Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Jan 1914, p. 3

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a PARTY INVITATIONS | | | A NE hs u ii Thomas Lambert Maker of Mens Clothing A Bargain "~ We have in stock a few ready to wear overcoats, models from the House of Hobberlin. The overcoats are worth $22.50 and $26.50, We offer them at $16.00 and Thomas Lambert $20.00. Overcoat Weather CRAWFORD & WALSH PROGRAMME PENCILS FINE STATIONERY GLOW'S 141 PRINCESS STREET 167 Princess Street Will soon be here. We are prepared for it --ARE YOU ?-- Bee our selection of OVERCOATINGS before purchasing elsewhers. ---- 1913 ---- "CADILLAC" 5 Passenger Touring Car FOR SALE Newly Painted and overhauled, fully equipped and guaranteed. This car is in perfect condition, and can be purchased cheap for Quick sale. W. J. Moore & Son 206 Wellington St. e [FINE STATIONERY | | for Social Functions ARDS x nr kg Small Boys' ad? - Hitch .00 ing Hitch $2.75 'Sizes 1t0 5 $250 Men's Lig] $250 Women's J .00 $1.50 and $2.00 and Girls' Hockey Boots Hockey Boots Men's B | mother. J ¥ -- --_---- YAT SUCKER LAKE CONTINUES ON THE C. P. R. LINE A Forest of Timber and a Mountain of Stone Has Been Used In An Endeavor to Get a Solid Foundat- dom. The sink hole at Sucker Lake which is ca so much trouble and hold- ing up the opening of the new lake shore line of the Canadian Pacific, is a mystery even to the imeers. It is only al two hi feet across the shallow end of the small lake. A forest of timber and a mountsin of Queen stone and gravel have besn'used in the endeavor to fill the hole. On a number of occasions this hole has been filled in, but to the disappoint- ment of the engineers, the cave in continues. The last time the gravel was up over the tracks and nal. 8 for imi The morning af- Sonmpleted the t fifteen feet sideways, so that piles could not be driven. These piles are like telephone poles, sharpened at the end. A point of steel put on each. At the top of each pile a steel cap is placed, vo as to stand the hittirig of the heavy hammer. Each pile ig driven down as far as possible. If necessary the sec- ond one is pl on top of the first: After close fitting of the space . in this way, a cribwork of timber is put on, and then the gravel. The best engineers can only guess what will happen at these places They keep on filling until they 'get. results. Some people think there is either a slanting rock where ths material or lilling crowds off sideways, or an underground water course carrying it away, Others say there is a floor of marl or hard pan, which under the ex- tra weight gives away. Railroad building across Fronten- ac has been very expensive. The sink holes on the C.N.R. at Perth Road, and on the C.P.R. at Sucker Lake, and one near Arden, cost a lot of money to overcome, THE WINTER MOORINGS Ot Vessels at Kingston and Garden Island. Steamers--Advance, America, Bicker: dik, Qarleton, Caspian, Cornwall, Don nelly, Duncan John, Genora, Glen- foyle, Haddington, Jeska, Keywest, Keybell, Keyport, Masaba, Newshoy, North King, New Island Wanderer, Pierrepont, Port Colborne - Puebelo, Rideau Queen, Rideau King, Saginaw, Sarnor, St.:Lawrence, Sowards, Toil er, Windsor. . Tugs--Bartlett, Bronson, Emerson, Glide, Mary, Mary P. Hall, Thomp- son. Lake Barges and Schooners-- An drews, Augustus, Burma, Dunmore, Ford River, Hamilton, Jessie, Melrose Selkirk, 'Winnipeg, Quebec, Ungava, Maize, Major Ferry, J, Merril, M, A. Lyden. ; The following are moored at Gar dén Island : Steamers--India, Simla, Ci Tugs--trontenae, Parthia, William Johnston. GRAND OPERA HOUSE, "Ernie" Marks Company Continues to Please Large Audiences. One of 'the largest audiences wo far this season witnessed the presenta- tion of the side-splitting comedy- drama, "Two Jolly Tramps," at the Grand Opera House, Jast evening. The leading. roles were taken by Ernie Marks, = in the character -- of "Sandy Walker," and the other by H. Webb Chamberlain, in the char- acter of "Stormy Jordan." The make up and acting' of the "Two Jolly Tramps' was very striking. The specialties were novel in char- acter. The singing" of Lida . Gard- ner, the two Browns, Gus Hogan and Frank Clayton were well received with vigorous applause. To-night the bill twill be an Trish comedy-drama, in four acts, entitled, "Where the Shamrock Graqws," with Trish scenery, Irish songs and real Irish costumes. Hall---Coulson Nuptials, The marriage took place in this city on Tuesday, of Miss Anna Lor- raine Hall, of Kingston, and Doug: las Coulson, of Ottawa, formerly of Kingston. The ceremony was per formed at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Hall, Sixth street, Rev. T. W, Savary offi clating. The