Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Jan 1914, p. 11

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_THE DAILY RRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, JANUARY 20,1914, Basin WE. 2 a a : : 0th . she : a Whiter CH : cried some x at : "2 . y vg admitted Bynes, "that oy De & steak sounds good. That Ls THE ," he went on lsugusdly, NiawA i : "i t sort Appeal to me about be amid ile mk a . A aoa lave tought you coiid Jan. 19th to 23rd, 1914 ar fh a Ln! ONE WAY Pier. PARE | ' a £ a kets 0 ; uth, and ft]; "Its a firtrate Bro sition --when Good to return on or before Jan. By [] . x . f t talking about Ag hn hors § Loui . : little to eat is a poor business, any- T, : § way. heiyt You find that?" . acy - i rose and tapped the barome- ! i nnn ter, adjusting the sliding scale to regd Bard night we have gone through. r you are a believer in the : system, and prefer a light © Brand finished the morsel of biscuit -drank the cup dry. ih . g b We can make all arrangements to your family and friends from Old Country. Special attention "For full particulars apply t6 J.P. HA * Iroad and Steamship Agent, Cor Sonatas aad Ontario ih . Copyright by Meleed & Allen ! "But In your case it is h My father believes we will be here at : least forty-eight hours." Then she be |°> Pyne glanced up fame conscious that again she had not | Outside he could see sald exactly what she meant to say. | down 'the signal. He s "So you, at any rate, need not wear Jay and secured his hal Meved himself 'our fingers to the bone," she added, cup. 3 Rn "Come along, Elsie," be said, crook]: ing bis left arm for her. "Follow olose, Mamie. Mind you don't fall." a iH um [amma is asleep," he assur | le on.' em in a whisper on the next land . "Your example equals your precepts. ing. "She just can't be woke Ne x Enid, lear Fourgels from Lhe attractive | quite a long time." i Bpectacle. here are eighty-one rav-| 5 Shou people to be Ted orn bo vied ham 10 ho doo LSorry you haven't hit upon the real | muyior was. He broke the hard bis. reason of my abounding industry," | coi" two pleces and gave one to sald Pyne, who skipped down the lad each child. fund as they descended: © "P28 | "Hore, Mamie, you cary the cup, "Please tell us. It may be inapir | ¥ Go MAES tea," protested Mamie * sald Constance. " on) nu . ns, aia C he bows If T cant vat 1 can't have coffee I want some TE hr | a3 scullery-:mald when I'm | woul, now, you wait a little bit, and " "Then 1 veto the idea now," she an Jou ll be tickled to death to see What o I'l bring you. But drink the tea. It's Ab na 1 ave liad 3 oBt| good au' hot. Skip inside, hoth of » rtaln you." h Jou have not closed your eyes all He held the door partly open and - I will make it my personal { Business to sep that both my Tou Dew vanished. He heard Mra, Taylor "Didn't I tell you these two - little you lie down for a couple of hours reakfast. dears would do their @wn business best." mmediately after bi "Or else there will be a mutiny in | He regamed the serviceroom to lind Braud steeping the remains of Ji better," he announced. wind would go down, or to the norrard!" 5 would a change of Pyne, greatly re- y the change of topic. they might be able to ith a rope attached, the rock at low tide reach it with a cast n." i wind do? OTTAWA Winter Fair, Ja, 20 to 23 ONE WAY FIRST CIASS FARE FOR ROUND TRIP $3.70 Tickets Bak ting tn 19 to Jan. 22 I i i Ii | "Guess it must be a national vice," said with irritating complacency. { Guat now I feel I have a regular bus b : g i: is i ; ! 'babes and sucklings"? Take it! The ers are the children of Mrs. E. Webster, of Scigneurs St., 'Montreal, al the Wgthae adds weight to their «| . Shesays: a ale ier ar disease at school. Bad gatherings formed all over her head, and not only caused the child acute pain but made her Very ill. The sores discharged, and ocourring on the scalp we feared she would lose all bier hair. = She was in a pitiable | charm in dra awgy the pain, plight when we tried Zam-Buk, | and soon healed the wound." Zam. Buk is * something different" in the way of balms. It contail werfalbealing herbal essences, Which, assoonssapplied FREE BOX to skin diseases, kill off the germs and end the painful smarting. Other sssencea contaived in Zam-Buk so stimulate the cells that] Send us 1 cond new healthy tissue is speedily foruied. Eczema, itch, ulvers, sold § stamp for post. sores, abscesses, festering sores, blood poisoning, chronie wounds, | age, and we will cold cracks, ete. are healed and cured in this way. Useit forall fmail sist skin injuries and diseases. Itisalso of greatservice for piles. Alllives. Mention Grapgists.and stores at 50 cents box, or Zam Buk Co., Poronto. Hehe pages, ~ you mean that we could be fer to the steamer by that means?" at is absolutely out of the ques- until the weather moderates to a far greater extent than I dare hope at present. But, once we had the line, We