Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Jan 1914, p. 1

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CHERIF PASHA PACES DUEL French Lawyer Sends Challenge Af- ter Being Snubbed. Paris, Jan. 20---General Mehmed Cherif Pasha, who narrowly escaped THROUGHOUT THE ciTy #ssassinadion several days ago is now in danger of having to fight a duel, -- As £ - And Clothing. San Francisco; Jan. 20. ~Thousands ASSUMING SHAPE ° ; : ---- KEEP A WATCH Thoiands of Mean at Work at I BAD ENOUGH ALONE : ' > Grounds. FL of 'busy men ure whipping into shape IS GOVERNMENT 'or next year the Pamama-Pacifie ox About The Bedside of Lord Dusition, The. largest world's {air and Strathcona on Prof eatin, of viv re Tee Laurier Critises Speech From |. 1umu. Meeting of the Women's The Throne Suilding is proceeding with pro- Home Missionary Society digious rapidity, all of the eleven maid exhibit palaces being under con- The annual meeting of thé Wom- an's Home Missionary Society of the BEHIND THE STUBBORNNESS OF THE SENATE (ieprge Desbons, a French lawyer who obtained information from Turkish friends concerning a second plot to assaszinate Cherif Pasha comimunica- -- 2 ted with the police and at the same, time offered to give to Cherif Pasha confidentially details which would be [ specially intencsting to him. He was 4Invited to call at Cherif Pasha's resi- dence, but on doing so was turned away from the door. He now seeks reparation for the insult and has sgt friends to Cherif Pasha to demand an apology or a duel. struction. ' The huge shell 'will be ready to receive the exhibits of the Presbyterian church 'was held on MANY EXPRESSIONS OF REGRET Darian aftergoon in the old aris' AT THE OUTCOME HAVE X DIFFICULT TASK FORE THEM RE- '| London Claims a Share With Canada WHITE LEGHORN PAID PARE | In His Splendid Career --His Face - and Form to be Much Missed in Obliging Hen Saves Owner Five-Mile the Hub of the Empire. Walk. State Ball Postponed Otiawa, Jan. 20.--Owing to "the se- rious illness of Lord Strathcona the state _ ball, at government house, which was to have taken place to- morrow evening, has-been postponed antil Jan. 29th. were the were ing the rents, the city Nearing the End. Jan 20.~This evening 13 report that Lord Strath- 3 unconscious and nearing the London, SEEKING MGGER REVENUR the Pic- Toronto, 20 .- ceded that venues A Thief Made Off With Bag Contain. for ----a THE WORLD'S NEWS, --n The Very Latest Culled From Al Over the World. Sir James Whitney's condition is ---- f p Regarding the Tariff and Other Mat- ters. 20. --~President Wil congress, to-day, trusts and pro- remedial legislation for the interlocking of directors, and . also ested that punisliment for com- and trust offences be visited on individual heads and not on com- vanies as a Whole. An adyisory in- lustria commission is also pro- rosed conspder the tariff with 'anada 4d ther matters Shoulder Bone Broken When a bread sleigh swerved on Tuesday morning J. MeAllister, Prin- suffered the breaking of It was set by Dr. mat- Washington, Jan message to severely with Pound £40,000 Tucked Away N.Y. men | the Ion § Rochester, Jan. 20.--<Jokn C. he town of Dun- dee, who died last week, was known to possess considerable wealth, but none of it could be found 'when the administration took charge of the estate, In taking stock of Koons jgrocery store, however, the adminis- ttrator discovered, tucked away : in barrels, boxes, old crockery aud rice bins, cash, notes and martgages a- mounting to 240,000. The search is being eontinued: - : pose Koons, a grocer in top of for probabil] Fatries for Céntral Ontario Poultry and Pigeon ow close Jan. 22nd. emember the Glee Club concert at the YMCA. Friday, § pom. Admission 26ec. 8. George's Men's Club opening banquet at St. George's hall to-night Speaker, Bishop. Farthing, Montreal. 