|{ONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES Lost, - Z- FOR SALE ac : Firat insertion ie a word. Hach con GOLD BAR PIN SET WITH PINK NOVELTIES FOR CHRISTMAS FRANK | = ) os '4 : j secutive fanertio reftter, 2 3 . Mond rent t Pak NY. Cook " ¢ . Should take thé form df 4 "joint 'account™ in The Bank of +L k BRT wiry petri Boer een compli BR Fink, son Raglan "Road of Montraas w Cooke; Phone. 391.39 Cinrencd Toronto. Bi of tv. Jor "ous In We Nousoheld' 4 devout 0 ¢ corset. P OR Prob Btfaduiea he une Shertion, . S00} three antextiuuuy Whi office aid pied Ve an, ht SECONDHAND TYPEWRITER Pd 1 oi ; L 125-35 -- ont mantle $2 rg a aod comdition.: Apply 341 ng : : RICES A SMALL SEWING BAG, CONTAINING g or withdraw money. Interest is added hait-yearly to the balance. 5 Syne, v : cite Er hoe, . pa hn PAIRING stfeet. A Joint Account in The Bank of Toronto'is mot only a convenience, | . 3 HELP WANTED Bok on New Year's night. on bi- a : on on... Jt between William and PERRARS Ty Ki ncassony 0 but it is also an incentive to thrift and the accumulation of a de ing a : A KITCHEN WOMAN XT ONCE. Ar. re Please return io) Chery | Stuart St Phan' amen Hoppina, sirable Bank Balance. - Lo = A GENUINE with your DIES STR s ; § . Ci hi encets A COOK. APPLY TO: RS. WAL- elve is ; : vay a : dro, cor, King and Emily $t. BIRDS! BIRDS BIRDS! for sds, WO 5 Da son's ; GIRLS WANTED FOR THE WORK- MALE : | a ae: room. Apply N. C. Polson & Coo Tor | plumage nd x : . x : 3 SY a ~ song. Come and hear the bird ™ 3 8 Ki ¢ % aber Ry Ontario Srest, nk bof ou buy, W, ; : i 3 in Te- N ENTLE : 8 of -» J. Driver, ueen an rrie, 'Phone 612, s g. rio EXPERIENCED PROOFREADER. : C Tablas" 2c Be na TMs ON BIRLDAND Tivo sxc sis. "> Je ected, Pply Business Manager, . Red Crods Drug | honee PR a an) 5 * tei ra " . . ber of building lots. Eas; i is The Whi JOHN HUNTER, 22 PATRICK ST, ALL Apply 427 Albert street, Mr. 'aiid Mrs, Brennan and family. . rs ; i a pronto, spent New Year's - with A YOUNG of = Kinds of }ight and heavy team -- TO ASSIST WITH work "do on short notice. Spec- : - E Fenerdl ii. 200. sleep at home; ial ra for driving parties.| ONE COLUMBIA GRAPHAPHONR friénds in o 4 ~ht yy Tefercnces réviired. Apply Mrs. Phone 1785. . with about 40 records; 1 small pug Organ for sale. Apply Dutton's. : fe 5 8 : G. King, Alice St. > stove and one gas heater, 8': "ty n ' = 4 A . first- nd : . : Ars. W. A. Taylor, 131 Montreal TEACHERS WANTED, Bat 'tre. oon: cheap. ° 73 strebt, is "visiting her sister, Mrs. C. || » 5. EEK AND EXPENSES Tol" x Howard S. Folger Walters, Picton. Q . { oN Appointing local represen- QUALIFY Me Islane Vs LOOAL HEA " = et + J |Puy tooth brushes" at Gibson's : |B untiasy® Waterson, Division] for P'S 8 No according to quali: goiRadia Sonastion. * Xpply cos ah INVESTMENT BROKER i | Red Drug Store, i + Srantord, fication. Apply to R. H. Card, Se¢.- B ng this week at 83 Princess = | | Staald som J39 p.m, th ahd. wife, : 5 € 2 ) Treas. Woife Island, Ont. St, at PROTESTANT TEACHER | TWO $10 8. B No 4 WwW wot, are spending the A MD AS IOTHER'S Assisrany, PROTESTANT TEACHER FOR Ss. 8. g end with relatives in Ottawa. ex noi poving a1. Dome §isterred. No. 9, Portland, holding secomd- | NEW _SOLIB BRICK HOUSE oN ; Men's lined pigskin mitts, 50¢. ; Pound, 175 Cjergy St. {las certificate; duties commenc- pe CRT all nod. * * ¥ ng Jan. Sth, 1814." Apply at once i Joca 3 DISTRIOT FOR THE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSUR- Dutton's. : : -« stating salary, to Fred G, Babcook, gasy terms. Apply to A. F, Bond, ANCE SOCIETY. v S [AN INTRLIIGERD ' , Sec.-Treas,, Hartington, Ont. 26 Frontenac street, "Phone 743. 