Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Jan 1914, p. 7

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. BANK or TORONTO Joint Savings Accounts | A Joint Savings Account may be opened at The Bank of Toronto in the names of two or more persons. In these accounts either party may sign cheques or deposit money. For the different members of a family or a firm a joint account is often a great convenience. Ine' terest paid on balances. Ey Assets, $60,000,000; Deponits, $41,000,000 That valuable centrally located cess Street, known as WEESE'S in one of the best Reasonable terms to quick buyer. MILLINERY STORE, located the city. For Sale business property, No. 119-121 ART STORE AND SPENCE'S business blocks of Also that attractive business property located on Clarence St. | Mivesn Bagot and Wellington, known as D FREEMAN and at a OFFICE. Can be purchased rice to net purchaser 9 per cent. apply to WARD 8. FOLGER, 44 Clarence St. ANGROVE'S GARAGE on reasonable terms For full particulars "Phone 995, x Howard S. Fo GEORGE Insurance Coal Phone 288. ' Renal Estate and Insurance Agent FOR SALE St, frame ho Seven rooms; barn; lot 40 x 152, $550, 'Barrie k . - es hte hous all tm Dominion 0'Cedar Mops, $1.50, H. S. Crumley Phone 588 or 1443. Vacuum Cleaners, FOR SALE First ciags frame house, heated by hot air, lightea § improvements, with large barn and drive shed, . bY gaa, all, Division Street, $2500.00 A snap for a man with horses, eee 1913---The Best Year Yet for The Canada Life Ass. Co. nese Ae Malin 3, 20382 se. rs mber inti year, t : distribution of dividends by insuring now: Jerticipate jn this will shape for you cheerfully given. J. 0. HUTTON RUBBER _ REQUISITES may include any of the follow- ing: A Fountain Syringe, a Good Hot Water Bottle, an At omizer, or, for that matter, numerous other articles in Rubbte whiéh we cannot enum- erate, When in need of Rubber Requisites, consult HOAG'S DRUG STORE BAWDEN Real Estate. 168 Princess Street. 14, which will MY be paid to its pollcy- large « Figures how a policy 18 Market St, Kingston. For Sale By KINGSTON 56 BROOK ST. Solid Brick, Brock St. ..... .$4,000 Brick Veneered, Mack St. . .$3,300 Frame. Alfred Street ... .+$3,000 Solid Brick, Princess St. ....$4,000 Solid Brick, Frontenac St. ..$4,000 Solid Brick, Albert St. ...,.$4,800 Solid Brick, Albert St. $5,300 Frame, Beverley Street ... .$3,100 J. K. CARROLL, Manager. Steambarges | For Sale Tenders addressed to the undersign- ed will be received until noon, Tuesday 3rd February, 1914, for the purchase o the steam barges "Simla" and " now lying at Garden Island, Ontario, Rehere they can be inspected at any Lor THE articulars apply to ; CALVIN COMPANY, LIMITED, Garden Island, Ont. SHOPPING BAGS A "We have a few shopping bags rafiging in price from £3.00 to $7.00, YOUR CHOICE AT $1.50 Each. RJ. RODGER The King Street Jeweler ~ Where the Clock is on the Walk Almost Like Magic (Toilet Tips.) Advocates of the electric needle for removing stubborn hairy growths now concede that a single paste made with powdered delatone amd water is fully as efficacious and is devoid of pain, 7 while the cost is trifling. The «dela: tone paste is leit on the hairy sur- face about two minutes and when it is rubbed off all traces of hair van- ish. Washing leaves the skin soft, smooth .and spotless. Be careful to see that Nis delatome you get or Jou may disappointed with the tésult. Nos. 102 and 124 Victoria street, between Earl and Johu- son; nicely decorated, hot air furnace; immediate possession. fae Hair Disappear Apply McLeod's Drug: Store PHONE 68. d Te rr LOCAL NOTES AND ITEMS OF . GENERAL INTEREST, Happenings in the City and Vicinity =~What the Merchants Offer. to the Readers of the Whig, "Red Rose Pace