5 ests oss street, Fo-day Ontario ministers of the his shoulder bone. goverdment, headed hy Hom. I. B. |, A. Morrison Luces, heard various aniagdnistic - views. expressed regarding the work- men's compensation aet. Fort William is to be a member of the Northern Baseball League, ~#hd In spite of the temperinz »f the ------------a-- vind the lamb shorn in Wall street Canonto. Notes, vouid have been mere profitable! Canonto, Jan: 19--School has ve- without the shearing. opened with Thomas Burke as teacher Fven when money talks a as formerly. . A box sociel was held generally gets the last word. in Canonto ¢hurch on the 16th in aid of the Sunday school. A large crowd attended. John Lake and Master world mouths before the exposition commemorating the' completion of the Panama canal casts its gates a buildine t-Q U yuilding, a neen's Jniversity. The exposition will stand alone not There Was a zood attendapee, "and only in its architectural treatment. © Various reports presented; wére but in its, picturesque setting - at ghowii J 4 ao ) Owing a Jarge dpercase, wing to Ft : the faet that th Sama the adornment of its vast interior } Pay 6 Amal of x ; 5 A ua the two societi Lome d courts anf of its. grounds with hu a es, ho an eign Clothing is Asked For the Poor 1 F oalme ; : ¥ ; 5 : 3 iverytinng « 'as best appoi the prese Children -- Employment Register : "0 London, Jan. 20.~London watches | ond rare shrubs and vines, trans- He Blamed Vor yi ng on Waste, ev 0 So Dei the present offi- Has Been Opened in Rev. Mr. Tarrytown, N.Y. Jan. 20--Thejqeon Steatheona"s dying hed as ng. [fOrming it into a tropical paradise; Loss and Extravagance -- Liberal resident thoughtfulness of a white leghomn hoy ; n urer, Miss Monat : in laying an egg at the opportune he vs i ming i lan and in an artistic color scheme lieve the People sarah Gibson 2G secretary, | Mite There is a great deal of disfress Ph nes, HS. MORNE at all : fu : Sarah Gibson . ' * abe 3 as ¢ Se throughout the city owing to walk after Wood had the hen in a ; 3 nroum [mons usw decorative artist 3 : made ong cold weather and lack of work. basket and wis returning from White [yh aims rs ) cleavage for the session between the | made a sirong appeal for home mis- Plai han he got on the trolley ondon claims a share of him with two political parties, especially in re- | Sionary work among the needy people + laine. Whom he got on the trolley fey, gq. pic greatness, hi : of the suffering in many households, 5 2h) . Sa ; i ; J. B. MeCr Fuel and. clothing ave. the chief things. 3 a While searching his pocket, he heard |. : fiscal economics, laid down inf. cardio Cras, "BA. of Queen's i thang 4 ! ! If : Ne n --_ 1 ther Hom cachte ans oo cover [It are told, this noon, in every the commons yesterday afternoon by | Universily, gave a very interesting No saw the newly laid } dar round Sean, every Juche Sir Wilfrid Laurier and Premier Bor- j®#ccount of his work on a mission Monday afternoon and discussed the . 1 Flom, 3% oo TrmwarL, quick-moving ) : i 41 ad. 288 in Yeblv » speech fro » | MeCrae is g y 1 extremely difficult 'task = of providing his money and asked him 1 I ad dress in reply to the speech from the rus i i Saembes of the Q.UANLA, for the poor families of the city who LADY ADELAIDE SPENCER egg for ihe nickel far Tle : ed in London for years. If the throne. The navy hovered in the back- | sh whic A society the W.H.M.S. ug . > : dR a ¢ > d ol wd ays hol is p rot vi ir ilf ¢ g ep | 15 chiefly indebted 1 y are really in need of nid. on account marsughter Rh, Spence . who will] ductor willing I of death la hold hi time ground, with Bie Nitd > inting the 2 efly indebted for many helpful arry » Sydney yrother _ na diss PATANCE Of @ saying fresh eggs 1. 1 sive interests in €anada a .t : . : . eald spell of last week the . number through the miro and Ww in rip is recalled that his face lost its us ing refuge behind the stubbornness of anplying for help had reached a moa ! 1eir honey- Afar ---------- : . ; Enz goodly dumber, but at present it > ual smile after the death of Lady § a still recalcitrant senate, and pro- x - - Stratheona this fall, mising that when Providence had suf- very 3 but was informed WILL TRAIN GUNS Reina: MUST BE STOPPED up to this (ime. Rev. A. F. Swart had no jurisdiction, jGaused by Bringing Muscles Into) would then bring in o naval bil, if a has, Suring the Hast week, boon be- Wena Play That Are Ordinarily naval holiday did not materialize - sicced by people desiring aid. - - meanwhile, J - Mr. Crothers proposed ive away 3 Principal of Reciprocit Is The an We RAED. aid. tis hed Yoohas as § fio fo give i Suffragists to Oppose Every Can- a speech marked by all his old-time Ri it 0 F The y ' rork i ": ol . . ' ( lay of i tell who are Loally ont Jars and bring a note bearing the signature of didate For Congress With Connellsville, P'a.,, Jan. 91.