All Lengths aud siges %: 25% Dk New- qualities. Now is the house furnishing saving time. We will hold your purchases until needed, and guarantee delivery. Terms Cash Repair snd Upbolstering Work 10 | _ per cent. cheaper during this sale. Phone . | i 1 | | | | | Our new rugs, Scotch and English Linoleums are arriving every day from the best manufac- turers. These are the new patterns for the coming spring of 1914, . McFAUL! © Oarpet Warehouse. 1 spite of 'your most watch- fee Bb sand what a satisfac- to have a geod reli- ible insurance policy with a olid, prompt loss paying com- o. au' on, the. safe side? A get ro aut OU o Pr wo Gof $ os NT NECESSARY ? Then a palr of glasses would be a most useful present. We make a specialty of glasses and will make thé ex- amination at any time. New oxford library glasses ir tortoiseshell and ionguettes. A -- L 4. Assistine D. 0. S. Eyesight Specialist. . 842 King St. Kingston, Ont. BY THE ots ori hor LLL. Hl na Young Men With Cameras Had Nar row Excape--Telephone Poles and | Wires Were Torn Down. % - Only by un act of Providence ware Some young men. saved from a terrible : Jdeath by the gigantic blast which was { lot off on Wednesday afternoon of 4 'clock at Harciefield hill. - They were . H. Pease, J. LiGibson,W. Robinson, | Jd. F, Pound, and H. Pound. All had | caineras, and were standing upon a high mound about a quarter of ao {mile from where the blast was fired, | {They little thought that the debris {was going to carry that far, and in a straight line for'them, and thes |were. slood . unconcerned with thei jcameras all aimed for the upheaval. | | Just as soon. us the whistle was {blown from the engine nearby, as a signal for the foreman to press the button on the electric battery, the up heaval was instantaveous, and the rocks and dirt shot wp for a distanes of about two handred feut. Those with the camera immediately opened their shutters, but from all appear fnces it locked as though no one would he able to get a good picture The upheaval eéame with such rapidity that the camera men had hardly time to get offi the mound on which the {wore standing before it ava covers deep with rock, some of which had it struck them, would have mangled them fearfully. As it was, a littl dog which was near the blast when it went off was torn the whole length of its body and killed instantane ously. - | Some of the rack which was blown from the hill landed upon the ice in {the Rideau, and varied in size from a piece two inches square "to some six inches, These were alsp a menace (o the fleeing, photographers when the were running © for safety. Stone flew thick and fast over their heads, and it was mothing but a miracle that some of them were not struck. Tw. {of three of them were hit in the back aud dogs, but not seriously, | {. With the blast over, and the smok Our Robin Hood Brand of flour uarantee in every bag for | good quality. has a g FLOUR ANDREW MAOLEAN Ontario Street. Herbert J. PATENTS S.- Denison. RODGISTERED ATTORN! Tight, where lence. Thomas Cop Drop a ¢ wanting tery line, of repuirg and new wood floors of all kinds. will recelve 60 Queen Trade- Marks, protected i eighteen years' : Write for booklet exper- {cleared aw v, the spectators were abla ito discern the extent of the upheaval | Telephone poles were broken off, wires | were all ent, and hanging down, and | {large rocks, some weighing tons, wer | {piled upon the roadway and for a long distance down on the fommogs | Frallic was stopped and those wishThg to get to their homes in waggons thad to turn back and cut across the {fields to tho other hill leading up te {the main road. There was no tim. g |lost, however, and a gang of i reign 'evs were immediately put clearing up the road. This blast, was a demonstration to show the powerful qualities of the | new Olympic dynamite and it wa {alaimed by the superintendent, W.S Pearce, and the agent J. ID. Thom ison, 'that the charge was to) big and could have been limitéd to half, ~ las the dynamite is the most power- Telephone 987 anything done in BEstimatés given work; AN prompt attention. Street. ley ard to 13 Pine: street when a, also hard. | out the hole," which was orders up by the blast. Shop. | heen cleared up another blast {ful that can be obtained. The hole should have been drilled further into the hill to allow for this extra charge. On Thursday morning steam shov- jels were put in operation to clear 'loosened this has will be put in, and possibly a third one After = USE BE --_ WHEAT VIGOR Put GEO. FOR BREAKFAST up in 2 Ib. Packages AT ALL GROCERS. ROBERTSON & SON, Limited, CRAB Sapts. The ARISTOCRAT of NECKWEAR IN 56 DIFFERENT SHADES 'Watch our window for dis- plays, thin COLLIER Toggery Shop Of Neckwear Men Will Wear The Home and when you think of i in plain. . shades, of us. ' 'S in order to get a clear passage i through this fort hill to the Ganan oque road on the upper heights. {i As a result of the explosion the] telephone