-- TENDERS TO | BE CALLED FOR STREET PAVING. Three Open Skating Rinks to be Es. The City Gouneils, first regulae meeting of the hy last evening, lasted over tie Bore, Nearly an hour was taken up in discussing the Board of Works recommendation re- 'garding the calligg for tenders for paving Princess and King stroets, the inl of the board not having been cle explained when the report' was ted, n some misunderstand- ing was cleared and the recom- mendation made more comprehensive, the 'report. was unasimously adopted Hall an hour's discussion ensued on the recommendation of the Fire com- mittee to add four additional men to the fire brigade. This recommendation was by a vote of 13 to 4. In attendance were Mayor Shaw and Alds. Bews, Couper, Clugston, ~Cra- ham, Gillespie, farrison, Hoag, Kent, (Litton, McCann, New- Ni A Peters, Richardson, Stroud, Su land. ese communications were read and referred to committees : Nits. BE. J. Bidwell, president of the Kingston day nursery, asking for a grant. George Bawden, asking for a share of the eity's insurance. Charles Webster, for Edward Revell, re claim for damages, Secretary Board of Health, submit- ting resolution from Doard of Health recommending the construction of a sewer in Ontario street. Secretary Board of, Health, re isola tion hospital for smallpox. John Maedonald, secretary-treasurer of the Board of Tducation, making application for land west of Fron- tenae school, (AR. B. Williamson, M.1.O., sub. mitting annual report. John Macdonald, sécretary-treasurer of the Board of Education, asking for an election in Sydenham ward for public school trustee, Dean Starr, Rev. A: E. Smart and Ww. J. Cro Te nting the Poor Relief 'and = Associ Chhrities, ad- dredsad the cousiell; asking that work be provided for men who were in need. -- Finance Recommendations. These recommendations of the Fi- nance committee were adopted : That. the. election 'expenses amount: ing to 8396 be paid. Tht: a. arrangement for the city's acoount be made "with the Bank hh No America on the fol ig forms: OB) per cent. oh advances and 4 per cent. on cre dit balances. That the mayor and treasurer authorized to adjust and renew surance on the city property the expiration of cies. | That the communication from Dan- ial Dennis, making application for a position in the treasurer's de; partments be filed. That the communication from the Napante River and Improvement Co be filed. That the communication from the Hospital for Sick Children Toronto, be filed. That the following amounts Me placed to the it of the following committees as temporary appropria- tions : Boand of Works, £3,000; Fire be in upon , the present poli- -- $1,350. Snr Sign By-law. Amenaea. There was a discuspion regarding the recommendation 'of the Board of Works that the sign by-law be a- mended, providing that signs under eleven fect from the sidewalk be re stricted to a projection of eight inches from the street line, and to project thre fost when over eleven feet over tRe walk, this being the regulation in the city of Ottawa, Ald. Newman declared that if the regulation "was made it would kill the erection of electyic signs on the husiness streets. Ald. Graham said he would op- pose, the "Board of Works' proposal Heo wanted: to permit of every possi ble alegtric © sign being erected on Princesa street. Ald. Harrison claimed that there should be some fule as to uniformity established, Purthdrmore, signe should not be erected that would cause difficulty to the firemen in handling their dppaeatus. at burning buildings. i : Ald. Hoag supported: thd foard of Works' recommendation. He was a merchant, but he saw the wisdom of the proposal. 1 » Ald. Graham waxed warm ' over Ald. Hoag's =tand aud declared that aldermen could he pulled and were pulled to vote this why and that, "1 know they have been pulled." dhe exclaimed. # wR Ald. Hoag---'*Have vou ever heen pulled, Ald. Graham?" asked AW. Hoag. . Ald. Graham--"No 1 have not, but you have been pulled aml kndw ft. Tre 2! Ald. Hoag arose 10) precast; dat Ald. Graham 'would mov give way.an inch. There were someJmotterings betwee nthe two aldermdén, afd then the point at issue was i A Ald. Richardson held that the city should have same rule or ddenl before {v for the further oxtéfsion of Its streets, and he, therefore, supported the propoted amendmént of the by- law. Furthermore the question of obstruction by signs in 'case of fire should be considered. , . The board's recommendation was then adopted, I} nt Tenders for P¥ving. This was: the paving recommend ation that caused 's long discussion: TrEat authortey