bride was dressed in white embroidered voile, and was attended by Miss Florence Woodrow, Thomas Hughes was the groomsman. Mr. and Mrs. Coulson will reside in Ottawa. ' : M. T. French, of Pawtucket, R.T., came to Kingston on Thurdaday to spend on few days. The Delicacy of Baby's Skin Cold Air, Hough Winds, Strong . Soaps Often Bring on Chronic , Eczema. More beautiful than the rose is baby's skin when in health, and so delicate that it is susceptible to any- thing which irritates. - For this rea- son baby's skin troubles are many and frequently chronic itching ec- | 2éma is developea. Nothing can be better for baby's skin, when irritated, than Dr. Chase's Ointment, and when eczema is developed you can apply this pre paration with the knowledge that its wonderful 1ecord as a healer of the skin is due to the success it has proven in the cure of eczeuia. The intense itching of eczema of the face and scalp is very hard for the little one te bear, and is a source of worry and anxiety to the The itching : parts are scratched, and nasty and colored scars are formed. Eczema naturally becomes chronic and spreads over the body. You can positively controll ald. What is better still is to use this ointment for aii chafing and irritation of the skin and prevent eczema. from . getting N, OTTAWA, ONE H§ Urged a Course of Lectures on Life Insurance at Queen's--Mayor Elect Shaw One of the Guests. Speaking before a number of the members of the local Life Undergvrit- ers' Assoviation; after dinner in the British-American hotel, on Wednesday night, A, J. Meiklejohn, of Ottawa, urged that s bo taken regarding the niatter of having a course of leo tures on lifé insurance given at 's, brought before the univer sity authorities. The high place that Queen's, of which Mr, : Meiklejohn is a raduate, holds 'anada and the continent, he re ferred to. He favored this project, and was willing, if it way the desire of the underwriters, to act on a com- mittee appointed to bring the mat. ter before the "powers that be.": Mr. Meiklejohn is vice-president of thy Dominion Underwriters' association. He intimated that in time the course 'of lectures could be included in the department of economics or mathe matics. This had been successfully instituted in universities in 'the United States, and he spoke of ome Canadian university where the matter is mow receiving most favorable con- sideration.| Mr. . Meiklejohn felt that the various companies would be will: ing to send their best men to deliver the lectures. He spoke of the insur- ance business, or profession as he chose to call it, as essentially a bu- siness proposition, and he set a high premium on the value of young men studefits going out into all parts of the) dominion familiar and sympa the- tic \with the insurance business. Thomas Mills, the president, who during his remarks stated that he believed the spirit predominating among the members of the associat. fon, was ong' "satisfied with the past, content with the present, and hopeful for the future," was chair- man. Mayor-elect A. Shaw's ac- ceptance of the life underwriters' in- vitation, marked his first function of a semi-public nature, since his elect- fon. D. J: Beott, of Toronto, pro vincial superintepdent of the Manu- facturers' Lite" fras one of the guests. The 106cal. men present were 8. Roughton, G. A. Bateman, F. W. Hewitson, J. K. Carroll, Ray- mond Walker, J. B. Cooke, H. Crum- ley, 'H. Sharpe, J. W. Corbett, G. H. Gillespie, L. E. Woodman and M. G. « Ald. D. Couper was also exception of the death . J. Reed, of Queen's, the ranks of\ the local Life Under- i A on have passed the year unbroken: : Mayor-elect Shaw spoke, confining himself to thé subject of the insur- ance business, and for a "layman," proved himself to be pretty well posted on matters pertaining to it He declared himself to be an ad: vocate of young men taking out life insurante, investing in a proposition founded not on benevolent but strict businass Of those engag: ed to the insurance world Mr. Shaw spoke in high terms, and he set ideals 'before them. Mr. Meiklejohn, in introduction, referred 'in very complimentary terms of the 'mayor-elect. At some length he spoke of the objects and alms of the Life Underwriters As- sociation one of which he emphasiz- ed was to"assemble the men engag- ed in the business and consider matters of 'mutwal interest and to arrive at a business harmony . be- tween the different company rep- resentatives. For a man to knock one company he discounts his own In the eyes of the shrewd profes- sional or business man he econtend- ed. : Mr. Meiklejohn . held that as in ev- ery other line, a successful life insur- ance man must have a professional