I TR RRR RR RR RR RO RR RRR BERR EER=--=.~, -- re -------------- | W. J. MOORE & SON- % itv A Great Book for Fathers and Mothers The Parents' A Book which % ANSWERS CHILDREN'S QUESTIONS and enables the pareat to make use of the child's curiosity to en- large its knowledge. The Book is a Child Edutator. | The Persistent WHY? HOW DOES? WHAT 18? | Cease to worry the purchaser of this book. Here are the answers to [Pthousands of questions all boys and girls always have and always Price $1.50. Postage 25¢ extra. THOMAS L:MBEET Maker Of Mens' Do you need a pair of Trousess to wear out your coat and vest? We are expert trouser makers and solicit a trial order. Our cut and make invariably give satisfaction. Prices from $5.00 to $8.50. : THOMAS LAMBERT 157 PRINCESS STREET Overcoat Weather Will soon be here. We are prepared for it ~ARE YOU ?-- Bee our selection of ~ OVERCOATINGS before purchasing elsewhers. CRAWFORD & WALSH _---- 5 Off Electric Fixtures FOR BALANCE OF JANUARY Large Stock to Choose From. Cash Only THE DAILY BRITISH W CHAIRMAN OF THE UTILITIES : COMMISSION. 1 Dr. A. E. Ross and J. H. Birkett Will Serve Two Year Term On Commission ----- The Water Rates May be Adjusted. . Ex-Mayor T. J. Rigney was electd chairman at the inaugural meeting of the utilities commission, held on Monday afternoon. Dr. A. E. Ross moved that he take the chair, and the motion was carried by a unanimous vote. Those resent were Mayor Shaw, T. J. Rigney or Ross, J. H. Birkett and R. H. Toye Birkett were elected to_ fill the two-year term, and Messrs. Rigney and Toye, for the one- vear term. The meeting was practically for organization purposes, and to talk over the business which will come be- fore the commission during the year. It was decided to hold the regular méetings of the commission every second Monday, commencing next Monday January 19th. The selection of the two members for fthe two-year term was the first ordet of business, and the members drew for the honors. Mayor Shaw held the Hat with the tickets, Mr. Birkett had the first draw, and got a two-year term. Dr. Ross was next and he too picked a two-year term. Mr. Rigney and Mr. Toye followed securing the one-year term, : There was some discussion as to the method to be adopted as to taking stock of the plant and the system of hook- keeping, and it was decided to have the manager write the hydro-electric com- mission relative to the methods carrled out by the commission for appraisal and bookkeeping. : Dr. Ross referred to.uthe increase made in the water rates, due'td the in- creased assessment. His contention was that there should be no large' surplus, that the revenue in the water depart- ment should be sufficient to operate the business: His object was to make a re- adjustment of the rates, so that the con- sumers would not have to pay a higher rate. One candidate in the recent elec- tion advocated the cutting off of the fee for the lawn service and baths. If these two rates were struck off, just a few would be benefited. He felt that if any change was made, that it should be for the benefit of the consunfers as a whole and not just a few. Mr. Toye said he agreed with Dr. Ross, bit was of the opinion that the proper time to do this would be to await [dinate a'report and sée how the plant stood financially. Dr. Ross said that the péople were dis- | satisfied with the increase, and it was generally understood how: the depart- ment stood financially. His own opin- ion was that the tax for the use of the hose and baths should remain as at pre- sent, as they should be regarded as luxuries. He thought the closet rates should be the first reduced, A reduction fairly QUITE A NUMBER OF CORPS LOCATED HERE. ---- Some People Think the Artillery is the Ouily Permanent Military Body = The Corps Enumerated. A Whig man was quite naturally sutprised to hear a citizen of some years standing pass a remark on the! street which showed that that tadi- vidual was laboring under the impres-' sion that the artillery brigade was the only branch the permanent force stationed in Kingston. Of course the man in question was purely a "'civie," and knew littls about military mat: ters, but it struck the newspaper man that a little light in this connection would not be amiss, . Besides those belonging to the Roy- al Canadian Horse Artillery, which numbers about 245, there are approxi: mately 100 permanent: offifers, warrant officers, N.C.0's and men stationed here, as well as the stafis of the divi: sional headquarters and the Royal Military College. There is an average 95 of all ranks in each of "A" and "B". batteries. Thy regimental staff of the brigade, including those attached to the Royal School of Artillery, num bers over 50. No. 2 detachment of Canadian Permanent Army Service Corps comes next pumerically, with officers, instructors and supply and 'ransport sections comprising 