Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Jan 1914, p. 7

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in business, husband and wife or Joint Treasurers of a Trust Fund 'will find a Joint Savings Account in The Bank of Torosto a very great convenience. With an account of this nature, either party may deposit or withdraw money, and in event of the death of either the balance belongs to the sur< vivor. ~ Market Square, Kingston. Howard 8. Folger INVESTMENT BROKER HIGH GRADE BONDS AND STOCKS REAL ESTATE DISTRICT MANAGER FOR THE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSUR- ANOE SOCIETY. =. 4 « ONE 9985, 4" CLANENCE ST. Having made arrangements to handle CRAWFORD'S COAL the citizens of Kingston will find this a very convenient office through which to place their coal orders. GOOD COAL CAREFUL ATTENTION PROMPT DELIVERY GEORGE BAWDEN 168 Princess Street FOR SALE One of the best equipped farms in the County of Frontenac, Glenburnie. 210x175 near Alwington Ave., well located, . 0. HUTTON Real Estate and Insurance Agent 18 Market St, Kingston. | For Sale By KINGSTON You Merchants I will call in a few days with one of the largest ranges of Special Advertising Calen- dars, Novelties and Sets ever shown, H. S. Crumley - Phone 333 or 1842. 56 BROCK ST. PHONE 68. Solid Brick, Brock St. $4,000 Brick Veneered, Mack St. ..$3,300 Frame. .$3,000 Solid I'r Solid' Brick, Solid Brick, Solid Brick, Alfred Street ik. Pi incess St. . $4,000 .$4,000 .$4,800 $5,300 .$3,100 J. K. CARROLL, Manager. After Holiday Sale of Furniture All goods now reduced in price. A splendid chance to save money. Big line of beautiful antique furni- ture, stoves, ranges, etc., to choose from, Also 'household goods bought, best We Wish to Thank our many friends and patrons for their pat- ronage during the past year. Our sincere de- sire is that ong and all may have a Happy and Efuperons N New Year™ HOAG'S DRUG: STORE Kingston, Ont... Frontenac St. Albert St. Albert St. Frame, Beverley: Street prices paid. L.-LESSES Princess and Chatham Streets. Phone 1045. "All kinds of records, Victor, Sal- gmbia, Edison Blue Amberol, Ed son two-minute, for exchange. phonograp gramophones and graf- onolas for sale. Call and let us ex- plain odr plan, LALLEN'S 113 Brock St. Fresh Buttermilk For Sale -- EYES EXAMINED PRESCRIPTION FILLED Cor. Shows the nerve force of the' eyes has been weakened by too much reading or overwork. The remedy is Glasses pre- pared by our optician. Haven't you need services? RODGER . The King Street Jeweler for our Fresh buttermilk may now be ob- tained at the Eastern Dairy School every day after 10.30 am. , Price 2 {four. The "son's. '{left for Nelson, B.C., on | some boats engaged in the Sale! $1.50 cossets $1. Dutton' 8. The mild weather is with 'us. "Paper tissue towels." Gibson's. Once tried always used, White Kose council will be organized Mé&aday next, at 11 a.m. the best piano, "Newgombe,"'; Dutton's store. * "Liquid green soap shampoo." Gib- D, M, Morris, Hittaburgh, was in- the city on Wednesday. of colored sateen underskirts, §1,50 for 95c. Dutton's. i Thar Yiamue towels"! 'Gibson's. R. W. Garrett is in very poor ffl and is resting in a sanitarium. Hilliam Swaine; piang tuner. Order received at MeAuley's. Phone Willian Faversham will oy 8 line Ceasar" at on * Gibson's- Wane $3.50 gun boots, $2.75. Dutton's. The Utilities committee will at first meeting select a chairman name 'a secretary. » quid green soap shampoo.' bE death Tuesday widow aged 75. "Paper tissue towels." Gibson's. Sale ! Some sizes men's hockey boots, '$1.25. Dutton's. Donald Schofield, who has been vis- iting his parents on Princess street, Wednesday metal its and * Gib- occured at Bath, on evening of Mrs. Chapman, of the late John Chapman, morning. "Lipid grepg. soap shampoo." Gib- millinery clasa' opens Thursday, Jan. 8th, at 7 o'clock. Fee, $1.50 for ten lessons. Mrs. M. E. Adams, teacher. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Ausley; Cleve: land, Ohio, have returned home after Yending 4 the holiday with Mr. and M. Ausley, Stuart street. "Paper tissue towels." Gibson's. At the armouries' on Tuesday even- ing a team of the sergeanis defeated the permanent officers at baseball, by the small margin of 17 to 15. Boys' sweaters, 50c. Dutton's. "Spearmint gum," 50c. box, Gib- son's, Mayor-Eleet Shaw has been deluged- with telegrams and letters, tulating "him on his elettion. They came from as far cast as Quebec, apd west as London, co-crédepers, regular 25c. and 35¢., for 20¢. and 30c. Dutton's. "Phope 230," QGibson's, wants, Week of Prayer services will be held tonight in Princess street Methodist, Brock street Methodist and Zion chur- {ches, With Prof. Dall, Prof. Morison, jand Rev. D. Laing, as speakers res- pectively. "Spearmint gum," On A. Clouds, 25c.; scarfs, 25c.; toques, 23¢.; mitts, from 15¢. Duiton's. The council will have three vacan- cies to fill on ithe Board of Education, two - through resignations of J. P. Hanley and Dr. A. W. Richardson and oné by expiration of time, W. J. Ren- ton. Men's lined pig-skin Duiton's. Four large tins Tiger hand cleaner ., at Gilbert's: Daring the past year ninety-nine in- fractions of the truency aot 'were ported, of this number not one was from. the Hebrew raod: seventy-five per cent of all offenders were of one nationality. . "Imporied bay rum." Gibson's. Women's gaiters from 00c. Dut- ton's. Fhe utility for drug 50. box, Gib. mitts, 5S0e. commissioners are talk- ing about the organization of the plants under their care. They will ave inventories taken of all effects in transferring plants from the weunei} to the. tommission. All trunks and suit, cases } aoducol this week. Dutton's. "Imported bay rum." Gibson's. " Miss Isabél and Miss Annie Dax- ter returned to Ottawa on Monday to resume their duties in the Ottawa Normal College, after spending the Mrs. John Grange." Serge. skirts, blue or black, Dutton's, "Throat sprays," at Gibson's Capt. Grant Horne, of Sarnia, for- merly of this city, is spending a few days in the-city. The captain Ss looking fine and Was warmly wel- comed by his many friends. He has Tumbgr from Baxter, "Cataraqui $1.39. business at Sarnia. Sale! Children's 26¢. Duttom's. "Rubber sponges," at Gibson's, Many of the officers and N.C.0.'« have reported here for the courses of instruction at the Royal S¥hool of Stilley. , Sergt. -Maj. G. Spafiard, Sergt. Busk, E. Harris, Belan- aa S., Tett, and Tn Sholdon, P 'Bird aiid 6. Hay are in- F-- from the 34th Battery of Belle ville. slippers Hartington Notes Hartington, Jan, 6.--Elections pass- ed quietly in this place, Longue: lations are extended to .J. Froe man, eve. Nis, John Dowker is with her father, who is critically ill at Camden East. Earl Bryce, of Toronto, spent a few days of the holidays with his parents, here. George Porter, Elginburg, is visiting relatives here., Miss Beatrice Freeman is visiting 'relatives at Kemptville. School is slosed owing to the scarcity of teachers. Mr. and Mes. A. VanLuven, Kingston, spent New Year's at ToRov leonard's. Mis Alice Walker is at Alexander Thomp- son" Se amen 4 Life Underwriters' Dinner Th Laks ation of Kingston will h Fr annua Sinner at the British-American eter this evening at 7.30. Fa -- Ontario slature will be Bd meat io Jogi the widdle of cents per quart. thé Grand on Thursday, congra- i re- | holidays with. their parents, Mr. andj' . cen 10-24 Borate og on Sale i , Jan. Bh SWALTER BCCLES AND COLLEGE GIRLS" In Grand and 2 Comic Opera Singing & In Aid of of Publis Libra Prices 30c¢ 30c and 50. : Flan Bow, Open at Miwsty In aid of Hotel Dieu Hospital, un- der the auspices of the Ladies' Aux- iliary. in the City Hall, on Wednes- day, Jan. 7th, 1914, 8.30 to 1 p.m. Tickets '50c. Refreshments, CARD OF THANKS. The citizens of Kingston. both ladies and gentlemen, will accept of my very sincere thanks great honor conferred in selecting me as their mayar of my native