communication between Cape Vincent, Wate¥town, Wolfe Is- land and a number of other places was cut off for some time, All mes- sages between Montreal and Toron- to were sent by way of the Ameri- can lines. The line-men worked for hours to get a temporary line strung THE LATE MRS. H. LOUGHER Well-Known Lady. Died on Thursday + Morning. Jane Lawis, wife of Henry Lough. "| er, died early on Thursday morning. | She has been ailing for some time, | land was stricken with apoplexy dur- | ling Wednesday. The late Mrs. ! | Lougher was born in this city, and {was sixty-four years of age, having | resided here for the greater part of | her life, She was a Presbyterian, in | religion, and attended St. Andrew's { church. The Heceased is survived { by her husband, Henry Lougher, who !runs the Princess street bakery [known by that name; two sons and {two daughters, Frederick H., William { W. and Olivia at honie, and Gertrude & trained nurse in New York. She 1 is also survived by her mother, Mrs. { Joseph Lewis, of Camden East, and { fou brothers and five sisters. wil, jliam Lewis and Robert Lewis, of! { Camden East; John H., of Marqu- | jette, Mich.; Albert E,, of Camden, ! | Maine; Mrs. C. Jacques, and Mrs. '1 M. Meyer, of Rochester, N." Y., Mrs. H. Woodlaver, of Los Angeles, Cal.: Florenge: M., and. Nellie Lewis of | Camdell East. e 3 | The funeral will*be held on Satur | day afterngon, and the service con-| jduetéd by Rev. $. J. M, Compton. The remains will be placed in Cat-! araqui vault. SPortsmouth's Cabinet ~ i The Portsmouth philosopher has! selected the following cabinet for the. village council, which has been ap. proved of by all the villagers: Min- ister of public works, Michael J. Kennedy; minister of agriculture, R. J. Baiden; minister of marine, Nich. Glas Henderson; commissioner of in- land reveaue, Joseph Forsythe. Children's Aid Work. A meoting of the Children's Aid Society was held on Wednesday aiter- L lf "ings, at 7.45 o'clock. Fee, $1.50. 3 ------------ (noon. The report. of the inspector noted that during December ° nine children bad been made wards and the paroles of three boys had been effected from Mimico school. Two have been given situations. -------- Spring Term Y. W, C. A. Gymnasium class, Queen's Univer sity, Monday. * and Wednesday even- | Yote in Portland. i The vote on- the reeveship elation in Portland was: J. E. Freeman, 307; LH. Ruttan, 193. : 4 - > "Kodak films," at Gibson's, | the dance © to work |uy, 2 vo THSSAPLY. AGAINST ; THOMAS BUSHEY, © i Who Squeezed a lag: Who Struck His Little Girl With a Snowhall-- Fine of a Dollar and Costs. Im- posed. { The taking of the 'evidence in' an assault case provided a good deal of | Amusement in the polices court on | Thursday morning. The cass debelop- ed fram a boy named "Sammy"! Ryan, last Saturday, throwing a spowball | whieh struck a little girl, named Push. | ey, who fan irom the Central school' yard, where the "deed" took place, to | her how. Her father, Thomas Bush- &¥, upon hearwmg of the injury to his daughter, chased the voung lad who! throw the sagwboll, Ryan ran up Queen street, and was captured some | where in the vicinity of Barrie street by his pursuer, whe picked him up | and carried him some distance. Then Mr. Bushey got into a cab with the boy, and delivered him to his mothe: at her home. She fainted, according to the story of the youthful wit- nesses. The lad claimed that his sido had been injured by sghieezing { In any the injury to either children was pot severe, but Mr. Bush- ev could give other reason for chasing the boy than to bring him back to his mather, and Magistrate Farrell saw fine him $1 and costs T. J." Rigney case, no fit to represented the, com: | plainant, and examined: a number ol boys and one girl who witnessed the affair at different stages. These little people, between the ages of nine, tan and eleven years, took their places in the witness hoxes and were examined by Mr. Rigney They were bright lads, and as they wer disposed of, the) marched out and told to go right back to schogl. "Hurry up, there, "my lad," said Mr, Rigney, "You'll be in time fox § ! Cornelius McMahon was fined $2 and |) costs nness wore recess, | and another | case FARMERS: INSTITUTE Sessions Were" Held at Dufferin on Wednesday. | * Farmers' Institute held after and evening ses Wednesday, V i wera de There alr wrty-five at the afternoon id. inthe evening ona was meeting, hundred The speakers w P B.S A resentative f and G. B MacVan- icton, distriat ice Edward coun- ran, B. 8. A, of » the Lennox and Addington representative, George Moore of | Willetsholme, presided, at the after- | noon meeting and D. D. Rogers at the evening session. The speakers | dwelt on much the same lines as at the meeting held in Westbrook on | Tuesday. Ar. Curran discussed soil | fertility, and Mr. MacVaunel, spoke on alafa and corn ensilage in the af-| ternoon. In the evening Mr. Cur-| ra gave an illustrated lecture on] | poultry