Cream." Gibson's. White: Rose flour pure and whole- 80! me. The French club at Queen's has re sessions. wal {sumed its iy Cold Svea, Gibrow's. cents a w vs an organ in Les, Soudition. "Phone 1904, > sks." at Gibson's. William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders received at uley's. "Phone 564. The synod of "Johnson's Shaving Cream." Gil Sela i races will occur at Westport on Wednesday and Thursday of this Ladies" up-to-date deessmaking. Terma moderate. Miss A, Keyes, 221 inceSs street. « "Long whisks," at Gibson's. Dr. Clouthier formerly ' of King was killed from a shock. "Witch hazel Cream." Gibson's. H. B. Cattler, of N York, and G. A. Jenkins, of Portland, Oregon are here to spend a few days, "Johnson's Shaving Cream." Gib- son's. x It is pronosad to new put a the 8.8. Quebec to be taken off. "Buy Cold Cream." Gibson's. William Kleinsteiber, 179 street, iting his brothers in Actinolite. "Coleo soap," at Gibson's, Pine court Tuesday morning. fined misse '"'Johnson's Shaving Cream." son's. One to Bank of Hockey Club is evening, in the building. "Johnson's Shaving Cream." Gib- son's. * Of the ten candidates for the post- mastership of Clayton, N.Y., it is likely George F. Morse will be the winner. H. Cunningham, piano tuner, King street. leave orders at Auley's book store. t The dinner of the Theological = Se- siety 'of Queen's will take place the latter part of this month. Dr. Grant may be among the speakers. "Coleo moap," at Gibson's. The religious organizations of Queen's -are likely to arrange union meatings," each society being respon- sible for one meeting 'each month. "Long whisks," at Gibson's. Samuel Mills; a city employee of Watertown, N.Y., aged sixty-eight, is dead. His wife resides in Ports- mouth. One sister, Mrs. H. Whit- ine, resides at Portsmouth. "Almond Cream."" Gibson's. Rev. W. Harrison Towle, has been appointed first rector of the parish Commerce 21 Me- of the people. "Witch hazel ®ream." Gibson's, Dr. and Mrs. Kennedy entertained *he members of the Perth County Club at their home on Frontenac street on Friday evening. There was a good renresentation of Perthites. "Coleco soap," at Gibsons. : Several of the synod, of Ontario commiitees are in session at St. George's hall, to-day, preparing their reports which will come before the ex- ecutive committee's meeting on Thurs- ay. "Red Rose Face Cream." Gibson's The George Hall Coal Co., Ogdens- burg, NY., will bring out a new barge with the createst capacity on Lake Ontario. It will be 257 feot over all, 43 foot beam. Capt. I. Hourigan will be in command. "Johnson's Shaving Crefm." son's. Gib- sham, evidently had a pleasant time in Kingston. She told a Montreal Mail reporter: "lI had a real treat in Kingston. I was taken on an icehoat. It was fine and 1 want to be taken out again." ' "Almond Cream." Gibson's. J. M. Campbell," R. Meek, Elmer Davis and Prof. O. D. Skelton will represent the local Board of Trade at the annual meeting of the Associat- ed Boards of Trade in Toronto date in February. E. E. Horsey 0 was al- 50 nominated is unable to/ attend. "Buy Cold Cream." Gihdon's, On Monday evening F. B. Millet, B.A, of Queen's, addressed the meeting of the Epworth League of Sydenham Street Methodist church on the poet Browning. Harold Mabee presided. Miss V. Posselwhite gave an- entertaining recitation and Miss M. King sang very acceptably. @ 14th Officers Qualified The following officers of the 14th Regiment have qualified by examina- tion following the provisional school of instruction held in the Armouries last fall : For field officers, Capt. W. Y. Mills, E. B. Sparks, P. a. C. Campbell; for captain, Lieut. George pBawden; for lieutenants, Prov. Lieuts. J. W, Stagg and P. d'Esterre. Lieut. E. J. Renaud, of Ottawa, in- specting ordnance officer of Central Canada, is in the city. /" Major E. deB. Panet, brother of Lieut.