Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Jan 1914, p. 7

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BANK or TORONTO Partners " business, hiisband and wife or Joint Treasurers of a Trust Fund will find a Joint Savings Account in The Bank of Toronto a very great convenience. With an account this nature, either party may deposit or withdraw money, and in the event of the death of either the balance belongs to the sur- of vivor. Market Square, Kingston. George B. McKay Howard S. Folger INVESTMENT BROKER HIGH GRADE BONDS AND STOCKS | REAL ESTATE DISTRICT- MANAGER FOR THE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSUR- : ANCE SOCIETY. PHONE 995. 44 CLANENCE ST. A -- Having made arrangements to handle CRAWFORDS COAL the citizens of Kingston will find this a very through which to plage their coal orders. GOOD COAL CAREFUL ATTENTION PROMPT DELIVERY GEORGE BAWDEN 168 Princess Street convenient office Do The Right Thing. Deo the right thing at the right time in the right way Do some things better than'they were ever done before. Do all your buginess in Kingston with Kingston people. . Don't g0 outside for your Insurance. You will get better service at home Do as much of your FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT AND Insurance as you Teasonably can with T J. 0. HUTTON Real Estate and Insurance Agent 18 Market St, SICKNESS Kingston, KINGSTON You Merchants | I will call in a few days with one of the largest ranges of Special Advertising Calen- dars, Novelties and Sets ever shown, H. S. Crumley Phone 333 or 1442, 36 BROCK ST. PHONE 68, Extend the Heartiest of New Year Greetings We Wish to Thank our many friends and patrons for their pat- ronage during the past year. Our sincere de- sire is that one and all may have a Happy and Prosperous New Year. HOAG'S DRUG STORE Kingston, Ont. the publie in general.. That the New Year may ) the best, the happiest, the most prosperous yet, is their wish for you, J. K. CARROLL, Manager. After Holiday Sale of Furniture All goods now reduced in price. A splendid chance to save money, Big line of beautiful antique furni- ture, stoves, ranges, etc. from. prices paid. L. LESSES Cor. Princegs and Chatham Streets. hone 10435, Notice of Registration of By-Law Notice is hereby ven that a by. law was passed by the Council of the Corporation of the City 'of Kingston, on the 8th day of December, 1013, providing for the issue of deben- tures to the amount of $31,000, for the purpose of érecting an addition to the Kingston Collegiate Institute, and for improving said school * for High School purposes, and that such by-law was registered in the registry office of the City of Kingston, in the County of Frontenac, on the 20th day of December, 1913. Any motion to quash or set aside the same or any part thereof must be made with- in three months after the first pub- lication of this motion, and cannot be made thereafter Dated the 20th day of December, 113, EYES EXAMINED PRESCRIPTION FILLED om f the too Shows the nerve force o eves has been weakened by much reading or overwork. The remedy is Glasses pared by our optician. pre- Haven't you need for our services? RODGER The King Street Jeweler Where the Clack is on the Walg Ww. Ww SANDS, City Clerk, Nader TEE to all thir Sastomery and to|May to cha ifity in the next few months. Also héusehold goods bought, best, lof Detroit, co caUSES TWO DOCTORS TO SEEK TREATMENT Imaginary - Rabies Caused = Man's Death -- Had Been Harmlessly Bitten by a Dog and Then Chaf- ed by Friends. London, Ont., Jan. 5--Dr. John Hunt of Port Arthur, and Dr. Wil- liam Hunt, of Fort William, sons of Mr. C. B. Hunt of this city, left yesterday for Toronto to take the Pasteum treatment. The two physi- eians, who were on a holiday visit to their parents several days ago, were playing with a pet dog, when the animal suddenly devlioped symp- toms of rabies, which caused its death, Neither of the mer were bit- ten, but fearing possible infection through scratches on their hands it wag thought best not to take any chances. The dog was a valpable bull-dog which