PAGE TEN 2) CTR See ing feldspar married lile was spent in Harrow: mf 2 ' alsa : nei A ro 3 "EE EE LE a EE he Richar of Mith, wnére she was loved and re- i »e #8 much better: "A Juctad bi all ®ho Kew her. For il : A s / mekeeper "has drvived 'at the] the plist two years she had been fail. WHAT wHIG PSPONDENTS "wmide- hers Charley Babcock; } lig fn health and about two weeks ¢ HAVE TO TELL Walter Burchall, George '[uuneridny ago was taken seriously ill and con ' a : ahd | Baheotk, are all Siting yh < to her bed snd passed | peaté- News Fro Villages and" Farms] Wood for B. B. Howes. itors : ME y #way at an early hour on Mon Phridglisue Ihe Ajotitng Youn und Mrs. Ernest Cainpsall, of Godfrey; Fauy mbroing. es-<Fiiral "1 Sal BR Hive at Anson limmermun's, Nr. and Mrs. } She is survived by her husband, design) pis ie Bd MGV IW. Abel and family; James Snider, jires daughters, Mrs. Arthur Calla mentor the People. \ 7 It. Wilson, at A. DB. Hoppins'; Nr ghan, Winnipeg; Mrs. J. M. Wood: 5 tp ind Mrs. 3. Asselstive, 6f Verona, at ff. Sydenham 1 Mrs. Howard Glepdower J1oms. the spar ming, Miss Gertie Babcock, tif, Sydenhant;) and Mrs o Sas on: one brother, | Glendower, Jan. 28.--Archibald {His returned home diter spending a Kahnedy oh e WiRLrS. | Timmerman is drawing 'hay from Fl |week with her grandmother, Mrs. Adan. 5 Brown and "Mrs: Hickey, of haro Take. Richard Wilkon is saw- | limmermun; Mis. Gowdy called on}ipcss lie Mrs J. Nevin, Madison, | i ing wood. Miss Clow, * the teacher, |iriands here this wees; Mrs. A. Leamon | we "si" Charles Rothwell, Butte, | ] E visited at her hobie last Saturday. | has retuned home @fter nursing Alfred Montane, and Miv. Georis Graves, of A. Reusin got his Jeg Broken at the Deyo for the past two weeks. Mr. > : a . T_T Redd ery Home Has Dozens of Ah Th : . g . felspar mines He 'whnt 'to King- | and Mrs. Ernest Campeall, of 'Godirey, North Battleford, Sask. [6s for Panshine-- ston hospital. Rickard Wilsan call- [if C. Babeoek's; James Snider at Harlowe Happenings. ed on friends af Desert Lake. 'T. | Alexander Hoppin's. Harlowe.: Jan. 27. --Mr- Brown and, Keeps woodwork and paintwork spotjéssly Sean and Bahork is drawing logs at Glen -- Mr. Hamilton agents for the Miss- white. Scours pots and pans. - Cleans cutlery and glass. 3 dower. Syweuham Cheese Factory ssippl Waiter company, have been ware. Makes bathrooms spick and span, -------- Sydesham, Jun. 28.--During the sea: § jere looking over the drowned lands ' Keeps kitchens immaculate and sweet. Haljeford Personals. son of 1913, the Sydenham cheese and} {jong the lake shore = Pringle, Con- > LR Holleford, Jit, 28. Willett Babcock {utter factory received 2.859,6314 Sopvg and Pecerson's are doing a is laid up with a sore foot, caused by Ipsunds of milk for the manufacture off sng ~ business in the lumbering stepping on 'a large nail, which ehter-Yoheme, and 'made 207,703 pounds off grips. William Pipe has séveral 5 + A To. { ed aout an inch. Mrs. (Rev.) Wad-Johigese, with an average of 10883 won on his min staff. The Pay-Ore FTE £& Bd dll, Who has been Hh por, liealth, 1S hounds of milk per pound of cheese. § mite has olosed down during the \ 5 % Ne gee go van Bose |} e m on able to be out again.' Willrid Bab- |" 'fhe total sales for cheese were 333,44 savers cold weather. Deuth claimed . is a clean, white, pure powder that hae cack and family spent Sunday at Des- 1 121.02.. The dverage price per pound ' for its vietim the infapt of Mr. ¢ . * g py i ort Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Whan, at 1.161 cheese was 12.37 cents. The cost of Ns R: \Whiteman. ~The * funers} "3 oH no disagreeable smell, wan't stratth | Martin's; Mr. and Mrs. Snider, at S. iiaking was 13 cents per pound off forman was premched by Rev. Mr " _ f\ and will not injure the hands, Buy pac et Sou Pp Martin's; Misa Rina Cam bell, with oheose, The average price paid per 'Simpeon of the Mov ement chuch A Panshine. : You'll be glad you did. her brother, 81 dimer; sa Ladra {100° pounds of milk was $1.07. Neofge Connors "and family are ; ie : Albertsdn, at Belleville, with her | Thers was manufactured 5,355 pougds ontemplating moving to Uncle Sam's Hews ' Large Sifter At all Thi hicl cousin, Mrs. Pound; Nis. Jarie Bab-| oi whey butter and $1,234.08 was re-R yomains. The mining company \ UN Top Tin C. Grocers This soup, of which millions of ~ cock with her dwaghter, Mri. Albert | vizaq 'or in average of 23¢ per pound. § saants 10 'be taki the town by | > packets have already been sold; son Por the months of April and Detem-§ 6) and the people hope to have } wf hi hac: Anke Vo 9 . per, 174,261 pounds of milk were tak-§ nef Al eledtric" plant this soup, w hich has taken over a Sangster Notes, én in, dnd PO 062 pounds of butter ae of 'he Fadl x quarter of a century to pe rfect ; ths Sangster, Jan. 28. --The- roads are |'made with sn average of 24.67 pounded ohn \v. Thompson is putting a large | soup, Whic h is pr epared from "the in u bad condition owing to the Jof malk per pound of butter. The tot- addition to his house Samuel : : recent Storms. Some of the voung lal sales of butter was $1,919.08, The } Phompson has his house "on the | n iolks irom here attended the ice |average pride a pound was 27.17 cents. § 4 which he bought of J. Black. | ' 2 ¥ : races in Westport on Jan. 22nd and |The Gverage price paid per 100 pounds § \fr and Mrs George Bradshaw took , ' y o Boil it for half-an-hour at 23rd. School is _ progressing "with [of milk was 97.78 cents. sea at The Cedars, Friday night. Tite | LADIES and MEN S BOY S leaty of i is Miss R. Flam, Frinaville, 'as' tedch- : > y triends of Mrs. J. Miller are pleased | r ' plenty of time to cook. Wi it. a P. Welsh at M. J. Coch Storms at Enterprise. © learn of her improvement in| Edwards' Soup i¥ good as a soup by itscll, it 13 gopd as a rane's; Charles Barrett and sister, Enterprise, Jan. 20. ~The recent | Kingston general hospital Mr. and 9 strengthener of other soups; good as a thickener of Nollie. at D. Mulyille's. Rideuu Take, | storms spoiled the skating for some} Mrs. W. Whitman, family of Corby an grayies ; good for hashes, good for stews==top good to Tl O'Connor, at Mrs. Dalton's, [Glén- | few niglits, but it is hoped to haved ville, are at P. Whitman's. Mrs. W be ppoiled by insufficient boiling. dower. Miss, R, Young and K Daly, | good 'ied again soon. Mr. and Mrs. § Scott, Miss Peterson, and S. Clancy at Mrs John O'Connor's; S. Riley, | Outendike, "of Trenton, visited .at Mr. § and daughter and Mr. Simpson ure | : iloy's; N Vv it 4 4 here at: di he convention at Rolin | e Godirey, nt James Miley's: NL Daley, Gunter's, A nirmber from attending the conveoutior " ; ot Nore, i. tendéd the Holiness Movement con-§ Reeve Gray is attending county coun C atm vention in Roblin one night last weeks iss Edna Card an Mrs. Jacob TH 1 Kinston . i Mops om low daa tn vik AT VERY LOW PRICES. QESICCATRD, Canonto News. Loucks Pent a few days list week at : Canonto, Jan. 29.--While running a Hemry Card's. Miss C. Covert spent Bes 4 of Irish parden-growh vegetables--surely vorth making the right way » hill with a load "at the shanty, the Sunday st Miss Martha Wagar's. A. CAS I OR 1A i BUY YOUR SKATING SHOES But you must give them half-an-hour--worth it. neckyoke broke and the load van over | Waker, of Toronto, is spending a few the horse, breaking its leg go badly | days: in the village here. Walter Sny- For Infants and Children. v Three varicties-- Brown, packet, snd 15¢. tin ; that it was necessary to Kill it. The | der, of Wagarville, is spending a cou- ough { Tomato and White. Se but the 24c. tia horse belonged to Lawrence Bros. A. |ple of days visiting friends here, after The Kind You Have Always B t | [e yG an ] 0. "ana Your Grocer has them. comes cheaper, McInnes, employed with Lawrence | which he intends to leave for Belle- 1 ' Phone | Bros., had - fhe misfortune to run a ville, and will take up a course in the Bears the A A 88 Princess pitchfork in one of