-Col. H. Panet, who was formerly with the artillery here, is acts ing general staff oflicer of the fifth di- vision at Quebec. A bigot is ususlly one of a small, selfish wind, .and, pleased with flat- ptery, Mrs. E. Caverl} and father, Cen- tral, left here to-day for the west. INDUSTRIAL NIGHT CLASSES © The Board of Education will open Industrial Night Classes about Feb, 1st if a satisfactory enrolment can be se- futed, Males w t ical drawing and shop témalés dressmaking and millinery. 2ppliqations for enrolment will be re- ceivell at once at the Board of Eduéa- tion rooms either by mail or in person, and on Friday night next the rooms will be open from 7.30 to 9 o'clock for Jersonal Plertiews with t bss ho In- « ning the classes. particu 1 'will be furnished by Frintipat Sites on yriany night. Dé! not. delay. ng. application. JOHN MACDONALD, A hn Cy pe . he diocese * of On- tario wil meet on the 17th of Feb- ston, rich and prominent in Boston steamer on the Montreal-Quebec route has returned home after vis- There were two drunks in police was B and costs and the other d:s- of Landsdowne Front, by the 8ishep of Kingston on unanimous requesis Miss Constance Collier, with Faver- * Fri. Sat. | MAT. SATURDAY #%% Last Apghare nee in Canada nens~ fat, Rn. Whyte's All-Star Eng- °. dl CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First fosertion Ic a word. Each con- secutive insertion thereafter, hail cent a word. Minimum charge for ome insertion) 25c.; three fusertions, Ghe.; six, $1; one month, $2. EE oe Versatiles Friday Night "up THE SivER" : Saturday Matinee and Night "THE CANADIAN EX. PRESS" Costumes New Songs, New Don't the '"Joyfest" Saturday Prices cut In two for the first and Iast Mat, 25¢c. Evenings 25.35.50. Seats on Sale Wednesday COVERED RINK HOCKEY MARCH, JUNIOR OLA. PICTON VS. K.C. 1. Wednesday, Jan. 22 Game begine 8158 h.m. Admission 25¢c. Reserved seats 5c extra. Seats now on sale at the rink office. ' HBLP WANTED A WAITRESS AT RANDOLPH HOTEL, WOMAN TO ply at one RASH AND TRON, AP. #3 Division Street. eters beeen. eh A YOUNG GIRL FOR GENERAL MELP Family 'of two. Apply between ; and § o'clock in the evening, 401 Earl street. % to ENERAL SERVANT. GOOD COOK. No washing. Apply between 7 and $ o'clock in the evening to Mrs: Duffy, 116 Earl street, COOK, GENERAL, EXPERIENCED, wanted for apartment in Montreal. Three in family; good wages. Ap py 1orencons. "8 Wellington. St. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, Apply to Mrs. Johnston, $5 Fron- tenac St. before 3 o'clock in the af- ternoon or between 7 and 9 in the evening. INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $100 monthly corresponding for i no_eanvassing. articulars. Press Syndi- cate, 3,969 Lockport, N.Y. BRIGHT CAPABLE fair education; YOUNG MAN OF must write good man preferrea None but has- avis & Son, hand. Married Must hire for year. tler need apply %. Kingston Tannery. CAPABLE OLD COUNTRY DOMES- Gih- The annual meeting of 'the Bankers' be held Tuesday ! i | i { 1 | ties. Parties arriving twice month- ly. Applications must be made well in advance. The Guild, 47 Pembroke St, Toronto, and 7 Drummond St, Montreal, OM 25¢c. PER TIN, APPLICATIONS WILL BRE RECEIVED up to the 26th inst. hy the Secre- tary of the Board of Education for the positions of teachers of dress- making: and teacher of millinery for the Industrial Night Classes to ed about Feb® 1st. State ABSOLUTELY BEST VALUE WANTED--GENERAL GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR cloth and have it made up into up- to-date suits. Price and workman- ship guaranteed to please. [Press- ing and repairing done on the shortest notice. homa= Galloway %1 Broek street, near Bibby's Gar- age, - SOME NEW LINES Xmas Table Delicacies Huntley & Palmer's Fancy Eaglish' Blicnlts Mixed Chocolate, Cream Fing- ers, Oriental Creams, Petite Beurre, Shorteake, Puff Sand- wich, Reading Shortbread, Popu- lar, Italian Macaroons, Rafafias, Orkney Asst. Shortbread. 