29. The Canadian Ordnance Corps, third de tachment, numbers about 22, while the two officers, N.C.0's and men of the Permanent Army Medical Corps sum up to about . another 25. There are five; members of the Corps of Military Staff Clerks doing duty, in clerical ca- Racities, with the "divisional staff. wo. members of the Canadian Army Pay Corps assist the divisional pay- master, The Royal © Canadian Engi neers are represented by four non-com- missioned officers, thrés as clerks, and one as foréman of works. The assist- ant to the principal veterinary "officer of the division is a membet of the Canadian Permanent Army Veterinary Corps; the second detachment of which is here. - The riding master at the Royal Mil tary eollege is a commissioned officer of the Royal Canadian Dragoons, and the eight or ten N.C.0.'s and men which are on duty at the riding estab. lishment there are from the squadron at Toronto. There is lso the subor- staff of the military college. This with the exception of a C.M.S.C. quartermaster-sergeant and a P.AM.C. stafi-sergeant at the R.M.C., sum up well the permenent force in Kingston. All these corps are dis tinctive, On the divisional staff, with the offi- cer commanding, are the general stafi-officer, the divisional intelligence officer, the assistant adjutant general. and the deputy assistant adjutant and should be made on the rafe of unit, It was decided to secure the returns for the first quarter of 1914 under the | crease® charge and compare them with | the last quarter of 1913. After these returns are received the matter will hé further dealt with On motion of Mr. Taye it: was de- cided to"invite' fenders ¥6r all supplies The 'old rate of allowing expenditure up to $100 will be adhered to. On the suggestion of Dr. Ross, Dr: McCullough, chief medical health officer for the province, will be asked when the commission can expect to receive the report on the test which was made some time ago of the waters in the Kingston district. The commission will also secure a re- port on the city's water mains ---------- White Rose flour pure and some. R: B. Davidson, of the firm of Da- vidson & Beattie, barristers, Medicine Hat, Alta., spent Sunday in the city with his sister, Mrs. F. A. Vanorder, Albert street, proceeding to Ottawa, where he was called on departmental business. "Special 81 sponge for 50¢." Gib. whole son's. » A very pretty and quiet wedding took place in the Trinity church parsonage, Lombardy, on Dec. 31st, quartermaster general. The officers at- tached to the stalfi, administering ser: vices and departments, are the comn- manding Royal Canadian engineer, the divisional signal officer, the assistant director of supplies and transport, the assistant director of medical services, the deput ywastistent r of media cal services, tht sehior ordnance office the paymaster, - the pringipal veterin- ary officer, and the organizer ahd in- spretor of cadet corps. Of course the 14th regiment is the largest unit of the non-permanent force. But there are also the fifth com- pany of Field Engineers at Queen's: No. 3 company of Cavalry Field Ambul ance, the Fifth "Battery of Canadian ield Artillery, and "A" squadron of 4th Hussars. Detachments of the Corps of Guides and the Ordance corps, will it is expected; be organized. Sons of Scotland At © the regular meeting of Sir William Wallace Camp the following officers were installed into the va- | rious chairs: Chief, G. Ramsay; | chieftain, J. Aitken; past chief, Vv: Bryant; physician, Dr. Ross; chap- lain, J. McNiven; recording' secretary, | J. Harris; financial secretary, G. Scott; treasurer, J. McKenzie; mar- shall, W. Infant's Bright Red Kid Ankle Strap ~~ Slippers Make areal good, also pretty house slippers. Only 75¢ Sizes 3 to 71-2. but really worth $1.25. We Have a | Complete Stock 5 Of Hockey Boots Overshoes Curlipg Boots Driving Boots Moccasins } Leggings, Overgaiters and Rubbers, Rubber Bodts We Do Fie Sho Repaing Call Fo and Dever AD Wok Phone £32 Snowshoes and Attractive Styles Fi | F We show the popular styles and are offering exceptional values. This is where you will find bargains not ta be found at any other store. Bargains » in Muskrat Coats, Fur Lined Coats, Men's Coonskin Coats, Muffs, Neckpieces, all styles, in all kindd of tur, ete. ete Campbell Bros. Designers and Makers of Fine - Furs. No. 3 company of Army Service corps; RESOLUTION ADOPTED ' BY THE BOARD OF EDUCATION IN 1805. Defining the Recent System of Relig- ious Bible Instruction asd Read- ing In the Public Schools. The following resolution, which de fined the preseat system of religious instruction and Bible reading *m the publio- schools was passed by the Board of Education on July 12th, 1895. It was moved by Trustees' R. Meck, and T. C. Wilson. The resolu- tion reads : '"I'iat the school Question has ab- | ABERNETHY'S | Hockey Boots No: Men's Black and Tan when James Bennoett, Toledo, was united in marriage to Essie M. Tay- lor, Smith's Falls. Miss Aileen Wright has boen ap- pointed organist in Queen Stree: Meth- odist church, Mark Everett Wright giving all his time to the leadership of the choir. "Cancelled books," 25¢. Gibson's. After an illness extending over a |. period of practically two years 'irom pulmonarv trouble death came early on Tuesday, as a merciful release, to Mrs. W. G. Bogart, Pembroke. Murray. Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days. ment fulls to cure Itching, Bleeding or Protruding Piles. application gives relief. 50c, 4 Kingson Girl Honored Miss E. 1. Knapp, of received graduating medais. Glen; standard bearer, J. 2 Druggists refund money if Pazo Qint: Blind, First Kingsicn, 'Was one of the graduating class of fyjly conducted, and that this can best the Woman's hospital, Montreal, who > sorbed a great deal of the attentionyof church assemblies, conventions and synod meetings, during the past year, and the opinion has been emphatically and indeed very generally expressed that tho scriptures should be. guerve thoroughly studied in the public schools. "That this board is impressed with the conviction that the ethical edu- cation" of the young should be care be done by the spread ef Biblical knowledge and hence : Quarterly Dividend Notice, No. 93 Notice is hereby given that a Dividend at the rate of THIRTEEN Per Cent. Per Aunum upon the Capital Stock of this Bank has this day been declared for the quarter ending 31st January, 1914, and that the same will be payable at the Head Office in this city dnd at its Branches on and after Monday, the 2nd Day of February, 1914, - to shareholders of record of 23rd January, 1914, 2 The Asinual General Meeting of Shareholders will be held at the Head Office of the Bank in Toronto on Wednesday, the 18th of February next, at 12 o'clock noon. By order of the Board. : GEQ. P. SCHOLFIELD, General Manager. Toronto, 16th December, 1018. 157 THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA INCORPORATED 1889 - Capital Authorized . . . Capital Pald U; ~~ , '§ 11,660,000 Reserve Funds . . . . . ' 18000000 325 Branches Throughout Canada. : Savings Department at all Branches. LONDON, ENG., OFFICE NEW YORK AGENCY ob Sat ANCH, .. - $ 28,000,000 NEWMAN, "It is resolved that we adopt the International series of Sunddgy school {lessons for wse in the public schools. as most contributory to the study of tho scriptures topicdlly and systema- tically. "That the school management con mittee bo requested to arrange for the reading of the Sunday school les sons each -morning in the public schools, when they resume after the holidays, and that the devotions be varied by the recitations of the Apos tles' Creed, the Ten Commandments, the Beatitudes or Psalm, preceding the prayer prescribed by the eoduca- tion department. : "That the pupils be required to read the lessons with the teachers to know the chapter from which it is taken, to memorize the and other texts, and to be marked in pro- ficiency, in them as in other studies, and in tho samé¢ way." Women in Business New York Post. The extent to which women are leaving the home to enter the busi- ness world is shown by the following figures for the United States. There are : 239,077 stenographers 327,635 teachers and professor: 481,159 in various trades. 70.055 engaged in agritultural pur- suirs, + x 7,300 physicians and surgeons 14 NT 2,195 journalists &; 1,037 architects, designers. and draughtsmen 2,010 lawyeds 129,497 womén in various professions Arch Supports Sale of Chocolates In fancy boxes and in bulk. : ; Special i 30 cent value for 20 cents. .00 Boxes for . .76 Boxes for .50 Boxes for .00 Boxes for . Cent Boxes for Re i | ) Cent Boxes for . «+s B50 cents at | SAKELL'S, Next To Opera House | BEGIN THE NEW YEAR RIGHT Insist on Having Pasteurized Milk Be Sure it is in Bottle Phone 845. PRICE'S |. Dining Chair Sale Rather than carry these over we will sell them at manufacturers' You have tried the rest; now try us for the best at the low "A 'trial of trading with us will prove our statement. STOVES AND RANGES. 30m We have a large stock of Stoves and Ranges, also new and _second-hand fur- niture, carpets and quilts. see me you want to save money on all kinds of household goods. . H. SUGARMAN, 242 Ontario Street. "Ney Phone 1350. Opposite Craig's Wholesale. Furniture! Furniture! Lad 15 to 20% off all Also a large stock of Screens in Art Muslin, Tapestry, Burlaps, at Reid Quality; Reid Low Prices. JAMES REI Leading Undertaker Phone 147 for Ambulance ed Sale of Shoes ! 20 per cent. off all markéd prices. Any pair of shoes in| store at reduced price. { Must be cleared to make | room for spring goods. {Call and see, We have all | sizes and styles to suit every- | ome. $ | i, /Substantial reduction in all | SETS Poe