Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Jan 1914, p. 9

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THE This and the cut of the waist give it the ald fashioned look of the dresses of the sevin- ties and early eighties. The black velvet bracelet, the manner of dressing the hair and the tilt of the hat have not a little to fo with the resemblance in silhouette with the fashions of those days. The black tulle is a scarf, separate from the dress, to take off the ton severe look. The roses and waidenbair fern are curionsly posed almost in the centre front of the waist. There is a band of skunk 'Tur at fhe foot of the gown, The hat, which, Ii all the fiew ones, bas a brim that is the most conspicuous. part of it. has ine unique eurves that are the mark of alica nillinery. AR EAST" styles from Paris Have liad a steadily inereasing vogue for a number of searcis, But now come some new &iyle Hines. These are gently rem niscent of the fashions of ihe seventies. Among them are the siceve- less evening dresses, the flonnced olhow sleeves, 'the sash bow placed low "at tle back of the dress and the masculine vest that. shows between the open {ront of the corsage. Also, we see the wired weck rorhes' of lace of those days, the coats buttoned up to the neck, the pannier drapings and the bustle back puffs, Not only eonfined to dress is this re- vival of old fashioned styles. The latest hnir eoiffure is like those of days agone sid presents almost the same sithouette, The tresses are closely waved about the : face, the hair brought up to form a puff at the top back of the head." To be sure. the curls that dropped at the back of anime of these old time eoiffures are yet missing in the smart bairdressing of to-| day. | Premet showed this season among his| tailored suits a short coat that had the ald fashioned curved side seams and cen-| tre back seam; the coat edges basque was| almost godet about the lower. | The old style tiptilted hats are perhaps) much modernized, but that does not pre-| vent them from being jon the same lines! 8% some that decorate the primly protty fashion engravings of the old fashion books, | In those days, too, they wore dolman wraps and short little mantelettes that fre surely grandmothers of those in style to-day. Of course, there was not that tightened in Inok about the ankles in' dresses then, but trains were oblong and aval ended, as now. Velvet bracelets and Beek ribbons were the fashion in the sev. enties. Flower trimmed ball dresses, cut dangerously low, with a ruffle serving as The ether gown, of chestdut brown vet, has the material draped so t scant about the foot line and falls in ¢ vel " 1} / Black Valet Hat Trimmed with Ngrettes. [ J) {3 Thoto Copyright, THIS, by #* Thon Kaqwive Copyright, 1913, New Ty ol i ' {folds at the hips. Though the lines do: {uot bear so close a Tesemblance to the {styles of other days, still there ave cvr-| | tain details amusing to note. The little * | vest front that falls below the waist line, ithe pannierlike fulness of {lie skirt and {the elbow sleeves and primly crossed | corsage fronts all 'seem to have been in | spired more or less by the engravings of the latter pa t of the nineteenth century. { The gown lias no decoration beyond the {inevitable touch of fur, placed at the ferossed fronts. A oke fills the VV, .another {and a white satin collar shows onl the back. The Hrewn velvet hat { paradise ornaments, The four hats ave typical of this new o¢ { bat fashion "of Jauntily posed millinery Pompeilan red that gives style to the rather severe ccif- Just ow i fure, Four different ornamentation are Na {used on these hats, three of which are With a | velvet. One "is decorated with cross poibt on' the sigrettes, one 'with paradise plumes, one ® Splendid. with feathers and one with long ribbon stamped ye. vel : m Tam o the ermine skins is also very loops. Shapes, too, differ. The. Tam o [BUC ThEY are chisfls < {| Shanter. is artistically tiptilted to cne| ny fe. fh i side; the feather trimmed hat has As he ae of | startlingly rolled brim edge, and the para-t - a a. velvit | dise plumes are as delicate as the slender] Baers fashion id brim curves they Adorn, {rain tones, Parisians EE CALEY = | the trast. which s JURg.e Fur Trimmings Still in Favor. | 0 "1 = J N spite of some attempts to introduce of their ealm civilization, trimmings of feathers on' the! Jour that matter a panther evening cloaks fur still holds first place to distinguish the vocation of net las % gray fox, wh winter, will he 8 an a which is is by wide le no means losing its form rid A AI srdders, it wo a cloak Wir effect on . The whitens tractive s : or ities may be pole a little baby panther ski ae mantle amped | the same fawn un Appear Chestnut Brown Velvet, Edged with Skunk. Brown Velvet Hat and Paradise Plumes. Glaison Amy Tinker. 