--The| force ana vigor, play of wit and g ie ror Ontario in need of aid, e advised | ; : f "tango knee' is the latest terpsichorean | Metaphor, and deft' piercing of the : some Manns ho taken to ascertain the [It is the desire of Mr. Smart to have Si eakers | aliliction. Persons who indulge in the condition of familide out of em- the clergymen assist in visiting . ! 9 armor. noted the recurrence of hard London, Ont., Jan. 20.--~At a rous- ployment, and upon motion of Rev. 'poor, a ; t TY ( tare Firat a cramp in the knee. It comes at the| times, unemployment, and generally | ing liberal raily held at Coldstream, . W, : An excellent scheme ior the raising [ Cratic candidate for congress this tally « ms, most unexpected times, too, they say, | Unsatisfactory economic conditions |last evening, J. C. Elliott, M.P.P., of Macgilliveay, it was decided to put a 'of funds was proposed by F. W, Hew-| Will be opposed for election by] Jan, The Ontario foften during a dance and the desire is notice in the newspapers to the of litson, superintendent of the london |tr8ined speakers sent out by the con-| cabinet has heen o red on the gues- government to power ney government for its lack of -in- perthitted in polite society. S-- terest (in all farming projects and it 4 PB Sway 6 Brock } ; she hoy arters in \Ws Ov : wd a i 5 Hy and its office of Rev. A. F. Smart, 56 Brock 'to' have a hockey match played be. | Which has i's headquarters in Wazh- {provincial treasurer is préparing the Physicians who have diagnosed the | Policy of 'Let Baa Enough alone" | favoritism towards the big moneved sirect, where those secking employ- [tween au team of this company and {ington. The officers of the union in-| legislation. It is practically con- | "tango knee" declare it is caused by i kvi inte dia ' ral sir guns on the demo- he sment ar lo- | , 3 i « ment can register, Brockville intermediates, the game to |tepd to train their guns on (he demo the Supplementary Ie x a ith hs ment apparently proposed to do noth- events Droved conclusively 'that the RN Li y 3 narily are little used, and the ----sub-|ine ¢ exist] ondi rinciple of reciprocity proj Men Too Lazy ro Work i possible, ft was decided to have {Wives of the party in cont of the bring an .added- income of S100,000. '} sequent strain results in something oe Bg Dag ha i adios I the liberals, - the right ol There are some cases where men are [Some of the ladies sell tickets for it, | government. Plans to tins -end are! \mong the companies and corpora- {similar to a cramp. n : b Je r dh iL Souid Upon motion of Mrs. W. Gi. Jordan, | being perfected, and immediately wp { tions affected will be life and fire in- o -- policy of "let bad enough alone." bill and the reduction of the tariff get employment, and of. dei decided 1 REO hay eho x ' Premier Borden's reply was to|with a rush of farming trade across strongly urged the opening "of a quar- jit was decided that a committer com- {Suffragists will get busy Jn practically panies, © trast corporations, steam blame everything on "waste loss | the border were cited by him He rv to gest the esrnoathess of those in | prised of Mr. Smart, Mies M. Going, | every disirict in the United States inj,nd electric rail rs, telephone and and extravagance." Hig speach was urged that somethin be done to sto, need. Ti this way. ' the dean said it |and Miss JM. Richmond, distribute ['opposition to the democratic candi: telegraph companies, gas and olestrit 2 2 as z Stop | could be ascortnined who are the par- | clothing among the needy, Miss Go- Jdates. { companies apd. 6xpress~ companics. ing About $25 ment intertled to adhere strictly to -- RO ha the palicy of proteetion all around SIR JAMES WHITNEY : these lazy -for- | weary : Hh, es 1 ot : AS 2 Lou thews. he good for- Hos ng. appatel that. they hive no diylight on Tuesday. While one of | and absoltitely no ta¥ift relief, either -- OUT' them off from petuivs Oger any use for, to send it. ta; Si -- film. &xamvinad. the: drivers for R.'H, Toye was load- | to producer or consumer, Was fore. Becoming Mitch ¥ - g any help: True gs ... 