Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Jan 1914, p. 1

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---------- eg KINGSTON, ONTARIO, TUESDA UNCLE SAM LIKES "TATERS." > oh ' WATER FROZE AT FIRE : Imports More Than Doubleé What. Is : { Before It - Could Reach Burning | - Exported. y Montreal Building. x 3 : Washington, Jan. 13.--The renga. : ---- Montreal, Jan, 13.--With the tem- Et . order of Secretary Houston, of the . = ag" DPerature twenty OW zero, a dis- : agricultural department, prohibiting IsTo Take Place At Charlotte. stro fire broke out in the Robert- the importations of potatoes becauss J sen Oliver grain warehouse to-day, ---- of certain foreign potato diseases, L P. E | . {and owing to the extreme cold the makes timely statistics just prepared town, o he Lo ' { Water [Yoze before it reached the We------ : Tuesday The Coldest D In y by 'the bureau of foreign and domes : | flamgs, from the house held by fire. . J " ay : tic commerce showing the imports and ge {men. The greatest difficulty was ex- In Adopting a Free Wheat ® : . ; exports of this f product, for a' ' Lu . perienced in fighting the flames. . ' Some Years . a ; long term of years, FA RENCE The building and contents were part. Resolution: : ; Since 1900 there have been imported ly destroyed. The loss, is seventy i x > practically 37,000,000 bushels against thousand. Several buildings In the ; y THERMOMETER DROPS : a 6,000,000 export' The high record | neighborhood Were threatened, but -_-- ) importation was in the fiscal year, FY RIPY YR E>. pf ¥ere saved by courageous work by 1912, when 13,750,000 bushels came in, OF FIFTY YEARS GO TQ BE firemen, many of whom were badly PO J al] 7 Jollowing a short crop here in the } COMMEMORBATED | frozen. . ¥ tad 7 calendar year, 1911. Of these 12,500 - | E ttn STEADILY = AFTER SUNDAY ; ; 000 bushels came from Scotland, fre. | | RATE REDUCED. BY HALF lop ri: wESTERN CANADA LEG- NIGHT'S SNOW BLIZZARD is C8 ; 8} [land, and England. i The Gatheving of 1664 Paved tho ie ---------- : ee . 35:31 ® & ; Average jmport price has ranged | Way to Confederation -- Hoped | NW Agreement Between Canada ISLATULES 4 1 | y ) rom 41 cents in 1902 to 19.08 iy 1907, | That Sir Charle; T Will be! © and Australia, Plumbers Busy Thawing Out Frozen hs { | while in 1912, the year of the big im- | Provo 3 TNpper { Ottawa, Jan. 13.--Hon. L. P. Pelle- | It Is Not Expected That the Domine. Water Pipes -- Harbor Frozen Ov. | | [Rik j gl | portation it was 32 cents. | . : ik tier, postmaster-general of Canada, fon Budget Will Contain Any er, and Will Remain Tight if : ¥ i a, Jan. 13.--The Dominion gov- {has entered inte a new agreement with M / , ' | a -------- ta 4 E Mention of Abolition of W] This Weather Continues Another | |} Sag ' ern has bee: invited by Hon. A. J. the government of the commonwealth on x heat Day. Er no { Mat 1, premier of Prince Edwar {of Australia for the direct exchange Datigs, ¥ ke part in the jubilee of the | of parcels under which the present | The adoption by a unanimous *vote , Whew! but it is cold. The official "i Then Himself, Charlottetown conference which will be! rate of twenty-four cents a pound up [in thy Manitoba legislature of the record showed twenty-nine degrees 'be- » Paupores Mion Jan 12 Divid ce ted next idsimmer. ht was at [to eleven pounds' either way is re-|iree wheat resolution of Harvey Simp- low zero, at Prof. A. P. Knight's os fh oa Ty 3 Ee 4 the rs aariettetown conference | duced aiter the first pound to twelve [son has caused considerable su rise : , Craig, fifty-seven vears old, and |; the f $ were taken PO : Tf observatory at eight o'clock on Tues : * J A 1 at Lie hrst steps were taken 'wants pound. The reduced rates |in government circles here, : Sandy Rogers, aged sixty, both far- | which resulted in the