" oh La + ---- Wy by LF A er 5 The Redden~Knapp _Naptials -- : Tt Should be Helpful to Conviéts : "Rev. A. Hiown ciate FON ga -* in Canada. er as Ting event Sook Place po FEATED PORT wore an: ne Pricon Reform Commris- A veal old-time Free ; Lox when Miss Mae Knapp, eldest dwugh. orcs -- sion at Ringaton, . fuard of the pam ter of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. By a Score of 14 to 1 -- Capt. Rabie tentiaty there was forced to admit that : poet Exports Butter i i i ' 1 appropriated f ut of twent {Souvenir Package Day next Sat- of Heavy of Redderited in marriage to C. MH. | Millan Seored Six of the Frontense he had glo Sa By PRB urday. Over one thousand and Cheese to United States, x he Tem Aliad was na Goals -- The Locals are a Fine lo a prisonts. Tis is po one 3 2 yplendid. gue will .be five Ottawd, Jan. 18.--An expert view street Methodi ' | Team. ; piimber of startling revelations whic 8 A i» t 1 : TAY 9 'én away free. one to each cus- 1 .f the effect of the new United States . oct Ket at Shure The junior Frontenncs stitogthened Lave been made in connection with the ? investigati Kingston, | tarifi, a view that tha temporary | he father. - : . heir hold the group cham hi investigation at ! . tomer ainage from this country of it4lin white aaa itully their hold on the group championship! I, recent years, there has become : i Monday evening, when they defeated ; dena jssatisfact] SOUVENIR DAY beef cattle will prove a highly bene | wih pearl trimming, the kkirt being | Port Hone Le a 5. when they defeated |zpoarent considerable dissatisfaction ficial event factor being | Port Hope by a score of 14 to 1, at the with the incarceration of human beings ™ kages will be the [ie rather than det ht acto > Bae draped to one side and caught with |covered rink. . The score shows the class as a punishment for crime. The virtue 3 yar op sxprimnd by. J. A. § chi: 3 AB of pearl ornament. Shy [of hockey played by the local boys. Atisf Such incarceration as an influence for finest and most useful ever giv- Minion dairy commission v Wore a Juliet cap with wreath of |hali-time Fronteascs had the game their |r. form is being questioned. Discussion ) Living C isei orange blossoms, and carri bridal we by 7 to 0. is . [arises whether or not the conditions of en and will be handed out free- lof Living Commission. a bouauet of white roses, lilies-STthe he winners showed their Shpetiority | 5 rison are such that the prisoner's m Mr. Ruddick's bPinidne anid Jot vally and maiden hair fern. The [3t every point of the game. ie com- -respect and spirit are consumed, and ly to each person making a make good reading for. the Uni bride took her place beneath ap |bination displayed by the Frontenac for- ji the state, or society, is justified in purchase. 5 States cattle buyer. "The swarm i |areh formed by evergreens mud flow. [Ward line certainly bewildered Port. paciig any human being in a soul-des- | ! Yank, ' » ers, while her brother. Frederick Hope. On several occasions the losers troving atmosphere. : At ; grerran spme Ae of Sutarie aud Knapp, played the wedding sor tried to play a Sombination JFme, buty Something of a sensation has been Or Jan Pri » Unh of Ba - » 8: du'y on: " ide ended by is. {found it impossible. - The CHECKING {caused of late by the publication of a uary C ean 5 the United States was removed was The a a, alte o> hat vol of the Frontenacs was also excellent. | varies of articles. by Julian Hawthorne, es eard vings ' not S5. Uiimixed om and comingly a od app, or The Millan brothess, Rubie" and Nor- ihe American journalist and a son 2 : : int iry i . BE i eth a: fan, are certainly. "some - players" |x, haniel thorne, w ras "for BES S oes to he Wor and dis |ET0Y, With rose drapery, and carried Derry and Cook, the wings, er ee noTYe, Who : played Kedt [some months a prisoner in the Atlanta, : The Drag Store. credited cows which were od up 8 Beautiful bonquet of flowers. Rev. hockey. The defence, composed of Ati me months a p i J : : ( tCeorgia, state penitentiary. In these * in rather large numbers, This is a | Mr. Fairbairn, Portsmouth, tas best grove, Goddard and Mills, was not call |, vid writings, Mr. Hawthorne pours oatings iC. better way for the progressive farme | man. ; ed upon to work very hard, Goddard |." the very Soul af the neglected and . to dispose of his unprofitable animals | After the wedding ceremony the land Milis, who are new men, have cer- |; . tien human outcast of the prison : . : . 