Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Jan 1914, p. 2

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od i oo hud Slate an 2 To : ee -THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, JANUARY 13,1914. a £0 IN SPORTING CIRCLES!PORT COUNCIL - -- gerry ¥ Sow y, . y { y . B 1 | : : THE 14th OFFICERS DEFEATED INAUGURAL SMEFTING WAS HELD Jha | - AT BASEBALL ON MONDAY NIGHT be R i ga : By the 15th Officers at Belleville -- Reeve Halliday Delivered Address The Common Law, by Robt. W. Chambers. Al Lengths and sizes - Central Ontario Curling League]! -- Time Extended For P: yment-of | © by The Price She Paid, by David Graham Phillips. > : Gunes Played Here. | Taxes Informatio Sought : a : d 4 ic T : S v Jester, by Locke. 3 25% DIS OUN The officers baseball leagu® opened ont NX ut Liquor Licenses. + BUnon, the Je ster, by ke Monday evenitig with the 41st Regiment | "Tre=Postommsticonncil is "in hac. - The Mistress of Shenstone, by the author of The Rosary. 5 On Catalogue Prices of Brockville defaulting to the Kingston ness" again, , the inaugural Mveting Abe and Mawruss, by Montague Glass. permanent officers and the defeat of the | 3. a] ; aL} 3 Lith officers by those of the 15th Regi- | prs. itd alliounday J Syening- Potash and Perlmutter, by Montague Glass. McKAY: Limited [} [os crisis, fae brooch io seh de omen. 3. Septimus. by Locke. ~~ ; C ' e i nine at the armouries here, but were LOLS aosth Forsythe kK. - ' Miss 318, by Rupert Hughes o 16 mak i 3 ere voagr * HOUSE 149-157 Brock Street. |B |i jg make the trp. Bellet | i attendance. Officer 666, by Rupert Hughes and were "repulsed" by the dfficers of i Thatt all the unless ould i atk Excuse Me, by Rupert Hughes. the Argyle Light Infantry. The score |in harmony to advance the interests > 'nrvias hv Move B Walla I tf Ea a ELE the re a he iaerests Flamstead Quarries, by Mary E. Waller. 2 would have it" having been disa trons | inaugural ace. of Keeve Halliday. Passing of the Third Floor Back, by Jerome K. Jerome. or 'the visiting team. Belleville here} He spoke as follows : rat. an PROP » 1 > boosted their tally by 1. Licut-Col.| Gentlemen, ~Before commencing bu- War and Peace, by Talstoi. L argh, the officer sommatiding aieas for the ensuing vear permit Anna Karenin, by Tolstoi. the 15th regiment, umpired. The teams | me to take t opportunity to express Avan af x Nan r vi ) Je were: | the "wish that the members of the Joyce of the North Woods, by Harriet C. Comstock. 15th Regiment--Lieut. P, K. Ketche- | council will assist' me in every way ? Tu ak v x Cook, Ps Jn B.| possible to advance: the interests of ! : 3 ¢ Hyman, 1b; Capt. Tennant, 2b; Capt. | the municipality. I trust that the i he 4 olle e Bc yok Sy to re ECESS » Potten, ; SR. Nr H He 5: {unhappy division that has existed in f al' s apt. 23. te Allen, 1s.: Liegt. J. J. Mid- | our council for a number of years s ] ' - dleton, r.i.; Lieut. E. D. OH; mn, Lt bay be eliminated and that the memi- 160-162 Princess St. Fae OPEN NIGHTS, ; Phone. 919 lth Regiment--Lieat. J. W. Stag, A { bers may work together in harmony Theh a pair of glasses would Ra I. a Sampled! Bj: Liens )j, | With one object in view, that is, the be a most useful present. Licat. H. AV, Marshall, 3b: Lie , HRprovement, of the viillage. Through TE mre a ie a W. Winnett, r.s.; Lieut. ree Ba c:,. | Some misunderstanding some dis- ; 5 ah : Ena Bi HA Ls.; Lieut, H. D. Wightman, r.{; Liev | Satisfaction has been created by the | HS 0 HO NE Sr SN We make a specialty of Bi; .ockett, 1.f. Capt. F.'K. Mahood , #ddition of five per cent. on unpaid | BB » : glasses and will make the ex- plaved the fi three innings. | taxes after Dec. 31st last and as a 3 For an hour and a half before the! considerable amounf remains due amination at any time. { 14th officers took the midnight train for | the object of last year's council, Kingston Col. Marsh and his officers! namely, to have all taxes paid royally entertained them in their com-| within the vear; has net been at- New oxford library glasses B | nodious mess and adjoining rooms ut | tained, I would suggest an extension ic