be uriven this com- mittee to adverti®é fof tenders for the various types of pavements for the ared on' Prilfeéss street between Clergy and Kisg#traets, and on King street' between ®rifiveés and. Brock streets, --tenderérs #0 submit their owh specifications, term of guarantee and- prices. CRMRDNOI. Sl rE Si - Ald. Richardson was not in fa of the recommiendwiion. He held that the city 'should have ils own specifi- cations. » : 'of like opinion. Ald. Graham Was It was foolish," he &dld, to ask ten- ders to subfiit 'their' own specifi- cations. Thé Board of 'Works would not know 'wiieré it was at when the tenders came im.' "This is ho 'way to call for tens ders," remarked Ald. Kent, "I couldn't support the recommendat- ion." : "We'll get better competition by. this method," said Ald. Couper. "We are going -the right way about it, and our engineers can easily go over the tenders and decide what to recom- mend." : "Ald. Couper is perfectly right," re- marked Ald.iNickle. "If our city engi- neer undettakes to make out specifica- tions for very pavement therg is, it will keep him busy till spring to do Property, HOW "Tz" TIRED, ACHING FEET "0, Girls," Don't have sore, puffed-up sweaty, calloused feet or corns-- Just try "TIZ." "TL makes ray fect set dunce." Ah! what relief. No more tired feet; no more burning feet; no more swollen, bad smelling, sweaty feet. No more pain in corns, callouses or bunions. No matter what ails your feet or what under the sun you've tried without getting relief, just use "TZ "TIZ" is the only remedy , that draws out all the poisonous exuda- tions which puff up the feet; "TIZ" is. magical; "TIZ" is grand; "TIZ" will cure your foot troubles so you'll never limp or draw up your face in pain. Your shoes won't seem tight and your feet will never, never hurt or get sore, swollen or tired. Think of it. no more foot misery; no more burning corns, callouses or bunions. Get a 20 cent box at any drug store or department store, and get instant relief. Cet a whole year's foot relief for only 25 cents. Think of it! : it. The standard simply 6ll in.' + Ald. Litton, replying to Ald. Rich- ardson, said that it was intended to use' Mr. Mather's specifications for the bade for the street railway, allowance. There were no speeifications for the top surface. Replying to Ald. Gra- ham's criticism that it was ioolish to ask contractors .to supply their own specifications, Ald. Litton remarked that the most of his contract work was from his own specifications, and the people for whom he did work were thoroughly satisfied. "'I don't believe," continued Ald. Litton, "that Ald. Grakam ever put up a. building 'accofding 'to speeifications." - ~ Ald. Graham replied that he could build a<House to a specification as well as Ald. Litton. "I never had to go to him and ask his opinion on such a thing, or {o anyone else." Ald. Kent said he had héen enlight- ened hy Ald. Litton's explanation that the city's own specifications for the railway track base would-be followdd, and that it was intended to follow the rest of the pavement irom the specifi- cations of the contractors. Ald; McCann was against sending the matter back to the Board of Works. Therc-shonld he né delay in getting tenders. All 'that was needed was to change the reading of the re commendation to cover the question that have arisen. The cify engineer was then called in, and he explained that the intention was to give contractors a basis for tendering. "He would also give them paving specifications, companies all have which they 9 several cross-sections of the streets to Ta time to ¥ with 'one's comfort and and uging well-made After ten days taste. a One common, but often unsus Suppose for a test vou trv t everywhere sell bot Feel Out of Sorts ? N It's a good idea to look for the cause!- pected cause is tea and coffee drinking. Yet rs0hs seem able to get along with tea of coffee--at least for atime. h headachy, bilious days come ) taste good; and the day's work goes wrong. (Tver feel that way ?)