5 eee than to soll them to his own neigh- |Party adjourned to the dining-room tainly carned their "spurs" in the 1WO | $20 5 a his poo] a tale of All this Season's all wool novelties, includ- WE 8 ELL bor. The only regret we need to have | Where a sumptuous repast was serv. vames in which they have taken part Lr tual experience, to marvel that such ng manv exelusi ye le ] over this esport of cattle from the (ed. The happy couple left amid {Goddard plays a very cool game, while |: ents as he relates could take place 8 m2 * ve le ngths. Regular $1.50 to $3. dairy point of view is for the Soung, | congtatulations, showers of rice and | Mills has certainly the ear-marks of aides cover of a modern system -of Clean-up price 98c. ) untried heifors which unprecedented | confetti, for Kingston, where they {Rood goal-tender. : : custice and in the glow of modern -en- cran on 0d S prices induced some farmers to part [took the 12.25 train for Montreal. | The game wis late in starting, due tol; ; : A 3 thtenment. with, thinking perhaps it was too |The bride travelled in a Copenhagen something going wrong with the light- We seem to be losing some of the i ood a chance to lose. There mead | cloth, tailor-made, and blouse of Co: [ing system in the rink. It was about self-righteous indignation with which Selected from the celebrated Jo no foar of lost opportunity in this |penhagen silk. With this was worn [B25 o'clock when Referee Harry Bur- {we once Bounded men into prison. We Richmond No. 4 and Ontario No. 1 matter, The price of cattle must rule [a Copenhagen velvet bat trimmed #oyne, of Toronto, sounded the bell for |, bewinning to speculate as to the Towels Mines, the best Anthracite Cos! hi some years to come if the with a handean of same color of [Play. ] "Rubia 31:1. | Possibility of making 'greater progress in . a PT » law of supply and demand is to hold | ostrich feathers. Thin bride received |, After three minutes play "Rubie" Mil: 12 ison reform than we have yet made your order ' 0 niany useful: and beahtiful presents, lan found the nets for the first goa! i We have 'begun to have misgivings as 25 doz. fine quality "Old Bleach" 'Huck . as ! 8 nie i Norman Millan scored the second after [:o the virtie of our unitive - system, : ad THE AS. SOWARDS COAL 60. mcr". 5, i fe 22 mer My ™ 5 [Ln BGC fn bestia 20 don ne quate vo regular 40 and 50c . o United States tariff, "Milk aod a Ringston, Tinutes. Aer salen vious on the ice, | rated men left without means of live: qualities. ai - a ek erry slammed in the third, iXteen linood, and have watched men come out Se Kut Turin "ive portal orn "will probably Boor a nrinutes had passed 'when Cook 'slipped |<" prison' after lengthy terms of Eo Clean-up price 29¢. Foie In Teron, Soon yin . ffau the fourth counter. Daring the four- I, tement wasted in body, perplexed in 25 doz. all linen fringe towels, regular 10¢ | i nt shipping" ponte Bur thao i | een minutes which. remained of the fs: vind, and embittered and broken in : ! 