Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Jan 1914, p. 10

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What adds more to a good breakfast --what is more So than a cup of | coffee P What is simpler to make ?P Why deprive yourself of .this morning luxury when costs but one cent a cup P CHASE L SANBORN, MONTREAL. 14 DRUGS EXCITE, YOUR KIDNEYS, USE SALTS IF YOUR BACK HURTS OR BLAD. DER BOTHERS, DRINK LOTS ' OF WATER. When your kidneys hurt and your back feels sore, don't get scared and proceed to load your stomach with a lot of drugs that excite the kidneys and irritate the entire urinary traet Keep your kidneys clean like yo. keep your bowels clean, by flush ing them with » mild, harmles salts, which removes the body' urinous waste and stimulates them to their normal activity. The func tion of the kidneys is to filter the blood. In 24 hours they stral from it 500 grains of acid amc 'waste, so we can readily understan the vital importance of keeping the kidneys active. Drink lots of water--you can' drink too much; also get from am) pharmacist about four ounces of Jac Salts; take a tablespoonful in a glas: of water before breakfast eacl morning for a few days and yow kidneys will act fine. This famou: salts is made from the acid of grape: and lemon juice, combined wit} lithia, apd has been used for gen erations to clean and stimulate clogged kidneys; also to neutralize the acids in urine so it no longer ir a source of irritation, thus endin; bladder weakness. : Jad Salts is inexpensive; canno injure; makes a delightful efferver cent lithia-water drink which every one should take now and then. keep their kidneys clean and active Try this, also keep up the wate: drinking, and no doubt you wii wonder what became of your kid ney trouble and backache. Agent Geo. W. Mahood. GRAND UNION "HOTEL "=; -- ATER SS slit ; " 7 INSUCHPAIN WOMAN TORE HER CLOTHES Testifise She Was Restored to Health Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable poy LE ! as cer- Cn ee tainly done me a lot mers Cathsiani 31 n a astic dis. hy Ba ne RY: eld w as af wi er of the rod, aad" oa ey a fine salmon e waters of and the Tweed; but; a oh Deiat Mow! 3 say, Majesty was Hot awfu' enthusiastic," a de tion 'which, we may be sure, Deon Stewart, King George's devoted com panion and henchman on many a fishing expedition, would never apply to the present occupant of the throne of Ragland. "I love a gun," King con: my "but Ise avh; with the lon, ing these in the royal preserves of Abergeldie and Balmoral, remote from courts and the crowds of ren, that His Majesty has spent some of the most delightful days of his life. Every spring for many' years past the Rig has spent several weeks at Abergeldie, indulging to the 'full fn his favorite pastime. Usually with only one companion, 8i¥ arles Cust, he makes his headquarters at a small, two-storeyed house, Abergeldie Miins, a few yards distant from the ancient castle. Here he leads the simple, primitive life, rising early, faring plainly, and living entirely for his sport. He usually starts at about ten o'clock in the morning, with his companion and a couple of atten- dants--Donald Stewart, His Majesty's head gamekeeper, and Arthur Grant, the gillie, have mostly been his com- panions of the bumbler sort--and he devotes the whole day to the rod, smoking mild cigarettes almost in- cessantly. About noon a earriage btings luneh: con to the pools where His Majesty is motkiog, and Wat a smoke and rest on t bank fishi is Tesued as long as the light when return for dinner is made. A post prandial cigar and a ip, veer the day's sport follow, and then it ds early to bed for a good night's rest before the next day's ing. It was at these waters of Abe that the King first learnt the gentle art of wielding a rod, near years ago, with his father n frown a mentols, and has sil 5 iis delight at landing his 3 one spring day in the early ile and Brown's enthusiastic "Guid! Ye'll mak a braw feesher some day, Prince Geordie." The King, we are told, uses an 18 foot, split-cane, steel rod, in preierence to the beloved pt Dee fishermen, and most of his fish | have been taken with the fly. As a caster he has few equals, and he is | an expert in every form of tackle. Not long ago, it is said, so keen was he on testing a new form of tack which had been sent to St, James's Palace for his inspection he tually left a levee which was i \progress in order to gratify his curi sity, The weather has no terrors for Hi Majesty, and during one terrible week of blizzards, frosts, and how! i rendered 10 Charles II. The sum in question is a ann! ed by the time of the years it carried spon nand and so forth. ges have become 'word 'Mayor of Dublin The Discovery of Blotting-Paper, Blotting: was discovered pure. ly by ----_-- Some was being made one Berkshire, when t to put in The xi ole of the gar as being prietor of the mill desired note shortly afterwards, a piece of waste paper, a fe hy spread to Finds Mammoth's Tou A str id was made a other day man was closed the tooth of a mammoth in perfect state of preservation. 1% that of a large raminant, and: ys 12 pounds 13 ounces. . line it measured a inches, whilst it in beight and found - 8 long i . ing & as this one d Sympathy For Queen. Th M recently Acsived al {ot than 1.08 of con {olence alone, even more than that number of letters, The Billy Allen Musical Comedy company at the Grand all next week opening on Monday night with "The Three Twins." Depended: on His. Friends A man seeking #0 purchase a new hat visited a haberdashery shop the other day 'with the proprietor of which he was on very intimate terms. After trying on several of the I test fashions he caspally inquired price of the hat. that it was wold at $3. 