, Al Lengths and sizes 25% DISCOUNT On Catalogue Prices A - JOHN McKAY, Limited | THE FUR HOUSE 18th. Midwinter ways apprec- i Recuction from 10 to 20 p.c.' Large stocks to select from. New- est designs. Unequalled qualities. Now is the house furnishing saving time. We will hold your purchases until needed, and guarantee delivery. Terms Cash Repair and Upholstering Work -10 per cent. cheaper during this sale. Phone 90. 149-157 Brock Street. ' NECESSARY 7 Then a pair of glasses would be a most useful present. We make a specialty of glasses and will make the ex- amination at any time. New oxford library glasses ic tortoiseshell and iongnettes, J. §. Asselstine D. 0. §. Eyesight Specialist. 842 King St. Kingston, Ont. FLOUR Our Robin Hood brand of flour has a guarantee in every bag for good quality. ANDREW MACLEAN Ontario Street. He t J. S. Dennison, REGISTERED ATTORNEY, 18 King Btreet West, Toronto, Pa- tents, Trade-Marks, Designs, Copyright, protected every~ where; eighteen years' exper- lence. Write for booklet. pe I HARRISON & 0 Rugs and Linoleums Our new rugs, Scotch and English Linoleums are arriving every day from the best manufac- These are the new patterns for the turers. coming spring of 1914, R. McFAUL Carpet Warelionse. In spite of your most watch- ful care. and what a satisfac- tion it is to have a good reli- able insarance policy with a 'Selid, prompt loss paying com- pan; y. * 'Are you on the safe side? . You can get safe protection from y my Thomas Copley Telephone 987 Drop a card to 13 Pine street when wanting anything done in the carpen- tery line. Estimates given on all kinds of repairs and new work; also hard. wood floors of all kinds. All orders will receive prompt attention. Shop, 60 Queen' Street. WHY DOCTORS PRESCRIBE Sm---- Because it is not a patent medi- cine but a prescription of a very em- inent doctor. 108 Nox a Cold in one day.. 26c and 50c per bottle at all drug stores. Mahood's drug store. ° The ARISTOCRAT of NECKWEAR IN 56 DIFFERENT SHADES Wateh our window for dis- plays, and when you think of Besigaline in plain shades, think of us. COLLIER'S Toggery Shop The Home Of Neckwear Men Wil Wear SPORT RE mr FRONTENACS DEFEATED PETER: : BORO BY 10 to 4 A -- Queen's Hockey Team To Practise This Evening --- Electrical Score Board Erected at the Covered Rink. RE en The junior Frontébace opened a suc cessful season at Peterboro on Tues- day evening when they defeatod the junior O.H:A. team of that city, by 10 to "4. At hall time the score was 6 to 4. After the rest period the Frontenacs showed that they had hoth speed and aggressiveness by landing four more points as com- pared to a blank sheet for the Ie terboro bunch. > - The Frontenac defence played an excellent game. « Mills and * Godard, two new boys in O.H.A. hockey, cer- tainly earhed a place on the line as a (result of their excellent play last evening, "Jack" Mills is brother of the famous "Dick" Mills, who tended the nets for Queen's: senior outdit some years ago, Uodard, a student, played an excellent game. On one occasion he wemt up the ice and scored. The Millan boys played a good game. "Rubie" scored four of the ten goals, Derry was also very prominent in: the scoring. The teams. were : Frontenaes--Goal, fence, Godard; left defence, Angrove: rover, N."Millan; centre, R. Millan; left wing, Derry; right wing, Cook. Peterboro--Goal, Darling; right de "fence, Long; left - defence, Richardson; rover, Halpin;. centre, Rose; right wing, Knapman; left wing, Barrie Referee--Harvey Sproule. Mills; right de St. Mary's School Hockey Team The St. Mary's school hockey execu tive met on Tuesday evening and elect ed the following officers: Honorary presidents, Archbishop Spratt, Revs Father Hanley, Father Halligan, Fath er McDonald, and T. J. Rigney; presi- dent, J. E. McDonald; manager, F. Burns; secretary-treasurer, W. Bennett: | captain of team,<T. J. Waters. The madagement decided to enter an inde pendent team to play junior games with Regiopolis College and- city jun tor juvenile teams. 