Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Jan 1914, p. 3

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whips concerned if the best show .was to materialize. Dr. 5. W. Bell, of Kingston, when 'asked, expressed his opinion as' to dhe advantageousness of the propos- ed union. One improvement he anticipated would be ghe larger ber of people interested, and the In- creased gate receipts. He spoke ofl the work which would necessarily fall upon the directors, and eid a tr bute tothe activity of Mr. Bushell in the past. Dr. Bell referred to the question of the abolition of the tolls on the Kingston market, There was a briet discussion. Those who spoke Were not §6 much concerned with the tolls as the rescinding of the forestall- ing by-law, Finally the resolution to the ef- fecy that Pisburgh be allowed to amalgamate with Kingston township in the fair, on an eaual basis, with a Teptestniation of four members os the board of directors, and the option of withdrawing at any time on an equal basis, was moved by W. J Smyth seconded by W. Pillar and unanimously carried., The Offi Elected The officers and directors were : 2 Honorary Presidents--Dr. J. W. Id: wards, M.P.: Anthony Rankin, M.P.P.; Joseph Hawkey, reeve of Kingston: W, J. Franklin. reave of Dit tajurg. eller, [PRoBs pions of the O. H. A, Toronto, Mail and Empire, . : "The victory of St. Michael's over Varsity Saturday afternoon in a sen jor 0A: game had more at stake than the game itseli. Varsity were supposed to be the one "team which would give St. Michael's a run for the onors, and when they failed, at their full strength, the fans are all of the one opinion, that St. Michael's will again be in the finals of the sen- ior OLA. Davidson is Third The race for the hohors in goal scoring in the National Hockey Asso- 'cintion games is now ui close one. Dar- eagh, of Ottawa, still . lealls with Walker; of Toronto, second, only one point behind him. Davidson, of To- ronto, is third, one goal behind his team mate. "Tommy" Smith, of Que- beg, is fourth, while Roberts, of Wan- La- . derers; McDonald, of Ontariod it : horn All prices are tremendously lowered--and to-morrow londe, of Canadiens, are all tie cight goals cach. Sprague Cleghorn : ! ( among the: defence will be at but a fraction of their former cost: . retains the lead players in being far in advance of the 8 doz. Lawn and Tailored Waists--all sizes. Regular $1.50 to $3.25. To-morrow ................75¢ PITTSBURG JOINS WITH THE TOWNSHIP OF KINGSTON The Two. Rural Municipalities Will Hold a Joint Fair at the City Girounds Next September. On Monday afternoon, at & meeting in the township hall at Cataraqui, an amalgamation of the agricultural so- { cleties of the townships of Kingston and Pittsburg, for the annual fair was brought about. It was mutually agreed to by the representative mem- bers of both township societies Pres ent, which they trust will be for mu- tual benefit, 1 The meeting was enthusiastic and the most largely attended unmual in years. A. C. Duy; the retiring presi ident, was in the chair. His ata {will be A. E. Weller. A number of the directors have served "long and faith- fully," but John Simpson, ' of Cata- raqui, heads the list. He has been thirty years a director or an oflicer, and during that period has missed but two meetings, | Pittsburg comes into the merger on the same basis as Kingston. Of the vine directors, Pittsburg is allowed four, The report of R. J. Bushell, the who was re-ap- | secretary-treasurer, position in con- pointed, to the same nection with the merged - society had showed that the Kingston society had a cash balance of $168.53 on hand from last autumn's show. The total receipts, Sncluding government, county and township grants, and other sour- ces wore 51,410.08, and the expendi- ture $1,241.56. Considering the _wet weather during the major part of the show, the balance was pronounced sittistactory, and thanks were attribut- ed und given to Mr. Bushell, who was the energetic "hub of the wheel." Pittsburg township society has al- ready sixty members to bring into the union, * while Kingston has approxi- mately the same. Both expect to con- siderably increase this, and, as "in un- ion there's strength," the objective is to have a capithl Shéw "at the city grounds next fall. The directors will decide upon the dates later. A delegation was present at thie _-- meeting from the township of Pitis- burg. it was composed of Reeve W. J. Franklin, D:D. Rogers, J. A. Wil- KEELEY Ir. . Optometrist mot, James Henderson, G. V. Stewart, We Grind the Lenses. J, 8S. Sibbott, , A. Franklin, and 3 Doors i the Opera H George Moore. For the next two weeks gold- - filled frames will be fitted by an expert with proper lenses for one dollar and a half. These are regular $2.50 and $4.00, and guaranteed. FREE No charge will be made for testing the