od-* ucation, he must necessarily become an expert He declared that the insur- ance man's calling was equal to any business or profession on earth. There are none, he volunteered, which, re- quiring such a small initial financial outlay; will bring better reward for persistency 'and energy. The associa- tion . had been responsible in guiding legislation which has been a benefit to the public, the companies, and the agents and managers themselves. Tho association, the underlying principle of which is "fair play to everyone," pre- vents bad methods being employed. A higher type of men are being developed in tho business to-day, for which the movement is largely. responsible. Mr. Meiklejohn spoke of what - the executive committee of the Dominion Association is accomplishing and of thy relations between the Life Underwriter's Association and that of the life officers. He concluded with a resume of meth- ods by which the local association meeting can be made valuable. Mr. Scott was also called upon. The striking feature of his remarks was his enthusiasm over the business to which be has devoted the past fifteen years of his life. He voiced his apprecia- tion- of Messrs, Meiklejohn and Shaw. "Don't get weary in well doing," said he, and appealed that much may be put into the association movement, G. A. Bateman was the mover of a vote of thanks to the speakers. GG. A. Gillespie indulged in "passing jests" while real happy songe were rendered by Ald Couper, Henry Crumley and S. Roughton. : ' DANCE IN CITY HALL. Held by dLadies' Auxiliary Hotel Dien. The charity dance held in the city hall on Wednesday night, under tha auspices. of ' the Ladies' Auxiliary Ji the Hotel Dieu, proved to he a very enjovable: affair. 'About 230 ySung couple, . werd present. The reception a re onda J Swit, . E, upre the Missds A. Hickey and 1. Roman. The music was supplied by Crosby and 'Connor's orchestra, the re freshments 'wére in oh of Mes dames 'P. 'Devin,' H. McCormack, W. Dufy, M. Dolan sad J. E. MoDon- D. Dennis and W. Duffy took the tickets .and G. Muller and T. King "reigoed supreme" in the room; : of the universities of | Infant's Bright Red | C Kid Ankle Strap | | Slippers Sizes 3to 71-2. but really worth $1.25. Make areal good, also pretty house slippers. Only The We Overshoes Moccasins Complete Have a | ¢ Hockey Boots Curling Boots Driving Boots Leggings, Overgaiters an : Rubbers, Rubber Boots We Do Fine Shoe Repaing Call Focand Dover A Work Phone 432 Snowshoes : and Moccasins Attractive Styles Fine Furs We show the popular styles and are offering exceptional values. This is where you will find bargains not to be found at any other store. Bargains in Muskrat Coats, Fur Lined Coats, Men's Coonskin Coats, Muffs, Neckpieces, all styles, in all kinds of fur, ete, Dring Campbell Bros. , Designors and Makers of Fine Furs, THE WEEK OF PRAYER MEETINGS WERE HELD IN THREE OF THE CHURCHES -- On Wednesday Evening--The Gath- > ering in Brock and Princess Street Methodist and Zion Churches. Prof.- J, L, Morison, addressed a large audience in Brock street Meth- odist church, on Wednesday even- ing in connection with the. week of prayer services. He dealt with ike subject, "The Individual and the Nation." The speaker asserted that through the varieus nations we have obtained many wonderful men and workers, who have done much in promoting the missionary spir't throughout the wofld. Some of these have belonged to the Roman Catholic faith, while some hav 2 bes longed to Presbyterian, Lutherans and other denominations. No mat ter what creed to whioh they a have belonged, we neverthele: ad- mire them for the changes which they 'have wrought in spreadinz re ligion, which at one time in various countries was dead and lacked fever in any shape or forni, For instance take England and Scotland. What was religion to those countries .be- fore such men as Knox, Calvin, and the Wesley, who at different periods started revivals, and awakened the 'people to a sense of religion. Many had a vety vague idea if there was any God at all. . Prof. Morison stated that Canadi- ans will have to be on watch and up. build our national religion, for we ary getting citizens from almost BVery na- tion of the ' earth, who, if they are not taught in religious matters, we as Canadians will have much to answer for. A few years ago, the speaker said that we restricted the reading of écripture in the schools, but of late BREAKS A BAD COLD IN A JEFY! TRY IT "Pape's Cold Compound" ends colil and grippe in a few hours Don't stay stuffed-up! You can end grippe and. a severe cold either in hea body or limbs, by taking a dbse of "Pape's Cold Compound" every two hours until three doses are