confederation of | : oi ; day morning, but thermometers a mers, were shot and killed by Harry, thé pre ices f Ca da in 1867 Tl! oe 1jnke _pince from Januaty 1st, 1914, it js belived hero that the action of round the city showed all the way H Reely, aged thirty-five who then ity vin meh gr thut nto nce JE will be a decided improvement on {the Manitoba government was taken from twenty-eight to thirty-four de- | \& : committed suicide. Iecls wos said to {is Sir Charles Tupper, and ites ed | ihe previous rate, and will no doubt up entirely on its own initative and grees. : : have been infatuated with sixteen. [that he will be able to be present at Pe {lead to an increased volume of parcel | Without any promise of support from This is certainly some record, and HON. ADAM BECK year-old school irl and objected to | jubilee celebration, ay i Post-business between the two coun- | the federal government, s marks the coldest spell in some few An Lee a ; ih00 Bin 8 octal) (3010 ee Cr -- ois | tries. The peculiar position now presents x3 yeas Is slated to succeed Lord Strathcona |the attentions Payd her by Rogers | /Premier Mathieson asks that the Do- | itself of one conservative _provincial ' years. in Lond s adian commi aT 'rai re also single inion gov ony - ec wi e | DOR. an : H sy The. Weather man is cortaiuly: mak. |" 07don as Can nian ommisstoner. | and Craig, who were also single. hn a i ate Ww ih 0 GREAT L0SS OF LIFE government of the west and two liber-| PRINCE RUPERT oF BAVARIA ing a name for himself this week. HEEL TORN OFF * ARWEE Ra a Mo cter. Funds, of conrse, will be re- | als governments standing together for | A recent picture .of the new Crown. Sunday night he started out with a AFRICAN SITUATION . } free wheat with two conservative op- Prince. 2 : » A---------- i sl : : rr a ----------------. blizzard, sud just as soon as the | Farmer Received Paintal Injuries, He desires the presence of the Duke BY VOLCANO ERUPTION paeitions opposing it. thermometer started to drop and Guelph: J A : . c s well as Sir Charles Fitz- | 5 speech will contain any mention of ! continued to go down, At 7.45 oe ph, Jan. 13.--A very serious mona , the chief justice, and Lord Thousands Likely Killed - Emperor Te oinon of what duties this session. IN CANADIAN o'clock on Monday evening' it was | 2CGdent befell Robert Short, of Lil : Strathcona. 5 it is 'believed that the government eight 'degrees ey toro R a rom kinfton township. He was driving 8 Ke rievance © n The government is asked to invite tl of Japan Has Ordered Relief Yill save all its tariff revision until -------- . ; C A 1 0 o invite the 2 u then on during the night the rer the horses 3 one of this ldcfashidned Is Not Understood In firitish government to send at least one the session before the noxt general sle- A R it of The Extreme Cold cury gradually dropped. pes f Hine nts, w he B his, foot: 8 ip- | sh warship to fake part. It is ex at Once ction, S Resu Tn ar the coldest spell was fife, er his leg so Badly fractured ae England Be Ah A good repre. | Tokio, Japan, Jan.' 13.- Thousands A UNIQUE DEFHNCE Ame The Poor Suffer t Below aud the year holore that the surgeons found it necessary to London, Jan. 13.---Serious concern |, . cls répresentative of the ( iled and injured and property loss : ---- Miyihies degress. sik amputate it. below the knee. The [is felt in high circles over the posi-|;a mmercial agd pleasure craft of | © Moe than a million was feared to- {He Poisoned Wives to Improve : plo " Bee a rv youn unfortunate man is very weak from |tion of affairs in South Africa. Un. the d n {day as the result of an eruption oi Their Looks Toronto, Jan. 13~The cold snap to sleep in were very muc Surprised 1 shook and. loss of blood, but . the }less an improvement is speedily af- Borden has replied thut the | S8kuras Hima volcano in Kagoshima : : . . chi ee 3 . 