eyes and if glasses are not required, you 'will be told so. Each day and Monday, Wed- nesday and Friday evenings. BEST'S : to Pui wrk uid {he bole symm. | "A Cube te a Cup 7 WILL BE TAKEN UP BY UTILL TIES COMMISSION * ------ After Full Report ifas Been Submit. ted by Dr. J. WwW, McCullough, Chief Medical Officer--Twenty-four Hour Test to Be Made of Pumps aid Engines. Loutine business, for the most part, occupied the attention of the ménbers of the Utilities Commission at their Second meeting on Monday afternoon. The chairman, T. J, Rigney, presided, and the other commissioners, Mayor Shaw, Ur. A, E. Ross, J. N. Birkett and R. Hi Toye, were Present. : : A deputation fr » i Board of Divectors--0G, V. Stuart, Charties, colsposal He Dean Sted James Henderson, 1D. D, Rogers, | Revi A. E. Smart and W ® James" Greenlee, all of Pittsburg: F. | Givens, appeared before the Soin K. Purdy, Cataraqui; A. E. Day, Bath | ission, with the request that Road; F. J. Gates, Westbrooke; H. J. ithe: commision "oo er what Simpson, Cataraqui; B. Coulter, Glen. could towurds providing worl a burnie ; Kingston's, unemployed. Rev, A. 1 The directors met after the general Smart read the resolution passed by meeting and re-appointed R. J. Bush- the Poor Reef ria etl which ell secretary-treasurer; salary, £125 PF Inppeared in Monday ni ht's Whi "The annum. Mr. Bushell's appointment members expressed {Ler appro of was unanimous. C. F. Adair had been [ihe plan of the association and ron elected auditor, and the directors "P- fised to do all they could § the pointed B. Lancaster to act in a like ter. The civié hans has or capacity. Ls .lgreat deal of work. The Board of The retivement of J. | . F. Sproule, of | Works will have some work to d Westbrooke. from the directorate was and the deputation wag adie ni much regretted, his work in the past before that body, and a deputation having been appreciated. He asked |i be sent. to the Bomd of Works at for his name to be withdrawn to al- ute next meeting. The reopening 3 low in a little "new blood. ¥ the city's stope quarry will likely Mr. Rogers expressed 'the gratitude advocated. \ X of the delegation from Pittsbarg for Rin ; the courtesy which had been extended Mr. Birkett , moved to have Prof. F. 0. Wilhofit . and studedts of to [it at the meeting. C > 3 . Joseph Hawkey, the new reeve of ducen's university make twenty- Kingston township, was one of those | fOUr hour efficiency test of the pumps present. and engines at the watprd works but The matter of conducting a spring his motion was voted down, he and stallion, bull and seed fair was not | Mr. Toye" voting yea while Mavor Shaw, Dr. Ross and the chairman considered with favor, but the stand- x ing "field competition will be again | voted against it. ing the western section of the Inter Mr. Birkett said that the test i i held. in white oats provincial Hockey League can be giv- There was considerable, discussion as | vould be made without Cost 'to the fen than to note the almost even scor- to who should be engaged as judges [city and he considered that it would | ing, which has characterized all games of the horses and cattle at the fall | be a good plan to have such a test played so far this season. At the show. Finally, on motion of James made, He did not see what objec- outset Smith's Falls defeated Perth 3 tion the other meters could vever, the elected others, -- McGill Supports Team Poorly McGill Daily. It is curious how much support is given football by the McGill men, when the few men down from Queen's cre- . . z ated as much row as the red and 3 doz. Grey Flannel Waists, regolar $1.25 to $1.50. white supporters on hand last night. T : 2 . It would seem as if the college spirit 0-MoIrow . +e of McGill has exhausted itself during the rugby season. If the undergradu- ates cannot all play, they can at least do their part by giving their voices to the cause. 'Nothing does more good to a team in critical stages of a game like those that occurred in the open- of the second half and also at the end, than to hear cheering and to feel that they have behind them a crowd of supporters, as anxious as they are to see a victory won. President--A. FE. W Vice-Presidents--John Baker, J. A. Wilmot. 6 doz. Flannelette and Print Waists, regular 50, 60 and 75¢ qualities. To-morrow 4380 It used to be true that bifocal : glasses were troublesome, and looking, and ing to the It is NO eyes. true of . KRYPTOKS-- the new bifocals that Jools and wear ee plain glasses, but give pertect near. and-far vision. Fitted by 1 doz. only, Black and Navy Silk Waists, regular $3.75 to $5.50; sized from 34 to 44. To-mor- N. H. A. Record Feams, fy Won. Lost. Toronte! Wi i WG Canadiens . Ottawa ... Quebec Wanderers Ontarios ... ... ..... 