1 Photo Copyright, 1913, by Revelinger Kaclusive UCoright, 1904, New York Hemid Company sxcuse for x sleeve; were us daring as » simittated décolletds of to-day. the ce fe in the mids ostrich skit use . priestess of fashion, so she Las gvod righ : = . or fi he handsome garments ! ag io launching of 3 new mode, however, ddorament for ¢ . to the far. does not mean that all other fashions ave worn in the dvehing. ae Th Blue Tox skins always lehd a note eseiided Russian and Oriental styles poputar, since its softness, light weight distinction will be seen, in plenty this YHIRE, Warn) il that garment he by thegoi to whom they are special' be We calor, ¢ ming. Meanwhile, it i. the duty of a," ; is $ fashion reporter to anndunce new fas! jou! wrought gold or "silver whic A Freneh aetress. nowadays. . » hak had her test] guy. fury are now often dyed the same shade as the cloak--a very costly proceed: Fox is especially © to ans garment, made both war he same tine, lends its combination of shades, = wade of this fur, givin ble effect of luxury and f As to the linings, ther are usta ily parti and fluffy texture make it a {it for the stamped velvet and brocades of used ting adjunct of plain velvet unl. dul well to being bare an lives as they appear. potsl for her gowning, Jeostnmes nade on the Tines of the seven hi his a She Be tien, as, of course, the fur "can thei be Silk, with large flower Cesigns, ; often Painted by 'the Belgian artist] Used for no other purpose, since the iagh-| All the smart dresses this whater ' Altri Stevens, whe caught the love fouatle shades are hg and are only to be trimmed with fur. It will he in . generation, thie by artiGwial light. es lr a ary he grey cloak which has roused much! and on' afternoon dresses "is wel tilwok velvet evening gown i steiking be-| comment is cu evquisite sulphut-yellow. evening dresses the warm caress of fii cause of its siecvelessuess and its nn. with a greenish tint, held in at the bottom will be at vnice ihe nist becoming Adarued Ji sllers, There is another odd 1 - fox skins of the sane shade whose life: The most costly tricia. The jue feature about it--~the belt is placed as it|like heads meet very high wv wesriy ay fashion of the tusic skirt was when the old fashioned corsets were|the waist, waking ¥6 origina! fastening use of this trimming, worn, below the inwand curve of the waist. for the harmoniously draped pleats, while 'Tt may be noted that inchupar ichness: in Sen DAILY BRITISH WHIG, -~ THURSDA', "0 in entire mantles the priesi; | in feminine favor as the most maguificent and the Patisienne is nothing if pot ulariy : Each day séews to. brigg about a mors 1 r CORLS are; 3: 1 when {gled with tuile, velvet, satin or hrochss I as ot] cues. and facilitates thei ihe wormed who like OT prefesence is JANUARY 8, 1914. Two-Toned Velvet Hat, the Backgrou @ Green, the Pile of Green Satin Photo Copyright, 1913, by Renthingee Excfaaied Copyright, 1212, New York Herald Company moments almost revealing the stocking | above. . Another interesting detail of the after noon Horse Show was the corsage } it They were made || i' bouquet of . orchids. spray "echiom, sometimes fastened with narrow loops and ends of 'matching ribbon, and were combined with fine fernery and} maidenhair, The vogue of duvetyn and velvet after-|' noon suits was very marked. Most of them were cut with the tiered skirts and the loose cutaway coat that buttomed tightly up to the neck. A band of fur on the military collar and a band making cuffs on the long sleeves was the sian 0 fur. . Woin anlies a wee | trimming, and fitch was the preferred fur| hing dernea | tor this. | White batiste, net and liven dresses This charming fitch fur of our grand- a USS Saated ob Yelted Hutte duvent coat on, and the usual belt was dropped {almost to the hem of the dress Phot Coprright, 1M3, hy Reutlinges! Exclusive Copyright, 108, New York Herald Company Gul \ . : ' © Black Velvet Gown, Adorned with Tulle and Bouquet of Roses, H: of Black Velvet and Paradise Piumes, toned single breasted right up to the neck. There was not a sign of a lapel. i Some of the prettiest of the evening | coats seen at the Horse Show were of un-- spotted ermine. In the full length cos {the tails were replaced by dark far eal lars which gave a new look to this bexoti- : ful fur. Sable, seal or beaver made sailor, turned over or boa collars that £ contrasted sharply with the creamy white In the knee length ermine coats the tails were used for border trims ming, placed along the edges in one of twe rows at regular intervals, fringing the collar, if of ermine, or worked inte the material in whirligig motifs. 