Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Jan 1914, p. 9

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SUNNY SOUTH. Fast trains leave daily, making direct con- nection at Detroit and Buffalo for Florida and southern points and at Chicago for California and western points, # 'We can make all arrangements to bring your family and friends from the Old Country. Special attention will be given them. For tull particulars apply to and Steamship Agent, Cor. Johnston and Ontario Sts. CANADIAN PAaCiFic and Ocean Tickets All Lines 'Particulars from F. Conway, C. P. A, City Ticket Oflice, Cor. Princess and Wellington Sts, Phone 1197. OCRAN STEAMSHIP AGENCY OC. 8. KIRKPATRICK 43 Clarence St. Phone 56% IT CANADIAN SERVICE. From Southampton From Portland, Me Jan. 22 ABCANIA Feb, 7 * Feb, 28 ASCANIA Mar. 14 Mar. 6 ALAUNIA Mar. 21 Steamers will 'call Plymouth east- L abin (11 46.25 up. fg Bll vesooind § 30.25 up. (CNARD CO. Limited. St. E., Toronto Go % BERMUDA 8.8, "BERMUDIAN" twin screw, 10, $18 tons displacement. sails from New York, 10 am. 14, 21, 28 January. 4, 11, 18, 25 February. Sub- ' marine signals; wirpless. orchestra. Record trip 89 hours, 20 min. Fast. ont, newest, and only steamer landing passengers at the dock In Bermuds without transfer. WEST INDIES-New 8.8. "GUIANA" and other steamers from New York at 2p. m. 24 Jan, 7. 21 Feb. for Bt. Thomas, St. Croix St. Kitts, An- tigua, Guadaloupe, Dominicia, Mar- tinique, St. Lucia, Barbadoes and Demerara. - For full information apply to J. P HANLEY, or OC 8 KIRKPATRICK Ticket Agents, Kingston; QUEBEC STEAMSHIP CO., LTD., Quebec. (Limited) Head of Queen Street. Courses in bookkeeping, shorthand, typewriting, civil service, general improvement, and all commercial subjects Rates moderate. tion free. HF. Metcalf -- Principal Informa- Pitish : A INGSTON COUNTRYSIDE . TIDINGS WHAT NYE TO TELL, News From Villages and Farms . Throughout the Adjoining Coun- ties--Rural Fvents, and Move- ments of the People. Wolfe Island News Wolfe Island, Jan. 9.--Bert Watts is attending the dairy school at King- ston. Stewart Armstrong has im- proved his house by adding a kitchen A dance was held in the C. M. B. A. hall on Wednesday evening and about fifty couple were present. Davis' or- chestra furnished music. W. Cum- mins and E. Crawford conducted the affair. George Boyd has the material on the ground to erect a large cow and horse barn in the spring." John O'Shea attepded the cheesemakers' convention at Cornwall. Plum Hollow Notes Plum Hollow, Jan. 8.----A large num: bor from here attended the Baptist concert at Toledo om Tuesday even ing. On Sunday evening Mr. Harris, Toronto, gave an address on local op' tion in the Baptist church. On Mon day local option was defeated in Kits ley by twenty-five majority, and gain. ed in Bastard by sixty-four majority. On Saturday next, the mission circle of the Baptist church goes to the home of Mrs. W. G. Dunham, Toledo (a former member, for its monthly meeting. Death at South Bay South Bay, an. 8--Death has claimed Eldon Vandusén, son of Mr. and Mrs, Norman Vandusen, of this place. Deceased was seventeen years old andhad been ill but three weeks of typhéid fever, followed by jaun- dice, and with all that loving friends and doctors' attendance could do he passed away on January 6th at 6.30 p. m. He was a member of the South Bay church and had a bright future before him. His father and mother, - and one twin brother, Elwood, and for' Renfrew, sister Ivy, of Far Rockaway, New awa, Lorne : York, survive. Sask , Delina T} stoke, B. C., Pet: monton, Alta. Elk Lake and Little Ireland. R. D. MacLEA As Brutus in. William Faversham Singleton Locals Singleton, Jan. 8--~A number from here attended the sale at C. G. Church- ill's, Jones Falls. The infant son of James Best is convalescent. James Stout is ill. Mr. and Mrs. C. Flem- ing and little daughter, of Saskatche- wan, are visiting friends here. George Saxon, of 'Deloraine, is visiting his No. 7, Mr. Doxie in 8. 8. N Mr. Asselstine of Odessa 1 engaged as principal of school. Mr. and Mrs. 