Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Jan 1914, p. 5

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is § Wa's, Comfort | BY THE AUTHOR OF "SPANISH GOLD". General John Reegan B » ! ? > George A. A Powerful and Amusing Romance of Irish Wit and Humor, When a stranger stirs up excitement in an Irish village regarding a character whose existence he has invented, he finds plenty of complications on hand. . Price $1.25. Postage 10c. extra, UGLOW'S 141 PRINCESS STREET 'urtis Publishing Company. J Agents THOMAS LAMBERT = Maker Of Men's Clothes Do you need a pair of Trousers tu wear out your coat and vest? We are expert trouser makers and solicit a trial order. Our cut and make invariably give satisfaction. Prices from $5.00 to $8.50. THOMAS LAMBERT 167 PRINCESS STREET PATENTS Herbért J. 8S. Dennison. D ATTORNEY, 18 REGISTERE King Strest West, Toronto, Pa- Trade-Marks, Designs, hg RL RO eXxper- fence. Write for booklet. Better Coal Mcans Smaller Coal Bills ARE T0 BE That is why it pays to order Coal that shits, P. WALSH 53-57 Barrack Street DR. DeVAN'S FRENCH PILLS {x gulating Pill for Women, $5 a box or three ior Siu. Sold at all Drug Stores, or mailed to any addresson receiptof price. Tue Scoseul Date Co, 88, Catharines, Ontario. - PHOSPHONOL FOR MEN. 15: s Vim and Vitality: for Nerve and Brain; increases "grey matter' a Tonie--will build you up. $3 a box, or two for $5. at drug stores, dt hy mail on receipt of price. Tys ScoBELL Dave Co. Et. Catharines, Ontario. FOR BREAKFAST Put up in 2 Ib. Packages AT ALL GROCERS, Geo. Robertson & Son, Limited L 20% Off 'Hlegtric Fixtures FOR BALANCE OF JANUARY Large Stock to Choose From. Cash Only W. J. MOORE & SON steer" SPECIAL SALE Men's Gun Metal Bliicher#Box. Calf, mann Yh A a ~ style t an l, 75, | $1.50 and $1.25 e- ¥ ADDED TO THE KINGSTON BRIGADE edie h Bringing the Number up to Eighteen ~The City Council Adopts the 'Recommendation of the Fire Com- mittee, . Four utore fitemen are to be add- ed to the Kingston brigade. It took the City Council about half an haur to cote to a decision in favor of the recommendaton of the Fire Com- mittee, which got right down to bu- siness at its first meeting and hand- wl out i substantial * for consideration. When Ald. Suther- land, the chairman of the commit tes, presented the recommendation last evening it looked at first as if it would be bowled out or referred back, but the chairman held his ground and with Alds. Richardson, Nickle, Harrison and Hughes instilling the fear of fire into the hearts of the city fathers, and emphasizing their duty to the people' he carried the proposal of increase by a vote of 13 to. 4. The brigade will now number eighteen men and this year will cost $2,460 move.. Ald. Sutherland read to the coun: cil facts and figures supplied By Chief Avmstrong, who asked for four more men in view of the larce in- crease in property and the impossi- bility of handling the present limit. ed number of men to the best ad- vantage. Ald Stroud opposed the recommen. 'dation because of the increase in cost. He claimed that the city could not afford to spend more money on the fire department just now. Furthermore he thought the hri- gade in number compared favorably with other places. Ald. Clugston opposed the increase: for similar reasons. Ald. Hoag thought it was too early in the year to bring in a re commendation for an increased ex- penditure of $2,460. It would be better, he held, to 'postpone action until the Finapce committee had a chance to figure ont where it stood Ald. Gillespie showed that places about the same size as Kingst ad larger fire brigades. Peterboro had nineteen en; PBrantiord, twenty@®ne: Fort Williani. twenty-five; Berlin, four teen: Owen Sound. twelve Brockville, seven regular men and fifteen call THY. DALY BRITISH OUR NEW FIREMEN EPISTLE OF "TOM" MeAULEY | ---- To the City Comncil--Prayer Beads For Aldermen, The following letter from the vetec- an bookseller, "Tom." McAuley, was read at the city council meeting on Monday evening' and | provoked much amusement : "To the mayor and aldermen of the city of Kingston:=Gentlemen : "Il am glad to notice that you feel that the proceedings of the council should be opened with prayer. Such a step ought to do the people in gen- eral and the council in particular a at deal of good: 1 think that 1 ie credit for first introducing the matter of religion into the delibera- tions of the council of the city of Kingston, by presenting, a few vears ago, a large copy of, the Ten" om- ameridments td, your Predepessors. & ning not so sure ghat theyehave [been faith- » THOMAS McAULEY. fully obeyed at all timesy in-fact 1 know some of them have been broken by the council, and vet I don't regret the presentation. I did.my part and if I don't see you in hefiven, why" it won't be my fault. i "1 am sending each member of the council an easy mesdns of contintal prayer, and 1 hope you will accept the present in the spirit in which 1 send it. If I sent you