Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Jan 1914, p. 6

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There are plenty of Clothes Sales these days but there's as much difference hetween them-- and their methods anc what they really mean--and what you get for your money-- as there is between the clothes themselves, We are now holding our annual January Clearance Sale, People that have attended our previous sales know what a clearance sale means here and every old customer will be on hand. 20 Per Cent. Off all Men and Bovs' Over- coats. "20 Per Cent. Off all Men and Boys' Suits, 20 Per Cent. Off all Furnishings. Any suiting in our eustom department marked up to-%30,00, made to measure, $25.00, Any Sniting in our custom department marked up to $35, made to your measure, $28.00. 10 Per Cent. Off all Black and Blue Wor- steds, » fia How about this sale, Sir--Can you afford to stay away? All sales for Cash. No goods on approval. LIVINGSTON"S "BROCK STREET "A little out of the way, but it will pay you to walk. White Cottons For Home Sewing At Waldron's. . Fine Pure Bleached Cotton, soft finish, 34 to 36 ineh- 8 and 10c. a yard es wide, Horrockses' Celebrated Bleached Cotton, cvery yard 3 guaranteed, shrunk, full 36 inches wide } ....121.2 and 15¢ a yard Long Cloths,. very fine finish, especially adapted for underwear; one yard wide coven ..121-2, 15, 18 and 20¢ English Ld Fine Cambric, finish ip Lonsdale and other makes cevri......15,18 and 20c a yard Nainsooks, thc finest imported, 36 to Sr 15 to 45¢ a yard EK] i n : Princess Lawns, June Bride Muslin, India Linen, Victoria Lawns, a large assortment of all the: popu: lar materials. | will mect at 38 inches wide. PEATH OF W. J. MULFORD, OF GANANOQUE. Fell On the Ice Last Friday Strik- ing on nis Head -- Election of Officers by Oddfellows. : Gananogue, Jan, 8-~Wilki J, Mudford, son of Henfy Mu of this town, passed away suddenly on Tuesday, in the 20th year of his age. Un Friday last the young man was out on the ice and fell striki the back of his< head, No special attention was paid to his injury at the ine, Ms. on Sunny. Right _ 'compla of severe pain by head. Medical ai i place this afternoon from the home of his sister, Mrs. Gordon Warren, to Grace church, where Rev. Melvin Thylor conducted the funeral service, after which- the remains 'were laid to rest in Canmnoque vault. Gananogue Encampment, 1.O.O.F., glected No. 89, these officers : P.C. P.. W: J. Young; H.P; N. R. Gard- ner; RS, G. S. Mastin; treasurer, A. Allen; C.P., W. Bates, P.C.P.: S.W., H. G. Orser; F.S., R. P. Kemp, PU. P.; J.W., Lucas Loshaw. Harry Cook has opened up the purk rink for tne season under the supervision of the officers of the Boys' Community movement, It is expected that the schedule of games for the hockey league will be ar ranged this week and that the teams will settle down to work at once. Canton, Gananoque, No. 12, Pa triarchs Militant, elected these ioffi- cers: Com. captain, George S. Mastin; sergeant, J. C, H. McIntyre: ensign, E. B. Andrew; accountant, G \. Smith; clerk, Roy.P. Kémp. The teachers of Grace Methodist Sunday school organifed a study cluss for: the teachers' training course last evening. Mr. and' Mrs. James E. Wilson, of Pittsburg township, who were re cently married, are' spending part of their hosymwoon in town, guests of the latter's sister, Mrs. A. Jackson, Victoria avenue. Mrs. James Kadllar is spending some time. in Montreal, guest of her dau- ghter, Mrs. William Ward. Mrs. T. Montague, who has been spending the past few weeks in New York eity, guest of her daughter, Mrs. (Dr. E. I. Snider, returned home yesterday. SUNBURY CASE HEARD. Man Drunk at Conce and Costs | On Thursday = morningfeven young men living "in the vicinify of Sunbury appeared, before Justices of Peace George Hunter and J. W. Bradshaw to iangwer to the 'charge of being under | the influence of liquor in a local op- ition township, After hearing