6 Games Wednesday : Ontarios at To- rontos, Ottawa at Canadien, Wander- ers at Quebec. Fe 42°" 20 34 " CHILDREN'S COATS, TO-MORROW $1.00 Just 15 in the assort:. >t and worth from $3.25 to $9.00 --All Sizes-- ol he Ras Closely Matched Teams A Brockville despatch says: No bet- ter evidence of the remarkable close ness in strength of the teams compos- Everyone knows when we say clearance--our prices mean tremendous savings. STEACY"S "The Busiest Store in Town" Amalgamation Discussed R. J. Bushell was called on preliminary remarks regarding amalgamation of the two town- ship societies, and he dealt briefly on the agitation that had been evi- denced in this direction jor some time. and the final invitation to the There is only one explanation for the Pittsburg delegation which was pre- numbers of enthusiastic letters that we gant. receive praising Na-Dru-Co Dyspepsia 5A Tablets, and that is thal these tablcts certainly do cure any kind of stomach trouble, . Here is a typical letter from Miss Eliza Armsworthy, Canso, N.S. : ! "It is with pleasure 1 write to inform that your Na-Dru-Co Dyspepsia Tablets have Proved of great value to me. 1 tried remedy after remedy but without any lasting good. Having heard of your tablets curing such cases as mine I decided to give them a fair trial, They proved satisfactory in my case.' The remarkable success of Na-Dru-Co Dyspepsia Tablets is such a success as can only come to an honest remedy, compounded according to an exception- slly good formula, from pure ingre. dients, by chemists, If you are troubled with your stomach just esk Jour Dug dat about Nad Tego 3 a Tablets, compounds y the Nation Drug and Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, and sold throughout "NA-DRU-GO DYSPEPSIA TABLETS Proved of Great Value fo Me™ for the Henderson and J. L. F. Sproule, the have [to 2, and the Brockville journeyed to to the scheme, other | Wampoleville and annexed the match members fit that they had men in |by 5 to 3. Smith's came along and their own department who wore able | walloped Brockville 7 to.6,and on Fri. and should make any tests required. day night beat Perth 4 to 3. Not When this motion was defeated My, jonly in league games has this been Rirkett then moved to have a report | apparent. Smith': Falis opened their of the indicators submitted to the | *eason by a 2 to 1 defeat from the commission, and that the twénty-four | Ottawa Aberdesns, and Cornwall was hour teat be made by the comunis. |defeated by Brockville by a margin of sion's own men. The other members J4wo goals in 'an exhibition mateh. agreed to this and the test will be | When Brockville meets Smith's Falls made just as soon as the manager of | in the r@urn match at the Junction the plant is able to supervise it, Town ou Tuesday night there will be An important matter. discussed wags | S0mething doing. Stinging under the that of securing a plan of 'the wa. | One goal defeat at home one week ter drains in the city. The mana. | "89; the Brockvilles are bent on turn- ger will work on this and have jf |'"8 the tables, ready for the next meeting. It was decided to have W. J. Gatey make some necessary répairs to the water works wharf. In a recent storm some of the concrete posts were undermined. \, The commission will 'ask Dr. J. W. McCullough, the chief medical health officer of the provinte, for a com. plete report, with maps, of the tests made of the water in the Kingston harbor. Whon the report and the mans have been secured the question will be taken up, A complaint from Me. Trotter, r damage to his property as the re sult of delay in turning. off the wa- ter, was referred to the city solici- tor, Rerarding the removal of the poles on Princess street the street railway company has asked that the city. look after the overhead construe tion. This matter. will be threshed out later. department of agriculture judges wepe agreed to. A letter was read from DN of Brockville, in respect to matters pertaining fo the section of country in which the townships are embraced in the Ontario Fairs Association, R. J. Bushell and J. A. Wilmot. were ap- pointed delegates, to the annual meet- ine of the' association which will be held in Toronto in February. : Mckean, . Wilmot, as president of the atten Pittsburg society, introduced the mat- ter. He said he und many others had felt for years that an amalgama- tion with the Kingston township! so- ciety for a good fair would be wise. All over the country the smaller fairs weré gradually being abandon- ed. He said that his, somewhat . The revision of the prize list was newly-organized, could have a fair, left over foi the directors. but he "held fo the idea that as in i. "union enere's strength" a union was most advisable. He intimated what Pittsburg would give and the repre. sentation she would expect on the di rectorate. Mr. Bushell Repair Work that lasts, the kind you can re- ly on, not once, but every time, is the kind we do. No matter what, the tréuble, it it's "Electrical and can be repaired, we can do it a little better than anybody else. You-need not be afraid that we'll charge you any more either. We are content with fair prices for good work, so call on us. H. W. NEWAN Electric Co. ! J Phone 441 . 