5 y 7 earn $100 monthly c ing T PHONE 003, 44 CLANENCE BT, for newspapers: no canvassing pouUmi . il Emulsion" in" 25c. | Ruan : Send Tor particulars. Press Syndi- MUSTO. ter, good as new; also pair of bob- les, at. Gibson's Red (ross Drug cate, 3,969 Lockport, N.Y. EE ---- sleighs, in good repair, suitable. : Si. fist - =| VIOLIN INSTRUCTION--MISS CHRIS. for teaming. Apply to 4d. Hyland, ig A NTION: SroresTANT Miz tine Cochrane, J3 Sore Bt, King- 134 Union St. T wam-- : ATTRE! A > sion. Telephoné 138. -- i mp------------------------ women of character seeking v : ny oy ment Sa lifoasi or, Par time TELGMANN SCHOOL. OF MUSIC, 21¢ CHRD ninety ive sores, o miles from ik o « 5 y alifications fe car CLGMANN & L. OF MUSIC, ~ Having made arrangements to handle ot Pe aS Jun ras. Frontenac street. . A. V. 'Tolne Kingwon and 1 mile from Glen= 3 2 a t el vale. Has an abundance of ch Ns an . Delicacies House, Drawer B., Brantford. mann, BE, teacher of elocution pine, spruce. and odan and. never: : : i = ------------------ guy, 2M Botion. Miss Norma and O. F. 8 ! sic Store; 204 Princess street, : Huntley & Palmer's | ¥ 1" Telgmann, teachers of violin wan. failin ater thereon. Well lene. A A new deck will be put on "he stea- Fancy English Biscuits [A MARRIED COUPLE WiTHbUT dolin, plano, ete. Terms for tui- 3% Clark, RAD rig K y the citizens of Kingston will find this 8 very convenient office mer India, of the Calvin fleet, now Mixed oh Shildren Jo act, as Superintendent Son aad concert engagements on + R. . 1, xe } te, bai] - ang matron or o ome 33 . through which to place their coal orders, : In winter quarters at Garden Island. iy Olental renga Petine Friendless and OIa People. Apply | R HOUS L IM. § 4 ' Mise Lillian Burley, Albert street, Beurre, Shortca e, . Put Sand- at once to J. Macdonald, Board of 5 : $1630 NEW FRAME HOU E, AL left on Thursday for Vancouver, B.C. wich. Reading Shortbread, Popu- Education, 3 PERSONAL 8. y Zod lar, Italian Macaroons, Ratafias, \ ---- mm 2280, DC FRAME RovUsSe, CAREFUL ATTENTION PROMPT DELIVERY "here She has a position as teacher. ws HZ Wake rs ew : H Orkney Asst. Shortbread. 50 GEORGE BAWD EN Marshall P. Rou will look aiter the | JUST. ARRIVEB--a PINE "asap. y £0 5 / Es Krebs Asha HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTH- CEMENT PLASTER, IMPROVE. King Cunningham, Jing Juber, Vijicties to choose om, Your Hf WANTED--GENERAL ks and all growths and skin mente: Ane Tochtion - z" . » . . le book | . 3 " : : ment of new. sultings to choose 168 Princess Street in Vitor Shed agmen 2 Hosted from for your fall Suit. Call and Bagot street. dh . OQ . TT Fenwick, Hendry & Ce. R -------- ee -- a Sit removed permanently, y & GARDINE INS Ly ~ Distri re. N | - - r t! . Ashby the Tailor, the OAL -------------- Miss Ma Reid, spending the Christ- man that suits you. 74 Brock St. |SCALP MASSAGE FOR FALLING | LE-SEATED PLEASURE CUT. bate: Pe 20 be Ned y UR. without sckr; 27 yearg experience ance, Money to Loan. 87 Clarence | gston. RIL mas holidays with her sister, Mrs, < Sm -- rr ---------- halr, dandruff, etc. treated by el- BOAT FOR SALE. . -- § » MIs, NS, » i Dr. Elmer J. Lake, Fy , Ear, Noss, 8t, Kin 0 b fith T ectricity (new method). Latest JE. Gibson, Smith's Falls, has return- Throat and Skin Speciglist, 25% 2 GENTLEWEN (hn . treatment In shampooing, face , The Right Thi «i to Kingston, | loth A nae MGS aR | mii "HiTlen Ins hafn Fpody: 5 2 - es sul 'rie u c se ~Q8 p 3 8 1 . Dc ) e g t mg. pLiarge crowds made their ®aF to the 1 thipnte sults Price Ev urium Mrs. Herod, 'graduate masseuse Do the right thing at the right time in the right way. Do some face rink on New Year's after- Nos. 102 | 1 E i and 124 Victoria ing and repairing done mt 3 Wellington . St, Phone 1495, things better than they were ever done before Do all your business ig noon. The 14th band was in attend- - shortest notice. 