'ONTARIO, TUESDAY, JANUARY N 's Production of "Julius Caesar," at-the Grand on Thursday, January 15th. " ived from Saskatche- few "The Pblson Iron Wor been given the contract for two g vessels for use at the Hud- terminals railway lson Jeremiah Hallett, collector of cus omg, at Guelph; died at the age event y-one, at with | Financial Times this week that I'oronto, Port ol 13, 1914 3 London, Jan. ; 2....Sir George HPaish, associate editor of the lLon- don Statist, who recently visited Canada, anticipates that Canada's development in the next ten years will increase threefold. He writes : "How much capital will come in in the next fow years cannot be. . cal- culated. It is very desirabfe that an abundance of capital should now be provided for farming and mining in order, for one thing, that the it sum of capital spent in Can: in recent years may become pro ve, and for another that the world's supply of food may be large lv increased and that the high cost Ii capital were provided freely" for of living everywhere may be reduced construction of farm buildings, * for the purchase of agricultural machin ery and | generally for in sing quickly the productive power of the country the transition Prom -the con- structive to the productive period would be greatly facilitated." ducti ; Cobalt Dividends. Toronto, Jan. 12.--Total bonuses and dividends paid by Cobalt min- ing companies during 1913 amounted to 810,196,694, as compared with $0,324,044 in 1912. It is estimated that total dividends paid since Co- balt was discovered amount to near ly $52,000,000, including disburse- ments by private corporations. Thres mines, the Seneca-Superior, Cohalt Lake and Caribou Cobalt paid .di- vidends last year for the first time. Looks for Record Year. Montreal, Jan. 12. --Ames-Holden- McCready Limited is preparing for a k r year to come than 1913. C. mith, general manager, {eld the the company wads never ima better po- ition. Business has "increased to a large extent and the advance spring orders, Mr. Smith states, are already larger than those of last year. Canadian Conn. Cotton Mills. Montreal, Jan. 12.~The balance of $100,000 of the $350,000 issue of 6 per cent. bonds of the Canadian Con- sister, Mrs. N. B. Merriman. Harry Bass, of Winnipeg, is renewing old quaintances here. Mr. and Mrs. Evan Steele, of Meadowville, with Mrs. Steele's mother, Mfs. Pyne. Miss Hilda Leggett returned to Queen's af- ter spending her holidays with her parents. Willard Chapman and fam- : ily have returned to their home in! Toronto. J. B. Pinkerton and family, Elgin, at F, C. Preston's. Desert Lake News Desert Lake, Jan. 9--~The congre- gation of the Methodist' church are pleased to announce that a new organ has been placed in the church. School has reopened with Miss Walker, of Holleford, as teacher. ™The young men are taking advantage of the moonlight nights. Sylvenis Deyo has returned from visiting friends at Wal- laceburg. Dawson Snook has return- ed 'from Burridge and Fermoy. F. Orser made a flying trip to Wilmur. Miss Annie Snook has returned to Sydemham where she is attending high school. - A merry load drove to Wilmur to spend New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. James Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. J J. Abrams are visiting at J. N. Abram's Doings at Denbigh Denbigh, Jan. 8--The municipal election yesterday passed off as or- derly as usual at both polling places The result was the re-election of last year's members with only one excep- tion, that of Mr. Rahm who had to give way to Fred Mallory. The mu- nicipal council for Denbigh, Abinger and Ashby for this year is therefore composed of the following gentlemen, Reeve, John E. Irish; Councillors, Oscar Chatson, Fred Mallory, Frank Rodgers and K. Thompson. Most iday ve left of the holiday visitors have as Acting-Premier. The . i psent places of res again for Par Present Places of 166. of the Ontario Legislature, which of Fritsch and Mrs. G. Stein and child- not succeed to the membership of ren for New Liskeard. George Frisch Acting-Prentier is a Roman Catholic. 7 vr -- . + HON, J. J. FOY, ACTING PREMIER OF ONTARIO, BUSY AT HIS DESK A photograph taken showing Hon. J. 4. Foy, senior member of the Cabinet pens in February. Ontario, in case of the expected death or Fetirement of Sir James, It is generally , in the midst of his duties Attorney-General will probably lead the Government during the coming session understood, however, that Mr. Foy will The necticut Cotton Mills, Limited, is be ing offered by McCunig Bros. & Co. at par. Th: bonds carry with them a bonus of 50 per cont. common stock. HM is estimated that earnings of the company will equal 14 per cent. on the common stock after bond interest and. preferred divid end. - Century of Consols. London, Jan. . 12.--British Consol this past month wold at 71 1-16, new low record since 1821. That pric ompared with a price of 758 early iy the vear, and with a high record fi the twentieth century of 972, fixed ir 1901, : The highest price of Consols in' th rineteenth century, and the highest o, record, was 1137, in 1596 Production. New York, 12.