50 varieties to choese from. Your HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR. SEC- ond-hand furniture, stoves, ete. Se me before selling your goods. We also have a large stock of new and second-hand furniture and stoves family grocer can supply you. which we will sell to clean out, at Feawiek, Hendry & Co. cost. J. Thompson. 333 Princess ributors. St, next to St. Andrew's church BUSINESS NOTICES KINGSTON SHORTHAND, writing and Copying Bureau, 321 Queen St. All work strictly con- fidential. 'Rates moderate. Harry F. Bohl, Westport, slipped oun the icy pavement Tuesday and TYPE- fractured his right arm in two plac NORDHEIMER "QUALITY - TONE" "STYLE B" RENOWNED FOR DURABILITY S IX distinct reasons why the Nordheimer is recognized as the Standard Piano of Canada'; oe = lak fi Because the tone has that pure, delight. ful singing quality throughout the entire register. 1 Because its wonderful resourcefulness satisfies the demands of the most exact- ing pianist. . ° | Because it gives the teacher the great- est opportunity for properly developing the pupil. {| Because the touch is responsive, and wil} not tire the beginner. I Because of its artistic design and splen- did durability. Because its intrinsic value is greater, and, therefore, gives a larger return for the outlay. * x The Nordheimer Piano is manufactured dl from the finest materials' throughout, and is - an artistic produetion of the highest merit. , 'Catalogue Mailed on Application. i The NORDHEIMER Piano & Music Co., Ltd fidiad Office : 15 King St. East, Toronto Kingston Depot : Kirkpatrick's Art Store. | he ¢ ee eee ------ After Holiday Sale lof iture '| prices a si pM 0 EOPLE'S FORUM | . HOST SIX KEYS ON A RING. wiNDER please return to 1% Johnson St. and receive reward. BIRDS! BIRDS! BIRDS! ES oR pn 8 rg Do og Jn 2nd oar the Dir ng ore u buy, . river, Queen and Darra 'Phone €13, . TEAMSTER. JOHN HUNTER, 22 PATRICK ST, ALL kinds of light an heavy' team work done on sh notice. Spec. fal 'rates . for driving parties. Phone 1285. MUSIC. eb ------------ VIOLIN INSTRUCTION----MISS CHRIS. tine Cochrane, 78 St, King. ston. Teléphone 136, TELGMANN SCHOOL OF MUSIC, 216 Frontenac street. A. V. Tel man B.E., teacher and/action. Miss Norma and O. F. Telgmann, teachers of violin, man- dolin; piano, ete. Terms for tul- tion and concert engagements on application. of elocutinn PERSONAL HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTH. marks and all growths and skin blemishes removed permanently, without scar; 27 years experience. Dr. Eimer J. Lake, Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat and Skin Specialist, 25% Bagot street. SCALP MASSAGE FOL FALLIN halr, dandruff, etc. treated by ei- ONE HIGH BACK CUTT new, cheap. 91 Lower -- ---- AWNINGS AND TE order now. SUbjuEs To delive A FINE LOT OF WALNUT AND nad, at raapnibi" haved Turk's. 'Phone ol. H, P. GASOL) $15, that cont os. will demonstrate or you Princess St., Kingston Matti TWO STOVES--OUAL HEA' ran (both Guern splendid condition. Suing this week at at 7.30 pm. JANUARY SALE, CAPILLI Lg St" hair tonic on record; bottles, 50c; § oz, 26o. tured and sold ay Mme. El Princess St, city. CHOICE /FARM, ONE and ginety-five acres, 9 miles Kingston and 1 milé from vi Has an abundance of e pine, spruce and cedar and falling water thereon. Well ed. For further information John Clark, RM.D. 1 $1650 NEW FRAME HOUSE, ALL | provements. o B, Te ectricity (new method). treatment in shampooing, massage, manicuring, chiropody, Up-to-date styles in halr work. Mrs. Herod, graduate masseuse, 159 Wellington St, Phone 1495. Hours 10 to 12 am, and 3 to 6 p. m., and by appointment. FINANCIAL ASTE ments, fine location. BATEMAN & GA I | ance, Money to st, Kingston. TO LET FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. ment Soclety; established 1863: Jfesident, Lt.