4 | Some of the débutautes came without |hats in the evening, with festoons of rhinestones in the hair or the preity, sparkling pins. The younger set kept to brilliantly colored wraps of liberty sstin, far trimmed; a few had cipelike mantles of brocades of the latest patterns. | With all the furs in vogue of course some novelties crept in, notably the mounts flon, which is having, it is ead, a good deal of siceess in Paris. This resombisg the Australian lypx at a little distance and sdems to have been chosen as § {"young" fur. It wos soted on' one a butante's afternoon suit and ob anothers evening cloak. x 13 Tiptilted hats were angfher of the wav elties. Like other Parinfinnova tions, 8 {have already rosehied this side une oe : Iwelcome chauge from the tapping for uk "| that hide most 'of the hair of alse pall down into the eybs, covering most face. These velvet hats. posed ap eccentric angle, gain a special wien {tinction of carriage; there is undoubt- mothers' day bas sprung suddenly rato the way the long wrisental, feet edly a certain manner in which these style again this winter. Its light crearay patadise or alk of skunk, for instan would froilettes must be worm, so they ill | gone tipped: with bronze brown is decbra- 4 of the ermine. Tete-de-Negre Plush, Trimmed with Ostrich Plume. 7 Phote Copsrieht, 1013, ty Reotinger an Wiclosive Coprright, 1013, New ¥ ork Herald Company sf ves wo hsrmogious effects iuste, furs of striking ¢ sts. 108, Ate: patel. ¢ aud sable | irr lp : "Fashion Details from the Horse Show. =HE vogue of Ii {fawn *caolor. § fect i the fashion ine of ther §s oul wij tendency in FIRiRR of eich season or Ness flottemens It Pavician vestitmors have ma $34 nt one ean judge of mud gefire whieh hiv ite. pro tpases only the vamp of the shoe was o OC hidek tent or dull leather. TUpY be vhasen far an old gold costume, w hae probably only be patronized by society tive and burmonizes with alitost any New Petti-Skirts of 2 Moleskin would be used on a gray fro kK women. color of duvetyn or velvet. Chinchilla, 3 J wight. adorn any {tiger leopard, tigrette, seal, hroadtall and : C: Ps Tan: Ermine is ithe only fu | opard, Ligretie, sea), aa D ETTICOATS are i (41s widers nee a contrasting e ot caraaul wake thane Hilored Sit collar! Ail: 1000: ool breauthacof silk bo Cluck and w bite; uf which : And cuffs also. The small Bat often has, average with will swke a Wie taste seems unable to tire, = : : . (hs Stemi : fag 1 t topped shoes was ¥ hat of te suit fur Spit. ny one. Just leave the sem 8b one wide the niust noticeable fashion Inport ut x is 3 = o ny tihng oye for tet or twelve ivchies above he x 4 pl ; a features of the New York Horse Show is Tauition of ug ~ A Teg velvet 9 | which should measure the satus Bumber . duvetyn colts for little 'girls was very x 3 ¥ : only were the high shoes light topped, | x ge > i tinches, Fancy fringe, lage or @ but the smartest footwonr had Hght col. | NAL od. The fnz Gimmiiy as a ast| ¢ eiibroidery finishés (be lower edge red hsels A 0. To all intents and pu invariably of this old-new fitch fur. One| he petticoat Spi outlines ibe SRB ored heels also. t e < the $ ¢ little black velvet coat had a little collar] a SS k > i i : Skirts. for day wear dre af 5 F example. thay ad cuffs on it. A band of it encircled is i im Xa mple, " Chine, silk jersey and soft stinky Hix a Melts pepnlaricy ; ithe black velvet miob éap, and oe large % Tacred sibs, especially Tor the tailoy cos! Some of these uppers were made of | ostrich tip that had exactly the same] Darmieuse and thle Hk, i ; The : nk, long Ls tens k awd He fwa, blown or Sea clit; ie, [colors 2s the 'two tones of the fiteh fur] CPODV materials "ate ie [IT iy ih, * Waistcoat and sudde of (hie same colors ue peculiarity in 1 . FORE, nous int rein d rovers aphl the oollar high at the Back, of Wiese shoes and one which threw them was at Sne side, Anotbes w and the colors are the fut fn obtaining 8 remepdous sucess with|. Peacock duvetyn, bad & matching bat, a . tlie Phyto] 0 DroWincite wax fhe fact that api id. A third little 'cout hud! greens snd wite shades, i {afternoim "rilared suits" Wore so shart chinchilla collar and cuffs. Tn each cane! all "the. conventional dis that wost of the light uppers showed al thers was a lithe flat, oblong muff of gowns. f Ianch a fashion. ' This style demands wome personal

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