'I'sn't that rather steep " remarked "Isn't it possible for you to make a reduction fcr me? 1 have been dealing, With you for the the customer, the He was infored past ten years, and it seems to me that the price is a trifie high." "It is impossible for me to lower my price," curntly replied the propri- etor." . "Now, my dear man," the other again asked, "can't you make some contesgions for an old friend?" "Because of our friendship you want me to mako a reduction," said the ower, dismissing the subject. Don't you kpow that 1 depend upon the support of my friends, because my enemies dom. patronize me E-------------- Easy and Practical Suggestions FOR THE HOME DRESSMAHKER This dress is both pretty and practi- cal and there are two or three differ- ent ways of changing its appearance, all of which are effective. For in- stance, the rever may he omitted and the front of the waist be 18t plain, with a tuck at either side. Buttons are smart featured as a trimming, or braiding may be used for the collar and revers. The design is carried out in cotton voile but is also suited to development in other materials, The dress is made " stitch as illustrated and press. VOILE AND BRAID. Practical and pretty frock of one piece design, carried out in cotton voile trimmed with braid. without a lining and the collar may have a round, square or high outline. There are also two ways of finishing the collar~with pointed 'or square ds. For a woman of average size, it requires 7% yards of 27-inch or 434 yards of 36-inch material to make the dress. ' In using the 44-inch material, it will be necessary to open the goods before placing the pattern on it. The front and back geres may be arranged on one end, then the goods should be folded and the front and back of the waist, sleeves, revers and collar ar- ranged to best advantage and pre- pared for cutting. Now, put the waist together. First close the shoulder seam, then tuck, creasing on slot perfrations in fromt and back; stitch 34 inch from fold, Place "T" on small "o" perforation at lower edge of front. Close under- arm seam as notched. Gather lower cdge of front and back between dou- hle "TT" perforations. Se'wstay to lower edge, centers even, small "o" perforation at 'under-arm seam. Sew rever to front and collar to neck edge as notched. Close the sleeve seam, stitching as notched; try on the sleeve to sce that it needs no alteration, then sew in armhole as notched easing in any ful- ness. » For the skirt, turn under edge of right front gore on slot perforations, lap on Teft front gore, centers even (large *O" perforations indicate cen- ter-front); stitch from single large "QO" perforation to lower edge. Join gores as notched, close cenmter-back scam, Form inverted plait at center. back creasing on slot perforations, bring folded edge to center-back: Sew to lower edge of waist, over stay, cen- ters even. f If desired the rever may 'be used and the collar omitted. in which case a separate collar may be worn. This gives one an opportuftity to employ a variety of rieck trimmings, thus chang- ing the appearance. of a waist. CUTTING GUIDE S441 = 5 - a f= BACK GORE H The revers§ may be omitted, however, and buttons § substituted for the chief decorative effect. * y'Patgated April 30, 1907. measure. "No. 5441. Sizes 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44 and 46 inches bust These Home Dre sssmaking articles are prepared especially for this newspaper from the very latest styles by The Pictorial Review. | wm fo embellishment of their cit- les. The great public structures, the then erected have withstood the rav- ages of time and still remain the won- der of subsequent centuries. During the middle ages the cities of Italy, France, Germany and the Netherlands similar monuments expressive again in the twentieth century the German people ave expressing their pride in the fatherland and the impe- rial aspirations of Germany in monu- "ments. of the same permanent charac- ter and artistic splendor. Capital cities like Berlin, Munich and Dresden as well as more commercial cities like Dusseldorf, Mannheim, Frankfort, Co- logne, Wiesbaden and Stutigart are vying with one another in the beauti- ful, the orderly and the serviceable. Important as are the honesty and the efficiency of the German city; it is the bigness 'of vision, boldness of execu- tion and farsighted outiook on the fu- ture that are most amazing. Germany is building her cities as Bismarck per fected the army before Sadowa and Sedan, as the empire is building its warships and merchantmen, us she de- velops her waterways aud educational systems.