3 to find that the thermometer had ta- » ke 3 4 rel hd prec 14k 11 Lov. One Ng : Frankfort-on-Main, Jan. 13.--The | whieh arrived yesterday found many doctors have hopes that he will pull | fected, grave trouble may ensure. If | sovern it will co-opefate in every | Bay. One town was completely wiped : families in this cite red: for it ki a dip. The Portsmouth i ; e Sov ' bability ic the: | ou 1 i il- | Plea of not guilty was entered by |families in this city unprepa or 1 : through. is obvious that th government's sible, and the probability that | Out and numerous surrounding vil : ' d th asked the Whig how cold a ALE rom ag Bon e f 192} | Lsires: were ides tetova, . I ps Carl Hopf, the local druggist nd [and this morning many cases ' ! a : policy of retrenchment has not been the provincial goversments w nd | lages were destroyed. Communication OP use P destitution and exposure to the ele ay merning and LADIES MOBRED THIEF approved, nor have .the depths of [their and countenance to the jubilec | ith main land cut off and accurate former ifencing master, hon. brought ments during the night are being un- t was thirty-four -- disconternit been reached. So far little [celebration of this epoch-making con- | nccounts of the casualties are im- | up for trial charged with killing his covered. Charitable Sib ti all $ it Fake Gas Meter Inspector Weld Un.|is known in this country of the real! ference | possible. The emperor has personally two, children, his inther and his firsg over the city have their hands Tull til Police Arrive grievance of the men, but info~mat- ------ | ordered relief at onch. ~ wile by administering poison, and and BAT cases hape been : sent fo : : ion Will be sought by labor memhars | SEES FESbEE PRE SREI E+ $55 Sts -- with attempting to commit similar hospitals, It was Al that i a Our: fof the House of Commons as s00n as 3 YG ri - City Totally Lestroyed crimes on his second and third wives Poors passad the night without a par- ting an JIG FIRE IX MON 3 Coon. 2:2 : som. nme pe X Tv ; he ih manlf Tithe, | Samant meets. thot aor inle CREE MONTREAL $1 1obio. Japan, Jon. 1st ie nou snd Snother Jetson. that he had [ticle of fel and little clothing to pov: + : . + - . - 3 Heat and Power comj and mak- South Africa is much more efficicn ly | 4 M a . 3 | known for certain that the city of} .- : i er the children in bed. h : any, k- . > nly Montreal, Jam. 13.5-Fire |, : : : _ | given a poisonous drug to his three : {ing an unauthorized collection of thé organized than many were . led to|® broke out in | Kssohing, ih a pop lation 3 o°: successive wives, ostensibly as a ar Suid 1a relief officers x, Bisllae Hof Pe Philip Thi hofne {sung or "Es atten _ Je hat ord 3 | the Te, voleanic eruptions y While | Means of improving their looks. . To Hamilton ant othon i 1 I 4 A isfactorily sett not only in E ! 5 th : is thind wife he % i > a ww street. The re he Africa But fn the|® wind re ad 4 it is known that some escaped his of had' also death . nd AAAY : : JOLms, SAP he com- % age bad been done at 2.30 | traction came upon the city at at 9 a.m. and 53 |pany. Assisted by Mrs. Viner, the| D NAVAL SCHiMpe | * o'clock, and the flames were 4 | night. at aio street fire sta. man was held until Mr. Larner came | CANADA AND NAVAL SCHEMES | 4 threatening the - church of i The three women had heen insured by the prisoner for $5,000, $7,500 and he Military ova pt whieh di "the empire. .|% quamer million dollars dam- + toussu 3" Tost "e. : : : i $20,000, respectively, and each of ollegi back th lie . Senn 4 Notre Dame. The fire fight- LG £ DEATTON : Fak EH 3 ! tion, uth and Collegiate [back with a policoman Dr. Darby Describes His Recent|s ors are terribly an PILGRIM ASSOCIATION them fell seriously ill within a year Gilmore of the i P rmame---------- | n d6ral ; i ------------ marria, to the accused. The ol ea¥ing about it being an DABBLES IN POLITICS Peace Tour. + Dy the temperature, fifteen + |The Officers Elected -- Contributions] 21°F er marriage 18 : arrive from Buffalo this aft fll wind that Blows no person good London, Jan. 13.