Neuritis, or Inflammation of the nerves, is the most painful of nerv- ous 'aliments, You may feel the soreness or tenderness throughout the body, or it may be confined to certain In the head it is in the Hite and legs, sciatica; in the fice, tiedolor- eux, and in the chest, intercostal neuralgia. The application of dry heat affords relief from the lance-like pains. but the essential thing is to build up the exhausted nervous system by the nt uge such a restorative Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. * You will ve 'other symptonis to warn you the depleted condition of the us system, and this is your ep- rtunity to restore to the hody the rgy and vigor of health. While great food cure is instilling new ity junto the starved nerve cells also forming new, firm flesh and e, and, by noting your increase weight, yon can prove beyond bt. the benefit heing obtained by use. This Is nature's way of cur- diseases of the nerves, and it is only way to obtain lasting bene- t in 1 FLOUR Our Robina Hood brand of flour has a guarantee in every bag for good quality. ANDREW MACLEAN Ontario Street. Furniture! Furniture! 18 to 20% "A ding "wah .solemnized RL REID Leading Undertaker Phone 877 | Warm 'Footwear Make your feet glad by wearing a pair of Warm Felt Slippers: | Warm Felt Boots -ley's Bay and Elgin to be played . Tamworth, Jan. 98:=%r. and Mrs. L. 1 Wella, left on Monday last for London, Ont., to witpéss the marriage ot their oldest son, Archie, to a young lady of that city. W. JJ. Paull M.P,, is in* Oftawa attending commons. He is in the best of health, and not ok as wported. in the last week's corres- pondence, MEF Aanie Paul was in Ot- tawa at the opening of parliament, and attended the reception. James Ward has his skating rink running in first class order. The earmival held there Inst wedk, wag one of the finest ever held in Tamworth. The costames wera fine, and some very nice prices were given to the hest skaters in cos- tame. The Arden stage has started on its rural route three timed no week, between Tamworth and Arden, deliver- ing mail to every house on the route. The Snow Shoe Club was entertained at the home of PD. B. Floyd on Tues day last, when a most enjovable even- a KINGTON, ONTARIO, Fil ing was spent. UC. HM. Rose was in London on Tuesday last. Mr. Pope of Peterboro, was in London on Monday last. James Rogers had a valuable horse break its leg, om day this week. - ------------ 1 seeley's Bay Hockey Tam | Seeley's Bay, 28.--Secley's Bay hock- ¢y team has won {wo games so far this season. The game betwven Seel- at on ¥ Elgin, has been fwice postponed account of she mild weather. New- boro and Seeley's Bay will play: at the Seelay's Bay' rink next Saturday, weather permitting. Alfred Chapman and R. Brackeh, atiended the Ottawa inf last week. Last Wednesday evening at Carl Vanluven's of Battersed, and Miss Flossie Jamieson, Seeloy's Bay, were quietly married at the home of the bride, Rev. C. J. Curtis performed the ceromonyy only immediate friends were present. J. McAlman and. W. Maroughan are busy filling their ice houses the past few dgys. Last Thurs, day, Mrs. 8, Gardiner," was taken to the Kingston general hospital: for treatment. A. Masonic At' Home will | be held in the Masonic hall next Fri. | day eveming. 'J. McAlovan and GC. | Hartley are having a~ bee drawing | home a car load of soft coal from Cheesehorg station the past few days. J. A. Steacy returned home on Wed- neésday from a 'businvss trip to Brock- lle. Vai f We Wedded at Westport Westport, Jan. 27.