the evid- ences of a number of witnesses, tha charges against the six were dismiss led." The seventh acknowledged his guilt and was taxed $20 and costs. It appears that at racent Christmas tree entertainments, held in Sunbury, fon the evening of Deocer ' 22nd, there was a_distughance. = Al ough several witnesses swore that the noise had evidently been caused by these young |men, ngne would swear that the oth- 'ers were under the influence of liquor. [HRev. Dy. Sheridan, minister of th Sunbury Methodist church, would not swear that the accused were intoxi- cated. Fined $20 | | DEPUTY MINISTER OF MINES Prof. Reginald W. Brock Succeeds Pr. A. P. Low, ! Ottawa, 'Jan. 8--~Prof. Reginald W. } Prock, director of the geological sur- jvey of Canada, has ben appointed Fenty minister of mines in succes: {sion to Lr. A. P. Low, who has ra Tired. % Prof. Brock was born in Perth in ITY, educated at the Ottawa Collegi- ate' Ipstitute and Toronto, Queen's and Heidelburg Universities. He was a professor at Queen's School, of Mines Before joining the staff of the geo I logical survey. In that position he | carried ont many important explora- tions, and js regarded us the best geological authority in Canade. Since 1301p he has been director of the sur vey, and has filled that position with marked acceptance and ability, -------------- IN HOOKEY CIRCLES, Froutenacs to Play 'Varsity in Tor onto on Saturday. On Friday night the senior Fron tenacs will leave for Toronto. where they will meet Varsity, on Saturday afternoon, in ghe frst ganve of the |O.H.A. grouping. The following will be the lineup : Goal, Cooke; defence, Ferguson and Stanton; rover, Brouse; centre, Crawford; right wing, Boyer; left wing, Reid (captain). . ---- | Frontenac Juniors vs, Port Hope. Frontenac juniors "and Port Hope the covered rink, next Monday evening, in the second game of the junigr O.H.A. grouping. . At Zion Church, Rev. Douglas Laing, pastor of the First Baptist church, spoke at the weekly prayer imesting at Zion church, on Wednesday evening, on lh Intiiual pout the tion urged the people to © a Hug Infproste ph Aha matter' of elect ing the lest. men to fill the positons in the parliaments and the councils of the country. He emphasized the vead of Canadianizing the many who are pouring into opr country from day to day. Notes From Forest, Forest, Jan. 7.<~A number of Mrs. Wilham Conway's friends called on he on new year's eve and had an enjoy. ahie time. Mr. and Mre. George Guess Sydenham, at William Nichols. My. and Mrs. B. Clarke at Alfred Kavan- dner's. Nr. John Hickey, Bedford, at Owen. Kelly's: Miss O'Connor, Toronto, st Mrs. Thomas O'Connor's; Miss FP. Moreland and Frapk 0'Cons ner have retuened to Kingston after sponding the holidays at. their homes here, r 500 s Sweet. Oranges, 30¢ peck, at Gi 's stores. Heware of imi: 'Kodak po hf vi "9 "8. An eg lomo ove. Siisosts. Men's fined pig-skin mitts, Sic. Dutton's. oy 7 Eliminate kitchen worries; use White flour, . . ¥ ie James Whitney's condition at 7 "Filme ¢ * at Gibson's. _ Sir Joseph , a former chief justice of . Manitoba is dead at Los Angle 8, Cal, . "Paper ti ** Gibson's. T ¥ ci 2 Fy 'rms te. 1 Princess in London, Eng., a scheme is under- way to hold a world's fair in Mon treal, in 1917, , "Kodak films," at Gibson's. General Villa's forces are lined up ready for a big battle with the Mexican Federals. i our large tins Tiger. hand "cleaner, 2¢., at Gilbert's, er At Cite Hall, Walter Ecoles and ths College Girls, to-night. 25¢., after 3.15 p.m. "Imported bay rum." Gibson's. + Norm's gaiters from SUc. Dut- on s. Miss Addie Oakes, a factory em- ployee in London, died suddenly at dinner with friends. " . H. Cunningham, piano tuner, 21 King strect. Leave orders av Me- Auley's book Dr. James D. Balfour, one of the most eminent physicians of London, died at his home there. Schneider's pure pork sausages sale at Gilbert's busy stores. Mrs. Arthur H. Welch, sister ot Mayor Hocken, of Toronto, is dead at St. Joseph's, 'Michigan. "Imported bay rum." Gibson's. Serge akirts, blue. or black, $1.29. Dutton's. At Windsor, Ont., the entire post- "olies stafi has. resigned. in sympathy with the dismissed postmaster. "Throat: sprays," at (Gibson's. All trunks and suit cases reduced this week. Dutton's. The New Haven railroad must ceas; to be a trust. lt.