Brand passed a hand wearily across forehead. 1 wish 1 had not been so precipi tate," he murmured. "That man had Papers on him in all likelihood." "You couldn't have stood it, mate. It was bad enough for me. It must tha' bin hell for you." "Perhaps. the baby's clothes are | marked." i "That's the chance. - rigged out." | Brand cast the shark loose. The | monster slid off into the green depths. | A noiseless procession of dim forms {Fushed after the carcass. The birds, {shrill with disappointment, darted off {to scour the neighboring sea. Beyond the damaged boat, bumping | Against the rock, and the huge jaws, 'with their rows of wedge-shaped | teeth, naught remained to testify to jthe drama of the hour savé the help less baby on which the head-keeper Was waiting so sedulously. Already the signal "Doctor wanted" was fluttering from the lighthouse flagstaff. It would be noted at the Land's End and telegraphed to Pen- France. The morning would be well advanced before help could reach the Gulf Rock from ashore. . When Brand and Spence entered Jones's bedroom they found him hard &t work washing the child's clothing. "She's asleep," he sald, jerking his head towards a bunk. "I gev' her a pint of mixture, She cried a bit She was well e---- 't Stay Gray! . It Darkens So Naturally that Nobody Can Tell. * You can turn gray, faded hair titully dark and lustrous almost ir night if you'll get a 50 cent bot- | of "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur | Remedy" at any drug store. ious of bottles of this old, fam. Tea Recipe are sold 80RY-| "Yes, Here you -are." » Says a well-known druggist| He fished out of the hubbiés a little B, cause it davkens the hair 50 vBst, on which were worked the let ural and evenly At no one fers BE. T, in white silk. tell it has been applied. | "Ah! That is very important. We ~ Those whose hair is turning gray, ican establish her identity, especially coming faded, dry, scraggly and if tie laundry mark is there also." HR have a surprise awaiting them, | «rpm feared there's nothing else," fAuse after one or two applica-gaig Jones. "I've not looked very the gray hair banishes and | carefully, as it'll take me all my time, jacks £eome Iuzuriantly Sark | to get eveything 3 before the ua beautiful--a Tu 0€S, | comes. 8 for fironin', can" Ip Itching and falling' hair 8tope. | done. But my missus 'll see after ! is the aga of youth. Gray- | her until somebody turns up to claim Bd, unattractive folks apn ber." ted around, so get busy wit " » 's Sage and Sulphur to-night, ups may Ne ever some news of You'll be delighted with your the Ship which was lost!" i , handsome hair and your youth-1 "yes that is little enough to ex- Rant a ance WIthin a few days.| pect." 'Yet it is more than probable' t, Geo. W. that her parents are dead. A baby' would be separated from her mother! only by the mother's death. There is but a warm bath with some boric in it made her sleepy. An' there'she Is, snug as a cat." The domesticated Jones was up fo his elbows in a lather of soap. "Have you noticed . any laundry marks or Initials on her clothing?" psked Brand. A HR Mahood. 8 very real chance that poor 'B. T. | will be left for years on the hands of those who take charge of her now. The only alternative is the work- house." | "That's so, cap'n," put In Jim. "You Always dig to she heart ofa subjec'; even if it's a shark." "In a word, Jones, you can hardly be asked to assume such a responsi- bility. Now it happens that I can af- ford to adopt the child, if she lives, and is not claimed by relatives. It is almost a duty imposed on me by events. When the. doctor comes, therefore, I purpose asking him to see that she is handed over to Mrs. Shep- pard, the nurse who looks after my own little girl. I will write to her. My ¢ turn ashore comes next week. Then I can devots some time to the necessary X will give you FIRST CLASS GOODS | The Style and Fitting will be e Fanltless, ~The Fisish and Workmanship wil be Perfect. The Price will be from $5.00 t 00 LOWER than Cong dh i ¥ been paying, RALPH SPENCER 3 The Tailor, B20 'Opposite fh J Princess Streed. inquiries." St. Andrew's Ohurch, Jones made no protest. He knew \ that Brand's suggestion was a good one, And he promised silence with -- -------- | regard to the fight with the shark. {Men in the lighthouse service are iquick to grasp the motives which | cause others to avoid publicity. They X {live sedate, lonely lives. The noise . MOTHERHOOD the rush, the purposeless