--A pretty o in. Sty ward's church, Westport,* at o'clock, on Monday i 26th, united in marridge y ton, of Elgin, and Margaret A., ghter of T. milan, of" place. The bride, who was given weel- Jan. i i is th dy BR away by her father, wore a suit of serge, with waist of navy over Alice blue embroidered silk. A hat of navy pan plush added to the -attractiveness of the suit. She was attended by her sister, Nellie G. Scanlan, who wore a suit of fan | serge with black hat of pan plush, | brightened by a tango mount, while the groom was ably aswisted by his ! cousin, Dr. J. M. Dum, of Elgin. Rev. Dr. St. Joseph rendered the manner and the choir sang appropri- wedding march in a very pleasing ately. . t Aiter the ceremony the friends of the contracting parties accompanied them to the home of the bride where a sumptuons repast was served. Then amid showers 'of 'rice and good wish- es of their friends, the happy fair loft. by train for an extended trip to Ottawa. On their return they will reside at Elgin, where they hope lang to treasure the numerous and choice gifts which testified to the high es- teem in which they are held by their hosts of friends. The groom's gift to the bride was a 'heantiiul white prayer book, and to the bridesmaid and groomsman each a dainty sig net ring. ta navy ninon At Drishane, Australia, three wo- men were kil and seven seriously injured in a fire at the Salvation Army Reseue Home on Wednesday. The entire contents of the, building were consumed. A girl has confessed to having been the cause of outbreak. : «On attaining his one hundredth birthday, neis 'McManus, who (re- sides at ' land, east of Drock- ville, Was waited upon by a a- tion of the St. James Masonic lodge and presented with a handsome chair, Me, SleMnnus was the first candidate initinted in the lodge in 1834. For the first time on record, the cabinet was selected in New South Wafes by' ballot. Chimgo Man Who Carter, a physi sibly discovered a valuable antidote for use can concern, { Canadian .channel north of the bis {land in: ordér to prevent a : there, which would cause huge {of ice to go down the sor | put the power works o1 Municipalities BICHLORIDE ANTHX Took - Chicago, Jan, 29---Dr cian of this city, in case e in of 'bichloride of o1Isonmg, Its therapeutic value Theodore W rom the German Ten days ago. Evans, in a fi When he w administer the by chance Dr. Carter Thomas TE Mercury | + Discharged From Hospital has pos- mereury has been proved on guinea pigs, and on one hu man being Evans, a re vivalist connected with the Moody Bible Institute, who last night was discharged American hos) well and happy man. pital a t of des- pondency, took two five-grain tablets in the morning, and then took five tablets later in the day to the hespital it was thought he could live only a few hours at most Carter had little hope but decided to he had discovered was no operation discuss the ingredients of "the antidote but will 'give it 10 the world when it has been'tested further as taken Dr for bis patient, antidote Chere will net it NO ICE JAM PERIL NOW : ---- Ice Bridge 'Across the St. Lawrence Has Been Cut to Pieces Morrisburg, Jan, 20--All fears of an 3 and they orking ona sheet of ice thi arra's Point. The soft we roved a great help in the we {assena: Power. company is 'a It sent its nien tc it off e for the winter. . ice jam at the head of the Long Sault Rapids, wigh the resultant floods for many miles up the St. Lawrence rivér, are over for the present. { the Massena Power company, "warking With pS . saw a axes, have cut e ice. bridge, which formed hatin Cro Island Tod ran's' Point canal, | down 'the rapids, Employees of between the Far- and sent it 'in picces | Spiracy to defraud. The act are now s side of ather has wk. The 1 Ameri- » clea bloc masse ith Sault : mmission QUEBEC FOR GEORGIAN BAY Support Montreal Chamber of Commerce Montreal, Jan. 29.--That jority of the municipalities province of Quebee and of its re sentatives in parliament, as well S the Chambers of Commerce and labor unions, were giving their entire sup- port fo the Chamber of Commerce of the district of Montreal in its demand for the immediate construction of the Georgian Bay canal was the submitted to that body at its meet- ing vesterday afternoon Frigon, chairman of the special com- mittée appointed to enguire into this question. hy All the answers the. chamber in proceed the ma- of the pre-, as report A. SP. 0 without | excepfion were approving of the move | made by the government to delay with the 'construetion of canal. urging | without the CANADA CEMENTS MOVE cipl Times London, Jan. 29.