tortoiseshell and longnettes. J | tc armouries. { of :time for payment of taxes for re ee 1913, without interest, and that a Senior. Frontenaes vs. Osgoode. | refund be made to those who have i Wednesday evening the senior already paid interest. In my opin- J S Asselstine D 0 S crontenacs will meet Osgoode Hall in jon it would be better to have an oe Wa 'Me Ue Ju the second game of the O.H.A. group- earlier "collection of taxes. The Hor It is many years Io ood Christmas season is not the most fa- all was represented in the AL vorable time for people to have tax Eyesight Specialist. The senior Frontenacs are taking no bills staring an BoP the face, and chances on _the result of the game 842 King St. Kingston, Ont. After the junior game at the covered 2% effort should be made this year i to have our assessment completed by rink on Monday cyening the team h: iit i dy exening the team h the end' of June, and taxes made work out, All the players were on } . & with the exception of Cook, th payable about Sept. 15th. I cannot h ception o ook, the ) es. --------------_------ tender goa { but regret the upward tendency of Vi the hou urnis! ------------ our tax rate, which last year reach Now 1s yo { hing saving K.C.I. vs. Belleville. | ed» thirty-two mills, Some effort time. We will hold your purchases Wh P Hi h | J or needed, and guaran ; lL 1 ox . ollegiate Trcriene. | Must be made to prevent any further {ey 3 tee Gelivery, y ay 18 re. ingaton + Dllegiate Bellevill, | advance, and ii possible we must try : "Frida Rag aL jonmey 10 : ; and find some means to reduce the Terms Cash Prices? that dl Heville is taal piay- | burden of taxation. n will put it i {| Many of our sidewalks require at Repair and Upholstering Work 10 I wil} give you : up cia nvion. semtion, and ie question of More per- per cent. cheapér during this sale, - : manent ones wi soon confron is Phone 90. ne fi FIRST CLASS GOODS -- it. is doubtful whether concrete walks The Style aad Fitting will be Queen's and McGill. can be constructed on the local im- The Finish and Workmanshi, Wo Friday sfternoon: i} reer'. | Provement plan, especially in a spar be heal. afternoon the Lueen sely populated district. However, this } Yours, ; wil be Perfect. rnior hockey squad leaves for Mon 4 A i boi Popp Bs Qld from $5.00 to al to open the intercollegiate hockes will be a matter for your considera- 4 than you have {lea in that city A d i "5 | tion. ale been paying, rag m that city Ss yet it is ry Brooches We Have Underwear To J} 772i Suit Any Member Of . X The designs are mostly Eur The Family 1B opean ad very attractive. Smith Bros. . ; . . : iB Jewelers and Opticians. Infants' Bands and Vests in the ie Tasners of Viarriage g Licenses. wanted weights. 25¢ and up. Optical Prescriptions Ground. bbalalsialeis dias alanis ieee Children's Vests and Drawers in union, fleece-lined and all wool. 25¢ and up Children's Sleepers, very handy, F uU R d0¢ and up. Ladies' Vests, Drawers and Com- binations in union and all wool. Popu- 5 tar prices. Men's TFleece-lined, Scoteh Lambs' Wool and Natural Wool, all sizes, > v stapting at 50c a garment. = cil 20 p.C. discount We sell Imperial, Penman, Watson, gil off all furs. . ens f our lighting system say who will compose Ihe extension of our lig g& S) ult to e i team as ve few actives hace tas) connie made at comparatively small held A I ey ave ry o, costand. it is desirable that all the | good workont at the cov ered rink bef re inhabitants of our village should equ- the junior geome | ally benefit by properly lighted streets The Tailor: - {This and many other protieme will 820 Prin treet. Exhibition Game on Friday come before you during the coming cess { : Opposite St. 0gen 54 Onurct. f]! An exhibition game has been ar. | Year, and I trust that each member of ranged at the covered rink on Fri- day night boiween the Frontenacs and Ottawa juniors. The game « FLO UR should draw a good crowd, ! Kingston's Famous Fur Store. sleietaialeisie has a guarantee in every bag for! Varsity and the Frontenacs will have good quality, to show a little more than they did AND: MA Salwar to warrant