appoint- Persian Lamb Neck Scarfs, sev- over the previous year, Bi 118 4 5 : : ied esquire of the ¥himsical Kknight-! eral styles, up to $13.50 Miss Edith Massie gave a very full Tomror-- : her Aug Main St., detached frame with O A L ! jerrant Reresby 'Batt ¥" is played for .. 5 Lie $8.25 report of the work of the Sunday # Stable & Y Bien 3 {hy jee N de Silva, who first creat-| Alaska Sable Throw Scarfs. in school and also of the woman's mis- Incubators and rontenac , new brick o- 5 je e part, and who is quite ini | extra quality, regular up to sionary auxiliary. | Miss Lilly Seott tached. residence, 12 rooms; EE able in her grasp of its iy hit § hn ... 810.75 reported for the Indies' aid and J has good hardwood floors S { possibilities. "Phe Breed of The udson Bay Sable extra qual- Kev for the young people's society. Sar wow cle as §BE00 cranton Coal {p | Treshams,"" is essentially a play that ity, a - limited: number, re- The pastor's report showed that \ ers or Montreal: St. ame store and ican be seen more than. once, a fact .. $45.00 thirteen new members had been added : : dwelling, with stable $2200 Is good coal and we guarantee prompt { Which some.thousands of playgoers to the church roll, foyr by letter and Nelson St. detached driek, delivery. 5 fin he old country have proved in the nine on profession of faith. THeére had Poultry M win be your clothes " youn ot < . most practical fashion. On Saturday . : been eleven baptisms during the year. en $3150 | Bo th & C afternoon and evening, Feb. 7th, Mr. During this sale we The pastor Ba a more feral sup- . 0 0. Harvey will present, "The Only : . port of objects outside of the local Fol of West Street | Way. # «||| are quoting special 10W Hichurch, especially of homie missions. | een In concluding, he thanked the ladie . ; i Reeve eeeey Married at Ottaw- prices on all repairing for their Now? Voor a 9 Mr Rice. Watch for our exhibit at the Poultry il Married in Ottawa, on Jan. 10th, ! the te Ror its faithful scrvices » Hap mk . 1 ww: Rev. Father Newman, of St. P 3a or rem mod in A thro out t year, and also Mrs 'e are Sole Agents for the cele. : trick' s church, Pruce Vivon Moors ph e e. cr 2 Rohertaon do A gift of flowers [rom hrated Kingston Be Col nnd Miss Nary Pipa MacCaul. . both | EW es lon ne hia sopoel the Baa CYPHERS usiness ¢ | Mademoiselle tind Plame vod All Sales for Pg tor was asked to ate the oale? : . Incubator (Limited) wa, and Clifford Lapage, Holl. -- whereupon he was presented with 850 No. 0-370 egg. ... Head of Queen Street. | Immediately after the ceremony the No Approval. ! t bvasion of esteem on the Xo Sais Courses in" bookkeeping, | bridal pair left for Watertown. Ki. : 1.2 he thurch No. 3390 EE TEA [V4 go 4 iy ke' Sop [1 WECH OOF WInAOWS [elfen uo Shit | roti oui... ly en! i 3 state. For i 2 p Ee 8 tt le sie and all commercial subjects, past two years Miss MacCaul has TITRE reais solos wife un by Nie) Fete Meat Scrapf, Grit. Chick Foed, Grit Rates moderate. ~ Informa. J! °°" in: active service with 'the Otta- . ih the J 20d Shell Boxes, Water Fountains, x + + s b tion free. wa branch of the Victorian order of a of "Tt toxology. Nie he 145 Bands: ' ntirses, and her many friends are GEORGE 'MILLS & (0 Heats HF Metcalf . happy to have her remain in the ca- y ! . - ! | Np .. Pine St. detached frame dweli- dng, furnace, B, & C.. $2100 Patrick St, facing Frontenac Park, cement, 6 rooms, fur- '$2400 nace Quebec St., near Barrie St, sin- gle frame, 7 rooms, B. and C. aaah ve ar n+ 51800} 1.5. R. McCANN Real Estate e Sr Insurance and Loans 4 Sp 82 BROCK STREET Phones 326 and 621 ital perm tiv. 5 ESAs 3 Edad 1 ori' p ; Pia Permanently i MAKERS OF FINE FURS, he in Dore, regular. $4.50, "Uhuse's prgparations" at Gibson's. | "Br, Chase's Pilly" at Gibson's, i ano vee)

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