his Horse's legs. | business college. G. A. Black has' re- Signature of > | ; | imi ich is sold his farm to Y¥red- | turned, after spending some time 'in Ww. G. PATRICK. & COMPANY, Limited. a ry of Toronto. Mr. Jack- ['Poronto. Normfn Wagar has returned : a . » . be meh a oC Atypa] V 3 « i e alter spending the BR i son takes the position in April.' Mrs. | to his hothé here alter spendmg 1 Toronto, Representatives for the Province' of Ontario. son takes the position in BN Ne | Fall and part of the winter in. New Monday. Miss Gladys Ledtiox, who Ontario. Rev, Mr. Rowladd called at has been visiting her home here, has | Henry Cacd's, on Sunday morning, , returned to Kingston. on his way to: Centreville. Mrs. Mac- er Sbt-- dondld, Fletcher, of Torontp, spent a ' Perry's Peerless Players. .| few days Visitin her mother, Mrs. G. "The Little Co-Fd"' will be present- Davey. My. and xs, Earl Davey have ed at the Grand Opera House on Mon- moved in the House formerly occupied day nett by "Perry's Peerless Play- By 'Mrs. Muaodosald, Fletcher. « ers" during their engagement here of three nights, commencing Monday, February" 2nd, tis company will pre- sent "Wife in Name Only," "The Girl opened with Migs Morrison, Tweed, as from the Circus" and "The Maid from ceuocher. "A. Humber of the ' young oo: Mexico.' A matinee will be given on {4 i 5 : 4 Wednesday alfernoon. Never hefore has th Pom Orpen. nd Plovoa, attested GAY Comps" Steptad (0 prea ies Wut Neongal. vss th vedr Mr. Perry took great care to at on Tocsday no he select only first-class' prodiictions, and jéyable Cine "Was spent at: the durprise each is presented complete in every de- $400 gory ; : Es } tail. Refined' vaudeville specialties are sary 2b the Ge of Nr: add Nre - produced between the acts, which will 3 7 7 Ta Sung 'o pr ------------------------------------------ Owpah Tidings. Owpab, Jan. 28.~School has re {ast week. Mrs. A. Larork is récover- urely rlease everyone , eo . ing ifdm her recent illness, A, 4 ; a «Watson 'aud J. Laundry have gone to J g It's Dame Nature that Junaway at Point Traverse (CSlabogie, whdre 1Mey have secused Point Traverse, Jan. 27.---Much |employment. An eloquent sermon - was a 3 = \ gives this tidbit its sympathy is exteoded to Mrs. Henry | preached by H. Pringle, in All Saints Preston, who 1s suffering from a pdr-|church, here on Sunday last. The fice J k cooling, refreshing / ¢ alytie stroke, received a few days |i' Trout Lake .is in a poor condition, \ SIN f 2 Les . a ago. David Wood passed through]owing to. the excessive amount of of ARS \ ra) benefits. She causes rE ¥ this vicinity with his flock, of fine «now. Miss Mary Laundrie is confined SN y - : This First Lesson mn E > sheep (numbering sixty) to his farm {io the house by a wéVere cold. RR, NN i ' J 4 d > the pure, natural mint at Woodrow's Corners. Ernest Ror-{ lady made a business trip to Lavant g /\Y 2g at' - abeck hiad a serious runaway last [on Wednesday last. Gordon MeDoug- N J ) ) leaf flavor that's nat 3 3 week He was driving a young [all, has rétirned home from Lawrence a p i : " : y is Jot alone for children, Dider heads RO Sa (he cutie & Ben ome Coaonte,. Mud Lake in ural aid to your teeth, take hear t, an phone pole. The dnbmal ran away. luchool has re-opened with former tea- gk i J : : «t+ 1 to ro it y it. As the telephone poles were in The |cher, Miss I. Kenfiedy, Godfrey, in NY] mo 0 : . Sy appetite, digestion, Thousands of ousewives have © Iditch abot from twenty t6 fifty feet | charge. Visitors: Truman Thomas at hd ATA \ { proved the economy of using "Beaver" from the highteay, it Is difficult to ]1 Bank's; Miss Lilian McDougall, at avold strikidg them. The cutter was]. Armstrong's; L. Manion, at J. our for all baking. 