--Dr. W. . Evans : below zero. Acknowledged. QUEEN REFUSED. ENTRANCE SN I talk atet Sih xan a was repelled 10 the minds of citizens BUT BISHOP OBJECT. Darby, 'secretary to the Peace So- eed derbi ode li The Pilgrim Athletic Association, elie pad 3 a d on a three eary as they Notiogd plumbers hustling ciety, has just completed his. Cana- FERESPEIRES ESRD IED bbe recently formed, has elected these of | Her Majesty Declined to Surrepdes on --~ manage the oot league around early Tuesday morning to S--t-- diam tour, begun in September. Con- ficers : ' ; Her Umbrella. : ; y 5 > : : } team here. ¥ thaw out water pipes. Many a : . 'I a cerni Canadian opinion on the nav- HOPE FOR SIR JAMES Hon ry president, M. J. Dolan; d J 13.--Becau she vye- 2 ison ont ° rsh oa reathe And Excommunication Is Coming al Afhstion Mr. Darby said : { ; first. a Bory Ww. G. hrwin; pov ar ie her wabrelly, the g . : ee In spite of the cold hig ber, Unless He t s 1 "1. found the preponderence of feel | cond vice-president, W. Hutcheson; se- Queen of England was refused admit- Histo Wag a sen Ny with ing dead against the policy of both { {cretary, W. J. Angrove; treasurer, tance to Norwich Castle Museum. iT --. When "asked it he were Once . the Hegel and the conse: Yaly a Ly - . {loki Sal agher; pu IEEE hockey Scan A 3s Sccompanied by hw | ALE AT THE FOLLOW : cold he said "no," and - declared Hazorbrouck, France, Jan. 13. ~Abbe toa = es ine There oy 4) Premier S$ Mind Is Wandering Most to A W Wheatler J.J. a - a "visit no litt I had Is ONS 4 : that he would continue to Wear the Jules Lemire, the only priest wha is a intense feeling over there against | of Th Ti y ! : | William Harty, Jr, J, 'H. Birkett, i. Ro given. The attendant, failing to ING CITY STORES Christy all winter. member of the Chamber of Deputies ufe, being continudll being put | ie lime -- Bs Growing 'LL. Wood, D. S. Collier Thomas B. ognize the queen, stubbornly refused | Buekneil's News Depot ., 25 King B The cold weather made hustneey kas been suspeaded by the bishap of Br hpouny continudlly a at Weaker i Angrov e. FH Ryan, J. R. Robin- Fag or her With 'the umbrella, which | Clarke, J, W, @ CO ww 038 Princass in the stores very quie SURIng . Lille, and M. Donte, oditor of Le Cri | militarism. I found Winniper the son, "A. B. Cunningham, M. Sullivan, she, with equal stubborness, refused to | Cvilege Book Sore ,. ou .. 100 Princess S04 ler pant of the day. Xe opie who Des Flanders, the organ of the Abbe's gentre of this opposition, 'and that New York, Jan. 13.--Hope for the | C Birmingham, John Angrove, W. F. surrender. The bisifop intervened, but | Coulter's Groeesy ....... 999 3 na eae hac their. usnal | S1PPorters, has been excommunicated pethapd accounted for the size and | recovery of Sir . James Whitney is { Nickle, M.P., George Richardson, Abra-| without effect until ho disclosed the Oew. busy time. Telephone calls came|"S ® "ult of differences over the enthusiasm of my meetings there. slowly but steadily growing less as {ham Shaw, Dr. A. E. Ross, M.P.P., identity of the royal visitor. Profuse fact. g . ahbe's Solitioal programme. bane Lae "The attitude of the people on the the days go by and his condition | Box. Willipm Harty, i J: Fair, R. apologies followed, and the queen en- : a : a tel. > MS30P 8 letter, which has been subject of the navy and of militarism | fails to improve. The official bulle- | Waldron, Dr. al W. Edwar, 2S, €OTRe tered bearing her umbrella in tri- The steamer Woite Mander made road, in all the