could rig up a running tackle and n some stores." "Is it as bad as all that?" said the nger man, after a pause. They looked at each other. The knowledge that all true men have of their kind leaped from eye to eye. "Quite that bad," answered Brand. ! Pyne moistened his lips. He pro- & case containing two cigars. | He held it out. A "Let us go shares In consolation; said. ri hij ht is Te Eiis Ev Rp ; ' f 4 25 §E it vl iit to Zam-Buk, and we were not disappointed. It acted like a i 76 . Brand accepted the gift, and af- fected a livelier mood. © "By lucky chance .I have an ample pupply of tobacco. It will keep the quiet," he sald. "By the way," Eg the kitchen," chimed in Enid. " she whispered, when they ey SLORY cn. Portland; Me. Feb, 7 Mar. 14 Mar. 21 CAN el From Southampton Fro Jan. 22 ASCANIA Feb, 20 ABCANIA Mar. & ALAUNIA Steamers will call Plymouth east bound. Rates--Cabin ool. HE up. rd class British eastboun 30.36 up. b d $30 up. 'estboun: Fo, ZORT ANERI, 0: Hints 70 BERMUDA] 88. "BERMUDIANS twin screw, 10, $18 tons displacement. shils from New York, 10 a.m., '21, 28 January. 4, 11, 18, 25 February. Sub- marine signals; wireless, orchestra. Record trip 39 hours, 20 min. Fast- ost, mewest, and only steamer landing Passengers at the dotk ia B without transfer. WRST INDIES---New $8. "GUIANA" and other, steamers from New York et 3 p.m, 24 Jan, §, 20 Feb for Bt. Thomas, St. Croix. St. Kitts, An- tigoa, Guadaloupe, Dominicla, Mar- tinlque, St. Lucia, Barbadoes and erara. For full information apply to J. P. ¥, or .C. 'ATRICK, ficket Agents, Kingsten; QUBBEC STEAMSHIP CO., LTD., Quebec. A ---------- | G-- St. Jolin Win ¢ From Bristol bi RMS ' %ard Fen 1x was SAE IF SS 138 ob + ir. ox Chara For annil nspection Line Steamehips combine. the finer features ship's matron . SR Sweet Oran 1 rig Teg 89, ie, 30 ane. : 'Malaga Grapes, 20¢ a 1b, ' Bananas, 15¢ and 20¢ a : Figs, 160 a Ib, 'Dates, 10c o Ib. 814 Princess St. ' Phone 1408 iT FREE TRIAL _ Cut out this article, write Across {ft the pame of this Paper, and mail ft "to Peps. Co., Toronto, or 52 Princess Street, { Winnipeg, enclosing 1 cent stamp to pay for return post- age, A {8s crowing, louder as he Xoes Nong Only 452. per pound.' For chewing an smoking. AT A. MACLBAN'S, Ontarie Street. The kind yob are looking is the kind we sol Scranton Coal Is good coal and we guarantee inc prompt Booth & Co. foot of We Street TWO WOMEN SAVED FROM OPERATIONS By Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegé table Compound -- Their for what your kind advice dia Riakham 's Vegetable a ave me. "When I wrote to you some time ago] | ' very sick woman suffering from troubles. I had organic inflam. § are fipe. I will a. ¥ RANK . it ine i "Connie, | were safely out of hearing from the ! room, "I never saw a worse 1) I KX gi E f i i pik at 8 i n of the news from Penzance. Bel and contemplated its contents 1 oF that banquet won't s| for *" he sald to himself. "I'll just around and look at it until the boss el was: holatintg the last line of flags, the American heard faltering footsteps on not seen since they were swung aloft Cr. the sloping deck of the Chinook. ir astonishment was mutual. child, aged about eight, recog: nized in him a of the fine days on board ship. She turned with confident cry. "I told you so, Mamie. It was up. You said down. Here's the big glass tiouse--and Mr. Pyne." : She quickened her speed though her left arm was in a sling. Pyne, dread Jom she should fall, hastened to p her. : { "I'se all right, Mr. Pyne," she an: the the coagt-guards were not yet in pos-| fe placed the tray on the writing-| pounced with an air of great ty. . Raaaks one seh at 3. He ! ketch rail. "~ his biscuit in an almost empty cup. The lighthouse-keeper greeted his young friend with a smile. -' "I suppose that you, like the rest of us, never had augh an appetite In all Your days?" he A "Oh, I'm pretty well fixed," said "| Pyne, with responsive grin. | "There you are fortunate. There is usually a wretched little fiend in a man's loner consciousness which | him to desire the unattain- | able." Now, I am a poor eater as a rule, . | Yet this morning I feel 1 coyld tackle The Best Cough Syrup is Easily Made at Home Costs Little and Acts Quickly. Money Refunded If it Fails. This recipe makes lé-qunces df-cough syrup, and saves you about $2.00 as com- pared with orfilinary COWEN Pehedies. It stops obstinate eoughe--even whooping eough--in a burry, and Is splendid for Sore lungs, asthma, <roup, hoarseness and other throut troubles. Mix two cups of granulated sugar with one cup of warm water, and stir for twa Put 2t5 ounces of Pinex (fifty ) in a 16-ounce boftle, and ar Syviup. Take agteaspoon- two or three hours, This takes riglit ho'd of a cough and most instant relief It stimu- lates the appetite, spa is slightly laxa- tive--both excellent features. most valuable concentrated compound of Norway whité pine extract, rich in guaiacol