--The output Portland cement in this country di ing the past year will reach 90,000,00 barrels, the largest on record, accor ing to a trade authority, Consump tion of cement is keeping pace wit production, and the price is stead at ninety cents per barrel in bulk a milk. Cement Jan Satisfactory Year. N.S, Jan. 12.--The yen just closed has been in many r spects the most satisfactory in th history of the Steel Corporation. It collieries and steel works have bee operated to their. full capaeit throughout the whole period, and th» results are the best. that" have heen ever pbtained. Its little army of 16 000 or 17,000 employees were kept constantly at work, and it is claimed that no similar body of men in Can ada received as large an average dail wage, The combined output of collieries in Cape Briton and Cumberland countie: will reach the unprecedented total of 5,100,000 tons, nearly - 200,000° ton: greater than the output of 1912 which in turn exceeded all previous re- cords. Sydney, ¥ Financial Notes. The estimated gold production from Dome mines during 1913 was $1,232 599 . Pennsylvania's coal productio,, is al- most 'as great as that of the other twenty-seven - producing states. The candy bill of tho American girl is $134,000,000, $10,000,000 more than the cost of the "nation's paint and varnish. Egyptian cigarettes exported last year totalled /1,165,000 pounds, worth $2,115,000. Japan'g - purchase of chinery "in 1913 than 214,000,000, During 1913 the passenger carnings of the Toronto Railway company were $6,024,405, a new record. The 1912 gross earnings, including pasemnger earnings plus a few other minor items were only $5,445,050.36. It is estimated that the United States purchased aver $20,000,000 of Canadian municipal issues in 1913. Directors of the Standard Oil company will submit to stockhold- ers, at a meeting to be held on foreign ma- amounted to more | March 16th next, a proposition to in- crease the capital stock from $50, 000,000 to $100,000,000. Rumors that dividends of the Do-: minion Canners, Limited, may be sus- pended are entirely unfounded. y The £3,000,000 New South Wales is- sue recently offered in London was received in frigid fashion, only ten ver cent, being subscribed for by the public. More than forty banking institu tions of Brazil are involved in the failure of the Incorporadora com- pany, of San Paulo, Sydney, The Dominion Steel plant, N.S.,, has received a five thousand 'on rail --order from the Austra- lian government. : It 1 expected that the annual re- sort of Goodwin's, Limited, Montreal, will show earnings as large"or nearly i§ large as those of the previous car. Operations on La Rose ('onsolidated or the vear 1912 showed a net pro- t of £951,000, An offering of $600,000 six per cent. rst moptgage bonds, series "C," of he Ogilvie Flour Mills, Limited, is mnounced. There are indications that the great nvestment companies have been turn- ng their funds back again to some ctent to bonds and. debentures. According to recent official figures ° nd allowing Canada a population f 8,000,000, the deposits per capita re 293.79, according to the Mone- ary Times Annual. An Santiago, Chile, Lieut. Mery, a ilitary aviator," while making - a light, fell from a height of 3,000 set and was dashed to pieces. The election of A. Z. Trudel as wayor of Cobalt is to be protested. 'here is a recount of the Sudbury wyoralty ballots. Hon. E. McLeod was appointed, by he cabinet, on Suturday, chiel jus ice of the supreme court of New Brunswick. Andrew Hulbert, Guelph, was hrown off the seat of his cab while urning a corner, and fatally injured. Nine horses were cremated in a sta- le near the Montreal Stock Yards; Hon. David Laird, Indian ecom- missioner, is seriously ill at Ottawa. loss, $20,000. We Offer ONTARIO TOWNSHIP DEBENTURES TO YIELD 51-2 per cent. ONTARIO TOWN" DERENTURES TO YIELD 57.8 per cent. WESTERN SCHOOL DEBENTURES TO YIELD 7 3-1 per cent. WRITE FOR LIST Brent, Noxon & Co. Canada Life Bl ---- ---- ---- -- C.P.R. RIGHTS We buy and se II C.P.R. nights to new issue on commission. We will forwar« 1 circular letter on new debenture issue, upon request. F. B. McCURDY & CO. 80-88 BROUK PHONE 1225 (Members Montreal Stock Exchange and London, England. ) H. 'W. NELLES, Manager, What's the Use of Knowing the Time of -- ---- oY THAT BOOB. JEFF 5 THE CASE op TVS, "@ YOU INACING THAT PE AFORE SlecTion AND GRY TG, Us Praise ASH REPEATERS? mow werpe A THiS IS WHAT T GET | FOR wsTeNING To MUTT. | GET CAUGHT TRY To | REGISTER A WRONG NAME AND NOW WE | ARS Boh oy neem {| FOR Tan DAYS. AND WHAT'S FORE HE ClaMs wie ALL \ MN BauLT Day When You Can't Go Any Place ?

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