a mes; TIE DAILY BRITISH wa, FRIDAY, JANUARY 3%, 1914, ILA A100" [3 or salves because they're a few cents cheaper. 1 have proved Zam-Buk best for Eczema, Piles, Skin Diseases, and lajuries. As a mother, you owe It to your family to use the best, that's Zam-Buk! GRAND UNION £2 HOTEL = foes rn BE VEE Roast-Beel. The easy way. An appe. tisiug dish ready to serve, Deliciously cooked and economical, Tusist on New York!Fruit Store Sweet Oranges, 15¢, 20¢c and S0c a dozen. Malaga Grapes, Bananas, 1Gc dozen. | Figs, 15¢c a Ib, Dates, 10c a 1b. 814 Princess St. 20¢c a 1b. and 20e¢ =a Phone 1405 ""k- DRU- CO DYSPEPSIA TABLETS Prowd of Great Value to Me" There is only oue explanation for the numbers of enthusiastic letters that we receive praising Dyspepsia lets, and that is th » Lalilets certainly do cure any kind of stomach trouble. Here is a typical Eliza Armusworthy, ( "It ip with pleasure | t that your Nau-Dru-Ce Tablets baye proved of great vi 1 me. I tried remedy after rv without any lasting gocd. Iau of your tablets curing such case mine I decided to give them a fair trial They proved satisfactory in my « The remarkable success of Na-Dru Dyspepsia Tablets is Ii a succes ean only come to an 1 str compounded act 10 an exc ally good f 1 rom puré ing dients, by rer chien sts, If you tronbled with your stomach just our Druggist vont Repo Tablets, comg National Drug and Che: Canada, Limited, aod so a through the at soc. a box A ig ------ i |e FOR SALE Dartiam St, frame house, séven rooms: barns lot 40 x 132, $550, Barrie St, brick house, all im- + proveshents. $2,300 00, Domianlon Vacuum Cleaners, 10.50, "0'Cedar Mops, $1.50. H.S. Crumley Phone 533 or 1442, t of. 1 gave my wal ruhb wisery 1 way in 1 1 Radway's "Read; ¥ CURES _ Gaia Racway's Kesity: Reile! shou} A tin over g large surface, autil a 2b we with a hocgiugh sensation. Few fhe Radway Fills. S ould 1 what they eat, EE -- Nor "MUCH IMPRESSED Eiri UXMOVED BY STEFANS. SON'S MODERN WUNDERS. When she Explorer Fired sud Hic » Sick 200 Yards Away They Told Him of » Native Who Could bo the Same Thing--Conld He See the Events of His Binoculars, They Asked. Further details concerning the life dnd customs of the new Kskimo tribes, brought to light by the Cana- dian explorer, Vilhjalmar Stefans- son, have been wade available by the publication of his hook, 'My Life With the Eskimo." This book is the record of Mr. Stefansson's second expedition 10 the Arctic, which began in the summer of 1908 and lasted until July of last year. His journeyings during these four years, sometimes with Dr. Anderson, the naturalist 'of the expedition, more often with Eskimo for his only com- panions, covered thousands of wiles Northwestern Canada, as far east as Coronation Gulf snd Prince Albert Lund. He met many different tribes of Eskimo, and - was _ ineessantly studying their language, the customs, their beliefs. "¥ have lived with the Eskimo until they have become as my own people. 1 pass my winters in their houses and my summers in their tents; I dress as they do, eat and follow the game across the tundra to get my food ex- actly as they do, and I have come to feel that 1 understind them as well as I do my own people." Of the year which Mr. Stefansson spent with ;the Dolphin and Union Straits Eskime he has naturally a great deal to tell ug, and it is all of vivid interest. Mr. Stefansson had only to give a hint as to what interested him, and they put all their information on that subject at his disposal; on their part they showed the greatest delicacy In asking questions. They betrayed no surprise at their guest's blue eyes and light brown beard, because these fea- tures, they explained, were much like those of wome of their neighbors 'to the north--the "Blond Eskimo," whom Mr. Stefansson visited and whose discovery bas ralsed such fwm- portant biological and biztorical prob- lem Curiously enough these people were not much impressed by rifle shooting. When the white man, after hitting a stick 200 vards away, told them that he could Kill a bear or caribou at even three times the dis- tance, they 'merely asked whether he could kill game on the other side of the mountain. It appears that a "gpaman" in a neighboring tribe had a magic arrow by which he could perform this feat. And when Stefansson looked. through his bino- culars and saw bands of caribou that were to them invisible they applaud- ed, and asked, "Will vou not look for the caribou that are com- ing to-morrow, 80 that we can tell where to lie in ambush for them?" They were disappointed when told that this was impossible, for they knew that their own medicine men had charms and magle that enabled them to see things the morrow was to bring forth, It was in Victoria Island that the "Blond Eskimo' were found. "When saw before me these men, who looked like Europeans, in spite of their garb of furs, I knew that IT had upon either the last chapter and solution of one of the historical tragedies of the pust, or else that I had added 2 new mystery for the fu- ture to the mystery of why these men are like Buropeans if they be not of European descent." Of something less (han a thousand persons in thig tribe ten or more Lave blue eyes; of the men who bhave- beards a good many are light brown; the hair of the head is generally dark brown or rusty red, and perhaps half the. entire population have eyebrows ranging frpm a dgrk brown to a light brawn or/rearly white is np reason he come solve thinks, for | are desce colonists of | hand { fathers, i ancestors { { er's time { used to lie jon Insist that. the "Blond Eskimo" nded from the Scandinavian Greenland, but looking historically geographically, no reason why they might It is possible, on the other that tor some so-called *'acetl- son blond individuals may n born from time to time past from parents of pure Ks kimo blood, and that these may have perpetuated themselves, As to supposing that it is the cli- maie that has made the Victoria Is- 1d Eskimo blond, the theory is rdly tenable, for they live on tle sume f tic couditions of them whom show or theve | not be Eskimo east st of them, none of Furopean-like us do the and w the same traits i Although ii is not easy fo get me | to admit that the present day Eskimo are far better men than their fore- it is easy to get them them- selves to admit it, In fact, they are of late years rather prone to assert that' they are better men than their My man Davinisk sald to e one day ». The people of Kotzebue und re formerly very bad, but » all rood vow. In my fath- and when I was young, they and to steal and to work Sunday "But," 1 asked him, "don't they, as a matter of fact, tell agionally?'" "Oh, "yes, they ymetimes do." "Well, don't they au matter of fuet, tell about lies now as they ever did?" , 'yes, perhaps they do." And | don't they, as u matter of fact, steal abolit as frequ y as éver?" "Wall, | possibly they don't work on {| Sunday." They were sutjrely friendly, | biy because Mr. Stefansson spoke in a dialect a little different from thelr { own. As he observes, it cannot have { tappened often in the history of the | world that the first white man to visit \ & primitive people was one who spoke { their lunguage. | { 23 OL au \ recent order in bankruptcy has been made agninét: Lord Templetown, [an Irish representative peer, who is | sixty-one years of age, and who has {seats in county Antrim and Inver. ness-Shire. ' To-morrow W ith along the Arctic coast of Alaska sud' Mr.* Also' food 'and under the same clima-* | they go through life, possi- | INVENTOR OF TUBES. Sir William Crookes Has Conferred Great Benefit on Race. fir William Crookes, who bas bead elected president of the Royal So- clety, Ie in his elghty-second year His advanced age does wot aYeet his intellectual activity, and his life's work has been such us to confer honor on the gréat office he hue ass sumed. Sir Willian Crookes is a London- er by birth, and studied under the famous Hoffman at the Royal College of Sclence. At the early age of twenty-two he came _ superinten- dent of the Meteorological Observa- tory at Oxford. Two years later he married, and he regards this as one of the wiest things he ever did. He is a firm believer in early mastages, for on one occasion he femarkedg "I have not the slightest hesitatiy in saying that 1 believe married life is conducive to longevity. It cannot be disputed that whatever tends to increase our happiness must exer- cise a very beneficial influence on our health, As a result of his researches Sir William discovered a new metallic element, "thallium," and the first specimen was exhibited to the public at the luternational Exhibition held in London in 1862. The following year he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society. Continuing his io- vestigations, Sir William invented the radiometer, which, though a very simple-looking glass tube, has been of the greatest service to sei- ence. Sir William's name is linked up with the invention of tubes of various kinds, and the "Crookes Tube" enabled Professor Rontgen to discover the X-rays. The venerable scierifist has been an ardent photographer for nearly wixty years, and is justly entitled to be regarded as one of the pioneers the art; His wife was usually the he in his early days, and he was aciustomed to say to her "Sit!" to which she replied, "It sounds like a hen." Sir William Crookes has written a number of scientific trea- tigses, has been president of the Chemical Society and president