5. Hourg 10 to 12 am, and 2°to 5p. Kingston with Kingston people. Don't 80 outside for your Insurance ance. and the ico was of the best. street, Potw een Earl and John: 131 Brock street, near Bibby's I m. and by appointmqat. You will get better service at hoi New son "Li : | ery. . t Ee suDo as much of your FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS the. West ora Hatile prey Home 3 son; nicely decorated, ho: an B-- en) Insurance as you reasonably can with nest, 8. Love, tle : . | : i FINANCI ; i Kiss," 35c. Dutton's, furnace; immediate possession. | wk wisn TO INFORM OUR cus. NANCIAL J. 0. HUTTON . Alexander Marks was in Kingston [F homets and trionds that we ure] cme Real Estate and Insurance Agent 18 Market St, Kingston. on Friday and will remain 'in the city ing our place renovated. We Ara | e-- " 2 until the "Bruise" Marks company R. Easton Burns Bow open to buy Jew and second- | FRONTEN AC LOAN AND | INVEST. complete its engagement next' week. i hand i ed. - Ne at, An. ment Society; established az "Cod Liver Oil Emulsion" in "3%. 40 Froutende Street. | drews eh ES ------------ bottles, at Gibson's Red Cross Drag { A fine seaworthy hull with or without engine; size 36 ft, by 6 ft. Sterling 40 h.p. en- gine. Will be sold cheaply and stored until spring. Ap- ply to B. N. Steacy. There Po 2 ST. APPLY MAJOR ture. J. Thompson, i prasident, Lt.-Col. Henry R. Smith. 5, Srontenac Hotel, rch, Money issued on city and farm RE properties, municipal and country 1 AD SHURNISHED debentures: mortgages purchased; rooms at 144 rrie Street. in = 2 * 1 x7 7 od : 3 ay Winter, who has been Spend | ooemes unas | feposits sen rie Materont 4: STORAGE FOR PURNITURE, ®TO, i pr, end- a owed. 8. COC. McGill, Mz er, 27 ¢ e 18 to an ing the holiday season in Kingston UTILITIES Go N Clarence Strect, : anges, clean and dry, McCann, 0 Brock ' : and vicinity, left on Thursday for his eco S C ange vet. 3 TT ---- . . ok et -------------------------------------- home in Langdon, N.D LIVERPOOL. LONDON AND GLORE [OFFICE _ IN OCLARRNOR naps aN . Forgets," 35c. Datbon's, hk : . umbia, Edison Blue Amberol, Edi- whic the ' po icyholders have torf _ _ -- their patronage during the past Willian: A. Skitrow, B.A., has join- If it is your desi I shoulll [on two-minute, for exchange. Also Sp Tity the unlithited Liability ot] Six RoownD House; DATS p He 18 im Boho da onolds for sale, Call #nd let us ex- old or slving new business get Ply Box 1129, Whig office. : duate of Queen's University, my best attention, and whether I am plain our plan. Agents. Puing Jae & ' Strange PRIVATE GARAGE OR RAG J x ' ' MEDICAL > . Dr. J. M. Shaw, Lansdowne a for- | yon and your y A L N { -n $30, 16, $17, 84, and Prosperous New Year. hor. Ringutonmes" Pa dor. yours may have a happy and L E S EN a + 0.0 be, Office hours, 11+¢12 . 3-5 ana|q. 3 y Di ' Special sale! Wémen's $3.50 gun 8S R BAILEY k . 7-9 p.m. Phone 1251. ¥ ember Br niC OYE; er oF 198 oag S rug tore metal boots, $2.75, this week. Dut. - I . Taw, 343 Division's * J 1 Laid- 1 : ton's. ' : 0 . . ' : mie B SE YENT! ve The remains of Mrs. J, F. Murray, Valuable Property i sais NAL PIURAGE FUR FURNITURE, ULEAN Kingston, Ont. . Toronto, were taken to Cataraqui To the Electors of the City : : ry, a ; _n ; ' : : i. ; _ IDR, 0. C. NASH, DENTIST; DR. 7. 9. "Four years" is the length of tiie . v 3 Renton, assistant 133 Princess RENT, OR ON SHA = E cor , ) sed a pure gum rubber Having been nominated for the of- : A Street. 'Phone 735. grain and dairy Tarm. Batemans KINGSTON va I hased at Gib- [fice of Commissioner, 1 shall feel r ] SPARKS AND SPARKS, DENTISTS. Siardiner, Lhsurance, Roal Estate, b , honoréd it elected to Serve on {1 J 169 Wellington Street, (over Car- er AB 0. 