the belief th it 3 i fC RZ SR MAL SRC TR A NOT VT) DREW po OLEAN citl cam make it more tha Pa I : Ar treet. resting for St. Michaels in their . Lk Ztonp. oS eing the game as a whole, it | 3 . was little, more than a fair intermediate | §! | and English Linoleums contest. Kingston have some good men, | 4 and will be undoubtedly a hard team to | 4! Our Less Than { are arriving every day REGISTERED ATTORNEY, 18 Bea a home, but they are a few points | 41 { ; King Street West, Toronto, Pa- W of Being of ¢ ampionsitip calibre. | 4 1/ P . S 1 : = rsity is" a strong king eombina- | § » A from the best manufac- Copyright. "protested every: | tion, but that pres wm nt gomeia 8 72° Price Sale here; ighteen years' exper. 2 lal pray €5 them out. | gf ! c ence. eras i jes' 3 : turers. These are the nee. rite for booklet City Hockey Executive. | of Ladies' Brand New Coats | x drkiii is \ mecting of the executive of the City | 4] 18S already meant a substan. new patterns for the made in Canada by Canadians. Frontenacs Must 1 v . i doorless ford : i akes Our Robin Hood brand of flour | Toronto News. ype 1 Ladies' Ready-to-Wear | | Peerless, Oxford and Puritan makes, t B 'Our new rugs, Scotch 808) 81/4 1/8 igi 78 Brock. Street Hocker League has heen called tor | gi tial saving to more than one } THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. Lucsday- evening at eight o'clock, in the ! ¢i family. | i i ¢ s, 5 Thomas Copley Y.M.( A. building The matter of the i 2 i ; For sale, on Unive ity 2 coming spring of 1914, Telephone 987 protest. of the R.C.H.A. 'against the Ire: | | XB ; I 4 14) janois club, for utilizing three O.H.A | § { ee -- Ave lid brick. 9 walsh A Sadie 13 Sine uireet when players, will come up, cand will likels : { T i : ae - Ve., 80lC TICK, r ' anting anything nue in tha carpen- he referred to the ho: d of hitratnce $1 | he' co il interest himself 50 RE -------------------- : RRR EY, t ine, Ei 4 anls ¢ board of arbitrators; ¢! H the council may in self . es : Sr oon Satithates given on all Kinds for. decision Representatives of the | "ey 3 that the best results may be obtained B. and C, furnace, gas, elec- with the limited means at our dispos- : . ; al. ; tric light and good cellar in Councillor Baiden asked for infor- a mation regarding the control of the SE first-class condition for liquor licenses in the village. He de- sired to know what power the council : "PHONE 1170 ) >: 3 Ag hs / {p had in regard to the matter. The in- Good Dry Maple Cord. Carpet Warehouse, Yo Tent) Ontario Curling Games | iF ? } formation defired will be secured by : b The Central Ontario curling league! HS = AR the clerk, wood, Hard and Soft i x * . . wood floors of ali kinds. All orders {various clubs in the league 1] Co 2 are asked will receive prompt attention. 8Bhop, {to attend. Other "TS. reat: | 80 Gioer Broa 10 alten ther matters require atten 4 t ; : The hockey team of the Iroquois cub] : ° ; jwill play a Napanee tegm in that town | p i on Friday: night, -------- was opened at local rink on Monday | } A number of accounts were passed, . evening, when the Napanee curlers and the time was extended for the|l] bs. Ki i the Naps Hp le indl . Kingston werd matched against two of the loval | EER |p payment of taxes without interest up Sla ' d ing, Etc t bil Co rinks, Jn the seule: games the Nap-|¢ hd IP till March lst. A m anee rinks won out by a score of 45 1 7 { u 0 ol e . to 25. The local junior rinks won out!gl 1 4 + I -------------- B. J. Graham was appointed £6 the Orders have prompt Queen and Bagot Streets. Pa 36 to 0. Storage, Repairing, Aecse- y KE. 0. Sliter went down by 92 to | 4 In this guick clearance sale Board of Health, and W. J. Nicholson { _ - # 1+ J. F. Macdonald's rinv lost by 23, §| We have included our Chil | ! In the senior series the rink skipped §| p ' p £ } and Daniel Kennedy were appointed attention. T auditors. Sela 3 | ' : ° * : 3 Sha Ee : ; to 11. f dren's and Misses' Coats, and } EVENTS $ We Guarantee Satisfaction: In the junior series, W. I. Worm- | "are selling " | TWO St S ANGLIN & 00 F Ret vats Bought 334 Solu | ee . ; Y AAAS REERE a with's: tink lost by 14 to 10. Skip! bis uits = b ¥ +2099 hb R. N. F. Macfarlane won out xr $4.00 Coats for $1.95 i "a 26 to 6. The local rinks were as fol.'