--Frederic C. Howe in Scrib- ner's, The King Edward Glass In a curio cabinet which occupies a corner in the drawing room of a hand- somely furnished New York tome there is a red and white Bohemian glass tumbler of odd shape. At first glance it looks as though it had been trodden upon and flattened out. On one flat side Is a raised picture of the Sprudel at Marienbad and ou the other a landscape. The curious drinking ves- sel when it was new fell one morning from the hands of a little girl at the German spa and broke iuto four pieces. She carried the pieces home and said that a "stout gentleman had picked them up and said they could be put together again." This a jeweler succeeded in doing by means of wire and carefully drilled holes. The ves- sel has always been known in the fam. fly as the "King Edward glass" be- cause the late King Edward was "the stout gentleman" who rescued the pleces and soothed the child in her misfortune, Shocking Shoes. You will often run across a jolly looking individual who wears a button on which is a' figure which looks like a little ved devil. He belongs to the Order of the Rejuvenated Sons of Jove and must necessarily be an elec- trical man. The order is national in its scope and includes electrical sales. me¢n, engineers, inventors, manufactur: ers and others engaged iu electrical callings. - Every once in awhile the order holds a "rejuvenation." It had one at the last electrical show fin Chicago. It is told that they had a pair of "electrical shoes" there through which the luckless initiate, before his rejuvenation was esteemed complete, received most startling shocks, ~Pop- ular Electricity. Warring Against the White Plague. New York city, Boston and London have already cet im balf their death rates from tuberculosis. Why stould not the smaller cities and rural com- munities, where conditions are uiore favorable, do likewise? No tuberculo- sis in 1920 fs put forth as a hope only. Yet some are optimistic enough to be- lieve that it expresses a hope that will not be long deferred, and every effort is 'being made to come as near as may be possible to its realization. A roll of kopor has been established, including those cities and counties which are making provision for the control of tuberculosis.--~Review of Reviews. :. AGlass For Ailing Pupils. Miss: Katherine Nolan is #1 charge of a remarkable class in one of the public schools on the lower east side of New York. The class is composed of pu- pils of all ages. The one thing they have in common is that they are all All one side of the room set aside for this. class is composed of - windows. which are kept open all the time. Out- side these windows is a broad balcony. where the desks are moved for 'the aft- ernoon session. It js said that a week or two in this room help all the chil dren. The Famous Dudley Pearl. The famous Dudley pearl has been bought by an American purchaser and is now in this country. where it is like Iy to remain. It Weighs 200 grains and ciime origindlly from the Inditn {<liee- ies. At one time It: belonged to the Spanish royal family, and there is a painting of 48 In the royal galleries ay | Madrid. 1t was stolen from Spain' aud -was unheard of for several years, when it rea; and was bought by the Earl of + who has flow sold it to the present owner, who is anony- mous, ' Keli RAL We once knew. a girl who could keep a "secret. was to a young man. for threes - before he even ailing, not itl, but just not exactly weit. | OILING THE ATLANTIC. d thinly over the water, a calming can be done: at: small expense. A quart of cheap petroleum. an hour for each ship would, they say, do the work in de cent weather, and $25 per trip ought 'to cover it easily. With the big liners constantly passing the part carried away by the ocean currents would be restored without delay. Maybe some day we shall have a wrecking crew to repair . midocean washouts in the oil track. Meanwhile the hydrographic office will need more than crude oil to calm the storm of ridicule which this plan of theirs has awakened. Veteran sea captains claim that they have never yet seen an ocean that would hold still long enough to be olled.--~Success Magazine. Arctio Magnetism. The campaign for the extension of our knowledge of the magnetism of the earth is to be regions during Captain Amund- polar expedition, which is Norway this summer bis aim, and he exbects to be absent about four years~Youth's Companion. Any man who would stand well with the female 6f the species can give up his seat to her in a crowd- ed car. . extended into the* mii some. ay ' £ an) drug store for "Wyeth's Sa » Sulphur Hair Remedy," you will get a large bottle of this famous old recipe for about 50 cents. } Don't stay gray! Try it! No one can possibly tell that you darkened your hair, as it does it so naturally and evenly. You dampen & spo! or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a"time; by morning the gray hair disappears, and after an- other application or two, your hair becomes beautifully dark, thick and glossy. Agent, Geo. W. Maohod. . (Limited) Head of Queen Street. Courses in bookkeeping, shorthand, typewriting, '¢ivil service, general improvement, and all commercial subjects Rates moderate. Informae tion free. H.F. Metcalf - Principal Ask Your Doctor Ask your doctor how often he prescribes an 'alcoholic stimu- lant for chi . "He will prob- ably say, "Very, very rarely." Ask him how often he pre- scribes a tonic for them. He will probably SHWE LS Very, very en ask him i - ontreal, Canada. 88 Princess C OAL ! Scranton Coal Is good coal and we guardntee prompt delivery Booth & Co. Totoi Watt LADIES' and MEN'S, BOY'S and GIRL'S Hockey Shoes AT VERY LOW PRICES, BUY YOUR SKATING SHOES Treadgold Cycle and Sporting Goods Co. Phone h 3 it Ror ates credit Is apt ta. be 500d #5 long as bis money: lasts; Sia . ¥ Thirty Use For Over

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