Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Jan 1914, p. 9

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SPRIT OF DISCONTENT ALL OV. \ . ER THE WORLD, -------- Kingston Writer Deals With the Un. rest of the Peoples and Nations of the World ~~ Something Tragic Will Happen #f Statesmen and Governments Are Not Wise, Kingston, Jan. 12--(To the Editor): The unrest 3 the peoples and nations of the 'world, is very great. Don't you think 'something very tragical will hap- gy en long, if statesmen and gov- ernments are pot very wise in their day "and generation. Think of the condition of affairs in Europe and in China, and even. down in Mexico on our, own con- tinent. "All over the face of the earth » the people are restless, not satisfied with their status, political, social and econ- omic. Not only empires and monarchies are being weighed in the balance, but democracy is also on trial, public to the south of us there has Leen a great political upheaval, and the people have chosen a "new man," and hope a wise man, and a good leader. The United States ought to be the first nation 'in the world io give economic freedom to the people, but to do so they hive some big problems to salve. Some years ago, Henry George, in a hook called "Progress and Poverty," pointed out the inevitable tendency un- der prevailing economic and political systems for the wealth produced by the many to become contentrated into the hands offthe few. And he had the history of various nations back of him to prove his coutention that when wealth becomes concentrated nations de- penerdie and finally fall, or cease to be great, as Assyria, Greece and Rome. Siuce he wrote that book this con- cetitration of wealth has gone on more rapidly than éver, perhaps, in the his- tory of the world in his' own country, the Upited. Sfates, and in Great Bri- tain, also, until today ane per cent. of the population of the United States, own ninetyshifle pes 'cent cof all the wealth of that country of vast resources, while millions of men are idle and poverty is the lote of mjjlions more. Thoughtful 'mer naturally ask why this is 80 in the face of the marvellous progress. mdde ii science and the me- chanical arts, during the last century? When resour€es are unlihited and ma- chinery . can increase production a hundredfold, why should any want or starve or go hungry and cold? grand old scientist gnd social reformer, Alfred Russel Wallace, whose death oc- curred Nov, 7th "startled the world)" it is said; by declaring on the occasion of his. ninetieth birthday, Jan. 8th last, that "the progregs of the last century had renited Tae worst social system the + world had ever seen." Henry George diagnosed the case bet- ter, perhaps, than any other man has ever dope, and no doubt he was right in the Rredt-Loidemsital cause, namely Re tad Sur resources. ¢ has also pr a remedy, which is perhaps, 'MOLE pratticadle than any * other ever pri ted by any reformer of modern. tines: although some of ns who have given totigiderable time to the study of cl probe cannot see that it is a soluflon.of the whole ccon- omic problem. Every child born on the face of the earth, However, should have an equal right to the use of the land. That ought to be an axiom of social science. Henry George proposes to satisfy this claim by a system of taxa- tion called. "single tax," which property spcaking, is nota tax, hut the taking of the "unearned Mcrement" or the "econ- omic rent" of land from the individual possessor of laud, (the term "land" in- cludes all natural resburces), and using it for the good of he community as a In the re- | That{ for all public purposes, and leave the individual free of all taxation. The wisdom of such a system is being recognized by progressive communities in varfous places and adopted in a modified form by. various legislative bodies thybughout the world; and, but for the. prejudice of one man who is the "House of Lords" in Onatrio, we would have it introduced here. The problem of poverty is a very serious one not only for the individual but for the state, and until it is solved civilization is a failure. Henry George 7 A SMART COAT. Of rainproof cloth, lined to the waist, Ax will be observed the sleeves are set-in, andathe coat is provided with roomy side pockets and a semi- belt. It can be arranged with revers or buttoned, up to the throat, thereby affording protection to the chest attacks the problem at the base, but in the coniplex life of modern society with ts various occupations and. industries and systems of trade' and finance, we fear much more will have to be done than taxing land values, and the cxemp- HAIR STOPS FALLING, DANDRUFF DISAPPEARS---25 CENT. DANDERINE IL MAKE 1'PSOF TI SAVE YOUR FLUFF ¥ 300 8 AND Ye -- Try as you Will; after an applica- tion of Danderifie. you cannot find a single trace of druff or falling hair and your sealp will not itch, but 'what, will pl You most, will bs after a few use, when you see 'new hair, ing 48d downy at first-- yes--but really. pow hair--growing all over the