had taken many prizes. Caused Man's Death Syracuse, N. Y., Jan. 5--Hydrop- hobia, brought on by fright, rather than rabies killed J. E. Hubbell, a former clerk of Onandaga county and prominent in politics. He was bitten in the face Novem- ber 20th, while teasing a pet hall- ir : EAT TR en em psy ge 1 ! b HES - ie eI GRAND i And TONIGHT ogee © The Cansdian King of Repertoire ERNEE MARKS 3242 Company TO-NIGHT THE CANADIAN GENTLEMAN TUESDAY, "SWEET CLOVER" G--=New Vaudeville Acgy----i ICES, ¥ SEATS NOW ON City Hall Thursday, Jan. 8th dog. The wound was immediately cauterized apd later tetanus antitox- in was administered. Examination of the dog by experts showed him free from rabies. No alarming symptoms developed until Monda when Mr. Hubbell began to ba trouble with his throat and showed | symptoms of fear of water. It came known then that friends joked Hubbell on the hydrophobia and being of temperament it preyed on his ui til the dread malady really came manifest. Diagnosing the case as one auto-hynosis, attending doctors wus- ed all possible psychological means, but their efforts failed and death ended his sufferings. had} be- BTOCK MARKETS. F. B. McCurdy & Co., 86 ana 8 Brock St.--Ii. W, Nelles, Manager Closing Prices, Jan. 5th. Montreal. Canners B&O, ... Toronto Railway Brazilian .... Textile Detroif Macdonald Bell Telephone New York. Coppers . CGP.R. .. Reading Union Facile Atchison .... Northern Pac . . Brooklyn Rapid Transit Rubber ....... ....... Lehigh Valley Northern Pacific American Can. Southern Pacific Cotton. May SE ins March .. Renmin INCIDENTS OF THE Newsy Paragraphs Picked Our Reporters. foys' sweaters, 50c. Dutton's, Mid weather - is 'promised is _quife balmy in the west. "Jork supports" at Gibson's. Clouds, 25c.; scarfs, 25c.; toques, : mitts, from 15. Dutton's. Miss Dora McCann, of Burridge, visiting Mes. FF. MeCue, of the hotel. Miss Pearl Richards, Larl left, to-day, for Peterboro, is attending normal school A dividend tolthe York County Save i ings and Loan shareholders is a possi: Up B) It soon He is Winds street, where she Men's lined Soe. Dutton's. Mis: G. pig-skin mitts, Whitfield, professional nurse. left, to-day, to resume her duties, after visiting her parents York: street. "Buy Listerine" at Gibsén's. "Mr. and Mrs. J. Chapman, whe have been visiting his mother, at See lev's Bay, returned, on. Monday, te his home in Buffalb, N.Y 'Buy Listerine" at (ibson's. 4 Women's gaiters from 50¢. on' but- Tro drunks were 'the only offenders in 'the police_court on Monday morn: ing. One wag fined, and the other was given a chance: "Buy Almond Cream" at: Gibson's. Miss Myrtle Watts, Frontenac street. leit, to-day, to resume her studies at St. Margaret' s College, after visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.W, Watts. Men's lined Mocha gloves, The. Patton's. "Palm Olive Foals" at Gibson's, Dr. and Mrs. F. W. Gordon and son, "Billie," have returned to Toronto, af ter spending New. Year's with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Gordon, 240 Alfred strevt. ; i "Buy Listerine" at (iibson's. Sale! Men's $1.50 gun metal boots 8.55. Datton's. Mrs. R. Peck, of Joyceville, and Mrs. Samuel Lowe, Portsmouth, wore both removed to the General hispital in James Reid's ambulance on 'Monday. A meeting of the Ladies" Aus iliary of the Hotel Dieu was held on Sup day aiternoon. Final * arrangements wore made for the holding of a char ite dance in the eity hall on the even be- | possibility of | nervous | mind | ot] 5 No and College Girls" {In Grand and Comic Opera, Singing and Acting Tn Aid of Public Library | Prices 50¢ and 73¢. | Plan now open at Library. "Walter Fecles \ CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES LOST First insertion lc a word. Each con- secutive lusertion thereafter, half cent a word. Minimum charge for ene insertion, 2We.; three Insertions, Doe. nix, $1; one month, $2." HELP WANTED A DINING ROOM GIRL. APPLY AT Imperial Hotel, 76 Princess St A COOK. APPLY TO MRS. R. S§. WAl- dron, cor. King and Emily St CHAMBERMAID, fenced and good MUST BE kitchen EXPER- woman