of the Institute of Electrical Engineers, and amongst other distinctions is & Royal Medallist and a Davy Medal Hst. A Locust Swarm. A novel experience for & newcom er"to South Africa is to encounter a locust swarm. To dwellers ou the High Veldt the sight is not unusual, but one's first acquaintance with the pest is somewhat startling. A party of "newly-outs" was tak- ing the journey to the Victoria Falls When half-way across the Karoo, on a bright, sunny day, the sun sudden- ly became obscured, and the sky seemed to turn black. The ladies screamed in alarm; they thought it meant an earthquake, or at least a violent tropical thunderstorm, but a voice along the the corridor of the train, shouting, 'Locusts swarming---- close all doors and windows," ex- plained the peculiar darkness, and partly calmed the feminine fears. The order was obeyed, and the passengers watched developments. The gigantic mass swooped down on the train, covering coaches and rails, and beating themselves against the windows, blotting out all light. The train slowed down to half-speed, for the crushed bodies make the ralls terribly greasy, and there was a nas- ty, crunching sound as the wheels squashed thousands of these unwel- come visitors. After a while the swarm (minus casualties) made off in ypposite direction as suddenly as it had come, and ounce more brilliant sunshine reigned supreme. These locusts are about three inches long, and look like giant grass- hoppers. Singly, they are not danger- ous at all, menace to the crops. They will at tack a village or farm, and devastate it tu a night, leaving all the gardens and fields perfectly bare. Noi a blade of grass escapes them. A visit from locusts is one of the many disasters which befall the strug gling South African farmer Humor ' rom the Hospital. Perhaps the bes. sto'y in Sir Ed ward Cook's "Life of Florence Night fagale" is that of a wounded Crim eat sergeant who picked up a wounded cocr:rade and stumbled back to camp. The rescvéd man tucn-d out to be a gene.al and waited on his rescuer in hospital. The latter, wrote Miss Nightingale, exclaimed: 'Oh, general, it's you, is it, I brought in? I'm so glad I didn't 'now it was your honor, but if I'd known it was you I'd have saved you all the same!" Medicine and Caste, Sympathetic women must perforce gain some knowledge of remedies as but let us avoid the example of a friend of mine in India, says a writer in The Gentle woman, who, after mixing d®dose for her native butler, tasted it t) see if it were all right, then handed the cup to the man. 'He calmly threw the con tents out of the window. The laws of his caste forbade him to drink out of a vessel contaminated by the | { lips of an unbelies er. An Amiable Witness. A Maori woman who gave evidence at a Stratford, New Zealand inquest ' showed a degree of amiability some what rare in the witness box. When she faced the jury, she made a re. mark, which, on being interpreted, was found to be a wish that health, wealth, and prosperity might ever abide with the jury individually and collectively. After finishing her evidence she again voiced the wish before leaving the-box Drills Are Deflected. Investigation of the fact that most of the deep drill holes for wells in South Africa deviate from the per. pendicular geverally toward the perth, has led to the conclusion that the drills with which. they were made were influence by magnetism. The ups and downs of some people consist mainly of talking themselves up and running other people down We should profit by our mistakes, but most of us would rather profit by the mistakes of others, but in swarms they are a | «Read Our Personal Money-Back: Guarantee of yourself. It doesn't merely sf hours. but takes hold of uormal condition It sar blood, strong It contains the Hypo) and pure Olive Oil, t« It is pleasant to t retnoved For vou who aré t maciited---for: conva for puny Oi Em children--we re ulsion he weakness, 1 nerve- food toni y 8 sphites, to tone » nourish the nerves, the and give vitality, strength and health ommend Rexal as the best medicine we know of to make and keep you well and strong, It Is the Best Remedy When you are run-down, no matter what the cause, and make vou and builds you up red] builder of healthy. nerves, rich ake, the greasy {lavor of the Olive Oil having been n-down, qaple I Olive the nerves and give e blood, the entire & OU know what that Means--Misery-Worry--Rig Bills--Debts! You know you can't afford to get sick. Keeping in good health means food and clothing for you and your family. t's up to you to take care It's up to you, whenever you don't feel right. to take something to make you right, to strengthen ryou, build you up, wi wd off worse sickness, protect you and