{6 sald you have little to fear from Richmond No. 4 and tant is the liver and so i on the other of the body that it may fis of life so long as in heaithtul working or- @ processes are so on free action of the liver and , constipation fol- low, with headache and depressed ts. Additional work is thrown on the kidneys, and soon the Yhoig eliminating system is deranged en the blood carries poisons through the body. 1 eating is a great help ds keeping the liver right, but does get wrong there is no- like Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver 'to restore the liver to healthful action. ] th the secretion of bile by the fpation and Dbillousness are cured, and the digestive and ex- : systems are set in order. It wonderful the benefit obtained by A Anes of Dr. Chase's Kidney- v 8 under these circumstan- ces. A trial will convince of their superior merit. you | GRAND UNION to] AT A MOMENT'S NOTIOB Bibby's Garage RROCK STRENY (NARGES REASONABLE CAREFUL DRIVER, Phone's 201 & 017. Scranton Coal Co's Coal the celebrated Ontario No. 1 the best Anthracite Coal Mines in Pennsylvania, Place your order with THE JAS. SOWARDS COAL C0. Worth End Ontario Street. Extra Choice HAM AND BACON C. H. PICKERING'S 490 Princess St., Phone 530 Kingston Cement - Products Factory bas cement blocks aills, bricks and lintels always on hand at reasonable prices. "In cement madé to order. Corner of Charles and Patrick streets. Phone 1304, Manager - I. F. Norman CANADA AND LYS PRISON MASTERPIECES, 1 The Cells Have Given Us Some of Om Finest Literstare, Byron's famous poem, "The Pris oner of Chillen,"" is supposed to be ] written by Bounivard, the Genevan patriot, whilst he was incarcerated in the Chateau of Chillon, on the shores of the lake. But tbe poem was really written at lightning speed whilst Dy- ron was imprisoned by inclement weather for a night und a day in the neighborhood. Nevertheless, some notable literary achievements have heen really writ. ten in jail, undoubtedly the most out- standing being two of the world's greatest classics, "The Adventures of Don Quixote" and "The Pilgrim's Progress." If ouly those two books bad belonged to the literature of cap- tivity they would have Ween sufficient to make that literature distinguished and immortal. Thomas Cooper, the Chartist whose life reads like a romance, and whose name is held in reverence by modern reformers, wrote a remark- able poem whilst he was lying in prison on account of his political agitation. This poem bears the re- markable title of "The Purgatory of Suicides," and when it was publish. ed it created a very considerable stir in the literary world, for it has emanated from the brain of a mac who had begun life as a cobbler and had made himself master of the Greek language and literature. Another remarkable poem writter in prison is "The Ballad of Reading Jail," by Oscar Wilde, . whose re- markable and most sombre hoox "De Profundis," was also writte: there. These two books are amongs! the saddest records in the history ol literature. It ought not to he forgotten tha! one of the greatest letters ever writ ten was penned in a dungeon in Rome. This is the Epistle of Saint Paul to the Colossians, a piece . op! literature, 'quite apart from ity sacred character, which is very hard to beat. It is very seldom that a newspaper hag been edited from the inside of a cell, but even this feat was accom- plished by the late lamented W. T. Stead, who during the two months he spent in prison for an offence which many condoned and which a number admired, he wrote scores of erticles and practically conducted his paper. ------ Australian Dry Farming, Farming on dry séil has proved quite successfully in Australia, The agent-general for Western Australia, Sir Newton Moore, has received an interesting repert on the awards for wheat given by the Royal Agricul- tural Society of Western Australia at the recent show. The. champion prize was won by a farmer of only five years' experience, and the wheat was grown in the Dowerin district which only a few years ago was con- sidered too dry for wheat growing, but which has regularly yielded to this farmer 15 bushels per acre. In the competition for hard wheat the first three prizes were won by farm- ers who obtained handsome yields with a comparatively light rainfall, ranging from 9 1-2 to 12 1-2 inches, The yields went as high as 30 bush- els to the acre, The third prize win- ner, on a 9 1-2 inch rainfall, obtain- ed a yield as high as 27 bushels, and the lowest yield on his farm was 16 bushels. Real Ritual Murder, An extraordinary tragedy of superstition is reported: from Burd- wan, where a man named Vahami- dan murdered his wife with her own consent in the course of a secret ceremonial. Vahamidan had for some time been learning the prin- ciples