4 Ucorge's hall where it will 'be received. {oenl Manufacturers Deputation! 4 ing up. his sleigh with bread, near ; : rh The question then arts as to aiding | Clothing suitable for children is mosg- {+ 0 2 : : Iv desired Went to Toronto. PERMITS NO L oR Dr. Michael (Clark took up the ar- Toronto: J 20.-- Sir J % ) . : x 4 ab 8 he . a : bis : y y, Jan, MW) § W. J. Crothera 'was strongly against] A deputation was appointed: to wait | 'Cananogde, Jan. 20.--At a special the sleigh and made off with a bag gument on the liberal side, em. muck weake n Hi adits ae die s : . . ; ¥ 4 a ™ 4 ap rs' containing about $25 which the driv- | phasing somew his rreater detail NG RUEr. 1s condition this giving aid to these lazy lonfers, who the local Manufacturers IN THE CANAL ZONE uning about $25 which the dri phasing in somewhat greater detai afternbon is still. very] tisfac would not work, and said that if they! {work be provided for 'the poor. Association a deputation consisting of er had left there. The driver had {Sir Willrid's proposals freer ie Ba Ty. Wasatislac- ; 1 EE : 3 3 9 This bulletin, issued from Toron- ment. had been secured for. them, they | Rev, A. KE. Smart, Rev. T. W. Savary, | the Gananoque Board of | . i of round of the day, and instead of [will be continued ai considerable hy i, ro n should ba 'brought hoiore the police |Rev. ol. Webster, Rev. W. MaGill Skinner and 1. Forl Jones. was ap- | DOMifign Government Will Keep' inning in bis bag and money left length, and the amendment moved general hospital ao thin magistrate, and given,a term in jail, fvary, 'Dean G. I. Starr, Rev. J. Fair | pointed to appéar- at the parliament it in the sleigh while he loaded up [hy Sir Wilfrid: Laurier today will | ilecnoon, 1s taken ag indicating a v A > : ; Lana : . : : : § i , a s. Sir James slept little last ist. { 5. Baile, W. R. Givens, ¥. W, Howit- [to support the confention of the Ca- oo Fhe theit was evidently committed |several others defining . the liberal | "9% oH : It was stated that some of these son, Mrs. J. Bidwell, Mrs. W. &. |padian Manufatturers' Association in} re solutely Dry by some parson who vas kerpitg a | policy on all the great political is. | Nigh! ie Yin rE a all today men have been going about claiming {Jordan, Miss | Muckleston, Miss M. regard to the workingmen's compen St. Catharines, Jan.~80.~The rov. | close. tab on the movements of the sues new before thgseGuntry. 80 far His toi rature, ue Ay that Fallon Bros, contractors, have Going, sation act as submitted hy Sie Wi ent has already decided that no | AFiver.- The latter was given quite | .J. H. Burnham (West Peterboro) | Pitation and the general state of the turned them down, and will only em. Ham Meredith. The deputation 3 4 y -- al ig ai i 4 0 Fe iamiat : cause the doctors much anxiety. i fos ! and a number of dominion policemen | his rounds 'again fo fiad that the |tionist idea. * T . ind i view of this, wrote to the minister of On Sunday, Jamary 18th, the local {00 hon ordered: to corie Tie ie and | bag and money was missing. wl Ihe latest bulletin i8 by" far the labor to see if 'the government con Salvation Army corps celebrated the foil the zene so. thot the "dry" | : No Indication of Relief most serious - and depressing yet 'is- tract allows this state of affairs, In } r= ization in Gananoque. terday a waggonload of heer a oD 1 CANADA : your - - the Fallon were ree to hire By the breaking of a shaft st the ra a ER el ud er Na fe royal highness that in the gracious The recent municipal sirike at. whom they liked: W. F. Nickle wrote [not so favorable. works of the Ontario Wheel company, tion 1%o. but contractort would speech with which you have . met | roads cost the city - $250,000. As Mr. Smart that. Pallon Bros. would ale the aon v t) gE ter of a very short time. compelled to go home for the day } business is in a depressed condition, | owners have raised the renfs. long as it was satisfactory. They are At Macalister, Okla, seven "At a special session of the Ganano yet there is ho indication on the "Witch hazel Cream." Gibson's. at present waiting for ice. were Killed in a pistol fight at que Poultry Association, a committee, part of your advisers of determina- . Another great problem In connection \ bi . i Hon. Frank Cochrane, minister of jpresident),. S. 