pulpits of tho diocese, | (7018 ctically unanimous, and reso- | tin that there was no change, except | Robertson, W. G. Craig, E. P. Jen- umph. | her trip across from Marysville on has aroused intense interest and mich re Prac ie rdopted hc die § that Le was weaker, seems to indicate | kins, George A. McGowan, H. Rich- pm ---------- a heavy Coating of ica had been for. |comnlt: Friends of 'Abbe Lemiro a One Doin 10 Wh 1 atin 1 a Taker. sons to iudisste | Rit, Geurge Rigney, James Spence; RELFASHD YOUNG JEW a heavy coating of ice had been for- {hae signed a strong protest against i yd : . - ke cabot . 3 for |A- E. Treadgold, 'W. R. : Givens, : med and 'when the steamer . camel apiscopal action, and it is understand 3 poanse 1 Tong Sheirgses Nos Physicion, a gate " Allan M. Reid. As Death Faced Him If Returned to across it smashed the ice up in large | tha: the matter will be immediately | * at: ot Imminmty. of Fava eT Pr {ows id ¥ | A team had been entered in the sen-| Russia. sections. If this cold weather con-|oarricd (0 higher ecclesiastical guthor. [Prty at sea in time of war. ORY joress. ) i ; | ior city league and as it has four ex- Ee é : tinues the ee will become firm in aii ? the British government would con- In conversation this 'morning, Dr Foi tonar layers on the team, gt will London, Ont.,, Jan. 13.--Benjamin stort time. The greater part of the] rp} bishop gives Abbe Lemire four |#e0t to an agreement they would re- | Pyne admitted that there hus been | certainly be heard from this winter. | Greisoch, a young Russian Jow, held harbor was frogen on Tuesday morn- days in which to renounce all further | lieve the situation at once. steady retrogression since: Sunday. ' at Halifax by the immigration de- ' 3 tn . . These contributions are acknowledg- 5 . 9 f s DOYLE-.In Kingston, at her sonsin+ ing. - candid ture for the Chamber of Depu- |* Replying to a question as to his Hope is mot all gome yet entirely. ed: Dr. J. J. Hoarty, 85; A. W. Wheat | PArtment because of his desertion a ape : : law's, residence, A. McConville, cor. ies ant Slicly. seve ia i general impressions, Dr. Darby said | The possibility of a sudden change on BA Wilkie ed A from the Russian army, has been Te- Division and Sts, on Jan. . x hh Ils movers Bis Dex Flescr things were very bad in Western Ca: [for the better is still present, . bmt Ps pian Harte, Jr BA 3 leased and is now en route to this Lath. 1914, Nancy alr, relict of the White Rose flour stocked by all. the es. Ho is .alsd reauin isavow | nada, Where money was scarce. The |it is hourly becoming far remote. The | ETRE Tr <1). S 'Col. jcity. Friends of the young Jew in Func od ate) Wednesday morni . lsd required to disavow : i i tDolan, ¥3; NM. Sullivan, $1; D. S. Col i fe " «a ne rada. i "» the lectures on social question which | farmers on the plains had been saved |patient's mind is wandering most of [ier $1. Jenkins, $2: 1. 1. |this city interceded for him, as death at 9 o'clock: to St. Mary's Cat "A B0c. Sage and Sulphur," 40c. Yen a der A au Meh in by a wplendid harvest. The emigra- {the time now. | Wood. sa 1 'Ho Tima $1; F. yu. | faced him in the land of the'czar he- ri ral nd acquaintanees cordially in * fy 1d Spioes 3 4 g dd, 33; J. . » B41; F. " § do % ends and ac s Gibson's, iency by eminent republican [tion boom had, been overdone, but, he 3 t the Rink | Ryan, $1; J. R. Robinson, 81; C.