1 oy x Pl ne pe hy immedi to ' oo | aif, three more. goals were added t. sfivit. ls. this punishment, reform or quality. $ No Journ 0 be ay Sadiste A TET og the score by Derry, "Terry" Millan and revenge? Certamly, it is not reform: Clean rice Se. ' prospect of a sige quantity a nl : 3 J "Rubie" Millan, certain it should not partake of th "up Pp choewe or atv being i Rae - di n wt § {| After the rest period both teams re-, aature of revenge. . the eat condition of the Canadiay oN ured to the ice with renewed Vigor. | The "investigation now going on a market a very small movement in that . & AakRal a v p . ; 3 The' teams had otly been chasing the Kingston. will be well worth while if jt ? Sirestion oui, boost Priv loa ind *, e ' rubber for one miunte when Derry loives iis a better idea of what our pris DON I FOR 4 L { ih ives nt. 2 --, rary end g 110 ; planted ne spn ey ih the Stare If ug are doing', We know they are no hi ! i A : \ standing © U, and Frontenacs with! orming; we want to know how the Butter is moru likely to supply the de- only: five men on the ice, Hills, of Port {sve mun: Shin it io i i : r oly 3 : only no; e, h re punishing. . That, it is our duty t our big Ja ry 0 mand nin Cn vines Jorge y, q Hope, pulled Mills out for the only goal BM pus And the ooner ot fing Cou & Rua Sale continues each day this we k, 0 ' ' Be ap or 'ham sous | (Ifo Mf mel whe Cop ith, Ske wil" oe "peli" of | |) and that there ave many many more items that spe les must acce 1 T ; % 1a ssed when Captain "Rubie Mil- [ay n y 1 i 1 iti international value, which is lower i 2 WN [ln ciara hen Captain "Rubie Mil. | natio ie won 't allow us to enumerate in this big store waiti. 3 than the ruling prico promises to be S 1 x At this point of 'the game Brown, of | LETTERS TO THE EDITOR for your Inspection, : in Canady' >a x J Port Hope, nd to retire as a' result of ; -- tr. Ruddick also gave some remark- No ER } a crack on the forehead. Cook went off lev. D. Laing A f able figures of the home consumption |.I 4 3 to even up. Goddard, who had- heen oS yea - Behatt o copvRIGHT of dairy products, showing that, f | \ x. : laying a steady game, resovered the ed. pra whereas the per capita consumption : : iy i J ; : 3 ouck sr front of his Gwn fiets and. car Kingston, "Jan. 13.To the Edi 9 of Canadiana was 800 pounds of milk, vied it the full length of the ice for.q. tory: In the excellent report, given in To Y on All. in 1912 it had risen to hali a ton per 1 REA Zoal. This made the score 10 to 1 (last evening's Whig, of the first meet- head. On the other hand, the produe- | [9 ' ac ) Daring the fifteen minutes that Fernain- ing of the City Council for 1914, 1 "ph . gE i tion of milk had not risen in any-| © I ed the Millan boys made the score 14 t [Bolice that a communica ion was pre eo Busi Sto. wh." ° thing like the same ratio, being 9,871 ,- CARDINAL MERRY DEL vA i. "Rubie" landed three out of the four | "nted by the officers of "The Associ est re in To . KEELEY I - Optometrist 198,103 pounds in 1910, as compared ADS FA lo Pope to aL the jOne was scored on a pass from God ated Charities, * not from "The Chil = . : with 6,866,834,000 pounds in 1900. The late Cardinal Rampolla, dard rey s Aid, Siking nl to 6 ¢ capita consumption of butter in ---- "Rubie" Millan wis credited with ¢ | find some way o providing employ- 2i0 We Grind the: Lutes, Te to years rose from 23.49 pounds CATTLE MARKETS Terry" Milan 3, Derry 3, Cook 1, God. | ment Hor the many men jin need and 8 Doors Above the Opera House to 27.88 pounds. This increase of -con- dard 1. The teams were: out of work. Now we are confident sumption Mr. Ruddick attributes to [The Prices Paid at the Various Cen- . Frontenacs--goal, Mills : right defe ; that: our excellent mayor and eouncil the "great prosperity of the country tres. Goddard Gh defence, Amgrove: rover ul give this Rather Shel favorabl and consequent increase in purchasing i " sorman Millan; centre, "Rubie" Miitan | a car: attention. May how- " power ad partly to the better qual-| bion Stock Yards, Toronto, Jan. (captain) ; right wing, Cook; left wing | ever, be permitted, on behalf of the . . ity of milk and its products in . re |12---Rectipts were moderate. 