'S. Cheetham, William lieving 'such situation. . : | of paying rent. Some oi those whose railways, is completely recovered | V. Bulloch, and. William G. Garnsey, In these terms Sir Wilfrid Laurier 2 Jitido amount of momoy has dwindled | gp, is 'rece i iti of Leek Island Farm, was appointed. resented the pressing problem of Ca- * rod with bo} rom his recent indisposition. away, are now confronted with beng : decided on a presidential inovation of [dates conflict with that of several the very outst - of the new session, ING CITY STORES liveay wanted to know if the city passing the spring holidays in Nioa other places, is expecting a large en- The liberal leader called for action, Buecknelt's N Depot 206 Kisg F. Id "take ti ZRinst a 5-10 = try' list. Tt has been' very fortunate prompt, whole-hearted and efiectual, | Bucknell's News Ay could not . ta Some action agains William Woodworth, Pope's Mills, | FY hist. a A: Clarke, J. W. & Co. ....853 Princess the landlords in the way of moderat- Mi dl : : \ ; a : Y government lecturer, who will lecture tion which for months past have béen | n G * hte. He was mentally inbalanced. on the afternoon of January 25th, on menacing Canadian progress and Ca- Coulter's Grocery a DAILY MEMORANDA atruDidn, hia het giselosed to "Winter Fg Production." and in' the nadian prosperity. He called upon the Duiens Grocer id Cor, PRG & gi Band 'at Palace Rink to-night. members ol e uebec legislature evening 5 give a demonstration and rontenne Heo 8, right hana corner, iy. > : : firmness, "and with : good judgment, MeAuley's Kk SGOR6 +...00 Prints . Mrs. ©. H. Bulloch, proprietor of that "the national shop~may be re- : At Sarnia a mother gives her fils | ie patil to not iti ' b MeGail's Cigar Store ....354 King St. : a £ » | Glenholme farm, will have a large ex- opened, that conditions may be better A s teen year-old so savholic = acid xen arm, 8 | McGall's Cigar Store ... 08 Princess th'year-old son earbolic : aex '® Ihibit at the pouliry show. on January mistake for medicine, with fatal re } augurated." ot be in competition for prizes in tl : Mediey's Drug Store 200 University Ave 1 no ne C0! PLO or (708 1 Ww . » James Turnbull; manager of the I ¥ Paul's Cigar Store ,.......70 Princeas Prouse's Drug Store 312 Prificess Montreal v a lines she breeds, Bank of Hamilton, Hamilton, caused is y . DDG. President Mrs. Damon Buck Sirpise by announcing his retire- apd suite went up to Kingston, *yes- went, y a terday, to install the officers of thejhad a company with $40,000 capital ap oiazonim lu Winston | Kingston lodge of Danghters of Re-|to handle: a team. Churchill and Lloyd George is s0 bokah, we great that the resignation of one of %. Herbert R. Dewitta received, them is expected. ar on eb. 20th, 1915. all of a most encouraging nature, Harbor View, the exposition site: in dreds sof thousands of palms, flowers takes place in June, it was thought x iN : - . . , fd resident X lack + . Smart's Office. tions watch for . the death of kings. [® a marvelous "night illumination Leader Called For Action to Re- sident, Mrs R. J. Diack; treas: time saved West Wood a five mile rey + Jules: Gue X Rs S : 2 5 } | ; created by Jule uerin, world fa Ottawa, Jan. 20.