|"ause of desertion. reat ited to attend the mass. 5 x deputies and to cancel othebs arrang- | added, "marvellous advanee is being ce at the .. i Donaghue, $1; R. Crawford, $I. re = We P ease omit flowers. DAILY MEMORANDA ; od for the near future, Should he fail made, and Canada undoubtedly has | The cold weather. is certainly wel- | George Masoud, $1; James Spence, $2; ONE YEAR WITH LASHES MeFAUL--Iz Kin RT oe Ao, Seo. top Shag. 3, right band corner.) to do this his suspension from priest- [immense resources. If the lines of fcomed by the jce makers at the rinks, | wi Craig, $1; Hon. William Harty Man Reconlly Paroted From : Peni. R. McFaul or A for probab ly office will become absolute. progress are wisely 'and carefully laid | which are now in pink of condition. | 5 W. F. Nickle, NP. 85: James | Man Rece i RS = YEU I Funeral from her late resi ones, & 106 $s Rewriter earbon paper 3 mt ie---- and adhered to, it is impossible to | Between 700 and 800 people skated at Sowards, 81; A. E. Treadgold, $1; W. tentiary in Toils Again. "Harrie attest, TEs Cathedral fale on : Denday, 300 ner bay | QUARTER MILLION TO CORNELL | forecast the possibilities of the cen- | the covered rink on Saturday after J. Baker, £2; McCue Bros., $1; George | Belleville, Jan. 13.--Befors Judge | priends and scdtaihiances oneaaly re na Press, Wellington St. x Be Yied tury." noon, aad Jere was a large attend- | y' McGowan, $1. Deroche, Albert Clapper was found invited to attend. 3 : th 100% hens - Anonymous nefactor Pledges Sum etme ance at night, after the practices of ' guilty of an indecent assault, and | WATT--In Toronto, on Jan, s 8 At Meeting of Trustees ACTIVITY AT OTTAWA {the Frontenme aul Rueea's bodies IN was enter to one year ih the Cen- | p, MTS. Watt, formerly of hon. New York, .Jan. 13.--An anony- teams. Tuesday, night of this wee CANADA THE GRIP tral Prison and to receive twenty" "Mrs. Geo. Sarafield, 9 n "street. mous benefactor pledged £230,000 to : { the - rink wil be retained Sxtinsively lashes. Only a few weeks ago Clap- Funeral private y ednesday niorfle Cornell - University at the annual {for the ngston Skating ao. | OF COLDEST WEATHER per was paroled from the peniten- pe - meeting of the board of trustees at ---- j Queen & managenient had Fin fe tiary, where he had served some five ROBERT J. REID § Fald : sev a {give | uesday sday enmgs | -------- ' 8 p nee. ; iE EC gud Sanat Sa The Duchess of Connaught Not and Saturday afternoon. and cvemng, | Known For Years--At White River Feuts of » ten years Bente a The Jong Dadstiaker, Z The stoves are already be 500,000, which they are now asking Expected to Grace The frith bands, for She public, but owing | The Temperaty About 50 MAIL BOAT ASHORE Phone 577 Stren. : Hh for purposes of general endowment. 10 Lae hockey mn on Vancay night ; re Y T ginning to answer the sues- . wre . {the Skating Club was given Tuesday. . ith of the Bay of Fundy. tions that so many women . Delon] Henty W. Pett rae slected Occasion This will happen but once again this Below lero At the Mouth: . y ' y want answered. At eed ply ry Mer | season. ¥ \ o day As you read your newspaper I. Woodford. Dr. Sehurman, Prosi Ottawa, Jan. 13.--There is activity | | Toronto, Jam. 13. ~The whole of | St. John, N.B., Jan. 13.-The Royal to-day yoti will notice the new dent of the university, Charles M. on Parliament Hill, for the session Hockeyist Froze a Finger {eastern Canada is in the grip of the {mail ' steamship packet line steamer Spring note creeping into the Sowa and Andrew D. White made opens op Thursday. Speaker Sproule | Leo. Covle, who plays centre posit- | oldest ' weather on record' for years. | Cebequid, bound here from the West ad The stores are rie! addresses, Is. engaged in distributing the various {ion on = the WBritish American hotel! At White River, Ont.. north of Lake | Indies, went ashore, early to-day, on al ¥ beginming to show the Orders Steel Trains employees required for the big house hockey team, met with the misfortune | Superior, which is 'atknowledged to | Priar Island, at the mouth of the Bay beautiful cottons from which 2 rders Steel : ns. __ thold. ; Incidentally there are more ap- [to frevze one of his fingers badly while be about the coldest spot in North | of Fundy, and wireless despatches re- women Will make their sum- Toronto, Jan. 13.