MINK MARMOT FIR ON TUESDAY Dec. 28rd. on tween Kingston .and Station, by way of Finder please leave evening, road be- Ballantyne Middie road. at Whig office. FOUND. FRIDAY, A Sim Brock or Alfred have same at 2 proving property advt OF MONEY ON Sts. Owner may Alfred St by and paying for BIRDS! BIRDS! BIRDS! Hotel Frontenac. CAPABLE WOMAN TO DO WASHING and roping. Apply at once to Division St. : GUARANTEED MALE CANARINS, each a beauty for plumage ana song. Come in and hear the bird sing before vou buy. W. J. Driver, Queen and Barrie, 'Phone 6132. EXPERIENCED PROOFREADER. State experience and wages ex- pected Apply Business Manager, The Whig. A HOUSEMAID AT ONCE, EXPER- ience not necessary. Apply Mrs Thompson, Reyal Military College Kingston. JOHN HUNTER, 22 PATRICK ST,, ALL TEAMSTER. kinds of light and heavy team work done on short notice. Spec- ial rates for driving parties Phone 1255. ~ PERHAPS BE modern Ey in Rin A n at * Stuart St. Phone. 1429. oa A. Hoppins, aENUL INS ou; onde vie oir fois iu r gh ive ST ncess aD A \ AW AND TENTS--PLACE YOUR now. Subject to delivery a time in. the spring. Frank Ww. -- Cooke, 39 Clarence St. TF a FINE LOT LOT OF WALNUT AND OAR ideboards, the best we have reasonabl fad 701, » a 'Phone 7 ONE DOUBLE AND TWO SINGLE SIX room frame houses and a num ber of building lots. Easy terms. Apply 427 Albert street, ONE COLUMBIA GRAPHAPHONE with about 40 records; 1 small pug stove and one gas heater, zi! in first-class condition; cheap. 72 Ear! street. A YOUNG GIRL TO general housework; references required. G. King, Alice St. ASSIST WITH sleep at home; Apply Mrs, $1300 WEEK AND EXPENSES TO travel appointing local represen- tatives. Frank Waterson, Division B., Brantford. | AN INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY | earn $100 monthly corresponding | for newspapers: no. canvassing Send for .particulars. Press Syndi- cute, 3,969 Lockport, N.Y. TEACHERS WANTED. QUALIFIED PROTESTANT TEACHER for P. 8. 8. No, Wolfe Island Salary i or according to quali- fication ply to R. H. Card, Sec, Treas: Wolte Island, Ont. QUALIFIED, NORMAL PROTESTANT teacher for 8S. 8. No. 6, Wolfe Island State qualifications and salary Duties to commence Jan. 5. Apply Wm. Cooper, Box 2, Wolfe Istand oo | ATTENTION: PROTESTANT MEN | and women of character seeking employment for all or send your qualifications. lace you. No charge, iouse, Drawer B., Braniford. In aid of Hotel Dieu Hospital, der iliary, in' the City Hall, Jan. 7th, 1914, p 50c. Refreshments, FOR 25¢. PER TIN, » Emergent Meetin The members of St. Mary's ne 150, of the Catholic Order of Foresters, are requested to attend the funeral of the late Brother Pat- rick. Kennedy, Tuesday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock, from his late residence, Portsmouth DOYLE Secretary. 7 SOME. NEW LINES Xmas Table Delicacies Huntley & Palmer's Fancy English Biscuits ixed Chocolate, Cream Fing- Oriental Creams, Petite er CHARITY DANCE un- the auspices of the Ladies' Aux] on Wednes- 8.30 to 1 p.m. WANTED meritorious Florida ission Tre purchasers of Palm = Beach: Cou | "ompany, Box 513, Stuar WANTED---GENERAL T™ SELL od allowed res JUST ARRIVED---A FINE ASSORT- ment of new sultings to choose from for your fall sult. Call and see them, Ashby the Tailor, the man that sults you. 74 Brock St. EN ) TO BRINGS THEIR cloth and ve it made up into up- to-date suits. Price and workma: ship guaranteed to please. Press- ing and repairing doné on the shortest notice. Thomas Galloway 131 Brock street, near Bibby's Liv- ery. ha WE WISH TO INFORM OUR. CUS- tomers and friends that we are now open for business after hav. ing our place renovated We are now open to buy new and second Princess street. Next to St. A hand furniture. J. Thompson, drew's church, TRLGM ANN SC Heol Fr MUSIC. INSTRUCTION--MISS CHRIS. | Cochrane, 78 Gore St, King- Telephone 136. VIOLIN tine ston. oF Music, e219) str "Te te ac her A e Tecan Miss Norma and O. F. hers of violin, man- t Terms for tui- engagements on ntenae B. 2 for. mann concert application. PERSONAL et eee ------------------------ HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, marks and all growths and skin blemishes removed permanently, without scar; Years experience Dr. Elmer J. Lake, Fye, Ear, Noss. Throat and Skin Specialist, 25% Bagot street BIRTH. SCALP MASSAGE FOR hair, dandruff, etc, ectricity (new method). Latest treatment in - shampooing, face massage, manicuring, chiropody, Up-to-date styles in hair wor rs. Herod, graduate masseuse 159 Wellington St, Phone 1495 Hours 10 to 12 am. and 2 to b p m., and by appointment. FALLING treated by el- HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SEC ond-hand furniture, stoves, ete. me before selling youl goods. also have a large stock second-hand furniture which we will sell to ¢ cost. J. Thompson, St, next to St Ww of new ay stove 1 out, at Princess Andrew's church USINESS NOTICES am, v7 Ntrigely os UPHOLSTERER KINGSTON SHORTHA writing and Copyin Queen 8t. All Work fidertial. Rates mode Fry J. GAVINE, UPHOLSTERING, RE. pairing and carpet work, hair mattress renovating. Drop' a card or call 216 Bagot street. -- FINANCIAL WO. Ty HEATER AND Ee 0 Guerney ) he 0 BOD Ta Al any ev- ening this week at ncess Bt, at 730 p.m. NEW SOLID BRICK ON Johnson street, 9 rooms; all mod- ern improvements; good tion; easy terms. Apply to A. F. Bond, 26 Frontenac street, 'Phone 743, HOUSE A KARN-WARREN TWO-MANUAL Pipe orgap (1% stops), good tome, ind in first ae condition, finely "nished, quartered oak case, Apply ury, organist First Saptist church, Standard office. CHOICE FARM. ONE HUNDRED and ninety-five acres, 9 miles from Kingston and 1 mile from Glens vale. Has an abundance of cholce pine, spruce and cedar and nevers ating water thereon. Well fen For further information ap Sohn Clark, RM.D. 1, Westbro hy su ; ¥ $1650 NEW FRAME HOUSE, ALL Me 5 provements. FRAME sousm, DOUBLE nearly new CEMENT PLASTER, IMPROVEY": ments, fine location. BATEMAN & GARDINER, INSTR nce, Money to Loan. 67 Claren: 4 t Kingston. ' MeLAT GHLIN-BUICK MOTOR CA it 30-36, mohair top, slip covery ui i field, tires all new, and tire irons, Gi« xtra tires; equip. k, speedometer; Truf- artford shock absorbers, - lectric lighted, two head, two' vide and tail lamps, all lights op- erated from dash. This ear is as good as new, has had the best of run over 5000 miles oller on dash, full set s, power pump for inflating + four extra tubes. This ear' cost. $2,000.00. Insured .to June 30, 1914. For further particulans apply. Wm. Templeton, Napanee, Ont. . tires, FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. ment Society; established 1863; vresident, Lt.-Col. Henry R. Smith, Money issued on city and farmn properties, municipal and country debentures; tgages purchased; deposits and interest lowed MeGill, Manager, Clarence Sty A ---------------------------- LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND Fire Insurance C ompany, assets, $61,187,215 which security city property, ig possible 8 Before old or giving new rates from Strange Agents. Phine 325 GLOBE Avallable adition- to s have' tor L liability of, at lowest renewing business get & Strange sured ARCHITECT WM. NEWLANDS & tects, ete. Offices, SON, ARCHI- 258 Bagot St Bourre wich lay Shortcake, Puff Sand- Teading Shortbread. Popn- Italian Macaroons, Ratafias, Orkney Asst. Shortbread. 50 varieties to choose. from. Your family grocer can supply you. Fenwick, Hendry & Co. Distributors, i TO RENT Nos. 102° and 124 Victoria street, between®Earl end Johnp- son; nieely decorated, hot air furnace; immediate possession. * Apply McLeod's Drug Store Snapdragon and Halloween. Many of our Halloween customs "snapdesgon," which 'is brought in when refreshments sre served. gen- srally at the last before leaving the table. The lights are uN turned out and the platte; containing 'the snap- dragon is brought in.. Why it is thus named I know net, but it is made this | way: closely and evenly on tbe platter, sprin- kle with salt and cover with good al- cobol. -Just before bringihg in light the alcohol and a most ghastly green: ish white light will be the result, Pass it around the table, und each guest is to try to grab a raisin from the Same. Now, don't ask me Why and wherefore | regarding this strange custom. for I | do uot know: only, my earliest recel- lections of a Halloween patty, and 1 regret to say that it is many years | 480, we had a spapdragon, and an English lady told me bow to make it. Sometimes ghost stories are told while | the dragon burns on the table.