your family! That thing we have, and in "offering it to you we protect you against money risk, by personally promising you that if it doesn't protect 'yout against sickness, we'll give you back your money without a word or 'question. It od sr Olive Oil EmulsioN i for a few » & healthy, feel goo good. nergy, stem, wed ward for making debiljt wes) fy | We Make Our Living out of the drug business right here in your town. It is our duty to give you the best remedy we can for whatever silment you may have, and business sense demands that we recommend nothing unless we know it's We know Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion is good. best builder of health, energy and strength there is nmrade. We know it is greatly helping many of your neighbors. We believe that it will make you well and strong again, and save you money and worry in the end. We feel it is good business for us to recommend Rexall Olive Oil Fmulsion and get you to use it, because we know you'll thank us after We believe it is the our confidence in it so plain that you didn't hesitate to take us at our word. We also feel sure that once Sold only af the 7000 Jexalt Stores--the World's Greatest Drug Stores --$1.00 a bottle Sold in this town only by us you have used it, you'll be as enthusiastic about it as we are and will recommend it to your friends. Read our money-back guarantee and get a bottle today. eans 'KING OF ALL" if it doesn't, We Guarantee This Remedy to Relieve and Satisfy You--or Your Money Back We don't want your money unless Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion really helps and satisfies you. If it doe sn't, come back and tell us, and we'll give back your money. * tect your health- the money is yours, and = Ours is 7700s We believe it will pro- we want you to have it. mrss] Mahood's Drug Store, | KINGSTON, ONTARIO ® (22-80 Store In TthHIs Town, re Selondin- golden California. cotton gloves. cleanliness. Trademark Necktered Hartington Happenings Hartington, Jan. 28.--A number the young men attended the judging held by the agriculture school on Monday. Born, io Mr, and Mrs. James Carleton, a son. ~fdley Camp- of he stock KE. went: to Sp ecial "Sunkist" Sale All Next Week" Begins Monday -- At Your/Dealer's Buy a box or half-box of "Sunkist", oranges much cheaper than by the dozenfand they, keep solid, firm and perfect for weeks., [Take advantage of the low pricesfatithisysale}to}lay in a plentiful supply" of ¥the oranges grown in the/world! CALIFORNIA, FRUIT 'GROWERS EXCHANGE sall has returned from (Mtawa, attend the Freeman is in Kingston, the Uounaty Council meetings. Wood iz with ting, \ £, her brother, ior a few days. ' pre -- juicy -- thin-skinned -- closes oranges. from the famous orangefgroves!of Every "Sunkist" orange is picked and: packed by experts who wear clean, white "Sunkist" packing houses are wonderful in their immaculate Bogillon r~=27 Handsome Premiums-- Orange Spoons Dessert Spoons Fruit Knives Table Knives Table Forks Table Spoons Tea Spoons + Oyster Forks Salad Forks Indiv. Butter Spreaders Coffee Spoons Children" Children's Forks Not : a Seed i in "Sunkist" The finest fruit select ed The most healthful -- appelizing-cleanest of ll fruits. Soup or Cereal Spoons Sugar Shells f Butter Serving Knives Baby Spoons Orange or Sherbet Cups oe Gravy or Soup Ladles a Berry Spoons Cold Meat Forks Pie Servers Ice Cream Forks Napkin Rings Salt Shakers - Pepper Shakers Spoons s Knives finest jdesign, 'table magnificently for a lifetime. --hl Premium Club io ¥, Send Send all orders for "Sunkist" ' Wrappers Bring Rogers Guaran- teed Silverware Cut the trademarks from "Sun- kist" orange wrappers. Send them to us, We offer as premiums, hand- some, rich pieces of Rogers A-1 Standard teed Silverware. 27 different premiums. All our exclusive "Everything so furnish your When You Have this Orange Spoon You Will Want Complete Sets of All "Sunkist", Premiums This via orange spoon is ou exclusive pattern. A-1 Standard late. For each spoon desired, send 2 "Sunkist", orange wrappers and 12 cents." "In remitting, send amounts of 20 cents or over by Postal Note, Post- fice or Express Money Order. Trademarks from "Red Ball" orange » wrappers coulit same as L'Sunkist.'! . Send, your name and {ull address for our complete premium sheet and premiums, ail Pa------ A-- stock show. J. " is pene " aF ding Mrs. B. Babeoek. ohn. Tot ty i 'remains Mork: ww Brown | Truseotd, where | is visiting: at Fpterprise. the winter with his sister, at Frederick Dennison's; Mr. and Mrs. Gowdy, at Tous Boyee's. Mrs. Thomas Trousdale ha¢ refurned from Sterling: Archibald Goslin, Harrowsmith; Mrs. Knight, at Q. J, Lake's, Bs John Lemon Mrs, Fdward Whit- il. Mr. 'and Mrs. Es pe Woes? El at