--then it's find, out for sure if tea and coffee are causing the trouble in your case. reakfast or There's a subtle, poisonous drug, "caffifie,"" in tea and coffee that inter- F g ferés with the normal functions: of body, brain and nerves, and has a lot to do progres. ~--a pure food-drink made of choice wheat. It has a delightf: our, and is absolutely free from caffeine or any other drug. or two weeks you will be able to decide *whethex, to go back ta tea and coffee troubles, or stick to. Postum and peace and comfort. . + + Postum comes in two forms. '. : Postum--must be well boi : : : -Postum--doesn't require boiling, but is prepared instantly by stirping a level teaspoonful in an ordinary cup of hot water and adding cream i kinds visdkatdl > simple expedient of quitting tea and coffee Reason" for Postum Canadian Postum Cereal Co., Ltd., Windsor, Ont, . un 7 some other meat doesn't / il, snappy flav- - wo. BINGSTON, ONTARI mi { hospital, Kingston, and is doing well + Is the corpse of the Ontario above package? -- Following an package, in the assurance that they come of the money. , be paved, so they could see exactly what was to be done. ; The recommendation was changed to read that the base was to be tender ed upon in accordance with the city engineer's specifieations, and 'the port was then. adopted. re Recommendations. adopted these recom- the Property commit- Property The council mendations of tee: That three open skating rinks be es- tablished. One on the cricket field, and the location of the others to be selected by this committee, That permission be given the com- mittee to extend the heating system' to the ¥nmigration and laborers' de- partments in the basement of the city buildings. By-laws were vend. for. the issuing of, $27,000 hight "plant debentures? for the borrowing of $100,000 {or current' éxpenses; for the opening up of Tho- nus street, and to amend the sign hy: aw. Elginburg Reports Elginburg, Jan. 19.--0On Friday hight, George Porter, owner of Elm Grove cheese factory, gave an oyster supper to 'about one hundred of his patrons and. friends. in Smith's hall. A pleasant evening was spent, and al} wished the genial host every success the coming season. There is to be a Farmers' Institute meeting in the hall Nong ny hight. On Saturday, the Glenburnie hockey team defeated the 'burg boys by & to 2: "Jack" Reid, chief rooter, and his followers did their part well. Miss . Counter has ro turned to Kingston, after spending a couple of weeks with her sister, Mra. F. Tolles. The skating rink committee purposes having 'a carnival on the 28th. Mrs. W. Emmonds and ¢hildren, Kingston,, , visited at Albert Fm: monds' recently. Mrs. C Houghson underwent an operation in the general' Her daughter, Margaret, is ith her. In January 14th items, it should have read "hardwood" floor, instead = of 'handsome' floor, in the school house Miss Jacobs, Brockville, spending a few days at A. Stover's, 18 Crow Lake News. Crow Lake, Jan, 19.--The cold weas- ther the last week has improved the ico on the lakes. Crow Lake is good now. School opened with the same teacher, Miss Hughes. The trustees are I. Barour, - William Knapp, and John Knapp, Sx. .H. Hogan return ied home. after spending a couple of {months in Halifax, working for the C. N. Ii. company. The C.P.I. is nearly ;completed; somo of the men have been {laid off. Mr. and Mrs. Silver were the (guests of Mrs. John Knapp, Jr. lait iweok. S. Middleton, Alberta, is visit- ing his many friends in this vicinity. Martin Wiltsie, visited his sister, Mrs. J Knapp, Sr,, who'is still very poor- ily. Mr. and Mrs. Fredetck Knapp ond J. Bain made a trip to the dity jon Thursday. The Stoness mines at iCole, Lake are running full blast, with a good turn out of mica. Master Har- iold Reynolds 'is suffering from a sére leg, canséd from an abscess. (altle buyers are quite numerous; gomo fat cattle were shipped from this locality {last week. Prices are very high at present, i oman Lombardy Locals, Oombardy, Jan. 19.--Miss Mary 0'- Grady, Westport, 'is visiting friends here, 'Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Covell; en- tertained several of their friends from Smith's Falls and vicinity on Friday evening. An enjoyable time was spent. The serious illness of Mrs. Charles Bis farm. An agricultural meeting in the interests. of the annual fair was held yon the l4th mst. Mrs. Frank Cowell tis visiting in Montague. James Dilla- {bhough, 4 farmer resident of this vici- inity, dropped dead of heart failure on Friday morning, near. Perth. Inter ment will be made in the public ceme- tery here, Regular freight trains are rw rupmng on. the CNR. Mr. and Mrsi John Seymour Toledo, spent Sat- urday here with 8. Portland, spent the week-end at Jo Duffield's. Miss Nellie Docker, who has spent some time with her parents, | Mr. and Mrs. P, DoBber. will leave shortly for Detroit, Mich. U 0, TUESDAY, JANUARY 20, 191 onette, is causing her friends much al-| a a RAILWAY TRUNK MYSTERY Wet Shore Railway contained in the in vestigation into the flotation of this railroad company, for which four Lundred thousand dollars was scribed, but the line not built, the police have seized