--Comment the Canada Cement fact that shares rose the plant dominion, IF PEEVISH, FEVERISH, TONGUE COATED, GIVE "FRUIT LAXA- ! TIVE" AT ONCE. » No matter what alls your child a laxative should be the first treatment given. Look at the tongue, mother! If coated, it is a sure sign your "little one's" stefach fiver and bowels need a gentle, thorough ¢ ) once. When cross, peevish, pale, doesn't sleep, eat, or act natur- ally; if breath is bad, stomach-sour, system full of cold, throat sore, or if feverish, give a of fornia of few ! bowels child: again. . a children meedn't be coaxed to lions o and sure. SYRUP OF FIGS" and you have a well Sick harmless fruit laxa of "California Syrup Commented Upon by London Finan- ing upon company's posi tion, 'the Financial Times says that the degree of importance attached by the. market to the announcement that the company is closing a portion ite plgnt may be gathered from the yesterday the $100 7 per cent. preference The step, it says, will temporarily re- | duce ithe output, but will allow of the | averliauling = of view of more efficient working later, whilst the restriction of will stimulate the prices of cement in the 4+ to 96. wifh the | the outpat , playful tive. Mil- mothers Keep it handy be- cause they know its action on the stomach, liver and bowels is prompt They also know a little given to-day saves a sick child to- OTTOW. Ask 'your druggist for a bottle 50 eent of Figs," which contains directions for bubies, "plainly on' the bottle. counterfeits sold here. tempt. children of all ages and for grown- Beware Get the genuine, made by "California Fig Sy- yup Company." Refuse any other of | A. | { OF H. PULLMAN EVANS, FUGI- TIVE- FROM JUSTICE FOL- LOWING THE COLLAPSE OF UNION 1AFE. t Union life men must face trial. Criminal charge follows evidence tak- en after searching inquiry The wreck of the Union Life Insuranct | company and the subsequent inquiry {on Jehalf of 'the British sharehold- { ers, has been followed by the arrest in { Toronto of Henry Symers, K.C., and the issuing of warrants for the ar- jrest of H. Pullman Evans, who is now in. France; George E. Milli- | Champ, who is fll in a sanitarium at Guelph, and F. G. Hughes, of 'Galt; who was {aKdn. Sato wat Ad {-mornton, The org hd ion of the Crown, while not unexpepied . : , Creat {ed a sensation, for {Wo 'of the indiet- | ed men have been quite prominent In business for a decade. Mr. Sym- | ong was; for @ time, the prospective Unionist nominee for the ' British { House of Commons in Walthamstow. | The noniinatjon was never confirmed { because his personal views did not wholly coincide with Unionist poli- | cles, Bail' was granted in three {securities of $5,000 'each, or $15, 000 in all. TESTIFY AGAINST CANADA Investigation Being - Conducted Committee of U. S. Senate { Washington, Jan. 29--How Canada | has paid the Western Newspaper union {$42.000 a year for the last twelve years to circulate reading matter about the Dominion through the medium of "Pa | tent insides," which the Union furnishes {1o. newspapers was told to the Senate | Lobhy committee yesterday" by George A. Josyln, of Omaha, president of the Uni and Alfred Washington, vertising manager Yosyln testified that the mater so'ecir culated was marked "Advertisement" and {was designed to indoce © Americans to ¢migrate to Canada. Washington testified under cross ex- amination that he did not think it un by ifs ad patriotic- nor disloyal to his country to | circulate such miter. Canada's' interior department, he said, paid the' Western Newspaper Union one dollar a" column or 'all 'such material the newspaper used. : W. I. White, Canadian official _ in {charge of immigration agencies in the United States, appeared voluntarily to | sav the Dominion government spent | $70,000 a year advertising in the United | States for immigrants. He added that he did not disparage the United States {in the 'advertising he handled Se ------------ ARISTOCRACY IN PERIL | Duke, Duchess and Lord Stranded Yacht. Aboard steam yacht Warrior, with Mr. Mrs. F. W. Vanderbilt, the