activities of existence ashore weary them. They have been known to petition the Trin. ce to Expectant Mothers ity Brethren to send them back to! Isolated stations when promoted to localities where the pleasures and ex- the experience of Motherhood is a try- Oho to most women and marks dis- ly an epoch in their lives. Not one when there was no more to be had, ) Enid. citements of a town were available. Having determined the immediate | future of little "E. T." whose shrun- | Ken features were now placid in sleep, i they guietly separated. Brand flung { himself wearily into.a bunk to obtain in a hundred is prepared or un- | a much-needed rest, and the others lands how to properly care for her- Of course nearly every woman days has medical treatment at such but many approach the experi- with an organism unfitted for the I of strength, and when it is hurried to overtake the many duties awaiting them. yStatn has received a shock Weather reports and dally journals demanded instant attention. The oil ture, the breakage of glass chimneys,othe consumption of stores, the meteorological records--all must be noted. An efficient lookout must be maintained, signals answered or hoisted, everything kept spotlessly clean, and meals cooked. Until noon each day a rock lighthouse is the Scene of unremitting diligence, and the loss of nearly an hour and a half of Spence's watch, added to the prés- ence of the baby and the constant cars which one or other of the two men bestowed on her, made the re- doubly precious. > time . ining nine o'clock Brand was awak. 'ened from a heavy slumber by Jim's hearty voice - i a A eggs an t for the Qfieen, An' baby's had an- other pint of Jones's brew--Lord love her littla eyes, though I haven't seen 'em yet. A down to me that the Lancelot has just platres Carn du." 10 his feet. The doctor would on Tock by the time breakfast ; and the letter to Mrs. Shep pard written. : 'When the doctor did arrive his shook + BIS he at first sight of the *1 don't kmow how she lived, She Is a more skeleton," he said. i explained matters. and hinted Bt huis : {Peo Of nature are wonder of minnit ago Jones sung | bo "admitted . irk THE DAILY BRITISH WE wer, Be wa OW Wl ee the cutting of a finger. At others, yoa can fling him headlong from the Alps aud he will merely suffer a bruise or tWo. OF course, this infant has an exceptionally" strong constitution - or she would havé died days ago. How: &ver, you have done right so far. 1 will . see to her proper nourishment during the next few days. It is a most extraordivary case.' : Jones managed so well that the child's garments were dry and aired Wrapped in a clean blanket, she was lowered into the sieamer's boat, but the doctor, preferring to Jump, was soaked to the waist owing to a slip onl the weed-covered rock. The crew of the tug-hoat bailed out the derelict and towed her to Pen zance. : ; That evening a fisherman brought & note from Mrs. Sheppard. Among oth er things, she wrote that he baby's clothes were beautifu's wade and of & very expensive type. Sha was fev erish, the doctor said, but the condi tion of her eyes and ilps would ac count for this, apart 'row the effects of prolonged exposure. Brand read the letter to his mates when the trio were enjoying an even ing pipe on the "promenade," the out: er balcony under the lantern. ""S'pose her people don't show up," observed Jim, "what are you going te call. her?" "Trevillion," sald Brand. . The others gazed at him with sur prise. The prompt announcement Was unexpected. "I bave told you about the fabled land of Lyonnes:: lying there beneath the sea," he went on, pointing to the dark blue expanse on whose distanf confines the Scilly Isles were silhouet- ted by the last glow of the vanished sun. "Well, the name of the only person who escaped from that minor deluge was Trevillion. It is suitable and it accords with the initial of her probable surname." "Oh, 1 see" piped Jones. His voice always high-pitched, became squeaky whey his brain was stirred. "That's 0.K™¥or the "T,)" remarked Jim, "but what about the 'E'?" Eli zabeth is a nice name when you make it into bessie." "I think we should keep up the idea of the Arthurian legend. There are two that come to my mind, Flaine and Elaine died young, the victim of an unhappy love. Enid became the wife of a gallant knight, Gawain, who was "--ever foremost jn the chase, A And victor at the tilt and tournament, They called him the great Prince and man of men. But. Enid, whom