the above trunk and sub- will contain some light on what 'be. Ee ---- -------------- -- The circulation of the blood is one of the most "perfect pieces of me- chanism in the universe. Besides! carrying nourishment to every part of the body. the blood collects the waste products and passes through the kidneys in order that these poi- sons may be eliminated.. Hence you see the tremendous im- portance of keeping the kidneys in healthful working order so that they free the blood of these Impurities before they find lodgment in Some weak spot and set up serious dis- ease. Aching back and aching . head- troubles with the digestion, 8 in the urine, constipation' af opie iousness--such are the. symptoms which indicate the need of Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills, The liver is awakened to action, the bow- els regulated, and the kidneys made vigorous in their work of purifying the blood. In the great majority, of homes Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills are kept at' hand to use in just such 'cases. They save many doctor bills, and by keeping the digestive and exeretive systems in health do much to: pro- long life and bring comfort: im old are. 1 A "DISMOUNTABLE HAT." Can 'Be Used for Theatre Motoring or Travel. Paris, Jan. « 20.~The newest: thing on 'the market here, "the dismount- able hat," has been evolved * because of the protests against the monster fashion in headgear. The new hat is wmany in one and can be arranged for the + theatre, automobiling or railroad travelling, simplya hy detaching or affixing an aigrette, how or row of brilliants and twisting it into a new shape. The practical utility of 4he invention is the saving of an accumulation 'of hat boxes in travelling. 4 rg Platinum Cure for Obesity Paris, Jan. 20.--Platinum: injec- tions as a cure for obesity = Have been brought to the attention of the Academy of Medicine by Dr. Tissier. The results obtdined are slight com- pared with the promises of | eertain advertised preparations, heihg a maximum af 500 grammes a «week, but the cure is highly acceptable to patients, as loss of time, fatiguimg exercises and alimentary" privations are unnecessary. : TAKES OFF DANDRUFF HAIR STOPS FALLING Girls! Try This! Makes Hair Glossy, Flufly, Beautiful--+=No More Itching Scalp.' *' Within ten minutes after an appli- cation of Danderine you cannot find a single trace of dandruff of falling hair and your scalp will not itch, but what will please you most Will be after a few weeks' use, wheh You see new hair, fine and downy at first-- yes but really new hal* growing all over the scalp. a A little Danderine immediately donbles the beauty of your bair. No difference how. dull, faded, . briftle and scraggy, just moisten a: cloth with Danderine and carefully draw it through the hair, taking oné small strand at a time. azing-~your hair will be light, fluffy nd wavay and have an A I abundance; an incomparable lus- tre, softness and luxuriapce.? ' Get a 25 cent bottle of Knowiton's Dangderine from any drug. store or hair is The effect is am-| toilet counter, and prove that yourl' pretty and soft as' Any----- FRANCE FACES FAMINE Many Citiéé Suffer From Snowfdll's Stoppage of Traflic Paris, Jan. 20,--Many of the cities of France have begun to experience a miniature famine owing to the virtual stoppage of traflic caused by the heavy snowfall. At Perpignan, riwhich is completely snowbound, sup- {plies of bread and fuel have fallen | very low, most of the provision mer | chants having sold out their stocks, while the pinch is felt also at Nim- o8, Pau, Toulouse and Toulon, where butter, éggs, poultry and flour are | running sho#t. : | Railway communication beiween { Paris and. Hordeaux has come to' a standstill, the trains from Paris and those coming in the other direction from Bordeaux being stalled on op- 1 Posite sides of Babiers in the Depart- ment of Herault: Practically all over France the branch lines are blocked, and at Cerebere, on the Spanish frontier, Where the smo has reach- ed a depth of forty inches, over 1.- 200 travellers are held up and it is very *diffiondt to find sufficient food and accommodation for them. Navigation of the canals and riv- ers also has virtually ceased owing to the thick ice and in. somé parts of the country the temperature haa fallen to zero and in Paris itself to sixteen: degrees Fahremheit, which has caased even the Seine, usually open all winter, to become partially icebound. The postal service between Algeria and France has been suspended, and it is reported that the temperature in northern Africa has fallen almost to freezing point EARL GREY HAS HOPES Lord Chelmsford Coming to Ottawa Regarding Eldwych Scheme London; - Jan. 20.