Duke nnd Duchess of Manchester and Lord Fal conor abourd, was reported aground off the coast of Colombia by a United Fruit ¢ y wireless, message re- ceived The 'message stated {that the Warrior went on the rocks } a Cape Agaptia, near Savanilla; thet she was in a dangerous position, an the United Froft Steaner Fra ho was hurrying to the scene to take off the passengers apd crew. = The War rior was bound for Colon. A wreck- ing tug has Beem summoned from Kingston, Jamaica, according to th * message. Thie Warrior is 255 foot in length, 1,907 gross tonnage aad is equipped with wireless, . She wa built at Tron , Scotland, i 1904, A later tech reported everyo or Fone was taken of More than 7,000 persons are: home- less to-day in the district about St. Petersh swept by the cyclone . Thousands nufacturing and railroad and. river. traffic Lm a standstill in many. quarters. IMPOSING ROSEDALE RESIDENCE | ation. | New Orleans, La.; Jan. 29: The! and | AY, JANUARY 80, 191 ig wn Stops Nasty Discharge, Clears Stuffed Head, Heals Inflamed Air Passages snd You Breathe Freely. Try "Ely's Cream Balm." Get a small bottle anyway, just to try it--Appiy*a little in the nos- trils and instantly your clogged nose and stopped up air passages of the DRASTIC MEASURES URGED. To Fight Smallpox Epidemic Niagara Falls, Albany, N.Y, gram to Dr. Edward Clark, of Bufia lo, a member of the state health coun ¢il of the district in Falls is located, Dr. Herman M. Biggs the state s drastic methods for fighting the small pox epidemic in the latter city. commissioner proposed the closing o all churches, theatres and places ol amusement. immediately, and ! factories or the exclusion of unvacci nated persons from them. He also re quested Dr. Clark to call the atten advised of whatever wag taken by the that he ior the action, if any health stamp out the disease, there were 127 active" cases of s 1912, he position to vaccination had made impossible to check it. SAILS FOR'S. A. FFB. 7 London, ~~ Jan. 29.~The For Canada July 20 ing a fortnight there, the commission. ers Will proceed to port Elizabeth and other chief cities in the difierent pro. up at Johénnesburg Upon returning to Eng- land the commission may stop for a vinees, fishing on April lst. short sititng in London before leavi for Canada on July 20th. It wil spend four travelling as far as Vancouver, returning via Fdmonton. OFFER OF ASQUITH Declined Carson. To Ulster is by London, Jan. 29.--According 'to the Daily Mail, Premier Asquith proposed in the course of the recent conferénces with Bonar Law, the! unionist s on the subject of home rule for Ive land, to concede to Ulster adnfnistra: tive autonomy on condition that Us ter submit voluntarily to the tive authority of a. parliament lin. he unionist leader refused to con sider this solution, accept it would blind Ulster to code what the not to concede. to bring about an unparalleled' famine ip the world's greatest practically x to work under the old conditions. Mr. and Mrs. {of their only daughter, Dell Amanda, {0 Charles Hanson Greer, the mar- | riage to take place the third week in : February. . WHAT 15 OLD AGE? Some Younger at 63 Than Others Are at 40 Years. Old age is 'not marked by years, hut by the stiffened frame; the hard- ened tissues and arietige. | So many people whom you meet | about the time they reach forty be igin by saying, "I can't do this, and I can't do ® at siting old now," the; in ou. feel old and they are appearance than many who are much more advanced in years, . 3 "When you begin to feel old, your energy begins to fail, voursel up with our delicious liver and iron tomie, Vimol.' Tt is a wo blood-maker and strength- "8. C. Kives, of Corinth, Miss. . "I am seventy-five: years oll poar and 3 and my blood was. very in a run-down condition 1 must have 8 .~ Vinol | commended and strength until well as ever." of at Jan. 30.