her ladies loved to 1 ca Efild the Fair, a named Enid the Good." grateful people "That settles it," cried Jim, brand- ishing his pipe towards Penzance." "I hope as how Miss Enid Treviilion is asleep an' doin' well, an" that she'll &ToW up to be both fair an' good. If she does, she'll be better'n most wo- men." Brand made no reply. He went within to attend to the lantern. In five minutes the great eyes of the Liz- ard, the Longships and the Seven Stones Lightship were solemnly star: Ing at their fellow-warden of the Gulf Rock, whilst, in the far west. so clear was the might, the single flash of St. Agnes and the double flash of the Bishop illumined the sky. CHAPTER 111. THE SIGNAL. At the foot of a long flight of steps leading from the boat quay to the pla- eld waters of Peuzance harbor w stoutly built craft was moored. It had. two oecupants this bright. Janu- ary morning and they were sufficient- ly diverse in appearance to attract the attention of the local squad of that great army of loungers which seems to 'thrive in tobacco-blessed content at all places where men go down to the sea in ships. : The pair consisted of a weather- beaten fisherman and a girl. The man was scarred and blistered by wind and wave until he had at- talned- much outward semblance to his craft. Nevertheless, man and boat looked reliable. They were sturdy and strong; antiquated, perhaps, and greatly in want of a new coat; but shaped on lines to resist the elements together for years to come. Ben Pol- lard and his pilchard-driver, Daisy, were Cornish celebrities of note. Not ance, but many times had they been made immortal -- with the uncertain immortality of art --by painters of the Newlyn, school. The girl,-an animated cameo, to which the shabby picturesqueness of Old Ben in his patched garments and old Daisy in her unkempt solidity sup- plied a fitting background, merited the tacit approval she received from the pipe-smokers. .- Flaxen-haired, blue-eyed, with a face of & delicate, flower-like beauty which added to its mobile charm by the tiealthy glow of a skin brightened and deepened in tone by an abiding love of the open air, she suggested, by her attire, an artistic study of the color effects derivable from the daringly trustful 'little piant which gave the boat its name. She wore a coat and skirt of green cloth, lightly hemmed 'nd cuffed with dark ved braid. Her YOU'RE CONSTIPATED, BILIOUS---CASCARETS Sick Headache, Sousltomach, 4 Bad Breath, Mean. Liver Bo Need Cleansing. Get a 10-cent box now. No odds how bad your liver, stom- ach or bowels; how much your head aches, how miserable and tncomfort- able you are from constipation, ia- digestion? biliousnesss and sluggish wels--you will always got the de- sired results with Cascarets. Don't let your stomach, liver and bowels make you miserable. ' Take Cascaréts to-night; put an end to the headache, billousness, dizziness, ner- yousness, sick, sour, gassy stomach, backache and all other distress; cieanse your inside organs of all tho «bile, gases and constipated matter which is producing the misery. A 10-cerit box means héalth, hap- piness and a clear head for months. No more days of gloom and distress If you will take a Casearet now and then. All sell druggists Cascarets. Don't forget the children--thelr lit | d cleansing, Ue insides need a gentle too, hl a -- a EN [a7gs White hat was vet of a tone to m ttul 'vagaries of the Ri That she was a Souboisseurs above ata glavice, She was y engaged In packing the spacious Jackers of the Daisy with cer Gew potato {an aristocrat at that time of the year' to the plebeian cabbage--- and her lithe, actlve figure moved with an ease born of confidence in the uratle principles of gravitation as codified and arranged by a rocking boat. Pollard, too, was overhauling his ar, seeing that the mast was secure y stepped and the tackle ran free. Whilst they worked they talked, and, of course, the critics listened. "Do you think the weather will hold. Ben?" asked the girl over her shoul der, stooping to arrange some clus ters of daffodils and nercissus so that they should not suffer by the lurch of some heavy package when the boat heeled over. 3 . i "The glass be a-fallin', sure, missy," paid the old fellow cheerily, "but wi' the wind backin' round to the norrard it on'y means a drop o' wet." "You think we will make the rock in good time?" "We'm do our best, Miss Enid." She sat up suddenly. "Don't you dare tell me, Ben Pol lard, that after all