and the other natural healing pine elements. No other preparation will do the 'wer of Pinex in this recipe, altliough strained honey can be used ipstead of the sugar syrup, if decired. Thousands of housewives in the United States apd Canada now use this Pinex apd Sugar Svrup recipe. This plan has often been imitated, But the old success. ful formula h ow cost immense! never been equaled. Its ¥ results have made jt A guaranty absolute satisfaction, or money premiptiyv refunded, goes with this recipe. Your druggist has Pinex, or will get it for you If not, send 10 The Pinex Co.. Torento. Ont TAKE A GLASS OF SALTS IP YOUR BACK HURTS OR ' BLADDER BOTHERS The American men. and women must guard constantly against Kid- ney trouble, because we eat too much and ail our food Is rich, Our blood is filled with uric seid which the kidneys strive to filter out, they weaken from overwork, become slug- hgish} ' the eliminative tissues . i and the result is kidney .trouble, cling in h ; When your kidneys feel like the urine is cloudy; full of sediment or you are obliged to seek relief two you suffer with sick headache or dizzy, nervous speels, acid stomach, of you have rheumatism when the weather is bad, get from your phar- macist about four ounces of Jad Salts; take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous is made from the acid "of Homan Juice: camblued with lithia, and has used for generations to flush and stimulate clogged kidneys; so it a 8¢ 2 tion, us sad bidder Norden. ~any time. Pinex, as perhaps you know, 18 the bladder weakness and a general de-|! eal lumps of lead; your back hurts orf, or three times during the night: if . You know anything about chemis- » 1 "Well--er--I went through a course it Yale." | "Can colza ofl be converted into h food?" 3 i "It contains certaln fats," admitted hn taking dublous stock of the uestion. "But the process of conversion, the chemical reaction, that is the difficul- » gna he MHfted"a quick glance at Pyne, lo bry "Bl-sulphide of carbon is a solvent, and the fatty acids of most vegetable oils can be isolated by treatment with Bleam super-heated to about 600 de- Brees Fahrenheit." Brand threw out his hands with a little gesture of helplessness; just thefi Constance appeared. . "Dad," she cried, "did not Mr. Pyne ig! you of my threat?" ! No, dear one. I am not living in tetror of you, to my knowledge." "You must please go to sleep, both of you,"#&t Teast until ten or eleven p'clock. ' Mr. Emmett is sending a man to keep watch here. He will not dis turb you. He is bringing some rugs and pillows which you can arrange on the floor.. I hive collected them for Your special benefit." . "At this hour! Impossible, Connie." , "But it is not impossible, and this 1s the best hour available. You know quite well that the Falcon will return at high water. you know." { Bhe bustied about, with the afr of a bousewite who understood the whole art of looking after her family. But something pussled her. "Mr. Pyne," she inquired, "where is your cup?" : v 1 "I--er--took it down," he explained. For some reason, Constance felt in- stantly that she had turned-the tables on him "since their last rencontre. She did not know why. Hé looked con- ! , for one thing: he was not so glib in speech, for another. ! "Down where?" she demanded. "Not to the kitchen, I have been there since you brought up your bueak- fast and dad's on the same tray." v "1 breakfasted alone," remarked Brand calmly. "Mr. Pyne had feasted earlier." 9 "But he had not," persisted Con- stance. "I wanted him to--" She stopped. This impudent Amert can had actually dared to wink at her, a coufidential, appealing wink whic sald plainly: "Please dom't tyouble about me." "You gave your, tea and biscuit to somebody," she ¢ suddenly. *Now, who. was it? Co hg "Well," he sald weakly, *T did not feel--er--particularly hungry, so, when I met those two little girls fool in' around for an extra supply, F--er--- thought nobody would mind if--er--r' "Father!" sald Constance. "He had not had a mouthful." ! "Then take him downstairs and give him one. You must have found my conversation interesting, Mr. Pyne, whilst I was eating. But, before you £0, let me add .a word in season. There must be no fu discriminia- tion: Between persons' Stand or fall, each must abide by the common rule." Pyne, with the guilty feeling of a detected villain, explained to Con- stance how the 'cup might be rescued. "I shall keep a close eye on you in the hakaya, she annqunced as they And you must rest, Fomor You may try to, hut you wall nev- | er succeed 'in. di- i ibil- | 5 - For Cooking and Drixking; also for Cake, Icing and making Fudge. - Distinguished by an exquisite flavor and fragrance for which you pay extra on duty-burdened imported bra nds. Tuckett's "Club Virginias" | 75 cents a package t AT THE NEAREST TOBACCO SHOP MADE DY TUCKETTS, HAMILTON

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