a book some of vou might have trouble in reading 1t--- that is, it would give you much trou- men. ; y : Ald. Nickle' pointed out that fires at others. Something should be done t« give the city better The chief asked for three more men. and Ald. Nickle held that this request should Ald. Nickle referred to several fires to show how the brigade was short ip numbers. He struck out at those op- posing the - recommendation. . "They would be the first to holler, if their houses go down," he declared. Ald. Harrison was strong for the increase. The city's growth alone de: manded more firefighters, +. Ald. Richardson also spoke on . be- half of. thetdncrease. The fire commit- teé and the chief knew what was need- ed, and he would follow their advice. Alds, McCann, Couper, and Kent, admitted the wisdom,of having a larg- er fire hrigade, but thought it would be wise if Ald. Sutherland 'would with- draw this recommendation and bring it in about the time the budget was struck, so that the finance committeo could figure out the resources it had. Ald. Nickle opposed any delay. In one fire might be lost more than the amount of the four extra men's wages. Ald. Hughes drew a pictare of what might occur if the. hosiery mill and the cotton mill, were afire at the same time. For lack of, four men, one of the mills might be so damaged that the employees would be out of work for a month or more. The burden would rest upon those who refused the chief's petition for more Brenipe, Ald. Sutherland woidnd up the dis- cussion by calling for the yous and nays. The vote stood Yeas--Mayvor Shaw, and Alds. Bews, Couper; Gillespie, Harrison, Hughes, Hoag, Litton, Newman, Nickle, Peters, Richardson, Sutherland," 13. Nays--Alds, Clugston, Kent, McCann Stroud, 4, White Rose flour for all purposes. Thomas Ridyvard, Norwoad, engaged in. the baking business, has been at rested on the charge of bigamy. His first wile was the daughter of William Rogers, sexton of Methodist church. He has a wife and three small children in England. He has been jailed at Fort William. the meal hour cost the city more than' fire. protection. { be granted, for he knew best. | ble io read it in the midst of your) squabbles. This will be found easy, to handle, for with it you can pray with one hand in your pocket and pound the desk with, the other.' If you pound each other after this, it won't be my fault, ' "I tried to get in the council once, but failed, and the next best thingeft {for me, was to look after the spintual {welcome of the jiellow who knew the game of getting in better than I id. "I'rusting that you will appreciate my missionary efforts and commend {my missionary zeal, believe me, groan- |ing 'under the taxes you fellows fix, 'alwdys your frend and brother, I. WAULEY." r The gift-to. which reference was made consisted of prayer beads, each mem- ber of council being the recipient of a string. The mayor remarked that he would refer Mr. McAuley's letter' to the Fire and Light committee. Fruit and in January, And always, are to be found in California, #the_ideal wintering place, reached comfortably and convenient- ly by the Chicago, Union Pacific and North Western Line, via the fastest and most direct routes, amidst the luxurious surroundings 'of the com- partment, glub and observation par- dor. or more moderate-priced am home-like tourist car. Three splen- did trains daily=The Overland limit- ed, fastest train: to San Francisco; The los Angeles Limited, rer davs to the Magic City of the Land of Sunshine, via Salt Lake City; and the Francisco Limited . The Overland Route offers : Safety, speed, scenery and unexcelled. dinine car service. © Test it, - Rates, illustrated matter and full particulars on ap- plication.' B. 'H. Bemmeft, general agent, 46 Yonge street, Toronto, On- tario. Flowers, Sunshine San Mrs. Daniel Graliam died at Ther home, east of Lansdowne. A husband and 'two sons and four daughters sur- vive. Miss Elizabeth Colling died, Satur- 'THE STANDARD BANK Quarterly Dividend Notice, No. 93 Notice is hereby given that a Dividend at the rate of THIRTEEN day 'morning, after a few hours' ill- ness, : . Per Cent. Per Annum upon the Capital Steck of this Bank has this | day been declared for the quarter ending 31st January, 1914, and that the same will be payable at the Head Office in this city and at its Branches on and after Monday, the 2nd Day of February, 1914, to shareholders of record of 23rd January, 1914. The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders will be held at the Head Office of the Bank in Toronto on Wednesday, the 18th of February next, at 12 o'clock noon. By order of the Board. ee GEO. P. SCHOLFIELD; y General Manager. 