87 Clarence street; Steacy and little Mdaugh- y Rive ' ag 3 a, hn ist, OF Princess 'and Bagot comfortable, convenient to univer- T will call inn few days with » ; > k and Are. William Wright, Lan turing establishment of the city for street" Entrance on Bagot street College. Purnia fo dy, Pusingss a 0 > 9% Carrie Jacobs Bend's new son Fire 1 ance Company, Available Ingham ~~ Our many friends and patrons for : "God Remembers When the Worly To the Electors All kinds ot records, Victor, Col- Assets, $61.157 210 0 wali able Studie 78 Clarones strong! City property, insured at lowest : ; O 1 d 1 1 th od the Collegiate Institute staff at {serve you, your interests will have phonographs, gramophones and graf. possible rates, Before renewing oly Bor nize Wn casonable ) St. Thomas. year. ur sincere: desire is that Strang : Agents. Phine 325 . STol iY d 1l \ h H "Whisks." Buy these at Gibson's 0a or ok b i Horr = rr in dor the winter; Sian an one and all may have a Happy Red Cross Drug Stor oF Bot. thy hearty Wish is that Présiden t of the Young Conservative prosperous New Year. Phone 252 113 Brock St. DR. 2.8. HUTTON, 33% KiNG or Real Estate Agency, 82 Brock Bt. club, organized at Lansdowne. " am A. E. Ser, By pis. DDS. Re. ary. 2 foams; Sour, own Jack y I 9 = . . move 0 25 rincess Street. a A : t: t 9! ree Both aa te Sho died lof Kingston: oe Queen Bt. Pros sayy Storage, 399 Four ye ; i 3 novsky's), Kingston. 'Phone 348. Kingston. tor, Grace, Kingston, are visiting | Commission. 1 have been officially: "BW a J friends in Perth, also her parents. connected with the leading manufac. Knwn as the » [sm siupsoN, L.n.s. DDS. pryy. | FARGE FRONT noow, mricHT Axp ark. : . fod $26. colle ge. Furnished for two gentle- She of the largest ranges of Cy Capac th ovrieht, the contract-| thirty. years 0 dai 6 Hall Bloc mn sired: telephone: "Soto ioroAs de- Special Adverdiaing Caton The work a ete on, Saturday J. E BIRRITT ei REEL; BPR ST dente. dars, Novelties and Sets ever i Oy hon to _the ar. . §: tillery stables north of Tete de Pont TES BANQUETS Er A shown, barracks, ET i oa Pr Dishes BUSINESS CHANCES 56 BROCK ST. PHONE 08.| Dr. Vernon's Cushion Seie boot | TO the Electors: one of the best business properties. gutiéry and linen torent. ATRL 8 | ANTONE ANYWHERE hy H S Crumley for then or Women. Dutton's. For full particulars apply to or J, Jackie, 9 . Moone a mail order business at homes ne. o 3 x arvtios Speaking about New Year's resolu. | I w nd ; , : : . ' : Send pong: be your own boas. Xte A ) § ) peaking a ear 8 resolu wot respectfully solicit th © ; Extend the Heartiest of (tions the Portemguth shores: ! Send tor i, gait: "Toh R22. : {aids "They mind me of pio | vote and influence of those ratepay- . gh +i Anon Ro TTion : ew ear j Crus 8, because ey are just made 1 etc. Bliverwiire and cutiery 7 » . to be broken." ers who feel that my election as one 2 rent. 'For particulars apply to RH BUSINESS NOTICES ? ° : "Hospitals and physicians" recom- ; H. Toye's King St, store. A A a BE -------------------------------- Greetings mend the hot water bottles sold at |of the Commissioners for she Civie . 3 - " j ! Gibson's Red. Cross Drug Store. Thee le KInasTon THAND, #4 = a iy : : : - i ' wear 8d well. | er > Utilities would be in the public in. : ee Breakfasts: po rquaiaLiA ueen 2nd Copying Bure: S81 A RD to all their customers and to whglish Cough Tablets," at Gib. teiiae. 