--The first solid plications for jobs this year than over |practicing on Monday night" This American civilization, the tempera. | POTt her in_bad shape. No details are mer frocks. steel trains to be operated by a Cana: before. Members are beginning to driit [team was to have played the Randol® ture to-day is from forty to fifty | available, @ Woman who expects to dian-owned road in Canada will he on [in 'and everything looks like business. | phe on I'uesday afternoon at Palace | wh ow. zero To - re 4 " x {degrees below zero, In Toronto the i keep posted to thé . minute the T. & "N.O.--the provincial road. | The house will open on Thiirsday at |rink, but the game has heen postponed | (gi 1b cervatory thermometer regis. Strike of Medical Men must be an advertising reader. || An order has been placed with the Puli- [3 pat. "The Duchess of Connatight is luntil Friday afternoon. + [tered twenty-two below, which js | Welland, Jan. 13.--Four local lodges She must avail herself of the man Car company, of Chicago, for | not expected to grace the scene w ith | tc, "the lowest since 1886. The lowest | have succeeded in getting a doctor to service Ber favorite newspaper two solid steel trains from baggage | her presence, as the still uncertain | Teachers at Physical Culture temperature ever registersd in this | locate in - Welland and sotept lodge provides for her. o wr to Pullman for the T.-4 NA. at condition of her health will not Pe | ri course of instruction for school | eit was 29 degrees' below. and that 4 work at a reduced rate. The man is It is theh hest fashion news a tost of $350,000. mit. On Thursday night, there Will be | chars of the city and of the ad- | '¢ hack in - 1839 {Dr. J. P. McLaren, of Point Edward. in the world because it is based re te a, state bhemquet at Rideau Hall, and incept county'. schools opened in Mac-| a. {A meeting was beld at which he dis on merchandise and no: Tiree Np Judgeelips ! on Saturday the SAVING. Jou. 3 donald schodl 'on Monday afternoon. | Officers Elected | cussed artangements with the lodges. on 8. It is up to the Ottawa, Jan. 13.--An order-in'coun: consarvative. party holds its fivst {yo °2 "oo cted that seventy will be in | we | The action is the reswlt of the re minute. It is written in a way cil of the Alberta government hay |caueus on Friday pext. The house will Attendee : { At the annual meeting of the wo- | jusal of loeal doctors to take lodge that makes it clear to her. heen issued putting into effect legis. [60% down to business on Monday. The mn me | man's association of Sydenham street | work at a reduced rate. The local wr id t { 4 : : rt 3 , 'But it seems almost unacc- fi intion passed the past session creat. |SeBate will weet on Tuesday, | - Randolph Honorary Officers ; Methodist church, the following offi- | Medical Association has practically essary to remind Canada ing three new supreme court j , y RE ------ At a special meeting of the execu- | cers were elected on Monday after threatened to ostracize the "strike women of the joys of adver: = ships. © For these vacancies the Buraed to Death tive of the Randolph Hotel Hockey noon: President, Mrs. F. RB. . Ang: breaker." gi . 3 ere already tha names of tl. PD. Hyndman, Edmonton; 'ol Club, Nichaol Sullivan, contractor, | lin; yice-presidents, HW, ; 3 : oe 3 B: pe eleoted hooorary president, and | Richardson, Mrs. D. A. Cays; secre Miss Bina Kirk, of Calgary Alls, # 3 honorary vice-presi , 8. T. Kirk, Nel aders of advertising M8 Mel , Calgary, and W. + ahi a gary ~| tary, Mrs. J. G. Ettinger; treasurer, jis visiting her uncle Nis. E "Hiscock. Sig . AOD §irest, Lethbridge, ate most prominent: [te i fire | Robert Stevenson,

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