raising. housing etc.,.and Mr. ! {MacVannel spoke on ~drainage. { These meetings of the dnstitute ' have been 'most beneficial. fo all who have been present, and they should be as largely attended as possible by the farmers in the district On Thursday, the speakers held a | meeting at Sydenham. The meeting | jon Friday will be held at Sunbury. | re ---------------------- 1 Dissolution of Partnership Sale { | During the month of January wo | will sell our winter overcoatings and heavy suitings regardless of profit. {All sales for cash. W. Carroll, tail- for, 206 Princess -streat. Kingston's Famous Fur Store. BIG JANUARY SELLING OF COATS § CONVENTION OF Twenty-five Delegates 'Will n rine ada, having decided to hold: their an. nual gathering in fhis city. vention will and will continue until te rangements. are being ma ts twenty-five te J 2ates to the convention. w w del - This i§ "Kingston's Winter Coat Store," fur coats, fur- Hiaed coats, fur trimmed coats, } cloth coats, sealette coats, car<' WB! acul cloth coats, ail kinds to suit everybody, are here in big variety portant work will be Ladies' Cloth Coats Must all sell this month. We have marked them away down | "Very coat a new one this Season. Prices now - §6 up. Twenty specially 'new coats, worth frem $20 to $25. Now $10. Watch our windows. ist lo in contact, i "Perfact comfort ; shion sole boots for men or women. son T0 MEET IN KINGSTON neers, but Messrs. Gillie and me rine Engineers same night ae the ope vention, w [to a most successful ! ters of interest to the wi "ral 'of Mittshurg, took th sidence of A. W. Mec irom a dan 'vice was conduoted Rev. 8. J. M. n. bearers were A. W. McLean, Bryant, John MeAllist Lean, Allie Milton, ton and Neil Macdonald. Beautiful floral tributes tostified in - sure how much "Willie" Alternating Durtént Machi Architectural Drawing Bank Book-keeping These books were written espec- Building Superintendence jally- for practical Self-mstruction, by experts whose experience and stand- ing 'make them authorities, 5 They are so clear that the begin- ner can understand thew; so thor- ough that the trained worker can leara from them. They not only cover the fundamental principles of mechanical science, engineering pragtice, and husin®ss usage, but al 40 present the latest developments and the accepted practice of the mast successful men, in these lines: The Coll 160-162 Princess St. Fy Carpentery Contracts and Gas Engines and Heating and Ventilation Machine Design Masonry and He-inforced Ete, Ete, Pte. signer for Feb. 10c. Standard Quarterly for spring contains all the latest illustra- tions and also a coupon good for any pattern. Book and pattern both 20 C for » - Standard Fash ion Sheet' for February---FREE for the asking. Standard Patterns, all the latest ideas, 10c and | 5c. _-- NEWMAN & SHAW THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. a MARINE ENGI NEERS HERE ON FEB. 3RD Be- in Attendance--Convention Will Be in Session For Five Days. Good Dry Maple Cord- wood, Hard and Soft Slabs, Kindling, Etc. * Ofders have prompt attention. Kingston will' have a convention ext -month, the members of 'the Ma- Engineers' Association of Can: The con- on February 3rd Tth., Ar le by the lo- al committee for the meeting. About delegates will be in at: mdance. Andrew BE, Kennedy and ames Gillie are the Kingston dele I'he sessions ' open ill be open to all the marine i ere appointed N gates, to attend as official of the Ma- Care and Operation of Automobiles The annual "At Home" i will take place the ing of the con. " and the visiting delegates ill be entertained at this event. mw are looking forward convention. Mat marine engineers some very im: papers . dealing * with = their read. all be discussed, and The Late W. H. Smith. Last Saturday aftermoon the fune of the late William Hill Smith, » 203 gam Vv. © Ser- at the house by The nall- James ister, Charlos Me- chiel mourners' were W. F, Bea- rest, fo Ca 4 Byers person should have of outdoor exercise, Ing. te ok saning skating. all thé necessar Snowshoes from $2.60 to $3.50. Toboggans from $3.00 to $4.50, Skates, 50c to $5.00. § Every alka 1 ng an real boots free. had been be ved by shose with whom he came ---------- Dr. - Vernon's eu- Gib tons. : "Liquid green soap shampoo,' 5 a La nery and Lettering Boiler Accessories Compressed Air tions Lorparation, Accounts and Voucher System Estimating and Perspective Drawing Producers Concrete The most complete line of Home ty, from 26c to $10.00, : hine Study Made In platinum, with sap- phires and pearls set in. The designs are mostly Eur- f opean and very attractive. Smith Bros, ds of a Licenses. * Optical Prescriptions Ground, FUR SALE 20 pc. discount off all furs. W. F. Gourdier A Dwelling together with barn, Barriefield, for $850 SEO 4 Houses to rent, Fire Insurakice, re='.. Dresenting Phoenix, Bri wa and National Unioh; Complete lst of property for sale at office." ¥ Houses to rent, Fire. Insurance. in the village of