<The lines of During the afternoon, Miss Machar impumerable expressions of SQITOW, people have any idea of the extent / s Cina + is wketbook p gard to the fundamental questions of [in Kingston : he eomld not find his pocketboo tic -carcer, his overwhelming personal. The Associated Charities mot on ou . ) - ed to the conductor den in opening the debate on the ad- | field in southern Saskatchewan. Mr. fizure has heen prominent and i 4 inte aud Tos ill 'he 'much. mise. j 44 "" al of the # bun . i n th } y face and form will be much miss TANGD KNEE NEW moral o " of lack of employnient. Dofore the | of vie unt Pee They bhve exten. gayng ed from the hub oi the empire. It "emergency," and Premier Borden tak-| Sa exersds everything of previous years that ON F DEMOC TS ficiently "reformed" {he senate 'he . p iri Plans for Relier - The problems is & difficult one and Used Little On the fiscal issue Sir Wilfrid, in . that 'a member of the Associated Chariti x Ass harities many loopholes in the enemy's Farmer Washington, Jan. 20--Every demo- | Taxation on Corporations and new dances complain of what feels likes ngton, Jan, 2 ver) x W. Savary, seconded hy Rev. Dr, | fusing hte, sn with the return of a Conservative West Midkilesex, denounced the Whit A J ¥ : { r to rub the injured mb, which isn't fect that there is a register in the |Life Assurance company. He proposed | &n@8gional union for women suffrage, tion of incial revenue and the v l He pointed out that the govern-|interests, He stated that "recent s bringing muscles inte play that ordj- be played the first week in February | cratic candidates as the representa- Act will be aliered so as to too Taey to tok ora if che oe tices, and had now adopted the new |the Ontavic farmers. The Underwood secanded by Miss A. Mucklest on, {bn the adjournment of congress "the | surance companies banks, loan com- : ibis > then, a oe ROBBED A BREAD WAGGON a clear intimation that the govern-|rural depopulation. ties guilty of pauperizing, and having Ling would like all those who have any 3 The moving pictare censor fee mav | daring robbery occurred in hroad - : THE TOWN-OF GANANOQUE fe er fro Lae @l50 per shadowed, the wives and children of such men. the bakery, a thief paid a visit to {upon the City Council to ask that {%ession of continued 10 be such after employ-| Those present at the meeting were : | Messrs: Alfred W. Taylor, ident of just come in after making his first [trade and lower tariffs, The debate | OFY: g : 3.2 8 ry 3 ; ont a 3h until the lazy habit had censed to ex- ile, Rev. J. Craig, W. J. Crothers, 1. |buildings, Toronto, on January 20(h, The Welland District Ab- again probably he only "the forerunner of | V6TY Serious turn in the patient's dll- , , vA ns . ! eit liquor shall be sold in the canal zone | 8F ck when about to start off on |jollowed, and supported the protec. | Premier's health all contributed to ploy foreigners, Rev. Mr. Smart, in al noon yesterday. - 3 twenty-ninth anniversary of its organ vk meioe: 3 be ad tne : sued. sines Sir James was' stricken. reply. Mr. Smart was informed that > ordinance is strictly carried out. Yes TO TALK WII "Wo regret to represent to : J 1 th 1 itn a - tt han y * Lord Stratheoma's death is 4 yesterday morning,.the employees were [po bd parliafent, while it is admitted that this falls on the rates ihe property employ all Kington labor possible, so penitentiary, consisting of George A. Smith (the tion to take any steps towards re- with these hard times is the matter 3 } President Poincare, of France, has | The associstion, although its show nadian citizenhood to parliament at | [8 ON SALE AT THE FOLLOW turned into the . street. Dr. Macpil- . . s i 3 n SOTVIoes of n. oo > SOT eh pie eo TH 1 -- N.Y., was burned to death in his |I0 securing the services of 8 Yates, to relieve the secjons economic condi College Book Store .. 160 Princess i ve nt to act with courage," with Hand at covered rink to-night > n ' 4 : 4 > governinen SE Gibson's Dr St «Market and charges are to be made short Jodture: on' 'Feed aud Food. i n's ug Store ..M Square ed, and another era of good times in- i a 3 : McLeod's Grocery ....51 Union St. W, 27th, 235th, 29th and 30th, but will Mele N ry & sults. Valleau's Grocery woman REDPATH--To Mr. and Mrs, FH. B. Redpath (nee. Jennie Richardson), Nottawa, Ont, oa. January. 