157 THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA : INCORPORATED 1869 Capital Authorized & 28,000,000 Capital Pald U; 11,560,000 : Reserve Funds + 13,000,000 325 Branches Throughout Canada. " Savings Department at all' Branches. ; LONDON, ENG., OFFICE 'NEW YORK AGENGY or Cor. William and Cedar Sts. Toronto, 16th December, 1913. Jeius: Luev Murphy, Napanee, ; $2.49 Men's Calf Bluchers, leather lined, good strong soles, an ideal working shoe. Most all 'sizes, 6 to 11. Special . this week, only $2.49 3 SPECIAL BARGAINS Suit Cases °98c. 36 only, size 24 inch, Suitcases. A snap for this extra low price this week only » 39¢c. One "window full of women's, girls' and children's warm 'House slippers, overgaiters and leggins. Don't fail ee NE CAMPBELL'S Annual Clearing Sale of" - FURS Big Discounts in Every Line Campbell Bros. Designers and Makers of Fine Furs, 84 Princess Street RELIGIOUS CEREMONY At the House of Providence -- Arch- bishop Presided. A pleasing and impressive mony took place in 'the Church Our Mother of Sorrows on day, 15th Anst, at 7.30 a.m. seven - young ladies habit of the Sisters of Charity, four made their temporary vows, and six, having comploted 'the term of four vears, pronounced their perpetual vows. Archbishop Spratt officiated, sisted by Rev. TI. p O'Connor, Napanee, and Rev. J. I. Quinn, Tweed. There were present in sanctuary Revs.. C. Dufiy, House of Prov idence; J. J. Salmon, LD.. of St. Mary's of the Lake; W. A. McDonagh, Merrickville: Thomas Fay, South March; A. J. Hanley rector- of the cathedral; J. H. Me Donald, scerctary of the archbishop, apd A. D. Rheaume, chaplain of the St. Francis hospital, Smith's Falls. It was an edifying | sight to see 80 many young lattics consccrating themselves to the service of , God. and 'promising to labour for the relief of the poor and sick. and also to "instruct the ignorant aud instil into youthful hearts the knowledge and love of God : A large number of visitors" were present, including relatives of the can didates, many of whom were visibly affected during the ceremony. The sisters who received the habit were: Catherine Murphy, Stirling; Anna Rosson, Glen B. A, Kintin; M. F. Kintin, Whelan, Amelia Goulah and Hawkins, .all of Tweed. Those who pronounced their for two years: Helen Curley, of St. Catharines, in religion Sister M. Pulcheria; Catherine J. Fgah, West- vort, in' religion Sister M. Remi- Sister M. Tmelda: Winnifred O'Rourke, of Curran, 'in religion Sister M. Ad. ran. ° A Those making perpetual vows: Margaret M. Brady, of Latimer, Sis- ter M. Clotilda: Fainma J, Warshall, Ompah, Sister M. Matilda; Margaret M. Brennan, Knackahoney, Teeland, Sister M. Scholastica; Mary EF. Ma- loney, Marmora, Sister M.- Maurice; Mary McCormack, Erinsville, Sister M. Anastasia. and Catherine: .Tohn- son, Dingle Island, Sister M. Lomia- * a. -- 1c Ccere- of Thurs. when as of of the of the holy of Nevis; Anna Mary Vows A ------------------------ HAD VERY NARROW ESCAPE ee. When Gas Escaped Epom Their Coal Stove. Edward J. Taylor, night engineer '|at the waterworks pumping station and hif wife, had a very narrow es- cape 'Monday morning, when gas es- caped from their ¢oal stove. The two were overcome, but Dr. A. E. Ross, who was called, succeeded in brine ing them around all right, 'and to- day they were doing nicely. White Rose flour stocked by all the to see these bargains. 7] RNETH Special Sale of Chocolates In fancy boxes and in bulk. 30 cent value for 20 cents. $2.00 Boxes for $1.75 Boxes for ... $1.50 Boxes Tor $1.00 Boxes for 75 Cent Boxes for . 60 Cent Boxes for «seve 00 cents SAKELL'S, Next To Opera Bose BEGIN THE NEW YEAR RIGHT Insist on Having' Pasteurized Milk ! Be Sure it is in Bottle received the hol ly, Phone 845. PRICE'S Children's Iron Safety Gas Bills - Reduced LIGHTS can be turned ON and OFF without matches if con nected with our bypass. Saves time, gas and matches, Come in and see it in use. "Iwantu" Gas Irons, $3.75. Refle] Lights, $1.80 and up. One only $10.00 amber art glass dome with 6 im, fringe. for only $8.50. DAVID HALL 66 BROCK ST. Phone 335 or 856. 1 Combination Iron Cot and Cradle, by removing rockers at leisure Special in Brass Bedsteads, 20 differ. © ent patterns to choose from. Leggett Platt Springs and Kellaric g Mattresses, Refd Quality; Reid Low Prices. JAMES REID The Leading Undertaker Phone 147 for Ambulance , ot AT A MOMENTS NOTICE Bibby's Garage BROCK STREET CHARGES REASONABLE' CAREFUL DRIVER Phone's 201 & 917. : FLOUR Our Robin Hood brand of flour has a guarantee in every bag for good quality. . ANDREW MACLEAN Ontario Street. STOVES AND RANGES. ° We have a large stock of Stoxes and Ranges, also new and second-hand fur- niture, carpets and quilts. Come and see me Jf you want to save money on all kinds of household goods. H. SUGARMAN, 242 Ontario Street. Phone 1350. Opposite Craig's Wholesale. BOOTS SHOES If you are looking for a | boot and shoe store where you will find 'honest goods at hon- est prices, in the newest styles of men's, women's, boys', youths' and children's, give us a call and be convinced that We can meet. your needs to your satisfaction. f Must be sold by February 1, 1914. Three brick houses ji the / best H. B. WARTELL | iE | -- | | Jp

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