57 Brock St, Kingston. Soy rent dishes. table linens and modersoetlY con . son eres! | Nos. 78, 80 and 82 Irincess street, Phot 383 or 1442, le 4 . : } silverware and Hambroo ortial. Rates moderate the public in general. That| and Mrs, Wiliam Harty at Phone 662 ana 297. ibs eld, » § i passeet, B. § H 2 ) ) ' Jen brook the New. Year may be the ified. the Now Year's eve dance of TJ RIGNEY. i i ones 843 or 30a. Ted reet LEGAL "Notwithstanding the tact || best, the happiest, the most a, Iv Doeiranlo. in hon i Jl To the Electors of : 4 4 Cs A : ~ ARCHITECT CUNNINGHAM & MUDIE, BARR : s h abd. Miss Nan Cronyn. SERGEANTS OF THE R ; . eS mmanckiy isis have tis 1 Boe nr 18 Hel Win a a CT ATS BE TE Eee FRONTENAC WARD Shean, icitors, Taw Omca 16 Clarence Street, Kingston, or vou. stuiteases. Buy now and save .mon- | Hela S0dal Front o c. . WM. NEWLANDS SON, perienced a period . ohes a Social Event on New Years Iam a resident and - taxpayer in |W aor BWLA & h : RE: Dit J. K. CARROLL, alone. i | Eve. | iaontonne Ward. 1 believe in a bus.{ {ict etc" Ofces, 261" Bagdt St UPHOLSTERER money. The year 1913 has . in ts Macnee nnes pre On Now Year's ove a quadiille and | mess administration of city affairs. I ; Manager. . [sented R. ns, the retiring ae x the am opposed to the : joa city hiring 'non- | POWER & sov. Amon W. J. GAVINE, UPROILSTE "RING, a 1ooid one Tor this ain Ls count : with a beautiful gold card party was held in Sor- resident foreigners on city work and chants' Bank ne d! corner pairing and carpet ERY . re > - 1 . _ J, |vateh, suitably engraved. Tt was a [£803 mess: of the RCHA, _at | owing citizens to remain idle and @ cara; WeMINIon sffects. Drop! Matinee vr novking, oP a chrg 3 : : i ree's | Tete de Pont, barracks. About 100 {3 : a card, / OF call 216 Bagot street. tablishment, dus' to the fact After Holiday Sale fae ofan. old e Ployee's were present, and the few hours were ao whup of i And it -- . long - » i "In ed . | very: enjoyably t. X that the same high standard of | | OF Furniture ton ue By fone ek ton highly | AL the same {ime Lisut Col 11 3. | Poeve as 1 40, them elect me an your A ARAL SRA SAAN yet i TTR - bh t * . quality has been = maintained All goods now reduced in price. |® the quality of hot water bot. |Fatet a 1s officers entertained =o 7 E 7 : ga : % : ties sold at Gibson's Red Cross Drug party of their friends in the officers' WILLIAM J. svace 3 | | \ : 2% A splendid chance to save MONEY. | Gyre, Mess. At eleven o'clock the com- Ea ; which has made this the léad- Big line of beautiful antique furni- Boom Kingston by sending [Pany erosied the 'square and, spent [ i. : ture, stoves, ranges, €tc., to choose] «iy tO " rourithe Iaith the old g FRON AC W © Ing jewelery Louse of King- | | from. Limestdpe City Wait" to your tw ast hour of the'old year with | NTEN friends. ve views of Kingston on|the ssrgeants, extending to them the 5 : Also household 800ds bought, bést| cover, 15¢, composed by member R.|boit of wishes for a happy new | To the Electors: ® ston for over bait a century. prices paid. C.H.A. band. Dutton's store. 'year.' The artillery band was divid. : x 3 x The ""'Veraatifes" ; ed hetwesn the two messes, the of. 's : : y LL. L E SS E S chestra playing for. the dancing. Cor. Princess and Chatham Streets. fuming any nit Paterboro to 1 | Death 'of a. Child . : : Phone 1045, 6 an agenent on New Year On New Year's dav the death of ROD GER - " - night, -p : ora Berbert Charles..-their infant san, z London _strect Juilway is from to: | "The Regiopolis hockey club, which brought sorrow to. the home of Mr. The King Street Jeweler day on using Hydro powar, being the made such a good showing in thejand Mrs. Rasssll White, Concession | Where the Clock is off the wank. | | chip euion's largest customer inthe ite rat pracaicstae last winter had eg ay ae Saas ; a ¥ Ta . ts first practice of the season at y after Mr, ions ; : Ker Men's $5 gun motel Boots [ine rovsroy rink on Thursdar after [and Mrs White came Tram (14s -~ $375 Dutton's : *{aoon, . ; to make thet home bare, -