-Col. Henry' R. Smith. oney .issued on city and farm properties, municipal and country ebentures; mortgages purchased; deposits received and interest al- lowed. 8S. C. McGill, Manager, 27 Clarence Street. LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLORE Fire Insurance Company, Available assets, $61,187,215. In adition to which the policyholders have for security the unlimited lability of city property, Insured at lowest possible rates. Before renewing old or giving new business get rates from Strange & Strange Agents, Phine 325. DENTAL eee eaaioety nm A. E. KNAPP, B.A, 1L.D.S, D.D.S, RE- moved to 258 Princess Street. re te cesta -------- DR, ©. C. NASH, DENTIST; DR. T. B. Renton, assistant. 133 Princess Street. 'Phone 738. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DENTISTS, 168 Wellington Street, (over Car- ingston. 'Phone 348. novsky's), 8S. H. SIMPSON, LDS, D.D.S, DENT. ist, corner Princess and Bagot street. Entrance on Bagot street. Telephone 6286. CATERING BSTIMATES GIVEN FOR BALL SUP pers, banquets, dinners, arties Silverware and cutlery tc . For particulars apply to ¥ H. Toye's King St. store WE CATER TO PARTIES, RALLS Wedding breakfasts, banquets, etc also rent dishes, table linens and silverware. Reid and Hambrook M. P. Reid. $0 Unalon street, 'F. C Hambrook, 176 Alfred street Phones R43 or 3 ET ETP 1 LEGAL tee ee ei CUNNINGHAM & MUDIE, BARRIST ers and solicitors. Law Office, 7¢ Clarence street. Kingston MEDICAL DR. J. B. HUTTON, 258 KING STREET, Office hours, 11-12 a.m.; 3-5 and 7-9 p.m. Phone 1251 : hy. TE 0 TWO FURNISHED ROOM able, central location. Earl St, - eee etl OFFICES IN CLARENCE ST. © AM. be Apply to Cunningham = Ue ie, 79 Clarence St. PRIVATE GARAGE oR pr be for auto for the winter; clean dry.' McCann, $2 Brock St. ear eesti DWELLINGS AT 17, 1 Also offices, A un i Li Real Estate Agency, $3 Brook FURNISHED ' FRONT ROOM alcove, in desirable neighbor convenient tb business, Apply 8 Earl street, 4 7-ROOM FRAME HOUSE, 1ST or cember, B. and ¢., and Stuart street. A ix to J. law, 248 Divisl STORAGE FOR FUR and vey, Bross Clo Bt Bi ey. ' Queen Ee. Phone s268. o TWO HOUSES ON BARRIE ST. air furnace, and all convenie at $18.00 per month. Two ho at $10 00 per month. art to ace F. Norman, 177 We ington Bt, ARCHITECT SON, A 258." Bagot yr POWER & SON, ARCH chants' Bank Butldin oo Brock and Wellington streets. a. card, § NEWLANDS & tects, etc. Offices, Phone 608, UPHOLSTERER W. J. GAVINE, UPHOLSTERIN paling and carpet oa mattress renovating. a or call 218 Bagot street » BUSINESS CHANCES ANYONE ANYWHERE CAN START a mail order business at home; no canvassing; be your own Boss. Send fOr fres booklet; tells how Heacock, 2,969 Lockport, N.Y. I -------- Cold | Weather Same prompt and careful atten tion given te all ordefs. 3 Records Exchanged All kinds ot records, Victor, Col umbia, Edison Blue Amberol, Lai son two-minute, for exchange. phonographs, gramophones and graf- onolas for sale. Call and let us ex- plain our plan. 4 ALLEN'S Phone 252 118 Brock Ss. Furni All goods now reduced in price. hance to save motiey, ranges, ete., to choose Also household goods bought, best paid. L. LESSES antique furni-|' Cor. Princess and Chatham Streets. : Phone 1045, a For Strictly Custom Tailoring : TRYUS Ady he Tur TO Brock 8. Pion 8, DESIR. Apply 134 4

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