1a turned over, throwing fie decupants | Lanndgie's; Miss Penel ahd Miss Edna olit, and 'he 'was arrgzéd {nth the | Eady and Miss Morrison, spent - Wed. DEALERS--Write us for prices ou Feed, Coarse Grain and Cereals. cutter stick anothar © whith com- {nesday eviming at Mise L. Dougall's; A pletely smashed it to kindling, @a1-] 4. Thomas, Lavant, at Trout Lake THE T. A. TAYLOR CO. IDUTED, - CHATHAM, Oma, foWing the horse to get awdy. Be- hotel. Mr. and Mrs. C. Davis spent 1dés vulfiing 'the cutter the harness} Sundidy at 11. Bank's, Mrs, Stanley wag partly broken. Massey at Mra. W. J. Cox's At Banker Hill. News Fron Napanee. -- Bunker Hill, Jan. 28.--Many are| Napanee, Jan. 28.--The 'Napanee healing logs 'and Wood, a nufiber of | West ward school és closed on account mi . i of so many cases of scarlet fever. ses Ee A TY Mastér Teddy Frizzell is improving | g ! nicely afer 'ronchial 'pnetmonia Mies Lyella Hall, of Napanee, is vis- a : ds in Toronto. George H. seen " ng friends mn ge : % last in town. Miss Georgie Robin- 2 > TRIE RNR - &dn, davghteriof J. W. Robinson, dry 'E have always k i i 3 ic. T wz okay | goods merchant, is seriously ill of » pa Hays boopt Jip with bbe pbb That br N+otien REeuty' che he vag pheutonia. Mrs. James Roblin re- is our only reason for puiting on our Re et ditt' corn onse MBagher, of Belleville, spent Sunday d tiirned Wome on Sunday last after undergoing an operation in the Kingston general hospital a few R + weeks ago. Harry Hunter, of die = {1 g @ \ I N I Cm Royal hotel, {8 confined to his room 4 ' through illness Mr. and Mrs, Clatence Vine gave|' : ) J h 4 Pl : It's the a party list week in 'honor of Mr. and v , \ ; pies by ' So many of our friends have waited yearly for our , h Mrs: William ¥ine, Who are here) [lf Ew : o » PUire, at » ' an 3 - - rom thie West. Mrs. James Fitzpat- § . - / i healthful con- Red Letter Shoe Sale that we nitend keeping CP rick gave wn "at home to her lady| -_ ¢ ; ) ' aE faitn with them and holding our Annual Sale as : ers SY. Trius LY a died on| TE ; Be 1 7 fection. that old usnal although leather and materials have ad- A 4 18 a 'Tuesday morning, Jan. 27th, from al . 4 z - or young, strong or vanced so greatly, we were ed to discon- a Fie 8, pneumonia, 4ge 43 years.. The fun- Amy WE CS j ; w lea tinue oe oh the year np leh Re. NI 4 a teks et no Ry rete ; " 4 i aeak, ean enjoy with. 8 year uf Rx Grace Meflrodist aiurch to Riverside] [K ENS 4 9 ' imit -- wit ! = vault: The weather has been so mild © EN, TE 4 out limit without harm. . : . v : ny Ji § 2 here that the pink jis not fit <for on :. £9 How else can you get so , LN ha : - hockey matches or skating. Mas. 1 ATE : s 20% Off All Shoes in Stock Sos me a SER) "BP much enjoyment for a hick? 8 > feet, tire 3. ' oH. J £ : ge 'FH A 4 / 9 SALE STARS MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2ND Gooubye coma, calouses. buslons| 1 py ses Daniel Graves i] SN 7 Be SURE it's Wrigley's ess, no more limping with pam or | Tarrowsmith, Jan. 98 ~The funeral : . . drawing Up your fate tn agony: "TIZ" | of the lata Mrs. Dauiel.Graves took eh ES » and will be for a short time only. . x AIRY i Fight gol "IZ" piner from 'her home in' 'Harrow- "os 5 drawd oot all 'the 'polsonous exuds- ith vesterday sfténoon At two ] > fy Whi puft o> the feet. Use| o'clock. Rev. Me, 'Dowdell, of Sy- of twenty packages. It costs lessof ' "M17 od wekr smaller shoes. Usefdembham. conducted the Tameral ser . any dealer--and stays fresh until used : : "792" '4nd Yorget Your foot misery. | vices, at whieh' therewnn "& large - - . Ah? ho% comfortable your feet feel. | circle of. relatives. - friends and ac Get a 25 cent box of "TIZ" "now at|quairtanes present. "THe Boral tri- Chew it Made git ke any druggist or Gepartment store. | bites 'were vary THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES Jie iis lip isot en sia) a Section sion | § after every meal Wn. Wrigley Jr. Co. ship of Olen, = of Frontenac, 7 Scott St., Toronto, Ont, ri. never get tired. A year's foot{ aay 98th, 1861, aufl spént the early : COmIOF: guaranteed of money re-"daye of her life dn the locality of © = SEES RN 2 funded. _ "lgng Lele. 'The gréuter'part of her © ° : = --. -- ' : pat a3 AR . bagi RR 4 4h p al : . = : 9