--St Louis Giobe-Democrat, Stan ; John O. Thibanlt, postmaster [8 ing of January Tih. Clavion, N.Y. died on January Ist, dged Bag strin Jeary "eome to us from Eugland and Scotiand. | and a west popular one is called the | Place large table raisins quite | at' Phone 608. Se ---------------------------------------------------- POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER- chants' Bank Building, corner Broth; and Wellington streets. Drop a card Records Exchanged All kinds of fecorde, Victor, Col-; umbia, Edison Blue Amberol, Edi- | | son two-minute, for exchange. Also phonographs, gramophones and graf- onolas for sale. Call and let us ex- plain our plan. - SPARKS. AND MEDICAL DR. J. B. HUTTON, 258 KING STREET Office hours, 11-12 am. 3-5 and 7-9 pm. Phone 1251. l DENTAL tenia eon A. E. KNAPP, BA, LDS, DDS, RE. moved to 258 Princess Street. DR, C. €. NASH, DENTIST: DR. Renton, assistant 133 Street. 'Phone 738 -------------------------------------------- SPARKS, DENTISTS, 159 Wellington Str over Car- novsky's), Kingston hone 2486. TT. B. Princess ALLEN'S Phone 252 113 Brock Su DENT corner hr os Bagot slreet. Entrance on Bagot street Telephone 626. UVATEKING | Fresh Buttermilk ------------ KSTIMATES FoR BANQUET v TO LET T™O rooms COMFORTABLY FURNISHED at 144 Barrie Street. _-- STORAGE FOR FURNITUR clean and dry. McCann, tT ROOMS, WITH Apply Mrs 8, Alfred St OFFICE IN CLARENCE 8 i Chambers. pply Cunni 2 Mudie, 79 Clas street. ng on Hy- SIX-ROOMED HOUSE; IMMEDIATE ° possession: rent reasonable Ape ply Box 1129,, Whig office. Cy PRIVATE GARAGR * oR STORAGE for auto for the winter; clean ang dry, McCann, 82 Broce pa DWELLINGS AT 8310, 816, 917, 84, also offices, stores; etc. McCann's Real 'Estate Agency, 52 Brock St 7-ROOM FRAME Royse. ar or DE. cember, gas, 1 Stuart et oe to ay R. Laig- law, 248 Division St. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEA dry, alry rooms; your own J and key. Frost's Sly Storage, m Queen St, Phone §26D TWO HEDROOMS AND room, in private family" good lo- cality; with use of 'phone. Apply Box 142 Whig office, A _ SITTING ners, balls and parties, ete. So fatiery and nen to rent. Apply te Mrs. . Lackle, 69 Bagot. Phons For Sale Fresh buttermiik may now be ob- ESTIMATES GIVEN FOR BALL SUP pers, banquets, dinners, ete. Bilverware and Sutlery rent. articulars apply to . Toye's King St, atore. | tained at the Eastern Dairy School . Sy . every day after 10.30 a.m. Price 2 cents per quart. A Hard Question. Winnipeg Free Press, Will free wheat satisfy the demand {of the West 'for wider markets? ( [is this a case where the appetite wil fron with what it feeds upon? i Feter Trickey, a resident of Alex- andria, Bay N.Y., died on Wednesday in the St. Vincent de Paul Hospital | Brockville. afier a long illness, aged | | fifty-one Foals, Don't place too much faith in the jolt saws. © The mau who day nothing doesn't always saw 'wood. |" It is possible for a man to hava {too many friends but it takes him (a 'ong Lume 10 realize it. | The United States revenue cutter An- | droscoggin i ushore on Cole's Point, | Chesapeake Ba y Wooliver, St. as, dil in the hospital pt © poisoning. Thom- a resus § WE CATER TO PA Wedding breakf al%0 rent dighes, silverware, Rela and Hambrooy P. Reid, '30 Ualon- street, F. C Hambrogh 176 'Alfred - street Phones 843 or 308. -- TIES, BALLS , banquets, etc table luens and Quality BUSINESS CHANCES ANYONE ANYWHERE CAN ST. mail order business at home; aris be your 'own Bend for free booklet; Tells Heacock, 2,969, Lockport, N.Y, lo * LEGAL CUNNINGHAM & MUDIE, BARRISTS ers and solicitors, Law Office, i Clarence street, Kingston. ee -------- or Small Fas USE

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