city. * Wishing yon all a very happy and prosperous ninéfeen- -fourteen, I am, Truly yours, A. SHAW. COVERED RINK HOCKEY TO-NIGHT R.C.H.A. vs. Iroquois Portsmouth vs. Bankers K.C.1. vs. Regiopolis Admission 25 Cents Beginning 7.30 p.m. prompt | CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES "LOCOMOTIVE FIREMEN, BRAKEMEN for the| First tnsintie 16 a worl Each con- S0c.; vik, $1; one month, $2. © HELP WANTED A Co io APPLY TO MISS MACDON- ell, $8 ham St. A DINING ROOM GIRL. APPLY AT Imperial Hotel, 76 Princess St. BERMAID, MUST BE EXPER. ASI and gobd Kitchen EE ern Hotel Frontenac. EXPERIENC! State I ance posted nat? A HOUSEMAID AT ONCE, EXPER- jence not necessary. Apply Mrs. Thompson, Royal Military College, Kingston. FRIOFREADER, an ex- Baia Manager, sonia $1500 WEEK AND EXPENSES TO travel appointin; loci repreden- tatives. ank aterson, eision B., Brantford: ' wages about $100; experlence un- necessary, Send age, postage. Railway, care Whig: INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $100 monthly 'corresponding for newspapers; no canvassing. Send for particulars. Press 'Syndi- cate, 3,969 Lockport, N.Y. GOOD GENERAL SERVANT FOR FAM- ily of two. References required, Good wages to competent Apply Elmtree House, cor. ton avenue and Union St. person. Alwing- ATTENTION: PROTESTANT MEN and women . of ebaracter seeking employment for all or part time send your qualifications. We can ON Fanshay, A WALLET CONTAIN. MINK MARMOT FUR ON TURSDAY SEPP RPP IP RE EF PREP Pb bbb Reb $12, on Princess or Montreal Sts. Finder please return to this office and. receive a reward. evening, Dec. 23rd, on road tween Kingston and Ballantyne Station, by way of Middle road. Pinder please leave at Whig office. FOR SALE PERHAPS THE BREST ASSORTED modern library in Kingston at 213 Hoppina. Stuart St. Phone 1429. A LOST The man who took the brown | suitcase containing lady's valuable wearing ap- 'parel and jewelry, and sub- stituted his own suitcase on Grand Trunk train leaving Kingston for Toronto about noon, January 3rd, must re- turn it at once to 408 John- son street, Kingston. Reward No questions asked. $i 40000084004 he BIRDS! BIRDS! BIRDS! AWNINGS AND TENTS--PLACE YOUR order now. Bubject to delivery w time in the spring. - 'Cooke, 39 Clarence St: LOT © ONE. DounLk AND TWO SINGLE SIX Dor oF building ore. Baayt er ry ng lots. Apply 427 Albert street, y ONE COLUMBIA GRAPHAFHONE with about 40 records; 1 small pug . Stove and one gas heater, a! in first-class condition; cheap. 72 Earl street. GUARANTEED MALE each a beauty for song. Come in and eing before you buy river, Queen and rrie, Ph ae '$18. C ANARIES, TEAMSTER. JOHN HUNTER, 22 PATRICK ST, ALL kinds of light and heavy team work done on short notice. Spec. ial rates for driving parties. Phone 1285. STO SAL Jans ge, (both Guern shied condition. Week "at Hr 8 53 p.m. NEW SOLID BRICK HOUSE ON Johnson street, 9 rooms; all ern improvements: easy terms. Apply 26 Frontenac street, ine 148. TEACH ERS WANTED. Qu ALIFIED EROTESTANT TEACHER eP, 4, Wolfe Island. Fo are S00. Ne 'accordi NE, to quali- lace you. No charge, Bible Bids. Br Drawer B., Brantford. CAPABLE ties. . \ ' OLD COUNTRY POMES- | *arties arriving twice month-| 1y Applications must be m well "in. advance. The Guild, Pembroke St, Toronto, and Drummond St, Mentreal 137 (8! WANTED--GEN ERAL * | GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR cloth and have it made up into up- to-date suits. Price and workman- ship guaranteed to pleare. Prees- ing and repairing dons on shortest notice. | Thomas Galloway 131 Brock street, near Bikby's Liv- ery. FOR 25c. PER TIN. [] ABSOLUTELY BEST VALU SOME NEW LINES Xmas Table Delicacies Huntley & Palmer's Faney English Biscuits Mixed Chocolate, Cream Fing- ers, Oriental etite Beurre, Shortcake, Sand- wich, Reading Shortbréad, Po lar, Italian Macaroons, Ratatias, Otkney Asst. Shortbread. 50 varieties to choose, from. Your family grocer can supply vou. Feawieck, Hendry & Co. Distributors. 