79 Princess Street How to Make Your Hair Beautiful Ten Minutes' Home Treatment Works Wondess, Stops Failing Hair, Itehing Sealp and Dandruff and Makes the Hair Soft, EHrilliant, Lustrous and Fluffy. Wheré the Farm Hand Balked. Sam had worked on the farm for nine years, and until his master took to poultry farming he was quite sa- tisfied with life, But this poultry business was a Bit too much. He had to take the eggs as they wege laid and write the date on themavith an indelible pencil. And worse than that, he had also fo write on 'the eggs the breed of the: hen that laid them. So one day he matelied up to farmer, "I'm about fed up," said he, "and I'm going to leave." © . The farmer was astonished. "Surely, Sam," said he, "vou are not going to leave me after afl these -- Significance of Little Things. We love little things, we hate little things, we fear little things; our lives are knit up with little things from the time we are born to the day we lie. But things draw us up to heaven or crush us down to hell. Little things live beside us on the earth, eat ant sleep with us, laugh and grumble with us, 'catch the early train with us, or make us miss it, irritate and ap- pease ug--uever leave 'us alone for a minute, That is why they are so much more important than the big things--the things that only come onee in a while, at long intervald, and even then are nearly always the result of a hundred and one little things com- bined, explaived that ii an amalgamation was brought about there would be but one government grant il there: was but one fair held by two townships. But the ineress: ed prize money pnid would warrant a larger grant, for it was on the agricultural expenditure that the grants were based. Mr. Wilmot had spoken of the membership fees and the county and township grants which Pittshury was prepared to give. Mr. Bushell referred to the increase in the the filling up of the classes, partion- larly cattle. Pittsburg would stand the Dingrinion at gnc. » box 'ay on a par. with Kingstén as far as the oy rivileges of winning of the . prizes | Years? gad were coheorned. The classes would be [© Yes, : but T am." retorted, Sam. - much bettor filled. . "I've done every kind of rotton job W. J. Pranklin agreed, in the main, {on this here farm, but T'd - rather with the proposition suggested, but |starve than go on being secretary to asked for a better representation" on |vour old hens. . : the directorate than the one-third which had been spoken of. He sug- Why Haste Was Desired. the ------ Special- Qualificatidn Found. Sydney Bulletin. Ambrose Patterson, the painter, Victoria's crafty exponent of color and movement, secured a commission once to paint a very lengthy and penlthy * suburbanite.| Patterson him- sell is a lank brush, shooting up be- yond 'six foot one inch. He was rath- er priding himself on having been giv- en this commission, hearing Wn mind the great pressure of artists round Furniture! 1S to 20% off all Shooting-star Trouble. London Express. Lecturing about shooting-stars, Sir Robert: Ball, the astronomer, used to interject the adventures of a meteor- ite which fell in the United States. The mass of molten iron was found Better than all the so-called "hair tonics™ in the world is a simple old fashioned home recipe consisting of plain Bay Rum, Lavoua (de composec) and a little Menthol Crystals. These three, mixed at home in a few Twine utes, 'work wonders with any scalp Try it just one night and see. Get note gested that his township should have New York Stn Sweater Coats purposes. He agreed entirely with |t the proposed union and thought that a first-class show could be brought about. Please be prompt, as the cab is hired by the hour." ion of matrimony at your hands. t by a farmer, who hegan to it for profit. owner of the land who pointed out exhibit Then came along the hat he retained all mineral rights, every possible fob in Australia, Event- vally, however, the sitter explained. "I was a long time lookin' for a sootable hartist," he said. "Pm six from your druggist 5 Lavona, § oz y Rum and 1-2 dr. Menthol Crystals issolve the crystals in the Bay Rum and pour in an $ oz..vottle, Then add the Lavona, shake well and let it stand for an hour before using. Apply by put- 7 Xmas and Brockville temperance people are to ask for a plebiscite to cut off two ho- tels and two shop licenses in that town. Effect of Piles It is not only the itching and stinging of piles that is to be dread- ed, but lso the depress ng and' de- bilitating effect on the whole system, The Setin of Piles canriot odo Sitielent 'Mr. Rogers said lie bel work: ere an uneasiness an i int the asricuitiwa!