taken. it promptly opens clogged-up nos- trils and air passages in the head, stops nasty discharge or nose run- ning, relieves sick headache, dull ness, feverishness, re throat, sueezing,. soreness and ness, Don't stay stuffed-up! Quit blow- ing and snuffling! your throb- bing head---nothing else in the k up hest, world gives such prompt relief as! 49, "Pape's Cold Compound." which Costs only 25 cents at any drug store. It acts without assistance, tastes was ' Wie at oo Tinea bi ntl taught, ness; and corruptness in politics. The | ABERNETHY'S | = a ---------------------- | Special Sale of Chocolates For:-Friday and Saturday at 20c Per Pound A Few Odds and Ends Left Over From Our Holiday Trade Library Tables in fumed oak. Solid Mahogany Pedestal Parlor Tables, = . The Latest New York Designs. Reid 'Quality; Reid Low Prices. JAMES REID The Leading Undertaker Phone 147 for Ambulance n years the mistake has been seen, and the schools throughout. Canada are now educating the children along these lines. The speaker \was irritated in reading one .of the Toronto papers, when ho came across a certain article which stated that the schools of Can- ada think more of teaching about such places as, Athems, Sodom Gomorrah, and the like, than what should be taught. He read the paragraph to the audience and stated that he was glad, to say that the writer was not a Ca- nadian. Prof. Morison claimed that if the Bible is carefully studied and throughout Canada, in this way only can we obtain true fidelity. Evils of the day. are business selfish- former is bearing hard upon the work ing class, and ¢avsing much misery, and wretchedness. The latter is also bad and soomer or later will have to be improved. There are two problems now ahead oi Canada, social govern- ment and international peace, and the speaker said that po doubt Canada will be one of the important factors along the peace line, and with Britain. and the United States, will 'hold the Peace of the world. When this is ac complished the speaker claimed that national religion will thrive, and the church will be an important facter in spreading God's Word. ; ------ Princess Street Church There was a large" congregation in Princess street Methodist church last evening, in connection with the week of prayer services. Rev. F. G. Robin Soh, pastor, presided. The address of the evening was given by Prof. John Dall, Queen's university, on "The In dividual And The Nation", in which he showed that only as the indi®idual was righteous and good would the na tion 'be noted for righteousness, if the individual would only assert himselt for. righteousness, all forms of cor- ruplion would soon cease and our pol itical life would be purified. Reve. J. Lidstorle, G. A. Bell, J. Roadhouse, and A. Doggett, took part in the service. Miss Agnes Brebner sang with telling efidct, "Ome Sweetly Solemn ht". The meeting to-night is in the First Baptist church, to be ad dressed by Rev. T. Scott, M.D. On Thursda, morning *three officers, H. Bell, T. MoKenzie and: OC. A, Burns, all of Regina, came to the city to. take a three months' course in "A"dbatiery. in 7, 12, grocers White Rose flour put u le t » Major Hamilton-Grey and wile are with Mrs, Muir, King street. They came from - Serinton. N.B., the ma- | Lor & " volvesher fourse at the Royal Military College. Rang lots school. the grounds are, at the school board for reereation poses, and if they are gold to ofl parties : the upshot will board will at a later ate neil oul set aside. the land for educational poses; it would the transaction. cation will take up the matter at next meeting. all his fall and lor. his order ta great variet from; also. bis The day: - begin _ Ques Chor een 4 ve & das Jan. 20th. Hi of ate. pk. Ryobi ara) to entertain. the choir Fob. 13th toa You have tried the rest; now try us for the best at the lows est prices in the ¢ity. A trial of trading with us | will prove our statement. ' | H.B.WARTELL 838 KING STRERY. Phone 1878 January Still On Lots of peopte are saving mon by taking advantage of our big ual sale. Are you one of them? ot, come in and see for yourself splendid bargains in Overcoats, 8 Sweater Coats, Rubbers. ISAAC ZACKS Boots, Shoes 271 Princess Street, STOVES AND RANGES. We have a large stock also new and sec y money all kinds of ave housshold goods. % H. SUGAR A re Govneitn Craigs Wie Do Not Sell the Land, The counéil has been seeking to in the vicinity of From This is a bad policy, bee be that have to re » The counci be m ahead Tho Board of ost, Brock street, has winter impo Belleville on street church "a concert in cout. of ivi of ushers Sale ne. present, usdek-by

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