12th, 1614, a son. Time" in the Stores January is the season when the stores go through the pro- cess of cleaning stocks--a na- tural and healthy business transaction. Theéy plan to get out all the Winter merchandise they can and get ready for Spring. Believeing in the adage that "Trade follows the price," they act accordingly. What the ad- vertising at this season of the year may lack in literary qual- ity it than makes up in pocke k appeal. Glance through the adver. tising in to-day"s Whig and you will see the passing of the " The new goods are knock- ing at: the doors and you find the whispers of Spring creep- , ing in with the passing of Win- ter. Te As they "take stocks" most of the i are. making their business plang for 1914. It you asked them what the most ic t part of these Dr. Henry: Russean fell dows the élevator shaft at the Sti. Louis ho- tel, Sherbrooke, Que., and was in- stantly killed. i _ Krafohenko, the bandit, is sa ser- | fously injured by his fall from the | nolice station window, Winnipeg, when | making his escape, that his right leg 'may be permanently paralvzred. * The difficulties hetween Prinress Lo- nise of Belgium, daughter of the late King Teopold, and her ereditors, have been settled. The princess will receive about 300.000 as ber of her father's estate. For the first tire in Seventeen vears the blast furnaces of the Mary- land Steel company, at' Sparrows Point, Baltimore, shut down, and '1,500 men are out of work. i x Five vears in the penitentiary was the sentence imposed on Thomas W, Luscombe, London, Ont.. by Judge | Elliott, or charges of theft and mis appropriation of funds entrusted to his care. Luscombe for years was one of the best known barristers" in this eity. ie Rov. 0. W. Snider has roceived sub stantial evidence from ecitigems of their interest in the wo of the Lord's Day. Alliance. Ths 1 tions are worthy of the men he call- ed mpon. oy wr [System Will be Stated on uly 1 = have completely | {ada it will be on yesterday afternoon, at her new home on Stone street, quite a'large num- ber of frionds paying their respects. William N. Bulloch, located for a pumber of years at Fstevan, Sask., has returned to town to spend. the next six months. " RALIA WILL CARRY FARM PRODUCE BY MAIL -- Example to - Canada. ; Ottawa, Jan. 20-4 farm" produce is to be carried by Jerudds post in Cane y following in the footuteps of another dominion, Austra- lia, according to a paragraph in a re port to the trades and commerce de- partment from the Canadian trade commissioner in that coumiry., Com- missioner Ross states tat a commit- toe from the post-office department al il had ried on the mat: ter, -- aystem will be started on July lst. At the outset, farm produce chm. only be mailed at country railway stations, and delivery will be made in thé cjties and towns in which the post - Tanuary as a big offiods ave: provided with motor deliv- ery. Naggone. Folin BEDROOM FX TORONTO The Premier arvived in Toronto on the morning of the 19th 3 He came the 500 miles from and was transferred to the General 5 "dre nol effécts of and the hope is that he will recover SK New York in his and is tt ory he public. Sir James shows GENERAL HOSPIAL OCCUPTED BY SIR JAM: ES WHITNEY pilarold left Satundav to attend the funeral of his sister, Miss Lizzie Bake, who died Friday the 16th at tha home of her sister, Mrs. Robert North, Manion, The Messrs. W, Trial, of Drummond, and A. McInnes and R. Close of Lanark are hauling lumber for Lawrence Bros. J. Arm- strong, of Ompah, spen¢ the week Visiting with his sister, Mims. W. A Badour, LIKELY SWALLOWED Up - IN THE QUICKSANDS The Conmandér of a British War ship Took His Ow' Life. Plymouth, Eng. Jan. 20 = Al though lighters continued to drag for traces of submarine A. 7 there was mo {race and the theory that she was gswalled up by quicksands is now generaly accepted., i Commander Hamilton Gordon, was found dead, apparently from suicide to-day, aboard bis vessel, iH, M. 8. Thrasher. It assisted in the Mhsuc- cessfil search for the missing sub- marie. it is supposed he felt, in somite way, responsible for tle death 'af biz comrades. - "+ ROBERT J-BED . 'Phone srr 230 et ious AND The best lot we iver had 'also Dressers, Stands ate ver A, full {ine. Reasonable At Turks, 'Phone 706. : A

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