--Lord Chelms- ford, accompanied by Ralph Bond, Earl Grey's solicitor, leaves for Ot. tawa on Wednesday to submit to Mr. Bonden "plans for the Aldwych scheme. : The. supporters of the scheme are 50 confident as to believe that the promoters will he able to exercise an option to seaure a freehold of the land at a cost of £1,300,000. With the cost of erecting ~ the designed block of buildings the total pro- Posed expenditure will reach '£2,500, The .plans of the ® board ' are to transfer to such provincial govern- ments as decide to come in an op- tion to lease or purchase w site without profit to the company, but wthject to' the Tondon county ' coun-. cil's stipulations for the use of land for imperial 'a8 distinguished private purposes. The promoters of the scheme fhink that the prospects are rosiers since the official intimation of Canada's abandonment of 'the . Westminster project, notwithstanding the official assurance teported in the Gazette that. the dominion government did not intend to move further in the near future. S from L R--- er ea MILLIONATRE IS CONDUCTOR Her Mother Would Like Him. : South Bend, Ind., Jan. 20.-0Otto Buck Churchill, who came here to seek a wife, and who (says he is the heir to an estate of B30400,000 pro- vided he married before July 25th, decided yesterday to! corpbine busi- ness with. pleasure while Booking for a mate, by taking a job ls a gtreet car conductor on the Northern In- diana railway. He agnouwnées that he will hold the job until' he finds his bride, S1ths company 'lets 'him. Churchill is receiving miany offers of marriage' ithrough a letter he sent to an Indianapolis newspaper, one coming from an Indianapolis girl, who wrote : "I can't qualify myseli you. dear man, as I am oply sixteen, laut I have a charming mother, who is just thirty-eight. Shefs good-looking .and would cut some splash fin the fancy clothes your money would be abla to buy her." to Marry Miss Booth Il, Pneumonia Feared Buffalo, N.Y., Jan. 20.~Miss , Fre' Booth, commander of the Salvation Army in. the. United States, is ron- fined to her room in the Hotel Wro- quois here, 'with a serious attack of bronchitis. Physicians, fear - pnemuo. nia is developing. She contracted a cold on Friday and her condition be- came rapidly worse. Von Reuter Decorated by Kaiser Berlin, Jan. 20.--~The list of decors- tions made public inclades the Reid Eagle of the Third Class with knot, to Colonel von Reiter, who recently was soquitted by cowrt martial of charges made against him in connep tion with the troubles of the mili tary and townspeople at, Zaborn, Al sace. t ii, OWAN 'PERFECTION COCO Healthful Highly concen trated, WHY WORRY | Choose your variety and ask your grocer for "Clark's", ; GRAY HAR BECOMES DARK, THICK, GLOSSY Try Grandmother's Old Favorite Recipe of Sage Tea and Sulphur. Almost everyone knows that Sage Tea and Sulphur, properly com- pounded, brings back the natural color and lustre to the hair when faded, streaked or gray; also ends dandruff, itching scalp and stops falling hair. Years ago the only way to get this mixture was to make it at home, which is mussy and trouble- some, ' Nowadays we simply ask at any drug store for ""Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Halr Remedy." You will get a large bottle for about 50 cents. Everybody uses: this .old,: famous recipe, because ¥o one can possibly tell that you darkened your hair, as it 'does it so 'naturally and 'evenly. You dampen a sponge. or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morging the gray hair dis- appears, and after #hother applica- tion or two, your hair becomes beau- tifully dark, thick "and glossy and you look years younger. Agent, Geo, W. Mahood. ma : WET] SPECIALITIES : HOURS : FITS, NERVE, SKIN, (0ts.50 BLOOD, KIDNEY, GENITO-URINA Chronic and Phone Main Complicated Diseases 2084 -- / Consultation Personally br by Letter a FREE. For Choice Groteries, Fancy Pickleg, Fancy Olives, Cured Uneasy rests the crown that's lost ts head. 2 "A FRIEND OF T proves all the while, is also EDDY'S FIB worth. = + \ ? In our time has be PAPERS, quality as Nou the old 3: i T---------- -- HE FAM.LY' years, who keeps pace with the times ahd im- what they say, about - ; EDDY'S WARES. | . Grandmother always used EDDY'S. i TCH: ES. Mother knew thefr excellence \And bought ARE and d its 'sanitary and cheap, and x \W articles for hauschold use, all of the a sane | 'EDDY'S MATCHES. carnet do better than cont y 5 hose slogan is i