our preparations We may have to turn back or run for inglorious shelter into Lamorna." Her mock indignation induced a massive. grin, "A mahogany table breaking into mirth," was Enid's pri- vate description of Ben's face when he smiled. "Ee knaw the coast as well as most," he said. "Further go, stronger blow, 'ee knaw." "And not'so slow, eh, Ben? Really, you and the Daisy look more<tubby every time I see you." Thus disparaged, Pollard defended himself and his craft. + "Me an' Daisy "ll sail to Guilt Light quicker'n any two other tugs in Pen- rance, missy. Her be a long run at this time 0' year, but you'm get there all right, I *xpeet. " "Wi a norrard breeze we'm be safe enough. - If the wind makes '¢ée ¢'n gee et comin', 'ee knaw." > She laughed quietly. Any reflection on the spanking powers of his pil chard-driver would rouse Ben instant- young person of some le to the ly. | "As if I didn't know all you could teach me," she cried, "and as it any- one in all Corfiwall' could teach me better." The old fisherman 'was moliified. He looked along the quay. "Time we'm cast off," he sug: "Miss Constance: be a plaguey long time fetchin' then "Wraps." ! "Oh, Ben, how can You say that? She had to go all the way to the Cot tage. 'Why; if she' ran" "Here she be," he broke in, "an' she b'aint runnin: . - Her's got a young wo he : What announcement would straigh- ten the back of any girl of nineteen dike unto that? Enid Trevillion turn. he, jen and stood upright. iy, it's Jack!" she cried, wav- Ing a delighted little hand. it be," admitted Pollard, after # surprised stare. "When I look land- {ward my eyes b'ain's so. good as they was." Her stated "this" fact regretfully. No 'elderly gea-dog will ever acknowledge {to failing vision when he gazes'at the level horizon he knows so well. This is no pretence of unwilling age; it is wholly true. The settled chaos of the shore bewilders him. The changeful Sea cannot. ! Meanwhile, the dawdlers lining the iwhart, following Enid's signals with thelr eyes, devoted themselves to a 'covert staring at the young people hurrying along the quay. i Constance Brand, being a young and pretty woman, secured their instant suffrages. Indeed, she would have won the favorable verdict of a more ®evere audience. Taller than Enid, she had the brown hair and hazel eyes ©f her fath er. To him, too, she owed the frank, self-reliant pose of head and clearly cut, refined features which conveyed to others that all-important first good impression. Blended with [Stephen Brand's firm incisiveness, and softening the quiet strength of her 'marked resemblance iin copying the manners an deven the dress of their male friends. ! Her 'costume was an exact replica of that of Epfd. Supidiy, yet her alert carriage had a She walked well and |. WHIG, THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 1914. Phone 76 For Your Christmas Groceries. Our stoek 4a complete In all lines, $413 "Princess Street. (Const Sealed Oysters.) D. COUPER | Make 8 plain syrup by mixing two cups of granulated sugar and ove cup of warm water and stir f0r two minutes. Pug 2% ounces of pure Pinex (fifty cents worth) in a 16-ounce bottle, and fill it up with the Sugar Syrup. This gives you a family supply of the best cough Syrup at a saving of $2, It never spoils. Take a teaspoon- ful every one, two or three hours. ary GRAND TRUNK %5 Winter Tour CALIFORNIA, FLORIDA and THE SUNNY SOUTH. Fast trains leave Kingston daily, making direct con- ection at Detroit and Buffalo for Florida and southern points. and at Chicago for California and Western points, . ; We can make all arrangements to bring your family and friends from the Old Country. Special attention The effectiveness of this simple remedy Fin \ is surprising. It seems to take hold in. stantly, ang wil usually stop the most iif » abstinate cough in 24 hours. It tones up New Fruit Store the jaded appetite and is just laxative EF ; enough 'to be helpful in a cough, and has AS Bor IES a pleasing taste. Also excellent for bron § B chial trouble, throat tickle, sore lungs and Bw Oranges, 15¢, 20¢c and asthma, and an unequaled remedy for 0c a ® whooping cough and croup. v 5 This recipe for making cough remedy Malaga Grapes, 20c a 1b, With Pinex and Sugar Syrup (or strained 3 honey) is a prime fayprite in thousands of Bananasy 1c and 20c a homes in the United States and Canada. dozell. ¥ The plan has been imitated, though never Successfully. If you try it, use only genu. Figs, 15¢ a Ib. Ine Plnex, which is the most valuable 10¢ Ib concentrated compound of Norway white Dates, 8 1b. pine extract, and is rich in guaiacol and 5 all the 'natural healing pine elements. 