--In a tele which Niagara health commissioner, urged The either { the. elosing: of all\ schools, hotels and | tion of the mayor to the telegram and urge him to convene a meeting of the local authorities to take up the situ. The commissioner asked to be mayor, and added hoped it would be possible department to work jointly with the local authorities and In a signed statement Dr. Biggs skid - pox in Niagara Falls. An epidemic of the disease started in the spring of averred, but continued op- it Dominions Royal Commission Leaves royal commission will sail ng {Africa on Febfuary Tth, arrivi Cape Town on the 24th, Alter spend. at months in the dominionf and Leader | alleging that to unionists have sworn The London strike of coal waggon drivers and porters, which threatened fuel : city, came to an end on Wednesday when all the strikers returned Joseph Stavenson, ' Wellington, announce the engagement {hat, beeause . I'm build cod . 1 was ui : re- t - built up my Lily as strong and head will open; you will breathe freely; dullness and headache d!s- apepar. By morning! the catarrh, cold-in-head or catarrhal gore throat will be gone. End such misery now! Get the | small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm" at any drug store. This sweet, frag-| rant balm dissolves by the, heat of: SPECIAL i i we will sell for 25 per cent. same discount. Men's, Boys' and Ladi Tea can be had on demand. Black, Green or Mixed. FREE Sample Packet on Enguiry. Address: 8A) ANA * Yoroate OPENS UP CLOGGED NOSTRILS. AND HEAD IN ONE MINUTE---ENDS CATARRH MISERY - rin PAGES 9 TO 12 ly use Teas of uncertain quality and value, when delicious Sealed Packets Only. ax the nostrils; peneirates and heals the inflamed swollen membrane | which lines the nose, head aud: throat, clears the air passages; stops nasty discharges apd a feéling of cleansing, soothing relief comes jm mediately. s 4 Don't lay awake to-night strug- gling for breath, with head stuffed nostrils closed, hawking and blow- ing. Catarrh or a cold, With its run- ning nose, foul mucous dropping in- to the throat, and raw dryness is distressing but try: needless. Put your faith-~just onee--in "Ely's Cream Balm" and your eold or catarrh will surely disappear. Agent, Geo. W. Mahood, ATTENTION.. We are now taking stock and have a large quan- tity of Men's Suits, Boys' Suits, Men's Pants, which off for cash. Also a large assortment of Ladies' Skirts, which we will sell at . es' Boots and Rubbers. These will also be sold at 25 per cent. discount. Call in and take advantage of this January Sale. sy oon LOCAL OPTION--Residents ALE --- STOUT -- LAGER'| Pure -- PaLatasLe -- Nutrimous -- BEVERAGES FOR SALE BY WINE axp SPIRIT MERCHANTS EVERY WHERE can, legally order from this brewery whatever they - require for personal or family use. 'Write to JOHN LABATT, Loaren, Lonpon, CANADA in the local option districts 5 ZIAAAAAAAAAND AANA DANA J McParland, Agent, NOT BOOMING SUBSTITUTE Vatican Indignant at Article Cabled to This Country. Rome, Jah. 29.--The Vatican is in- dignant at an article which appeared yesterday in La Temps, of Paris, and was cabled to Canada saying that the pope saw nothing wrong in the tango, itself, but objected to the ex- treme manner of dancing article added that the Pontiff was| booming a new dance intended to] take the place of the tango. i . Vatican officials denounced the! atory as-baseless nonsense. They said that the pope has no interest in| dances of any kind, and never has in- terested himself in matters of such it. The« AYA NY YAO AT OTA 339.341 King Street 0 --ct For nursing mothers | Na-Dru-Co Laxatives offer the important advant- _ age that they do not disturb the rest of the system or affect the child. 25¢c. a box at your Druggist's. a trivial nature. The only way in| which he has taken action in regard { to the tango was by approving the: condemnation of that "dance dssued' by the cardinal vicar recently. WEDS AT SIXTEEN iran Daughter of Late Mayor of New York Bride of Magnate's Son : New York, Jan. 2 -Sazientyoar-cid $ Marion Gaynor, fourth and youngest | daughter of the late Mayor W. J. Gaynor, was married here y to 'Ralph Heywood Isham, twenty- ! thrée years of , son of Henry Hey: | wood Isham, New Jersey capitalist and president of the Marietta; Colum-