14th Regiment, P. W. 0. R.. at the indoor every Thursday Company shooting range will take place and Friday evening,' commencing Sth, at 8 pm. A schedule of company competitions is being arranged, (Signed( 'WM. SWAINE, Lt. Mus. Instr, 14th Regt THE WHIG'S JUMBLE. A Lot of Short items Run in To. gether. Insist on White Rose flour. "Kodak lms," 'at Gibson's. Schneider's pure pork sausages sale at Gilbert's busy stores, H., Ounningham, pian' suner; King stroet. leave orders ai Mo Auley's book store. Mrs El2ah Cwmmings died Sat- urday, at Merrigkville, in her cighty- fourth year. Death was due to old age. She is survived by four sons. Ladies' up-to-date d king Terms moderate. - Miss A. Keyes, 221 Princess street. "Liquid green soap shampoo." son's. Another of the pioneer residents of Leeds township. in the person of Robert A. Ferguson passed away on Saturday in his eighty-ninth year. Deceased during his active life 'was a_ prosperous farmer in Leeds town- ship, "near Willowbank, 'Rubber sponges," at Gibson's. Nomow s vests, drawers, 25¢.; 25¢. Dutton's. ~ . iapte View," ndinage residence of Mr. and Mrs. 'J, Frail. erick Melburn, on el 31st, was the scene of a pretty wedding | When their sitter, Bertha Cambell Stickney was united in ma on 21 Gib- berta' . Favorite song, "God Remembers When the World Forgets." "Little Grey Home in the West." "A 'Litile Love a Little Kiss," 35c. Dutton's. "Phone. 230," Gibson® s, for drug store wan¥e, Word was received 'in Brockyille by chief of police Burke of the sud- den desth in Chicago of Mr. Enoch Marshall, sixty years of age. He died suddenly. The deceased was a "on of Deuinmin, arshall and was | born near. Mar- ahs hoor DOTA er 1 "Poe drug wants" phone 0. "Sih oR 'hy | 4 (the 1 Waiter Lindenfield, Clareshotm, Fs , WISH TO INFORM OUR CUS. tomers and ' friends that we are now open for business after hav- ing our pliéce renovated. We are now open to buy new and second- Princess streét. Next to St. An- hand furnituge. J. TI Pp 333 | {we the |' HAIR, fication. Apply te R. H. Card, Sec.- reas., Wolfe Island, Ont. KARN-WARREN pipe orgar (12 TWO-MANVAL stops), good tone, md In first-class condition, finely Anixhed, quartered oak case. Apply o 8. A, Salsbury, organist First Baptist church, Standard office. MUSIC. VIOLIN INSTRUOTION--MISS CHRIS. tine Cochrane, 78 Gore St, King- ston. Telephone 136. TELGMANN SCHOOL OF Musie, Frontenac street. 2. VWs "Telg - mann, B.E, teacher Ar elocution and action. Miss Norma and O. F. Telgmann, teachers of violin, man- dolin, plano, etc. Terms for tui- tion apd concert engagements on application. 216 PERSONAL MOLES, marks and WARTS, RIRTH- all growths and skin blemishes removed permanently, without scar; 27 years experience. Dr. Elmer J. Lake, Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat and Skin Specialist, 258% Bagot street. | CHOICE FARM, ONE HUNDRED and ninety-five acres, 9 miles from Kingston and 1 mile from Glen~ vale. Has an abundance of choice pine, spruce and cedar and nevers failing water, thereon. Well fené- ed. For further information ap: ly John Clark, RM.D. 1, Westbroo %. $1650 NEW FRAME HOUSE, ALL IM« provements. FRAME HOUSE, $2509, CEMENT PLASTER, IMPROVE. ments, fike location. MAN GARDINER, INSUR. ance, Sey to Loan. 67 Clarence Bt., Kingston, > TO LET TWO COMFORTABLY FURNISHED rooms at 144 Barrie Street. drew"s church, HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SEC- ond-hand furniture, stoves, etc. See me before selling your goods. We also have a large stock of new and second-hand furniture and stoves, which we will sell to clean out, at cost'. J. Thompson, 333 Princess St, next to St. Andrew's church. POSITION WANTED © | | TWO YOUNG MEN DESIRE WORK OF any description, cutting wood by the cord preferred. Address cor- respondence to Mr. Garlinge, 234 Ontario. St7 Kingston. BUSINESS NOTICES inf ESE SiC HOR TYPR GSTON writing any Cop: hh n St. _All wor! ueen tio ctly oom ertial. Rates