-is ordered to drop steamship trolley and railroad hold- ings. Sale! Children's 20c. Dutton's. "Rubber sponges," at (Gibson's. At Brandon, Mam., at a grain grow- ers" convention, a resolution was pas sed to ask for a referendum on naval issue, Ico-craepers, regular 230. and 35c., for 20c. and. 30c, Dutton's. "Phone 230," Gibson's, for drug wants. Thaddeus C. Sweet; republican, Oswe- go, was elected speaker of the New York Assembly on the first ballot with eighty-one votes. "Rubber sponges,'"" at Gibson's, Mayor Deacon, Winnipeg, ducting a crusade for the confiscation of all firearms and ofher weapons in the possession of citizens, "Liquid green soap shampoo." Gih- son's. Women's vests, 23¢c.; drawers, 2ic.; Thirty-four new cages of smallpox have developed at the Guantanamo naval station among the sailors ox- posed on the batt ip Ohio, Favorite song, "God Remembers When the: World Forgets," "Little Grey Home in the West," "A Little Love a Little Kiss," 35c. " Dutton's, - The special committee of the Method- ist general conference, favors church union and adopted a resolution send- ing the question on to the next gener al conference. § "Phone 230," 'Gibson's, for store wante, An understanding a8 to obligations on slippers from drug pected to assume in Mexico as the re sult of non-intevierence Ly foreign powers, has been reached. "Tor drug wants' phone 230.. Gib- son's. "Limestone City Waltz," 13c. five views. of Kingston on cover; compos: ed by member of R.C.H.A. band. Sold only Dutton's, William Murray, colored, was sentenced to five years in the peni- tentiary, for shooting at persons in Brantford on December 24th. His counsel's plea of drunkennes was not accepted as a valid excuse. Man's lined Mocha gloves, Dutton's. High cost of living knocked on the head--500 pke. of fine sweat oranges, 30c. pk., at Gilbert's busy stores, To develop intellectual and rovial molations with Latin-American people the American branch of the Associa- tion for International Comelliation will take a party of school-teaclers nest summer on a tour" of South Am- erica. "Spearmint gum, Gib- y 75¢. "ow 50¢. box. son =. High cost of living knocked ¢y the head--300 ps. of fine siveet oranges; 30¢. pk., at Gilbert's busy stores. Directors of the Union Pacific RB. IR. have appréved of a plan of 'stock distribution which 'amounts to a mel on cutting of eight million dollars among the shareholders. There is likely to be a big how! at Washing- ton about it. "Spearmint gum," 50c. box. son's. . High-class ciscoes, haddie, fillets, shrimps, at Gilbert's, The release on bail of Harry K. Thaw would not menace public safety is the his custodians at a public hearing, at Concord, N.H., before the com- mission appointed by the federal court to pass upon the matter of Thaw's mental condition in its relst tion 'to his liberation under bonds. "¥* Club Doings. The YM.C:A. Millionaire club met at the Puilding on Wednesday aven- ing. The members are leadership, the text 'hook being "Studying to Teach," by E. C. Foster. . Next Wednesday the young men: will give a social evening for wome of the Y.W.C.A. A hookey practice of the Boosters' club will be held at Victoria rink on Friday svenifig at seven o'clock. : ina Dissclution of Partnership Sale We have a Heavy stock of black and bluebes that we will make up into suits or sell by the yurd, ve- rest hn, All the sales for cash. W. , tailor 208 Prin- A Lot of Short Items Run in To- Rush seats, | the | WW con-}Ja the American government will be ex- | Gib-, opinion expressed by two of | "TEXNTIARY STAFF, Name of Guilty Party Is Being With held by the Commission---Matter to be Taken Up With the Minister of Justice. ¥ 'Although the members of the com. mission did not make the matter public, it is understood that a second member of the penitentiary staff has admitted that he violated a rule of 'the penitentiary, in having secur: ed money for a convict, making a "rake off" for himself. 