sealp. E A little ne immediately 'doubles the bea! of your hair: No difference how. dull, faded, brirfle and scraggy, just moisten 'a cloth with Danderine and carefully draw it through your hair, taking . one small strand at a time. The effec. is immediate and amazing--your hair will be light, fluffy and wavy, and have an appearance of abu dance; an incomparable lustre, soft. ness and luxuriance, the Beauty and shimmer of true hair health. Get a'25: cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderine from any drug store or toilet counter, and prove that your hair is as pretty and soft as any-- that it has peen neglected or injured by careless treatment--that's all. ---- Crooks Half-Starved Python | down legis ting of improvements, or even the con- And, in fact, our author recognizes this in his second book, "Social Problems." It does not appear to me that single tax will reorganize society, and without a reorganization the problem cannot be solved. We have had one other man since George's time whose cconomic teaching is a distinet advance on thé "unearned increment" theory. Edwanl Bellamy in his most fascinating book, "Equality," covers a wider field and proposes to not only abolish rent but interest and profits as well. To do this any one can see that it would be neces- sary to reorganize our financial _sys- tems, a not inpossible task, but one that will take tinte, and no doubt will be done gradually. ¢ To practically abolish -interest or re- duce it to a minimum all that is required would be to establish co- operative banking on a system of credits in which the charges would be merely for management and clerical work, This system is already being. introduced: in cultirists, and could be extended to in- clude all classes of the community, and the awful moloch (interest) who rests neither night nor day but keeps constant- ly guawing 'at our vitals whether we work, play or pray, would be destroyed. Some good Christians would compel us to rest on Sunday, and rest is good for man or beast, but this monster never rests, and how can we, for he must be fed? The man for whom this monster works wends his way to worship on a Sabbath morning thinking himself a re- spectable citizen, if not a good Chris- qtian, while the poor man eworn out with work to feed his family and the moloch, without respectable cloths to attend - church, is compelled to stay at home when he is not his job, guiding the wheels of some great institution grinding out dividends or the holders of "watered stock": and then some people are foolich enough to ask the question, "What is the matter with the church, etc." It is tot the churches that are fundamentally wrong, but the economic systems of modern society. He who sces this and does not work to reform them is not worthy the name Christian--S. A. AYKROYD. SNAKE AS AID IN ROBBERY to Frighten Guests, Munich Jan. 22--Two intermation- 'jal crooks were arrested at a hotel here for a peculiar attempt at rab- .~ The men had a half-starvad Python with which, it is alleged, they intended to' stampede the guestd b turning it loose in thie corridor. ey figured that the excitement which i| would follow would enable them t | ransack the rooms of guests. ---------------- Commission Rule. Guelph, Jan. 22--Guelph city coun- cil will memoralize 'the Ontario gov- erament 40 appoint a commission to Investigate the question of municipal goverment, with a view to bringing lation that will authorise urban: municipalites with a population of 10,000 or more to have govern ment by commission or Iv some other system that is likely to lead to more economy and better management. i -------- + Rochester Mag Falls to Death Washington, Jan. 21---The discp pearance of Forest E. Louth, o Rochegter, N. Y., chief commissary steward of the battleship Wyoming, was reported to the Navy Department by wireless. Louth is believed to have fallen overboard. He was last seen on Jag- vary 15. The Wyoming is now Culebra, Porto Rica. Grasshoppers Attack Crops Austin, Tex., Jan. 21--Midsumme: weather for t+n days has brought out such numbers of grasshoppers in Hamilton county, Central Texas, that the Statd Department of Agriculture was appealed to to-day to assist in preventing these insects from ravag- ing 'crops. ai George Spencer, of Winnipeg, who for some. time bas been on the staff of the railway commission there, bas been appointed chief operating of- ficer of the commission. « Archibald Cooper; 'Dunasville, said to be ithe oldest mason in the world, died on Tuesday, aged ninety-three. He is said to have been a mason for seventy-six years. : The Logdon council has adopted the agreement between the city and the London street railway: company for the runing of Sunday cars. fiscation of the entire economic rent.' some countries, especially among agri-. orced to stay ou. ONTARIO, THURSAY, JANUARY 22, to the winning team. SURRENDERED TO DEPUTIES -- After Keeping Them at Bay ¥or a Week. Summerdale, N.Y., Jan. 21.