modera UPHOLSTERER W. J. GAVINE, YPHOLSTERING, y RE. pairing and carpet work, hair mattress renovating. Drop a card or. call 216 Bagot street, 4 TO RENT Nos. 102 and .124 Victoria street, between Earl and Joho. nicely decorated, hot alr furnace; immediate pc ion. " son; Apply 'McLeod's Drug - Store SCALP MASSAGE FOR FALLING halr, dandruff, etc, treated by el- ectricity (new method). Latest Jroatment in shampooin Tace ge, manicuring, ch ropody, Up te styles in halr Mrs. Herod, graduate 169 "Wellington St., Hours 10 to 12 am, and 2 t m.. and by appointment, masseuse, FINANCIAL FRONTEN AC LOAN AND INVEST. ment Society; established 1863; oresident, Lt.-Col. Henry. R. Smith. Money issued on city and farm properties, municipal and country debentures; mortgages purchased; deposits received and interest al. lowed. § McGill, Manager, 27 Clarence Street. te ------------------------------------------ LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Fire Insurance Company, Available assets, $61,187,215. In adition to which the policyholders have for security the unlimited lability of city Property. insured at lowest possible rate Before renewing old or BIg new business get rates from Strange & Strange Agents. Phine 3 MEDICAL ) ) Va DR. J. B. HUTTON, 258 KING ATRERTY Office hours, 11-12 am, 3-5 and 7-9 p.m. Phone 1251. DENTAL ---------------------- A. E. KNAPP, BA .D.S., D.D.S, RE- moved to 258 pn Street. DR, C. C, NASH, DENTIST Renton, assistant. 13 Street. "Phone 735. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DENTISTS. 1658 Wellington Street, (over Car- novaky's), Kingston. 'Phone 2486. S. H. SIMPSON, LDS, D.D.S, DENT. ist, corner Princess and Bagot Street: Entrance on Bagot street. DR. T. B, Princess BIRTHDAYS-OF NOTABLE MEN OATERING N Wednesday, y Seventh. ada's grand old men.. reaches his fat Sir Sandford ¥.eming, one of Can- |? es, ete. Sete.) Dishes pod TD and rent. Biol Bilont Hi and in Ba Pe .eighty - seventh . milestone to-day, He well remem- bers the day When =he first landed in Quebec -- GIVEN FOR BALL he after a stormy passage of forty days aboard a salling ship. He was them an eighteen-year-old Scottish ngdie, fresh from Kirk- caldy and all his box, two or three pieces of gold a ilver half. a n. It is in- teresting to know that he has kept] the half-crown ever since, having a sort of superstitious regard for it influence on his fortunes. His valu- able work as a railroad engineer and his services in connection with the laying of the Pacific cable commend him to the high opinion of his fellow Cangdians. : City Waltz," 13e. - five Cu 3 on cover; compos of BCAA bapd. Sell 8 jl '| STORAGE FURNISHED without board, a veniences. 63 Rideau blocks from Princess St. ROOMS, wir modern Bt, oR con- three Rm FOR FURNITUR ¢lean and dry. McCann, 8! street. FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH without board. Apply Mrs. 8, land. 425 Alfred St. oR Hy- opyIcH Dany IN OLARENUE 2 a am App! nal Muadle, 79 [3 Clarence Conuingiam 8 SIX-ROOMED HOUSE; IMM possession; rent Feasonab, EOL AT® ply Box 1129, Whig office. PRIVATE GARAGE OR STORA for auto for _the winter; clean dry. McCann, 82 Brock St. DWELLINGS © AT 830, $1 also offices, stores, ey Tad Real Estate Agency, 82 Brock St 7-ROOM FRAME mouse, 1ST OF DR. BUarL struct Apply vo 1 Th" Lall ua ree o law, 24% Bari STORAGE FOR VURN ary: airy rooms; aud key: Frost's Queen Phone 526 SITTING ROOM AND BEDROOM with grate fire, on first floor; also two bedrooms on second floor with bath." Use of telephone and private entrance Apply 44 William 8 0 n lock i' "storage, 299 BUSINESS CHANCES -- ANYONB ANYWHERE AN ART a mall assing: nusiness at oe ; A gend'ier% for tree ET ' LEGAL w" Ofice, 16 CUNNINGHAM & num w ers and solicitors, Clarence dos. 38, In, a ROE : NEWLANDS & SON, tects, ete. Offices, 258 Bawot Phone $98, » & SON, POWER & ARC Bank Huliding,, chants' Boks and Wellington stiects. Drop Drop.

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