130 fpiobs a * unemployed, to suggest the import. Extra Choice cent yeurs," In the great growth - of | ars, 2,489 cattle, 1,762 hogs, - 751 Port Hope--~GCoal, Rowden ; right de- ance of dealing' with this matter atl consumption can be found one reason [Peep and lambs and 63 calves. fence; Snndercock; left defence, Jar. speedily with a will to find a so- J HAM AND BACON, for the advance in the cost of living. | Cottle--There were more good to |rell (captain) ; rover, Brown; cefitrs | tion" of. The problem. The need is ; oH X : choice cattle on sale than any day [Hill;: right "wing, Darel; left wing | urgent, and ny of the men with PRIME WESTERN S8KEF HE STEPS ASIDE last week. Trade was active and |Lowe. | families dependent, are worthy men. FOR BREAKFAST Pat up in 2 1h. Packages price® 10c. to 15c. per cwt. on the Referee, Harry Burgoyne, of 7 | It was reported to a meetin of the . p CURRANTS. PEELS : Porty- | average higher. Choicé - butchers' {ronto. i Associated Charities last w, AT ALL GROCERS, Retires From Rank After Forty ; = to 3% rer, iso Tv eg Jagt wok, : > . steers, 9 0 3; good butchers nap thirty men had appea to the offi- FIGS. GRAPES, FIC. FUR 2 Oe Yours f cent. | Eleers, 88 to $8.50; medium butchers' "Julius Caesar." cers of gThe Poor Relief," asking for Geo R 80 & So CHRISTMAS, AT ae ena Crossley, for twits. pi 8; $7.50 ro Sr SomncR be Mr re am has provided a scenic ok: We were Suwured that many of . ober t n 1, 3 ! d ' 3 techers' steers, to ¥7; choice buteh- finvestiture, for "Jy ius Caesar" that is| these men were 800d men and true, Cc. 1 PICKERING <Q stock routs of fhe ¢ anadian Bank of ers' heifers, $8 to $8.50: common bu- jas authoritative * and archaeological. and sincerely desirous of obtaining . . ' Commerce, fort 8 ast =m years of tehers' heifers, $7.75 to $8.25. choice (~orrect ds-it is alluring to the eye. Notjwork, that they might provide for 490 Princess St.. Ploy 530 which he has held ' the Position of {orto $7.25; good cows, $6 to [only the scenery itself but the costynics | themselves and. families, and preserve manager, will retire from the Ser vies $6.50; canners, $3.75 to £4.75. also were desighed by Tadema. From | their own . self-respect, and spirit of at the end of the month. According . Feeders and stockers--Not many on [the designs of Tadema the scenery was | independence. "The Poor Relief Soci to the regulations of the hak met: 1 ilo a prices firm.. Choice steers, | 2ctually painted by the celebrated Eng- | ety" can and will 'do much to hel} bers, of the stall automatiedlly retire |g. <0 © , 87; medium steers, $6 to [lish artist, Joseph Harker, who is re-| the needy and helpless. There arc when they reach the age of sixty Joan £6.40: stockers, 25 to 85.75. sponsible for the colorful scenery in' aged persons, dependent widows, anc Th Rk t i am a pe omley has at tuted Milkers and springers--A moderate | Kismet." So desirous was Mr. Harker | others in circumstances which call fo Ie Returns 8 r 1 ly sold at 860 to $95 each; bulk |that every detail of the . Production | the charitable consideration of th Bosition and retiris on the bask * pen supp y sold a ca ii Shoutd Fefisct the seal Xlories of Rome helict Sotiory." This josie will d that lagts, the kind you can re B + Cre vy has been . real . at fie insisted upon devotin, ix vithin it to h nected with the Bank of Commerce for | Calv nly 63 on sale. Choice months to research oe SHR | nin its power to op 410 Need ly on, not once, but every time, ; i . . : and investiga- | but it cannot possibly cope with th Show aotug FAS tise oe a bo i 812; common and medium tion before he would go ahead with the | demands of the Bromnt ph Is the kind we do. No matter Mr. Crossley is a 4 . hy . . ainting, despite the fact that th 4 ¢ i i ; what the tr uble,. if it's Stewart, Wits of Bott orier. Stewart, Sheep and Iathbs-- Receipts aot 4 p e de | work is provided for the many men a v : : 'igns by Tadema which he had r i : of this oity. equal to demand and prices higher. fans re A dered abery 10 work | present in enforced idleness, X d T absolutely authori oi trust that o ity fath pe BEET Be om ho sn | ey he Bt Sap | Sey rt tht ont ty as | [| . Sir- Robert Bond, udee of the Sb ! iid to id Jainbs, choice ewes