1 1 | City League Opening | Fhe opening games of the Cit { Hockey League will. take place = to night. The first" game will be betwen |the R.C.H.A. and Iroquois. Bankers { | and Portsmouth . clash' next and the will be pulled off be junior feature (tween K.C.I. and Regiopolis Curling Games | On Tueshay evening three games were played at the curling rink. In the club series games, the rink skip- ped by W. J. Driver, won fiom 8S. jUorbett, by a score of ten to eight |The game between A. 'H. Warwick and [A Strachan slated for Thursday even S jIng was played, on Tuesdgy evening. | {'The former skip won gut. by 11 to 7. : The games in the Whig trophy ser- les commence this evening. -- Collégiates vs. Belleville Kingston Collegiate and Belleville {Junior hockey teams will meet on Fri- |day evening, at the covered rink, and the hockey fans will be given an op- portunity of seoing a fast game. When the local bunch met 'I'renton in Belle- iville, on New Year's evening, it sprang a surprise on that "team by j winning out. Since then the {ollegiate boys have been practicing faithfully. {Tuesday afternoon there were enough players out to the practice to make up four complete teams. Ser---- Queen's Hockey Team Since the Queen's senior hockey squad returned from the hockey tour | during the ' Christmas vacation, no practices : have been held. It is ex- pected that the team would be on the ice on' Wednesday evening. It is very important that considerable prac- tice 'be held on account of the first intercollegiate games being in Montre- al on January A6th. 3 Electrical Score Board An electric score board is t ed at the south'end of the covered rink. Every score made during the game will be registered on this board. The lights will 'be operated by one of the men from the university, who will be seated directly over the time keepers bench. It is expected that the ibpard will be used for the first time, op Friday evening. : -- FIRST FIRES OF THE YEAR wing plac- | The Brigade Had Three Thirteen Hours, Calls ' in The first fire of the year occurred (on Tuesday afternoon, when .the bri- gade was called to the residence of br. C. Nash, Albert street, where a {spark from a defective fire grate caus 'ed 230 damage. : { At 7.04 pm. there was a call {extinguish a blaze in a {428 King street east. | resulted, At 2.50 a.m. Wednesday, the bri- gade was summoned by telephone to | the Y.W.C.A. building, 196 Johnson street, kitchen was filled (with smoke. The hose waggon and the men 'of No. 2 station responded, | but found that the commotion was caused by'a pot of meat baing ° left on the stove and burntng till it began to smoulder. There was no | {damage, Chie! Armstrong reports, ex- icopt to the meas. : to chimney at No damage . Pe --, WHO'LL BE CHAIRMEN Committees This Year? Aldermen are figuring as to who among them: will be chosen as chair- men of 'civic committees, For ward of Works Ald. J. W. Litton, the de- feated mayoralty candidate, is ® one suggested. As Ald. Kent is looked upon as the permanent head of the parks' committee the only other two commiftees at the disposal of coum- cil are property and fire and light, which, it is contendedy should be am ed. © In all probability Ald. Harrivon will be made the prop to chairman. Now that there is no 0 Ea ' committer the council will have less work befors : it this year. The paving of Princess street will ho the big problem, # the City Council 7 Si { A GREAT BLAST WAS SET OFF WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON To Make a Roadway Through Hill Twenty-two Pounds of Explosives ed. the Hundred Were Use J For the past few days, much inter | est has been taken in the gigantic | hlast which was sit off an Wednesday | afternoon, where they are blasting a | roadway throngh Barriefield hill, Th, firm which undertook the blasting is the Olympic Powder company, of Des- eronto, and the superintendent, W. S Pearce, came here