§ $4.30 Coats for $2.19 {J HELD BY LOCAL LODGES ON aig Motlqul Ri 'J. McKel 86.08 Coats' for $2.08 Bi MONDAY NIGHT. . Cor. Bay and Wellington Sts. . eae gam, Ri J. McKelvey, A. $7.50 Toats for $3.69 3 -------- = Ww 2 Mela, FE. 0. lite skip 14, | : Da W | | Address antl tation at C. M. 1.500 aclen Lp allace 2. 1 . f fy 4 3 A ! eS +! R { B. A. Gathe ---- The Canadian : . ' Cannel, J. ¥. Macdonald, skip 11. || aists 3 ag Gas I 'W. J. Gibson, L. Sleeth; T. Copley, | g 3 Order of Foresters Held a } 7 W. H. Wormwith, skip 10. / | Smoker, i . ; C. BR. Bryans, W. J. Frizzell, A. B. ; { si y aker : i ; . : » i ' ipl An enjoyable complimentary © smoker Bills Ringstury, R. N. F. Macfarlane, skip a ] Bad 'ard party was given by branch 1 HY iNo. 9, CM.B.A., to its friends on Mon- > i The Napanee rinks were : b \ i dis 1d g cig iso) s " 4 TERRI y night. Euchre began at eight Reduced |. Dats, 3 Alls ne i. G. H. Trav. 6 yeti § o'clock, and continued until shortly after hh 22. i ! hy 3 . : Ce ain } : AL. atc. &: C. Smith, G. rp lY NEE i Xie 0 clock. The prize was won by : had : ik a > { 5 | iW. Cunningham. An address was then LIGHTS can be turned ON and Smith, . P. Reilienstein, J. 8S. Ham, (4! > \/iRigiven by Rev. Father McNeill on educa : ; I Honal s, which was listened to your most watch- OFF without matches if con- [II Rf W. Fletcher, J. Af Pringle, F. C. [tional matters, which was listene y : with th st satisfaction hy over » | ful care, and what a satistac- Bogart, G. V. Savage, skip 14. We call special attention to [Biwi the deepest satisfaction by over » nected with our bypass. | 1. M Brooks: s SID hundred guests. Immediately following 1 3 h vw Mh S, N k Ww. J. Dollar, W. s.1§ sweeping reductions on {the address, a pleasing event took place Saves time, gas and matches. ff Holmes, J. Fitzpatrick, skip 6. . {--the presenting of a gold waicl iv john i "13! SILKWAISTS ig1]. Hughes, by T. J. Leahy, on behali of Come in and see it in use. i Died in Toronto. : i v {the CUBA for the activity which Mr, un -on the safe side? : 5 | Mrs. Martha W. ist i Mts. F $3.50 Waists for $1.80 ip Hughes had displayed throughont the "Twantu" SG 1 3.7 3 artha att, sister of Mrs. FE A ) : » n get safe protection ¥anlu' ns trons, 38.75. M7. Satsficld, of this Sty. passed away ot We |piyear, in securing new members. eld, of ¢ ity, passed y ate S£.25 Waists for $1.40 rg followed, afte hich the . ~Reflej Lights, $1.80 and up. her late home in Toronto on Monday. |§ , |p freshments - followed, a ter which the " The remains will be brought to Kingston $3.00. Waists for $2.50 {piwathering broke up shortly after hali| Brery person should have some kind One only $10.00 amber ari fot /untérment. The funeral. of a pri i {past ten o'clock. of outdoor exercise, either snowshoe k : x ; i ing, tobozganing, skating. We have S vate nature, will be held from the home 7 2! all the necessaries. glass tome. with 5 in. fringe. Mol Mrs: 'Sarsheld, 9 Main street, on | ALL SALES FOR CASH |} Court Stanley C. D. ¥. Event Snowshoes from 32.60 to. 33.50. for only $8.50. Wednesday morning. 1 NO APPROVALS i Court Stanley No. 199, Canadian] Toboggans from $3.00 to $4.50. ] - i TE sue ! [p Order of Foresters, held a smoker and | Skates, 50¢ to $5,00. ; : } Attended Sister's Funexal. - iB cuchre on Mocday fight in the Orange nr skate Kuarantesd fainat plat, DAVID HALL J[ 5%, 8 Eotners went to Toons hall An address was given by A. €.| {36 M90 Sroaking. and fastened to on Monday afternoon to attend the fup- |g Wiley of Toronto, the organizer, on the : 06 BROCK ST. ! of his sister, the widow of Frank ; A o |B merits of oo % g Phone 385 856. i ootien, late proprietor of the Canadian 126-125 PRINCESS STRIGE i A progressive etichre party was given 2-10 335 or 830 P Conrebmat. The te 7 rs. e Wootten 20-13% PRIN . : whic 4 large gathering enjoyed. The died on Sunday morning. : event bioke up about eleven o'clock, ¢

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