of Tantric worship from a monk. To complete his studies he needed a dead body, and on his as- surance that he would restore her to life when he had finished his "wor- ship, the wife consented to be killed. The man is now in the hands of the police. ee eet In the drink line the perisdical is Quite likely to hecome the frequent. Deutsch ho Angi the Cabinet machine 'in the abov I ART The climate of the Dominion of various. However the winter sport They furnish for her imhabitants, ri Rilirating and enervating recreat try travel to Switzerland to get. The "THE LAST OF THE SHOCUNS. \ Passing of a Picturesque Militar, gure of Old Japan. A Keikl t surviving between i 1 12 new Japan. Here was a who gave scepire of empire to become a , whose magnanimous surren- r of ancestral pre for the sake of his country was b ole more ex- ample of the capacity of his race for peaceful revolution. rhe last of the Shoguns was a typical representative of a nation born without a pang. His e in modern history was like and reform of a Pharaoh s of Egypt. Forty-five man was the arbiter entire orier To have looked is face would have been a capi- nutive fig but large in 3 of vanished splendor; 'was displayed the lust ex: S bol of what w once the olute rule on ea It was e people used to will is law and his voice i Mut ¢ AT and once stripped of the mediaeval trap- pings of judicial j lery and enfore- ed usurpation, the Shogun ¥rose to the true spirit of his race, heard the ery of the people, descended to the level of the multitude, and became as one of them, a subject of the sove- reign he once outshone, himself a partaker of the freedom he bestowed upon his country, The figure of a Shogun, always appealing to the western imagination, first cast its shadow across the king- dom of Japan in the 12th century. The Shoguns came as a reaction of a vigorous people against an effeminiz- Ing influence spreading from the court. To satisfy the demand for gorgeous dress, the looms of Japan began weaving the wonderful fabrics for which the country became famous. Social fortunes turned on successful costumes and the men of the court began to powder and paigt their faces like women, 'while a grand lady of the time was judged b- the quantity of her hablliments. A reaction favored the growth of a military class, then in embryo, and the shoguns emerged in glittering raiment, but as fighters and vigorous men, They were the embodiment of the spirit of "the Iron Chancellors, the War Lords, the Prime Ministers of the later days. The title of Shogun a. first signi- was left; ai SO 5 THE NEW GERMAN e sug. Werke of Leipzig Germ Winston Churchill, First Lord of the may split on the question. s of ght where they live, the same some of the most exciting outdoor winter sports, ¢ the *D. W. ¥." Biplane. Showing the Canada, with its wide expanse, is " Canadians are _ traditionals. ex- of the 014 Coun- our people at ioms, that the people ilustraion shows fied, as did the Roman term impera- | tor, only a commander in chief, but with the rise of the Shoguns to power | in the empire the title conveyed an authority of supreme ruler, a double i role of civil and military sovereign, subject in theory to the Mikado, but supreme in fact. Prince Keik{ was the 15th in a line extending back for nearly 700 years when he ascended to power in 1866 at the age of 29. Within a few months after his accession he was confronted with the national convulsion, origin- ated several years before with the ob- Ject of obliterating the regency and reinstating the imperial house to iis rightful position. But for Tokugawa's enlightened conviction that the time had come for putting an end to the onerous dual system of authority, and his readiness to sacrifice a despotic power, the revolution could never have been consummated with so little bloodshed. ? After the restoration he kept alto- his - time sports, in shooting and manly Historic House Passes. A house with man _ historic mem- ories--Ngp. 35 St. Martin street, Lei- cegter Square, where once Sir Isaac Newton and Dr. Burney dwelt -- is now being demolished. Newton liv- ed here from 1720 to 1725, and used to. say that the happiest years of his life were 'sen' in an observa- tory on the roof. Dr. Burney, the niusician, friend of Dr. Johnson, af- terwards lived i. the ouse, and here was born his daughter Fanny, after- wards Mme. D'Arblay. who wrote her first novel, "Evelina," in the house. The lucky men, as a rule, is an expert in the art of gosd planting The "too late" man usually has cute a bi¥ to say about hard luck. RY : Ask Your Doctor Stop coughing! Coughing rasps and tears. Stop it! Coughing prepares the throat and lungs for more trouble. Stop it! There is nothing so bad for a cough as coughing. Stop it! Ayer'sCher- ry Pectoral is a medicine for