to supervise the job. He assisted by John Me: Kenny, of the same firm. The chamber which contained the ex- {plosives Mas drilled in the rock eight fet square, and four fect high at the the end of a -thirty-five-foot. pascage jway drilled into the heart of the all, {at an angle of forty-five degrees. This i large chainber, which widened out into a I shape, was filled with 1,200] | pounds of ' stick powder, and 1,000 § pounds of granular powder, making a 'total of 2,200 pounds. of' posserful ex--4 plosives. This charge was connnected | with an electric wire which led to and electric battery between a quarter and | a hali a mile ' down the Barriefield | road. i Alexander Melntosh, the foreman in charge of the blast, which is known | as a cogotte, oressed the button ! which exploded Je charge. Ii | figured that the "blast would either | raise or blow out 4,360 tons of rock | was was JOINT 1. 0. O. F: INSTALLATION. Of Officers of Cataraqui and King- ston Lodges J, H, Donevan, D.D: grand niaster, assisted by W. I. Mitchell, D.D. grand marshal, of Lansdowne, installed thes officers of Cataraqui and Kingston LO.0.F. lodges on Monday evening : y Cataraqui, Xol:. 10---J.P.G., W.|.J, Arniel; N.G., R. J. Henderson; V.G., | 'J. G: Cruse; recording secretary, R: | M. Douglas; financial secretary, A. W. Cathearty treasurer, A. W. Mclean; | warden, T. England; Con., W. Blake; 0.G., Jame Hamilton; 1.G:., R. CI wick; R.S.N.G., James Leslie; 1 | N.G., Hall " R.8.V.G., J. Parken 1 L.S.V.G, WW. Goode; RSS. William | { Beasley: | , William Grant; chap- lain, William, Hanley; Dr.' A. W. Richardson Kingston, No. 59--J.P.G. A. Iv; N.G., William Perry: V.G., Hipson; recording Fdgar; financial Diack; treasurer, R |S. McCaig; Con, FE. Belwa; 0.G., 8 | | Reynolds 1.G., T. Morris; .R.S.N.G., "Thomas Funnell; ..8S.N.G., George Gil J bert; R.S.V.(i., William McCune; | S.V.G..; C. Sleeth; R.8.S.,'F Koefl; | L.S.5.; Charles Funnell; chaplain, Wil. | liam Bickham; physician, Dr. A. ¥. | Ross r | NN physician, McCaul William secretary, Ww . 1 secretary, R. J) Stafford; warden, | S| STORRINGTON ELECTIONS Sleeth Was Flected the Eeeve. { charles Ww. As | i | | Charles W. Sleeth was elected reove of Storringlon township, defeating | John Taylor by a vote of 282 to 200. | The vote for councillors resulted follows : | James Dixon, 295 Adam Ritchie, 251; Andrew McFadden, 237; James Shepherd, 203; Benjamin Kells, 180 as High cost of living knocked on the hepd--300 pks. of fine sweet oranges, | -30¢c, pk., at Gilbert's busy stores, | Man's: lined Mocha gloves, 7c. Dutton's. "Liguid green soap shampoo." | son's. Gib- WEDNESDAY, JAN UARY 7, 1914. 8 By 3 Practica pondence Series These books were written espec- ially for practical self-instruction, by experts whose experience and stand- ing make them authorities. They are so clear that the begin- 80 thor- ner can understand them; ough that the trained worker learn from them. They not cover the fundamental principles of engineering practice, and business usage, but al- developments and the accepted praetice of the most mechanical, science, so present the latest successful men, in these lines Air Brake Alternating Current Machinery | Handbooks for Home Study American School of Corres- Architectural Drawing and Lettering Bank Book-keeping Building Code Building Superintendence Carpentery . Contracts and Specifications Forging can only | Gas Engines and Producers Heating and Ventilation Machine Design aE, Bey Ete, Corporation Accounts and Vou Boiler Accessories Care and Operation of Automobiles Compressed - Ais cher System Estimating Freehand and Perspective Drawing Foundry Work Masonry and Re-inforced Concrete Machine Shop Work The most complete line of Home Study Technical Books carried in the city, from 25¢ to $10.00, The College BookStore 160-162 Princess St. a se i Blankets, Blankets] | OPEN NIGHTS. We have some exceptionally good values in White and Grey Wool Blankets, all the wanted weights and sizes, CLOSE PRICES. Flannelette Blankets in White or. Grey with Pink or Pale 3 sizes, medi- um, large and extra large siz- RIGHT PRICES. Blue border. €S. Bed Comforters in neat, plain, reversible - patterns. PRICES. BEST NEWMAN Kingston's Famous Fur Store OUT. MUST G0 ALL CLOTH COATS Very Low Prices on All Coats for Ladies - Children We must sell all our Cloth Coats for- Ladies and Children this month. Our stock represents the very latest styles. Many 'were put in stock last month. Reductions are from One-third to HALF- Watch our windows. GEORGE MILLS & C0. 