314 Prindess St. Phone 1405 Other preparations will not work in this vecipe, A guaranty of absolute satisfaction, or money promptly refunded, goes with this recipe. Your druggist has ¥inex, or wii get it for you, If pot, send to {'ho Pinex Co., Toronto, Ont, I "A FRIEND OF THE FAMIL og for 50 years, who keeps pace with the times and im- proves all the while, is what they sfyS#héut EDDY"S WARES. 'Grandmother always used EDDY'S MATCH. ES. Mother knew their excellence and botight also EDDY'S FIBREWARE and proved worth, wv In our time has been added EDDY'S TOILET PAPERS, sanitary and ¢heap, and many other articles for household use, all of the same known quality as EDDY'S MATCHES. You cannot do better than continue to buy - from the old firm, whose Slogan i AST un i for the oney. |= I The MOST of the Best for y | i dic 4, 3 Some men are always up and doing w~. |1--others, BEGIN THE NEW YEAR RIGHT Insist on Hawi Pasteurized Milk Be Sure it is in Bottle PRICE'S Phone 845. Skaters Attention! We want one trial at grinding your Skates. Having purchased the latest ani, best skate'grinding machine in the world, and having experts to do the job, glve you the chance to have your skates sharpened with the keeflest edge, mak- ing skating surer and switter and a revelation to pleasure skaters. es. Treadgold Cycle and Sporting Goods Co, 88 Princess Phone 520 Angrove's Old Stand | THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE. i» 'The Most Valuable Medicine ever discovered. The best known Remedy 'for CouGHS, CoLps, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. Aats like a charm in : t ¥ DIARRHOEA, DYSENTERY & CHOLERA. Effecteally cus ahort 81" attacks of STASMS. Checks sad arrests those too 4 often fatal diseases FEVER. CROUP asd AGUE. _. The oaly palliative is NEURALGIA: GOUT. RHEUMATISN, : Chilorodyne is a liguid taken in drops. graduated according to the Witads. It invariably relieves pain of id creates a vaim refreshing steep ; f rervous Fphent all other vemedies fail. §uves eects: and can Be taken wien wo other sicdicing Taw OF Tolcrated. INSIST ON HAVING CONVINCING © Dr J. COLLIS BROWNE'S ' MEDICAL TESTIMONY : : WITH EACH BOTTLE Sold by all Chemists Prices is England: ; Vi. 2/3, 418 Sele Masufactorens: 1. T. DAVENPORT : itd. «> a Sa - will be given them. : For full particulars apply to J. P. HANLEY, : Railroad and Steamship Agent, Cor. Johnston and Ontario Sts. Hh, - , INTERTOURS eT Oe CALIFORNIA, FLORIDA AND THE SUNNY SOUTH RETURN TICKETS AT LOW RATES THE LOGICAL ROUTE TO THE WEST For WINNIPEG Leave Toronto 2.30 P.M. DAILY For VANCOUVER Leave Toronto 10.20 P.M. DAILY Compartment Library Observa- tion Car, Standard Sleeping 'ar, Tourist Sleeping Car, Din+ ing Car, First Class Coaches, Colonist Car on both Trains, Particulars from Fp, Conway, 0. P, A, City Ticket Office, Cor. Princess and Wellington Sts., Phone 1197. CANADIAN OCEAN STEAMSHIP AGENCY C. 8. KIRKPATRICK 42 Clarence St. Phone 59 CANADIAN SERVICE. Southampton From Portland, Me. 2 ASCANIA Feb, 7 ABCANIA Mar, 14 ALAUNIA Mar. 21 Steamers will call Plymouth east- bound. * Rates--Cabin (11) $46.26 up. ard class British eastbound, $30.25 up. Westbound $30 up. THE ROBERT REFORD CO. Limited. Genergl Agent, 50 King St. KE. Toronto. From Jan, ro BERMUDA $.8, "BERMUDIAN," twin screw, 10,- | $18 tons displacement, sails from New { York 10 am, 14, 21, "23 iJan.,, 4, 11, 18, 25 Feb.. Submar- marine signals; wireless. orchestra. Record trip 39 hours, 20 min. Fast- | est, mewest, and only steamer landing | prssengers at the dock fn Bermuda { without transfer. | WEST INDIES--New 8.8. "GUIANA® | and other stoamers from New York lat 2 p.m., 10, 24 Jan. 7, 20 Feb. for | St. Thomas, St. Croix St. Kitts, An- | tigua, Guadaloupe, Dominicia, Mar- | tinique, St. Lucia, Barbadoes and | Demerara. ! For full Information apply te J. P. { HANLEY, or C. 8. EKIRKPATRICK, | Ticket Agents, Kingston; QUEBEC | STEAMSHIP CO., LTD., Quebec. Its Perfectly Safe To have your winter's cosl a now. It can't spoll or go out of "stoll." P. WALSH ¢ THAT TOBACCO * With the "Rooster" on if. I rowing louder as he nl Only 1 Er pound. For Rowing a smoking. near King street, renting for} $45.00 per month. A spies. did tavestment for $5400.00. Rough-cast dwelling tn down-town location, rooms; nice home for $4,900,