and British Museum. As a matter of record of the importance of dealing with th sition in the Nowfoundlan egisla- | weathers, o #9.35. it may be noted, that Mr. H. ker during ; i . > Pre is to retire from public life. Hogs--Prices steady. Selected, fod [1:0 2 ¢ note Arker during | matter bot speedily and resolutely. be 1s six months' investigation could not AIN White Rose flour for all purposes. |and watered; 89.15 and $9.75 f.o.b. find a sinele point in. which Alma Ta. P.LAING. Canadian manufacturers speak hope- ! cars, and 80.45 weighed: off cars. {| |dema's designs were at fault * So every JOHN SAUVE CAME # $4 can be repaired, we can do It & little beter than anybody else. | fully of industrial conditions in the TTT © [spectator who attends "Julius Caesar" SAUVE CAME BACK You teed not be afraid that we'll charge you any more either. We | fully Of industria MAY NOT Redtiin may feel that the vivid, spectacular set- | \na he Magistrate Gave Him T.. | are content with fair prices for good work, so call on us. shan tings are portrayioe Rome as it really } ! f : 3 PUT " Oven - was in ail its pomp and splendor, with Months in Jail. i . WwW Ww "Tie" SY IN The Napanee Spe a e Burned no erroneous interpolation. on the part | . John Sauve (Baptists) came baci { H. . NE AN of a fanciful scenic artist. . Mr, Faver- | Magistrade' Farrell said that hefvoul i Napanee, Jan. 12-- About eleven]sham and his all-star "cast will present [8 few. days igo, when he was up for Phone 441 > SORE ACHING FEET o'clock Friday night tire broke out in!"Julins Caesar" at the Grand on Thurs | drinkenness, and: for this reason hi: - " ' the Briste era op which wat day, January 15th, worshi id "au revoir" to John's : s-------- completely destroyed. e efforts of | a " As a result of hi "SABRE RULE" Pi . : - N Use "TIZ" for tired, tender, swollen. | the firemen were directed towards pre-| Central Burope is experiencing the | ow to | ARAMOUNT oi udget From Parham g y sweaty, calloused feet and finting the destruction of the' Brisco] most severe . winter in a generation. | months in tho jail. The upderstand | look the Civil Law in the Kaiser's He ae, afie, 0~--A number of 5 It's ar House adjoining and their efforts were The blizzards of a fortnight ogo, af {ing was that if tha mecused did mo . i are cutting cord wood % COrng~--] grand! ' successful, although some damage re- ter abating somewhat to: have {remain on Garden Island. he woul. Butlin, 'Jan. en a viement and family, Long -- 3 "TIZ" makes sore burning, tired sulted from water and smoke, 2ave moved into J. Q. : i wed v be guthered i in. feet fairly dance with delight. Away | The fire originated in the ticket office re Harton ynawed. vigor: awn | Rell Sy isteate t. | mains £0 the aches and pains, the corns,|and quickly spread to the adjoinina film fused to allow the erection of a Mar- [Seuve, "I seo. that you are back That is the essence og nicely under the able . Sy 8 Lay yg ont of Mr, Davison, teacher. HE B blains. ing to the inflammable nature of the i rclony station on the Plains of Nn had nothing to say. Eve | '°B " opening of the Anglican "ech HOO ; Blens, ire Sas 3 Yesperate a . " . his usual flow of tears were withheld 5 gi a Cg t Ii" take place in February. : + , . , division unconditional av rs: Mr. and Mrs, A, Charleton streams of water playing on the burn- ; qs He took his sentence with awful sil uitted Col. Von Reuter and y Fo mily attended the wedding of ig building. The opera house aud liv- e ec ; cdnaiay « spent. & | callouses, blisters, bunions and ¢hil-|room of the Colonial theatre, and ow- re Hartman's 3% paramount over the vivil law | enement house. School § : ae. " aL had for transgressin, thei it mat Croydoh om Wi You violated the little agreement Siac or Sgr § their authes - wehad," the eourt said, "so now you | Y in cowing citizens of Zahern int Percy, Jack Fish, 22% 5 bmission in Nove ber | g Ys at W. E Clow's. D. jx + : . » must go to jail. Sauve was under p 2 i ast. - . Goodell; beneath had to make a hurried exit and } . 