| discomfort by day, and at night the ng is prepared to helo some-|disiress from itching prevents sleep . and fo and underinines the gen- John Simpson &ift net too | eral th. : in the Istter. quot-| 3 the 6 ica a ta the past which ap-|tion at pr Bet Distant 80 83 £. and gradually the sleet "parently jaded to stipe that city ! ad. Swi i a Povich. & dizecter. for. samitare Reioa Sind. the thor- fad A or having eas years ad coo : "Sin 'sJoughly cured. Do not make the mis- in ald stotage 'wanfit for consump- 2 Jake of discontinuing § : nt Py Samuel * Marshall, a wellknown s Ointment is a proven cure. arikiall naar on 20% Sok Hien ¥ a : | severe of long ie soil aah ter o Minton. » movela oo ueres fron or, 8" Road, and Mis t Tutorests of the town Ointment, TC hops Were udited in Mr. Wilmot and C. F: Adair were heard from on the question of the financial of~PiMsbyrg in the merger, and A. E. Weller favored Kingston putting its $168 balance in the bank, and the two startin op equal basis. A consultation of the prides given @t other affairs in the province showed that Rina n's ex- ceeded a great many es. Te. Sproule, who expresced bimsedf in favor of an amalgamat- ton of the Harrowsnlith. Kingston and Pittsburx shows. spoke of the necessary revairs that must he madp to the buildings at the city nds. The accomodation must be and the suggestion of the city disposing of the nds had been s King- rs four of the five. A local paper tells of a clergyman The question of the city grounds who received this calling on him | Everyoné knows the excellence of our Knit- where the shows are beld was to perform a marriage ceremony : brought up, and D. D. Rogers said! "This is to give you "notis, that | that he understood "that the erounds [and Miss Jemima Arabelia Breagly is could not be disposed of by the city | coming to your church on Saturday as they were held for agricultural | afternoon next to undergo the opera- ted Coats. Travellers tell us we carry the finest assort- ment of any house in Canada. We have all foot two an a 'arf, and till T struck you, I hadn't seen a painter what had enough height to do a full length of me," so that fhe meteorite was his pro- perty. Their dispute was never set- tied, for the customs officials intes- vened and confiscated the muteorite as manufactured iron which had en- tered the United States without puv- ing twentwfive per "cent. as valorem dots. a little of the mixture on a soft © . Draw this cloth slowly through the hair, aking Just one small strand at a time. This cleanses the hair and scalp of dirt, dust and excessive oil and makes the hair delightfully soft lustrous and fluffy. To stop the hai: from falling and to maha It grow again rub the lotion briskly into the Scalp with the finger tips or a medium stiff brush. Apply night and morning A few days' use and Fou Safina fing 5 in: lgose or siraggling hair. rey "hE be focked on our scalp as tight as a vice, Dandruff will disappear ang itching Cease. In ten days you will nd fine downy new hairs sprouting up all over vour scalp and this new hai will grow with wonderful rapidity. Any druggist can sell you the above. The prescription is very Inexpensive and we know of nothing so effective and certain in ity results. But Did the Game Go On? The other evening Mrs. Juckson had had some friends in to play bridge. As the game progressed sniffing was heard, noses wrinkled up, and Mrs. Jackson caught her friends Jooking at cach other in a funny way. Finally she disappeared jor a moment, and then came back and said to her com- pany : "f thought 80; the boys are skin: ning shuns in. the barn, ing to et skunk oil for their uncle Harry. -- tehison Globe. James Paisley, seaman on the G. T.R. liner Prince Rupert, lost his life in Vancouver harbor in-a gallant tempt to rescue a lunatic, Char at TO i ------ A lady in n southern town received notice from her gook that that lads was about to leave her service in or- der to enter into the bold state of mairimony. "Wh¥,"" said she, "Chloe, I didn't even know you had an. admirer." "Uh, yass, ma'am, for some time." "Who can it be, Chloe?" "Don't you remember, Miss Lifzie, dat 1 attended de funeral ob a fren' ob mine about two weeks 'ago ?" colors and all sizes, and all lines sell at 20 per. cent. discount. Scarfs To ward off colds and doctors' bills, 10 dozen at half price. Se Searfs for 25¢. $1.00 Scarfs for 50¢. . "$2.00 Searfs for $1.00, "$3.50 Scarfs for $1.75. > Hon > "Waal, ma'am, it's de corpse's hus Si Shad" : over: GENUINE REDUCTIONS 20 per cent. off all marked prices. Any pair of shoes in store at reduced price. Must be cleared to make | room for spring goods. Call and see. We have all sizes and styles to suit every one. Substantial reduction In all "Dr. Chase's Ofnt

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