2 The chairman of the commission had nothing to say about the matter When, interviewed by the Whig, fur- ther than that the trafficing in tob- acco was. still under investigation. The warden is making an investi gation, and it is not likely that any more of the guards will be brought before the commission, It is quite evident that the com- "mission intends to carry on the re- mainder of the investigation so far 45 the gacrds and the trafficking of tobacco is concerned in a very quiet manner, ' Will the guards who have been found guilty dismissed? This is the question 'which is being asked. As far as could be learned on Thurs day there has as yet been no dismiss- als. STOCK MARKETS, F. B. McCurdy & Co, 80 and 8 Brock StH. W. Nelles, Manager Closing Prices, 'Jan. 8th. . Montreal. TH AER RITE Toronto Railway . t Brazilian ........ +i. Dominion Steel . | Spanish River ..... Twin City .. Bell Telephone .. {Ottawa Light, Hea : New York. {COpPers ive wean | Smelters . CPR... { Reading "......... ". | Union Pacific ......... United States Steel .. Erie Sao | Atchison .... wus | Northern Pacific ......... ......... «un Brooklyn Rapid Transit ...... .. fRtubber "........ ....... { American Can. ......... ..... { New Haven Railway Southern Pacific and Power... Cotton. March .. Wheat-- May sessyinin EFI ERSaae July... Corn-- July .. May ....... Oats-- July. Long Lake Locals. Long Lake, Jan. 7.--.Public school is not open yet. The pupils are (wait- ing for a teacher. The congregat- (ion of the Methodist church present- ed their worthy pastar, Rev, > Mr, Carr, with a bandsome Bible at Christmas, Miss Veta Lova, who has | been spending a couple of months With her uncle, James Love, has re- jturned to her home in Michigan. Mrs. Anton Finck, of Lapeer, Mich., visiting her sister, Mrs. Jacob Cronk, intends leaving for home on Fri: day. Seventeen. young folks of this place spent an enjoyable evening at the home of J. A. Coulter, Elmdale, on Friday last. Ottis Cronk, who has been very il of jaundice, is able to be about again. Miss Myrtle Drew has gone to take charge of Kaladar school. "x { Tt is understood that" Rev, George Duncan, of St. Cuthbert's, Fdin: burgh, will' accept the call given him byy St. Andrew's Presbyterian chureh {Church of Scotland), Montreal. Hamilton Community council has published a social survey of the eity, {wherein it is said that as many as twenty foreigners have heen living in one house with one or two women. From 10'to 1. | WE have secured a particulary- good bargain. The only trouble is the lot is not large, 80 come early 800 Yards Fine Embroidery Made of Soft English Long Cloth, a cotton that gives the best of wear. Most of the designs come about 2 inches wide, and range in value from 8c, 9c and 10¢ yard. N Your Choice To-Morrow Morning from 10to 11, No Telepone orders | accepte { At Watertown, N.Y., Bathol | Flynn, one of the leading undertakers | died, Wednesday afternoon, after an {illness of three weeks. Pe | In New. York, the annual losses sul ! fered by merchants through commer- cial frauds committed in the city 'ag: _gregate $25,000,000. | At the curling rink, on Tuesday j evening, the rink skipped by J. B. 'Cooke defeated that of J. M. Elliott 'by 13 to 7. lots of them SALE OF LADIES' FINE SHE We have just gone through on stock of Ladies' « Boots and put on tables all the odds and ends. $3.00 Boots and up to $5.00, all , cheap. We need the ro. Tn marked very Call and take a ~ We are sure you that is a bargain. There are the room. a

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