4 } » To emphasize the con tot s of th w is vi itl hi i i Jost ue § their longings. he Good Digestion 3 that 1 gist nilitary why 88 of t} gE k bany, ing rooms beneath were a total loss, Several families living in the rooms i few has victory the court. appea Y. Mrs. G.. W. Killing spent building was partially covered by in- had five him three mouths, and be ie Strassburg arm yal Be 'w days In Kingston this. » ng the court room he asked | | has y Corps revers surance. Be court so as to make. sure : of Baron Von Forstne: ssie Clow teacher It is onlv a few years since the opera} In perfect. health, with regular" P Joh ed t" hu . | 'he "boy" lisutenant, who. was 'r house was remodelled. and 'was in good { and healthful action of the liver and Hi nh Bob ur ie sponsible for the entire convulsi jondition. The loss is rather a serious { kidneys, you need not know (hers 1. be ily Toatast enemy is Wim H, | od quashed his sentence of farte.t : gue to the citizens as it is doubtful if fsuch a thing as digestion. or indiges- | °F 8 he Save ue sloge. § | 1a¥s" imprisonment L jorty- thee : : Bargains in every depart- the proprietor, John Mack, will rebuild. } tion. Unfortunately, however, mod- ov ous of ail a couple of Sicted by the courant WAS in bvisiting Mrs. J. Wagar. d i z . ern life is artificial, and mot many . > : (| 'ember jou Martial on : ment. Just the goods you 4 , The kaiser has intervened fo avert | people avoid suffering more or less POLICE | AFTER CITIZENS the two verdicts > i January 5th the Hinlelps iE want at the greatest dis- hi - 8 rate war between ihe Uamburg- { from troubles of this nature, oe ; Sensation af) » have cayg, | was held in the I O. (ho American . and the North Cierman The great secret lies in keeping "he Po Not Sh hovel OF the Bide] to or the empiry allowing were: elected Rn count "TIZ" draws out the acids Llovd lines in the North Atletico | the ver and Mdneys i health ane : Ya; b He the | MeKnight: souncifiors, a isons that puff up your feet. 8 : vigor, for then the foo passe : & ¥'S esoutej, | Peters, P. Dwyer, " Men's and Boys' Suits, Batter how hard jou work, how! Miss Mary = E. McNeilly, Carleton | quickly slong the alimes Get busy with the snow shovel. Th: Sel elon . ; S03 JE. {long you dance, how far you walk, or{I'lacs, Ont., has been 8ppointed by 3 atsim |oclice are on the tracks of Sinem : East, ro- Overcoats: and Underwear, 8 how long you remain on your feet, the Presbyterian Foreign Mission b ¢ who refuse to shovel sow. There is a Eruest Cook of Tilbury : 20 to 50 cent. J CTIZ" brings restful foot' comfort. {Board as a nurte in oné of ° their | poisoned waste by-law which says that snow must be * reing from his Boneymont. ; per * W"TIZ" is magical grand, wonderful! hosnitals in Honan, China. : removed sir hours after a storm, and rested on complaint 0 a for tired, aching, swollen, smarting! Miss Sylva Pankhurst, militant sul-| When the liver and kidneys get|all day Monday and Tuesday, a cou | . ia, Mrs. Norin, who _n feet. Ah! how comfortable, how feajpeted, Was released from Holloway! wrong you will obtain rellef moet] ole of constables were busy makin, : § core falsely to the age of His [Pappy You feel. Your feet just tingle jail, in a state of collapse from three| promptly and effectively by using] he rounds to see that citizens com | « 1} Gols 14. 'Religious differences for joy; shoes never hurt or seem weeks' strike, Dr. Chase's Kiduey-Liver Pills. iff sled with the law. Quite a numbe | ing b id to exist. Sh tight. b So fi a vi lives wero given the mecessary notics to r. i -P enkins tk , . the , but it is stated th E. : I aay Prd : { a gp --. the he condi itions 'are vo 1 Clothing Co. fiver . ko nn cyeaine Telway: encuings a Be a * ost. improventyy: ov} fresh, sweet and happy. Just think' i : A ot 'a whole year' Somfort for ont 4 J h "pil ] : | Ove of a boy's fi ambitions js 25 cons font - SOLE 'this 1s get all the pie and cake he con. .