126 and 128 Princess Street. son's: "THE ALWAYS & SHAW BUSY STORE." THE WEEK OF PRAYER. in Chalmers Tuesday Evening. ! The second evening .in connection with the week of prayer was held in Chalmers church on Tuesday ev- ening. Rev. Alfred Brown , spoke on, "The Individual and the Church." He said it was thé duty of all to stand united in one con- quering body if the church ever ceases in 'its powers of usefulness, to help those who 'are needy, or if one member suffer, and his co<part- ners do not suffer with him then it wi]l be pretty nearl¥y tifne for that church to have an awakening «Only by the usefulness which the church has displayed, has it succeeded in all nations, and widened it scope The motto of the churches of to-day is "to conquer." If any church wayers in this, or barely flickers, is wi not be long before a tottering will result. > A chureR of this kind may be 'classed as cold, and the teachers within it likewise, or pos- sibly it 'may have no teachers: at all. = As Mr. Brown said it is not mere- ily enough for church followers to stay within the benches and let {danger threaten them, but instead of |remaining at one particular stand point must advance their trenches, and be continually in the advance line, ready to move on again and conquer other evils which from time to time are forever" ¢onfront- ing us. The church will always have enemies, in some place or another, and it is then necessary for the supporters\of (the church stand faithful. On Wednesday evening ject to be treated is, "The Indivi- dual and the Nation," and will be taken up in Princess sireet Meth odist, and Zion Presbyterian chur ches. . Address Church on Leh] sub- Dissolution of Partnership sale "hiring the month of will sell oun winter overcoatings and heavy suitings regardless of profit. All sales for cash. W. Carroll, tail: or, 206 Princess streel. - Perfect comfort : shion sole Duttan's, "Lignid January we Dr: Vernon's cu- boots for men or women. green soap. shanipoo." Gib- € I ny Sarwe F Good Dry Maple Cord. wood, 'Hard and Soft Slabs, Kindling, Etc. i Orders have prompt attention. : A ing |S. ANGLIN & C0 Cor, Bay and Welllngion Sts. Every person should have some kind of outdoor exercise, eillier snhowshoe- ing, tobogganing; skating. We have all the necessaries. Snowshoes from $2.50 to $3.50, Toboggans from $3.00 to §4.50, Skates, 60c to $5.00. Every skate guaranteed against plat- ing 'and breaking, and boots free, | SALE astened to |i 85 PRINCESS ST, -------- Ww. A. Mitchell Phone. 919 Brooches Made in platinum, with sap- phires and pearls set in. The designs are mostly Eur- opean and very attractive. y Smith Bros. Jewelers and Opticians. Tssners of Mar! Licenses. Optical' Prescriptions. Ground, FUR 20 p.c. discount off all furs. W. F. Gourdier 78 Brock Street A Dwelling together with barn, in the village of Barriefield, for $850 Houses to rent, Fire Insurance, re< presenting Phoenix, British Crown and National Union. Complete list of property for sale at office. Houses to. rent. Fire. Insurance, E. W. MULLIN Real Estate Bought énd Sold. Cor. Johnson and Division Sts. Phones 339 and 1456 LL The New Year The New Thought ~they come bounding in to- | get rong, proud, reso. lute, determined to outdo their rs. "Let the New Year and the New Thought t +3 Bring You to Our + Laundry - New Sanitary M and never a failure in doing spot. less work---remember, never a failure. x mn Po