coughs and colds, a regular doc- tor's medicine. Ask your doctor about this. =~ *geskCdyece. STEEL WAR-PLANE. any. It'is to meet 's Admiralty, desires Bugpin increa y gether aloof from politics and spent ! GANING * '2 Tele dan THE NEW BUCKINGHAM. |%ondon's Royal Palace Is Now a Worth; Structure. The external appearance of Buck- ingham Palace in London has been almost comvletely 'transformed dur- ing the summer months, and the building is now #orthy of its name, It now has a new fron: and the im- provement has been effected with the |, minimum of inconvenience to the King himself. The design for the new front, made by Sir -Aston Welh, R.A, at the suggestion of thé Queen Victoria Memorial Committee, was submitted and approved last year. It was also exhibited to tie House of Commons tea-room, and the prepar- ation of the working drawings was immediately begun. After due coa- sideration it was decided that the most suitable stone would be that known as thay best Vhitbed, from Portland. St. Paul's Cathedral and all the great Government buildings erected in recent years ars faced with this stone, which is undoubtedly the best for the London atmosphere. A condition necessarily laid down was that any building work must be car- ried on during-the brief absences of the court, and it was at first contem- plated to subdivide the work and ear- ry 'it out one section at 'a time. The contractors, however, preferred to carry out the whole of the refac- ing at one operation, and instruc- tions were given to proceed with the work, on the understanding that it saculd be completed within the months of August, September, and October of last year, Other condi- tions laid down were that the exist ing window and door openings were to be retained, that the sashes and doors were to be left undisturbed, and that the work was to be earried on entirely from cuiside. An idea of the extent of the work may be gain- ed from the fact that 95,000 i feet oi stone was employed, pidity of the werk was only by the most elaborate pref arrangements, India's Minerals, -, The growing importance of the mineral industry of India is explain- ed in the annua! report of the direc- tor of the Geological Survey of. In- dia for 1912; which has just been issued, The aggregate value of the miner- al production of India in 1912 reach- ed the large total of $45,302,422, which represents an increase of $6 ,- 513,945 over the figures of the pre- ceding twelve months, Coal is bv far the most important mineral product of India. The value of the output of the coal fields in 1912 reached a total of $16,088,374, which represents an. advance of over thirty-two per cent. The Aggregate output amounted to nearly 14,750.- 000 tons, which was almost 'sixteen per cent. more than the total of the previous year, and: nearly 2,000,000 tons in advance of the output of the boom year, 1908, when the figure exceeded 12,750,000 tons, and the average price at the pit's mouth ad- vance to $1.20. Gold comes next to coal in the mining industries of India, and at a time when some of the gold fields of the world report a diminishing output it is interesting to note In India an advance of $163,602, or one and five-tenths per cent. in the pro- Foie duction of the Indian mines. The] advance is not very large, but the aggregate yield of the fields reached the total of $11,040,977. ---------------- In matrinionial affairs misrepre sentation many times plays an im- portant part. general arrangement of the indus try in the. of these aer- manufacture se the naval estimates. this © year, e picture may make a lot of trouble for Britain, oné way and another, [Hl IIL a tor Cake, Teing and making Fudge. y KING GEORGE NAVY PLUG CHEWING TOBACCO IS IN A CLASS BY ITSELF! It surpasses all others in quality and flavour becduse the process by which it is made differs from cthers.--It is deli ciously sweet and non-irritating, SOLD EVERYWHERE: 10c A PLUG «ROCK CITY TOBACCO Co., Manufacturers, QUEBEC . @ . x " - i | re; ~ For Infants and Children, Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria delable Prepanation far s1miiating fhe Food and R: HogiheStemacksand Bows) Bears the Sombrio coms : gm Promotes Digestion Keer Signat ure ness and Rest Contains reli | ; Opium. Morphine nor Micra! NOT NARCOTIC. i | i © KS ~ fh Cvtenci lode Winn For Over Thirty Years T™HE CENTAS MMPARY MONTREALANEW YORK _ Exact Copy of Wrapper... , | THE SENTAL VAL RT, WR Ye ve, tiie best obtainable. We liave themat all prices, and consider each to be ~ For Men We are sole agents for the famous Hurd Boot, a hoot that has everything 'to make it the perfect hockey hoot; price $5; also shailar boots at $3 and | . For Ladies Warm lined skating boots with or without strap attachment, $2 and $2.50. . For Boys The same as the men's, price $2.50. $4