--Ed- ward A. Beardsley, who blufied the sherifi and kept from fifty to one bundred sherifi's deputies at a dis- tance from his home for wvearly a week, following his shooting of Re- lief Officer Putnam, this morning at daylight surrendered to the authori- ties. : "Nine children with him have been given over to relatives. They are quickly recovering from the ef- fects of short ratioms.' Beardsley was quige tractable in the hands of the police. ; . EE ------------ Farmer Shot Wife. Erie, Pa, Jan. 21--As Mrs. Jay Cole of Conneaut township, Erie county, was leaving her home with 'her son ta visit his nome, her hus- band shot her with a rifie, probably fatally, and then killed himself with the same woapon. The Coles had been married less than. a year. Carl Griffey, a son of Mrs. Cole by a form- er marriage, witnessed the shooting. Cole was a wealthy farmer. Hon, Frank Cochrane has given no- tice of \@ bill 'to extend for a vear the She for completing = the prairie section of the Grand Trunk Pacific, and also the time for its taking in the eastern section of the Trans- continental railway. In London arrangements are in pro- gress for placing a loan of £3,500, 000 of Calgarv. issue at 97, less 13 per cent., bearing 5 per cent. Militia orders apmounce the retire- ment of Col. ¥. M. Gaudet, Roval Canadian Artillery. Bennet Burleigh, famous war cor- respondent, 'whose 'retirement from ac- tive service was announced recently, and revived many recollections of his Canadian experiences, 'is seriously ill in London. . Dr. C. S. B. Fairbapks, a' resident of Cobourg for the last twenty vears, died very!suddenly yetterday, inp his fifty-Mth vear. Death was at: tributed to heart failure. SS. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, | Lucas County. 1 Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J, Cheney & Co, doing business .in the City of Toledo, County and State afore- said, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before mie and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of Decem- ber, A.D. 1886. (Seal) A. W. GLEASON. Notary Public Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern- ally, and acts directly on the blood and Mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. A 0, Toledo, 0, geisth r ae Take Hall's Family Pils for consti- patlon, 7 @ Daily athletic contests are one of the most popular features aboard a mod- ern cruising steamer. . There is scarcely an event known to athletic: meets which may not be enjoyed on the spacious decks of these steamers. The crit- ical moment in a tug of war contest is shown in the accompanying snapshot. The photegraph was taken on board the Hamburg-American Liner Amerika. To meet the great demand for tourist travel the Amerika will make two cruises to the West Indies and the Panama canal this winter, when her broad decks will be especially enjoyed. The spectators. who frequently form an andience of more than 500. are comfortably seated abeut the deck. A prize is awarded FINANCIAL MATTERS NEW VALUATION OF THE CPR'S PROPERTY. Total Value of All Assets Placed at Eight Hundred and Forty-Six Mil- lion Dollars. Montreal, Jan. 21.--The total value of the assets of the Canadian Pacific Railway. company, according to the official valuation which has just been completed, is 2846,000,000, including lands, right of way, statistics, roll- ing stock, steamships and all pro- perty owned by the company. ' The value of the railroad is $452,320,- 780., The seventy vessels of the com- pany are valued at $23,049,183. Equipment owned by the company is as follows : 2,052 locomotives,' 2,- 063 first and second-class passenger cars, 436 parlor cars and official cars, 80,000 box .cars and 7,000 other cars. A total of 13,280 miles of track is now in operation. The company owns 6,287,000 acres of land in the prairie provinces and 1,700,000 acres in Bpi- tish Columbia. The value of theias- sets of the com outside of "its lands in placed at ,531,465. . The company's income from the senger service amounted to $35,518, 061 for the year ending June lst, 1913. C.P.R. carried 96,000,000 tons of freight and approximately 921,000 tons of mail matter. Hollinger Dividend Loronto, Jan. 21.--The Hollinger dividend to be paid on January 38th will be the seventeenth in the four- weekly sequence and will bring the total wistribution of profits to share holders thus far up to $1,530,000. That sum represents fifty-one per cent. of the par yalue of the company's stock. The surplus "should mow stand at about $800,000, and of that about eighteen' per cent, is in cash. Make Distribution of Assets a New York, Jan. 21.--At a meeting of directors of Atlantic Coast Line company, of Connecticut, it was de- cided to recommend to stockhold- ers that the capital stock be reduced one-half by a distribution from assets of the company to stockholders. Re- duction in, value of the Connecticut company's stock will amount to $8. 820,000 in exchange for which will be delivered to stockholders 217,840,- 000 of stock of Atlantic Coast Line Railroad company Startling Railroad Figures New York, Jan. 21.--The gross earn- ings last year of the forty-sine east- ern railroad companies appesling for higher rates were $1,424,000,000. Net carnings after deducting expenses and taxes were $347,000,000. After paying i interest on their fanded debt their met income was $206,000,000, out of which the conipanies declared divi of 5.10 cent, . These dividends were $19,000,000 less than in 1912 and $7,- Mo.500 less than in 1910. From 1919 to 4 earnings increased - 000,000, but in the same three years operati expenses and taxes in- cnmased. 3201 006,000; Is there any other business which we would expect to be satisfied with increasing gross earnings while its net income as steadily declined ? - Big Prussian Loan Arranged London, Jan. 21.--A four per cent. loan for Victoria, Australia, for $3,- 000,000 has been underwritten 2. There are rumors of an Indian four per cent. railway loan for $7,500,000, and it ~ is announced that Prussian four per cent. treasury bonds for £100,000,000 has n_ arranged: to be floated "in Berlin on January 29th. Company Incorporated Ottawa, Jan. 21.--Federal company incorporations announced include a a new $10,000,000 Montreal company-- namely, the. Northern Electric Co., Limited. The incogporators are : Har- ry Frank Sare, secretary; George Ro- bin Gray, engineer; George Allan Moore, supervisor; Forest Moore, and others, all of Montreal. The com- pany will do a general «electrical ap- paratus manufacturing business. Big Ore Lanls Peal St Paul, Minn., Jan. 21.--A deal in- volving many millions of dollars in connection with the Hill ore interests is pending and negotiations will be closed in New York within a week or ten days. It is said that $5,000,000 will be speat on the iron ore range this year in equipment and improvements for mining. Ia Financial Notes Authority 'bas been granted the Kaministiqua Power company to ia- crease ites capital stock from $2,000, 000 to $2,500,000. Wood, Guhdy & Co. have disposed of half a million dollars worth of 3% per cent. Medicine Hat bonds at 83 net. Directors of the Mexican Light and Power company announce the suspen- sion of dividends on the common stock, begun in 1908 of $107,000 worth five per cont. thirty-year debentures to A. E. Ames & Co., of Toronto. The Societe Auxiliare de Credit, commonly known as "Banque Victor," a Paris banking house with a capital of £600,000, has been compelled to go into liquidation. Armour & Co., in Yorkton, Sask. council has disposed the fiscal vear| Ni fits of '$11 04, ot t $10,130,506 in . 1912, or the largest in asked to incor- Life Assurance company, the North American Acei- dent Insurance company, and the Bank of Saskatchewan. ' Final figures for La Rose Consoli- dated Mises in 1913 show a net profit for the year of $953,000, a decrease of $70,142, as sonipared with 1912. The earning of the, Winnipeg Electric railvay on actual street car operation in the city of Winnipeg for the calen- dar year of 1913 was $2,384,507, an increase of $269,604 over the earn: ings. go emphatic denial of the rumor that the common dividend of the Nova Scotia Steel and Coal company is in danger of being reduced have been given out by Robert E. Harris, presidentol the company. The Conservation Commission began its filth annual meeting in Ottawa, Mrs. (Canon) Plumtre, of Toronto, being one of the speakers. Wellington . county" council advoea- ted a continuance of the cointy road svatem before the highway commis. sion. The city of Winnipeg will require to borrow 85,596,666 to carry on its al- fairs this year. We Offer ONTARIO TO YIELD 5 1-2 per cent. ONTARIO TOWN DEBENTURES TO YIELD 57-8 per cent. WESTERN SOHOOL DEBENTURES TO YIELD 7 3-4 per cent. WRITE FOR LIST Brent, Noxon & Co. Canada Life B: THE ROYAL Qapita) Authorized . Capital Pald Ur Reserve Funds ww ile LONDON, ENG., OFFICE KINGSTON BRANCH, . H.W. N Bank Bldgs--Princes SL. INCORPORATED 1069 25,000,000 11,560,000 13,000,000 * . » 325 Branches Throughout Canada. Savings Department at all Branches J NEW YORK AGENCY Cor. William aad Coder Sto. E. E. NEWMAN, Manager. Municipal Debentures.. For the Investment of Trust Funds Our list of Municipal Debentures includes "the de- bentures of Belleville, Rgterboro, Renfrew, Calgary, Edmonton, Fort William, Parry Sound, Syduey, N.S., Amberst, N. S. Yielding From 5% To 6% WRITE US OR CALL AT OUR OFFICE AND CONSULT US, F. B. McCURDY Members Montreal Stock Exchange. NELLES Glace Bay, 250 Jere I Didagy Give You ANN vw Fop. CHivrmas BECAUSE va Dpany: GIN: pac Wr ne Bee ¥ duce Gv om ANN THI THINKING ~ J ws REAzons DIDN'T WAS Because 1 r- ex RS ALIZE That vou | : [| COULDN'T HELP 1¥, Gg Yan \ i Gonna ae 1 . y 7 i = You toh Ye. | BUY TL wary { ®M€ TY Yo vou / ie 1 38 vay - LL, IME € ya an cram J N'T Mave amy [= More ™ " sm aT a Jeff Got} His Christmas YOU THE PRLGENT | Present. a Trifle Late CHRIST mans, [ § Now acd NEW year's ¥i BR J {Aa \ oa fatyg J AUTH ZY AY. Ye fom Al HH Gy fe AR Bat ' -- ny ( "1 canuy , [MALY ce Tals gu peal IN > 3 Noy, [6 REALLY 1 \r Now 2 { ' map, [mere CHR TMA YT By "Bud" Fisher

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